#jhin x rakan
unboundndd · 1 year
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Hello Hello! Welcome to my blog/writing dump ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
I used to write in my free time and missed being part of a community so I decided to start a new blog since I'm interested in League of Legends. I will mostly write character x reader scenarios, headcanons and maybe some longer stories. I will treat darker themes in this blog so please proceed with caution if you're sensitive to the subjects I tag in my posts.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· About the admin
Mi, 20+, She/her, EU
Katana dilf enthusiast! Favorites: older Ubisoft games, Metal Gear Solid, Mother Mother, Wowaka, PinocchioP, Angelic Pretty. Champs: Yone, Sona, Thresh, Morgana, Neeko.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Lore knowledge, what I'd like to write
I like to think that i have a decent grasp on LoL's lore and the lore of skinlines skinlines so here's some characters I currently would like to write for. If your character doesn't appear in this list it doesn't mean that I won't write them, so don't be shy and send an ask if you'd wish. Aatrox, Ahri, Aphelios, Diana, Evelynn, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Kayn, Morgana, Leona, Rakan, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Sett, Shen, Sona, Swain, Thresh, Vayne, Viego, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
I figured I'd add some skinlines too.
Pentakill universe, Nightbringer/Dawnbringer, Spirit Blossom, K/DA, High Noon, Pool party/Ocean song, Project, Cosmic/Dark cosmic. ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Rules for requesting and content warnings
If you'd like to request, please keep in mind that it may take time for them to get written out or I might never write them at all. I'd rather concentrate on less request but keep the quality high than to give everyone sloppy, disappointing writing! If you don't specify the gender of the reader (especially with NSFW requests) I will keep my terminology as gender neutral as possible.
I will list some of the things that may appear in my content:
Violence (not explicitly described)
Discrimination (in fantasy setting, never protrayed positively) I will also list my bounduaries on things i will not write in any setting: CSA, or anything to do with the canonical minors Extreme fetishes, consensual non consent Homophobia, racism, dictatorship in a positive light
I hope that this post has been comprehensive enough, soon I will post something that is more interesting than rules! See you all then ^^
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What are your favorite ships in LoL?
Missy: oh dear be ready for an essay
Well if you really want to know here is a list of them
Akali X Kayn
Ahri X Yasuo
Ahri X Sett
Evelynn X Varus
Kai’sa X Sylas (I know it’s out there)
Ahri X Akali X Kai’sa X Evelynn
Ahri X Akali X Kai’sa X Evelynn X Seraphine
Ahri X Akali X Kai’sa X Evelynn X Sona
Sona X Jhin (I have my reasons)
Sona X Ahri
Xayah X Rakan (does it count if it’s cannon?)
Lux X Jinx
Jinx X Seraphine
Jinx X Seraphine X Zeri
Jinx X Seraphine X Lux
Seraphine X Zaun Diva
Seraphine X Rell
Seraphine X Ezreal
Zeri X Ekko
TF X Graves
Viktor X Jayce
Ezreal X Ekko
Yone X Lillia
Gwen X Neeko (again I have reasons)
Bel’Veth X Kassadin (don’t judge)
Zedd X Syndra
Caitlyn X Vi
Caitlyn X Vi X Sarah fortune
Ahri X Sarah Fortune
Tryndamere X Ashe
Tryndamere X Ashe X Sejuani
Ashe X Sejuani
(If I missed others I might add them later but these one I remember)
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teeto-peteto · 7 months
You once said that the institute was Mean Girls but with LOL champions and I want you to know I can’t stop thinking of a new champion going through the cafeteria/lunch room scene or someone has a ‘burn book’
So, you know, thanks. Also, your discussion about Yasuo and Ahri is making me consider an Odyssey one shot.
i never leave home without taking a sip from my 'iconic mean girls scenes' juice. I have a bunch of scenarios with the champions and the movie. Much more than id like to admit.
For the cafeteria room, its funny to put them by regions BUT its way funnier when you clasify them... like for example the table of the 'sexually active couple's' that Janis mentions in the movie but its Xayah/Rakan, Lucian/Senna and those untold relationships in league like Jarvan/Shyvana and Garen/Katarina, Cait/Vi... Fortune/Illaoi if you ask me...
For the Plastics... im obsessed with Ruined King characters and they would definetly be the plastics but if i had to move on from that... Its probably Ahri as Regina George? Just cause shes the most popular one... Allow her to be sassy and mean for a bit. Probably Kai'sa as Gretchen cause shes also a popular pick and Lux as Karen cause she fits on the sunshine lollipops and rainbows blonde bimbo. Not good picks on my behalf basing only on rating picks and popularity but i couldnt think someone more fitting. Maybe Qiyana or Evelynn as Regina? Dont know.
