#jack and raf might have a harder time adjusting though...
dragongirl642 · 5 years
Breakdown x reader x Wheeljack - intro
Author note:
This is kind of gender neutral as whenever see this → (looked down at me/looked up at me) the first option is female and the second option is male.
Otherwise they're just the first name, last name, eye colour, etc...tags.
This has been really cringey for me to write and I apologise for any unnecessary cringe or weirdness.
You are Silas's lost (daughter/son) because...why not ┐0_0┌
You have a sort of premonition/future sense power and other augmentations due to Silas being an a-hole father-to-be.
Have fun reading. ;)
First person pov:
I trudged up the steps to Jasper Nevada's only high school. Hoisting the strap on my guitar up higher on my shoulder. "New town, new school, new day, new life, new me." I chanted under my breath, eyes taking in every aspect of the school building. A Japanese girl with pink streaks in her hair was sat drawing on the stone guard barrier. A small boy in glasses and an orange jumper moved to join her after he was pushed to the floor by a tall ginger boy; 'Rude! Poor kid's much too young, what did he do...skip every grade?' The popular girls were gathered at the top of the steps with a group of boys; attention on the ginger boy. I raised a hand to adjust my cap and promptly stopped before I could walk into said boy who was laughing raucously with a couple of his mates. Unfortunately for him, he was blocking the door.
"Excuse me." I tried to start off with a friendly approach. My attempt at a positive mood instantly soured when he turned round and looked me up and down like I was some meat on display. He leaned close, too close. "Well what do we have here, a pirate?" I scoffed in disgust, "you're blocking the door." I didn't react to the pirate comment, most people freak when they see my eye patch. 'I have a reason for wearing it!' I was scarred across my eye and even though I can still see through it, people get freaked out by the blood red eye underneath. 'Burst blood vessels if you're wondering.'
He looked to be thinking for a moment when he said, "(I'll move for a kiss/I'll think about it)."
I was just about to give him a walloping when a voice cut in. "Leave (her/him) alone Vince!" We both turned to look at a dark haired teenage boy, who looked decidedly regretful on the fact that he had attracted what was obviously a bully's attention.
"Does Jackie boy have a voice now?" Vince's taunting voice fuelled the fire in my belly and I grabbed his shoulder, spinning him to face me. "You still haven't moved bud." I growled menacingly. Vince just laughed, his mates following suit; "and what are you going to do about it (girly/mate)?"
I smiled and threw my cap directly in the air before, placing a well-aimed kick to his shin. He hopped back and I unshouldered my guitar, holding it by the body I jabbed him with it, winding the male. Moving my hands to the neck of the guitar, I flicked it, catching his left hand in the strap and yanked, he promptly flew past me and landed sprawled at the top of the stairs. I caught my cap in one hand and placed it back on my head. Internally, snakes writhed in the pit of my stomach, 'I promised myself it would be different here.'
His mates cautiously sidled round me when I glared at them and ran to help Vince up. I looked at him, "You better not have broken my guitar and for the record, I don't like bullies."
I then addressed the boy who had tried to stand up for me, "mind showing me where the office is?" He nodded and gestured, "uh...this way." I followed him inside, not without noticing the pink haired girl having what looked like a fit of excitement behind me, and we walked down the school corridors. I looked over to see him staring at me. Attempting to break the silence I spoke.
"Name's (y/n)...what's yours."
"I'm Jack...Jack Darby."
"Well Jack, at least you made the effort to stand up for me, I respect that."
We shook hands at that and I faced forward again.
He kept staring at me, "So how did you get..." he gestured vaguely on his face. I huffed, "it's a long story." Eventually we reached the office and Jack left to go to his form room as the bell rang. I enrolled, picked up my map and class schedule and headed for my form room.
"6C, 6C, 6C..." I muttered under my breath as I looked for said room. I only had to check my map a total of twice before I finally found the room. Through the window in the door I could see the homeroom teacher sat at the front reading. From my small window I could see that g*t Vince sat with his gaggle of mates. 'Great...I've got to share form with that idiot.' Taking a breath to steady myself, I lifted a hand and knocked.
The teacher spotted me and motioned for me to enter; I did so.
"And who are you." They looked at me like I was going to attack her.
I met their questioning eyes. "I'm a new student, I enrolled today."
They nodded, expression becoming friendlier; "Well why don't you tell us your name and a bit about yourself."
I faced forward and gave my introduction. "My names is (y/n) (l/n), I'm 16 years old. I play guitar and piano. I'm a black belt in Tai kwon do, judo and I've trained in various other martial arts." Vince scoffed at that. "I like comic books and eating pizza. DON'T ask me about the eye patch because you won't get an answer." I looked at the teacher, "And that about covers me."
She nodded, "Why don't we find you somewhere to sit...there's a spare seat by Vince" I inwardly wince, "or by Jack." I look over to see Jack smiling encouragingly and gesturing to the seat by him.
I smiled and walked to my new seat, deftly dodging Vince's stuck out foot.
