#jerusalem chuch
didanawisgi · 2 years
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Below are some initial translations by Prof John FA Sawyer, following numerous requests. We have always stated that translation is just the beginning, as interpretation is equally important, as direct translations won't always make sense to the average layman. However, the below gives one a taste of what is on the depicted tablet. “Credit card” tablet- bottom three lines The three lines appear to have a similar structure, but I can’t make much of the third. I do think one of the three lines is pretty convincing not least because of the connection with my first thoughts on the text beside the menorah. Some of the letters (Gimel, Dalet, Resh) seem to be in the Old Aramaic/Square script, presumably because that was what the authors normally used.   1. שכת בלידתכם שכת בלידת גר   “(If) ??? when a proselyte is born, (then) ??? when you (mpl) were born” I can’t understand שכת unless it’s a misspelling of שחת“calamity” See Below 2. במעקש ילדת מעקש ילדך   “(If) your child is crooked, (it’s because) in crookedness you (fs) bore (him/her).” Cf. Prov.19:1 and 28:6 again. See also Psalm 51:5: “in sin did my mother conceive me”. 3. יך ??? דל דך יך ??? דל דך דלד “Let a ??? strike a poor afflicted (person), (then) a ??? strikes a poor afflicted (person) ???” Commentary by David Elkington The writing on the codices is not gibberish, it is meaningful ‘Temple’ text. Contrary to claims by sceptics that the writing on the codices is ‘gibberish’ and thereby fakes, the fact that they have been translated nullfies that argument. The translated lines match key lines in the Hebrew Bible. It is not a word for word match, but that’s because the Bible, as we know it today, has gone through a great deal of redaction and re-translation. However, Prof Sawyer argues that the lines on the ‘credit card’ match thematically/structurally two key and well known passages in the Bible – Proverbs 19:1 and Psalms 51:5. The third line - “Let a ??? strike a poor afflicted (person), (then) a ??? strikes a poor afflicted (person) ???” matches particularly with Prov 19:1: 'Better the Poor walking in integrity than one perverse of speech who is a fool.' This is a Solomonic Proverb and, by virtue of being Solomonic points us in the direction of the Temple, imagery of which is to be seen all over the codices. This particular proverb is about Wisdom and folly. Again the codices make many references to the feminine figure of Wisdom (The Song of Solomon) about whom Solomon wrote the famous Song of Songs. Proverbs is here to be seen giving a schooling in Wisdom. It is based upon the laws of God and Proverbs 19 is part of a section called Solomon's Proverbs. In this section a young man (the Messiah) has been faced with a choice and urged to choose wisdom. The emphasis on the dual figures of Solomon and of Wisdom brings us back to the centre of the Great Temple of Jerusalem and the older theology of ancient Israel.   The first two lines - “(If) ??? when a proselyte is born, (then) ??? when you (mpl) were born” and “(If) your child is crooked, (it is because) in crookedness you (fs) bore (him/her).” This matches Psalm 51:5 'Indeed, I was born guilty, a sinner when my mother conceived me.' Psalm 51 is a plea for forgiveness. This psalm was purportedly written by King David himself when confronted by the Prophet Nathan, over the adultery of David and Bathsheba and the murder of her husband, Uriah the Hittite. In it he is made to see himself through God’s eyes, that he has fallen into grievous sin. He is heartbroken: Various Christian commentators have added: By sin what is meant is not that conception or childbirth are sinful in themselves, but that sin is ingrained in us from the very first moment of existence. This section of the Book of Psalms (Psalms 42 -72) is linked directly to the Temple and to Temple worship, and so, like all the images on the codices, once again links the ‘credit card’ to the system of Temple symbolism. THE MISSING LETTERS OF THE HASMONEAN ALPHABET CAN ONLY MEAN THE CODICES ARE AUTHENTIC According to Margaret Barker there are on these codices letters represented for the first time. These are some of the long missing letters of the Hasmonean alphabet for which scholars have been searching for years. This has huge implications for the authenticity of the lead books. Since no forger could possibly have known the missing letters of the Hasmonean alphabet, it follows inexorably that no forger could possibly have faked the codices. The discovery of the missing Hasmonean alphabet on the codices is almost as good a measure of the antiquity of the codices as a radio carbon 14 test. Top line: 'This person belongs to...the Sons of the Law.' This is a term used in the Dead Sea Scrolls and can also be used of the early Christian movement known as the Jerusalem Church. THE TRANSLATION INDICATES THE CODICES BELONGED TO A PRIMITIVE CHRISTIAN SECT . a) In the first line of translated text, the use of the word crooked means in Hebrew deviation – in other words someone who has left the way of Wisdom. 'Shakkat' should be translated as not 'calamity' but as 'unclean' – an abomination. This points to a group who are accepting people from outside the faith: this can only be the early Christians. b) It is also points to the term, ‘Messiah.’ Isaiah 59:8 and Deuteronomy 32:5 talk of they who have ‘twisted their paths.’ In other words those who have forsaken the path to Wisdom – these texts make very definite references to the coming of the Messiah. c) The focus on the subject of sin brings us clearly into the realm of the early Christian movement in Jerusalem and their claim that Jesus was the Messiah. d) The emphasis in Proverbs on 'the Poor' (proselyte) could actually be a reference to the Ebionites, called 'The Poor'. This supports the idea that the earliest Christians were the Ebionites, the famous Jewish-Christian sect branded heretical by the later Church. e) There are also very definite links in the translation to Qumran, indicating the early Christians had links to the Qumran sect who used Isaiah and Deuteronomy in their sectarian writings. If the emphasis in Proverbs on 'the Poor' (proselyte) is a reference to the Ebionites, then it supports the idea of the tablet (Credit Card) being a used as a means of identification throughout Ebionite-Essene communities throughout the Holy Land. The lettering in the top right corner of the above photograph reads: ‘He who bows down…’
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coochiequeens · 4 months
If the Catholic Church was going to allow men who identify as women into a woman only college would they eventually allow women who identified as men into thepriesthood? No because the they have too many centuries worth of traditions based on biological sex.
