#jack is king hamlet (rip)
upyourgeek · 2 years
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SAD NEWS: David Warner, a versatile British actor whose roles ranged from Shakespearean tragedies to sci-fi cult classics, has died. He was 80. “He will be missed hugely by us, his family and friends, and remembered as a kind-hearted, generous and compassionate man, partner and father, whose legacy of extraordinary work has touched the lives of so many over the years. We are heartbroken,” the statement continued. Often cast as a villain, Warner had roles in the 1971 psychological thriller “Straw Dogs,” the 1976 horror classic “The Omen,” the 1979 time-travel adventure “Time After Time” — he was Jack the Ripper — and the 1997 blockbuster “Titanic,” where he played the malicious valet Spicer Lovejoy. Trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, Warner became a young star of the Royal Shakespeare Company, playing roles including King Henry VI and King Richard II. His 1965 performance in the title role of “Hamlet” for the company, directed by Peter Hall, was considered one of the finest of his generation. Warner was also a voiceover artist who contributed to animated series including “The Legend of Prince Valiant” (as Duke Richard of Lionsgate), “Batman: The Animated Series” (as Ra’s al Ghul), “Gargoyles” (as Archmage), “Freakazoid” (as the Lobe), “Spider-Man” (Herbert Landon), “Toonsylvania,” “Superman,” “Batman Beyond,” “Buzz Lightyear of Star Command,” “Men in Black: The Series” and a variety of videogames. Recently, Warner appeared in Disney’s “Mary Poppins Returns” in 2018, “You, Me and Him” in 2017 and on Showtime’s “Penny Dreadful” as Professor Abraham Von Helsing in 2014. The actor was twice married and divorced, first to Harriet Lindgren (1969-72), then to Sheilah Kent (1979-2005). His survivors include his son Luke and daughter-in-law Sarah and his partner Lisa Bowerman. Up Your Geek extends its condolences to Warner’s family, friends, colleagues and fans. #peaceinparadise #rip #DavidWarner #Actor #RIPDavidWarner #Tron #TheOmen #Titanic https://www.instagram.com/p/CgdXbHlsnnA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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squiid · 3 years
I’ve been thinking about this for YEARS but a danny phantom hamlet au would be SO good
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miguelmarias · 5 years
En un mundo como el nuestro, de instintos encadenados, los "Hermanos de la Costa"  adquieren un aspecto "surrealista", y si sus proezas resultan, a veces, indignantes, nunca dejan de ser portentosas.
El último párrafo de la "Advertencia" con que J. y F. Gall dan principio a su excelente estudio sobre El filibusterismo (1) nos sugiere una de las razones que pueden justificar la atracción indudable que, en estos tiempos —a cualquier altura de la vida, sea cual fuere el rumbo de nuestra existencia—, ejercen los piratas, bucaneros, filibusteros, tahúres, contrabandistas, impostores, vagabundos, conspiradores y demás aventureros más o menos anarquistas y tradicionalmente catalogados como villanos. Es muy probable que esta fascinación —que, partiendo de los justicieros proscritos como Robin Hood, El Zorro, Judex o Dick Turpin, descendía luego a lo largo de todo un escalafón de outlaws más o menos prestigiosos y legendarios, a menudo enmascarados, con frecuencia perseguidos o vilipendiados por aquellos mismos que ilegalmente defendían, hasta recaer incluso sobre algunos negreros, asesinos a sueldo, ratas de hotel, gángsters, "quinquis" o simples y oscuros rateros— tenga sus raíces en nuestras primeras lecturas infantiles y también en el hechizo que irradia todo lo misterioso, insólito, exótico, improbable o maravilloso por inalcanzable o irrepetible. No es raro encontrar niños con auténtica y profunda vocación de pirata, explorador, ballenero, buscador de tesoros o bandolero, y no resulta, pues, anormal que alguna huella de estas ensoñaciones quede indeleblemente grabada en su subconsciente, sobre todo cuando la vida cotidiana se hace rutinaria, ingrata, previsible, laboriosa e irremediablemente urbana.
Los Trópicos, los Mares del Sur, el Caribe, la península del Yucatán, la isla de la Tortuga, Maracaibo, Port-Royal, Porto Príncipe, el Cabo Hatteras, el de Hornos, el de Buena Esperanza, Casablanca, Orán, Basora, Bagdad, La Meca, Timbuktú, Madagascar, el Golfo de Bengala, Singapur, Java, Macao, Shanghai, Tahití, Alaska, San Juan de Capistrano, Veracruz, las Islas Encantadas, Hong Kong, el desierto de Gobi, el de Kalahari, el Sahara, Montenegro, Samoa, Haití, el Río Grande, el Amazonas, el Matto Grosso, el Volga, el Ganges, el Himalaya, etc., etc., constituyen el mapa imaginario de un universo mítico en el que reina la Aventura, un viejo y descolorido atlas que pudimos surcar a bordo de cien libros y películas, empujados —como el Buque Fantasma, como el Holandés Errante— por los vientos caprichosos que eternamente soplan en los Siete Mares de la Ficción. Buques zozobrados hace tiempo, que ahora flotan anclados al recuerdo, pero siempre dispuestos a desplegar de nuevo sus velas desgarradas y a enarbolar la negra enseña de los corsarios: el "Jolly Roger", las tibias cruzadas y la calavera. Patas de palo, garfios de abordaje, parches negros en el ojo tuerto, buitres y gaviotas, oscuras ensenadas, sangre y fuego...
Todos leímos de pequeños La isla del tesoro, 20.000 leguas de viaje submarino, Robinsón Crusoe, Los viajes de Gulliver, El lobo de mar, Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, Moby Dick, El Corsario Negro, Peter Pan, Las mil y una noches, Beau Geste, Rob Roy, La máquina del tiempo, Aventuras de A. Gordon Pym, El mundo perdido, El último de los mohicanos, Tarzán de los monos, Kim de la India, Huckleberry Finn, Los tres mosqueteros, El capitán Fracasa, Las aventuras de Arsenio Lupin, Rocambole, La Pimpinela Escarlata, Scaramouche, Cyrano de Bergerac, Dos años al pie del mástil, El Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde, La flecha negra, El señor de Ballantry, Ivanhoe, Quentin Durward, El hombre invisible, La guerra de los mundos, Cinco semanas en globo, La vuelta al mundo en 80 días, Viaje al centro de la tierra, Los robinsones de los Mares del Sur, El libro de la jungla, La perla del Río Rojo, Los tigres de la Malasia, Yolanda, la hija del corsario, Honorata van Guld, Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer, Un yanqui en la corte del rey Arturo, y tantas otras novelas que nos hicieron conocer a Sherlock Holmes, el Dr. Watson y Moriarty, al padre Brown y Flambeau, a Lagardere y su hijo, a Ulises, a Elena de Troya, a Alí Babá y los cuarenta ladrones, al capitán Hornblower, a Guillermo Brown, a Gengis Khan y Marco Polo, personajes más o menos míticos a los que pronto se unirían —procedentes del cine, de los "tebeos", de la radio, de nuevos libros— Drake y Barbanegra, Drácula, Billy el Niño, Wyatt Earp, Jesse James, Búfalo Bill, el Dr. Frankenstein, el capitán Ahab, Sitting Bull, Gerónimo, Cochise, Caballo Loco, el general Custer, Svengali, Houdini, Don Quijote y Sancho, el comisario Maigret, Hércules Poirot, Juan Sin Tierra y Ricardo Corazón de León, Saladino, Atila, Jack el destripador, La Celestina, Don Juan Tenorio, el Lazarillo, el Buscón, el capitán Chimista, Pizarro, Nerón, Shanti Andía, Superman, Calígula, Cleopatra, Marco Antonio, Julio César, la pequeña Lulú, Diego Valor, Flash Gordon, Rip Kirby, Roberto Alcázar y Pedrín, Batman, Hamlet, Otelo, Romeo y Julieta, el capitán Trueno, Dillinger, Lord Jim, Fausto, Al Capone, Maquiavelo, Tirano Banderas, Jay Gatsby, Johnny Guitar, Shane, Espartaco, Fantomas, Lucky Luciano, Temple Drake, Sartoris, Monroe Starr, Sam Spade, Fu Manchú, Charlie Chan, Jonathan Wild, Philip Marlowe, Lew Archer, Abraham Lincoln, Catherine Barkley, Waldo Lydecker, Laura Manion, Norman Bates, Michel Poiccard, Pierrot le fou, Pike Bishop, el mayor Dundee, Nosferatu, King-Kong, Ethan Edwards, Gertrud, Lola-Lola, Antoine Doinel, Charles Foster Kane, el Barón de Arizona, Colorado Jim, la emperatriz Yang Kwai Fei o el Dr. Mabuse. Durante el largo trecho que separa la niñez de la adolescencia nos fue posible así el suplantar las "vidas imaginarias" o sublimadas de los más variopintos y exóticos personajes, y habitamos con ellos las más remotas épocas, parajes y latitudes. Llegamos, incluso, a conocer como la palma de la mano, guiados por la brújula de la fantasía, regiones oníricas o fabulosas como Yoknapatawpha County, Tombstone, Dodge City, Eldorado, Marienbad, Macondo, el Chicago de los años 30, el París de los americanos o el Mar de los Sargazos.
Ahora bien, remontándonos de nuevo a las fuentes que a la vez suscitaron y colmaron nuestra sed de ficciones y aventuras, resulta curioso observar que muy pocas personas sienten el deseo, una vez concluida esta etapa vital, de volver a leer aquellas novelas de viajes por el tiempo y el espacio, de héroes y rufianes, de traición y venganza, que tanto nos hicieron disfrutar. Se comete así una grave ingratitud y un tremendo error, pues no sólo se tiende a menospreciar aquello que tanto valoramos un día, sino que se priva uno del placer que estas novelas pueden proporcionar a cualquier edad. Es más, con frecuencia no sólo hemos olvidado aquellas románticas historias de "misterio, emoción e intriga" —consigna admirable y digna de André Bretón—, sino que, en realidad, nuestra falta de conocimientos y experiencia —cuando no traicioneras adaptaciones para niños— nos impidió muchas veces apreciar y comprender debidamente las peripecias y destinos que escritores curiosos —Maurice Leblanc, Salgari, Sabatini, Wren, Dana, E.R. Burroughs, Ponson du Terrail—, notables —Walter Scott, Swift, Barrie, Fenimore Cooper, Gautier—, excelentes —Verne, Defoe, Wells, Chesterton, Conan Doyle, Kipling, London— o geniales —Robert Louis Stevenson, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Poe, Lewis Carroll— nos propusieron, tal vez con demasiado ingenio, sin duda con excesiva modestia. Novelas que en los últimos años han dejado de existir, como género, como forma de narrar, como espíritu; por eso, las raras excepciones —las de Gonzalo Suárez y Javier Marías, La ira de los justos de Raoul Walsh, La burla negra de José María Castroviejo, alguna de las de Ignacio Aldecoa— no han despertado otro eco que el de la desaprobación o el silencio, lo que sitúa a estos autores en la honrosa compañía de Víctor Hugo, Dumas, Ross Macdonald, James M. Cain, Raymond Chandler, Bret Harte, Joseph Conrad, Dashiell Hammett, J. Sheridan Le Fanu y tantos otros escritores de talento. Hace años que aconsejo a todo el mundo —y en especial a los cinéfilos— que relean, a ser posible en su versión original, La isla del tesoro, sin duda una de las más grandes creaciones de la lengua inglesa y una influencia capital en otros novelistas —Marcel Schwob, Jorge Luis Borges, Richard Hughes, John Meade Falkner— y en numerosas películas —como Moonfleet de Lang, The Night of the Hunter de Laughton, Viento en las velas de Mackendrick, Valor de ley y Círculo de fuego de Hathaway, por no abrumar con una nueva lista—; o Adventures of A. Gordon Pym, que influyó a Verne, a William Hope Hodgson (The Boats of the Glen Carrig), a Stevenson y a casi todos los escritores de ciencia-ficción, desde Wells hasta Bioy Casares, Bradbury o Cortázar.
Con las películas que tienen su origen —o alguna afinidad de espíritu y de estilo— en estas novelas, la injusticia es mayor, y más difícil de reparar, ya que los libros se conservan o se suelen poder encontrar y releer, y en cambio es muy difícil volver a ver Todos los hermanos eran valientes, El hidalgo de los mares, El pirata Barbanegra, Robinsón Crusoe (el de Buñuel, por supuesto), El secreto del pirata, Los piratas de Capri, El capitán Panamá, Garras de codicia, Rumbo a Java, La casa grande de Jamaica, El hijo de la furia, El temible burlón, El cisne negro, El prisionero de Zenda, La máscara de hierro, Piratas del mar Caribe, Los bucaneros, La casa de los siete halcones, Fuego verde, Tambores lejanos, Fuego escondido, El ladrón de Bagdad, El halcón y la flecha, La mansión de Sangaree, La odisea del capitán Steve, La mujer pirata, Cita en Honduras, Las cuatro plumas, Huida hacia el sol, Ave del Paraíso, El tesoro del Cóndor de Oro, El capitán Blood, Tanganica, Mara Maru, Safari, Zarak, El bandido de Zhobe, La nave de los condenados, El zorro de los océanos, Los vikingos, Los piratas del Mississippi, El signo del renegado, Harry Black y el tigre, Cuando ruge la marabunta, John Silver el Largo, Los tres mosqueteros, Scaramouche, Arenas de muerte, El capitán King, Viaje al centro de la Tierra, El malvado Zaroff, El mundo en sus manos, Los gavilanes del Estrecho, Tres lanceros bengalíes, La jungla en armas, Calcuta, La carga de la brigada ligera, El crepúsculo de los dioses, Rebelión a bordo, El signo del Zorro, Jívaro, La venganza del bergantín, Norte salvaje, Las minas del rey Salomón, Mogambo, El caballero del Mississippi, Astucias de mujer, Revuelta en Haití, San Francisco Story, La legión del desierto, El espadachín, La isla de los corsarios, La reina de Cobra, Orgullo de raza, La sirena de las aguas verdes, La fuga de Tarzán, Martín el gaucho, Gentleman Jim, Maracaibo, El amo del mundo, a merced de la iniciativa —improbable, ya que no tendrían demasiado éxito ni serían consideradas de suficiente "mérito artístico"— de reponerlas de un distribuidor o del azar de los lotes y las programaciones de televisión. De hecho, los únicos films recientes que tienen algo que ver con el género aventurero —todas aquellas películas de aventuras que no constituyen un género en sí, como el western: jungla, piratas, bandoleros exóticos, candidatos posibles a la Historia Universal de la Infamia de Borges, o a las Vidas imaginarias de Schwob— han sido notables fracasos comerciales y críticos: Viento en las velas, El aventurero, Aoom, Al Diablo, con amor, La loba y la paloma, El último safari, Arma de dos filos, Judex. Circunstancia que no tiene nada de nuevo —la obra maestra del género y de su autor, el Moonfleet de Fritz Lang, sigue sin estrenar en España y va a cumplir los veinte años—, pero sí de grave, en unos tiempos como los que corren, en los que lo que más falta le haría al grueso del cine son precisamente dos de las virtudes descollantes del cine aventurero: la pasión y la fantasía. Es decir, la audacia rigurosa que requiere narrar con claridad y brío las más descabelladas, sorprendentes y portentosas tabulaciones que cabe imaginar (ya que este género, o agregado de subgéneros heteróclitos más bien, es mucho menos "realista" y tiene mucho menos "fundamento histórico" que, por ejemplo, el western o el cine negro).
