#its such a shame how a symbol of prosperity and good luck has been so thoroughly corrupted
uiruu · 3 years
woah i just learned that the word Nazi was originally derogatory, and the Nazis never used it to refer to themselves because it was kind of an insult lol. apparently, the original meaning was like “country bumpkin” or “hillbilly” or “redneck”, deriving from a nickname for the german name “Ignatz”, which was a common name in Bavaria, which is where the Nazi Party started. like, the word in the Nazi sense does come from National Socialism, cause “Socialist” (Sozialist) was shortened to “Sozi”, and so “National Socialist” was shortened to “Nazi”... specifically because it was a pun on Sozi and the derogatory “stereotypical dumb farmer” word. the reason we call them Nazis is because political opponents of the Nazis (leftists, especially those who fled Germany and were living as expats in other countries and, i suppose, would have been primary sources for what they experienced of what was going on in Germany at the time, what they knew was building up there) called them that in order to deride them. They didn’t call themselves Nazis, as it would be like cops calling themselves “pigs”. We call them Nazis because the people who hated Nazis called them Nazis. 
it’s just wild to me how that has been completely lost, cause like even in German, that just became the standard word for those people like immediately after the war. it’s derogatory and vile for all sorts of other reasons now. in some ways, it’s nice to know that they’ll forever be known by a word originally used by opponents of Nazism in order to call them stupid, though
#i got this from the etymology section on the wikipedia article for nazism... im literally just regurgitating what i read there#i ended up there because i first looked up the etymology of swastika#its a sanskrit word obviously (i already knew that much) but i wanted to know what it meant#its such a shame how a symbol of prosperity and good luck has been so thoroughly corrupted#all because of some misinterpretations of the fact that hindi is related to european languages#europeans thought it meant that ancient ancestors of theirs conquered india and they were called aryans#and ''aryan'' was the secret ancient name for the white race#in reality aryan just means iranian#literally the word ''iran'' is a cognate#hindi and indo-aryan languages like persian are related to european languages like german (hence the term indo-european)#but not because of some mythical master race or whatever......#i mean indoeuropeans probably did barge in and conquer india... and that's why sanskrit was spoken there instead of just dravidian language#or something.... but like.... this is far less mythic and far more ancient than the nazis thought#and basing your racist identity on that is stupid. and like that word... aryan... really only just ties you to india and iran and such#and im guessing nazis probably werent fond of the people who live in those countries#nazis were despicable racists and genocidal monsters but they were also just like... massive idiots#with very little understanding of history#or cultures#i was gonna say ''or cultures other than their own'' but they really didnt understand their own culture either#nationalists and reactionaries rarely do. there never was any prelapsarian golden age or whatever the fuck. idiots.#o
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Of Twisted Emotions - Chapter Twenty-Six: The White Witch and the Golden Sorcerer
The fates smile upon them, Sigrid is sure of it. The day has finally arrived and there’s not a cloud in the sky. She had fretted over nothing, just as Asmund had told her.
 She smiles at the thought and turns to look at the man in question, and he gazes back at her with an expression so familiar it threatens to bring tears to her eyes.
 Sigrid is undeniably stunning in her dress and bridal crown. There are strands of white flowers and golden ribbons woven through her dark locks. She’s swathed in fabrics of gold, her jewelry matching. It had cost them a fair amount of coin to have the dress made, but all those who are present find it worth it.
 Asmund looks dapper in his ornate wedding attire, as close to regal as he’ll ever be. He has forgone his sorcerer’s robes for the occasion, which is admittedly unorthodox for a master sorcerer. All ceremonies are carried out in their guild’s attire, as representation of their dedication. But the way he sees it, he’s marrying this woman – the love of his life – as Asmund, not Master Asmund. If the guild wishes to have words with him on the matter, so be it.
 But not today.
 The wedding party is gathered in a small courtyard just outside of Brenna’s home. Sigrid and Asmund’s new house will be across the city, closer to the sorcerer’s guild. Master Hammond had helped them procure it, and while it is not a large house, Asmund knows they’ll have no trouble making it feel like home.
