#jinkook edits
muniimyg · 2 years
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one is the sun, burning so bright he burns himself out; the other is the moon, too cold and distant to love you. sol at luna, both struggle to redefine friendship, love, and themselves
in love and afraid of losing oc, jungkook attempts to clean up his act to compete with his calm and collected roommate who has done nothing but break oc’s heart over and over again
navi | m. list | ask me ! | send an ask to be on the taglist ! i will not be responding to taglist requests anywhere else !
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childhood best friends // badboy!jungkook + oc 
sneaky link // jungkook’s roommate!jin + oc
love triangle
best friends to lovers // friends with benefits to lovers // oc has no boundaries
smut, crack, angst
social media au + written 
implied + actual smut
name calling, slight age gap, love/hate friendships, slight mention of smol character death
toxic aspects such as: back and forths, lack of self respect, implied violence, gaslighting, manipulation, etc. 
50+/50 ( completed 01/28/2023 )
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index # paraluman jinkook
i . (10/10) the beginning of our end
01 | intro 
02 | wake up, imy 
03 | cute
04 | pushover
05 | happy friendship anni ✒️
06 | i have a crush on him 
07 | this stupid tent ✒️
08 | that’s not my hoodie✒️
09 | stay the night 
10 | the laundry 
ii . (20+/20) you are my paraluman 
11 | so what
12 | friday
13 | full offence
14 | noms
15 | focus on him
16 | hi
16.5 | the party
17 | be honest
18 | be serious
19 | the vase
20 | a concept (links from here on are wonky)
21 | pawpin
22 | tummy hurts
23 | be real
24 | lose it
25 | it’s you ✒️
26 | accusations
27 | you knew
27.5 | wya
28 | that’s my girl ✒️
29 | my love
30 | choose me ✒️
iii . (ongoing/20) the ending of our beginning (LINKS FROM HERE ON ARE BROKEN,, CURRENTLY FIXING)
31 | date
32 | breather
33 | unfair ✒️
34 | handstand
35 | do you even care ✒️
36 | hsm
37 | tried
38 | awkward
39 | make up or break up
39.5 | plot twist
40 | muse ✒️
41 | what about me
42 | stay ✒️
42.5 | when will you ✒️
43 | thank you
44 | era
45 | sol at luna ✒️ 
46 | what if
47 | i love you ✒️
48 | my sunrise
49 | the theory ✒️
50 | picturing 4ever
+ note
— tahana extra
— read if u wanna be sad
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copyright © 2022, muniimyg on tumblr.
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seokkookie · 1 year
Any new Jinkook edit, I miss your edits 🥺
I mostly just post to twitter now (or insta).. so always a new one, just don’t post them here much. https://twitter.com/Jinskoookie 
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taee · 6 months
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a happy accident
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mrs-monaghan · 5 months
A small bit of levity during this difficult time, if it's true that JK and Jimin are going to Jin's base where he is serving as a drill sergeant then I almost feel sorry for JK. This is Jin's prime opportunity to get revenge for every old man joke, every snowball to the face, every buttslap, every playful push, prod, kick, slap, pinch and backchat over the last 10 years LMAO.
He'll make him pay 😂😂😂😂😂
Can't wait to see Jin's response to when the time comes. All he seems to do is laugh at them when they announce their enlistment. He's so unserious 😂😂😂
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jiinjiinjarra · 1 year
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BTS // Korean Album // PROOF: Collector's Edition // Photobook // 2022 // Pt.3
Scan Cr. jiinjiinjarra (me)
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xjeonggukk · 11 months
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Entrega: Take me on (17/05/23)
Link do twitter
⚠ Caso se inspire: credite no design!
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namgix · 2 years
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♡︎ — run bts 106
𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗱 ♡
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trissyteo · 10 months
I miss seeing them together😭
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lycheeemolala · 10 months
Jungkook could be the one POSTING fan edits and we wouldn't even know it
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yeolfdambo · 5 months
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Самолёт Гонконг - Инчхон, по рейсу Мехико, совершает посадку в аэропорту в 8:55
Чартерный рейс из Мехико в Ичхон, с остановкой в знойном Сан-Франциско, прибывает в 16:15.
Ещё один самолёт, но уже с пересадкой в Нью-Йорке, садится точно по расписанию. На табло 17:25
Поезд Тэгу-Сеул прибывает на станцию рано. 7:53. Всю ночь в пути. Можно разве что сразу завалиться спать и вплоть до самого прибытия.