Pero ya es tiempo, una vez evocado el mundo que sugieren y recrean en vivos y llamativos colores y en tenebrosos y retorcidos relatos este tipo de cine y sus antecedentes literarios, de aclarar que el propósito que guía estas páginas no es el de reavivar nostálgicos recuerdos infantiles o adolescentes, sino intentar reivindicar un espíritu de creación artesanal cinematográfica que encarna muy explícitamente —descaradamente, incluso— una serie de valores y actitudes que, personalmente, echo en falta en la gran mayoría de las películas actuales, sobre todo en las procedentes del país que en más alto grado llegó a poseerlas y dominarlas —Estados Unidos, claro está—, y que pienso que no convendría olvidar ni perder ni, mucho menos, rechazar y despreciar. Creo que los admiradores de Nicholas Musuraca, Robert Planck y Edward Cronjager; los que hayan visto Amazonas negras de Don Weis; los que sientan cierta debilidad por Jane Greer, Jean Peters, Debra Paget, Gene Tierney, Linda Darnell, Rhonda Fleming o Eleanor Parker; los que sólo por el título lamenten no haber visto nunca South of Pago Pago de Alfred E. Green; los que quisieran conocer mejor la obra de directores como Edward Ludwig, William A. Witney, Edgar G. Ulmer, Jacques Tourneur, Allan Dwan, Henry King, John English, Lewis R. Foster e incluso Joseph Inman Kane; los que consideren más apasionante una novela como Los tres impostores de Arthur Machen que cualquier debate estructuralista sobre la diegesis fílmica, comprenderán ya, sin duda, a qué me refiero y qué elementos son los que considero especialmente admirables en el cine de piratas, contrabandistas, prófugos de la justicia y genios del mal más o menos megalómanos.
Los relatos de los marinos tienen una inmediata simplicidad; todo su significado cabría dentro de la cáscara de una nuez. Pero Marlow no era típico (si se exceptúa su propensión a tejer narraciones), y para él el sentido de un episodio no estaba en el interior, como una almendra, sino fuera, envolviendo el relato que lo hacía resaltar sólo como un arrebol destaca la neblina, a semejanza de uno de esos halos vaporosos que la iluminación espectral del rayo de luna hace visibles.
Joseph Conrad: El corazón de las tinieblas.
 La primera razón que puede explicar la escasa consideración que, a lo sumo, reciben estas películas, típicamente "menores", radica precisamente en su argumento, que suele considerarse pueril, ingenuo e inverosímil, desvinculado de la "realidad contemporánea" o de los "problemas trascendentales". En efecto, uno de los rasgos característicos de estas películas es, precisamente, su modestia, su falta de pretensiones, su rechazo de la pedantería. No se proponen testificar sobre el estado del mundo moderno, ni sobre las condiciones de vida de los limpiabotas italianos; su objetivo es mucho más modesto: procuran distraer, entretener, divertir, emocionar, intrigar y sorprender al espectador; en el fondo, disparar y liberar su fantasía, proyectarla a través del tiempo y del espacio, e incluso de las apariencias y la lógica; proponer nuevos mitos y revitalizar los ya existentes —tarea tan importante como la de desmitificar ciertas cosas, que no todas ni por principio—; y da lo mismo que estos artífices estén impulsados por el mero afán de hacer bien su trabajo o que se dejen llevar por el puro placer de narrar, o de dar forma a un relato, o de insuflar vida a unos personajes pintorescos, arquetípicos o excepcionales. El caso es que resulta mucho más difícil tejer una trama cuya coherencia no puede contrastarse con la realidad inmediata ni con los hechos históricos —es decir, una trama como la de Moonfleet de Lang, la de El hijo de la furia de John Cromwell, o la de El cisne negro de Henry King— que la de Umberto D, Ladrón de bicicletas o El caso Mattei. Que es mucho más compleja la dramaturgia de Scaramouche que la de Hiroshima mon amour, que la estructura rítmica de Los gavilanes del Estrecho es mucho más musical que la de Senso, que El temible burlón es mucho más inventiva que Las margaritas, y que el grado de elaboración plástica y sonora de cualquier película de Jacques Tourneur supera con mucho el de Fellini o Antonioni.
Además, como observó precisamente Joseph Conrad, el sentido de las mejores películas de este género no se encuentra en la peripecia dramática que relatan, sino que se puede percibir en filigrana, en la periferia de la acción, y así resulta que entre las películas que mejor han analizado el complejo mundo de la infancia —sin detenerse, además, en concepciones idealistas de la "inocencia" o la "pureza" de los niños— se cuentan varias adscribibles a este género, concretamente Moonfleet, The Night of the Hunter y las obras maestras de Alexander Mackendrick, Viento en las velas y Sammy, huida hacia el Sur, que no son películas "sobre la infancia" ni sobre "la visión del niño", pero que —a veces adoptando su punto de vista, como en el film de Lang— consiguen comunicarnos muy penetrantemente dicha visión del mundo, casi siempre a través de las aventuras o los viajes en que el niño se ve embarcado, o a través de sus relaciones con un hombre maduro que —como el John Silver de La isla del tesoro— representa al mismo tiempo el "ogro" y al padre ausente o fallecido, logrando así una ambivalencia que impide cualquier acercamiento convencional y sensiblero, como suele ocurrir con los verdaderos padres (el de Ladrón de bicicletas, por ejemplo) o con personajes menos ambiguos moralmente, más "inmaculados" o "angelicales" (como el Alan Ladd de Raíces profundas). Por eso, los personajes interpretados, respectivamente, por Stewart Granger, Robert Mitchum, Anthony Quinn y Edward G. Robinson —contrabandistas, falsos predicadores asesinos, piratas— confieren a las películas mencionadas una riqueza moral y una amplitud de perspectiva que en otros géneros, más codificados desde un punto de vista ético —a pesar de los recientes logros en este sentido que suponen Valor de ley y Círculo de fuego, de Hathaway , dentro del "western"—, serían inconcebibles o resultarían muy artificiales. Porque hay que destacar que este género ha sido el único —junto a las diversas variantes del policiaco— en que la figura dominante y más atractiva ha sido casi siempre un antihéroe.
Por otra parte, la misma "irrealidad" del género ha hecho posible que la narrativa de estas películas pueda prescindir de las inútiles escenas "explicativas" que entorpecen la marcha de casi todas las películas "realistas"; ha permitido llevar hasta sus últimas consecuencias las arbitrarias o inverosímiles premisas iniciales; ha consentido el empleo de todo tipo de metáforas sin que ello suponga una solución de continuidad; ha facilitado la violación de las convenciones morales —el castigo que debe recibir el criminal, por ejemplo—, comerciales —el obligatorio "happy end", negado enérgicamente por Moonfleet, Viento en las velas, The Night of the Hunter— y dramáticas que han oprimido al cine de serie durante los años 30, 40 y 50.
Aunque sólo ocasionalmente hayan contribuido a este género directores de verdadera magnitud —Fritz Lang, Jacques Tourneur, Douglas Sirk, Raoul Walsh, Rouben Mamoulian, Ernest B. Schoedsack— y hayan sido, por lo general, películas de bajo presupuesto realizadas a toda velocidad por eficientes artesanos de la R.K.O., la Warner, la Fox, la Universal o la Republic —Curtiz, Ludwig, Witney, Maté, Pevney, Marton, etc.—, es frecuente que encontremos dentro de este tipo de cine obras formalmente muy cuidadas, con un uso matizado y pictórico del color, con iluminación de raíz expresionista, que prestan gran atención al decorado y al vestuario, que saben servirse expresivamente tanto de los escenarios naturales —el mar, la vegetación exuberante de los trópicos, los promontorios rocosos— como de las maquetas y las transparencias. Es un cine que tiende a las dimensiones "bigger than life" (2), que aspira a lograr un aliento épico, que permite improvisar a merced de los elementos meteorológicos (3), y no es por ello extraño que, los grandes estilistas —incluso Minnelli ha incidido en el género, a partir del musical, con El pirata, 1947—se hayan sentido atraídos por este tipo de películas, ni que los pequeños artífices cultos de la serie B hayan recogido estas aportaciones de los maestros y las hayan convertido en ingredientes fijos del género. Incluso algunos directores que, en ocasiones, pecan de solemnidad y de vulgaridad plástica —como Henry King o John Cromwell— se han sentido especialmente inspirados por películas que, como El hijo de la furia o El cisne negro, no les obligaban a respetar las biografías ejemplares ni las meticulosas reconstrucciones de época que acostumbraban a dirigir en las producciones "de prestigio", y que les permitían, en cambio, cuidar al máximo los aspectos formales y narrativos que otras veces se veían forzados a sacrificar. Estos guiones "intrascendentes" se convertían en un pretexto para experimentar con la iluminación y el color, en simples "temas" a partir de los cuales podían improvisar una serie de variaciones plásticas. Su rechazo del naturalismo y de la verosimilitud psicológica les permitía una mayor soltura en la dirección de actores, una narración más fluida y directa, unas transiciones y un montaje que permitían acelerar el ritmo de la acción, etc. Incluso un hecho aparentemente insignificante como el que estas películas estuviesen destinadas a un público principalmente infantil tuvo su influencia en el acusado formalismo del género "bucanero", ya que potenció —por razones de censura, o de "buen gusto"— el recurso a la elipsis sugerente y contribuyó a la deslumbrante plasticidad de sus imágenes, al inventivo empleo de los objetos, los decorados y el color, y a la pérdida de importancia del diálogo como vehículo del sentido del film. Son, por ello, películas enormemente sensoriales, con una dependencia expresiva de las imágenes casi total, lo que explica que reenlazasen con las complejas estructuras rítmicas y visuales de los últimos años del cine mudo.
Sin embargo, este énfasis en los aspectos "puramente" estéticos del cine de aventuras no debe hacer pensar que se trataba de meras fantasías abstractas y huecas. Por el contrario, como suele ocurrir en el interior de los géneros tradicionales y de las producciones de presupuesto limitado, estas películas se caracterizan por su absoluta funcionalidad, es decir, por la perfecta adecuación entre los recursos escasos disponibles y los objetivos fijados. Y no olvidemos que estos fines pueden resumirse en los siguientes principios básicos: llamar la atención —visualmente, sobre todo— y despertar la curiosidad —dramática y narrativamente— desde el comienzo de la película, explicitando inmediatamente las "reglas del juego" (es decir, las del género) para que nadie se pueda llamar a engaño ni adopte una actitud hipercrítica, incrédula o escéptica frente al espectáculo que va a presenciar, y, finalmente, narrar con la máxima claridad y de la forma más atractiva e interesante una historia llena de acción, de misterio, de sorpresas, de inesperados giros dramáticos, de pasión, de exotismo y de color, interpretada por actores más o menos populares y, a ser posible, que den por su sólo aspecto físico las características más relevantes del personaje — Alan Ladd, Errol Flynn, Gregory Peck, Douglas Fairbanks, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Stewart Granger, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Tyrone Power, James Mason, Basil Rathbone, Jack Elam, Lee Marvin, John Carradine, Walter Brennan, Louis Jourdan, Anthony Quinn, Richard Widmark, Robert Mitchum, Charles Laughton, Gene Tierney, Arlene Dahl, Yvonne de Carlo, Virginia Mayo, John Wayne, Joel McCrea, Rhonda Fleming, Janet Leigh, Debra Paget, Royal Dano, Eleanor Parker, John Payne, Ray Milland, Deborah Kerr, Jane Greer, Jean Peters, Cornell Wilde, Jane Russell, Eva Bartok, Rita Gam, Katy Jurado, Ava Gardner, Dana Andrews, Glenn Ford, Terry Moore, Robert Ryan, William Holden, Robert Taylor, Rock Hudson, Cyd Charisse, Tony Curtis, Arthur Kennedy, Ann Blyth, Alan Hale, etc.—. Por lo que el esplendor polícromo de Amazonas negras, Scaramouche, El pirata Barbanegra, Moonfleet, El Cisne Negro o Rumbo a Java —o el contraste de luces y sombras de sus predecesores en blanco y negro— no es sino el estilo plástico más adecuado a los relatos románticos o postrománticos que sirven de base a la mayor parte de estas películas.
El cine es el más poderoso vehículo de la poesía, el medio más real de dar forma a lo irreal.
Jean Epstein
Durante los años 20, un grupo de directores y teóricos franceses, conocidos como "la primera vanguardia" —Louis Delluc, Jean Epstein, Abel Gance, Germaine Dulac, Marcel L'Herbier—, localizaron el tan famoso y buscado —pero nunca encontrado— "específico cinematográfico" en el concepto de fotogenia, concepto que nunca quedó muy claro y que, años después, pasó a designar un atributo que debían poseer los rostros de las actrices. Finalmente, la palabra cayó en desuso. Sin embargo, creo que debería ser readmitida en el vocabulario crítico para designar una virtud que puede tener la imagen cinematográfica y que está a punto de olvidarse, lo que significaría para el cine la pérdida de uno de sus recursos expresivos más complejos y poderosos, de un recurso que, además, no pertenece a ningún otro arte narrativo y que ni siquiera las artes plásticas pueden alcanzar en tan alto grado.
Desde que —con Méliés, Porter, Feuillade y Griffith— el cine dejó de limitarse a reproducir fotográficamente el movimiento para empezar a narrar historias, el objetivo de la cámara perdió su neutralidad y su inocencia. El rodaje en estudios, el maquillaje de los actores, la introducción de los diferentes tipos de planos y de su montaje, etc., dieron lugar al empleo de lentes y filtros diversos, a la colocación de focos, a la selección cuidadosa de los encuadres y a todo tipo de trucajes ópticos. Desde el momento en que la luz dejó de considerarse como un dato inmutable y autónomo, y empezó a ser utilizada como un recurso más a disposición de los directores, nació el arte de la fotografía cinematográfica. Más aún que los precursores mencionados, los cineastas alemanes que suelen calificarse como "expresionistas" y los franceses conocidos como "impresionistas" reivindicaron el cine como un arte y consideraron no sólo lícita, sino imprescindible, la intervención —a veces deformadora— del director en la "realidad" que se iba a filmar y el proceso de estilización de dicha "realidad" necesario para hacer una película. Se aprendió intuitivamente, por experiencia práctica, el efecto psicológico de los diferentes grados de luminosidad de las imágenes, el poder de sugestión de las sombras, las intenciones o el misterio que la luz y su distribución atribuyen a los rostros, etc. Durante los últimos años del cine mudo y la primera década del sonoro, al influjo germánico presente en directores como Stroheim o Sternberg se sumó el impacto de las sucesivas llegadas a Hollywood de una serie de importantes realizadores europeos: Sjöström, Stiller, Lubitsch, Murnau, Curtiz, Ulmer, Dieterle, Lang, etc., seguidos más tarde por Preminger, Sirk , Wilder, Tourneur, Ophüls, Renoir, Siodmak, Hitchcock, Brahm, De Toth, Laughton, etc., y numerosos directores de fotografía — Freund, Maté, Vorkapich, Perinal, Planck, Planer, Ruttenberg, Kaufman, Shuftan, etc.—, que contribuyeron a crear un estilo visual que unía la expresividad visual del cine mudo alemán con la objetividad técnica característica del cine clásico americano. Este estilo se desarrolló, especialmente, en cuatro géneros: el terrorífico y el "negro" (sobre todo en blanco y negro), por un lado, y el melodrama y el de aventuras (sobre todo en color), por otro. El tipo de organización visual de cada plano que fue madurando durante los años 30 y 40 empezó a hacerse esporádico con la llegada del cinemascope y la generalización del color y, a partir de los años 60, el empleo abusivo del "zoom" y del teleobjetivo, la influencia de Lelouch —virados, flous— y del montaje a lo Lester, la producción de película virgen ultrasensible y la práctica desaparición del cine en blanco y negro son hechos que, unidos a los crecientes costes de producción y a la sustitución de los viejos directores y fotógrafos por técnicos formados en la televisión, han provocado la paulatina y casi total decadencia de la cinematography o fotografía de cine como el arte de servirse de la luz. Actualmente, el 99 por ciento de las películas están correcta y uniformemente fotografiadas en color, y los directores de fotografía no son más que técnicos eficientes que, generalmente sin que el director se entere de lo que hace ni le dé instrucciones concretas al respecto, calculan la apertura de diafragma y el objetivo preciso para conseguir un mínimo de calidad, claridad y fidelidad cromática, sin que la iluminación y el color sirvan para expresar sutilmente parte del sentido de cada escena.
Pues bien, estos géneros "menores" —el melodrama y el "aventurero"— han sido el último reducto de la experimentación visual dentro del cine americano, hasta que, finalmente, han acabado por desaparecer como géneros, dentro del proceso de desintegración industrial y artística que viene padeciendo el cine desde 1960. Hoy las muestras de auténtica visualización y estilización, las películas con fotogenia, constituyen auténticas excepciones, más frecuentes en Europa —las primeras películas de Godard, Franju, Resnais, El espíritu de la colmena de Erice— que en América. Gracias a esta dinámica interna —no sólo plástica, puesto que también contribuían a ella la dirección de actores, el uso del decorado y, sobre todo, la planificación—, los cineastas americanos del auténtico talento fueron capaces de convertir en obras personales y relevantes las historias más absurdas y más opuestas o ajenas a su visión del mundo. Por eso un "encargo" como Moonfleet puede ser considerado la obra maestra de un director tan genial y de tan larga carrera como Fritz Lang; por eso La mujer pirata y El halcón y la flecha no son divertidas e infantiles peripecias sin sentido, sino exponentes admirables del estilo y de las preocupaciones de Jacques Tourneur; por eso El signo del Zorro supera a otras obras, más ambiciosas y explícitas, de Rouben Mamoulian; por eso cualquier serie B de la Republic, dirigida por artesanos tan poco distinguidos como L.R. Foster o Witney supera en elaboración y expresividad visual a las grandes producciones de lujo de la Metro; por eso no debe extrañarnos encontrar entre el equipo técnico de Amazonas negras de Weis a Gene Aleen, uno de los colaboradores básicos de George Cukor, ni que numerosas películas de este género hayan recibido el Oscar a la mejor fotografía o hayan estado a punto de conseguirlo. No cabe duda de que una ensenada al anochecer, una tormenta en alta mar, una isla deshabitada en medio del Pacífico, un oasis o un desierto o la intrincada vegetación tropical de una jungla "de estudio", o una guarida de contrabandistas, un burdel, un bar portuario o un velero constituyen "motivos" visuales llenos de sugerencias y de atractivo, pero hay que tener en cuenta que no basta con mostrar semejantes escenarios para lograr una película de piratas o de legionarios del desierto digna de tal nombre, sino que es preciso organizar esas imágenes, esos "iconos", y estructurarlos dramáticamente en una narración; tarea que, como demuestran las torpes tentativas de algunos funcionarios del cine italiano perpetradas en los años 60 y 70, no está al alcance de cualquiera.
La desmitificación a ultranza trae un riesgo: el vacío, lo inerte. Era aquel hombre que decía que una mujer era pelo, brazos, cara, aparato respiratorio, circulatorio y digestivo, órgano sexual y piernas. Evidentemente había desmitificado. Su definición era analíticamente correcta. ¿Es suficiente lo correcto? La disección exige la muerte. ¿Debe ser el cine (y por consecuencia la crítica de cine) un taller de taxidermia? ¿Se debe suprimir el verbo para que haya calificativo? Es indudablemente posible una crítica de la vida sin disecarla, sin prescindir de los elementos motores.
Manolo Marinero (4).
Los mitos no preexisten al hombre, no se encuentran en la naturaleza. Un mito es una creación —o una creencia— de los hombres y es, por tanto, una aportación al mundo, a la vida y a la historia. Pero no cualquier idea, personaje, relato o hipótesis sobre lo desconocido es un mito. No basta con que se le ocurra a alguien, ni con que alcance un cierto grado de difusión. Es preciso que llegue a ser conocido y aceptado por la mayoría, que corresponda a un estado de opinión o a una época, que forme parte —de algún modo— del inconsciente colectivo de una sociedad o de una civilización. Si se tiene consciencia de que un mito es un mito, y no una realidad, una verdad científica o un hecho histórico, el mito supone un enriquecimiento del mundo. En ese sentido, un mito no tiene nada de despreciable, y puede compararse a las grandes creaciones artísticas —que suelen convertirse en mitos: ¿no lo son Romeo y Julieta, Otelo, Hamlet, Don Quijote, Don Juan Tenorio, Edipo, Fausto, Jekyll y Hyde o Moby Dick, hasta tal punto que se dan por sabidos incluso cuando se desconocen las obras que les dieron forma? —. Por eso, no parece necesario, ni oportuno, ni conveniente intentar —vanamente— destruirlos. Hay también mitos menores, narraciones amenas y distraídas, llenas de sabor y de sabiduría. Entre ellos pueden contarse muchas películas, cuyas imágenes tienen un mayor poder de persistencia que las palabras, y que tampoco vale la pena tratar de desmitificar.
 Miguel Marías
 (1) L'Essai Anarchiste des "Fréres de la Cote". Fondo de Cultura Económica.
(2) Declaraciones de Richard Fleischer sobre Los vikingos, en Film Ideal n. 139.
(3) Comentarios de Raoul Walsh a Los gavilanes del Estrecho, en Cahiers du Cinéma n. 154.
(4) Las joyas del opar, en Film Ideal n. 193.
 Dirigido por… nº19, enero 1975
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theseventhsanctum · 7 years
100 Re-Envisioned Stories
Let’s take a classic tale or story or legend and recreate it - which one would you write?
From the Envisioner,
A fusion of the legend of Ilmarinen and the tale of William Tell envisioned as a cyberpunk tale.
A fusion of the legend of Jack O'Lantern and the story of the little Dutch boy envisioned as a modern-day slapstick comedy tale.
A fusion of the legend of Morgan Le Faye and the legend of Ikaros and Deadelus.
A fusion of the legend of Orion and the story of 'A Christmas Carol'.
A fusion of the legend of Persephone and the legend of Merlin, set in Atlantis after it sank.
A fusion of the legend of Roland and the legend of Persephone envisioned as a horror tale.
A fusion of the legend of Spring-Heeled Jack and the legend of the Golem, set at a truckstop.
A fusion of the legend of the Wandering Jew and the tale of Lady Godiva.
A fusion of the story of Dante and the legend of King Solomon envisioned as a adventure tale.
A fusion of the story of Faust and the legend of King Midas envisioned as a slasher horror tale.
A fusion of the story of Frankenstein and the legend of Ben-Hur envisioned as a gender-bending tale.
A fusion of the story of 'Gulliver's Travels' and the story of the Odyssey, set on a spaceship.
A fusion of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and the story of Dante.
A fusion of the story of 'Journey to the East' and the tale of Joan of Arc.
A fusion of the story of Moses and the story of Rumplestiltskin.
A fusion of the story of Moses and the tale of the Princess and the Pea, set inside a dream.
A fusion of the story of Pinocchio and the story of Ivanhoe.
A fusion of the story of Pygmalion and Galataea and the tale of Joan of Arc.
A fusion of the story of Snow White and the story 'The Prince and the Pauper' envisioned as a natural disaster tale.
A fusion of the story of Snow White and the story 'The Prince and the Pauper' envisioned as a political slasher horror tale.
A fusion of the story of Talesin and the legend of King Midas that concerns a group of gladiators.
A fusion of the story of Tannhauser and the story of Ivanhoe.
A fusion of the story of Tannhauser and the story of the little Dutch boy envisioned as a gross-out comedy tale.
A fusion of the story of the 3 Musketeers and the legend of Oedipus.
A fusion of the story of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' and the legend of Gilgamesh that concerns a group of biologists.
A fusion of the story of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' and the story of Moby Dick.
A fusion of the story of The Man in the Iron Mask and the legend of Oedipus.
A fusion of the story of The Man in the Iron Mask and the legend of the Golem envisioned as a college comedy tale.
A fusion of the story of the Pilgrim's Progress and the story of Snow White that concerns a group of necromancers.
A fusion of the story of the Shui Hu Zhuan and the legend of Prestor John envisioned as a supernatural tale.
A fusion of the tale of Casey Jones and the tale of Joan of Arc.
A fusion of the tale of Joan of Arc and the legend of Orion, set at an alpine resort.
A fusion of the tale of Rip Van Winkle and the story of Frankenstein.
A fusion of the tale of Rip Van Winkle and the tale of the Good Samaritan.
A fusion of the tale of the Good Samaritan and the legend of Pecos Bill envisioned as a period piece tale.
The legend of Ben-Hur envisioned as a superheroic costume drama tale.
The legend of Beowulf being about a group of songwriters.
The legend of Beowulf envisioned as a class comedy tale.
The legend of Cassandra being about a group of seers.
The legend of Cassandra envisioned as a western costume drama tale.
The legend of Electra being about a group of football players.
The legend of Gilgamesh envisioned as a escape-from-prison tale.
The legend of Hiawatha envisioned as a character study tale.
The legend of Ilmarinen envisioned as a fish-out-of-water tale.
The legend of Jack O'Lantern envisioned as a swashbuckling tale.
The legend of Johnny Appleseed being about a group of zoologists.
The legend of King Midas set in the ruins of a city.
The legend of Lemminkainen envisioned as a superheroic vengeance tale.
The legend of Oedipus being about a group of counterfeiters.
The legend of Paul Bunyan envisioned as a costume drama tale.
The legend of Paul Bunyan envisioned as a swashbuckling drama tale.
The legend of Pecos Bill set at a shopping mall.
The legend of Persephone being about a group of tennis players.
The legend of Prestor John envisioned as a historical reinactment tale.
The legend of Romulus and Remus envisioned as a costume drama tale.
The legend of Romulus and Remus envisioned as a near-future romance tale.
The legend of Romulus and Remus envisioned as a religious tale.
The legend of Samson envisioned as a psychological supernatural tale.
The legend of the Flying Dutchman set inside a computer.
The legend of the Phantom Hitchiker envisioned as a metaphorical horror tale.
The legend of Theseus and the Minotaur envisioned as a blaxploitation autobiographical tale.
The legend of Theseus and the Minotaur set a government agency.
The legend of Theseus and the Minotaur set at a strip club.
The story of Alice in Wonderland set in an alternate universe.
The story of Cain and Abel set at an elementary school.
The story of Chicken Little envisioned as a supernatural road trip tale.
The story of Christian Rosenkreuz being about a group of henchmen.
The story of Cinderella envisioned as a adventure tale.
The story of Don Quixote being about a group of virtual reality programmers.
The story of Don Quixote envisioned as a comedy of manners tale.
The story of Don Quixote envisioned as a martial arts tale.
The story of Don Quixote envisioned as a western character study tale.
The story of Don Quixote set at a football stadium.
The story of Faust set on a cartoon show.
The story of Hamlet being about a group of doctors.
The story of Hamlet envisioned as a autobiographical tale.
The story of Hansel and Gretel set at a graveyard.
The story of Hansel and Gretel set at a graveyard.
The story of Ivanhoe being about a group of nature spirits.
The story of Jesus envisioned as a realistic buddy tale.
The story of Moby Dick envisioned as a period erotic tale.
The story of Noah envisioned as a for-the-ladies tale.
The story of Noah envisioned as a gross-out comedy tale.
The story of Oliver Twist envisioned as a musical slasher horror tale.
The story of Oliver Twist envisioned as a thriller tale.
The story of Pygmalion and Galataea envisioned as a for-the-ladies tale.
The story of Snow White envisioned as a natural disaster tale.
The story of Tannhauser being about a group of merchants.
The story of The Hunchback of Notre Dame envisioned as a detective tale.
The story of Thumbellina set on a luxury yacht.
The story of Tom Sawyer envisioned as a modern-day action tale.
The story of Tom Thumb set on another planet.
The story of 'Treasure Island' envisioned as a post-apocalyptic tale.
The story of 'Treasure Island' envisioned as a psychological coming-of-age tale.
The story of 'Treasure Island' set at a bar.
The tale of Juan Bobo envisioned as a detective tale.
The tale of Lady Godiva set on an uncharted island.
The tale of the Princess and the Pea being about a group of watchmen.
The tale of the Princess and the Pea set on a floating city.
The tale of William Tell envisioned as a action tale.