'Come on that's an old trick, he really expected me to fall for that?'
I sat and Jack smiled, "so we have the same form huh...can I see your classes." I wordlessly hand it to him and watch as he grins. "We have all our sciences and history together! I can show you where your next class is."
I nod, "Thanks Jack."
------------------------Time skip to lunch-----------------------
I sat at a vacant table, placing my guitar on the chair beside me. No sooner had I placed a bite of my pizza in my mouth a vibrant pink and black blur raced besides me and shot into the chair opposite me. I stared at the girl I'd seen earlier, she was staring at me intensely.
I looked at her and swallowed my food, "Can I help you?"
She grinned, "You...were...awesome!" She then proceeded to launch into an excited retelling of my earlier morning's exploits. I just ate my food very slowly while watching this girl. 'Is she on a sugar high?'
I felt relieved when Jack walked over and told her to calm down; not that it helped. The small boy in glasses had joined us too.
I looked at Jack, "Friends of yours?"
He nodded, "(Y/n)...this is Miko" I nodded at here and she grinned at me, "and this is Raf." The small boy adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "It's Rafael but most just call me Raf." I smiled encouragingly at him, "well it's nice to meet you."
Miko suddenly burst into questions, "How well can you play? What's your favourite music? Can you teach me a couple of those moves you used on Vince? What's your favourite colour? Ever been to a Slash monkey concert? Did you move here because you fell for the brochure too?" I held up a hand and she promptly fell silent, looking at me expectantly. 'Oh might as well.'
I grinned, took a large breath and said, as fast as I could, "I can play up to grade 8, I like all music, with your parent's permission I could maybe teach you a couple of moves, my favourite colour is (f/c), yes and this town has a brochure?" I took a gulp of air and looked mischievously over at the girl. "How was that for impressions?" The two boys at our table began chuckling in the background. Miko just flipped her hair and laughed, "You didn't get my voice right" she sang. I huffed and tried the squeakiest voice I could muster, "Is this right?"
Jack fell off his chair and Raf had started visibly shaking. Miko started laughing harder and I joined in.
'Maybe this town will be better than...hey at least I've made some friends already.'
---------------------------Time skip to end of school-----------------------
I walked down the school steps into the sunlight. Miko bouncing alongside Jack on my left and Raf on my right.
"Bye (y/n)!" "See ya." "Bye."
I waved as I watched them get into their respective vehicles. Jack clambered onto a blue motorcycle with pink accents, Raf got in the passenger side of a yellow and black Urbana 500 and Miko hopped into the passenger seat of a green 4x4. As for myself I walked a little further down the street before opening the door of my internally modified red Dodge challenger. Horn accents on the front gleaming in the afternoon sun. I'd fallen in love with the design a couple months ago when I passed a similar car when I'd come to look at flats in Jasper; when I was staying in a motel just outside Carson City. Some other students threw me shocked or jealous looks at my car. Just as I shut my door, Jack rolled up to my window; motorcycle growling loudly before quieting down.
I rolled down the tinted window to see what he wanted. He looked at me with a slightly panicked expression and gave a small kick to the side of his motorcycle, before squeaking out a quick, "nice car" and zooming off.
I furrowed my brows, "Weird". Both Miko and Raf's cars passed me really slowly before driving off as well.
I made sure my guitar was safely secure on the floor of the passenger side before stepping on the gas. I drove away from school, I decided to go for a drive to get to know my new neighbourhood.
Jasper is pleasant but boring. "Does anything happen here?" I muttered exasperatedly, before perking up. 'Though I loathe him, I heard Vince mention a race...and its location.' Smirking, I pulled a 180 and headed out of town.
Gas, Shift, Turn...I allowed my body to go into autopilot until I passed the 'Thank you for visiting Jasper, Nevada' sign. Then I perked up, trying to remember the map of the surrounding area I had memorised. 'There should be left somewhere past those rocks'. I thought, scouring the horizon for my turn off.
Out of the corner of my eye, a green flash caught my attention and I looked in my rear view mirror to see just empty road.
"Strange" I mumbled.
--------------------------Time skip to race-------------------
I'd finally found the place. There was a line of cars already forming. I could see some of the girls from school tittering on the side-lines. I pulled into place and a girl walked up to me and tapped on my window. I rolled my window down a centimetre and waited.
She looked nervous. "Um...I'm here to tell you the rules." I cut her off. "I already know the rules of these things, this isn't my first race...what's the prize?" She stopped stunned for a moment before saying, "100 dollars cash." I nodded, even though she couldn't see me and was about to roll up my window when who should turn up but the ginger haired tw@t himself.
Vince knocked on my window. "Hey new guy, you better watch yourself out there." I rolled my window down an inch so he could just about see my face. He looked at me, "Oh it's you...you better watch yourself." With that dark threat he turned to leave. "Let's hope you have better luck than this morning." I called after him. He shot me the dirtiest look before getting in his car.