Catholic women's college in Indiana reverses policy change allowing applicants who ‘identify as women’
Saint Mary's College president wrote, 'We lost people’s trust and unintentionally created division where we had hoped for unity... For this, we are deeply sorry'
Published December 21, 2023 7:38pm EST
Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, reversed a recent decision to allow biological males to attend the university if they have a history of identifying as a woman.
Last month, President Katie Conboy told the faculty about the policy change in an email obtained by Fox News Digital.
"Saint Mary’s will consider undergraduate applicants whose sex assigned at birth is female or who consistently live and identify as women," Conboy emailed.
The school’s policy change drew harsh criticism from people like Fort Wayne-South Bend Bishop Kevin Rhoades, who reportedly urged the school to reverse course because the policy went against Catholic teachings.
On Wednesday, Conboy and the chair of the school’s board of trustees, Maureen Smith, emailed the Saint Mary's College community saying the school would return to its previous admission policy.
"When the board approved this update, we viewed it as a reflection of our college’s commitment to live our Catholic values as a loving and just community," the letter read. "We believed it affirmed our identity as an inclusive, Catholic, women’s college."
The two acknowledged in the letter that not all members of the community took the same position, with some worried it was more than a policy decision. Instead, some saw the move as "a dilution" of the school’s mission or even a threat to the school’s Catholic identity.
"As this last month unfolded, we lost people’s trust and unintentionally created division where we had hoped for unity," the letter read. "For this, we are deeply sorry.
"Taking all these factors into consideration, the Board has decided that we will return to our previous admission policy," the president and chairperson added.
The school was opened by four Sisters of the Holy Cross in 1844.
Earlier this year, Pope Francis told journalist Elisabetta Piqué for the Argentine daily newspaper La Nación, that "Gender ideology, today, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations."
"Why is it dangerous? Because it blurs differences and the value of men and women," he added.
He also noted that there is a major difference between caring for people who identify as transgender versus actually endorsing their values, noting the contrast "between what pastoral care is for people who have a different sexual orientation and what gender ideology is."
Fox News Digital's Alexander Hall contributed to this report.
I can't believe that not only am I posting from Fox, I still refuse to call it news, and agreeing with the Pope
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If the Catholic Chuch wants to be inclusive in a meaningful way they can continue to provide shelter to speak up for refugees in Palestine and other war torn reigns
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miniminisb · 5 years
ˢᵒ ʷʰᵃᵗ’ˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵘˡᵗ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
okay bUCKLE UP FUCKERS IT’S TIME FOR THE DUMBEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE. I preface this by saying, I am a dumbass. I am a complete, irrevocable, plain dumbass. Do not do this at home. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars. Heed my warnings. also technically not a cult but basically a cult you’ll see just sit tight.
It was a nice sunny day in September 2017. The seasons were beginning to turn. I had just gotten out of my Intro to Logic class. I felt good. I thought to myself, “Man. Such a nice day. I think I’ll do my homework outside today. Enjoy the weather before it goes to shit.”
So there I was, barbecue sauce on my titties doing some, i dunno, categorical reasoning? Just, sitting beneath a tree, enjoying the day, when two girls walk up to me. They say they’re trying to start a club on campus, and they wonder if I have some time to talk real quick. I have some time before my next class. I’m pretty much done with this homework. I say sure.
Mistake number one.
They sit down and ask if I have ever read the Bible. My stomach immediately sinks. I don’t necessarily have things against organized religion, but… American Christians make me nervous. They really do. Growing up, you get a lot of people at your door and you get a lot of crazies telling you you’re gonna go to hell. They can pick pick the weak out of a crowd and target them for their schemes.
I am the weak.
So I chuckle nervously. I’m in danger! I say no, not really. Kinda. I grew up in a small town and would go to church with friends sometimes hahahahahahaha. They seem alright, kinda. They pull out their own Bible and start flipping through it for certain passages, giving the schpiel of “oh God loves you, Jesus died for our sins, yada yada” and I’m like, yeah, cool. Whatever.
Then it gets weird. They start talking about the end of the world, Armageddon, the apocalypse, whatever ya wanna call it. They say this time was prophecized in the Bible, snatching on weird passages to claim that North Korea is gonna drop nukes. They say that this will happen where the four corners of the earth meet, and are adamant to say that it’s referring to our area (I go to college at the Four Corners Region in the US of A).
They say how, because it’s gonna happen, it’s more important than ever to save your soul, get baptized, whatever. They ask if I have been baptized. And I say haha no, not yet, like I said I’m not really Christian, hahahah-
Mistake number two.
The girl in charge of the situation nods in a sort of understanding manner. They continue their schpiel, really starting to hit home that saving your soul and accepting the big J is important. They also said jesus was married to the city of jerusalem? For some reason??? Idk man if you’re christian can you explain this to me?
Same girl then goes, out of nowhere, “would you ever consider getting baptized?”