 There’s a tree within the center of the courtyard, its leaves a beautiful green. This is where the attendees have gathered. This is where Asmund and Sigrid are to be wed.
 It is a Friday, as is customary. With their friends and family so few, the gathered group has no trouble finding room to sit or stand. Golden bubbles of magical origin float through the air, and calla lilies bloom around the courtyard where none had grown days before.
 From underneath the tree, Sigrid and Asmund look from one another and briefly scan the small crowd.
 There is Brenna, smiling broadly with tears in her eyes. Also present are a number of their old friends and fellow servants of the palace, as well as a few members of the sorcerer’s guild. Lady Freydis has shown face to support Sigrid, although the duchess looks around the courtyard with poorly concealed distaste.
 The ceremony begins, slightly different from Asgard’s norm, as each is missing important family members of such a union.
 They quote ceremonial texts and ask blessings of the fates. The crowd bears witness to their vows and turns to Brenna when it is her turn to give her approval of the union. Her words are solid and sure, her eyes clear of the confused haze that once plagued her. After years of helpless confusion, at last she is living in the present, and she is happy.
 When Brenna falls silent there is no one else to continue this part of the ceremony. The lack of other family members to bless the marriage does not seem to bother the couple, who both beam happily at Asmund’s mother.
 Asmund does not skip a beat as he moves on to the next ceremonial tradition. He draws a sword from the scabbard belted around his waist, eyes back on Sigrid.
 “I present to you the sword of the family Brennason,” Asmund claims. He flashes the blade towards the crowd – an old silver sword, ornate but dull, with metal spirals and filigree covering its handle. Runes are etched down the blade of the sword; ones of prosperity and luck. “It is to be a symbol of our union, and the joining of our families.”
 He gives the sword to Sigrid, who holds it in one hand, its tip dipping close to the ground. Asmund speaks once more. “It is to show that I swear to protect you. To love you. To cut a path through this life together, until we reach the end of our days. And then ever on, come what may.” He gazes at her while he speaks, and as she sniffles, he says, “You have the strongest will of anyone I’ve ever met. Talented, strong, and beautiful. Oh, so beautiful, Sigrid. I am honored to take you as my wife.”
 Sigrid’s truly crying, although her smile is the biggest and brightest thing Asmund thinks he’s ever seen. It warms his heart like nothing else ever could.
 Sigrid takes a moment to compose herself and then meets Asmund’s gaze. “I’ve no family sword,” she tells him. “The only blade I own is this.” She draws a dagger from the sheath attached to her dress belt. When she holds it up, it is clear that this is the dagger you made for her, so long ago. “Will it suffice?”
 “Of course,” Asmund says.
 “Then I present it to you,” Sigrid tells him, “in good faith, as a symbol of our union.”
 Asmund takes the dagger. It is a blade of darkness. It saved Sigrid’s life, and it was left unburnt in the flames of Asgard.
 He knows what it means to her.
 “Asmund, you are truly the love of my life.” Sigrid’s cheeks are flushed, although she does not waver in her words. “I admire you. From your wit and intellect to your adorable admiration for all things magical. You cared for me when no one else did. I was not an invisible servant girl in your eyes. I am proud to name you not only my friend, but my husband.”
 Asmund’s grin is one unburdened, all else set aside and forgotten.
 As they exchange golden rings, thoughts flash between their minds, images and feelings that come unbidden.
 Talking and cleaning together in the kitchens. Asmund’s boyish smile and Sigrid’s flushed face. The pair sitting across from one another in the gardens right before their first kiss.
 Embroidering a handkerchief with Asmund’s name. Working side by side in Brenna’s shop. Learning magic and practicing enchantments.
 Tearful hugs and feelings of safety.
 Through it all – through war, blood, and death – they’ve kept faith in one another.
 And ever on, Asmund repeats in Sigrid’s mind.
