#jasper liu
balticprincess · 7 months
I can‘t be the only person here who loved the Taiwanese drama Before we get married? It was fantastic in all its mess and I thought it was so well acted and seriously hot. The main couple had an amazing chemistry. And don’t tell me you didn’t think about what they would do after meeting again? I had to write a short fanfic about it. Read it if you like…
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stellarflex · 2 years
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thebadscarecrow · 28 days
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Jasper Liu (actor) ;; gallery.
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seunggibroughtmehere · 11 months
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Baozha! (2016) [6 min] by Jasper Liu | Singapour
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daisyjoners · 11 months
“ if somebody i was still in love with was getting serious with somebody else i’d be pretty upset too. ” // addison & aspen
caso o seu eu de um ano atrás descobrisse tudo o que havia mudado nos últimos meses, provavelmente entraria em síncope. entre o momento de seu noivado, e o reencontro com o ex-namorado pouquíssimo tempo antes, tanto se desenrolar em sua vida que acreditava que mal conseguiria se reconhecer; aspen, em muitos momentos, sentira vergonha de suas ações, da mesma maneira que uma parte enorme sua a insistia que não teria como ter agido de outra forma, dadas às circunstâncias. não havia discutido uma boa parte de suas ações com ninguém além de jasper, porque era ele com quem a maior parte de seus problemas estava associado, e, por mais que quisesse, não conseguiria evitar conversar sobre a falta de moralidade na relação que acontecia entre eles, e todo o conflito interno no qual se encontrava desde o retorno de sentimentos que, talvez, nunca houvessem realmente desaparecido. era como se estivessem, na verdade, apenas adormecidos durante todos aqueles anos em que não se viram, desde o término em sua adolescência.
entretanto, não importava mais pensar naquilo. quebrar a sua cabeça tentando entender o que sentia era somente arrumar motivos para se magoar e aumentar o nível de estresse em que entrava sempre que os dilemas começavam a cercar aspen quanto a como deveria agir, agora que tudo havia acabado. quando afirmou a ele que não queria que tivessem mais nada, que deveria deixá-la em paz e continuar com sua própria vida… bom, agora lhe era óbvio que uma parte sua estava esperando o contrário, mesmo que a liu insistisse a si mesma que estava muito melhor sem continuar a relação que tinham. e ter de ver o ex com outra mulher doía muito mais que anteriormente acreditava ser uma possibilidade. para tornar sua situação ainda pior, acreditava não ter ninguém com quem conversar sobre; por mais que sarah e finn a escutassem, e vice-versa, quanto aos problemas de seu cotidiano, não queria ter de admitir o que fez, e tentar explicar toda a sua proximidade com o ex-namorado enquanto usava o anel de noivado de mark. e, por mais que addison fosse sua melhor amiga desde a sua mudança para são francisco, era a irmã de jasper. não queria colocá-la em uma posição ruim, muito menos confidenciar algo que talvez ele não a quisesse sabendo. 
talvez, estando tão descrente que a melhor amiga se daria conta em algum momento, por nunca ter dito a ela nada sobre o que realmente acontecia entre ela e o benowitz mais velho, a surpresa com o que era dito pela outra naquela noite só se tornasse ainda maior que o esperado. desde que escutou tal sentença saindo da mulher, sentada ao seu lado, estava completamente sem reação; tudo bem, deveria esperar de addison que acabasse tendo algumas suspeitas quanto a ambos, mas aquilo… por deus, acreditava que estavam escondendo muito melhor tudo aquilo. tudo o que aspen poderia fazer naquele instante era dar graças a deus que não estavam na casa da amiga, ou ter de encarar o ex-namorado - provavelmente em companhia de sua nova namorada - algum tempo após escutar aquilo dela a faria ficar potencialmente louca. “eu não…” não levou a sentença adiante, ao se dar conta de que estaria apenas soando mais na defensiva diante de quem a conhecia como ninguém. resolveu respirar fundo e ir direto ao ponto, pois duvidava muito que addison fosse deixá-la livre daquela conversa. “desde quando você sabe?” aspen acabou perguntando, um pouco mais direta. 
“não me odeia por não ter falado nada com você?” encarou a melhor amiga, as palavras carregadas de constrangimento. estava travada, sem saber para que lado realmente ir, e nem a possibilidade de simplesmente tentar cortar o assunto de uma vez, muito menos a de se abrir e deixar o que ocorria em seu coração ser verbalizado para a amiga, pareciam ser genuinamente boas. “não sei se ele… se ele te falou alguma coisa. ou se você só acabou percebendo,” o que, na verdade, era o que a liu acreditava ser a opção mais provável, considerando alguns comentários que addison tinha feito nas últimas semanas. “mas não é bem assim. quer dizer, eu acho que não é.” engoliu em seco, sabendo que, na verdade, estava contando uma mentira mais para si mesma que para addie. era complicado por incontáveis razões conversar sobre a temática do ex-namorado, mas, especialmente, porque odiava ter de admitir em alto e bom som o que tinha feito enquanto ainda estava com outro. o máximo que fizera fora conversar com jasper em relação a isso e, ainda assim, era complicado, porque nunca queria ter de tratar sobre a seriedade que existiria ou não entre ambos. como se apenas negar tudo tornasse as coisas menos sólidas. “amor não é…” se interrompeu, não conseguindo encontrar as palavras com facilidade naquele instante. 
abraçou os joelhos sobre o sofá, ponderando sobre como prosseguir. “eu ainda tenho sentimentos por ele, mas daria pra considerar algo tão forte assim? olha, não sei, porque… é confuso. me perguntei muito o que aconteceria se a gente ficasse juntos outra vez, de verdade, ter um relacionamento de novo, mas não parece certo. amor deveria ser uma coisa tranquila, não é? te deixar com estabilidade. não é o tipo de coisa que acontece com ele.” era como acreditava que se sentia, ou deveria sentir, por mark. porque o que mais gostava em seu noivo, naqueles anos de relacionamento, era justamente o quanto se conseguia permitir sentir segurança de que não haveria nenhuma movimentação grande na relação; ela sempre teria a presença de mark quando precisasse, por mais que não existissem faíscas entre eles. “eu sei que ele é o seu irmão, mas… eu não sei o que tinha na cabeça. não sei o que acontece comigo por causa dele, porque eu disse várias vezes pra ele desistir, que não iria dar em nada, que… não sei, que a gente não iria realmente estar junto porque não fazia mais sentido, e que ele tinha que seguir em frente. e agora, que ele fez tudo isso, eu sinto vontade de gritar.” doía ver jasper com a nova namorada, sabendo que não era somente uma tentativa boba de fazê-la sentir ciúmes; poderia não saber muito sobre a relação deles, justamente por seu afastamento quando jasper apareceu com olivia, mas era claro que aquilo era sério. vê-lo com outra doía muito mais que imaginava, todas as vezes em que o mandou fazer isso. “não deveria ser assim, que inferno, eu não tenho mais dezessete anos. e não deveria mais ficar mexida com essas coisas, com ele, a última coisa que eu preciso é largar a vida que eu construí por algo que eu nem sei se é de verdade. não sei nem se ele levava a sério o que falava.” murmurou as últimas palavras, passando uma das mãos pelo cabelo. “mas, não vale a pena falarmos disso, porque… não muda nada, né? que diferença faz agora? ele tá feliz com ela. o que eu sinto ou não, não vai mudar nada pra nenhum de nós.”
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rhaenyrz · 1 year
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ jasper ace benowitz and aspen elizabeth liu (future’s version) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀    ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀featuring chewie, anakin and luke everrett liu benowitz. 
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gizkasparadise · 3 months
What is the worst, most technically inept drama that you secretly love? Tell us of the best badgood drama, the clunkiest dialogue, the most inexplicable casting, the hideously costumed yet most fun dramas, please.
🫥Anonymously yours🫥,
dear complete stranger (<3),
man i love badgood dramas so much!!! i chose ones that are flatout objectively not good, but i was glued for them all. here's a few that are jumping out
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triad princess (taiwan). it ends on a cliffhanger that will never be continued, the relationship building is non-existent, jasper liu basically plays himself yet still acts like he's doing a community service project, but omg it's cute and hit all the right notes for me. fave bonus is that one of the gangster henchmen falls in love with the FL's best friend, a shy boy who works at a mart and makes youtube covers
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hold on, my lady (chinese). a bandit is offered a choice when she's caught during a heist: be executed or marry this aloof but beautiful but delicate son of the general. she chooses the latter, and hijinks ensue. made on a budget of pocket lint and just wacky, im going to rewatch this today, actually. fave bonus moment: the FL falls dramatically down and the ML breaks both his arms instantly when he tries to catch her
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thumping spike & thumping spike 2 (korean). the two are barely related, but both deal with a competitive men's volleyball team! thumping spike 1 is about a washed up competitive female player going to coach a high school team to glory (just dont...think too critically about the age difference, there) and the second is COLLEGE EDITION with a love quadrangle between two identical twins, one of whom is a cheerleader for the team, the ace volleyball player who's too cool for school, and the WILDCARD volleyball player who gets mad when people call him gorilla. the second one is definitely worse than the first one, but neither are bringing home awards. i still watched them both in one sitting.