Listen guys. I know I put off big chaotic energy, give no fucks, can’t mess with me persona on here. But in the words of Kim Namjoon, who the hell am i? I am, without a doubt, a spineless bitch who doesn’t know how to stand up for herself when faced with the smallest amount of conflict and no outward reason to refuse people. Y’all, as I write this, I am shaking and my heart is pounding because yes, you can probably see where this is going. And yes, I am that dumb.
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I chuckle nervously, fiddle with my hands, and go “haha maybe if my friend would want me to idk” just like, full on passive avoidance shrink-into-yourself of someone who desperately wants this shit to end but really can’t find an out.
And the girl looks me dead in the eyes. “Well, that’s good. But you would have to do it for yourself. Would you ever get baptized for yourself.”
“I mean, maybe? I guess? Hahah I dunno, yeah, maybe.”
The two bitches perk up. “We can do it now!” bitch what. I have like, maybe 20 minutes until class at this point. I’m shaking. I’m like, man, I just wanted to do my logic homework. And now, I get into fight or flight mode. I can’t miss class. I feel scared. These girls think north korea cares about fucking new mexico and arizona enough to nuke a place which, objectively, has little to no people living there. Like, what, you’re gonna bomb aliens? Whatever.
I really start to say. No. can’t do it. I have class. I really have class, it’s soon, can’t do it. No. And they keep pushing. “It’ll only take five minutes. It’ll be fine. You’ll be okay. Only five minutes.”
Now, what should I have done? I should have picked up my stuff and said “thank you, but no. I need to leave.” I should have said “you women are making me uncomfortable. I said no. Leave me alone. You are crazy.” I should have raised my middle finger to them which, conveniently, has a pentacle ring on it.
Instead, I caved and said fine.
M͏̤̤I̩S̖̙͝T̯̕A̧̗͙K̩͕̺̕E҉̞͙̞̮ ̤̙͕͔N̷̗͙̙ͅU͚͇̯̦͙M̩͙͖B̵̬̝̤̪E̪̺̟͙ͅṞ̼ ̩͉͍͎͎̼͘F̩̦͔̩O̘̭UṞ͉̯͍
The other girl who has remained relatively quiet, jumps up. “Great! I’ll call our minister, he’ll pull up the van!”
The what.
I don’t say anything. I should have. Listen, I don’t know how I was supposed to get baptized in the middle of the day on a Wednesday but fuck, I did not expect to get taken off campus. We have a fucking non denominational chuch on campus. So, who would’ve thunk? Not me!
“The what?”
The girls jump up and seem super excited. I am shaking as I pick up my bag and follow them to the parking lot. Meanwhile I’m screaming silently to myself what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. You know, like a normal person. So at least I wasn’t completely insane.
“We’re just taking you to our church, don’t worry.” And for some reason, that does put me at ease a lil. Cuz, like, I may be a stinking heathen who’s gone to church so many times that she can count it on one hand, but I do have the belief that nice pretty churches are save havens. So, I do feel a little okay.
I still get into a fucking car tho so there’s that I guess.
The dude pulls up. He is… idk he looked like one of those creepy religious fucks from like a horror movie. Dead behind the eyes. We all pack into the car. I’m trying not to cry, honestly. I’m really trying to keep this light cuz it is pretty funny when you step back but keep in mind I was terrified and I don’t know how to say no.
It is only after we pull away that I have the dawning thought. I’m basically getting kidnapped. They could take me fucking anywhere and no one would know and I wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop it. Three against one.
As we’re leaving my fucking campus I check the clock. I have, like. Five minutes until my next class. I am a dumbass.
The girl shows me like… an apocalypse video??? for some reason??? Like wow thanks bitch but you already told me the world was gonna end but aight.
I’m hardcore like, astral projecting at this point. Full on dissociation. I do not exist on this plane anymore.
We pull into a fucking starbucks parking lot next to some town homes.
“We’re here!” Where’s the church? Where’s the steeple? Bitch I just see modern condos what the HELL is happening. We get out of the car and go up to one of these fucking apartments basically. Fucking Youth Pastor John unlocks the place and.
The church was just a fucking townhome. I’m like. Just. Guys the area where the congregation met was a fucking living room with like maybe six chairs and a podium. On the bright side, lovely open floor plan.
They guide me upstairs.
To the bathroom.
They hand me like… a fucking robe and say I can undress and put that on. They give me a moment but even then i’m like FUCK that. Undressing in a strange house? That’s where I draw the line! Nope, no disrobing for me, thanks! I still put on the robe because apparently it’s like, ritually significant?
Got into my new swanky clothes and they come back in. They start filling up a shitty plastic bucket with water in the tub. At this point, i’m just like:
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They tell me to kneel in the tub and raise my hands in prayer. I follow orders, trying to ignore the fact that I am in a strange place that is very much not a church, that I am currently wearing weird periwinkle robes, knowing that people are in class right now just. Learning about fucking Mesopetamia or some shit i forget what the class was about.
The Hannah Montana from Hell Squad prays over me as they pour cupfuls of bucket water over my head. My underclothes are now drenched. My hair is wet. My knees hurt because I’m kneeling in a fucking bathtub.
“Congrats! Your soul is saved!” I have to get to class!
They give me a moment to take off the fucking robes and I collect my things. I step out and i’m like “great I’m late for class, take me back!”
“Oh, but you still need to have passover.”
Passover is a Jewish Holiday practiced in mid to late spring. It’s September. Y’all are christian. But I literally cannot leave, so I follow them into the kitchen where they put a veil on me. The other two girls put on veils as well. I’ve fully surpassed crying and reached silent resignation to my fate as the guy prays over some fucking communion wafers and some grape juice. I take the lil bits of food, luckily too since i fucking missed lunch because of them but at least I have some grape juice to fill me up.
