#javascript reverse method
idrellegames · 1 year
Hi Idrelle, I was wondering--Wayfarer is already such a huge game, and you project that it will be millions of words. Are you concerned at all about how Twine will handle such a large game? Do you do anything to ensure that it doesn't lag or crash? I am considering making a (large and complex) game in Twine, and I don't want to get in too deep before discovering some issues. For example, is there a limit to how many images you can have?
This is an excellent question! It's one I've been researching since I started development and there's a few things I've learned along the way.
There are two main concerns when it comes to Twine games and size:
Lag in the editor (if you use the Twine editor)
Lag in the game itself
Editor Lag
The first is fairly straightforward to handle, but it depends on your preferred working method. The Twine editor starts to lag around the 500-700 passage mark (there may be slight differences as to when the lag starts to happen depending on which version of the editor you are using and your PC). This means that it is nearly impossible to make a large game in a single story file.
One way to get around the lag is to work in multiple separate story files and then compile them together using Tweego. I have a couple tutorials about this here and here.
The other option (which may be easier, it depends on how you prefer to work) is to ditch the Twine editor completely and use Twee 3 language extensions in Visual Studio Code. There are a bunch of other benefits to working in VSCode (syntax highlighting, etc), but the set-up can be finnicky. I don't like working in VSCode, so the most I can do is direct you here.
Game Lag
The primary cause of game lag comes down to how variables are stored within the game's history states. States are what allow the player to navigate the game with a back button - how many states you have will control how many moments they're allowed to undo. If it's set to 50, then the player can reverse 50 passages before they're stopped, if it's 100, then they can go back 100.
But in short, what's happening behind the scenes here is that when the player navigates through passage history, all of the variables they have recorded so far get cloned. If your game has a large amount of variables controlling different gameplay elements, then the information being stored in the player's session will bloat, which causes lag during saves, loads and passage transitions.
In SugarCube, the best way to fix this is to set your history states to 1 by putting this in your Story JavaScript:
Config.history.maxStates = 1;
However, this means that your game will have no passage navigation:
You CANNOT have a back button
All your game menus will have to be done through overlays and dialogue boxes. Using passages themselves and requiring the player to navigate through them and use a return button will trap the player in the menu. You can use the built-in dialogue box for this purpose, but if you want game menus that are a little heftier, HiEv's SlideWin Overlay does the trick (this is what I use in Wayfarer).
Some additional things you can do to help prevent lag:
unset variables if you're done using them
use temporary variables where you can
If you want to get really fancy, you can use something like HiEv's FlagBit code to store multiple pieces of information on a single integer value.
Images won't really contribute to lag as long as you put them in a separate asset folder as part of your game's directory (explained here). There is one exception - if you have code that pre-loads image assets on start-up, it will increase your load's time for browser players. If you've ever had a long load time when starting Wayfarer, this is the reason.
As to how many you can have - it depends? If you're planning on your game to be playable online and using a hosting site like itch.io, there's some specific file requirements that cannot be exceeded for browser-based games (ZIP files cannot contain more than 1000 individual files, the size of all extracted content cannot be greater than 500MB, etc). But if you intend for your game to be downloadable and played offline, then this isn't really a concern.
Regardless of all of the above, I cannot say that you will be 100% fine making a very large game in Twine. I haven't hit limitations yet, but I am prepared to. It's always good to have a backup plans in mind as you proceed. In my case, it's splitting the game into a trilogy and using save imports to move the player's data between games, but if I ever do reach the point where Twine cannot handle what I'm doing, then I'll switch engines.
Hope this helps!
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izicodes · 1 year
Method Chaining - C# and JavaScript
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Hiya! I learnt a technique during my night coding class that I wanted to share because it was super handy! We learnt about Method Chaining! I found it a huge lifesaver and it makes my code look a whole lot neater and not so long! So, let's talk about it!
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What is it exactly? 🔗
It's basically a technique in your code where you add multiple methods on a single object, with each method returning the object on which it was called. So, the calls are chained together in a single statement without needing for intermediate variables, which I made a lot of before I learnt about this!
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Examples 🔗
Let me share some examples in my favourite programming languages that I am using right now: C# and JavaScript!
C# Example:
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In this example, I am trying to get the even numbers for the array (2 and 4) and adding it to an array - so it would be [2, 4]. I then want to multiply the numbers in this new array by two - turning it to [4, 8]. Finally adding them together at the end using .Sum()!
Tedious code to look at, I know, however, I turned 8 lines of code to just 6 overall in the other snapshot just because I was able to condense the code down by chaining!
JavaScript Example:
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This time I tried it with strings. The idea is that I turn the string uppercased, then I reverse the words around and add a hyphen (-) in between them! Again, the code is longer without the chaining and looks much better with some chaining!
