#its way better than some of the other potential drama and bullshit that couldve happened
So my parents got 23 and me for Christmas from my grandparents. Not a big deal. They were mostly just curious. My dads ancestry was all over the fuckin place. But mostly northern europe. Makes sense. We're whiter than fuckin snow.
My moms is where we hit a lil hiccup.
We've always been told we have native ancestry. Not a big deal. Its just a thing. We don't care. BUT. My grandpas dad was raised by his grandmother. His grandmother was half Choctaw. We have pictures of this woman with family members. We Know she existed. But there's no way we're actually related to her. Cuz my mom has NO native american dna. And we know its actually my moms dna cuz one of her distant cousins contacted her through the app and we were able to confirm that, yes, we are related to her. (I doubt that kind of mix up occurred but you never know.)
Now. If its accurate, we think we know what happened.
Basically back in the day, if your wife died, you got remarried like right away cuz you needed someone home with the kids (this doesn't really apply if you don't have kids,) in some cases, family members would swoop in at your wife's funeral and take your kids from you until you got married again. And if the kids were young enough when their mom died, you just told them that your new wife is their mom.
We THINK that great grandpas dads biological mom died when he was little. So great great great grandpa married great great great grandma and she just raised great great grandpa as her biological son and then great grandpa after him. So like. Shes still grandma. Shes just not related by blood.
I just thought it was funny when the results first came back and it was like ".................so if we aren't related to her......what happened????"
Like if we just knew about her through pictures and family genealogy (one of my grandpas aunts is a genealogist) then I think we would just automatically assume she just married into the family and maybe there was no records available of her husband's previous wife. Or maybe a family member died and she was always married to him and they ended up with the kid of the dead family member and just never told him he wasn't their biological son. Which that one could work.
But like. As far as we all knew before this, she was our biological grandma. My grandpa and his siblings grew up hearing stories of this woman.
Like. None of this matters at all cuz all of these people have been dead FOR YEARS. But this is what you do a DNA test for. Finding out shit that happened way before you were even a POSSIBILITY is awesome. You can unearth weird family drama and secrets that almost died out with the people involved. You get to try and guess what happened in some places where things are a bit unclear. And its fine cuz everyone involved is dead. So they don't care.
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