Джэй Кей спит недолго. Моется тут же, в своём купе. Перекусывает заказом из вагона-ресторана и дремлет под беззвучный стук колёс.
Мехико - Чикаго. Чикаго - Гонконг. Гонконг - Шанхай. Шанхай - Тэгу. Нет. Это не туристический маршрут человека, который решил разнообразить своё путешествие, тыкая в карту пальцем. Просто иногда Чонгуку нравится всё усложнять. По крайней мере, так частенько шутит Чимин.
План проникновения в чужую квартиру вполне себе забавный. Но всё его очарование быстро заканчивается на мыслях о прятках в шкафу. И не то, чтобы эти мысли предстают перед глазами сценой из типичного кинофильма, где полицейский крадётся по собственному жилищу с пистолетом на изготовку. А потом ещё и подстреливает очумелого мафиози. Просто после всех перелётов и пересадок у Чонгука грозит развиться клаустрофобия. И шкаф в этом деле очень даже помощник. Даром - разве что пахнуть там будет в разы приятнее... И сцена как-то сама собой трансформируется в ситуацию, когда тот самый очумелый мафиозо в состоянии сомнамбулы вываливается из довольно небольшого для своих нынешних габаритов шкафа, задрыхнув в следствии дофигатцати часов перелёта, переезда и перехода.
Разобравшись со всеми делами, требующими безотлагательного личного присутствия, Джэй Кей переносит весь остальной список в режим удалёнки и занимает позицию в какой-то местной ближайшей кафешке. Название оной звучит забавно нелепо. Даже своеобразно медитативно. "Orrrm" - лучше и не придумаешь. Небольшое помещение, типичный интерьер, типично милая девушка за стойкой. Вполне себе приемлемый кофе за почти безумные цены и неплохие закуски. . . Всё так привычно, что аж приятно щемит в груди.
Его человек следит за домом, а значит самому в этом надобности нет. Обычный парень, в обычной кофейне. С какой-то дорамой на экране своего смартфона. Что может быть более непримечательным.
Какие-то школьницы перешёптываются, похоже, приняв его то ли за айдола, то ли за модель инстаграм. Но уж точно никак не за Хозяина Сеула иначе это были бы какие-то слишком осведомленно подозрительные школьницы под прикрытием. И разве где-то поблизости есть школа? И, собственно, почему бы и нет. В районе Кванак-гу ведь впринципе есть школы.
На заднем дворе типичной спальнорайонной многоэтажки есть детская площадка, на которую выходят окна нужной квартиры. Те плотно зашторены, почти, только лишь прямая линия света разделяет две тяжёлые половины - по ту сторону спальня. И вообще-то Чонгук искреннее опасается, что качели на площадке не выдержат его вес, хотя толстая стальная цепь и выглядит надёжной. Он упирается пятками в покрытие периметра и покачивает своё тело до тихого скрипа петлей, запрокидывая голову, чтобы не терять оконный проём из поля зрения. Перебирая в голове варианты, чисто на силе привычки толкая кончиком языка пирсинг в губе и прикусывая металл колечка.
После уведомления о прибытии минуло что-то вроде 27 минут. Линия света перечёркивает окно вот уже 23.
Он поднимается на нужный этаж. Отсчитывает нужный номер квартиры. И порядком трёх минут сверлит перед дверью взглядом её замок.
План проникновения в чужую квартиру всё ещё слишком нелепый. Тем более, когда хозяин уже открывал шкаф и теперь на изготовку подхватит разве что какую-нибудь кастрюлю или сковородку. Чонгук морщится, почти осязая в руке тяжесть утвари - осязать её же на своей голове и плечах совершенно не греет. Греет мысль о чём-то более приятном и лёгком на всё тех же плечах.
Он усмехается этим ощущениям под тканевой маской, встряхиваясь и поправляя капюшон толстовки. Перестаёт буравить дверной замок и постукивает по поверхности костяшками татуированных пальцев, бодро отзываясь на вопрос по ту сторону двери:
- Курьер. И ваши буррито, - пакет с оными шуршит на уровне дверного глазка.
А мурашки от того самого голоса гладят по шее до линии волос, к затылку, затем обратно. Так расслабляюще. И так желанно знакомо.
- Здравствуй.