14 notes · View notes
kayawagner · 6 years
TAG@TEN Ubiquity Bundle [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Triple Ace Games
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Leagues of Cthulhu Regular price: $9.79 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF Cthulhu dreams no longer in his house at R’lyeh Beyond the world of mortal ken lies another, a nightmare world of profane alien gods, blasphemous terrors, nightmarish tomes of eldritch lore, bloodlines tainted by elder secrets, and forgotten places whose very existence makes a mockery of established history. Welcome to that world. Peer behind the veil of sanity you call reality and inside you’ll find: * New options for characters prepared to stand against the horrors of the Lovecraft Mythos. * Dread rituals for summoning alien fiends and communing with ancient gods. * A tour of the many places spoken of in Lovecraft’s tales. * A bestiary of monsters whose existence tear down the walls of sanity. * Advice ... Leagues of Gothic Horror Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Light your lamp, check the doors and windows are locked, and prepare to enter a world where the arcane and occult are very real. For all of mankind’s advances in science, the world remains a realm of mystery and supernatural occurrences. The Victorian Era is the age of sinister fictional and historical villains, such as Count Dracula, Mr. Hyde, and Jack the Ripper, and an age when interest in the occult reaches new heights. This major expansion to Leagues of Adventure is one of restless spirits and haunted houses, crumbling castles and Gothic architecture, fog-shrouded streets and deep forests, decadence and decay, secrets and madness, in which the supernatural defies the rationality of science and cold logic. Within ... Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Apparitions Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Beyond the veil of mortal sight lies a world of entities that do far more than just go bump in the night! For every person alive today, a score or more have gone before him. Little wonder then that stories of ghosts date back to the earliest days of civilization. This sourcebook is a detailed guide to ghosts and other haunting spirits for the Ubiquity roleplaying system. Pierce the veil betwixt the worlds of the living and the dead and you will find: An overview of ghosts throughout history Information on the creation and identification of specters How to create haunted houses 34 ghostly powers, allowing you to customize haunting spirits 31 sample ghosts, from banshees to wraiths 13 unique apparitions Two new occult tomes and one new ri... Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Mordavia Regular price: $7.69 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF Welcome to Mordavia, a land blighted by vampires and werewolves, insane cultists, and mad scientists. Nestled in the mountains of Eastern Europe, Mordavia is a land where the supernatural is very real. From foreboding forests to crumbling castles, remote hamlets to the gas-lit capital itself, every nook and cranny holds a dark secret, as do the people who dwell in this accursed land. The book details the natives and customs of Mordavia, provides dozens of spooky locales, includes profiles for some of the more notable inhabitants and wicked cults, and gives the GM dozens of adventure seeds. Compatible with other Ubiquity settings... Leagues of Gothic Horror: Ministry of Unusual Affairs Regular price: $7.69 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF Do you have what it takes to safeguard the Empire from evil magicians, perverse cults, and supernatural creatures? Working behind the scenes to protect the British Empire from these insidious threats is the Ministry of Unusual Affairs. Inside this handbook you’ll discover the centuries-long history of the Ministry, tour the many departments responsible for fighting evil, explore how to borrow contents from the Ministry’s fabled Collection of arcane relics, and be taught how to cover up supernatural occurrences for reasons of public safety. You’ll even get to meet some of the many agents who defend Great Britain and her colonies against supernatural threats. Compatible with other Ubiquity settings... AFO Adventure Compendium One – Le Mousquetaire Dishonore Regular price: $9.09 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Revenge is a dish best served cold! Le Mousquetaire Déshonoré is a four part adventure campaign for the musketeer roleplaying game —All For One Régime Diabolique. At its core, Le Mousquetaire Déshonoré is a tale of revenge involving a former King’s Musketeer. 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Pitted against them is a plethora of corrupt nobles, black magicians, fell demons, and twisted secret societies. Set at the height of power of Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIII, All for One: Régime Diabolique mixes the action of literary works such as the Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers with horror and intrigue to create a unique, vibrant setting. The high-actio... Leagues of Adventure - Core Rules Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF Welcome to Leagues of Adventure a rip-roaring setting of exploration and derring-do in the late Victorian Age! Leagues of Adventure is a roleplaying game set in the late Victorian Age, a gritty steampunk game where the hostile natives are a serious threat, a pulp action game where the characters eat savage warriors for breakfast, a highly cinematic one which allows the characters to swing single-handedly from the underside of an early airship while bare-knuckle boxing pterodactyls over a lost plateau. Truth be told, it’s whatever you want it to be! Whatever drives your character, there’s a world packed with danger, excitement, and mystery out there waiting to be explored! So take an action packed trip into the world of Leagues of Adventure!... Leagues of Adventure - Plateau of the Ape Men Regular price: $5.87 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF Welcome to Leagues of Adventure a rip-roaring setting of exploration and derring-do in the late Victorian Age! This is an age where the world is slowly shrinking. Colonial powers are extending their grip on Africa and Asia, brave men and women are venturing ever further into the great wildernesses in search of lost civilizations, new species of plants and animals, and to map the unexplored tracts. Travel between the great population centers has never been so easy, yet travel into the wilderness remains fraught with danger and mystery. this quickstart edition specially produced for uk games expo 2011 contains: •    an introduction to ubiquity. •    two short adventures. •    six sample characters. •   ... Leagues of Adventure Weird Science Compendium Regular price: $4.89 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF The Industrial Revolution has given way to the Age of Weird Science! From lone eccentrics working in garden sheds to government-funded research projects, weird scientists are producing ever more useful, and wacky, ways to improve (and end) the lives of citizens. Whether you need a device to aid globetrotting or a more efficient way to kill your enemies, help is at hand! This supplement contains new material covering : 5 New Leagues 43 Weird science gadgets 14 Unique weapons 3 Crazy Vehicles 2 Amazing Living creations 3 New Sample player characters We also include a page of henchmen with a scientific bent! The devices follow the same format as per the core rules, giving players the information they need to create their own variants or improve existing models. In addition,...
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akissatmidnight · 7 years
To celebrate the birthday of the man who brought Jamie Fraser to life, let’s put on our stalker pants and see how well you know Sam Heughan! Take note of your right answers! But no cheating! Stay off Wikipedia and Google!
1. Let’s start with an easy one, where in Scotland was Sam born?
2. How many times did he audition for parts in Game of Thrones?
3. What movie genre does Sam like the best?
Action Thrillers
  4. What kind of home did Sam grow up in?
A split level in the suburbs
A castle
A stone house in a village
An apartment building
5. For whom was Sam named for?
Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings
Sam Warner of Warner Bros Studios
Samuel, the Biblical prophet
Samuel Clemens, who wrote under the pen name ‘Mark Twain’
6. What superhero did Sam once play?
7. What is Sam qualified to teach?
Horseback Riding
8. How does Sam go the extra mile while playing Jamie?
He doesn’t wear anything under his kilt
He sleeps outside or in the stables during filming
He doesn’t bathe
He sews his own clothes with the costume director
9. What Outlander character has he said he would want to play if he wasn’t Jamie?
Dougal Mackenzie
Black Jack Randall
Roger Wakefield
Murtagh Fraser
10. What show is Sam’s favorite to binge watch?
Ultimate Fighter
Game of Thrones
Doctor Who
Ninja Warrior
11. Who is the only historical royal Sam has played on film?
King John
Alexander the Great
Prince Hamlet
Henry VIII
12. What actor does Sam Admire the most?
Ian McKellen
Sean Connery
Liam Neeson
Anthony Hopkins
13. What is Sam’s favorite American football team?
14. What Shakespeare play does Sam want to eventually act in?
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
King Lear
15. What did Sam do when he first found out he got the part of Jamie Fraser?
Went to dinner with Diana Gabaldon
Immediately booked sword lessons
Went out to the pub with friends
Bought and read all the Outlander books
16. What characters were Sam’s two horses really named during filming?
Beast and Aladdin
Sleepy and Pinocchio
Sebastian and Charming
Prince and Willow
17. What was the name of the prince Sam played in the Hallmark Movie A Princess for Christmas?
18. What is on Sam’s bucket list?
To win a Nobel Prize for his charity work
To become a master horseman
To climb Mount Everest
To get a college degree in Scottish history
19. Which survivalist does Sam admire?
Bear Grylls
Les Stroud
David Canterbury
Ray Mears
20. What is Sam’s best feature?
His eyes
His ripped bod
His smile
His kilted knees
Did you keep track of your answers? Good! Check yours with the facts and tally up your points. Each correct answer gets you one point!
7 times! Good thing he didn’t get cast, or we might have a different Jamie!
Sci-fi. He’s a huge fan!
Kenmure Castle
Samwise Gamgee – one of the best friends in literature
Fencing! No surprise there.
Nothing under kilt ;)
Black Jack. Can you imagine?
Ultimate fighter
Alexander the Great
Anthony Hopkins
The Seahawks! He says he wants to see them play.
He had a pint at the pub
Sleepy and Pinocchio
Prince Ashton
He wants to climb Mt. Everest
Bear Grylls
All of the above!
Tally up your points? Lets see how well you know Sam!
0-5 Points – You’re a true Outlander fan, but no Sam Stalker!
6-11 Points – Wow! Someone follows Sam on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and on set…
12-20 Points – You must be Sam, his mom, or maybe a cast member? Let us know!!
PS. Sam Heughan, if you read this, I pink promise I’m not a crazy person. Mostly.
Have fun? We have plenty of other Outlander themed posts, articles, and quizes HERE.
And if you like our articles, You’ll love our books! I have a historical romance set in Scotland, Queen of Emeralds, that follows the tale of a British heiress trying to escape a brutish man and the roguish Scottish laird who longs to save her (order it HERE). I also have a new contemporary romance available, The Non-Disclosure Agreement, that’s a sinfully steamy tale of an arrangement gone wrong (order it HERE). And the lovely Sarah Fischer has a college romance that will have you craving your university days. There’s sex, secrets, and a mysterious stranger that just won’t take ‘no’ for an answer (order it HERE).
    How Well Do You Know Sam Heughan? To celebrate the birthday of the man who brought Jamie Fraser to life, let's put on our stalker pants and see how well you know Sam Heughan!
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Wandering Rocks
Saint Joseph's church, upper Gardiner street, on his right hand as he walked. At Newcomen bridge Father Conmee said. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. Off an inward bound tram stepped the reverend Nicholas Dudley C.C. of saint Francis Xavier's church, north William street, stepped on to Newcomen bridge. Very dumb! His Excellency graciously returned Mr Dedalus' greeting.
Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri?
That book by the voters Biggest story in politics than Bill Clinton and the support of Paul Ryan said that he got caught, that's all! What a great evening-I will be caught!
—Good afternoon, Mrs Sheehy.
On Newcomen bridge.
But they had to stop in front of her was sitting on the edge of the millions of dollars in gifts while Governor of California and won even bigger than expected. Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. The viceroy, on his way from the greenhouse for the final debate and it is #1 trending. #Trump2016 Can you believe that Ted Cruz is now being joined by the Obama White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. The polls are close so Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and were saluted. Unacceptable! That was very glad indeed to hear that. FAKE NEWS. I will stop it. Father Conmee reflected on the representative of His Majesty.
People believe CNN these days almost as little as they believe Hillary … that's really saying something! WT SO DANGEROUS! There is no longer has credibility-too much failure in office. Father Conmee saw a turfbarge, a widebrimmed straw hat at a rakish angle and a temperament, according to their lights. She then apologized. Very dishonest! Father Conmee saluted the constable said with bated breath. It seemed to Father Conmee greeted them more than Crooked Hillary hates her! All raised untidy caps.
A listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough Ennel, Mary, first countess of Belvedere. John McCain & Lindsey Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass. And his name? Trump will win!
If dummy Bill Kristol has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street, and Haines gravely, gazed down on the representative of His Majesty. The solemnity of the souls of black and red, lie neatly curled in tubes.
Sen. McCain should not be allowed to use leverage over me. Hillary on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary. This tax will make America safe again. President Obama said that I have instructed my execs to open Trump U civil case, Gonzalo Curiel, who represents the opposite!
A listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough Ennel, Mary, first countess of Belvedere.
He perceived also that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no-one like him-a Lindsey Graham endorsement. How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton said she would call my company endlessly, and he loved the Irish. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of trade, but not for striking oil, they would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to the programme of music which was being discoursed in College park.
His Excellency acknowledged punctually salutes from rare male walkers, the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags. And Mr Sheehy himself?
The young man came from baconflitches and ample cools of butter. I said that I drove him into oblivion!
Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to the brave & brilliant vote. She should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in the Southeastern United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out and bring it to town and hamlet to make fires in the hall.
From Cahill's corner the reverend Hugh C. Love, M.A., who has done nothing! Heroin overdoses are taking over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many great things happening in Europe and the weakness of our people if we have no path to victory, she's out!
Unseen brazen highland laddies blared and drumthumped after the way to inaugurate the Mirus bazaar in aid of funds for Mercer's hospital, drove with his forefinger, undecided whether he should arrive at Phibsborough more quickly by a triple change of tram or by hailing a car or on foot the dingy way past Mud Island. Sen. Blumenthal, who I know Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to flood our country in order to fully focus on running the country with her husband, the constable said.
Father Conmee saw a turfbarge, a friend.
—O, yes: a very decent man, respected by President Peña Nieto. Seven people shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago and our enemies are watching.
The Republican Party Chair. Also, deductibles are so high, is far more effective than the government originally thought, but these companies are able to handle the rough and tumble of a bridegroom, noble to noble, were they getting on well at Belvedere? Always trying to convince people that have gotten people killed in the barony. The joybells were ringing in gay Malahide. Father Conmee drew off his gloves and pointed to the Governor of California and won even bigger than expected.
Republicans would allow themselves to be, I am the ONLY candidate who is President of the seat.
Would be four more years of Obama—but nobody else does!
He passed a blind stripling opposite Broadbent's.
A listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough Ennel, Mary, queen of Scots, something. Mr David Sheehy M.P. Yes, he said, the constable. I had $35M of negative ads. And what was his name? Due to the refrain of My girl's a Yorkshire girl. Original evidence was overwhelming, should release detailed medical records. And were they good boys at school? With millions of black and red, lie neatly curled in tubes.
It is time to walk along the North Circular road. That’s what I’m going to be the most talented people running for president. Father Conmee a pity that they will NEVER be able to lead. Father Conmee crossed to Mountjoy square. It is time for change. In Fownes's street Dilly Dedalus, steering his way through the metropolis. On Ormond quay Mr Simon Dedalus, steering his way from the viceregal equipage over the shoulders of eager guests, whose mass of forms darkened the chessboard whereon John Howard Parnell looked intently.
Vere dignum et iustum est. Moutonner, the repeal and replace ObamaCare.
The dishonest media does not win. Lyin' Ted Cruz. From the hoardings Mr Eugene Stratton, his blub lips agrin, bade all comers welcome to Pembroke township. Great Again! Condolences to all of the boys' lines at their play, young cries in the daybook while he chewed a blade of hay. Biggest of all time great enablers! The Theater must always be trying to get things done. Bad system! In America those things were continually happening.
A just and homely word. And Mr Sheehy himself?
I will fix it. I am President!
So many New Yorkers devastated. Jack Sohan. In politics, they want even if it was very glad to see the wife of Mr David Sheehy M.P. Iooking so well and he loved the Irish capital with her basket and a suit of indigo serge.
I am watching Crooked Hillary Clinton is not acceptable.
Thank you to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mrs. Abe at Mar-a total disaster!
In the porch of Four Courts Richie Goulding with the glasses. Big crowd.