“Now, we know that this is not the correct time for passover, but we needed to do it to save your soul. Now, practice Passover every year from now on to make sure you show your dedication to God and make sure your soul is saved.”
They do take me back to campus. I am in soaking short shorts and a red flannel. It is, to say the least, very moist and uncomfortable as I start to stick to the faux leather seats of this mini van.
I’m like “cool great thanks for having me!” as they pull up to my building, and as I try to get out, the quieter girl (who, genuinely, seemed to be fond of me) asked if she could have my number.
But this time, ohhoho, I have a plan. I’ll give her a fake number! That’ll teach her! So I punch in a few random numbers really hastily because I am still in this fucking van and I am twenty five minutes late for a fifty five minute class.
“Cool can we test it real quick to make sure we have the right number?”
And, like a dog with my tail between my legs, I very quietly go “yeah uhm i think i put in the wrong number hang one second” and fixed it to my actual number. Like a goddamn moron.
I sprint out of the van. Walk into my class soaking wet with my head down at my professor is in the middle of a lecture. I find my seat in the back of the classroom on the other side, so everyone has seen me. My friend leans up to me as I sit down, and asks me where I have been. I tell her that I got lost during a hike and fell into a creek.
Now, what is the moral of this story, children? If anyone asks you if you want to get baptized on a Wednesday in the middle of September, simply say
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tinyshe · 5 years
Mary  Garden from FishEater.com
Mary Gardens: Flowers for Our Lady
Common Name
Scientific Name
Medieval Name and/or Religious Meaning
Amaryllis Amaryllis belladonna Beautiful LadyAmaryllis Hippeastrum hybr. St. Joseph's LilyAnemone, double-flowered Anemone coronaria St. BrigidAster Aster nova-belgii Michaelmas Daisy                        
Baby's Breath Gypsophila panicul. Lady's VeilBachelor's ButtonsCentauria cyannisMary's CrownBean caper plant                         Zygophyllum dumosum ? Found on Shroud of Turin. See footnote for more information on the flowers of the Holy Shroud. Begonia Begonia fuchsioides Heart of Jesus Begonia Begonia fuch. rosea Heart of Mary BellflowerAdenophera Lady BellBird of ParadiseStreliztia reginae Bird of ParadiseBlack-Eyed Susan                         Rudbeckia hirta Golden JerusalemBleeding Heart Dicentra spectabilis Mary's HeartBlue Phlox Phlox divaricata                         Lady's WeddingBluets Houstonia caerul. Madonna's Eyes Bougainvillea Bougainvillea gen. TrinitariaButtercup Ranunculus acris                         Lady's Locks Buttercup Ranunculus sp. Our Lady's Bowl CameliaCamellia (japonica)(Purity)Calla LilyZantedeshia aethiop.St. Joseph's StaffCanna Canna generalis Rosary BeadsCanterbury Bells                         Campanula medium                         Our Lady's Nightcap, Mary Bells, Our Lady's SmockCaper, Caper bushesCapparis spinosa (var. aegyptia) ? Found on Shroud of Turin. See footnote for more information on the flowers of the Holy Shroud. Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus Mary's Love of God. These flowers are said to have bloomed at Christ's Nativity, according to a German legend.
Castilian roses (Damascus Roses or Damask Rose)Rosa damascenaI am not sure of the medieval name for these native-to-Spain flowers, but these are the variety that St. Juan Diego found after the vision of Our Lady at Guadalupe.Chrysanthemum (mum) Chrysanthemum All Saints' Flower. Chrysanthemums in general are associated with death and are used and funerals and to adorn graves (Chrysanthemum coronarium is believed by scientists to have been present when Christ was laid in the tomb. See footnotes).
ClematisClematis virginiana Virgin's BowerClematisClematis (flammula) CrossColumbine Aquilegua vulgaris Our Lady's Shoes, Lady's Slipper. Said to have sprung up under Our Lady's feet as she went to visit Elizabeth. The dove-shaped petals of this flower invited -- and invites -- its use for decoration on the Feast of the Pentecost.Corn MarigoldChrysanthemum segetum Mary's Gold
CosmosCosmos sp. St. Michael's Flower