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not-goldy · 4 months
Right now there are some tkk left confused. Some left after Paris, some have been barely hanging on. Even saw some saying what Tae did with JK with the face time shirtless screenshot, actually mad them angry because now they feel Tae is gaslighting them or trolling them, esp since its all but confirmed he was in fact dating Jennie for 2 years. Coming to terms with things isn't easy or instant. It takes time. You don't have to switch from Tk to Jikook and accept Jikook is real now. What you can do is set yourself on your own path, away from the major big TK accounts still gaslighting you and making hella money off you. You say, well they aren't leaving and staying for a reason, maybe they do know things about TK. OR maybe its more like, why would they leave, even if Taekook is not real, cause you give them clout, money, attention and exposure. They ain't leaving when you do that, but you can.
The 5 big tk accounts who always end up on report accounts and you know who they are. Start with reporting these accounts and help them get taken down. Or better yet, take a stand against them and speak your peace to them. You earned the right. Do you honestly, deep down really think Jikook did this because there were no other choices? Come on. Don't do that to yourself. You've been corrected by Karmy who actually speak Jk's language on what he wanted to do and the reality is, it wouldn't have been where Tae is. And Tats didn't prevent him for being with Tae, cause Tae could have scarified and did this with Jk and went with him and you know this. This isn't a case of Jk will transfer to be with Tae after 5 weeks. You also know that is not gonna happen, it would defeat the whole point of what Jk did enlisting through buddy system. I am speaking to you like a rational adult. Like a human. Don't let these accounts who have gaslit you and made money off you, continue to lead you down a path of thinking Taekook are real and dating and Jimin and Hybe are villains keeping them apart and after military Tk are gonna come out and announce they are married with 2 adopted children. (TBH, you should have reported that grumpy tkk woman the day she said this, cause you know that is not sane. Its actually defamation, slander and mental illness) that you went alone with. You know Jk is a capable adult. You wanna say, well he liked a taekook tiktok. And honey he is the creator of GCF Tokyo, the biggest Jikook edit with a queer love song. He might have liked a TK tiktok edit, like he did a Jinkook edit, but he went with Jimin to Japan for 5 days right before enlisting. Sorry, to me that holds more significance. Saying Tae showed them shirtless was sending a message. They were also in sperate houses, talking and Vmin also said they video call shirtless, so there's that. Not to mention Jikook were standing next to each other on their private vacation with arm around their naked torso, in Jk's bday post pic from Jimin. The word T O G E T H E R, not separate houses. Don't do this to yourself and do the compare game, it won't work out for you. Do yourself a favor and Take what Jikook did with this enlistment as a reminder, to never let anyone else tell you what to feel or think, cause Taekook lives is telling you Jikook are not close, but Jikook are showing you different. Think for yourself. Or, wait around and keep holding on and let the fall be so bad, you will never recover from it. That is a scary thought to live with. If you think Paris was a bad fall, you wait for Jikook out of the Military. This was your warning shot from jikook. Your way as an out for good. Their way of telling you nothing will ever stop them from prioritizing each other and best believe they gonna show you when they get out. I would listen to them, if it were me and not someone gaslighting me to make money off me. Choice is yours.
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muniimyg · 2 years
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13 | full offence
series m.list
taglist: @kakixaku @boraength @4ksj @pamzn @jinsearth @fancycollectormoon @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @fan-ati--c @kthlvr30 @ellesalazar @kimxhanbin131
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akookminsupporter · 1 month
Because Fandom's 'non shipper' aka so called rational 'ot7 bros believer' community likes to hype every pair except Jikook.
Jihope ✅
Vmin ✅✅✅✅
Taekook ✅
Namkook ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
Jinkook ✅✅
Yoonmin ✅✅✅
Yoonjin ✅
Hyyh yoonkook ✅
Namgi ✅✅✅
Namhope ✅
Taegi ✅
Jikook 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
If I didn't included any pair it's because I haven't seen them being much hyped on my tl. Other pairs like Jinmin or Taejin are acknowledged but not as hyped on tl like above.
You will see them taking shipping duo names to praise other duos or quote something they've said to/about each other or make funny sex jokes about them but when it's time for Jikook it's either ignored majority of time or they use 'Jimin and Jungkook ' or 'Jungkook and his Jimin hyung'. When others content gets released whole tl will be about that particular pair, old and new moments, yesterday it was yoonmin's day. When Joon posted those MS pic with tae every big account posted Namtae moments or something they've said to each other to show how much they appreciate that pair. But there was nothing when Jikook decided to enlist together, when some of their pics where they were sticking to each other nor when they graduated together and decided to serve rest 17 months together.