For other tables... we definetly have the sassy edgy killer's table with Jhin, Pyke ... maybe Thresh too? Shaco, Zed, Nocturne? Talon?
The loud Zaunitans table with Jinx, Zeri, Ekko, Seraphine... Dr Mundo can fit...
The gym obsessed table with Braum, Pantheon, Garen and Darius... Illaoi and Sett... Trynda...
The ones that are too big to fit the room and have to eat outside like Cho'Gath, Galio... Aurelion Sol, Malphite...
The kid's table with Annie, Amumu, Gnar, Milio and Fizz messing around... Vex by mistake...
The lovecraftniang horrors like Bel Veth, Kha Zix, Vel'Koz, Fiddlesticks...
The Vastayan table, the hot asians table (just like in the movie), the yordle table, the 'we are literally animals', the 'we have too many skins' table, royalty table... shuriman god's table..., darkin's table... you can name a champion and has its table... i could spen hours. Point of Mean Girls x League is to ridiculize and simplify the characters. Like we know that canonically in actual lore, the sassy edgy killer table would be in literal civil war killing each others and stabbing, buuut its funny thinking about them sharing a salad or changing trays because they are picky eaters...
its my selection BUT id love to read more classifications perhaps mine is bland ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im thinking about one with the art kids, like Gwen and Sona and more characters... dunno
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lightning-bringer · 1 year
Rules, Masterlist and disclaimers!
If you stumbled through my blog and want to know what this is about, hello and thank you for your time! This is a blog created for fun, where I write about League of Legends characters and lore, and I hope you have fun here too.
If you want to make a request, check out the rules bellow.
If you want to check my works, here's a link to my Masterlist!
This blog contains NSFW works, and accepts NSFW requests, so it's automatically a dni for minors, but I'm also not responsible for the content people consume online.
All of my works will be the tagged as NSFW or SFW in the masterlist
I work fairly slow on the requests because of irl things, and since this blog was made for fun, it's not my top priority to update (I also may have to do some reading/researching upon the requested character, if I'm not familiar, which takes more time since I dont like to go ooc)
I'm open to write about any character and lots of themes, such as angst, hurt no comfort, character death, etc! (but I also may refuse a request if I don't like it for any reason), but minors and animals will always be automatically platonic relationships
As a queer person myself, I will always respect a queer character's identity, which means I will not write a character with someone out of it's sexuality (ex: write Graves with women or Neeko with men)
My DMs are open for chatting or to answer linger questions before requesting
Rules for requesting
Now the fun part! I will write pretty much any format, imagines, headcanons, fanfics; x reader, y/n or ships with existing characters. If you don't specify anything in your request, I'll do the one I think fits the idea the best! When it comes to universes/skins, unless the request says otherwise, I will use the main/OG universe.
Also, if you don't specify if your request is SFW or NSFW, I will always keep it SFW (you can request a separate NSFW version of your request later, if you want it).
I do have my favorite characters to write about/the ones I'm more familiar with, which I will list in no preference order, but don't let that stop you! Even if the character you want is not listed bellow, few free to request it and I'll do my best to write it!
The character's are:
Xayah and Rakan
Renata Glasc
Miss Fortune
Twisted Fate
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kindredjoy · 11 days
Biografi Champion
Daftar di bawah ini disusun berdasarkan abjad. Konten bisa bertambah seiring waktu.
Aatrox | Ahri | Akali | Akshan | Alistar | Amumu | Anivia | Annie | Aphelios | Ashe | Aurelion Sol | Azir
Bard | Bel'Veth | Blitzcrank | Brand | Braum | Briar
Caitlyn | Camille | Cassiopeia | Cho'Gath | Corki
Darius | Diana | Dr. Mundo | Draven
Ekko | Elise | Evelynn | Ezreal
Fiddlesticks | Fiora | Fizz
Galio | Gangplank | Garen | Gnar | Gragas | Graves | Gwen
Hecarim | Heimerdinger | Hwei
Illaoi | Irelia | Ivern
Janna | Jarvan IV | Jax | Jayce | Jhin | Jinx
K'Sante | Kai'sa | Kalista | Karma | Karthus | Kassadin | Katarina | Kayle | Kayn | Kennen | Kha'Zix | Kindred | Kled | Kog'Maw
Leblanc | Lee Sin | Leona | Lillia | Lissandra | Lucian | Lulu | Lux
Malphite | Malzahar | Maokai | Master Yi | Milio | Miss Fortune | Mordekaiser | Morgana
Naafiri | Nami | Nasus | Nautilus | Neeko | Nidalee | Nilah | Nocturne | Nunu & Willump
Olaf | Orianna | Ornn
Pantheon | Poppy | Pyke
Qiyana | Quinn
Rakan | Rammus | Rek'Sai | Rell | Renata Glasc | Renekton | Rengar | Riven | Rumble | Ryze
Samira | Sejuani | Senna | Seraphine | Sett | Shaco | Shen | Shyvana | Singed | Sion | Sivir | Skarner | Smolder | Sona | Soraka | Swain | Sylas | Syndra
Tahm Kench | Taliyah | Talon | Taric | Teemo | Thresh | Tristana | Trundle | Tryndamere | Twisted Fate | Twitch
Udyr | Urgot
Varus | Vayne | Veigar | Vel'Koz | Vex | Vi | Viego | Viktor | Vladimir | Volibear
Warwick | Wukong
Xayah | Xerath | Xin Zhao
Yasuo | Yone | Yorick | Yuumi
Zac | Zed | Zeri | Ziggs | Zilean | Zoe | Zyra
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akandla · 4 years
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Me: Jhin x Rakan. Jhin top or bottom?