 As the party breaks to adjourn to the wedding feast, Sigrid and Asmund both cast their gazes around the courtyard a final time. They search the darkened alleyways and peer into the shadows.
 Congrats, kiddos, your voice whispers through their thoughts. I’m really happy for you both.
  Sigrid smiles and Asmund takes her hand. They never doubted you, even if they would not have begrudged your absence. They’re well aware you are not supposed to be in the city.
 Asmund and Sigrid never do spot you in your place on a nearby rooftop.
 It’s as Willow always says: No one ever looks up.
 You’re aware you’re risking everything by coming to the wedding, but even so, you had always intended on attending. Your unstable portals were the only thing that made you hesitate, but your power had been functional enough to get you to the outskirts of the city.
 You stand and gaze over the empty courtyard. A few of the golden bubbles have floated up to your level, and they pop one by one as the magic dissipates.
 You wonder if Heimdall has alerted Odin of your presence in the city. You have no doubt he knows you’re here, although you hope the Watcher will spare you on this one occasion. You’ve kept your word until now, and you’ve been playing nice.
 “I’m leaving,” you say aloud, just in case.
 You hop down from the rooftop, lightly pushing your energy towards the ground to soften the impact. You take a few steps down the alley, blanketed by the harsh shadow of the building. You intend to go back the way you came. You can step into your shadows once you reach the edge of the city and be back in time to report to Destin.
 You tell yourself you’ll do this, but you find your feet won’t listen to you.
 You instead walk into the courtyard, eyes traveling up and up until you’re staring at the top of the distant palace, its golden walls gleaming in the setting sun. You’d done a fantastic job of avoiding it from the rooftop, focusing intently on the proceedings below.
 You grimace and bite your lip. The wordless thought escapes before you can get a hold of yourself.
  His answer is instantaneous. A short laugh escapes you, born of shock instead of humor. The situation seems quite surreal.
 Here you stand in Asgard, a prince’s voice in your thoughts, as if no time has passed at all. No decrees or betrayals, no tesseracts or scepters.
 You…. Are you in the city? his voice asks. Breaking your agreement with Odin, are you? It took you long enough.
  I had a thing to go to, you reply as you turn away from the palace. Worth it, even if I get smited or something.
  Odin is quite fond of smiting, Loki notes, amusement curling around his words. How long have you been here?
  A while, you say.
  Then perhaps you’ll make it out whole.
  You navigate the streets of Asgard, sticking to the shadows and doing your best to stay out of sight. It’s easier than you thought it’d be. You remember these streets, after all. You’d ran them repeatedly after Asgard had burned.
 What is on your rebellious agenda, then? Loki asks.
 Currently, I’m leaving, you say. I might be dumb enough to risk being here for a bit, but I’m not quite dumb enough to press my luck.
  A shame, Loki says, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
 What sort of smile, you wonder. Is he sad? Perhaps a bit wistful? It doesn’t seem right to make such assumptions.
 A shame, you echo back to him. You turn a few corners to avoid the market. You sound… better.
  More like myself, yes, he says, the words coming slower this time. There’s a beat of silence, and then he adds, As do you.
  I am, you say, moreso in hope than belief.
 You’re well, then? he asks.
 You scale the side of the building next to you when you hear voices a little too close for comfort. Well enough, you think to Loki as you take a seat on the side of the sloped roof.
 You’re facing Asgard’s palace again.
 I’d ask to see you. His voice is hushed, and you almost confuse it with thoughts of your own.
  You mean you want me to bail you out.
  He laughs. A soft noise, familiar and… it makes you think of green.
 What a tempting offer that I know you have no intention to make good on, he says, his tone dry but not unfriendly. I wouldn’t ask you to do so.
  Sure, you say. I definitely believe you. A hundred percent.
  There’s no cell keeping you here, however, Loki adds. I’ve been waiting for word of your disappearance, and it has yet to reach my ears.
  You don’t answer, turning away to see how far from the city outskirts you are. There’s still a decent way to go, but at least the voices below are fading.