Idk probably because Jikook shatters their 'ot7 bros' belief? Or because they don't wanna see as a shipper because among all pairs only jikook does 'fanservice' ? Or their moments are charged more than their liking so posting them will make them see as a romantic delulu shipper?
I can't believe TaeJin isn't a more popular ship. There have been some… interesting moments between them, and I think Tae has made Jin nervous on a few occasions. Overall, they have many moments that could be interpreted in various ways if shippers wanted to, and I'm surprised that it's not the case.
Now that you mention it, it is true that non-jikookers rarely use the word jikook or similar to refer to Jimin and Jungkook together. And it is something they do with other pairs or even trios. Jikook definitely makes a lot of people nervous or uncomfortable although there have been many occasions where it's been hard to ignore what they do and they've (the fandom) struggled to pass it off as a friend thing, an example of that is Hickeygate. It will be interesting to see how the fandom, particularly on Twitter reacts to whatever we see in the documentary or series that Jimin and Jungkook filmed because no matter what the content is about or how much it is edited, jikook is going to be jikook.
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always-is-always · 3 months
Watching original content...
Some of the bloggers that I follow here talk about how important it is to watch original content. It seems to be an obvious thing to do, yet many never go quite that far. Especially some of the fringe people who are hyper-focused upon a single member or a particular relationship within Bangtan.
All I can say is that it does matter, whether one sees original content, or not. When a person relies only on compilations, videos that are created with a particular "focus" (relationship or idol), analysis videos, and content that has incorrect translations or interpretations, then the person is going to have a very distorted view of things.
I know as I've been there..... not realizing what I was viewing as a pre-baby ARMY. (I didn't even know what it meant to be "ARMY".) That YouTube algorythym that can take a person down rabbit holes that have never been explored, you know. Yeah. So I watched a ton of videos on all sorts of things related to BTS, before I was on this platform, and before I really had a grasp on what any of it meant.
Thankfully, one of those YT channels recommended Dalloga's blog here on Tumblr, as she is known for her translations and clarifications on Korean language and culture. I managed to find her blog, not having any clue what Tumblr was. lol It took me over a year get the nerve to create my account, and then another year before I started to follow people and post.
So yeah....As an English-speaking woman living in the States, I had a HUGE learning curve to navigate, and much of it had to do with understanding the culture around BTS. I had to learn what a "bias" was, what "shipping" meant, what the heck those combined names meant 😆 (Jikook, Taekook, Jinkook, etc., etc.), and none of it really made sense to me. Here in the US, we don't have anything quite like the culture around K-Pop. Even now, I don't get the total attachment to labels in the fandom.
So what is the point to these words?
I am finally making my way through some original content that I have never watched before. Yay for me! 🎉
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Having watched BV season 1 last week, I just finished season 2 of Bon Voyage last night, and OMG. To watch from beginning to end, to see everthing as it was and not chopped up and edited to fit a storyline someone has created, has been so awesome. It's been even more eye-opening given where we currently are in the BTS timeline (everyone in the military).
And, I see dynamics and moments in their original context which helps to clarify my understanding of things. Yeah. Clarity and understanding... always a good thing.
I understand how some have mis-interpreted certain things.
I'm going to navigate away from making big statements here, that would lead down some rabbit holes that I'd rather not explore. There are plenty here on this platform who have done it already, and it's not my forte. I'll just say that it is always a good choice to look at original content, and just let it be what it is. The reminder here is that they never show everything. What we see is but a glimpse....
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These months that we have on-hand are a prime time to take the deep dive into original content. Perhaps it is a re-visit for some folks.
I'm going to do my homework, and learn what I can, via tons of episodes of BV, RUN BTS, and anything else I can put my hands on. It's going to be a fun journey! 💜💜💜
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jiinjiinjarra · 1 year
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BTS // Korean Album // PROOF: Collector's Edition // Photobook // 2022 // Pt.5
Scan Cr. jiinjiinjarra (me)
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hercolorchaos · 2 months
Hypocrisy towards jikook's bond
Whenever i see ppl getting mad at this moment saying "of course jm will do that because cam are filming" but when i tell you that they were drunk at night, jk picked jm bridal style the exact way like this video then he left a mark on jk's neck after biting him cause jk wouldn't put him down lol. the difference between their off cam nd on cam moments is their off cam goes more wild than on cam it seems lol. like that's literally what they do off cam so why would it be anything different if the cam filmed them??