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my heart twinkle twinkle (korean). this show is actually insane and a parade of toxic that i can never, in good conscience, ever rec to anyone. but gd did i watch the whole fucking thing. look at this fucking poster. this fucking poster looks like it was doused by a fake snow machine.
premise: Noble But Poor family has 3 daughters: the eldest, who is the caretaker; the middle who is Aloof and Ambitious; and the youngest who is A Fucking Menace. they are lead by their single father, who owns a fried chicken store
Rich but Dysfunctional family also has 3 children: the eldest, who is the only son and a fucking piece of work, the middle who is school colleagues with the other family's middle daughter and a hot mess who loves Da Club, and the youngest, who is clingy and gets into a ton of fights with the other family's youngest but is otherwise ok. they run AN EVIL FRIED CHICKEN FRANCHISE that is poisoning people through subpar ingredients!!
there's so much that's so wrong with this, im going to bullet point it from another post i made:
the entire premise is that there’s a fried chicken restaurant rivalry between two families but somehow there’s murder and slush funds and this guy who owns a string of fried chicken franchises named after himself (yeah) has direct access to seoul’s police commissioner at any given moment
one of the main actresses was involved in a scandal a little over halfway through production so they just….vanish her character/entire plotline like it never happened
the main male lead is toxic personified. him and li chengyin from goodbye my princess could co-author a dating strategy/forced-marriage-after-you-kill-your-girlfriend’s-head-of-household book because jesus christ. he literally screams that he hates women and he ends the drama (rightfully!!) in fucking prison
the second female lead disappears/creates a new identity and becomes a chicken chef student of the world. shes later in a love triangle between a single dad chicken shop interior designer and another vanilla guy
that's right, one guy’s job is he’s an architect for chicken restaurant interiors i cant
the main male lead leaves the main female lead’s father to die in a chicken-coop-themed arsony and then cha-cha slides into the son-in-law’s role during the father’s funeral and later MARRIES the female lead
the main male lead tells the female lead’s father’s grave that HE WON AND DAD LOST because the male lead is standing and the father’s in the dirt?!
a friend/almost!love interest of the second female lead dies tragically in a chicken delivery motorcycle chase????
it's the worst drama i've ever seen. i watched all of it.
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kakafukaka (japanese)
this one is so gd weird and unappealing it somehow circled back around and became off-puttingly charming to me? so the premise is that there's a 20something year old woman whose life has gone to shit and she ends up in a sharehome with the most sexually dysfunctional bunch of people in the world. one of these is her ex, who tells her that she's the only one he can get a boner with (yeah) and asks her to help him get over his impotence in order to write his novel (yeah). if you read the whole show as kind of an exploration into sex without romance/love, it's as not bad, and there's something weirdly endearing about everyone--i really love the second female lead akari in particular. but it's not a good show, not by a long shot (MDL rating? 6.6), and the ship is dysfunctional at the very best. the ost somehow is great though?
speaking of trash dramas with great OSTs, love in sadness has some of my favorite songs:
okay that's enough for now!!!!
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Jasper sat in her enclosure looking bored as ever. She sat up eventually and wandered around a bit, unaware that a new scientist would be studying her. (Scientist Liu and Test Subject Jasper au @brilliant-moons )
The new scientist walked in eventually, having only been introduced as Liu Woods. He had pale green eyes and a stern expression on his face. He noticed Jasper, and immediately felt guilty for having to keep her contained. "Hey girl... You okay in there? Hope nobody's being a jerk to ya."
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stellarflex · 2 years
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thebadscarecrow · 28 days
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Jasper Liu (actor) ;; gallery.
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seunggibroughtmehere · 11 months
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barkskins · 5 months
i would love to have some more interactions with these babies. please drop a like/comment and i'll write up something little to introduce you to my sweethearts (if you have a preference, please specify!)
elspeth sun  —  embalmer  —  fc: jessie mei li.
ender baptista  —  piercer  —  fc:  savannah lee smith.
evanie-may jennings  —  bartender  —  fc:  olivia cooke / isabel may.
fletcher liu  —  fight club host + personal trainer  —  fc:  lewis tan.
jaden jace “jj” lapointe  —  it technician  —  fc:  nicholas galitzine.
jasper finch  —  bookseller  —  fc:  jack wolfe.
kasper marr  —  conspiracy theorist + hacker  —  fc:  michael vlamis.
kier darling  —  tba  —  fc:  freddy carter.
mariella mae becker  —  psychic medium  —  fc:  florence pugh.
milena serrano  —  manicurist  —  fc:  zion moreno.
sparrow moore  —  radio host  —  fc:  emma mackey.
striker cannon  —  rancher + moonshiner  —  fc:  johnny knoxville.
summaiya sachdev  —  tba  —  fc:  amita suman.
vale nekoda  —  barista  —  fc:  fivel stewart.
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seolinah · 26 days
some plots/dynamics i would love to have under the cut. like and i'll message you about making us a starter maybe? or plotting things out if that's your jam
always up for (and prefer) making any of the things f/f, but otherwise fine with whatever; put some muse ideas to use in it, but always up for using someone else or making someone new !
joe g*ldberg x love qu*nn dynamic from you; or a toxic and dangerous couple with murderous tendencies. can be obsessed with each other, one could be straying and the other is pissed about it, or they can not know (or one not know) about what the other is actually like ↪ wouldn't mind using: samantha (ana de armas), sinn (davika hoorne), freja (rebecca ferguson), wren (ben barnes)
polyships; give me a couple in love with their best friend or maybe best friends that are always on the verge of being more and then both end up liking the same person or frenemies/rivals that go after the same person ↪ wouldn't mind using: elizabeth (reina hardesty), jasper (alex fitzalan), noah (zoey deutch), tori (kim yoo jung), belinda (havana rose liu), daria (jessie mei li),
ancient / immortal being and a time traveler that keep running into each other throughout different periods of history ↪ wouldn't mind using: androméda (marisol nichols), anele (gugu mbatha-raw), tereza (angela sarafyan), liam chung (henry golding)
nerd x popular; more so just from this → i should be riding some nerd’s thigh while he gropes all over my body & tells me i’m the girl on his dreams ↪ wouldn't mind using: ye-jun (song kang), chan-yeol (lee dohyun), daria (jessie mei li), holly (abigail cowen), raven (tati gabrielle), belinda (havana rose liu), kenny (fivel stewart), eden (willa fitzgerald), jia (han so-hee)
all the horror related things pls and thanks; being haunted, someone going after them, killer x target, killers duo or killers competing against each other ↪ wouldn't mind using: camilla (amanda seyfried), cora (kim go-eun), florence (brianne howey), jonah (olivia cooke), joo won (choi sooyoung), priscilla (kate siegel), samantha (ana de armas), sinn (davika hoorne), alex (maggie q), bernie (halston sage), edie (rachel weisz), yu-mi (seo yeji), jane (melissa barrera), melanie (song jihyo), tereza (angela sarafyan), willow (victoria pedretti)
someone give me “you live in the apartment across the hall and you’re so fucking hot but i get so awkward around you even though you act completely normal and i stutter every. time. you’re out of my league anyway but then one night my stupid roommate locks me out and i forget my key and you see me sitting the hallway so you invite me in. and obviously i say yes but holy crap what is happening” plot pretty pls ↪ wouldn't mind using: zoey (adelaide kane), raven (tati gabrielle), presley (samara weaving), cassandra (vanessa kirby), barbara (suki waterhouse), tasmin (jessica alba), sebastian (felix mallard), mj (shin hye-sun), lucy (amy adams), ye-jun (song kang), ezmeray (demet özdemir), elizabeth (gemma chan), carmen (kylie bunbury), caria (melisa pamuk), adrian (seo kang joon)
ghost x human; where they're the only person that can see them (maybe bc of where they live or maybe they're connected somehow) and they work together to try and deal with the ghost's unfinished business or they're the reason they're a ghost or maybe the ghost has grown obsessed with them and wants them for themselves ↪ wouldn't mind using: willow (victoria pedretti), jane (melissa barrera), bernie (halston sage), cora (kim go-eun), yu-mi (seo yeji), theresa (rachel mcadams), edie (rachel weisz), zillah (mookda narinrak)
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daisyjoners · 1 year
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𝐀 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐈𝐔'𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌 — 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡: jasper benowitz & addison benowitz (& albie, the bulldog).
manip credit: @tatisources
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creepywrites · 7 months
Jane Everlasting
Warnings: descriptions of hallucinations, rotting, maggots and suicide.