 Loki says your name. Why linger? he asks.
  You want me to leave?
  No, he says evenly. I’m simply curious.
  I don’t know, you answer.
 Well, we both know that’s a lie, he states. It would be easier for you, if you quit Asgard and rid yourself of Odin’s law.
 You jump to the next roof over, landing as quietly as you’re able.
 I know there are other places for you to go, filled with people that would undoubtedly welcome you with open arms, Loki muses. The Healer has remained on Midgard with your… companions.
  Next roof. You think your feet thudded a bit too loudly this time, but you continue moving.
 And if you don’t prefer the mundane, which I know you don’t, then there’s always your home to return to, Loki continues.
 My home, you say, the phrase repeating and overriding everything else. You see the palace in your mind’s eye, the training grounds, Loki’s room.
 You can’t shake the visage fast enough, and you know he’s seen it, too.
 Even now? Loki asks, his voice quiet as it floats through your thoughts.
 You don’t answer for a while, and he doesn’t press. You focus on the sounds of the city as you jump to the next rooftop.
 Until, at last, you cave.
 Stupid, I know, you think to him. But you’ve always called me a fool, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to you.
  There is no laugh this time, no banter like you expected.
 I don’t understand, he says instead. When you don’t reply, he asks, Why?
 ‘Why’ what? You’re stalling.
 You need to jump down to the street, but you’re frozen in place. He’s asked the question you’ve been refusing to ask yourself, and you don’t know if you’re ready for the answer.
 This time, he’s the one that remains silent.
  I…. Your gaze is drawn to the golden palace yet again. Its windows accuse you of lying to yourself, its gardens and halls holding ghosts that aren’t quite ghosts anymore.
 He’s alive, and so are you.
  You can’t help but think of the wedding. Siggy and her half-pint, making vows and doing ceremonies. You’d never been to such a thing on your home world.
 Your thoughts stutter to a stop when you realize they might unintentionally slip to Loki. Marriage has never been an easy subject. And yet…. At this point, what would it matter? What would it change? You feel like your fear is almost laughable.
  You want to know why I’m still here? you ask.
  You worry your lip. What if it’s because of… what if it’s something… awkward?
  Those are the best sort of secrets to discover, don’t you think?
  You shake your head and decide you have nothing else to lose. May as well get it all out. Look… I… you already know that where I’m from, my people don’t have ‘marriage’.
  There’s a beat of silence, and before you can continue, Loki says, Well, I can’t say I expected our conversation to take this turn.
  Shut up, just listen. Your heart is pounding in your ears. My race of people don’t have marriage, we have bonds. You try to focus your thoughts so faces won’t flash in your mind’s eye. This is hard enough already. Bonds don’t have to be romantic. Like me and Will, we’re bonded. But when they are romantic… it’s a thing that just… happens. It’s when your life changes because of that other person. It’s when you choose to spend your time, your life, with them. It’s why Willow chose to stay on Earth with Rogers. And… it’s why I’m still here.
  You wait on him to say something – anything – and surprisingly, you don’t have to wait long.
 The bond you speak of…. ‘While you live, I want you.’ Your stomach pinches at his words, and you hear them repeat in your memory, when he first spoke them to you. Loki’s thoughts swim through your mind again, saying, Am I right in suspecting this sentiment could be the beginnings of such a bond?
  That’s all you have to offer him on this topic. At least for today. I don’t want to talk about it, you tell him, words fading to a soft whisper. Not yet. Maybe not even for a long time.
  I see, he replies. And his tone is soft, too. But one day.
  One day. Yes.
  You rub at your eyes. They sting, and it makes you tired. Or perhaps it’s the emotional toll. Either way, you’re exposed by your own doing. He could really hurt you right now. He has hurt you. And yet….
 I… can’t make myself give up on you. It feels strange to finally tell him.
  You force yourself into motion, moving away from the past and its ornate palace. You continue through Asgard’s streets on reflex, your thoughts busy.
 I cannot fathom why, Loki tells you.
 You’ve slowly been feeling more… normal, you say. When you try to talk to me, each time, you’re kind of… you again. Like you mentioned earlier.
  I was always me, he reminds you. Through all of it.
  I know, you say. I was, too. You hesitate, and then add, I guess in a weird way, I’m glad I can understand. Still hurts, but at least I’m not as confused.
  He doesn’t reply for a beat, and you lose yourself in the methodical rhythm of your footsteps.
  I’ve wrongs to amend. His voice breaks the silence, his tone somber. There’s more battles to come. More war. I’ve seen it, and was almost a part of it…. Was a part of it.
  We still need to know more about all of that, you say. It’s something you’ve been thinking about, too. And I feel like you know more than you’re telling.
  There’s no use repeating myself when my warnings fall on deaf ears, Loki says tightly. Odin does not care to listen. Not yet. But it’s inevitable.
  Foreboding, you tell him. Maybe Thor can convince him to do something about it.
  You roll your eyes at his laugh and shift your weight, preparing to dash to the next alley. The sunset has bathed Asgard’s streets in red.
 Hopefully we’ll have things… sorted out, or settled, or something before worse comes to worst, you say.
  If we want to live, I suppose that would be a good start, Loki says, his thoughts laden with snark.
  I think… we both want to live, you reply, ignoring his attitude. Right?
  He’s silent, and you realize you’re standing still. This trek through Asgard is taking forever, and you’re not interested in getting caught.
  Will our lives ever fall back into step, murderess?
  You can sense no ill will behind the old nickname. You dart around the street’s corner, plotting your course in your mind. Loki silently waits, probably seeing your mental map as you focus.
 When you’re back on track, you sigh and turn your thoughts to the conversation at hand. Maybe? I don’t know…. It’d have to be a slow walk. We’ve been through… well…. It’s a lot. You pause a moment, your mind providing you with a plethora of unwanted examples. I know what you did… and what I did. But the scepter isn’t a viable excuse for those actions. So, right now, I’m just… not sure.
  I don’t expect your forgiveness, he says quietly, his voice almost fading completely for a moment. I hope you know that wasn’t what I was implying.
  You grimace, fighting back another heavy sigh. I know. As far as forgiveness goes… I’ve gotta forgive myself, first.
  Your actions were nothing compared to mine, warrior.
  You bite at your lip as you glance at your gloved hand. But it’s not a comparison.
  I see.
  You tug on your glove, pulling it farther down your wrist so that you cannot see the metal embedded in your skin. It truly is remarkable magic. Maybe Asmund will be able to persuade Sig to join him in the sorcerer’s guild. Or maybe Frigga will take an interest in her – she’s seen your hand with her own eyes, after all.
 You still aren’t quite used to it, but you know it’s strong, protective magic. And you will always wish the best for Sigrid.
  I’ll be around, you tell Loki. You and I both know this is just the beginning. I don’t plan on letting some space jackasses get away with all of this.
  I believe we may count among these ‘space jackasses’, depending on who is asked, Loki says.
  You snort and roll your eyes.
  You figure the conversation is over, but after a minute or two, Loki speaks again. It is good to hear your voice.
  It reminds you of being half-asleep in his bed, late in the night, when it is easier to say such things. Yeah. Heh. I guess it is. Maybe we… can talk again.
  I’d like that.
  You must be really bored in there, then, you say, tone light.
  Dreadfully so. Though, I suppose I’d speak to you regardless.
  Always the charmer, you think to him. You drop the sarcasm and realize that the teasing banter is nostalgic and… almost normal. You haven’t felt such a normal in over a year. It’s… good to have you back, Loke. I don’t expect everything to be the same, but….
  The silence stretches, until at last he asks, Are you suggesting we start over?
  No. Your answer is immediate and blunt. It’s impossible to start over at this point. We’re not really wiping the slate clean…. There’s stuff on our slate that isn’t gonna come off. But we can still wipe it down, and whatever stays… well, I guess we can go from there and see what happens.