I rolled up my window and faced forward, another flash catching the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see a red Aston Martin beside me, its side mirrors quickly moving so they were facing back and not towards me as they had been just a moment ago.
"Hmmmm...also strange" I mumbled.
A girl walked out and stood with a flag above her head, I tapped the gas and my engine purred. Intently watching the flag, the second it went down I gunned the engine and shot forward. I soon pulled ahead with only Vince and the red car posing any competition. I saw Vince swing my way and threw on the brakes. He shot past me and instead went into the red car.
"You scratched my paintjob" screeched an indignant voice from the vehicle. With the distraction I zoomed forward once more leaving Vince to the guy's mercy. I slowed when a scraping sound came from behind me. I looked in the rear view to see the red car's driver trying to ram Vince of the road. "You scratch my paint, I scratch yours!" Eyes wide I pulled my second 180 of the day and shot forward, heading for the red car.
We played a small game of chicken before he obviously decided it wasn't worth it and swerved off. He shot me an insult; the word Autobot featuring heavily. 'What the hell is that?' I shot through the empty space, turned and followed after Vince; who was now in the lead. We entered a long stretch and I could see the lights off the finish line ahead. To my side I saw the red car pass me. Not wanting to lose I saw the only option I had left.
"Here's one for victory" I whispered and pushed the turbo button on my dash. Flames spewed from the exhaust pipe as I was thrown back into my seat. My car leaping forward and passing the red car and Vince with no problem.
The finish line was closer than ever and I removed my finger from the button and threw my weight onto the brake. Skidding across the finish line, my car finally shuddered to a halt. 'Thank all that is good for the double suspension.'
A different girl from earlier ran up to me with a small bag, I rolled down the window slightly and accepted my prize. Rolling it back up, I counted my money whilst watching Vince and the other driver cross the line. To my surprise I spotted Jack in the crowd. He was looking at my car with something akin to shock. I debated going to talk to him when I saw Vince exit his car. Not wanting to talk to the boy, I drove off.
It wasn't till I was pretty far from the track that I noticed the Aston Martin was following me. I turned a corner round a large rocky outcrop and turned off my engine. Hand inching over to my guitar case. In my mirrors I saw a green flash round the corner, before both the red car and a larger blue 4x4 drove round the corner. A deep humming began in my spine.
"What the..."
They both skidded to a stop off either side of me. A disbelieving voice sounded from the blue one, "You're meant to be dead Autobot."
'What's an Autobot? Never mind...that voice! WAIT did they say Dead?!'
Before I could dispute this claim the red car spoke, "We'll make sure it's permanent this time."
'They obviously think I'm someone else...time to go!' Before they could come after me, I once more gunned the engine and drove of at high speed. Both cars following.
I headed for the road, making it onto the highway. I risked a glance in the mirror to see them gaining on me. Jasper's lights in the distance, I prayed I would make it. I reached for the turbo button once more.
My breath hitched, as with a jolt I was rammed by the blue one; flipping my car. I held on for dear life.
When it came to a stop I groaned. A pounding in my head alerting me to the fact that I might very well have hit it, very hard, on the dash. 'Hope that's not fatal.'
Hanging upside down I could feel the blood rushing to my head. The red beginning to drip into my vision not helping my new view of life. I looked around and could see the two cars circling mine. I curled up and hit my seatbelt.
'Ow that hurt!' I readjusted myself so I as the right way up and reached over to unclip and grab my guitar case. Sounds of metal scraping metal sounded just outside my windows and I turned. Pulling the handle, the door opened an inch then stopped. Bracing myself I kicked with all my strength and the door swung open fully.
"Well that was easier than I thought...wait what's this?" That same voice from the red car spoke as I crawled out the door; but from above me. Confused, I looked up. 'Big mistake.'
Two searing red rings look down on me from a sea of black, set in the pale face of a giant red robot. "So it wasn't an Autobot that gave me these" he gestured to some scratches on his frame, "but a human."
"Easier to break than an Autobot." The voice from the blue car spoke up; emanating from the mouth of a hulking blue bruiser of a robot. Two glowing yellow, 'eyes?', looking at me intently. "What happened to its optic?" It began studying me intently.
I pulled my case from the car while thinking of how to buy time. "First off, you totalled my car," I took a shaky breath, "I'm pretty sure that makes us even."
I tried my best to look innocent as I held my guitar case, hand going to the second hidden catch on the side. They shared a look before the red one laughed. "Fleshy...that isn't how this works." The red one's right hand transformed into a circular saw and my eyes widened.
The blue one held out a hand, "Wait...maybe we could keep it." The red one looked at him incredulous.
"Um...its cute...I mean uh...as a pet?" The blue one tried to recover from his outburst, slight confusion on its face. I felt the intense urge to 'awww' at it.
The red one smiled deviously. "Well I've always wanted a human test-subject."
'Good feeling gone.'
A swirling green vortex opened up beside us and the two vehicles I had seen Miko and Raf get into, came zooming through. I watched in astonishment as they transformed. Metal shifting and gears turning, they became humanoid robots like the first two.