CostmaryChrysanthemum bals. Mary's LeafCowslipPrimula verisLady's KeysCrocus Crocus vernus Penitent's RoseCross VineBignonia capreolata Cross VineCrown DaisyChrysanthemum coronarium ? I don't know the medieval name for this flower, but "Crown Daisy" is appropriate: this flower shows up on the Shroud of Turin. See footnote for more information on the flowers of the Holy Shroud. Daffodil Narcissus pseudo-narc. Mary's StarDahlia Dahlia (hybrids)                         Churchyard FlowerDay Lily Hemerocallis flava St. Joseph's LilyDieffenbachia Dieffenbachia sao ant. St. Anthony DieffenbachiaDog RoseRosa canina Mary's ThornDutchman's BreechesDicentra cucullariaI don't know the medieval name for this interesting flower, but it has sentimental interest for me so I would love to discover it if anyone happens to know and cares to write.Edelweiss Leontopodium alp. PurityEaster Lily Lilium longiflorum Easter LilyEnglish Daisy Bellis perennis Mary-Love English Holly Ilex aquifolium Burning BushEvening Primose Oenothera biennia Easter CandleFern Asplenium ruta-mur. Lady's HairField BindweedConvolvulus arvensisThis lovely flowering plant -- closely related to, resembling, and sometimes called the same name as the Morning Glory -- is pervasive once planted and, so, is generally considered a weed. Its old common name according to the Grimm's short tale of the same name is "Our Lady's Little Glass." The story in its entirety: "Once upon a time a waggoner's cart which was heavily laden with wine had stuck so fast that in spite of all that he could do, he could not get it to move again. Then it chanced that Our Lady just happened to come by that way, and when she perceived the poor man's distress, she said to him, 'I am tired and thirsty, give me a glass of wine, and I will set thy cart free for thee.' 'Willingly,' answered the waggoner, 'but I have no glass in which I can give thee the wine.' Then Our Lady plucked a little white flower with red stripes, called field bindweed, which looks very like a glass, and gave it to the waggoner. He filled it with wine, and then Our Lady drank it, and in the self-same instant the cart was set free, and the waggoner could drive onwards. The little flower is still always called Our Lady's Little Glass."Forget-me-not Myostis scorpoides, Myostis sylvatica Eyes of MaryForsythia Forsythia suspensa Easter BushFoxglove Digitalis purpurea Our Lady's GlovesFuchsiaFuchsia speciosa                         Christ's Blood Drops or Our Lady's EardropsGeranium Pelargonium (dom) Lady BeautifulGeraniumPelargonium sp. Heart of Jesus, Gentle VirginGerman Iris lris germanica Mary's Sword of SorrowGladiolusGladiolus sp. Twelve Apostles, Ladder to HeavenGolden Rod Solidago canad. Lady's Plant Grape HyacinthMuscari (gen) St. Joseph's BellsGrape Hyacinth Muscari botryoides Church SteeplesGround Ivy Nepeta hederacea                         Madonna's Herb Hawthorn
Crataegus monogynaMary's Mayflower
HawthornCrataegus oxyacanaMary's Berry
The Crataegus Oxyacantha praecox variety is the plant of England's "Glastonbury Thorn" -- a plant of Mediterranean origin but which, in Somerset, blooms twice: at Easter and at Christmas. It, therefore, has become a symbol of Christmas. The Glastonbury Thorn is said to have arisen when St. Joseph of Arimathea thrust his hawthorn staff into the ground in Somersetshire. The original plant was destroyed by Puritans (the soldier who did the chopping is said to have been struck in the eye by a large splinter from the tree), but shoots from it were taken, and England's Glastonbury Thorn lives. Since 1929, blossoms from the Glastonbury Thorn are sent to England's Monarchs for their table on Christmas Day.Heather Calluna vulgaris                         Lady's Adversary                         Holly (Christmas Holly)Ilex opaca. var.                         Christmas Holly
Holly (English Holly) Ilex aquifolium Burning BushHollyhock Althea rosea St. Joseph's StaffHoneysuckleLonicera caprifol., Lonicera (japonica) Lady's Fingers
HoneysuckleLonicera xylosteum Lady's Stick
Hosta (Plantain Lily)Hosta plantagineaAssumption LilyHyacinth Hyacinthus oriental. Lily-Among-Thorns, Lily-of-ValleyHydranga var. Hydranga macro. mar. Ave MariaImpatiensImpatiens Wallerana Our Lady's Earrings, or Mother LoveIvy Hedera helix Where God has WalkedJasmineJasminum officinale MaryJob's TearsCoix lachryma-jobiJob's Tears (Job 16:20). The seeds of this plant are often used for Rosary beads.Jonquil Narcissus jonquilla (December) St. Joseph's StaffJudas TreeCercis siliquastrumSaid to be the tree upon which Judas hanged himself after betraying Our Lord. It is a beautiful tree, with lovely pink flowers in the Spring.Larkspur
Delphinium ajacis, Delphinum (grandif.) Mary's Tears
Lavender Lavendula (offic.) Flight into EgyptLilac Syringa vulgaris                         Ascension FlowerLily-of-the-ValleyConvallaria majalis Our Lady's Tears. These flowers are said to have blossomed from Mary's tears for her Son as she stood at the foot of the Cross.