She lived in a poor neighborhood ridden with drug crime and gang violence, she was rarely allowed outside of the house, she only left on a few occasions to keep the rest of the family from being suspicious. This was because she was seen as an anomaly as her organs were either swapped sides or even missing altogether.
Jane was born at home because Edgar and Elizabeth didn't trust doctors, this caused complications and resulted in Elizabeth's death.
She had surgical procedures done on her at a young age to try and correct it, completely drugged up with painkillers to try and ease the pain.
This is what caused her DID, Jane is the host and she has 6 other alters, Judy, a protector and trauma holder, Meghan, a prosecutor, Jasper, an emotional protector, Edgar, an introject, Berry, a little, Jade, a gatekeeper.
Jane only found out she had DID because Judy informed her at 20, while she was in a psychiatric ward, her and the psychiatrist started talking about it when Jane brought the subject up.
Being trapped in her own house, she didn't have much to do and started journaling her thoughts, a few pages have completely different handwriting and she always wondered why.
As Jane grew she felt more safe in the house, like she was untouchable, especially after the murders, Jane dreaded leaving after seeing how badly Jeff was hurt, she only left again when Jeff invited her to a dinner party.
When she was younger however she hated being stuck inside with very little to do, while also watching others her age go out, she'd often sneak out with Vicky, Hannah or either Jeff.
Jane was very interested in being a scientist, she would often ask Edgar about his work.
Jane was heavily influenced by Vicky, right down to the style of her outfits.
After seeing what happened with Jeff, she felt terrified, she never considered something so bad like that could happen to someone, it got so bad she was transferred to a psychiatric ward for her safety.
She has a lot of conflicting feelings from saving Jeff, she doesn't regret saving him, but there's a lot of what ifs, she wonders if her and her friends lives would've been better if she didn't help him.
Janes hair gets dyed a lot, Judy dyes it black, but Meghan prefers it purple, this caused arguments until Jane suggested they do a mix, everyone agreed on it except Edgar; who hates unnatural hair in general, when fronting he washes it out.
She tried smoking, she was given one from Liu and absolutely hated it, gagging instantly and never tried again.
She is a very untrusting person from all the years being inside the house, and is unnecessarily sceptical of a lot not knowing if it's dangerous or not.
Jane bought and customised the mask slightly to make it look more her style.
Jane rarely takes off the mask, she finds it to difficult and doesn't want to remember what she looks like underneath, the only ones who take it off are Berry and Jasper.
She is terrified of fire, even if it's a small manageable one.
Jane is a really good cook but does not like cooking on a stove anymore due to the heat.
Jane currently lives with Vicky and Hannah.
Jane had gotten insomnia sometime after the incident, she always has eye bags and was more angry, she uses sleeping pills whenever she can.
After going nearly bald she started looking after her hair a lot better, she steals a lot of hair products to maintain it.
She used to wear the wig Jeff gifted, but threw it away as soon as her hair started growing back.
She uses a lot of makeup every day to try and make herself feel better, though it causes a lot of acne.
She tends to have all sorts of healing ointments and lotions on her at all times due to dry skin.
Jane is assumed dead, she has a grave and everything because someone impersonated her, and Fake Jane was killed by Lyra. She now tries to steer clear of any attention from the media.
She loves watermelon flavoured lollies.
Jane has permanent scarring from the fire, she tries to wear long clothing and gloves whenever she can, in summer she wears thin long clothes.
She visits her parents every weekend, when she does she always tries to bring flowers.
She tries making it quick because she doesn't like the thoughts that come with it.
She hates thinking if her parents saw her now they'd be disappointed and ashamed of her.