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What to learn from this? 🔗
The most important and obvious information is that method chaining aims to make code more readable and concise
Can reduce the number of temporary variables required - all these extra variables that we probably won't use again ever
And lastly, it improves the readability of complex operations by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps - "oh, now I understand what the code is doing!"
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Useful Links 🔗
[FORUM POST] - Method chaining - why is it a good practice, or not?
[ARTICLE] - C# Method Chaining
[ARTICLE] - Method Chaining in JavaScript
[VIDEO] - Method Chaining in JavaScript
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I hope you learnt something new! Most programming languages allow for this to happen so try it out in your favourite languages!!
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day/night and happy coding! 🙌🏾
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dj-of-the-coven · 9 months
yo dunno if you've been asked this question before or not (sorry if you have) but where'd you get your tumblr theme? and are the colors customizable or at least have theme variants (like royale or maybe royale noir, but i honestly have never been able to find anything for the latter)??
Hey, I'm always open for questions like that! So, when you say theme, there are a couple different possibilities you might be referring to: either the colors of a basic tumblr blog (the small popup window you see via Tumblr directly) or the desktop site you receive automatically upon acquiring a URL. You should get everything you need for the in-site customization when you first make a tumblr blog--and I'm most familiar with this on desktop, so forgive me for not providing details on mobile--but anyway, it would be discoverable through your blog editor in the same place you go to edit your description, title, pfp, etc. As for my desktop blog, this was made using customizable HTML (hypertext markup language), or a basic programming language for websites used in tandem with CSS (cascading style sheets). There is also a section of JavaScript on my blog which is for the sparkles that follow the cursor on my page. All three of these languages can be used to make your blog virtually whatever you want, but considering the question, I'll operate on the basis that you don't know how to code. How can you get a customizable theme?
Follow these simple directions:
go to settings
select your blog on the right sidebar (should look like this but with your blogs instead of mine)
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scroll until you see this setting
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if not enabled, enable custom theme
click edit theme
At this point, you should see an editor much like this, but with your desktop site, which is likely going to be a generic model.
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I will be proceeding in this guide assuming that you don't know HTML. To get a custom theme, select the icon on the left sidebar that says browse themes.
You will then see the sidebar change to feature Tumblr's generic theme and probably one or two paid ones. Look to the bottom of the sidebar to find this fun lil guy:
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Then do me a favor and select it.
On the new page that pops up, you should be able to find hundreds and hundreds of themes made both by professionals and amateur programmers, some of them with price tags, but plenty of others totally free! To install a theme onto your blog, first find one that fits your tastes about right. Don't fret too much about colors and images, because the vast majority of themes will allow you to customize that--you just need the computer to know where to put things. Let's take a look at some of the featured selections here.
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Let's say you want to try the first theme! Select it so this window pops up on your computer.
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Preview and install do exactly what it says on the tin. For now, let's scroll down a little bit to check this theme's stats...
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Take a look at all of this stuff to make sure that it does what you like, and make sure that you understand what you're signing up for. It's totally reversible in the sense that you can install the generic theme again at any time, but remember that whatever theme you already have WILL change when you install this. Always check for accessibility features as well! Depending on your needs, you might need to know if the programmer whose code you're borrowing has put any flashing lights or gifs in the layout before you download. Better safe than sorry.
Once you've decided on a theme, go ahead and click install.
It shouldn't take long afterwards for your blog to finish rearranging itself. Once it's finished, mosey over to your desktop site to check out how it's changed!
Most themes that you can download will include their own customization options that you can find using the same method we used earlier to open up this part of the blog editor:
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Just use the left sidebar to make any changes you might want to make to your theme in there. The theme description should've listed everything you can customize before downloading, and it'll all be right there in that menu! Most themes will let you change the color, images, backgrounds, links, music, or any other custom features to your heart's content through those controls. And if you're still unsatisfied, you can open up your blog's HTML file by clicking the edit HTML tab at the top of the left sidebar. Make sure you read some basic guides on code insertion if you do, though. It can be a little tricky to reverse garbage code if you put it in the wrong place.
Let me know if I can do anything else, anon! Good luck and happy customizing!
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savertools · 2 years
How to obfuscate the Javascript file using an online tool?
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Obfuscation is the process of converting JS native syntax into unreadable code for humans (or very difficult to understand). This is accomplished via Javascript Obfuscators, which minify/compress the original code. This is a method of protecting the code such that reverse engineering is difficult. Writing source code with incomprehensible and strange syntax is also a game.
The strategies involve the usage of ASCII codes (to replace characters with letters), brief non-defined variable names, overcoding such as base64, and so on.
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sreenivas5678 · 4 months
full stack interview question and answers
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 Front-End Interview Questions:
What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
Answer: The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of objects, where each object corresponds to a part of the document.
Explain the difference between var, let, and const in JavaScript.
Answer: var is function-scoped, while let and const are block-scoped. const is used for constants, and let is for variables that can be reassigned.