Lungwort Pulmonaria officinalisMary's Milkdrops, Our Lady's Milk Herb, The Virgin Mary's TearsMadonna Lily Lilium candidum Annunciation Lily, Virgin Lily or Mary's Lily
Note: The Venerable Bede (A.D. 672-735) described the white petals as symbols of Mary's body, and the golden anthers as symbols of the glory of her soul. Roses and lilies were said to have filled Mary's empty tomb when it was opened by the Apostles. While lilies' association with purity cause them to be depicted with many Saints, such as SS. Francis and Claire, they are most strongly associated with St. Joseph, whose rod is said, in the Gospel of the Nativity of Mary, to have blossomed to prove he was worthy to guard Mary and become her spouse; with St. Anthony of Padua, because lilies left in chuches on his Feast Day miraculously remained fresh during the French Revolution; and with the archangel Gabriel, who is depicted as presenting Mary with the lily at the Annunciation (hence the name "Annunciation Lily"). Lilies are also associated with Solomon's Temple (III Kings 7:19-22), and their beauty is commented on by Christ Himself (Luke 12:27).Maltese CrossLychnis chalcedonica "Maltese Cross" (or "Jerusalem Cross"). The shape of these flowers' petals strongly evokes the Maltese Cross, and they are said to have been introduced into Europe, from Russia and Siberia, by the crusading Knights of Malta.MarigoldCalendula officin. Mary's Gold
MeadowsweetFilipendula ulmar.Our Lady's BeltMillfoilAchillea millefoliaChrist's Back, Our Lord's BackMistletoe Viscum album CrossMoonflowerCalonyction acul.Lady-of-NightMorning GloryIpomoea purpurea                         Our Lady's Mantle
Nasturtium Tropaeolum majus                         St. Joseph's FlowerOrchid Orchis purpurea Lady Orchis Orchid Brassavola nodosa Lady-of-Night Orchid Orchis maculata Gethsemani Oriental PoppyPapaver orientale Christ's Blood, Crucifixion Blood-Drops
Ox-Eye DaisyChrysanthemum leucanthemum Mary's Star. The legend told is that the Magi followed the star to Bethlehem but weren't sure where to go once there. King Melchior then saw the ox-eye daisy growing, which looked very much like the star they'd followed. He picked it, and the door to the stable opened revealing the Holy Family.Pansy Viola tricolor Trinity Flower, Our Lady's DelightPassion FlowerPassifloraPassion Flower, whose 5 stamens symbolize the Five Wounds of Christ; the outer fringe, the crown of thorns; and stigmas, the nails. See more
. PeriwinkleVinca rosea Virgin FlowerPetunia Petunia hybr. Lady's PraisePeony  Paeonia officinalis Pentecost Rose (does anyone know of any name or meaning associated with Paeonia lactiflora?)PinkDianthus (gen)Mary's PinkPoet's Narcissus                         Narcissus poeticus Lady's RosePoinsettia Euphorbia pulcherima Nativity Flower, Christmas StarPot Marigold Calendula officinalis Mary's GoldPrimrose Primula elatior Mary's Candlestick
Primrose Primula vulgarisLady's Frills
Quaking GrassBrizaLady's Tresses, Our Lady's BraidsRanunculus, double-flowered Ranunculus I don't know the medieval name for this flower, but it's a gorgeous blossom.RoseRosa White: Mary's Purity
Red: Mary's Sorrow and the Blood of Christ. Also martyrdom.
Gold: Mary's Glory
Red and White: Visitation
Note: The Rose symbolizes Mary herself (she is known as "The Mystical Rose," see
Litany of Loreto
) and is described in Dante's Paradiso when the guide asks him to contemplate Mary, "Why are you so enamored of my face that you do not turn your gaze to the beautiful garden which blossoms under the radiance of Christ? There is the Rose in which the Divine word became flesh: here are the lilies whose perfume guides you in the right ways."
Roses and lilies were said to have filled Mary's empty tomb when it was opened by the Apostles.
Roses are also associated with SS. Dorothy and Thérèse of Lisieux (who both send roses from Heaven), Elizabeth of Hungary, and Rose of Lima. St. Francis once threw himself on the thorns of a rosebush as penance. Since then, the rosebushes in that garden (near the cloister of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi) have no thorns. See also the entry for Castilian Roses.
Rock RoseCistus (landanif.) Rose of SharonRock RoseCistus creticus? Shows up on Shroud of Turin. See footnote for more information on the flowers of the Holy Shroud.  Rose of JerichoSelaginella lepidophylla
Anastatica hierochunticaThis desert plant survives in a curled up, dormant, brown, dessicated state for years, and then opens up and turns green with a bit of water. After returning to a lovely green, it goes dormant again when its water source is removed. Because of this fascinating property, it is often kept dormant in the home and brought out at Christmas time to blossom and then close in order to symbolize the opening and closing of Mary's womb. The plant is also known as the Resurrection Plant, Siempre Viva ("Everlasting"), and Dinosaur Plant. Read more about this plant on the
Rose of Jericho
page off the
Chrismastide Overview
page.Rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus Rose of Sharon Scabiosa Scabiosa columbariaMary's PincushionScotch ThistleOnopardon acanthium Judas' CloakSea PinkArmeria maritimaOur Lady's Cushion. These flowers are said to have made a place for Mary to sit during the Flight into Egypt.Shamrock Trifolium dubiuma symbol of St. Patrick and his evangelization of Ireland, and of Ireland itself -- but St. Patrick used it as a symbol of the Trinity, with each leaf representing a Divine Person while the plant remains one plant. Snapdragon Antirrhinum majus Infant Jesus' ShoesSnowdropGalanthus nivalus "Candlemas Bells" or "Purification Flowers." These flowers are said to have bloomed on Candlemas, when Mary took Jesus to the Temple for His "redemption."
