#jjba giorno giovanna
jei-rifni · 3 months
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Im late to this trend but. Yeah
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Serial Killer!Ghiaccio X Fem!reader (Part 1/?)
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TW: NSFW content, Yandere, sexual harassment, kidnapping, violence, blood, gore
PLEASE NOTE: The reader of this story is not going to have much control on her surroundings.
SUMMARY: Fem!reader is invited to a laurea (graduation party) and finds Formaggio, Illuso and finally Ghiaccio. After a flashback explaining how fem!reader and Ghiaccio met, She decides to head to her dormitory with him. That was a poor choice.
Il Santo Bevitore bar,  00:31
October, Graduation month.
This was the third time you heard that chant.
“...Dottore nel buco del cul! VAFFANCUL!VAFFANCUL!”
The chanting was followed by the popping of a Prosecco bottle and a flying cork rolling at the feet of some random students, who probably weren’t even invited to the party.
However, that was never a problem from the start. After all, having gatecrashers at your graduation party is so common that it is now a tradition.
The foamy neck of the bottle, still steaming from its own coolness, slips into your plastic cup supported by Giorno’s quivering hands, who is once again in charge of pouring the alcohol for every single guest. From his rosy cheeks and shaky steps, it was clear that Giorno would not be able to keep himself upright much longer. 
“Grazie Gioà, sei sicuro di non dover vomitare?”
(Thanks Giorno, Are you sure you’re not feeling sick?)
You ask him sheepshly and with a slight note of worry, but before the blondie could answer you’re interrupted by a loud voice.
Your head quickly turns back. It’s Guido Mista, Giorno’s best friend.  He's also kinda drunk...Guido doesn't waste no time and after catching a big breath he starts shouting at the top of his lungs to give an additional toast.
The rhythmic chant ignites a roaring wave of excitement throughout the bar, fueling Giorno's enthusiasm to the point where he eagerly presses his lips against the giant bottle. The poor guy started drinking since early in the afternoon, and the blame undoubtedly fell on Guido.
As a matter of fact, Guido kept filling up his friend’s glass with whatever alcoholic concoction was within arm's reach. Giorno had finished his graduation speech at 3:30 p.m. By 3:37 p.m. Guido had already made him chug half a bottle of shoddy Tavernello, all complemented by the bursting of confetti and colorful streamers.
Since you knew what a dangerous mix of cheap alcohol was broiling in Giorno’s stomach, you swiftly step back as an anonymous blonde boy decides to intervene by firmly confiscating the bottle of Prosecco. He looked a little concerned. However, you’re pretty sure you’ve seen him before, what was his name again?
“UEEEE PANNAAAA’ààà!!A’Pannacotta!! Ué fra, pcchè nu staj bvenn?"
(PANNACOTTA! Why aren’t you drinkin’, brah??)
You hear Guido shouting, while Giorno’s perfectly bowed laurel wreath had already fallen on his delicate, red face, messing up his golden locks. 
“Mannagg a miserij Guido, ma t'e sciumunut? se m mett a bev pur ij, aropp chi a guid a machin?! comm v port a cas? Nun me facc' ritirare la patente n'altra volta."
 (For fuck's sake Guido, have you gone nuts??If I start pounding drinks too, then who the hell's gonna get your ass home? I ain't letting those bastards revoke my damn license... again.)
Replies the friend in annoyance while adjusting the laurel wreath of a drunk and smiling Giorno.
“E ij che n sacc, stu bar è chin r ingegner autoveicolo, fatt costruì na mongolfiera. vann a naft no?”
(That sounds like a you problem, this bar is full of automotive engineers, ask them if they can build you an air baloon .They run on gasoline don't they?)
“Tu staj proprij a for.”
(You can’t be that stupid.)
At least Guido isn’t wrong, the bar is swarming with engineers looking for one thing and one thing only.
“...Aò, ma’ndò sta la figa??”
(...Yo, Where the bitches at?)
A strong smell of Menabrea invades your nostrils before an anonymous arm swiftly sorrounds your shoulders and traps your body against a men’s chest.
You quickly recognize the man’s voice.
It’s Formaggio, your favourite drop-out engineer. 
A legend among your faculty for being the ultimate judge of the nightlife, Formaggio lags two years behind you. Throughout the entire semester of you two chilling together, you've taken an oath that you've never laid eyes on him cracking open a book or even getting close to one.
Formaggio's library visits are solely reserved for bugging his buddies, making quick pit stops at the restroom, exploiting his student discount on vending machine goodies, or diving into his favourite pursuit: charming the ladies.
Since it was common knowledge that Formaggio had a preference for freshmen, he very often did not hesitate to physically show you  his affection in front of other people.
“Zì. Questa festa è per i laureati in biologia, non scienze della formazione.”
(Dude. This party is for biology majors, not education majors).
That saccharine yet disinterested tone could only belong to Illuso. You don’t know much about him except that he lives with Formaggio somewhere in the centro storico and that he's majoring in architecture.
It is common knowledge that architects and engineers are natural enemies, like engineers and mathematicians, engineers and physicists, and engineers and other engineers…Damn engineers! They ruined STEM...