Coming to my senses, I ran behind my upturned car; dragging my guitar case with me. I watched as my saviours leapt to my rescue. The bulky green one tackled the blue robot with the hammer, while the yellow robot attacked the red one. I ducked down, laying my guitar case down I flicked the second catch, opening the back compartment of the case.
Surveying the selection inside, I quickly thought of how to help my robot rescuers. I reached in and grabbed a grenade. Finger sliding through the loop, ready to pull when needed.
I looked over the edge and saw my chance. The red robot had knocked the yellow one back. He was screeching something about his paintjob but I interrupted him. Pulling the pin I yelled, "Hey Red!". He turned to see the grenade flying through the air towards him. He ducked to avoid it but unfortunately for him, it went off just behind him, flinging him forward. The blue robot, knocked the green one away and ran to his companion. He got up and the two said something to each other before transforming and zooming off.
I fished my 35mm calibre pistol out of my case, flicked the safety off and warily eyed the two robots left.
The yellow one took a step forward and I tensed. "We're not gonna hurt you." The green one said as the yellow one beeped soothingly. It sounded familiar and I recognised several different patterns in the beeps. It beeped some more and the green one spoke, "I'm Bulkhead and this is..."
"Bumblebee." I finished his sentence before he could speak. They both looked at me, evidently surprised.
I visibly relaxed at this show off friendliness. "I was a code breaker, I spot patterns in images and sounds. Give me an hour and I'll be speaking fluent beep." I explained jokingly.
Bumblebee beeped enthusiastically, "someone else...understa...yay...hip...ay."
I grinned at the childish display, flicked the safety back on my pistol and stowed it away in my case. I circled my car observing the damage as the two alien robots talked. 'Ooh that's a nasty dent. I'm gonna have ta hammer that out...at least the boot wasn't damaged.' My internal monologue was only interrupted by Bulkhead.
"So we need to take you back to our base for your own safety."
My gaze flicked up, "No can do buster. I need to fix this," I gestured to my car, "unless...I can bring it to this base of yours?"
They shared a look. "But...totalled" Bumblebee beeped, I only caught a few words but enough to get the gist of it. I wagged my finger at him, picking up my guitar case in my other hand. "It's a lot tougher than it looks...only looks bad cuz it's upside down. It'll still drive." Bulkhead spoke this time. "Well...uh...ok. You promise to follow us?" I nodded, "Of course, could you flip it for me though." Bulkhead complied and before I knew it I was driving my dented ride along a dusty, quiet road, heading to an intersection. Bumblebee was in front of me and Bulkhead was behind. When we reached the intersection, instead of turning, Bumblebee continued straight towards a rocky wall; speeding up. I hesitated, but then sped up too. Just as I thought he was going to crash, a giant, hidden door opened in the rock face. We drove into a lit tunnel and rounded the corner into an open space. An orange and white robot stood at a huge, green, glowing monitor, he turned and frowned as I drove in. A blue and pink skinny robot stood by a balcony and looked at my car with shock and sorrow, 'definitely female and definitely Jack's motorcycle'. I parked up besides some human sized stairs and stepped out my car.
I turned to see Miko come running down the stairs, followed closely by Jack and Raf. Jack looked me over. "Are you okay? I saw Knockout follow you and called the Autobots." I stepped back, hand clenching around my guitar case's handle. "Whoa calm down I'm fine. The red guy was called Knockout huh...what a name! What about the blue guy? And what's an Autobot?" The words came spewing out of my mouth as my brain finally succumbed to the weirdness of my situation.
"Maybe I can clear up any confusion." A deep resonant voice stated and I turned to see a blue and red robot, bigger than all the others, looking down on me. I looked up at him feeling both comforted and petrified off the aura he was giving off.
'This is someone I should respect.' I nodded my head. "Of course, it would be welcome."
He kneeled and looked me in the eye. "I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots!" With that he began to explain to me their history, how their planet was destroyed and how they now fight the Decepticons on Earth, who are led by Megatron. I learnt that the blue guy's name was Breakdown. He then began to introduce everyone.
"You have already met our three human charges, of whose ranks you have now joined." I grinned.
"This is Arcee" the female robot glared at me and I raised an eyebrow at her, smile falling slightly.
"Our medic Ratchet." He hmphed "Just what we need...another human." I grinned and cocked a hip, "I'm sure you'll grow to love me doc." He spluttered at that.
Optimus' mouth twitched and he blinked. "You have also already met Bulkhead and Bumblebee." Bumblebee perked up, "...understands me!" I grinned even wider, "I sure do."
Expressions of happiness to shock to resignation showed on all their faces, Raf suddenly stepped forward and gave me a hug. I stiffened momentarily before warily returning the hug. "It means a lot to him" he whispered before moving back.
I then looked at Optimus, "Allow me to introduce myself, I am (y/n) (l/n), it's an honour to meet you all."