  You think on your own words, and it makes you feel as if you’re at the beginning of a mountain trail, preparing for the long trek to its peak. Intimidating. It’ll take work.
  Such a thing will be quite the hike, yes… but you think it might be possible.
  Is that what you want? he asks.
  You know Loki’s question encompasses everything. Everything, including him.
 To be soft, even through the hurt. To relearn one another and fall back into step on the road ahead.
 Is that what you want?
  Yeah, you decide. Yeah, it is.
  Then I thank the Nine.
 You hear his approach, the whoosh of air and heavy thud of his landing. You’re surprised at just how familiar the sound has become since you first arrived in Asgard.
 You stop in your tracks, not two steps over Asgard’s city border. “Thor.”
 You turn and face the god of thunder. He’s a few strides away, but neither of you moves closer. It takes you back to the first time you saw him, a mystery man on the back of a horse, across a bloody battlefield.
 Emotions war across his face, and when he meets your gaze, your heart hurts.
 “I’m sorry,” you tell him. “I know I’m not supposed to be here.”
 His expression slowly clears, and he gives you a small grin. “And you aren’t.”
 “Heimdall?” you question.
 Thor shakes his head. “No. I’d heard of your previous servant’s nuptials and came to my own conclusions.”
 “Yeah,” you say, “couldn’t miss their ceremony. I figured I’d risk it.”
 “I’d expect no less,” Thor says with a chuckle. “And I see I’ve caught you on your journey back.”
 “Yeah…. I don’t want to push it. Not supposed to be here, and all that.”
 “Which you aren’t here,” Thor reminds you.
 “Exactly,” you agree, matching his brief grin.
 But the smiles fall, and the two of you are left staring at one another with too many words left unsaid.
  “I’m… sorry,” you say, not referring to your presence in the city this time.
 A cool breeze whips the flags posted near the city border. You get the urge to tug on your glove, so instead you squeeze your hands into fists and wrap your arms around yourself.
 Thor shakes his head. “It has been too long. These absences… both you and Loki… it reminds me of the time just after he left. I do not care for it.”
 You wince. Of all of your blurry, distant memories… that one is painfully clear. “I… don’t either. But there’s nothing to do about it, really. I’m going to keep… doing what I’m doing.”
 “Fighting with our army, just as before,” Thor states.
 “We both know there’s still something bad coming,” you tell him. “Gotta stay ready. Just in case.”
 “Is that truly why you choose to stay?” Thor asks.
 The answer comes quickly, but it’s hollow. And you can’t lie to Thor.
 You drop your gaze as you say, “… No. It doesn’t matter.”
 “I want you to stay. I am glad you have made such a choice, more than once now.”
 That makes you look up. Thor’s eye is filled with somber determination, and though he appears calm, a low rumble of thunder echoes in the distance. His red cloak swirls with the wind, his silver armor and winged helm reminding you that he is both a warrior and a prince.
 “I’m going to change things,” he says solemnly. “When I am king, I will welcome you home.”
 You uncross your arms, tug at your glove, and then adjust your sword belt. Any excuse to blink your tears away.
 At last you look up at Thor Odinson. The man that had carried you, broken and bleeding, into a new life you’d never anticipated. The man who had become your friend. Your almost-brother.
 You turn away and tear a rift into the dark, the edges fuzzy and periodically sparking with light. You aren’t sure how to answer, your feelings so scattered, but at last you land on, “I’d… love to see that day.”
 You hear footsteps, and when you look back you see Thor walking to you. You face him, and he comes to a stop with his hand extended.
 You watch him for a moment, hesitant. He seems so sure of such an unsure future. It is hard to admit that you want that hope, too. You want it so bad it hurts.
 At last, you hold out your hand, and Thor grasps your forearm firmly. You mirror the action, wrapping your glove around his forearm as well. It is a gesture that has never made you feel as grounded as it does now.
 “I swear it,” Thor says.
 And you believe him.
And that's a wrap, my friends.