Friend: Hm... In my opinion Jhin would be top.
Me: Oh, really? I see him more as a sassy bottom.
Friend: Have fun drawing~
Me: Wait wh- oh. OH! OKAY
And that's how this thing was created 😂 not much of a ship thing, but eh.
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oliverhobi · 4 years
Khada Jhin,
reblog if you agree
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teatimemols · 4 years
I love Jhin x Rakan for some reason ('cause they're the perfect combo of grumpy & ray of sunshine and both of them are charming in their own way, and differently from Rakan/Xayan, Jhin/Rakan would be a much longer slow-burn - like they are ridiculously opposites although both of them have a whole lot of confidence in their selves) and I can't help but imagine Rakan finding Aphelios' brooding intriguing which would make Jhin annoyed and then he’d start showing off his art, saying that he is more refined yada yada than Aphelios which Aphelios just cannot really get - what is happening, why Jhin is so annoyed at him, but Rakan keeps motivating Jhin’s actions by teasing him through paying attention to Aphelios because Rakan finds it all quite entertaining.
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idlecryptid · 5 years
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Jhin x Rakan
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sleepyvinegar · 5 years
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This is an art trade I did with Crosstante I did this like in september...........................but i dont really feel confident about posting anything here I don't play LOL but I really love Rakan;; sUCH A GOOD BOY AND SWEETHEART my Angel thanks to her now i find myself search about them This has 4 versions that you can find here
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homocat666-blog · 6 years
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I ship then so hard. Dedication to my friendo, who’s my amazing Jhin adc.  - ^ -
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riftimagines · 4 years
today someone was super mean to me and made me cry and ruined my day and I was wondering would you be so kind as to write one of these champions of your choice sticking up for their friend or love interest who is normally peppy getting put down or told to give up and do something else and they are just crushed? I like Kayn, Jhin, Draven, Xayah and Rakan but I dunno who to request so would you be so kind as to pick one of them? I wish you a lovely day
Aww I’m sorry anon. I know how you feel I just had a bad day myself but things do get better it just takes time. I wound up doing all of them because why not. I hope these make you smile even a little bit!
Sticking up for their Peppy Love
-Someone has upset you? Who are they?They will learn their place NOW. He handles most problems like this with extreme violence and threats especially when it comes to anything or anybody hurting you somehow. He second he sees you crying he’s mad and someone’s going to pay.
-He hates seeing your normally chipper disposition, that even keeps him in good spirits, gone because someone said something terrible to you. If they’re still near by he’ll become tunnel visioned and chase them down. He’ll take out Rhaast and phase through the terrain just to get to them. Be thankful you can’t see what’s happening. At best he’s beaten them to a square inch of their lives and at worse, we’ll let’s just say Rhaast is a happy Darkin.
-By the time he comes back people are avoiding you like the plague. It’s not you they just don’t want to be on the painful end of the man with madness and rage in his eyes. Kayn will stare them down and everyone will be avoiding eye contact and trying to go back to business as usual.
-He’s more upset about the ordeal then you are but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to wipe away your tears and hold you close for the rest of the day. He won’t be in a much better mood until your feeling better though. He’ll leave kisses on top of your head every now and then until you kiss him back only then will he chill out a bit.
-You ever seen those moments in Anime’s where a character gets enraged and their eyes dilate with murder in their eyes. Yeah that’s basically what happens with this one. He’s very good at pretending to be fine but he’s not, at all.
-Who do these disgusting ugly beasts think they are to upset his precious flower, his beautiful Muse, the only living beauty in this hideous world? He’ll take note of their every detail and keep it to mind. Make his love lose tears and he’ll make sure they lose their lives.