What is the purpose of CSS preprocessors like Sass or LESS?
Answer: CSS preprocessors enhance the capabilities of CSS by adding features like variables, nesting, and mixins. They make CSS code more maintainable and scalable.
Explain the concept of responsive web design.
Answer: Responsive web design ensures that a website's layout and elements adapt to different screen sizes and devices. It involves using fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries.
What is AJAX?
Answer: AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique that allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes. It helps in creating more dynamic and interactive user experiences.
Back-End Interview Questions:
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming?
Answer: In synchronous programming, tasks are executed one after another in a sequential manner. Asynchronous programming allows tasks to run independently, and the program doesn't wait for a task to complete before moving on to the next one.
Explain RESTful APIs.
Answer: REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications. RESTful APIs use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication and are stateless, meaning each request from a client contains all the information needed to fulfill that request.
What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases?
Answer: SQL databases are relational and use a structured schema, while NoSQL databases are non-relational and can handle unstructured data. SQL databases are suitable for complex queries and transactions, while NoSQL databases are often used for scalability and flexibility.
Explain the concept of middleware in Express.js.
Answer: Middleware in Express.js are functions that have access to the request, response, and the next middleware function in the application's request-response cycle. They can perform tasks such as authentication, logging, or modifying the request or response objects.
What is the purpose of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in authentication?
Answer: JWT is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims between two parties. In authentication, JWTs are often used to securely transmit information between parties, allowing the recipient to verify both the data's integrity and the sender's identity.
Full-Stack Interview Questions:
Explain the concept of CORS and how it can be handled in a full-stack application.
Answer: CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a security feature implemented by web browsers that restricts web pages from making requests to a different domain. In a full-stack application, CORS can be handled by configuring the server to include appropriate headers, allowing or denying cross-origin requests.
Describe the process of session management in a web application.
Answer: Session management involves maintaining stateful information about a user between different requests. This can be achieved using techniques like cookies, session tokens, or JWTs. The server stores user data, and the client is identified by a unique identifier during the session.
What is the role of a reverse proxy in a full-stack application?
Answer: A reverse proxy sits between client devices and a server, forwarding client requests to the server and returning the server's responses to clients. It can be used for load balancing, SSL termination, and enhancing security by hiding server details.
Explain the concept of serverless architecture.
Answer: Serverless architecture is a cloud computing model where the cloud provider automatically manages the infrastructure, and developers only need to focus on writing code. Functions (serverless functions) are executed in response to events, and users are billed based on actual usage rather than pre-allocated resources.
How would you optimize the performance of a full-stack web application?
Answer: Performance optimization can involve various strategies, such as optimizing database queries, using caching mechanisms, minimizing HTTP requests, leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs), and employing code splitting. Monitoring and profiling tools can be used to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
Remember to tailor your answers based on your specific experiences and the technologies used in the job you're interviewing for. Additionally, these questions serve as a starting point, and interviewers may explore related concepts or dive deeper into specific technologies during the interview.
For more inforemation click here : Mulemasters
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getfreecourses-uk · 6 months
Data Structures & Algorithms Udemy Free Download - GetFreeCourses
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Most of my students know me for my practical, project-based courses and tutorials. I wanted to create something to give you more fundamental skills for problem solving. That’s where the idea for this challenges course came from. I want to take my down-to-earth explanations to help you get a better understanding of the code that you write and help you write more efficient code. This course is for all levels as long as you have a basic understanding of things like loops, functions, arrays, etc. We are writing JavaScript in this course, but about 95% of it can translate to any other language. So even if you are a Python, PHP or C# developer, you can still follow along. Basic Challenges: We start with a bunch of basic challenges that have to do with iteration and loops. Things like FizzBuzz and string reversals. These are very popular questions for entry-level interviews. We also move on to solving problems with high order array methods like filter and map. Recursion: Recursion is one of the toughest things to learn in programming. We have an entire section dedicated to it with challenges that we solve using recursion. Time & Space Complexity: We talk about how to measure an algorithm or function’s efficiency by using time and space complexity to see how the runtime and memory scale when inscreasing the input. Data Structures: Stacks, Queues, Trees, Linked Lists, Graphs, HashMaps We go over all of the common data structures and create our own implementation of them using JavaScript classes, but like I said, you could use any language. We also learn how to traverse them and complete challenges using them. Sorting Algorithms: We get into different sorting algorithms like bubble sort, insertion, selection, merge and quick sort. These are popular topics for interviews. Read the full article
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ailtrahq · 7 months
Crypto influencer MartyParty has uncovered a mention of Dogecoin DOGE/USD in the source code of Tesla’s Cybertruck checkout page. What Happened: The revelation has sparked curiosity among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, with MartyParty urging Elon Musk to verify the finding himself.Taking to X, MartyParty shared the news, stating, “DOGE in the source code of Cybertruck checkout page. I verified myself. Elon Musk, verify yourself please.” To provide a verification method, the influencer advised using the Brave browser, accessing the browser’s inspect feature, and browsing the JavaScript (JS) source in the “commons” section. Upon searching for “Doge,” MartyParty claimed to have discovered the mention in question.We followed the same steps independently and confirmed the presence of the Dogecoin mentioned in the source code. Will The SEC Finally Approve Long-Awaited Bitcoin Spot ETF? secure early bird discounted tickets now!A Stay At The Floating Palace From James Bond's ‘OctopussyWhy It Matters: According to official information from Tesla, Dogecoin is currently the only cryptocurrency accepted for certain product purchases. The company emphasizes that any incorrect payment amounts or asset types sent to its designated address will not be reversed or refunded. Buyers interested in using Dogecoin for Tesla goods must possess a Dogecoin wallet. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, has been vocal about his affinity for Dogecoin in the past. His tweets have consistently expressed support and admiration for the popular meme-based cryptocurrency.It is important to note that the mention of Dogecoin payment integration in the source code does not guarantee or imply that DOGE will be integrated into Cybertruck.Price Action: At the time of writing, DOGE was trading at $0.059, down 1.78% in the last 24 hours, according to Benzinga Pro. Here’s How Much You Should Invest In Shiba Inu Today For A $1M Payday If SHIB Hits 1 Cent?