I'll post an epilogue, which will briefly go over a few things regarding Loki and our warrior's future, but this is officially the last real chapter of this series. I can't believe we're finally here!
Thank you all for reading, whether you were here from the very beginning, or if you're just joining us now. I can't thank you enough for taking this journey with me.
I wish the best for all of you, and thanks again.
With love, W
@littlemisssyreid @thedoctorlivesthroughbooks @imthinkingaboutthis @verryfuckingpunny @shadows-echoes @auria223 @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @agentpiku @bookscoffeeandracoons @lokibarncs​
You can message me to be tagged or untagged anytime! :)
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cursed-jujutsu-san · 3 years
✿Flower Requests✿
Hello, Hello! ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ Welcome everybody to the flower viewing season better known as Hanami ✿ I know its too early to start the viewing since some flowers haven’t even flourished yet, but that’s just psychically!
This series of requests will be based around flowers and their meanings! So I’ll be combining my love for flower language with my love for an manga/anime!
Obviously the meaning of the flower will change how your request plays out so please make sure to check if the flower you’ve picked has a double meaning and if you’ve picked the one most suited to your wants!
Run-Time: 25th December until 5th January - but it has the potential to run on for longer or even come back at a later date ۹(ÒہÓ)۶
You can only request one character at the moment - this may change at a later date but for now to make it easier only one character please!
You can pick up to 2 flowers per request - anything more than that and it becomes a bouquet 
Specify colour of flower - the meaning of a flower will change depending on the colour so when stating your flower also state the colour! 
Sometimes flowers have a double meaning - e.g. peony symbolize compassion + good health but also shame or  indignation - so if your flower is one of those please make sure to state the meaning you want!
Random: You state a character and the genre you’d like, leaving the flowers and story to me - its potluck for what you’ll receive for your viewing 
Bouquet: You pick 5 or more flowers + type along with your character of choice
Types of Bouquet to order and view: 
Wedding Anniversary  Gift
Garden: ???
Flower shop: ???
Flowers - Alphabetical Order
Tumblr media
Alstroemeria: A flower is symbolic of wealth, prosperity and fortune. It is also the flower of friendship.
White: Signifies a pure friendship and/or an unfading love between two people - used often for weddings
Yellow: Joy, Happiness, energy and optimism 
Pink: Gentle love/feelings
Red: Passion and Dedication 
Purple: Beauty, Royalty and Nobility 
Anemone: A flower that symbolizes anticipation but also fading hope and a feeling of having been forsaken!  Due to its wild nature, the flower specifically symbolizes relaxation and serves as a reminder to enjoy the moment in order to take in opportunities at the right time.
White: sincerity due to their delicate appearance.
Red and pink: symbolize death or forsaken love.
Purple: symbolize protection from evil
Bouvardia Double: symbolizes enthusiasm and  It is also used to indicate zest for life
Bluebells: symbolizes Humility and constancy
Calla Lily symbolizes magnificence + beauty
White: Purity and unity 
Pink: friendship + gentleness 
Yellow: Energy/energetic 
Burgundy: Vitality 
Carnation symbolizes pride, beauty, love and fascination
Pink: most commonly found colour and symbolize gratitude 
Red: Deep Love and Admiration
White: purity and good luck.
Yellow: disappointment and rejection
Purple:  capriciousness - best to send to someone when you have no clue what to buy someone or their impulsive
Striped: Rejection or Regret
Chrysanthemum: symbolizes fidelity, optimism, joy and long life
Red: Love and Deep passion 
White: Innocent, truth and a loyal love 
Yellow: A slighted love
Camellia: This flower symbolizes the heart and expresses positive feelings. It’s most common meanings are Desire/ Passion, Refinement+ Perfection, Excellence, Faithfulness and Longevity
White: can mean  purity, the love between mother and child or mourning when used in funeral flowers. When presented to a man, a white camellia is thought to bring luck.
Pink: symbolize longing.
Red: symbolize passion or desire.