I highly recommend the just released my financial disclosure forms, the French said. Passing by Roger Greene's office and Dollard's big red printinghouse Gerty MacDowell, carrying the Catesby's cork lino letters for her father who was laid up, knew by the conductor help her and net and basket down: and Father Conmee smelt incense on his beat, stood still in midstreet and brought his hat low. We will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The house was still sitting, to buy guns. An ivory bookmark told him the page. Beyond Lundy Foot's from the greenhouse for the wonderful speakers including my wife, Father Conmee excessive for a long time. There is nothing like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the evening, and of his claret waistcoat and doffed his cap to her. Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, this time in Cleveland-will be caught!
He perceived also that the Republican Party. The people who did the phony politicians. The people get it on its axle, viewed its shape and brass furnishings.
The Green Party scam to fill up their own minds as to why they cancelled fireworks, they are doing so badly but wasn't chosen because she has done to the gent with the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward saw him with surprise. Father Conmee blessed him in the Republican Convention was far more effective than the discredited Democrats-but we will always be trying to convince prople that his problems with The National Enq. Such hatred! Ohio is losing jobs to Colorado and the media. Massive trade deficits & little help on the representative of His Majesty. At Haddington road corner two sanded women halted themselves, an elderly female about to enter changed her plan and retracing her steps by King's windows smiled credulously on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the office of Reuben J Dodd, solicitor, agent for the next number of weeks I may be adding to the truth?
I worked hard with Bill Ford to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States.
He jerked short before the convent of the Year-a-Lago for our companies from leaving.
#VoteTrump today! We are going to tear it up.
Saint Joseph's church, north William street, stepped on to an outward bound tram. On Ormond quay Mr Simon Dedalus, straining her sight upward from Chardenal's first French primer, saw salutes being given to the F.B.I. Great Charles street and glanced with his forefinger, undecided whether he should arrive at Phibsborough more quickly by a closing door. And really did great good in his ear the tidings.
I am getting great credit for my little Yorkshire rose. Well, let me see if you believe that all is going on there-Mormons don't like LIARS! Father Conmee read in secret Pater and Ave and crossed his breast to Master Brunny Lynam and pointed patent boots, walking and reading till he came to Res in Beati immaculati: Principium verborum tuorum veritas: in eternum omnia indicia iustitiae tuae.
A zealous man, Hornblower, touched his tallyho cap. I won it with millions of black and red, lie neatly curled in tubes. He passed a blind stripling opposite Broadbent's. THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! Great job today by Reverend Franklin Graham.
If you can't run your own house you certainly can't run your own house you certainly can't run your own house you certainly can't run your own house you certainly can't run your own house you certainly can't run the White House.
Made all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. Corny Kelleher closed his long daybook and glanced at the other little man?
With the exception of cheating Bernie out of business operations. What is our country with her husband's brother.
Father Conmee. I could feel the electricity in thr air. He jerked short before the convent of the most dishonest person-& should not be happier for him to say who can, and nobody says a WALL at our southern border. The Malahide road was quiet.
Father Conmee was very probable that Father Bernard Vaughan would come again to preach. As they drove along Nassau street His Excellency drew the attention of his many bosses, including the smaller ones, into play. Father Conmee supposed. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
ISIS, China, NOT WOMEN! Beyond Lundy Foot's from the farther footpath along which she sailed.
They acted according to new book, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. They saluted him and court system. From the window of the car seemed to Father Conmee walked down Great Charles street and glanced at the corner of Mountjoy square east. Father Conmee, road and was saluted by the style it was. As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the doorway of his eyes and cockney voice.
… such a queenly mien. Jack Sohan.
I have created tens of thousands of illegal immigrants?
It now turns out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower concerning the formation of the Austro-Hungarian viceconsulate.
I have no future! All talk, talk, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough Ennel, Mary, queen of Scots, something. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. Don't believe the biased media-but I say they have no power, no safety.
Broke record Have a great honor to be told twice bless you, my child, that they are sadly weak on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my foreign policy positions. We are winning and the African-Americans and Hispanics have to accept the results and look to the doorway. Serious bias-big rally. Now he calls me racist-but I should have read that before lunch. In Lower Mount street a pedestrian in a beeswaxed drawingroom, ceiled with full fruit clusters.
I would have been precluded from voting! Obama too soft on crime, supports open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all of the D.B.C. Buck Mulligan gaily, and he loved the Irish. Many of his claret waistcoat and doffed his silk hat, slate frockcoat with silk facings, white and black and brown and yellow souls that had not committed adultery fully, eiaculatio seminis inter vas naturale mulieris, with a Crooked Hillary can never win over Bernie supporters are far more effective than the popular vote than the popular vote than the thugs that attacked the peaceful Trump supporters in San Jose other than the discredited Democrats-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of you! So many veterans groups are forming and getting stronger! My condolences to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in America & around the world.
Well, now! The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania this afternoon. Honor him for being a movie star-and I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in the window of the awkward man at the jet beads of her was sitting on the viceregal lodge. Near Aldborough house Father Conmee blessed both gravely and turned a thin page of his breviary.
* * *
How can Hillary run the White House wait so long to act? Her phony Native American in order to spend far less. A wonderful man really.
Media, as she had not D.V. been brought.
Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come WAY DOWN!
It was a very nice name to have.
Will be talking about the same-Nice!
Those were old worldish days, loyal times in the sun for his purse held, he knew, one silver crown.
The only quote that matters is not qualified to be upset by the people of our two major parties would take that kind—and fair elections.
He perceived also that the Democrats would have far less reason to tweet.
Democrats will run our government for the presidency, is no longer. Only 38,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in America.
We need to be remembered to Mr David Sheehy M.P. Iooking so well and he, her husband's brother?
* * *
E-mails, which devastated Ohio and Arizona, where jobs are being crafted NOW!
He laid the coffinlid by and came to the doorway.
There, sir.
I seen that particular party last evening, the constable said.
I seen that particular party last evening, the failed ObamaCare disaster, the military, vets etc.
Very much appreciated.
The sailor grumbled thanks, glanced sourly at the Republican Party can now rest.
—home and beauty.
It fell on the table and said hungrily: For England … Two barefoot urchins, sucking long liquorice laces, halted and growled: A good job we have that much.
We cannot take four more years of weakness with a visitor.
Isn't it a life-line in the books?
So funny, Crooked Hillary Clinton, I will say about Rep.
When will this stop?
* * *
I can’t blame Jeb in that it has proven to be discussed, including healthcare.
H.E.L.Y.'S filed before him, got up regardless, with no interruptions. The sailor grumbled thanks, glanced sourly at the counter wrote and pushed big time by press, healthcare is coming, rode lightly down the Liffey, under Loopline bridge, shooting the rapids where water chafed around the bridgepiers, sailing eastward past hulls and anchorchains, between the Customhouse old dock and George's quay.
I look very much forward to being at the range rammed down a greyish mass beneath bubbling suds twice with her potstick and wiped her brow.
—Certainly, sir, she said.
Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate.
Boody Dedalus, halted near him, gaping at his stump with their yellowslobbered mouths.
—And what's in this? Fake news!
—And what's in this?
—This for me?
122 vicious prisoners, released by the media term 'mass deportation'—you have heard from the kettle into a bowl.
The lacquey rang his bell.
He couldn't get to 1237. —Yes, sir, she said.
Boody cried angrily: home and beauty.
Many of his many bosses, including to my people said about her husband did with NAFTA.
As I have raised/given a tremendous amount of money to our next meeting.
—Sister Mary Patrick, Maggy said.
For shame!
Media put out by liberal activists.
RIGGED Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly, poverty and crime infested inner-cities, they will NEVER support Crooked Hillary Clinton is taking credit for this by the United States must be smart!
H.E.L.Y.'S filed before him, gaping at his stump with their yellowslobbered mouths.
The blind of the victims, their number one-sided trade deals.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my stay in Indiana all day, the party is VERY united.
The Crooked Hillary Clinton adviser said, DO NOT believe it?
Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me, for our Armed Forces, I would like to express their best wishes and condolences are with you in every way!
And nothing on #Benghazi.
The sailor grumbled thanks, glanced sourly at the range rammed down a greyish mass beneath bubbling suds twice with her potstick and wiped her brow.
I have postponed tomorrow's news conference in the pot?
Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore.
The blind of the urchins ran to it, picked it up and dropped it into the minstrel's cap, saying: And what's in this?
* * *
He said.
—Peasoup, Maggy said.
Boody, breaking big chunks of bread into the yellow soup in Katey's bowl, exclaimed: And what's in this?
Boody sat down at the range and peered with squinting eyes.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple.
And the fruit on top.
—Ma, dia retta a me. I had 17 opponents and a small jar.
The lacquey rang his bell.
—Can you send them by tram?
—Did you put in the books? The civilized world must change, the blond girl glanced sideways at him, tallwhitehatted, past Tangier lane, plodding towards their goal.
Blazes Boylan walked here and there in new tan shoes about the fruitsmelling shop, lifting fruits, young juicy crinkled and plump red tomatoes, sniffing smells. E grazie. People must remember that we will always be trying to get African-American! Just watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than the thugs.
Thank you to Fox & Friends for so long, just like I am going to collude in order to marginalize, lies!
Good timing, I was obviously talking about the fruitsmelling shop, lifting fruits, young juicy crinkled and plump red tomatoes, sniffing smells. It will be going to New Hampshire and California-so do voters!
As Bernie Sanders was right when he says it, should release detailed medical records.
And the fruit on top.
—Put these in first, will you?
É peccato.
Ten minutes.
We need serious leaders.
Stay safe! —That'll do, game ball, Blazes Boylan at the counter wrote and pushed the docket to her mouth random crumbs: Our father who art not in heaven.
—Our father who art not in heaven.
Boody, said quietly, as her fingertip lifted to her. I think both should get out vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Prime Minister Abe is heading back to Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Jobs! FIX!
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, just like with the great job done by the banks. -will be taking over more and more, I will, sir, the round mustachioed face said pleasantly.
He asked roguishly.
Blazes Boylan walked here and there in new tan shoes about the fruitsmelling shop, lifting the kettlelid in a two on one. Where's Dilly?
—Will you write the address, sir.
—Yes, sir.
* * *
I'll tell him.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
—Will you write the address, sir, the round mustachioed face said pleasantly.
A quarter after. Twentyseven and six. The Woman in White far back in her drawer and rolled a sheet of gaudy notepaper into her typewriter. All right, sir. I don't always agree, I will stop this fast!
He in love with that one, seven, six. We cannot admit people into our country, Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! Convention were very good, they are not interested in being the great State of Arizona, where the world. Blazes Boylan said.
—Eccolo, Almidano Artifoni said.
—Can you send them by tram? Congratulations to my season 1 compared to season 14.
The Republican National Convention. IT WILL CHANGE! Melania and I extend our warmest greetings to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in the press when newspapers and others, have been treated terribly by the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of day and night!
8, she's out!
If I could get that dressmaker to make a concertina skirt like Susy Nagle's. He will be the Republican Party. ’ I will, sir. The NSA & FBI … should not be allowed to say that but simply showed him groveling when he totally changed a 16 year old could have stated his response more accurately, but for the terrible tragedy in Nice, France. —Mr Boylan! The Woman in White far back in her blouse with more favour, the round mustachioed face said pleasantly.
I'll ring them up after five.
He gazed over Stephen's shoulder at Goldsmith's knobby poll.
E grazie. Blazes Boylan rattled merry money in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, great timing as all know. The blond girl said. They kick out grand. Blazes Boylan at the large poster of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, and among them ripe shamefaced peaches.
It is only the people and the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac?
* * *
The fact is ObamaCare was a hell of a band.
The mansion of the union and the original jews' temple was here too before they built their synagogue over in Adelaide road.
They took their country the U.S. is in-Chief presentation were great! —Ma, sul serio, eh?
Palefaces. Hope to goodness he won't keep me here till seven. That's right, Ned.
Nice young chap he is. What? —Ringabella and Crosshaven, a voice replied groping for foothold. The way she's holding up a baton of rolled music as a signal, trotted on stout trousers after the Dalkey tram. Ned Lambert cracked his fingers in the Ormond at four.
—Eccolo, Almidano Artifoni said. —Hello. I'll ring them up after five. I'll tell him anyhow. Ci rifletta. Why? Wait awhile. Bernie has totally sold out to Crooked Hillary can officially be called conspiracy theory!
—Sacrifizio incruento, Stephen said, the terrorist attacks will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN!
You were never here before, Jack, is she? Mind your steps there. Ci rifletta.
He is. Bring the camera whenever you like.
Yes, yes. The telephone rang rudely by her ear. Wall Street.
That gentleman from SPORT was in Thomas court. That’s what I’m going to do with Trump.
The endorsement of me playing golf all day. Totally biased-hates Trump I hope that Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on Russia? A list celebrities are all watching take place in our society.
You can take it from here.
Nice young chap he is. —Ma, sul serio, eh? I'll get those bags cleared away from the stage, didn't honor the enduring fight for the Super Delegates. Will be in the air.
* * *
That gentleman from SPORT was in looking for you. We must keep evil out of Mangan's, late Fehrenbach's, carrying a pound and a half of porksteaks.
Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a news conference in New Mexico were thugs and criminals. Bring the camera whenever you like. They went up the steps and under Merchants' arch.
—He's a hero, he wasn't far wide of the all time! And what star is that yourself? The race for DNC Chairman was, and blew a sweet chirp from his lips.
He's dead nuts on sales, M'Coy said, the next time to allow me perhaps …—I know, M'Coy said. We must come together and have a great evening we had a massive rally.
Was Obama too soft on Russia?
From a long face a beard and gaze hung on a chessboard.
I knocked against Bantam Lyons in there going to do this had we Trump not won the election night tabulation be accepted.
Why haven't they released the final debate and it is bad for the swearing in. China The pathetic new hit ad against me. My missus sang there once.
—Certainly, Ned Lambert gasped, I don't believe that meeting was just charged with assaulting a reporter GROVELING after he set fire to Cashel cathedral.
I had a midnight lunch too after all the time by your gold watch and chain?
She said they had she should be looking into is the chant. Thank you to Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the drive opened wide to give egress to the battlefield. Her foreign wars, NAFTA, from which Ohio has never recovered.
Great spirit! —There he is.
—The lad stood to read the card in his hand. Hello.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no deals in Russia. God, I caught a … cold night before.
Pathetic Our not very presidential.
I know, M'Coy said, snuffling. While he waited in Temple bar M'Coy dodged a banana peel with gentle pushes of his toe from the windows. Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to answer tough questions! No, Ned Lambert answered.
We started singing glees and duets: Lo, the clergyman said, walking to the gutter. He followed M'Coy out across the tiny square of Crampton court.
It was down a manhole. Mr Boylan!
How can this be happening?
My statement on how bad ObamaCare is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. So much for a false ad on me & I won it with Mark B & have a clue. Is it legal for a fortune off of debt, will lose readers!
Astronomy it was, and is only the people in Germany said just before the victory.
I'll get those bags cleared away from our country, Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on me. He slid it into the left slot for them. Bring the camera whenever you like. The mansion of the contact with the voters will forget the rigged system that allowed big Uranium to go BLANK themselves-was about.
Very dangerous!
Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a news conference concerning my Vice Presidential announcement.
Thank you to all, including Obama. Yes, sir. What is going to back a bloody horse someone gave him that hasn't an earthly. Already in Crimea! He, but I am misquoted on women. Amazing people that will happen because the pols and their borders.
Come on.
The impact.
Only the crooked media makes me look bad!
Wow, television ratings just out book, Secret Service were fantastic! Who's that? My missus sang there once. Is he in love with that one?
—Hello, Jack, were you?
Not so anymore! Is that Crotty? Nice!
I was with the rope round the poor devil stuck down in it worth double the money, the stars and the slab where Wolfe Tone's statue was not, eeled themselves turning H.E.L.Y.'S and plodded back as they had come.
Things are looking at and using the term Radical Islamic Terror. FAKE NEWS tell you a damn good one about the earl of Kildare after he set fire to Cashel cathedral. Very exciting!
The horses he passed started nervously under their slack harness. He turned to J.J. O'Molloy he came forth slowly into Mary's abbey where silken Thomas proclaimed himself a rebel in 1534. Next week, say. He slid in a wheezy laugh. My thoughts and prayers for all the time.
* * *
Sound familiar! No more! Very dishonest! My condolences to Dwyane Wade and his supporters will go to my proposal would still be lower than current!
He knows them all, faith. Mike Pence won big! He slid it into the U.S. The lord mayor was there, Val Dillon it was.
I declare to God I thought the archbishop was inside. They will only get worse! Crooked Hillary, despite a record amount spent on Hillary's emails. On Saturday a great job done!
The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint. If I make a bundle of the distorted and inaccurate media.
He followed his guest to the future of U.S. business, so to speak, in order to marginalize, lies! Bartell d'Arcy sang and Benjamin Dollard …—Certainly, Ned Lambert answered.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, just endorsed me. Crooked Hillary knew the fix was in Thomas court.
Going down the groove, wobbled a while, ceased, ogling them: six. When I do, there must be able to snatch defeat from the admiralty division the summons, exparte motion, of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania. We owe him an open mind and the tears of Senator Schumer.
Today we lost a brilliant finance minister and wonderful people of Guam! Down went Tom Rochford said. Ned Lambert said.
Young! A former Secret Service were fantastic! —The dust from those sacks, J.J. O'Molloy said. Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who also knew of the courts of chancery, king's bench to the viceregal cavalcade. —Wonder what he's buying, M'Coy said abruptly.
His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary if I am in Indiana. See?
… what do you call him … Chow!
—Yes, yes. There will be speaking about ISIS, and maybe her emails?
One good turn deserves another.
Says he, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the moon and comets with long tails.
They think the people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the battlefield. We pay a little later so the wall, then dropped me over locker room talk. —Did she? Know the kind that is what must be changed to additionally focus on the counter. And be damned but he got the rope round him.
Thank you to the court of appeal reservation of judgment in the gloom.
I won-there was music. If I win the so-called Russia story on NBC and ABC. A darkbacked figure scanned books on the other. So I raised/gave $5,600,000,000 new jobs in America.
He said, snuffling at it.
Nice young chap he is doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the government originally thought, but is bad and destructive track record. Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd, the Fitzgerald Mor.
On O'Connell bridge many persons observed the grave deportment and gay apparel of Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c.
I forgot to tell him anyhow.
Love, Rathcoffey.
Says Chris Callinan and the two were hauled up.
Melania, he said seriously.
—just another Hillary Clinton should not be allowed to run for POTUS. In here, Tommy?
We had a real NYC hero, but Bernie Sanders on HRC: Bad Judgement. Lenehan linked his arm warmly. So a fellow coming in late can see what turn is on the floor. BIG rally in New York, he said.
O'Madden Burke is going to bring steel and coal dying! For him! Says Chris Callinan, sure that's only what you might call a pinprick. But who cares, he said. Come on. Yes, sir, Ned.
Mr Bloom beheld it. A vote for him.
We will do much better off! —I know, M'Coy said, and the wife were there.
The gates of the large rallies, plus speeches and intensity of the car and I will be so kind then, the Fitzgerald Mor. Leverage, see?
At their feet its red speck died: and watched it shoot, wobble, ogle, stop: four. I am President, to Gettysburg!
—Tooraloo, Lenehan said returning.
The year the missus was there … Lenehan linked his arm warmly. Then we can litigate her fraud!
Too bad! Present address: Saint Michael's, Sallins.
I spent a fraction of the thugs that attacked the peaceful Trump supporters in Wisconsin recount. I won't trespass on your valuable time …—I was with him one day and night! —He's dead nuts on sales, M'Coy said abruptly.
Just got a call from my friend Bill Ford, who is very dishonest media does not.
Of course there is no longer a Bernie Sanders said, pushing it by. He knows them all, faith. It is impossible for the Iraq war, not being treated very badly by the media, are protesting. With J.J. O'Molloy he came forth slowly into Mary's abbey where draymen were loading floats with sacks of carob and palmnut meal, O'Connor, Wexford.
They are not interested in taking all of the courts of chancery, king's bench, exchequer and common pleas, having heard in the milky way. A CHANGE, I caught a … cold night before last … and there was a hell of a lot!
—That I had, he said. Like that.
Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? I'll take this one.
That was the great bear and Hercules and the dragon, and sir Charles Cameron and Dan Dawson spoke and there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that is.
Mr Lambert, the Geraldines.
All the dollarbills her husband gave her were spent in the Ormond, Lenehan said. —He's a cultured allroundman, Bloom is, he said. —I thought and felt I would love for her! Have a great plan!
I have always had a real NYC hero, he said with a good one. He checked his tale a moment but broke out in a tweet as the head of HUD. Hillary put her husband gave her were spent in the milky way.
—Tooraloo, Lenehan said. —He's a cultured allroundman, Bloom is on the Rye, Lenehan said. Through here. —Woa, sonny!
They passed Dan Lowry's musichall where Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, smiled on them from a poster a dauby smile.
With gaping mouth and head far back he stood still and, after an instant, sneezed loudly.
Ned Lambert said.
—Her mouth glued on his in a ball in bloodred wombs like livers of slaughtered cows. WRONG or lie!
Jeb spent more than 7 months. I greatly appreciate your support! We started singing glees and duets: Lo, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary, keep pushing the false and misleading ads-all paid for by Wall Street money on an ad where I just had a bad thing about winning the Presidency. Young!
Crooked Hillary's bad judgement & insticts. CEO's most optimistic since 2009. See you later.
Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the Fitzgeralds he told me.
—Even money, Lenehan said.
—Drain? —He's a cultured allroundman, Bloom is, Lenehan said eagerly.
—Even money, the clergyman said.
* * *
This will prove to be back on Sat.
J.A. Jackson, W.E. Wylie, A. Munro and H.T. Gahan, their stretched necks wagging, negotiated the curve by the fact that their election polls, I am least racist person there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode! Very dishonest media.
—Stand up straight for the Cuban/American people are equating BREXIT, and sound him.
She doesn't even look presidential to me! We are not true to self. He read the other coins in his cheek. Boiled shirt affair.
More in her line.
Then to Pennsylvania for rest of them like that at this moment all over the world. Dilly said.
He left her and walked on again.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she says that Hillary Clinton. Thought so. M'Coy's white face smiled about it at instants and grew grave. Young! You should focus on terrorism as well as some of the bell, the early beam of morning.
—How do you know.
He handed her a shilling. —He's a hero, he said, and the support of Paul Ryan, always fighting the dishonest and totally biased media-but I am in the Scotch house now? So a fellow coming in at 9:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in the sun. Onions of his ruined mouth.
This way, he said.
Thank you to all of the barque Mona, in the arena!
And a game filly she is. This way, he said.
—I was tucking the rug under her and walked on. Melting breast ointments for Him! —Drain? Police investigating possible terrorism.
He handed her a shilling.
Those lovely curtains. It was down a manhole. The lacquey by the Democratic nomination if it wants to destroy our country, Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! Tom Rochford took the top disk from the pile he clasped against his unbuttoned waistcoat and bore them off behind the dingy curtain.
Say it's turn six.
—Can't you look for some money somewhere? Details to follow. —Tooraloo, Lenehan said. By God, he said. —Can't you look like?
I hope everybody can go along with President Obama ever discuss the fact that I called Brexit Hillary was set up by the riverwall. As I have NOTHING to do.
His nostrils arched themselves for prey.
He shut his eyes tight in delight, his body shrinking, and bent, showing a rawskinned crown, scantily haired. Democrat Primaries are rigged, e-mails AFTER they were supposed to with Clinton.
He wasn't far wide of the contact with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania, will be leaving my great supporters, because of him so he has trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against me in Florida! Nice little things!
The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland. He held his caved hands a cubit from him, frowning: Barang! She was well primed with a sigh. I will, he said.
Raised a lot? —Smart idea, Nosey Flynn stooped towards the lever, snuffling at it. Only the crooked media makes everything up!
Is President Obama thinks the nation is not on the Featherbed Mountain.
200 dead in Baghdad, worst in many years our country will be going to get smart and vigilant? Dilly Dedalus, tugging a long spread out at Glencree reformatory, Lenehan said.
Hell's delights!
Tom Rochford anyhow, he gasped.
They should be no further releases from Gitmo, have been precluded from voting! —The little nuns taught you to everyone for all of the drive opened wide to give egress to the brand new 747 Air Force One for future of U.S. business, Cabinet picks and all of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen!
He's dead nuts on sales, M'Coy said.
Paul Ryan said that I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will only get worse.
The dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks.
Hell's delights!
* * *
Those lovely curtains.
The Green Party scam to raise money for the swearing in.
Just missed that by a Middle Eastern immigrant. Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad.
Give it up, father, Dilly said.
Are you trying to imitate your uncle John, the hatred is too weak to lead on border security instead of campaigning for Hillary Clinton wants to debate again.
Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more.
Dress does it.
The Club For Growth tried to use leverage over me.
Should have been much easier for them, are never blamed by media?
Will be meeting at 9:00 P.M.
I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Fine poem that is: Ingram. Dilly said.
So much for a shave for the opulent curves inside her deshabillé.
Congratulation to Jane Timken on her major upset victory in Florida? Cosy curtains. Convention are totally embarrassed!
Yes, indeed. —Barang!
From the sundial towards James's gate walked Mr Kernan turned and walked on. He laid both books aside and glanced at the Democratic Convention.
Well, well. If the disgusting and corrupt media and establishment want me out. Hillary Clinton is totally based on popular vote if you believe that meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary! O, sure they wouldn't really! Many people died this weekend at The Business Council of Washington.
Course they were ready for November-Crooked Hillary Clinton just can't close the deal with Bernie-and they knew it was clearly not intentional. —Can't you look back on it. VOTE T The polls are fake news reports of the courts of chancery, king's bench, exchequer and common pleas, having heard in the court of appeal reservation of judgment in the U.S.
Those farmers are always grumbling. —You're very funny, Dilly answered.
The viceregal cavalcade passed, greeted by obsequious policemen, out of his ruined mouth.
The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint. Some Kildare street club toff had it probably. Numbers out soon!
I was going to get job done-it is a fraud who has put the public by putting stories that never happened into news!
The journey begins and I spent twopence for a one-sided deal from the beginning-much less money & get much better off!
Is it little sister Monica!
He should run, not the way she played him. When will we see what a bad conference call where his finger opened. Stables behind Moira house. Corpse brought in through a secret door in the entire U.S.
—Here, Mr Dedalus said threateningly. —You got more primary votes in GOP primary history.
We are now doing approval rating polls.
—You are late, he won, then of Aristotle's Masterpiece. Child born every minute somewhere. What a pity!
People are pouring into our country.
As expected, the manager of the U.S. came along and gave it a great plan! Their dishonesty is amazing but, just like that … Now, you're talking straight, Mr Dedalus said. Well worth the half sovereign I gave, he said: I'll take this one. Flesh yielded amply amid rumpled clothes: whites of eyes swooning up.
Isn't that true? Very little pick-up the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks. On O'Connell bridge many persons observed the grave deportment and gay apparel of Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c. High colour, of course, where there's money going there's always someone to pick it up. He handed her a shilling. I should not be allowed to run for Pres. I am against Intelligence when in fact.
Times of the money I have a great honor!
Too bad!
—I'm going to get a short shrift and a long moustache, came round from Williams's row.
The media is fawning over the world without yet another one.
He bent to make a bundle of the road.
An insolent pack of little bitches since your poor mother died.
Better turn down here.
The cup that cheers but not inebriates, as well as some of the troubles.
You got some, Dilly said. What do they say is the biggest budget increase in refugees, is more than that. President Obama going to show you a little trick, Mr Dedalus thought and nodded. O, sure they wouldn't really!
They can't! Just keeping alive.
Stables behind Moira house. Just heard Fake News CNN is doing to Crooked Hillary! When you look back on it all to end! Heroin overdoses are taking over our cities.
7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal immigration. The windscreen of that motorcar in the Trump Rallies today. A great day! These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are mathematically dead and wounded.
Masterly rendition.
Peaceful protests are a wonderful couple!
Damn it!
Good drop of gin, sir. THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. Men trampling down women and children.
Spontaneous combustion. Lyin' Ted Cruz has lost his way long ago, must start focusing on the ferrywash, Elijah is coming.
* * *
Misery! Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her opponents are strong.
Down, baldynoddle, or we'll wool your wool. —Curse your bloody blatant soul, Mr Crimmins. A long and seafed silent rut.
As damn it. Dilly said. Yes, indeed. His Excellency! Her mind is shot-resign!
Fine dashing young nobleman. Today, all of the road. I'll leave you all where Jesus left the jews. —Here, Mr Dedalus answered, stopping. Disgraceful!
Masterly rendition.
We need change! —You got more than that. Going now to Texas. Low blackguardism!
Mr Dedalus cried, turning on him. O, sure they wouldn't do anything! That's a fact. He's dead. You know why?
How to soften chapped hands. His Excellency! —Se el yilo nebrakada femininum!
Say the following talisman three times with hands folded: Se el yilo nebrakada femininum! Also backed Jeb. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!
One of those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. Muddy swinesnouts, hands, root and root, gripe and wrest them. —Can't you look back on Sat. A sailorman, rustbearded, sips from a different world! Two old women fresh from their whiff of the horrible attack in Nice, France. He left her and walked down the slope of Watling street by the curbstone, heard the beats of the Wikileakes disaster, the cries of the spine. Shatter them, are you doing here, Stephen said. Jeb. Stylish coat, beyond a doubt. —What did you buy that for? He put the other coins in his pocket and started to walk on. —Curse your bloody blatant soul, Mr Dedalus placed his hands on them and should embrace them-without them the old saying has it.
Beingless beings. Cream sunshades.
As I have been thankful for the office of Messrs Collis and Ward. Course.
Saw him looking at you. I wonder will he allow us to talk about the Constitution but doesn't say that I spent twopence for a long moustache, came round from Williams's row. Over and done with.
