#jak speaks
koscistymotylekany · 4 months
" rozumiem cię "
Oh , czyli rozumiesz obrzydzenie do samej siebie , płacz gdy zjem za dużo kalorii , czytanie blogów o anie żeby dać radę , katować się, mieć wyrzutu po zjedzeniu czegokolwiek. Rozumiesz nienawiść jaką darze swoje ciało przez to jaka jestem gruba i okropna N I E? A to szkoda
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oddsel · 3 months
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self-indulgent / no kin/me/id tags for daxter, no f/o tags for jak / reblog + credit if using . . .
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——— NOTES !
there's more icons. there's so many more. what have i done. i'm not even putting them all in posts because there's 186. the rest (including the ones posted here cuz i'm not sifting through them all) are here if you want them
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incorrect-prema · 1 year
Ollie, about Arthur: He's speaking some kind of French.
Jak: Let me handle it. I speak Spanish. It's the same thing.
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enfinizatics · 17 days
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siemano, mam nadzieje że poszliście glosować jeśli macie czynne prawo wyborcze. lokale otwarte do 21!
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suburbanlegnd · 1 year
jak jeszcze raz zobaczę tego pierdolonego Kaczyńskiego albo Czarnka w telewizji lub gdziekolwiek indziej to dostanę jakiegoś pierdolca
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Operation Mincemeat soundtrack is OUT time to ugly cry to this song 800 times in a row and annhilate this year's spotify wrapped
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therealhimboanon · 1 year
God damn jak's got a fucking Pringle can for inbetween his legs! what the fuck how is that going to fit anywhere am 5'3 help
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xleitmotif · 22 days
For Jak: 😠 ANGRY FACE — how easy or difficult is it for you to express your emotions? if you find it difficult, what do you think is holding you back?
😶‍🌫️ FACE IN CLOUDS — is there something you're hiding from the people you love? if so, how urgent is it for them to hear it? what's holding you back from sharing it?
☀️ SUN — would you describe yourself as more of an introvert or extrovert, or are you somewhere in between? how come?
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😠 ANGRY FACE — how easy or difficult is it for you to express your emotions? if you find it difficult, what do you think is holding you back?
Jak's brows nestle inwards as he ponders the question- does he have a hard time expressing his emotions? He didn't think so- most say that he's easy to read what with his animated facial expressions speaking for him. Anyone could tell he was disgusted or happy pretty easily.
But oftentimes that just wasn't enough, especially with his more complex feelings. The thought softens his serious thinking face and he nods.
Sometimes he wished he had a friend to speak his mind for him. Could he ever find such a close friend like that?
😶‍🌫️ FACE IN CLOUDS — is there something you're hiding from the people you love? if so, how urgent is it for them to hear it? what's holding you back from sharing it?
Rubbing his chin with his head tilted back, Jak considers any secrets he's been keeping, and none of them are particularly urgent or really worth telling. Most of them are small things that he wants to stay secret, like hiding places or personal items.
Jak shakes his head with a loose shrug.
☀️ SUN — would you describe yourself as more of an introvert or extrovert, or are you somewhere in between? how come?
At this, Jak slaps his hand over his eyes and forehead, body reeling back as he laughs at the obviousness. Jak lived to pester and prank people- alongside helping them out and doing the odd job here and there. He may not have much to say, but that didn't keep him from being a real people person.
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luigis-mogai-mansion · 11 months
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A gender that is, best described as or otherwise related to X/cross sans's (and by extension X/cross chara's) weapon, a giant red knife.
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lesbiankordian · 1 year
z okazji dnia języka ojczystego, chciałabym pokazać moją ukochaną - gwinonę
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kwiecista · 2 months
What are some of the things you’re looking for in a partner now that you didn’t prioritize in the past?
Do you really want me going down the road of past relationships and dwelling on what could and should have been different? Because that is a dangerous road and not one that you really need to hear. There's a gate on that part of my story for a reason.
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[A wistful sigh. Despite these protests, she has already fallen into the well of memories. She avoided coming to this well, worried that if she looked too deep, she would fall and drown.]