Despite all that, these two seem to get along perfectly.
While immersed in your own thoughts, your left check is refreshed by the condensation of Formaggio’s Menabrea as he tries to hold you closer to his chest. He drank too much, and therefore he’s getting even more touchy.
“Ti vedo accaldata chicca, ti prendo qualcosa da bere?Lulù perchè nun vai dall’oste e ce piji quarcosa? Tiè, prendite ‘no scudo e facce fa’ due gintonic.”
(I see you're sizzlin' up, babe. Need a drink to cool those flames? Lulu, hit up the bar, grab some stuff for us. Get a couple of gintons in the mix)
“Oh no no…sto apposto!”
(UH,Nah…I’m fine!)
Panicked, you encounter Illuso’s sight, who immediately gives you an almost disgusted look, as if it was your fault if his friend is drooling all over you. His eyes narrow above a tight and twist smile, and Formaggio gives him a flickering smile back.
"Facciamo che ci vai tu fino al bancone dato che stai preso bene."
( Why don't YOU go to the bar and get us something?)
"Sei propio da' a Lazio, Lulù."
(You're a fucking cunt, Lulu, you know that?)
“ Immaginavo di trovarti qui.”
(I knew you were here.)
Your body is shaken by a sudden shiver. At first glance, you connected that chill to the Menabrea freezing damp glass, but you soon catch on that the bottle is no longer grazing against your cheek.
It’s his voice that made you shiver.
It’s too familiar.
“Oh, Ghiaccio,ce stai anche tu.”
(Oh Ghiaccio, you’re here too.)
Formaggio turns his head behind his shoulders while still keeping his hands on you. His smile fades and his friendly tone vanishes, now resembling Illuso’s.
Regrettably, you know exactly the reason behind Formaggio’s sudden change. It’s no secret that Ghiaccio is an expert in ruining the mood with his bad attitude. In the past, Formaggio tried to warn you many times about Ghiaccio's sudden violent outbursts. 
You found it hard to believe since Formaggio never looked really concerned for his friend but rather preoccupied about his 'party pooper’ attitude.
According to him:
If sober, Ghiaccio would kill the buzz. 
When drunk, Ghiaccio would kill people. 
Even if you seriously doubted about the 'killing' part, everyone on the faculty thought that Ghiaccio was a bit of a weirdo. 
Not that engineers in general aren’t labeled as ‘weirdos’. However, Ghiaccio was giving all those signs of someone you shouldn't approach. After all: ‘ quale persona sana di mente si iscriverebbe a ingegneria, per di più a ingegneria chimica?’
Every time someone actually took the courage to come up to his desk and try to have a word with him, his responses were always dry and blunt. Hunched over his computer and with a MATLAB tab permanently open, not once had he raised his head to engage in conversation with his interlocutor. 
As a matter of fact, it was only his eyes that tried to move.
The gaze behind those thick glasses became suddenly glacial and sinister, accompanied by a tone so saccharine and dismissive that it would have put anyone off.
Ghiaccio sat stiff and still like a taxidermy animal, looking more dog than human.
Ghiaccio sat there, rigid and lifeless, more canine than human. In fact, he often stood as alone as a rabid dog.
Right now, his friends felt his gaze - that of a rabid dog.
“Qualche problema Maggio? Non hai qualche matricola da seviziare?”
(Any problems Maggio? Couldn’t find any freshman to harass?)
Ghiaccio’s sharp tongue brings you back to reality. The blue-haired boy appeared out of thin hair behind Illuso’s back, startling him. He stands there with his glasses slightly fogged up from the air humidity. His right hand clutches a plastic cup that filled with ice, just ice. Weird.
“Cristo Ghiaccio mi hai quasi fatto prendere un infarto. Sembri un morto che cammina.”
(Jesus Christ Ghiaccio,you almost gave me a heart attack. You look like a walking corpse.)
Comments Illuso, glancing in Formaggio’s directions as he lifts his arm from your shoulders and starts loudly chugging the rest of the Menabrea. This visibly annoys Ghiaccio who instinctively shows his teeth, clenching them in a crooked and forced smile.
“Ciao Ghia, come ti vanno le cose?”
(Hello Ghia, How is it going?)
The smile fades. Ghiaccio starts purposely ignoring the two men, and instead he focuses on you:
“Secondo te, tosa? Domani ho Analisi 2.”
(What you think, tosa? Tomorrow I got the Analysis 2 exam.)
“Non sei preparato-”
(Did you stu-)
“Che domanda der cazzo fai chicca, dove pensi che è stato fin ora, se non chiuso in biblioteca?”
(What a damn dumb question, babe. "Did you study?" Like, where the hell do you think he were just a sec? In a freakin' library, duh.)
Formaggio cuts you, mocking your girly voice.
You cautiously raise your hands, waiting for Ghiaccio to burst out for being interrupted, but that doesn't happen. The blue-haired man just shoots Formaggio a death stare, head slightly cocked, eyes piercing through those thin brows. You notice him instinctively baring his teeth and gums at the man like he's about to bite his neck.
It's a warning.
Formaggio takes the hint and casually peers into the bottle, scrounging for any last drops. