#jennynovas ramblings
wildfire-jenova · 4 years
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It seems I’ve forgotten to re-introduce myself. I’ll do my best to keep this short.
Hi, my name is Jen, Jenny, Jenova, whatever strikes your fancy. I’m but a premordial being in this mass of flash I call a body... I have connections to many lives, and am a synesthite. I’m a self practicing witch, and am happy to help aid and teach new witches who have just stepped out of the broom closet. I’m also willing to do multiple types of divination readings for anyone kind enough to ask. I’ve aided in many banishings and purification rituals in the past, and frequently am called in to calm or commune with spirits. Truth be told, I’m not Christian, Catholic, Pagan, or Wiccan... I simply believe in the power of the universe.  I recently moved in with my S/O, we’re settling in together pretty well, it’s nice not being lonely. Our life is relatively normal, if you can ignore the otherworldly beings throwing objects around our living space... Also it would seem the local fae has taken an interest in me. My stuff often goes missing, then reappears in a place where I had not left it.  I’ve been trained to use swords, longbows, crossbows, and throwing daggars. I play the guitar, bass included, the piano, and the harp. Sometimes I enjoy singing, it’s a little hobby of mine. Oh, I write my own stuff sometimes too. Honestly it’s hard for me to be online and exist in the walking world these days... I’m consistently swarmed by people who think I’m famous or something for some reason. Personally, I see myself as ugly and unlikeable. People seem to like me anyway though.  Anyway there you go, a little summary of me. Call me what you want. I’d really like to go to bed sometime soon... I just wish I could get some sleep. 
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wildfire-jenova · 4 years
// Recently my interest in witchcraft and the occult has been ramping up, quite a bit. I’ve set up varying altars across my living space, my life has been consumed by research and meditation and charging with my intuition. I’m not christian, catholic, pagan, or anything like that... but I do believe that the universe has its ways, and we each have power to influence it. This is one of the main principals I live by, the law of attraction. Believe it and it will be. Oddly, also basically how magicks work. Perhaps that’s why it’s so easy for me to get into it. Wow I really rambled sorry about that one. Anyway I’ve been practicing multiple types of divination as well, if you’d like me to give you a Tarot, Pendulum, Rune reading, or cast any type of spell for you just let me know in an ask and I’d be happy to do so!
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wildfire-jenova · 4 years
// Sometimes, I ask myself why I am like this. Then I remember, it’s just more fun this way. 
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wildfire-jenova · 4 years
/ I’m going to be reposting a lot of stuff from my old account, please bear with me!
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wildfire-jenova · 4 years
// Did you miss me..? 
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