#its third biggest fault lies with whoever the fuck made the decision to put the 'I am all the Jedi' line in
fantastic-nonsense · 3 years
i've seen star wars episode 7 and 8 but not 9 yet. Should i watch 9 at this point?
Yes. If nothing else, watch it so you can finish the canon story that was told and spite-imagine your own better trilogy (as I'm currently doing).
But honestly, TROS is a lot more fun than people give it credit for. I honestly had a blast watching the first half of the movie, and as long as you turn your brain off after the big Death Star fight you'll have a moderate amount of fun watching the second half too. It's ultimately an incredibly dumb but also fun movie. 6/10, would be a 7.5 out of 10 if it weren't for the Palpatine parentage reveal and the Reylo kiss tbh. It's not a good movie by any means, but I honestly have 50x fewer fundamental issues with TROS (both as a concept and in execution) than I do with TLJ.
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