Bulkhead and Bumblebee then began gesticulating wildly and explaining in great detail how when they were fighting Knockout and Breakdown, I threw a frickin' grenade strong enough to knock Knockout down.
Miko heard the word grenade and instantly perked up, "You have grenades!" I took an alarmed step back. The black and pink haired ball of energy looking to become a nuisance at any moment.
Turns out my worries weren't unfounded, as she practically leapt on me; legs curling around my waist and arms latching round my neck in a mockery of a chokehold. "Show me!"
I knew 15 different ways to get out of this, 7 of them being lethal to Miko and the rest would put her in a hospital; so instead I squeaked out a "help" while looking at Jack. The teen pulled the hyperactive girl off me and I got up. Unfortunately in the fall my guitar case had fallen to the side. Raf, both intelligent and curious, quickly found the hidden catch and opened the back compartment. My hand shot out, "Don't touch that!"
In his surprise he jolted backwards, knocking over the case so that it was open to the world.
The kids and the Autobots all stared at the contents of my case. Grenades, throwing daggers, duelling knives, my pistol and a silencer/sniper extension barrel for the pistol, were all neatly laid out and strapped in. I quickly stepped forward and moved to close it when Optimus spoke. "Wait."
I froze.
Arcee stepped in, "What would a teenager be doing with weapons?" the suspicion in her voice, clear for all to hear.
I mentally debated in my head. 'They're alien robots, who would they tell?' The urge to spill out my heart growing. 'It would be so good to finally trust someone...even if they are alien."'
I sighed, "Fine I'll tell you." I closed my case and moved to the boot of my car, "But you haven't seen it all." I opened the boot and lifted the entire bottom out, exposing another compartment containing a suitcase. I removed it, placed it on the floor and opened it to show its contents; it was full of weaponry. A sniper rifle, a pump action shotgun, two more pistols, another assortment of knives, two combat tactical swords, brass knuckles, a tactical war hammer and ammunition were all laid out and strapped down. On one side, a folded cloth package contained my Kevlar suit, some very faded dark stains showing exactly what it had been used for; a hi-tech black helmet with a tinted visor strapped beside it.
"By the allspark!" Ratchet's exclamation causing me to lower my head in shame; my brain going into overdrive.
I took a shuddering breath to calm myself. 'Showed them this...why not give 'em my life story too.'
"I was born into a...a bad crowd, you had to learn early on...heh, let's just say it wasn't for the squeamish. You were trained, given a purpose...I knew more than anyone else...before I even started school. Then one day..." My breath hitched and I felt choked up, I swallowed before continuing. "One day...there was a heist, it went south pretty quickly...I triggered the security override but there were guards...we didn't know...my mother was shot. She was the only reason some of them...didn't touch me." I lifted my head to see the implications of my words sinking in on all their faces. "So I ran...I took my share of all the profits and my weapons...and I ran. I have these, because I'm scared they'll find me. But when they do...I won't go back," my voice dropped, "...not without a fight."
Arcee knelt down, "So you have no-one else you can turn to?" The suspicion was still there, but fading.
"You didn't mention your creator...um male parental unit." I looked at the medic, confusion evident on my face. "Do you mean my father?" He gave an impatient nod.
A sad but angry look found its way upon my face. "I know my father by name only...and this picture." I reached into the case and took out the helmet; I flipped it and from the inside unstuck a photo. I held it up to the Autobots, who all reacted in surprise...and fear. "I see the resemblance," Ratchet muttered.
"My father's name was Leland Bishop...you've obviously met him, huh...my mother asked me to never try to find him...she said he was a monster...worse than the ones we dealt with every day. She told me she ran...after she saw him looking over her pregnancy scans and blueprints for...experiments...and found evidence."
Optimus looked at me worriedly, "Evidence of what exactly?"
I looked into his bright blue optics. "Evidence...that he'd been tampering with her medication...giving her injections in her sleep. She thought it was why...why...I was so good." I looked town, tears of frustration and self-loathing building in my eyes; I closed them. "Why I was so good at killing."
My eyes flew back open when I felt pressure on my sides. Jack, Miko and Raf were all hugging me. Jack looked sorrowfully at me, "We don't blame you for anything (y/n)." Bumblebee took the time to speak up, "where...you staying?" I looked at him, "I rented a room at a motel last night..." I trailed off.
I'd admitted my weakness and was ready to accept the consequences.
Optimus then spoke as well, "If you have nowhere else to go...you will be welcome here."
That was it...the floodgates opened. I began crying; my vision blurred and my chest became uncomfortably tight. My knees collapsed and I fell to the floor. Only held up by the comforting embraces of the 3 human children. I gulped the air as I tried to fight back the tears streaming down my face. For so long I'd been running. 'I haven't cried since...' I started weeping even harder.
One arm wound its way around Raf's small body, almost of their own accord; I just needed to cuddle something small. My other pulled Miko in close, the usually hyperactive girl not protesting at the restricting embrace. Thumps signalled Optimus moving to stand beside Ratchet and I wearily opened my eyes to see Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Arcee all hovering anxiously nearby.