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Mind you the SS in this tweet had 2k+ likes....where they're clearly shading jikook
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Then this moment....saw antis loosing their shit saying "of course even their workout is for cam nd fanservice" but if i tell u that jm and jk told us they have been working out together, taking walks together, jk visiting jm's room 3 times a day for hrs all happened off cam then what? if out of 10 days being together and working out the comapny filmed one day how is that fake or for cam??
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Jin called jk jm's cook years ago which means he cooks for jm nd has been for yrs so how is one time the comp showing it turns into fake?
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Then saw this post where the implication is that jm and jk would never be loud about eachother if they were dating in a homophobic country cause it means seeking attention but all this showed me is people are simply mad that jm and jk are loud for eachother. cause i do remember tkkrs saying jk not going live when tae's album dropped means the biggest form of support and they dragged jk watching jm's content on his TV as company forced things idk how that is 😶 saying gcft wouldn't have been uploaded when it was jk's choice to upload it and comapny let him do what he wants cause either way later his hobby was used for company content too. Using gcft as an example yet religiously waiting for gcf Taekook and hoping it would happen soon. Years of them using the namsan taekook hangout pic showing jk's cam claiming the company didn't let him upload it when he never said he made one in the first place?? He carried the same cam when he went to hiking with jin but there's no gcf (although i cam across the same narrative as tkkrs from jinkookers too), Then he carried the cam with him when he was having outing with hobi too (i got pic limits or else would have uploaded the pic) but i also didn't see any gcf?? point to make here is just because he's carrying a cam doens't always means he's making a gcf. He loves filming has been filming jm too for years to the point the staff themselves ask him why he's always filming jm and the staff who works for BTS telling how jm and jk are always together and they both take pictures or selfies together alot. Then jk himself saying the last thing he filmed in his phone is "jiminsii being happy" when asked what's the last thing he filmed, but all this doens't always mean he's gonna make it or convert it into a gcf. Wanting your fav focused gcf is not the problem here it's cute with but then having the audacity to claim gcf is some comapny content when the whole video has been filmed, edited and uploaded by jk. Even the staffs, members, jimin himself didn't know he was going to make something like that cause it was his first ever gcf (made on a trip he planned when they were going through difficult times), he was happy, must have paid for the copyright of the song used, the only video he said wasn't work like other gcfs (doens't take away his admiration for his members or his hardwork of course), the only gcf that wasn't linked to other officials company sns accounts.
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Then for years they been crying calling every jikook interaction that is filmed by comapny as fanservice or fake yet they were celebrating the same comapny content cause it had tk clip.
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They say that the company is making money out of jikook by feeding jikook content yet they say that they get taekook content in paid comapny content lol the contrast. Do check the video I'll link below so you can see how many times they said that they get the taekook content in paid comapny content yet use it as a drag when it's jkk in DVDs, cancelling dvds.
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Trying to make the comapny villain where it doens't concern when that's literally how the company has been posting every members' visit to other members. they post it days later in bangtab bomb or promotion videos. but they were also calling jk's visit to jm's practice as company content yet yesterday it was sign or pure love.
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They were saying they don't believe media cause they make clickbait posts when someone uses jkk # for their arrival or departure yet proudly flaunt when dispatch used taekook #. They believe dispatch is hinting them for their ship mind u the same media which makes ckickbait posts but will surely ignore the same dispatch asking people what they think of v and Jennie's relationship or the same dispatch reporting on tae and Jennie breaking up lol.
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Taekookers and their narratives chages purely based on what's benefitting them. this whole comapny promoting jikook wouldn't have existed in the first place if it was taekookers getting more content of taekook than jikook. not the company's fault of these two are together most of the times. The company doens't just cut taekook moments but every Single memebr's cause you don't expect them to post everything of everyone right?
years of them begging taekook to enlist together and now it's "gay couple won't enlist together in homophobic country" only because it's jm and jk. Were happy getting every update of jk from taehyung but if it's jm who's giving then he's leeching off.
They should have understood one thing that no matter how many times they try to drag jm and jk's bond they ain't giving shit and will do what they want. just like nothing stopped them from enlisting together doens't matter who's mailing ministry.
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