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What is React Native?
React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing real, natively rendering mobile applications for iOS and Android. It’s based on React, Facebook’s JavaScript library for building user interfaces, but instead of targeting the browser, it targets mobile platforms. In other words: web developers can now write mobile applications that look and feel truly “native,” all from the comfort of a JavaScript library that we already know and love. Plus, because most of the code you write can be shared between platforms, React Native makes it easy to simultaneously develop for both Android and iOS.
Similar to React for the Web, React Native applications are written using a mixture of JavaScript and XML-esque markup, known as JSX. Then, under the hood, the React Native “bridge” invokes the native rendering APIs in Objective-C (for iOS) or Java (for Android). Thus, your application will render using real mobile UI components, not webviews, and will look and feel like any other mobile application. React Native also exposes JavaScript interfaces for platform APIs, so your React Native apps can access platform features like the phone camera, or the user’s location.
React Native currently supports both iOS and Android, and has the potential to expand to future platforms as well. In this book, we’ll cover both iOS and Android. The vast majority of the code we write will be cross-platform. And yes: you can really use React Native to build production-ready mobile applications! Some anecdota: Facebook, Palantir, and TaskRabbit are already using it in production for user-facing applications.
Advantages of React Native
The fact that React Native actually renders using its host platform’s standard rendering APIs enables it to stand out from most existing methods of cross-platform application development, like Cordova or Ionic. Existing methods of writing mobile applications using combinations of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS typically render using webviews. While this approach can work, it also comes with drawbacks, especially around performance. Additionally, they do not usually have access to the host platform’s set of native UI elements. When these frameworks do try to mimic native UI elements, the results usually “feel” just a little off; reverse-engineering all the fine details of things like animations takes an enormous amount of effort, and they can quickly become out of date.
In contrast, React Native actually translates your markup to real, native UI elements, leveraging existing means of rendering views on whatever platform you are working with. Additionally, React works separately from the main UI thread, so your application can maintain high performance without sacrificing capability. The update cycle in React Native is the same as in React: when props or state change, React Native re-renders the views. The major difference between React Native and React in the browser is that React Native does this by leveraging the UI libraries of its host platform, rather than using HTML and CSS markup.
For developers accustomed to working on the Web with React, this means you can write mobile apps with the performance and look and feel of a native application, while using familiar tools. React Native also represents an improvement over normal mobile development in two other areas: the developer experience and cross-platform development potential.
Developer Experience
If you’ve ever developed for mobile before, you might be surprised by how easy React Native is to work with. The React Native team has baked strong developer tools and meaningful error messages into the framework, so working with robust tools is a natural part of your development experience.
For instance, because React Native is “just” JavaScript, you don’t need to rebuild your application in order to see your changes reflected; instead, you can hit Command+R to refresh your application just as you would any other web page. All of those minutes spent waiting for your application to build can really add up, and in contrast React Native’s quick iteration cycle feels like a godsend.
Additionally, React Native lets you take advantage of intelligent debugging tools and error reporting. If you are comfortable with Chrome or Safari’s developer tools (Figure 1-1), you will be happy to know that you can use them for mobile development, as well. Likewise, you can use whatever text editor you prefer for JavaScript editing: React Native does not force you to work in Xcode to develop for iOS, or Android Studio for Android development.
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codehunter · 10 months
How to get a file or blob from an object URL?
I am allowing the user to load images into a page via drag&drop and other methods. When an image is dropped, I'm using URL.createObjectURL to convert to an object URL to display the image. I am not revoking the url, as I do reuse it.
So, when it comes time to create a FormData object so I can allow them to upload a form with one of those images in it, is there some way I can then reverse that Object URL back into a Blob or File so I can then append it to a FormData object?
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ibrinfotech · 1 year
Web App Development Backend Frameworks In 2022 To Go Forwards With
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The growth of the internet has influenced the incorporation of custom web application development service immensely. It is very evident since the COVID-19 outbreak. Most businesses were now primarily focused on their web proficiency and how to excel digitally. It’s great for consumers, well it wasn’t all sunflowers and sunshine for businesses. Web services became quite competitive and consumer attention and interaction werea top priority. Business web applications needed both easy build-up andyet optimally functional.
Web development’s top backend framework
Here is a list of the top 10 backend frameworks for web development that programmers can learn without wasting any more of your time. While there are many options for a certain technology stack or programming languages, such as MicroNaut, Quarkus, Vert.X, and other frameworks for Java developers. There are a few most popular backend frameworks below:
ASP.NET Core is an open-source variant of ASP.NET that was first released in 2016. It is an update to the prior ASP.NET Windows-only versions. ASP.NET Core is a well-liked web development framework that is significantly speedier than the majority of already accessible frameworks for building web apps on the.NET platform.
Windows, Linux, macOS, and Docker can all run ASP.NET applications. designed to support the rapid evolution of runtime components, APIs, languages, and compilers. On the same server, different versions of ASP.NET Core may coexist. offers a range of support lifecycle choices to match the demands of any app.
It is not a backend-specific technology, React.js. The only true competitor of Angular is React.js. a Facebook-developed JavaScript library. Single-page applications can also be created with Angular and React. React is simple to connect with other web technologies because of its popularity.The advantages of React.js include its speed, virtual DOM, simplicity of integration, and suitability for creating mobile applications.
Python-based Django is a well-known open-source backend framework. Making things simpler is one of Django’s main benefits. Admin panel, increased security, built-in template and ORM database, quick delivery of MVP, etc. It can create projects for both single and multiple applications.It will be better for beginners to learn Flask than Django first. Django is all you need because the reverse rarely occurs. You don’t need to learn Flask, even if you can master it. Companies like Spotify, Mozilla, Instagram, and Pinterest all use Django.
Backend development with PHP scripting language is Laravel. It is regarded by many as the top program for backend web development. As of March 2021, and was one of the most widely used backend frameworks. Symfony and Codelgniter are fewer effective alternatives to other PHP frameworks. It is a PHP-based open-source web framework that is offered under the MIT license.
Due to its cutting-edge features, international brands like IBM and Accenture rely on the popular Express.js framework. Express.js is quite flexible and enables REST API apps. Express, also known as Express.js, is a lightweight Node.js web application framework that was introduced in 2010. It offers the following basic web development features: a fast and lightweight web framework; a great routing API; availability of many plugins for use; and numerous HTTP utility methods to build dynamic and perceptive APIs.
Ruby on Rails
Rails also referred to as Ruby on Rails is a server-side framework built on the MVC paradigm. It is a simple framework that is simple to comprehend and pick up.Although its benefits and drawbacks are still up for dispute, backend developers all over the world adore it for its user-friendliness.
One of the first and most widely used backend frameworks to this day is Ruby on Rails. Ruby was used as the programming language to create it. But when creating web apps, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are combined.Ruby on Rails is regarded by many seasoned developers as the greatest backend framework for web services used in e-commerce and similar applications. In actuality, the Ruby on Rails program has received contributions from over 5,000 web developers.
There is no doubt that organizations are utilizing web-based services more and more. As a result, well-designed web applications have been developed to provide cutting-edge functionalities for the best possible user experience. Business owners who rely on outdated technologies and are unable to compete with the capabilities offered by more modern technologies suffer greatly as a result.
The good news is that you are not required to do it. Any online service’s effectiveness is a result of its development process’s effective use of resources, procedures, and specific technologies. Fortunately, integrating any of the well-liked backend frameworks mentioned above gives you access to those cutting-edge materials and equipment. You can also go to IBR Infotech and speak with the professionals there. Check out their website now.
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alsstender61 · 1 year
Uncovering the Mystery of Obfuscated JavaScript Code
Deobfuscation: Uncovering the Hidden Code Behind JavaScript If you've ever caused web development, you then understand that JavaScript is an important programming language. But as it pertains to security, one challenge can arise – deobfuscation. Deobfuscation is the procedure of deciphering any code that's been intentionally obfuscated to be able to hide malicious intent. In this blog post, we'll dive into what deobfuscation is and why it's very important to json formatter. What Is Deobfuscation? Deobfuscation is the method of reversing the results of obfuscation – a technique used to create code and data more challenging to understand. Obfuscated code often appears as a lengthy string of symbols and characters, making it almost impossible for everyone without specialized knowledge or tools to understand what it does. It's employed by hackers and other cybercriminals as a means to conceal their malicious activities from detection or analysis by anti-virus software or security analysts. Why Is Deobfuscation Important? Deobfuscation is an important tool for web developers because it can help them uncover malicious code on the websites and applications before they become victims of attacks. By to be able to reverse the consequences of obfuscation, developers can detect any malicious activities happening on the sites, providing them with time to take corrective action before they suffer significant damage. How Does Deobfuscation Work?           Conclusion: Deobfuscating JavaScript code is an important task for web developers who desire protect against malicious attacks on their websites and applications. By understanding how deobfuscation works, developers are better equipped to detect any potential threats before they become serious issues that might lead to significant damage with their business or reputation. Deobfuscating code can also help ensure that the site runs smoothly and efficiently without any hidden surprises lurking beneath the outer lining!
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openprogrammer · 1 year
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“Split, Reverse, Join methods in JavaScript 💡” #reactjs #javascript #html #css #programming #coding #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #nodejs #python #developer #programmer #frontenddeveloper #angular #java #vuejs #php #webdesign #softwaredeveloper #code #coder #react #javascriptdeveloper #daysofcode #fullstackdeveloper #js #frontend #backenddeveloper #reactnative #angularjs https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUr2wCy79J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abhishekperumthodi · 1 year
React native
React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing real, natively rendering mobile applications for iOS and Android. It’s based on React, Facebook’s JavaScript library for building user interfaces, but instead of targeting the browser, it targets mobile platforms. In other words: web developers can now write mobile applications that look and feel truly “native,” all from the comfort of a JavaScript library that we already know and love. Plus, because most of the code you write can be shared between platforms, React Native makes it easy to simultaneously develop for both Android and iOS.
Similar to React for the Web, React Native applications are written using a mixture of JavaScript and XML-esque markup, known as JSX. Then, under the hood, the React Native “bridge” invokes the native rendering APIs in Objective-C (for iOS) or Java (for Android). Thus, your application will render using real mobile UI components, not webviews, and will look and feel like any other mobile application. React Native also exposes JavaScript interfaces for platform APIs, so your React Native apps can access platform features like the phone camera, or the user’s location.
React Native currently supports both iOS and Android, and has the potential to expand to future platforms as well. In this book, we’ll cover both iOS and Android. The vast majority of the code we write will be cross-platform. And yes: you can really use React Native to build production-ready mobile applications! Some anecdota: Facebook, Palantir, and TaskRabbit are already using it in production for user-facing applications.
Advantages of React Native
The fact that React Native actually renders using its host platform’s standard rendering APIs enables it to stand out from most existing methods of cross-platform application development, like Cordova or Ionic. Existing methods of writing mobile applications using combinations of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS typically render using webviews. While this approach can work, it also comes with drawbacks, especially around performance. Additionally, they do not usually have access to the host platform’s set of native UI elements. When these frameworks do try to mimic native UI elements, the results usually “feel” just a little off; reverse-engineering all the fine details of things like animations takes an enormous amount of effort, and they can quickly become out of date.
In contrast, React Native actually translates your markup to real, native UI elements, leveraging existing means of rendering views on whatever platform you are working with. Additionally, React works separately from the main UI thread, so your application can maintain high performance without sacrificing capability. The update cycle in React Native is the same as in React: when props or state change, React Native re-renders the views. The major difference between React Native and React in the browser is that React Native does this by leveraging the UI libraries of its host platform, rather than using HTML and CSS markup.
For developers accustomed to working on the Web with React, this means you can write mobile apps with the performance and look and feel of a native application, while using familiar tools. React Native also represents an improvement over normal mobile development in two other areas: the developer experience and cross-platform development potential.
Developer Experience
If you’ve ever developed for mobile before, you might be surprised by how easy React Native is to work with. The React Native team has baked strong developer tools and meaningful error messages into the framework, so working with robust tools is a natural part of your development experience.
For instance, because React Native is “just” JavaScript, you don’t need to rebuild your application in order to see your changes reflected; instead, you can hit Command+R to refresh your application just as you would any other web page. All of those minutes spent waiting for your application to build can really add up, and in contrast React Native’s quick iteration cycle feels like a godsend.
Additionally, React Native lets you take advantage of intelligent debugging tools and error reporting. If you are comfortable with Chrome or Safari’s developer tools (Figure 1-1), you will be happy to know that you can use them for mobile development, as well. Likewise, you can use whatever text editor you prefer for JavaScript editing: React Native does not force you to work in Xcode to develop for iOS, or Android Studio for Android development.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 With Word Tips Wordle solver, you can use the refined search tools to find We've got a couple of tricks and tips to cheat Wordle and make sure you win. Wordle Cheat helps you find the best answer for the daily Wordle puzzle! Enter the letters you know and get the best possible Wordle answers. Wordle Cheat — Use our Word Finder to solve today's Wordle Answer. Find the best 5 letter words to play Wordle online. Here's how to hack Wordle to discover the answers to upcoming Enter WordHippo, a nifty little tool that allows you to select words with. Use WordFinder's helper tool to win at 's most viral word game. for a powerful Wordle solver that can provide some much-needed Wordle cheats. We have Wordle spoilers! Use our Table of Contents to jump right to the Wordle answers for today as well as upcoming Wordle puzzles. This accidentally coincided with the leak of the proposed reversal of Roe v. Wade , the original court ruling which preserved abortion rights. But the Times hinted that it may start funneling answers to players from another source, which would eliminate the primary method to cheat at Wordle. We are committed to ensuring that tens of millions of people have a gratifying and consistent experience, every day. But you can still find the answers in the site code. We have new Wordle spoilers, below , updated on June 14, as well as a couple of Wordle alternatives, below. Want some Wordle alternatives? You can always try Octordle , a devilishly hard twist where you play four words at once, and with very few guesses. And if you want to one-up a friend who is constantly bragging about their Wordle prowess, well…. Many people discovered that the first three letters were P-R-O…and then absolutely failed to guess the last two letters, X and Y. But what words would make sense? Enter WordHippo , a nifty little tool that allows you to select words with different characteristics. As you start ruling out letters, the site can give you a smaller and smaller pool of potential words to guess from. You just want a quick Wordle win to make you feel good and to receive a few virtual pats on your back. If you happen to win Wordle, great. But if you lose, Wordle will print the solution at the top of your screen. The final way of cheating at Wordle is much more insidious. Are you ready for the twist? All of the Wordle answers are already in Wordle. Since the Wordle puzzles refresh once per day, that means there are potential answers for a long, long time. Specifically, the Wordle answers can be found within the Javascript that accompanies the Wordle site. Want to know the Wordle answers for tomorrow, the next week, or for the next few months or years? First, use Google Chrome to open the Wordle website. The site contains a few Javascript files, though you can eliminate the Google tag manager and the index. Instead, open the file underneath the index, which on the page I loaded was main. The solutions, however, are hidden in an array file, in plaintext. Otherwise, you can simply copy the entire text block into a text editor, or just something like Word. There are a number of GitHub pages that have tried to calculate the methods of determining the next entry in the Wordle word list, like this one. The easiest way to find that list is to simply look for the words that were the most recent solution. Spoilers ahead. If this pattern holds true, then here are the Wordle solutions for the next week. Remember, a new Wordle game goes live at midnight based on your time zone, so Wordle games may already be live in other regions of the world. Of course not. If you want to play the game honestly, you can. In other words, just like a friendly game of cards, you can still play Wordle with friends, or to challenge yourself. Just be suspicious of anyone who finds the solution a little too easily. And as David Letterman says: Remember, no wagering! This story was updated on June 14 to add some additional upcoming Wordle answers to the Wordle puzzles. WordHippo and sites like it can offer invaluable assistance for Wordle games.
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sreenivas5678 · 4 months
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 full stack developer
Front-End Interview Questions:
What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?
Answer: The DOM is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of objects, where each object corresponds to a part of the document.
Explain the difference between var, let, and const in JavaScript.
Answer: var is function-scoped, while let and const are block-scoped. const is used for constants, and let is for variables that can be reassigned.
What is the purpose of CSS preprocessors like Sass or LESS?
Answer: CSS preprocessors enhance the capabilities of CSS by adding features like variables, nesting, and mixins. They make CSS code more maintainable and scalable.
Explain the concept of responsive web design.
Answer: Responsive web design ensures that a website's layout and elements adapt to different screen sizes and devices. It involves using fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries.
What is AJAX?
Answer: AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique that allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes. It helps in creating more dynamic and interactive user experiences.
Back-End Interview Questions:
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming?
Answer: In synchronous programming, tasks are executed one after another in a sequential manner. Asynchronous programming allows tasks to run independently, and the program doesn't wait for a task to complete before moving on to the next one.
Explain RESTful APIs.
Answer: REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications. RESTful APIs use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication and are stateless, meaning each request from a client contains all the information needed to fulfill that request.
What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL databases?
Answer: SQL databases are relational and use a structured schema, while NoSQL databases are non-relational and can handle unstructured data. SQL databases are suitable for complex queries and transactions, while NoSQL databases are often used for scalability and flexibility.
Explain the concept of middleware in Express.js.
Answer: Middleware in Express.js are functions that have access to the request, response, and the next middleware function in the application's request-response cycle. They can perform tasks such as authentication, logging, or modifying the request or response objects.
What is the purpose of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in authentication?
Answer: JWT is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims between two parties. In authentication, JWTs are often used to securely transmit information between parties, allowing the recipient to verify both the data's integrity and the sender's identity.
Full-Stack Interview Questions:
Explain the concept of CORS and how it can be handled in a full-stack application.
Answer: CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a security feature implemented by web browsers that restricts web pages from making requests to a different domain. In a full-stack application, CORS can be handled by configuring the server to include appropriate headers, allowing or denying cross-origin requests.
Describe the process of session management in a web application.
Answer: Session management involves maintaining stateful information about a user between different requests. This can be achieved using techniques like cookies, session tokens, or JWTs. The server stores user data, and the client is identified by a unique identifier during the session.
What is the role of a reverse proxy in a full-stack application?
Answer: A reverse proxy sits between client devices and a server, forwarding client requests to the server and returning the server's responses to clients. It can be used for load balancing, SSL termination, and enhancing security by hiding server details.
Explain the concept of serverless architecture.
Answer: Serverless architecture is a cloud computing model where the cloud provider automatically manages the infrastructure, and developers only need to focus on writing code. Functions (serverless functions) are executed in response to events, and users are billed based on actual usage rather than pre-allocated resources.
How would you optimize the performance of a full-stack web application?
Answer: Performance optimization can involve various strategies, such as optimizing database queries, using caching mechanisms, minimizing HTTP requests, leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs), and employing code splitting. Monitoring and profiling tools can be used to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
Remember to tailor your answers based on your specific experiences and the technologies used in the job you're interviewing for. Additionally, these questions serve as a starting point, and interviewers may explore related concepts or dive deeper into specific technologies during the interview.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Solve your Wordle puzzle with much less work than random guessing. To use our Wordle cheat solver, simply input the letters you know and press search. Wordle Cheat helps you find the best answer for the daily Wordle puzzle! Enter the letters you know and get the best possible Wordle answers. Daily Wordle Answers & solutions for all dates in Sept Know the Wordle Word of the Day Cheats for today, yesterday & previous days. Simply open Wordle in Google Chrome's Incognito Mode or the Microsoft Edge InPrivate mode, complete the puzzle (or not) and note the winning. 9 We have Wordle spoilers! Use our Table of Contents to jump right to the Wordle answers for today as well as upcoming Wordle puzzles. This accidentally coincided with the leak of the proposed reversal of Roe v. Wade , the original court ruling which preserved abortion rights. But the Times hinted that it may start funneling answers to players from another source, which would eliminate the primary method to cheat at Wordle. We are committed to ensuring that tens of millions of people have a gratifying and consistent experience, every day. But you can still find the answers in the site code. We have new Wordle spoilers, below , updated on June 14, as well as a couple of Wordle alternatives, below. Want some Wordle alternatives? You can always try Octordle , a devilishly hard twist where you play four words at once, and with very few guesses. And if you want to one-up a friend who is constantly bragging about their Wordle prowess, well…. Many people discovered that the first three letters were P-R-O…and then absolutely failed to guess the last two letters, X and Y. But what words would make sense? Enter WordHippo , a nifty little tool that allows you to select words with different characteristics. As you start ruling out letters, the site can give you a smaller and smaller pool of potential words to guess from. You just want a quick Wordle win to make you feel good and to receive a few virtual pats on your back. If you happen to win Wordle, great. But if you lose, Wordle will print the solution at the top of your screen. The final way of cheating at Wordle is much more insidious. Are you ready for the twist? All of the Wordle answers are already in Wordle. Since the Wordle puzzles refresh once per day, that means there are potential answers for a long, long time. Specifically, the Wordle answers can be found within the Javascript that accompanies the Wordle site. Want to know the Wordle answers for tomorrow, the next week, or for the next few months or years? First, use Google Chrome to open the Wordle website. The site contains a few Javascript files, though you can eliminate the Google tag manager and the index. Instead, open the file underneath the index, which on the page I loaded was main. The solutions, however, are hidden in an array file, in plaintext. Otherwise, you can simply copy the entire text block into a text editor, or just something like Word. There are a number of GitHub pages that have tried to calculate the methods of determining the next entry in the Wordle word list, like this one. The easiest way to find that list is to simply look for the words that were the most recent solution. Spoilers ahead. If this pattern holds true, then here are the Wordle solutions for the next week. Remember, a new Wordle game goes live at midnight based on your time zone, so Wordle games may already be live in other regions of the world. Of course not. If you want to play the game honestly, you can. In other words, just like a friendly game of cards, you can still play Wordle with friends, or to challenge yourself. Just be suspicious of anyone who finds the solution a little too easily. And as David Letterman says: Remember, no wagering! This story was updated on June 14 to add some additional upcoming Wordle answers to the Wordle puzzles. WordHippo and sites like it can offer invaluable assistance for Wordle games.
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