Jane's psychosis comes on as a result of anxiety. Her hallucinations are audio and visual, sometimes the delusions are usually rooted in paranoia. She can usually predict when she's about to be going into a psychosis episode based on what is causing the panic response. Jane tries to brace herself and remember what it was like last time and prepare, but once the full brunt of delusion and hallucinations start she's always unprepared for how bad it gets even if its the same thing as the last few times.
When it's mild, and stays mild, its more annoying. She's constantly hearing Vicky's and Hannah's cat wanting to be let into their room, even if she's not actually in the room, or the far away hum of a deep voiced male. She catch's birds out of the corner of her eye in places there are no birds. She'll become fixated and, even if they were not in their house at all, Jane will get up and go looking for their cat. She's absolutely convinced he followed her all the way to someplace else and she has to take a 15 minute break to do a lap around the area, trying to find him.
When it's bad, she's usually under the impression that someone, somewhere, knows about her and the others and whereabouts and is going to SWAT them, doxx them, or get the police to show up and arrest them all, rotting in prison for life. Not much helps her stray from this delusion, as much as everyones tried. She will usually just hide in the bathroom and cry for hours on end because they already called. Their going to jail.
If Jane looks into the dark too long, under the bed, in the closet, barely lit room in the middle of the night, etc, she'll see corpses of animals. Sometimes animals she's seen in the past, sometimes wild animals like possums, or even Liu's dog, always dark and unidentifiable masses that look like there either squirming in pain or writhing because maggots are under their skin.
Jane hears Jeff yelling that he's going to kill himself in the other room. Sometimes he'll blames her, sometimes he wishes he could just kill me instead, and goes on about how she abandoned him and left him and her friends to die when she moved away away. She'll respond but he doesnt say anything in response, just the same threats and the same disparaging remarks.
Sometimes she'll even hear Vicky violently throwing around pots and pans. Sometimes the noise of the cat being murdered and Vicky screaming at her mesh together and become one loud, disoriented, voice.
Jane loves all kinds of food with few exceptions such as tofu, hated it since a kid.
She had a limited amount of food given as a kid, now she eats a lot more to compensate.
Jane loves fantasy creatures like mermaids, fairies, elves, angels and orgres, very disappointed when she found out they weren't real.
Jane loves animals but her favorites are undoubtedly sharks, she really loves them and seeing them makes her happy, she hated finding out some are in captivity. Jeff gave her a shark plush when they were still friends which she adored and always slept with it, she even still has it to this day, though after having it for so long it's become tattered and dirty.
she developed a huge appetite for meat since she was a pre-teen, this appetite grew stronger to the point of fantasising about hurting others or even animals for their meat.
However she never actually acted on it and never ate anyone, when she had these urges she'd sneak in  meat from the kitchen, she had gotten salmonella from eating raw meat, not knowing about the disease.
She has three stepsisters, Dani, Marcy and Erica, Jane barely knows them because she was in a psych ward by the time her dad remarried, and doesn't see them as family.
Jane became homeless after leaving the hospital and had no clue what to do or where to go, she'd stay in cafes or bars as long as she could to watch the news to try and get a grasp on what's happening after talking to people didn't work.
Her original plan was to Jeff and than have a normal life again, she could never find him, but did find Hannah and Vicky when they were on the run.
Her favourite movie is Inside Out, she finds it relatable and similar to DID. Jane was introduced by Vailly.
Her friends are Vicky, Hannah, Nina, Jesse and Zero.
Jane and Mary don't know about Jesse and Janes relationship because they intimidate her.
After being taken in by Liu, she starts killing people after hearing about what happened to the others.
Jane solely targets people that have committed crimes, whether it be theft or murder, she’ll stalk that person for a few days to weeks and kill them.
She does this in secret because she knows Vicky and Hannah won’t understand the vision.
She was gifted a Polaroid camera on her 10th birthday and she loved and got interested in photography, she'd take a lot of pictures of her friends and the scenery out her window.
Jane would pin them in her journal and on her pin board.
She took Nina under her wing and tried helping her, they became close and she even considers Nina like a sister. After Jane was one of the few to recognise her as a victim and was a lot nicer than the rest.
She sometimes finds she can be to much, but is afraid to tell her without upsetting Nina, so Jane just tolerates it.
She encouraged Nina to to try and make amends with Sully, though felt horrible when it didn’t work.
Jane learned how to play the piano, she wanted to play to try and feel closer to Elizabeth.
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