I tried to pull myself together. Long forgotten screams echoing in my head. I shook my head and slowly disentangled myself from the others. Wiping my eyes to try and clear my vision. Finally, I felt like I could breathe again; but the screams wouldn't stop. I held my head, 'shut up, Shut Up, SHUT UP!'
I was descending into my own memories, I'd worked so hard to suppress them.
A voice calling "Prime!" and the sound of lift doors sent my mind into a panic. My eyes shot open and I rolled forward, ripping a pistol out of the case, flicking off the safety and firing a warning shot at the intruder.
"Woah...friendly!" Came a startled male voice. My vision cleared completely, to reveal a man duck behind the door. I blinked and lowered the muzzle of the pistol. He peeked round the corner, staring intently at me. I stared back, before flicking the safety off and emptying its ammunition chamber. He walked out onto the balcony and looked at Optimus whilst pointing at me.
"Prime, who is this?"
He was practically yelling and while the stoic Prime's expression remained neutral. I saw and heard both Ratchet and Arcee give exasperated sighs. Bumblebee beeped quietly into Bulkhead's audio receptor and he started chuckling quietly.
Optimus took a step towards the balcony. "Agent Fowler, this is (y/n) (l/n). We have offered them refuge here from their past and the Decepticon threat."
Whilst Optimus had been talking he had descended the stairs so he was stood at the foot of both flights, a meter in front of me and the other kids.
"Little young to be handling a gun. I'm Special Agent William Fowler but why would you need to run from your pa..." he then trailed off, eyes wide at the sight of the open cases of weaponry behind me.
While he stared, I racked my brains. 'That name...it's familiar.'
Optimus answered Fowler's question, "(She/He) is the (daughter/son) of Leland Bishop...Silas."
Realisation bloomed in my brain. "Fowler...you're the agent who helped us!...You kept our existence on that shipment a secret." Fowler's jaw dropped, before he nodded, dumbstruck. "She was pregnant? Hold up...Your mother told you about me?"
I smiled, for once a genuine smile, "Without you...she might not have gotten away." My smile fell, "not that it matters now."
Fowler placed a hand on my shoulder, "Her name was (mum's name) right?" I nodded. "Well it looks like she raised a mighty fine kid...though, what's with the eye-patch?"
Unwanted, a chuckle almost escaped me. I raised a hand to my eye-patch, 'this man saved my mum...he deserves to see what became of me.'
I closed both my eyes and removed my patch. Fowler gasped along with the others. I could just picture what they were seeing. The skin, flaky and dark. An unhealthy blue in patches, the rest a splotchy red. One jagged line of pale scarred skin running down from just under my eyebrow, over the eyelid to curl round below my eye. I opened my good eye, to gauge their reaction to this next reveal. I slowly teased open my 'damaged' eye. Wincing slightly as I adjusted to the light.
If I'd been in a better mood I would have laughed at seeing the blood practically drain from their faces. I could picture it perfectly. The iris had gone completely black, parts of it had also been removed in the operation, making it look like I had one huge pupil, swimming in a sea of red. There was no white in my eye anymore, just a blood red dome. Both my normal eye and my other one focused on Fowler. He took an involuntary step back.
An itchy pain was beginning to bother me, the glare of the lights blinding me; so I put the eye patch back on. Cool relief flooded the side of my face as my eye was once again plunged into darkness.
"It was a...job, gone wrong." After answering Fowler's unspoken question, I turned and deposited the gun back in the suitcase. I closed both that and the guitar case. Replacing the suitcase in the boot and closing the compartment. I closed and placed my guitar case in the boot before shutting it completely. My hands hadn't even left the metal when Jack spoke.
"If (she/he) is going to stay here...where will they sleep? What about school?"
I looked at him. "Honestly school skipped my mind."
I fought the urge to put Fowler in a headlock, when he suddenly laid a hand on my shoulder; "I can handle this."
-----------------------Time skip--------------------------
I opened my eyes to shreds of faint light streaming in through the curtains of the trailer Fowler had got for me. I stretched and yawned before rolling out of bed. 'Well really, it's more of a small bunk.' Trudging over to the small kitchen area, I made a bowl of (favourite cereal) and slowly wandered to the trailer door. Snatching a baseball cap off a nearby hook; I placed it on my head before kicking the door open. I hopped out to sit on the porch step. Bright sunlight and a warm breeze greeted me. Not caring if anyone saw me in my bright (favourite colour) pyjamas. 'I love weekends.'
I watched the small sliver of horizon I could see through the gap in between the large boulders that lined the edge of the base. Hiding my trailer from prying eyes but giving me a perfect view of any approaching vehicles. As the sun rose I watched the sky change from a deep purple, to a blush pink, to a light blue. Breathing deep, I savoured this new freedom.