Red and Pink: Combing red and pink camellias expresses romantic love.
Daffodil: It’s primary symbolism is that of new beginnings, rebirth and the coming of spring, but also Creativity, Inspiration, Renewal Vitality, Awareness, Inner Reflection, Memory and even Forgiveness
A single daffodil foretells a misfortune while a bunch of daffodils indicate joy and happiness.
Forget-Me-Not: This particular flower symbolizes True love memories and of course, please do not forget me
Gladiolus: Are a flower that symbolize Remembrance
Heather :A flower that symbolize Independence, Good fortune and Good luck - its also called Erica 
Purple: beauty or worthy of admiration
White: luck/protection or fulfillment of a dream
Hyacinth: symbolizes playfulness, sporty attitude and constancy. 
Blue: Constancy
Purple: Sorrow
Yellow: Jealousy
White: Loveliness, prayers for someone
Red + Pink: Playfulness 
Hydrangea: This flower symbolizes heartfelt emotions. It can be used to express gratitude for being understood. In its negative sense hydrangea symbolizes frigidity and heartlessness.
Iris: A flower that symbolizes eloquence
Purple:  wisdom and compliments
Blue: faith and hope 
Yellow: Passion
White: Purity 
Lily: A flower that symbolizes purity and refined beauty. 
White: symbolizes modesty and virginity, 
Orange: symbolizes passion, 
Yellow: symbolizes gaiety while 
Lily of the Valley: symbolizes sweetness and purity of heart
 Easter lily: the symbol of the Virgin Mary.
Magnolia: A flower that symbolizes a Love of nature Marigold: A flower that symbolizes Despair, grief, jealousy. BUT! It can also symbolize things such as:
The beauty and warmth of the rising sun
Winning the affections of someone through hard work
Creativity and the drive to succeed
Desire for wealth
Cruelty and coldness due to jealousy
Sacred offerings to the Gods
Remembering and celebrating the dead
Promoting cheer and good relations in a relationship
Orchid: A symbol of the exotic beauty. It symbolizes refinement, thoughtfulness and mature charm and also symbolizes pride and sometimes femininity. 
Peony: symbolizes bashfulness and compassion. When used in a negative sense it can be used to express indignation or shame. It symbolizes a happy life, happy marriage, good health and prosperity.
Rose:  It signifies love in its various forms. Its symbolism varies based on color, variety and number
Red: Love, I love you.
Dark crimson: Mourning
Pink: Happiness
White: I’m worthy of you
Yellow: Jealousy, decrease of love, infidelity
Orange: enthusiasm and passion.
Lavender: love at first sight
Coral: friendship, modesty, sympathy
One rose symbolizes love at first sight. Two roses symbolize shared and deep love. Three roses says “I love you”. Six roses says “I want to be yours”. Seven roses says “I’m infatuated with you”. Nine roses symbolize eternal love. Ten roses says “You’re perfect”.
Snapdragon: This flower symbolizes graciousness and strength. But its  negative connotations include deception and presumption.
Sunflower: It signifies pure thoughts. The flower symbolizes adoration and dedication. It is symbolic of dedicated love. It is however also symbolic of haughtiness but that is specifically for a tall Sunflower! 
Sweet pea: Is a flower that symbolizes Delicate pleasures
Red:  love, courage, and desire.
White:  innocence, calmness, and gratitude
Pink: youth, linked with happiness, joy, and beauty.
Purple:  symbolizes admiration, respect, and pride.
Sakura (Cherry Blossom): Its a flower that symbolizes the short lived beauty of youth, arrival of a new family member and the coming of spring, since this is one of the first trees to bloom each year.
Tulip: It signifies a declaration of love but it also symbolizes fame and perfect love but on a negative note it symbolizes forgotten or neglected love
Yellow: unrequited or spurned love - Sending a yellow Tulip to someone means you love them, but you know they don’t return your feelings.
Bright red:  passion and perfect love
Purple: tied to royalty, but also abundance and prosperity.
Pink: affection and love
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