Spanish Moss Mentha requienii                         Mother-of-ThousandsSpiderwortTradescantia zebrina (Zebrina pendula)Wandering Jew. The name for this plant -- often used as a houseplant -- derives from an old legend about a Jew who mocked and hit Christ during His Passion and so was condemned by Him to wander the earth until the Last Judgment. Two other species of this plant are also known by this name: Tradescantia fluminensis and Tradescantia pallida (Setcreasea purpurea, Purple Heart). Star-of-Bethlehem                         Ornithogalum umbellatum symbol of the star that led the Magi to ChristStockMathiola incana Our Lady's VioletStrawberry Frageria vesca Fruitful VirginSummor Phlox Phlox paniculata                         Christ's-Cross FlowerSunflower Helianthus annus                         Mary's GoldSweet AlyssumLobularia maritimaBlessed by Mary, Mary's Little CrossSweet Pea Lathyrus odoratus Our Lady's Flower
Sweet Pea Lathyrus pratensis Mary's Foot
Sweet William Dianthus barbatus Lady Tuft Tournefort's gundeliaGundelia tournefortii ? Found on Shroud of Turin. See footnote for more information on the flowers of the Holy Shroud. TuberosePolianthes tuberosaSt. Joseph's StaffTulip Tulipa gesneriana Mary's PrayerVioletViola odorata Our Lady's Modesty
Water LilyNymphaea alba Lady-of-the-Lake                        
Winter Rose (Snow Rose)Helleborus nigerChristmas Rose, or Lent Rose. A German Christmas symbol.Wisteria Wisteria frutescen Virgin's BowerWood Anemone Anemone nemorosa                         Candlemas Caps, Lady's NightcapYellow Flag IrisIris pseudocorusFleur-de-lis of French royalty, Mary as Queen, the Immaculate Conception YuccaYucca treculeana                         St. John's PalmZinnia Zinia elegans The Virgin, Church FlowerZinniaZinnia multiflora Little Mary, The Virgin
Parsley Petrosolenium crisp. Our Lady's Little VineSage Salvia officinalis Mary's Shawl Rosemary Rosmarinus officin. Mary's Nosegay Thyme Thymus vulgaris The Virgin's Humility Chives Allium schoenopras. Our Lady's Garleek tarragon Artemisia dracunculusits botanical name means "Little Dragon" and evokes St. Martha's slaying of the dragon known as La TarasqueDill Anethium graveolens Devil-Away Coriander Coriandrum sativum St. John's Head Sweet Bay Laurus nobilis St. Bridget's Flower Basil Ocimum basilicum                         Holy Communion Plant. Pots of basil are used to decorate homes and to give away as gifts on St. Anthony of Padua's Day. Marjoram Origanum vulgare                         Mary's Bedstraw Cumin Cummin cyanum Cross-CumminFennel Foenlculum vulgare Our Lady's Fennel Anise Pimpinella anisum Our Lady's Sprig, Lady's Tobacco Spearmint Mentha spicata Mary's Mint Chicory Cichorlum intybus Heavenly Way Horehound Marrubium vulgare Mother-of-God's Tea, Mary's NettleSassafras Sassafras (albidum) Virgin's Tree Hyssop (Syrian Oregano)Origanum syriacumI am unable to find a medieval name for this plant, but include it because of its importance in the Passover, Psalms and Passion. The variety of hyssop properly called
Hyssopos officinal.
, and known as St. Joseph's Plant in the Middle Ages, is not the variety spoken of in the Bible and at the Mass. The Biblical plant is Origanum maru.Catnip Nepeta cataria Mary's Nettle Feverfew Chrysanthemum parth. Mary's FlowerFeverfew Parthenium hystero.Santa MariaChamomile Anthemus cotula Maiden Weed Chamomile Matricaria chamom. Lady's Flower St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatm St. John's Wort, Fuga Daemon ("Devil's Flight"), John's Blood, Jesus' Blood Drops, Christ's Sweat, Mary's Glory Spikenard (or "Nard")Nardostachys grandiflora (or Nardostachys jatamansi)The portion of the plant just above the roots has a patchouli-like scent which was used by Mary Magdalen in the ointment she used to annoint Christ.Dandelion Taraxicum officinMary's Bitter SorrowValerianValeriana officin. Lady's NeedleworkPennyroyal Mentha pulegium Lady's Flavoring
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ramrodd · 6 years
Forged Fiction - Gospel of Mark
There are a lot of problems with this analysis, the essential disqualification being that Cornelius, the centurion featured in Acts 10, is the author of The Gospel of Mark, which is an intelligence report from Palestine to the Christian desk in the Praetorian Guard. It is not the first intelligence report about Jesus in the wake of His Resurrection, but it is the first time Roman military intelligence had access to a member of Jesus's core cadre, Peter. The Gospel of Mark was composed immediately after the debriefing of Peter and the trading of notes which occurred in the 3 days Peter stayed with Cornelius.
Cornelius was a member of the Preatorian Guard, the Italian Cohort. This Italian Cohort are the same people mention in the closing salutations in Hebrews 13:24 "...Those from Italy send you greetings". The author of Hebrews is probably Theopilus, who commissioned Luke's expansion of Cornelius's narrative, and the completion of The Acts of the Apostles, which Luke was preparing as an amicus brief for Paul's defense of his Epistle to the Romans (i.e. Preatorian Guard), which Phillipians 1:13 refects Paul's success in this defence.
Hebrews is a staff finding prepared as an executive assessment of the raw intelligence from Palestine, beginning with the intelligence which compelled Tiberius to propose elevating Jesus to the status of a legal deity to the Roman Senate, who rejected the proposal sometimes between the Resurrection of Jesus in 33 (which was the proximate cause of the intelligence reports to Rome and not any of the Jesus hocus pocus this video attempts to discredit based entirely on the sort of wishful thinking that sells Richard Carrier's books) and the death of Tiberius in 37. It is unclear when this intelligence bobbed up in Capri, where Tiberius was located, but it was part of the Roman version of the Congressional Record, which Tertullian cites in in his Apology, Chapter 5. Tertullian also notes that Tiberius introduces the label "Christian" to Rome. Like "Jew", "Christian" is an invention of the Roman soldiers in Palestine cheek to jowl with the Isreail populace the same as American GIs in Saigon or Afghanistan, the Zealots being the Jihadis of 1st Century Jerusalem.  "Christian" starts out in Palestine, is exported by the initial intelligence report to Pilate about Resurrection during the period generally associated with the 40 days Jesus went about the land until the Accension recorded in Acts. I don't know how long it would take a "FLASH" reports to travel from Palestine to Capri, but that's when Tiberius got the first explanation of what the Romans involved in Jesus career knew as a first report:more to follow.