I allowed my mind to wander. From darkness to light. From smog and the criminal under-city to a life of peace. Well...relative peace. I reflected on my conversation with Arcee a few nights before.
After Fowler had left to get the trailer I had asked the motorcycle bot why she looked like she simultaneously wanted to cry and tear me apart. Turns out that epic car I'd passed earlier was her dead friend. 'Yeesh'. She seemed grateful that I thought he was epic and cool and had said he would've liked the description. We seemed on slightly better terms now, but I can tell she doesn't trust me quite as much as she could.
After finishing my cereal, I stood and jumped back into the trailer. Dumping my bowl and spoon into the sink. I collected an outfit for the day and walked back outside. I turned away from the horizon and approached the rock face. The steel door's camouflage did nothing to hide it from my now practised eyes.
I keyed in the code in the hidden slide-back keypad and walked inside. Passing through the thick concrete tunnel, I opened another door to finally enter the base. The huge hallways were lit. "Ratchet's up" I muttered. 'When is he never up?'
Rolling my eyes, I crossed the hall and walked through another human sized door into a bathroom complex. I took a shower, dried my hair, got dressed and brushed my teeth. Nightclothes under one arm, I walked all the way back out to the trailer.
'One thing good about living here...I'll always stay fit.' I smiled sardonically at the thought. Putting my folded clothes on my bunk. I turned and regarded the bowl in the sink. "Ugh". With a huff, I washed and dried the remains of my breakfast.
"Not disturbing you am I?"
I jumped at the voice that suddenly issued behind me. Turning rapidly and throwing the spoon in my hand. It embedded itself in the trailer wall, inches from Jack's head. He had ducked, hands raised to protect his face, eyes wide at my now engorged pupils.
"Ahhh...STOP it's me."
I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.
"Don't sneak up on me...you could've lost your head."
He slowly straightened with a sheepish look on his face. "Sorry about that."
I nodded and sent him a smile. Before walking over and pulling the spoon from the wall. With a nonchalant flip I tossed it over my shoulder; grinning inwardly as I heard it land in the wash rack. "You better."
He nodded and backed out the trailer door. After sending a cursory glance around the trailer, I shrugged, picked up my guitar case from its place leaning by the door, unhooked my key and followed him out. He was standing by the door into the base. I kicked the trailer door closed and jogged over. We punched in the code and went inside. Strolling down the corridor I glanced over at the dark haired male at my side.
"So...why're you here so early...it's Saturday!"
He looked at me, then quickly looked forward again after he almost tripped over his own feet. I held back a laugh.
"Um," oh the poor boy was blushing, "Arcee picked me up early cuz I booked off work and I'm spending the whole day here. Raf and Miko will turn up soon too."
We finally reached the main room of the base. Bulkhead and Bumblebee driving in right on time.
Miko bounded over and practically shrieked in my ear, "Let's have a jam session!"
I winced slightly but otherwise nodded in compliance. Bouncing enthusiastically, she practically skipped up the stairs to get her guitar and speaker from by the sofa.
An incessant beeping coming from the monitors broke through my Miko-aftershock. I turned round to see a cybertronian symbol flashing next to the communications window. I frowned.
"Aren't you gonna answer that Ratchet?"
The cybertronian merely grunted before mumbling, "He can wait." This caught Bulkhead's attention, who looked at the screen. His optics widened and he practically screamed, "It's Jackie!" before bounding over to the screen.
"Up up...you'll probably damage it." The medic waved away Bulkhead, who was now practically vibrating with excitement, before opening the channel with a huff. "Yes Wheeljack?" Ratchet tried and failed to conceal the resignation in his voice. The reply was instantaneous.
"Hey sunshine...didn't think you'd answer so quickly."
That sarcastic voice played havoc on my brain. I quickly turned back to Miko, seeking distraction, I froze in horror at the sight before me. She was vibrating, bouncing on the spot and grinning madly; her eyes were also fixated on the screen. She suddenly ran to Bulkhead, I turned tracking her progress. He picked her up and they both started excitedly chatting with the voice on the channel. Briefly glancing away to get my bearings, I walked backwards to stand beside the couch. Raf sat on it, laptop open on his lap and typing away furiously. 'Were those ear-defenders?'
I tapped his shoulder and he removed the protection gear, looking up at me expectantly. I leaned closer. "Who's Wheeljack? And do I need to tranquilise Miko?"
Raf smiled. "Wheeljack is a wrecker who likes to visit from time to time, the wreckers were an elite Autobot faction who specialised in 'wrecking' Decepticons and I don't think you need to tranquilise Miko."
Jack smiled as he sat down on the other side of Raf; picking up a controller of the floor as he did so. "He's right. You don't need to just tranquilise her...you need to chain her to the couch and tranquilise her." I smirked at the dark haired teen; leaning nonchalantly on the arm of the couch, I placed my guitar case on the floor beside it.