Something that I'm looking for in a partner now that I didn't prioritize in the past? I've realized how important it is to have someone who makes me feel weak. Now, before you start, let me explain.
I've spent my whole life being strong. Sometimes, I wonder if I know anything else... If I know how to be weak. I don't let anyone push me around. I will always stand up for myself and fight to my last breath. I've done it before, and I'll happily do it again.
But, I have to admit, it gets exhausting sometimes. Always relying on myself, that is. There are times when I just want to lie down and close my eyes until it's all over. But that just isn't who I am. Because if I don't take care of myself and my own interests, who will?
Hopefully, this hypothetical partner. I know that you don't just start out putting your full faith into someone, at least I don't. No, he would have to earn my trust and prove himself reliable enough to see my complete and vulnerable self. He will have to build that track record over time and prove that I can trust him with my interests so that I can believe him when he takes me in his strong, loving arms as he strokes my exhausted face and whispers, ❝You don't need to be strong now. You can rest for a bit. I can be strong enough for both of us and I will take care of you.❞
[Her cheeks turn pink as she pulls herself out of her thoughts.] Oh dear, I went off into a daydream, didn't I?
Well, I'll leave you with a practical piece of advice to make up for that. These people do exist. I've met them. But they are few and far in between. So when you do come across them, do everything in your power to hold onto them. And if you're lucky, they will stick with you. And if you're luckier still, they will eventually come to see you the way that you see them...
I know that was only one thing, but do you really need more?
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koscistymotylekany · 4 months
"Wyglądasz jak gówno" dziękuję tato
"Przytyło ci się" dziękuję babciu
"Boże ale jesteś ciężka" dziękuję braciszku
"Ale z ciebie ciężarówka" dziękuję mamo
Dziękuję każdej osobie która uświadomiła mi , że jestem jednak gównem i marginesem społecznym , że żeby być lubianą muszę być CHUDA i jedną osobą która mnie zrozumie jest Ana.
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Speak your language day?
Och. ("Och", a nie "oh", bo ortografia to okrutna matrona.)
Czas na anegdotkę.
Czas akcji: gdzieś w zamierzchłych latach przed pandemią; miejsce akcji: szkoła w małym nigdzie. Bohaterowie: czternastoosobowa grupa nastolatków (niemniej jednak, święto by się stało gdyby w ciągu jednego dnia pojawiło się ich więcej niż ośmiu lub dziewięciu), nauczycielka angielskiego.
Anegdotka luźno z tematem powiązana, ponieważ owa nauczycielka była obcokrajowcem (obcokrajówką?) i mimo uczenia przez nomen-omen 20 lat z jakimś ogonkiem, ten język polski to jej tak jednak nie leżał. Przy czym zaznaczyć trzeba, że jeśli istnieje jedna osoba na świecie, która byłaby w stanie nauczyć szympansa recytować Szekspira, to jest to właśnie ona.
Zdarza się, no zdarza się, trudno. Byle się porozumieć, prawda?
Nieprawda. Oj, nieprawda.
Widzicie moi drodzy, dostaliśmy zakaz zanieczyszczania naszego języka ojczystego, co w praktyce sprowadziło się do prohibicji na wszelkiego rodzaju zapożyczenia. (O zasadności niektórych można lub wręcz należy dyskutować, ale to może innym razem).
Tornado? Gdzie tam, matole, trąba powietrzna.
Stetoskop? Urządzenie do osłuchiwania klatki piersiowej.
Problemy pojawiły się już przy telefonie. Posty, blogi, SMSy... A idź, panie. Idź.
Kochani, kochajmy pożyczać. Przynajmniej tam, gdzie jest to zasadne.
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enfinizatics · 3 months
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a czy wy wsparliście już swój local sztab wośpu??? 🤨🤨
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cosmere-cosmeme · 2 years
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In the reread server we’ve been joking around abt fanfic in era 2 cause it simply has to exist and. this was the product. thanks hannah /gen
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