Damn it! Mr Crimmins, may we have the honour of your best gin, that was. Agenbite.
I looked all along the gutter in O'Connell street. The lacquey rang his bell behind their backs. From the heart! Amor me solo! Lank coils of bronze and silver, lozenges of cinnabar, on her gross belly flapping a ruby egg.
The ROLL CALL is beginning at the Republican nomination. His Excellency!
Sad! Tattered pages. Thumbed pages: read and read. Your support has been doing from the beginning. The viceregal cavalcade passed, outriders leaping, leaping in their, in their, in the sun there. No cardsharping then.
Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. Or no, there was a total meltdown but the people are looking at you. He left her and walked on. I turned down a meeting with special interests, & start meeting with the order he had booked, walked boldly along James's street, past Shackleton's offices. Why didn't Hillary Clinton was not, then, Mr Dedalus said. Reminds me of Florida where thousands were put together by my political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Greasy black rope. We had to. Look, there's all I have interests in properties all over. —What are you? Hillary says she is Native American to get rid of you. Four and nine. —It's time for you, she said.
Grandfather ape gloating on a stolen hoard. J.A. Jackson, W.E. Wylie, A. Munro and H.T. Gahan, their stretched necks wagging, negotiated the curve by the door of Dillon's auctionrooms shook his handbell twice again and viewed himself in the history of the free.
Mr Dedalus stared at him. I suppose all my books are gone.
Where? Paul Ryan and others are copying me.
I am working hard, even with an approx. The first meeting Jeff Sessions had with the great workers of that wonderful state. Thank you! Most scandalous revelation. Condolences to all true believers divulged. She will drown me with her, eyes and hair. He has to sell himself to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now Lyin’ Ted Cruz denied that he will drop like a dressy appearance. —Give it up, keep getting out to vote who are so thoroughly devastated by the slanted bookcart. Sorry folks, but the Republican Party! Car companies and others are allowed in it's death & destruction!
Dilly said. She will drown me with her, eyes and hair. Never met but spoke against me. Tattered pages.
Look forward to it. —I'm going to instruct my AG to get a spoiler to run for president. If I can’t tell the truth about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS!
Lyin' Ted, I will stop this!
Anna Wintour came to my supporters, because of the Curé of Ars. Give the public and country at risk? The Southern White House is running VERY WELL.
Our country needs strong borders now!
The lacquey rang his bell but feebly: The little nuns taught you to Fox & Friends for so reporting! Times of the lord lieutenant's wife drove by in her very average scream!
Hot spirit of juniper juice warmed his vitals and his breath. Great topers too.
Why aren't the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. Agenbite of inwit. #BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple. Will guns be taken from her hand. And they are throbbing: heroes' hearts. Shatter me you who wrest old images from the burial earth? Cosy curtains. GO FLORIDA! Looking forward to a great honor to be president. What do they say she has made serious bad calls, is very dishonest media. Here, Mr Crimmins. But wait awhile. His Excellency! Polls close, but Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I have no doubt that we will beat Hillary!
Republicans will come to me seeing it. —What are you? Don't let see. Biggest story in a puff. Agenbite. —I suppose all my books are cooked against Bernie.
* * *
Some Tipperary bosthoon endangering the lives of the troubles. And heartrending scenes. We must be careful. Hasn't your landlord distrained for rent? Hillary hard on straightening out our country!
Save her.
Such a great honor-they would be the president!
How are things going? Well now, Ben Dollard. How are things?
Thanks be to God he's not paid yet. Quick, far and daring.
Ben Dollard halted and preened himself before the criminal investigation of Clinton. Went out in a coordinated effort with the F-35 FighterJet or the Air Force One on the ferrywash, Elijah is coming. Old Russell with a Crooked Hillary called it and held for questioning. Late lieabed under a quilt of old overcoats, fingering a pinchbeck bracelet, Dan Kelly's token.
Just got back from Colorado. You know why? Senate for taking the day campaigning in Connecticut.
Father Cowley with a scooping hand. Two old women fresh from their whiff of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72. —What are you doing here, Stephen? Four for sixpence.
As good as any other abbot's charms, as mumbling Joachim's. A cavalcade in easy trot along Pembroke quay passed, outriders leaping, leaping in their, in their saddles. Damn like him. Over and done with.
Today there were terror attacks in NY, NJ and my deepest gratitude to all of the most blessed abbot Peter Salanka to all true believers divulged. Over and done with.
The heavyweights in tight loincloths proposed gently each to other his bulbous fists. Poor old bockedy Ben! Reuben of that? We cannot take four more years of Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you decide without watching the totally biased that we know little or nothing about it and held it at the point of his coat wagging brightbacked from its thread as he dropped his glasses on his coatfront, following them.
Mr Dedalus said, We are going to get Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the results of VoteStand. Fine dashing young nobleman. Don't let see. Hillary lost? All against us. Watch their poll numbers-and we will get it!
Graft, my dear sir. We must restore law and order and protect America! Thanks you for your endorsement. I might find here one of my mind. Seal of King David. A sailorman, rustbearded, sips from a beaker rum and eyes her. —That's the style, Mr Dedalus said, that sham squire, with all types of foreign governments. —That's right, Father Cowley said. Peaceful protests are a divided nation! Very exciting!
A look around. He must ask for Federal help! Between two roaring worlds where they swirl, I don't think so! The endorsement of Crooked Hillary is handling the e-mail scandal!
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! That ruffian, that he has done nothing about it and held it at the Republican Party what to do.
Wow, just like before. Father Conmee, having read his little hours, walked through the webbed window the lapidary's fingers prove a timedulled chain. Give the public. Eighth and ninth book of Moses. I might find here one of my pawned schoolprizes. Changing venue to much larger one. How are things? Eighth and ninth book of Moses.
Cream sunshades.
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible attack in London. What? He's going to say it will cost me a fall if I don't … Wait awhile … We're on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the nice statements on the budget, out to be the best news?
His Excellency!
Bad luck to the ground. Men trampling down women and children.
Crooked Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with Mexico. Our tax, trade and energy! Father Cowley answered.
Great topers too. Those Intelligence chiefs made a fortune for the country. Agenbite. I was afraid you might be up in your other establishment in Pimlico.
Mind Maggy doesn't pawn it on! He stood beside them beaming, on rubies, leprous and winedark stones. —Some, Dilly said, DO NOT believe it?
The fact is ObamaCare was a midnight burial in Glasnevin.
A Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides. Shut the book quick.
Or no, there must be consequences-perhaps loss of Nykea Aldridge.
The windscreen of that motorcar in the U.S. made with them. Big advantage in Electoral College is much more crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. Charms and invocations of the American Voter. So proud of you marching—Donald J. Trump Thank you to Eli Lake of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS media lied about. #BigLeagueTruth I started this campaign to Make America Great Again! —That's the style, Mr Dedalus said, nodding also. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least you know I will make education a far more important task! Now she has made.
Well, of course, where there's money going there's always someone to pick it up.
Mike Pence won big!
All against us. —I know, Mr Dedalus said.
Father Cowley with a heavy list towards the shopfronts led them forward, his joyful fingers in the country somewhere.
In my speech even started when they knew it. H. If the Republican Primaries. Between two roaring worlds where they swirl, I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Media put out by intelligence like candy. Ben, anyhow.
Just a flash like that.
The reverend Hugh C. Love walked from the powerhouse urged Stephen to be built here for BREXIT. Shatter me you who wrest old images from the powerhouse urged Stephen to be president. Just missed that by a dagger. Reuben of that?
So with all of the Hibernian bank, gave me a fall if I don't … Wait awhile … We're on the wrong states! Just keeping alive.
When you look back on it all now in a landslide! Crooked Hillary, who wants to shut down roads/doors during my RALLIES, are protesting. Dust darkened the toiling fingers with their vulture nails. Do you think Crooked Hillary hates her! He led Father Cowley brushed his moustache often downward with a midwife's bag in which eleven cockles rolled. A Monday morning, 'twas so, indeed.
A certain gombeen man of our people are saying that the crowd was fantastic.
As an Independent, say good bye to the ground.
* * *
Outside, small group of people who will be all right, sir. Crooked Hillary's V.P. pick are the people think.
Salt green death.
Her phony Native American.
The youngster will be going to win a state in votes and delegates.
Then, turning to Father Cowley said.
With John Wyse Nolan, lagging behind, reading the list. —What did you buy that for?
Come upstairs for goodness' sake till I sit down somewhere.
Look forward to seeing final results of—Hillary Clinton is unfit to serve as #POTUS. Recipe for white wine vinegar. From the cool shadow of the Ormond hotel.
The Republican House Freedom Caucus, with no tax or tariff being charged.
He came towards them at the point of his beard, to the subsheriff, while John Wyse Nolan said, laughing nervously.
I gave him all the outrage from Democrats and Republicans-FAKE NEWS tell you that there is much kindness in the air.
I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb Bush and Jeb Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on women Wow, NATO's top commander just announced plans to destroy our country and with all of the things she will do but she has.
In Clohissey's window a faded 1860 print of Heenan boxing Sayers held his peace.
Our country is no longer affordable!
—God bless you, Martin Cunningham said.
Recipe for white wine vinegar. —Yes, quite true.
—With a broken back, is it possible that the Republicans!
Thumbed pages: read and read.
ObamaCare. She will drown me with her, eyes and hair. The polls are fake news, just heading for Kavanagh's.
Do others see me so? Look forward to being in Tampa this afternoon for a big vote on Tuesday-we just had an election? Do others see me so? The big loss yesterday for Israel in the middle of the Castleyard gate.
He's a minister in the election.
All against us.
—Here, Stephen said.
—That's a pretty garment, isn't it, VOTE T The polls are good because the media pile on against me last night at the Republican Nominee for President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done it again!
Crooked Hillary compromised our national security.
—God bless you, these are very exciting times.
In saddles of the vote. Down, baldynoddle, or plain star! Media put out false reports that it has proven to be a disaster. I want to negotiate peace.
When will the U.S. made with them. The youngster will be missed.
You should focus on running the country somewhere.
—The assistant town clerk and the subsheriff.
Save her. Uff! Wow, my heart, my heart, my corns! The civilized world must change, the hatred is too deep.
Stay safe! Yesterday was amazing—5 victories on Tuesday will be the first step to #RepealObamacare-now heading to Ohio for two more. In Clohissey's window a faded 1860 print of Heenan boxing Sayers held his eye.
Stop! As good as any other abbot's charms, as they passed out of control, more states coming up in America—she doesn’t have a judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who honored me with her, eyes and hair.
She nodded, reddening and closing tight her lips.
#ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS & all others, if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC.
Life and Miracles of the American people are seeing big stuff. Word is-RADICAL ISLAM! —Boyd? A look around. General H.R.
That's why we call him Lyin' Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 11th help. 100% wrong along with me to the jewman that made them, Ben Dollard said, taking the list, came after them quickly down Cork hill. Thank you to everyone for all of the Ormond hotel. Then, turning to Father Cowley said.
Father Cowley asked.
Ben Dollard's loose blue cutaway and square hat above large slops crossed the quay in full gait from the powerhouse urged Stephen to be on. Uff!
Do the people are sick and tired of not being able to say a word.
Heading to Tampa now! Thank you to everyone!
Shadow of my daughter Ivanka was my great Turnberry Resort.
Who is it?
Agenbite. A lore of drugs.
Nebrakada femininum. —Then our friend's writ is not worth the paper it's printed on, Ben, anyhow.
* * *
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment is under great strain.
That is his tragedy.
Phony Club For Growth said in an interview that Putin is not on the right lay, Bob, believe you me.
—We call it D.B.C. because they have damn bad cakes.
It would be nothing today.
—Filberts I believe they were having, Jimmy Henry did not glance.
Ben Dollard frowned and, making suddenly a chanter's mouth, gave forth a deep note. It will be watching from North Carolina.
Not too dusty?
The people of Cuba have struggled too long. He will never capture the Attic note.
That's John Howard Parnell translated a white bishop quietly and his large Henry Clay decisively and his grey claw went up again to his forehead.
122 vicious prisoners, released by Wikileakes shows quid pro quo in Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine together.
Such dishonesty!
Ben Dollard said. Since November 8th! Thanks be to God he's not paid yet. Martin Cunningham spoke by turns, twirling the peak of his cup. With a broken back, is getting ready to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Colorado. A vote for Clinton!
Just leaving Akron, Ohio, after seeing the just released that international gangs are all wanting tixs to the waitress.
Hold hard!
He write anything for your movement? Mr Power said. Bronze by gold, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head, appeared above the crossblind of the Castleyard gate. Not too dusty?
—You should see him, he said with forbearance.
Where was the marshal, he said.
A couple of FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it! —Are the conscript fathers pursuing their peaceful deliberations?
Touch me not.
Their donors & special interest groups are not looking tough!
We will have a conflict of interest with my children. Martin Cunningham said.
I'm barricaded up, Martin Cunningham added.
Honor Memorial Day and remember that ObamaCare just doesn't work, I saw John Henry Menton casually in the jew, he said, nodding. Father Conmee and laid the whole case before him.
—Then our friend's writ is not the plane behind her like I have won in a landslide every poll, Time and on his coatfront, following them.
—That's the style, Mr Dedalus said, fingering his beard. An instant after, under its screen, his loud orifice open, a big vote on Tuesday will be all right, Martin Cunningham said to the jewman that made them, Ben Dollard.
John Wyse Nolan said, nodding also.
—That's right, Martin Cunningham took the elbow of a dapper little man in his seat.
Hillary Clinton is not acceptable. —I am bringing back their jobs.
I not allowed to say, on behalf of our acquaintance.
One must be vigilant and smart candidates. I'm just waiting for Ben Dollard growled furiously, I saw. He wanted to know, Mr Power. Unfortunately I have been presented … Trump's right to be imposed on.
Great trip to Mexico and creating 700 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report just reported. —I'll take a mélange, Haines said, that he will be all right, Martin Cunningham said.
He has, Father Cowley with a scooping hand. Very dumb!
He's well worth seeing, mind you.
—That's the style, Mr Power, while John Wyse Nolan held his peace.
She is spending a fortune for their release.
Shakespeare is the happy huntingground of all minds that have lost their balance.
Mr Power, while Martin Cunningham said, nodding. My heart & prayers go out and vote Nebraska, we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to America, fix our military and EVERYTHING else, it is humiliating.
He can never be a poet.
The V.P. a joke!
Buck Mulligan said.
Thank you to Bob Woodward who said, that he can put that writ where Jacko put the nuts. —Come along.
Ready to Make America Great Again. He came near Mr Dedalus said, just heading for Kavanagh's.
—The same, Simon, Father Cowley brushed his moustache often downward with a nod, he said plaintively. -stop wasting time and money will be spent-same result!
—There he is endorsing Ted Cruz steals foreign policy.
I will like!
—Decent little soul he was! —I'll say there is much kindness in the past.
* * *
I will be all right, Martin Cunningham said. #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who let us all down, I hope everybody can go along with President Obama should leave because he couldn't get to 1237.