I threw Arcee a cautious smile when she approached to watch as Jack started up a video game. The voices excitedly chattering with the screen behind me, echoed in the concrete bunker. "See you in 5!" being one such loud proclamation from Miko. I glanced back over my shoulder to see the girl and her guardian chatting amicably as the transmission cut off; with a tired looking Ratchet beside them. I stood and walked over to the railing, waving an arm for his attention. He huffed, but stomped over anyway; leaving the pair by the monitor.
"What do you want?" He looked at me expectantly. I stared back.
"When was the last time you slept?" He groaned and brought a servo down his face.
"Look...I don't need you to tell me when to recharge I can look after myself." I continued to stare intently.
"Stop that!"
Still staring, brows furrowing slightly for added measure.
"I said stop!"
We stayed locked in deadlock before I spoke, in the most persuasive voice I could muster.
"You haven't had enough sleep and you obviously dread seeing this...Wheeljack," his optics narrowed, "So why don't you go catch up on recharge and I, along with Arcee and Optimus will keep an eye open."
He seemed to consider it for a moment before protesting, "My wor..." I raised a hand to cut him off, "Can be completed later...quality not quantity."
Ratchet rolled his optics and flapped his hand at me. "Fine I'll go recharge...but when he gets here, don't let him out of your site." He then walked down the corridor towards his berthroom.
I watched him go before turning and walking back to stand by the couch. I flicked a glance over at Arcee.
"You caught that, right?" She nods, "Already informed Optimus." I smiled, she sent me a tentative smile back. "Not many people can get Ratchet to take a break." I nodded humbly at the compliment.
I looked at the couch again, 'might as well sit down.' My muscles coiled in preparation to move but in that split second their direction was changed.
"Good ne..." The voice from right behind me was cut off, as I flipped the spry girl over my hip onto the couch. Raf and Jack having only just jumped off in time to avoid collision.
I stepped back, releasing my hold on the girl. "You lot have got to stop sneaking up on me."
Miko merely rolled off the sofa and bounced excitedly, "You have GOT to teach me how to do that!"
Seems nothing can deplete this girl's energy. I froze when the voice from the screen issued from behind me. "I'd like to see what you got too." I turned around and eyed the newcomer. Scars here and there testament to the many battles I could tell he'd been in, 'were those katanas.'
"Name's Wheeljack." He looked at me expectantly.
"I'm (l/n)...I mean (y/n), (l/n)'s my surname." He smirked at me. 'F*£k why did I mix them up?'
Bulkhead wrapped an arm round Wheeljack's shoulder. "Jackie here is the best, we fought together as part of the wreckers..." I quickly thought off a way to cover up my previous blunder.
"Could you tell me about some of your battles? I'm sure you have some awesome stories to tell." Bulkhead latched onto the new subject with glee and I allowed Miko to grab my hand and push me to sit down in preparation for story time. Wheeljack glanced fondly over at Bulkhead before turning back to us.
"Ok I'll tell ya'a story if you tell me one in return."
-------------------------Time skip-------------------------------
I'd spent most of the day listening to war stories from Wheeljack and Bulkhead with Miko before going to bed when she went home and he left in A SPACESHIP. 'I so wanted to take it apart.'
I'd told one story of my own. 'Only because Miko wouldn't stop it with the puppy eyes and pestering till I did.' It was a recount of one of the most successful jobs I'd been involved in.
I'd been "loaned" over to a mafia group. We broke into a rival Don's home and I disabled the security system. We successfully stole over $200 million. I'd gotten quite a large cut out of it too. Of course that had gone into keeping my mum and me off the street and in our "protectors" good books. I mentioned, in brief, the resistance we met; but skipped over the part where I killed a rival guard completely. I'd tried to gloss over that.
I cast a concerned look at Miko, to see whether she picked up on the fact that I was a murderer.
Thankfully, she seemed to remain oblivious to the fact and excitedly chattered about how much money we'd scored and how I, "met a real mafia boss...like in the movies?"
I nod good naturedly, red staining my mind. "Yeah...just like in the movies." She bursts into questions and asks me whether I've got any more.
Shaking my head I reply, "Not one's I'd like to tell...maybe Bulkhead has some more."
She thinks for a moment, before asking Bulkhead whether he has any space battle stories. He happily said he does and starts recounting one such tale. Periodically asking for Wheeljack's input, who gives it.
All through the rest of the story, I notice Wheeljack keeps giving me these thoughtful looks.
I stared at him, waiting for him to look again. When he looked at me again he caught my eye contact...and held it. We entered a mini-staring competition; unnoticed by Bulkhead or Miko. I felt my cheeks begin to heat slightly, but not enough to reveal my blush fully. Wheeljack noticed anyway and smirked. We continued our contest until Bulkhead nudges Wheeljack for his input. He sways and we break eye contact.
Feeling strange, I refuse to meet it again...and so does he.
'Were his cheeks turning blue slightly or was that just me?'
Flashback end}
(Author note: The potential is there. Now I'm going to branch this off early. Your next adventure determines who you fall for. :)
Breakdown ending          Wheeljack Ending
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