The first intelligence to come out of Palestine is the Roman content of The Gospel of Peter. Because of Mark, we know when the eyewitness accounts of Jesus' activities from the Disciples ends and non-sympathetic testimoy begins, and, because of Joseph of Arimathea, when the Roman chain of custody ends. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, The Gospel of Peter is not derivative of Matthew and Luke, but the source, and combined testimony of Peter and Cornelius, of Matthew and Luke. Mark is very careful to photoshop out the Roman engagement with Jesus beyond the purely official.
The Gosple of Mark begins when Jesus first appears above the Roman military horizon as a potential insurrgent (Zealot/Jihadi). the Romans had uniformly excellent intelligence networks throughout their empire, especially as a result of the reforms Sejanus implimented. If Jesus had been executed before Sejanus' execution in 31, the chances are I wouldn't be writing this: Jesus would have disappeared with barely a ripple from history and the chances are Josephus would have never written "The Jewish Wars" because they wouldn't have happened. And, without Jesus, the paradigm shift Isaac Newton created would have had to have happened some other way for me to transfer this commentary along this line of symbols running in front of your eyes on a screen composed of the illusion of substance and transmitted across a matrix of rationalized electrons.
But Jesus was crucified after Sejanus was executed for planning a coup against Tiberius, which ensured that Tiberius began receiving vital intelligence about his Empire Sejanus had withheld for his own nefarious purposes. Tiberius discovered that he had some serious issues of rising civil unrest everywhere: in 40, the same year Cornelius compose The Gospel of Mark, Philo of Alexandria, John Mark's mid-Platonic mentor, brought an embassy to Rome ,  to address some of the issues in Alexandria underlying this civil unrest. Tiberius' remarks in the face of the Senate's rejection of his proposal. obviously saw Christians as part of the solution based on the apparent opinion of Cornelius that Jesus was not only not a danger of insurgencey, but a pacifying element in the Galilee, based his. Cornelius' personal professional opinion.
All the pericopes in Mark that include "immediately" or some other variation on the translation of εὐθὺς in the Greek. This phrase is a literary device Cornelius employs to connect these spy reports into the narrative, similar to the employment of the conjunction "and" in the King Jame's translations of the Torah. These reports were collected before Jesus was arrested in a routine surveillance protocol that, using εὐθὺς as a metric, begins to wane after the feeding of the 4000 as if Cornelius is losing interest in Jesus as a threat. Cornelius is the centurion in Matthew 8 and Luke7 and Matthew 8:5 - 13 is an eye-witness encounter by Levi/Matthew with Cornelius, who would have had the shock effect to the Disciples, being Jewish and all, as blue lights in your mirrors when you are a little buzzed. Luke creates a little stand-off to maintain distance between Jesus and the Romans except during His custody.
It seems that Theophilus, as the Desk Officer of the Christian portfolio, deliberately obscured the on-going proliferation of Christianity throughout the Roman legions. It is apparent that there is a critical mass of covert Christians in at least Constantine's army at the Milvian bridge, because the XP acts as a force multiplier for his troops, while I would infer that it had a demoralizing effect on the covert Christians in Maxentius's army.  Theophilus kept the Christian chuch in the Praetorian Guard on the down low by careful editing and displacing any lingering conjecture unto the Jewish Christians who were handy targets for the principalities and powers with a vested interest in their destruction. People like the producers of this video.
Cornelius was the Q source Matthew and Luke draw upon for their version of Mark. Luke mentions in Acts 24:22 that Felix's intelliegence of the Christian community was extensive, a fact he could have only learned from Cornelius when Luke interviewed him and Peter reported in Acts 10. So, Luke had access to the Q source, the Roman intelligence archives as well as Matthew's version of The Gospel of Mark.
If you read Hewbrews with any objective discernment, you will see that the author, who I propose is Theophilus, basically discards all the Jewish hocus pocus Paul introduces in the legal argument of Romans but extracts the ethic of Jesus as it is reflected in Romans 11:22 (which endorses the Roman secular rule of law as the superior social organization, and anticipates the Establishment Clause in the 1st Amendment) and the divinity of Jesus in Romans 3:21 as the USDA stamp of approval which validates that endorsement). The purpose of the Bible is epistemological and the arc of the epistemological development which begins with Melchizedek for both Israel and Rome converges with Jesus and the Praetorian Guard, as the core structures and processes of John Knox's Book of Discipine, Federalist 10 and the US Constitution.
The problem for this video is that it can establish that the Gospels are all allegorical derivatives of the Old Testament with its anachronological historical deconstruction that subordinates literature to history, but it cannot escape the process theology employed to compose The Gospel of Mark.  In this case, N.T. Wright's New Perspective on Paul is exactly correct: for Paul, Christianity was a "new way of knowing" a new epistemology for a 1st Century Jew, but it was just another day in Paradise for the Romans, who were already reflecting the epistemology of Jesus: they knew Yaweh. As a combat veteran, I know Yaweh and I am a bit mystified that Richard Carrier, who is a Coast Guard veteran, doesn't recognize Yaweh, Queen of Battle in the nature of duty illustrated by Abraham and the sacrifce of Isaac.
The Romans didn't know what they had but they knew it was big medicine. The Gospel of Mark is a report from the field of an important military technology. The Jewish Christians who were martyred confirmed the social significance of Christianity as a military technology. As an intelligence report, the Gospel of Mark is about as purely empirical journalism as any modern anthropological scientific journalism can get. There is virtually no metaphor in its content, if language as a metaphor is a necessity for, and definition of,  abstract communication.
The short version is, this premise of this video is crap. Other than that, it is a masterpiece of logic and emphatic rhetorical conviction
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