-Later of course, first let him knock these loathsome pests all the way down into the filth where they belong. He has a very sharp tongue and wit, not at all afraid to voice his opinions and cut down your aggressors into minced meat, of which they will be literally by morning.
-No lowlife shall ever take your lovely perky smile and radiant personality from him, not while he lives. Now dry those tears my dear and bloom with your vibrant colors once more.
-Draven knows for a fact that whatever they said to you isn’t true because he only really loves things that are as good as himself. He loves you not them and that already makes you way better than them and they’re just jealous.
-He is, pretty obviously, quite arrogant but actually has skill to back it up. He’ll more then happily get in their faces and tell them how wrong they are and if they want to challenge his opinion then they can. He needs new victims for his axes anyway.
-For a lot of people that like Draven, that is a LOT of people, his word is practically law and if he doesn’t like someone for some reason then a lot of them won’t like those people either and they’ll get treated they way they treated you. It just comes full circle.
-He never likes to see you sad and will do whatever it takes to make you happy again. He’ll throw his arm over you shoulders kiss your tears and tells you he’ll do whatever you want to do. Nothings too much for his love.
Xayah and Rakan
-They love your chipper bright personality. It’s such a nice thing to have especially since Ionia is seemingly getting more chaotic and negative since Noxus invaded. So seeing your happy face makes everything seem alright even for the day. If your smile is gone because of some jerk wad they’re gonna get it.
-It will literally turn in to a Babe hold my flower I’m gonna kick someone’s teeth in situation. You’re their love and if someone hurts you they hurt them as well and that won’t stand, at all.
-They are both in your face kinda people and can be very overwhelming when they work together. Rakan is the louder of the two and a tad more colorful with the insults. Xayah is the more physically aggressive. Forming her feather daggers and probably throwing a couple for good measure.
-They make sure that person is either running for the hills or knocked out flat on their face then they turn their attention on you. Very lovey and comforting. You’ll be swaddled in them and their feathers and they’ll hold you for a while until Rakan decides to make a stupid joke to try and make you laugh and just makes Xayah facepalm and swat him in the back of his head, which then would probably make you laugh and Xayah will point out that she has better humor. This will make him fluff his feathers and starts the line of horrible jokes he has. You’ll be beaming by the time he’s done.
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Can I get some Taric relationship and/or him falling in love in some really simple and plain? I'd love to see anything Taric related :D
((I’m so sorry I was an idiot and hit “Answer privately” without even editing or writing it properly xD Also, hope we can get to play LoL some day :D 
For those who don’t know, I play on EUNE ^^ ))
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Taric has always been a lover and a protector of life, love and beauty, which is exactly why his demise was brought by Demacia and its rulers, who were ever so strict and stuck up in the old ways. 
Once he made his way on Mount Targon, he was finally allowed to be himself and bathe in the wonders of the world, and more, be able to protect, as the Shield of Valoran. 
He’d fall for your beauty, your etherealness, your kindness, the way you move yourself, your grace, your interactions with other creatures…
He’d admire every little thing about you. 
Even if you find something ugly or unsightly about yourself, he’d point out how uniquely gorgeous that detail is. 
He’d literally shower you with affection and love. 
And if you can’t love yourself, Taric would love you double anyways, and would try his best to help you on the journey of finding self-love and acceptance. 
I can see him falling in love step by step…
But it was descending harder and harder and he succumbed to his heart’s desired without even realising. 
But he was happy. 
He was no longer tied to the Demacian’s authoritarian rule, so he could be himself. 
 He could love you and have no regret or restrictions.  
And even more, he could protect you from all the possible harms that could befall you, no matter of what kind. 
 He’s tell you stories of the world and everything he admires in the world, but would be sort of reluctant to be reminded of his time in Demacia and a guard, a hero…
A hero who failed to save his men and let them be killed in their sleep by the Void. 
Taric would appreciate you understanding him and his occasional struggles, and just being there by his side would make him the happiest man alive. 
He would gift you all sorts of gems as gifts and tell you what each of them does to benefit you and what they could protect you of.
And if you keep them and keep taking care of them, he’d be so thrilled and hyped that he can have a part of him shielding you from the evil even when he’s not around physically.
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notoriouslydevious · 5 years
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League of Legends by zaket07  
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ur-mom-kayn · 4 years
The chapter is out. Loyalty Chapter 42: Rage
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smpte-tevie · 5 years
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you wont see me post for about another 3 million years but,, rakan and jhin,,, are the best,,, boys,,, i,,,, love.  i ship it oh no 
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