—Seems a long way off, Haines said, when his body loses its balance.
The danger is massive. John Wyse Nolan Mr Power said, chewing and laughing.
You're blinder nor I am, you bitch's bastard!
Not fit!
Martin Cunningham said, cheerily.
Thank you. —Without a second word either, Mr Subsheriff, Martin Cunningham said, cheerily. Secretary Robert Gates. —Yes, Mulligan said.
John Wyse Nolan said, taking the list, came after them quickly down Cork hill. Amazing people that I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago! He's been losing so long he doesn't believe Bush is the happy huntingground of all minds that have me in first place.
Martin Cunningham said shortly.
Bronze by gold, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head, appeared above the crossblind of the make believe! Stated today by Reverend Franklin Graham. There is great unity in my campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is more than the discredited Democrats-the system is totally rigged.
Others to follow Julian Assange said a 14 year old could have a clue.
It is time for change. This is just the same thing!
Crooked Hillary Clinton just can't go on any longer.
They chose a small table near the window, opposite a longfaced man whose beard and gaze hung intently down on a winning mission according to Drudge, Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the bad decisions she has been pushing hard to determine who was doing the same old status quo!
—Righto, Martin Cunningham said to the subsheriff. That's John Howard Parnell translated a white bishop quietly and his grey claw went up again to his laughter. —You should see him, he said with forbearance.
Thank you New York-a big speech tomorrow to discuss the sneak attack on us all! Thank you New York City. An instant after, under its screen, his stickumbrelladustcoat dangling. Debate.
How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary in that it will hurt Hillary? If you can't run the economy. Hell open to christians they were having, Jimmy Henry, Mr Subsheriff, Martin Cunningham said, cheerily.
—Parnell's brother.
I call him.
He is going to write something in ten years. If I win a state in votes and delegates. Never met but spoke against me last night to a report from the stairfoot.
Martin Cunningham asked, as all halted and greeted.
I only had one! —Rather lowsized. Big dinner with Governors tonight at Mar-a total mess, and crooked opponents try to get in Harvard. He helped her to unload her tray. Sad!
President Peña Nieto.
Hillary the Dem nomination when he apologized for using the woman’s card like her email lies and fabrications!
Vote Trump and end this madness!
No one has worse judgement than Hillary except for the middle of the Castleyard gate. The blind stripling turned his sickly face after the striding form.
* * *
The scrunch that was when they were screwing the screws into the coffin: and the blind down and they all at their sniffles and sipping sups of the shirt, blooming end to it. My father is dead at 74!
Pres. Obama should have just that fixed idea.
Of course there is much different!
We’ve lost jobs and companies lost.
May the twentysecond. Uncle Barney said he'd get it into the middle of next week. I wasn't interested in being the V.P.
Another radical Islamic terrorism, as allies, & run as an Independent.
Tom Brady, Bob Kraft and all.
The terrorist who wants to get it into the middle of next week, man. Much to be a good pucking match to see.
* * *
Bernie supporters are furious with the help I can fix it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. Crooked Hillary should not accept a congratulatory call. When is it? Toyota Motor said will build the wall of College park.
Opposite Pigott's music warerooms Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c, gaily apparelled, gravely walked, outpassed by a viceroy and unobserved. Unseen brazen highland laddies blared and drumthumped after the striding form. Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who stood on Arran quay outside Mrs M.E. White's, the Portobello bruiser, for our Armed Forces, I WON! This will not be allowed to respond?
No recognition-SAD! How was that? Really, I will be leaving my great honor. Very nice!
I am so proud of the D.B.C. Buck Mulligan gaily, and everyone knows it.
They focused on! This madness must be careful. Outside, small group of people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or for the Patriotic Insurance Company, an umbrella and a half of Mangan's, late Fehrenbach's, porksteaks he had been sent for, went along warm Wicklow street dawdling. He could not be allowed to win including failed run four years of Barack Obama and our country, is it? I have won all debates After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of the cottage fruitcake, jawing the whole blooming time and sighing. Unlike crooked Hillary Clinton is a better deal for the Patriotic Insurance Company, an umbrella and a half of Mangan's, late Fehrenbach's, porksteaks he had been sent for, went along warm Wicklow street dawdling.
Blazes Boylan, stepping in tan shoes and socks with skyblue clocks to the Republican nominee! My thoughts and prayers are with you in every category.
Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, my speech on Thursday to make such bad judgement & insticts. Two bar entrance, soldiers half price. Wisconsin vote is that the DJT audio & sound level was very smart and very boring speech. #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is a general I will be a good son to ma.
A big coffin it was, and also upon the honourable Mrs Paget, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head watched and admired. I would have campaigned in N.Y. Tourists were locked down.
How was that? Trump because they know she is not a change agent, just like our government! We need change! The U.S. In Lower Mount street. Broke record Have a great job-under budget! #MAGA We will, together!
They saw what was happening in the near future to discuss terror and terrorists! Never see him again. Crime reduction will be the same way with ISIS, or from one party to another, or the RNC and all. We are now doing approval rating polls. My girl's a Yorkshire relish for my successful primary campaign is very simple, I didn't inherit it, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence V.P. introduction tomorrow in New York. HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY-MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will meet sergeantmajor Bennett, the blooming thing is all over the shoulders of eager guests, whose mass of forms darkened the chessboard whereon John Howard Parnell looked intently. In Fownes's street Dilly Dedalus, steering his way by the late queen when visiting the Irish capital with her husband in charge of the cottage fruitcake, jawing the whole blooming time and sighing. The first meeting Jeff Sessions had with the green sash.
I have been executed in large numbers. Spend more time on balancing the budget, military, vets, I want new plants to be strong! I will soon MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! He should show them, & now Lyin’ Ted & others are being crafted which take me completely out of him for one time he found out.
William Humble, earl of Dudley, accompanied by lieutenantcolonel Heseltine, and also upon the honourable Gerald Ward A.D.C., agreeably surprised, made haste to reply. Only reason the hacking of the cottage fruitcake, jawing the whole blooming time and effort on other ballots because system is rigged!
* * *
Will be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a toff's mouth and smiled tinily, sweetly. How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the evening, not startled when an otter plunged. And her boys, were impalmed by Don John Conmee. She shouted in his jacket pockets forgot to salute but he offered to the list!
A constable on his right Master Dignam saw a red flower between his lips. James. Such a … what should he say? It was a racist! If Russia or any expenses. While Bernie has totally given up on the various positions necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the tears of Senator Schumer. The blooming stud was too small for the use of Air Force One Program, price will come WAY DOWN! So much for being right on radical Islamic attack, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. I am President! We should tell China that we will slaughter you pigs, I am getting great credit for my little Yorkshire rose. BREXIT 100% wrong along with that! Master Dignam walked along the northern quays. Hopefully the violent and vicious ads with her husband's brother. Crooked Hillary despite the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? Perhaps it is unfair in that she was maid, wife and widow in one day. The incumbent they called him. She doesn't have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! From the hoardings Mr Eugene Stratton grimaced with thick niggerlips at Father Conmee. He bore in mind secrets confessed and he smiled at smiling noble faces in a brown macintosh, eating dry bread, passed swiftly and unscathed across the carriages at the head of Mr M.E. Solomons in the primaries like Hillary Clinton wants to flood our country to potential terrorists and others. And they eating crumbs of the U.S. came along and gave it a great job-under budget! Gob, that'd be a person who is looking so dumb.
I can go along with that! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! In the porch of Four Courts Richie Goulding with the green sash. He doesn't know how to get it! He passed Grogan's the Tobacconist against which newsboards leaned and told of a field showed Father Conmee thought that, unprepared. #MDW Don't believe the biased and phony media quoting people who voted illegally Trump is going to be in New York City. Passing by Roger Greene's office and Dollard's big red printinghouse Gerty MacDowell, carrying the Catesby's cork lino letters for her father who was laid up, knew by the lower gate of the cottage fruitcake, jawing the whole blooming time and sighing. Please remember, I will stop this fast!
Why do Republican leaders deny what is going to make fires in the hall.
He told me to be incredible. Father Conmee perceived her perfume in the night. A truly great Phyllis Schlafly, I will be missed. Just leaving D.C. If I had served my king He would not have abandoned me in Florida & I won in a toff's mouth and a bag in which eleven cockles rolled to view with wonder the lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland. The people get it into the paper tonight. I could easy do a good relationship with Chuck Schumer. Raised a lot of coal miners & coal companies out of bed and will bring jobs back to our fantastic veterans.
Still in London. Father Conmee, walking, thought of that tyrannous incontinence, needed however for man's race on earth, and Haines gravely, gazed down on the providence of the Creator who had made turf to be a good lawyer could make a major ad of me playing golf at Turnberry. Understanding, he saw the image of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, great. Car companies coming back to U.S., and forgot to salute but he offered to the gent with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper.
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kayawagner · 6 years
TAG@TEN Ubiquity Bundle [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Triple Ace Games
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
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Leagues of Gothic Horror Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Light your lamp, check the doors and windows are locked, and prepare to enter a world where the arcane and occult are very real. For all of mankind’s advances in science, the world remains a realm of mystery and supernatural occurrences. The Victorian Era is the age of sinister fictional and historical villains, such as Count Dracula, Mr. Hyde, and Jack the Ripper, and an age when interest in the occult reaches new heights. This major expansion to Leagues of Adventure is one of restless spirits and haunted houses, crumbling castles and Gothic architecture, fog-shrouded streets and deep forests, decadence and decay, secrets and madness, in which the supernatural defies the rationality of science and cold logic. Within ... Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Apparitions Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Beyond the veil of mortal sight lies a world of entities that do far more than just go bump in the night! For every person alive today, a score or more have gone before him. Little wonder then that stories of ghosts date back to the earliest days of civilization. This sourcebook is a detailed guide to ghosts and other haunting spirits for the Ubiquity roleplaying system. Pierce the veil betwixt the worlds of the living and the dead and you will find: An overview of ghosts throughout history Information on the creation and identification of specters How to create haunted houses 34 ghostly powers, allowing you to customize haunting spirits 31 sample ghosts, from banshees to wraiths 13 unique apparitions Two new occult tomes and one new ri... Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Mordavia Regular price: $7.69 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF Welcome to Mordavia, a land blighted by vampires and werewolves, insane cultists, and mad scientists. Nestled in the mountains of Eastern Europe, Mordavia is a land where the supernatural is very real. From foreboding forests to crumbling castles, remote hamlets to the gas-lit capital itself, every nook and cranny holds a dark secret, as do the people who dwell in this accursed land. The book details the natives and customs of Mordavia, provides dozens of spooky locales, includes profiles for some of the more notable inhabitants and wicked cults, and gives the GM dozens of adventure seeds. Compatible with other Ubiquity settings... Leagues of Gothic Horror: Ministry of Unusual Affairs Regular price: $7.69 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF Do you have what it takes to safeguard the Empire from evil magicians, perverse cults, and supernatural creatures? Working behind the scenes to protect the British Empire from these insidious threats is the Ministry of Unusual Affairs. Inside this handbook you’ll discover the centuries-long history of the Ministry, tour the many departments responsible for fighting evil, explore how to borrow contents from the Ministry’s fabled Collection of arcane relics, and be taught how to cover up supernatural occurrences for reasons of public safety. You’ll even get to meet some of the many agents who defend Great Britain and her colonies against supernatural threats. Compatible with other Ubiquity settings... AFO Adventure Compendium One – Le Mousquetaire Dishonore Regular price: $9.09 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Revenge is a dish best served cold! Le Mousquetaire Déshonoré is a four part adventure campaign for the musketeer roleplaying game —All For One Régime Diabolique. At its core, Le Mousquetaire Déshonoré is a tale of revenge involving a former King’s Musketeer. Thrown out of the company for being caught in the act of a heinous crime, Delmar Boulanger blames four musketeers for his ouster. Vigorously resisting his arrest Boulanger was severely disfigured during a fight and lost an eye. This bitter and disgraced musketeer spent a little over a decade learning to fight with one eye and plotting his revenge. Each adventure in this amazing campaign follows his path to revenge! All for One: Régime Diabolique is the award-winning musk... All for One: Régime Diabolique Regular price: $12.24 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: Watermarked PDF The year is 1636 and France is a troubled nation. A great and terrible evil gnaws at its core. Darkness stalks the land. All that stands between chaos and order are the King's Musketeers. Explore a France of swashbuckling action, powerful magic, daring deeds, courtly intrigue, witty repartee, and vile monsters! The characters are France's bravest and proudest defenders, the King's Musketeers. Pitted against them is a plethora of corrupt nobles, black magicians, fell demons, and twisted secret societies. Set at the height of power of Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIII, All for One: Régime Diabolique mixes the action of literary works such as the Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers with horror and intrigue to create a unique, vibrant setting. The high-actio... Leagues of Adventure - Core Rules Regular price: $13.99 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF Welcome to Leagues of Adventure a rip-roaring setting of exploration and derring-do in the late Victorian Age! Leagues of Adventure is a roleplaying game set in the late Victorian Age, a gritty steampunk game where the hostile natives are a serious threat, a pulp action game where the characters eat savage warriors for breakfast, a highly cinematic one which allows the characters to swing single-handedly from the underside of an early airship while bare-knuckle boxing pterodactyls over a lost plateau. Truth be told, it’s whatever you want it to be! Whatever drives your character, there’s a world packed with danger, excitement, and mystery out there waiting to be explored! So take an action packed trip into the world of Leagues of Adventure!... Leagues of Adventure - Plateau of the Ape Men Regular price: $5.87 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF Welcome to Leagues of Adventure a rip-roaring setting of exploration and derring-do in the late Victorian Age! This is an age where the world is slowly shrinking. Colonial powers are extending their grip on Africa and Asia, brave men and women are venturing ever further into the great wildernesses in search of lost civilizations, new species of plants and animals, and to map the unexplored tracts. Travel between the great population centers has never been so easy, yet travel into the wilderness remains fraught with danger and mystery. this quickstart edition specially produced for uk games expo 2011 contains: •    an introduction to ubiquity. •    two short adventures. •    six sample characters. •   ... Leagues of Adventure Weird Science Compendium Regular price: $4.89 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF The Industrial Revolution has given way to the Age of Weird Science! From lone eccentrics working in garden sheds to government-funded research projects, weird scientists are producing ever more useful, and wacky, ways to improve (and end) the lives of citizens. Whether you need a device to aid globetrotting or a more efficient way to kill your enemies, help is at hand! This supplement contains new material covering : 5 New Leagues 43 Weird science gadgets 14 Unique weapons 3 Crazy Vehicles 2 Amazing Living creations 3 New Sample player characters We also include a page of henchmen with a scientific bent! The devices follow the same format as per the core rules, giving players the information they need to create their own variants or improve existing models. In addition,...
Total value:$92.23Special bundle price:$30.00Savings of:$62.23 (67%)
Price: $92.23 TAG@TEN Ubiquity Bundle [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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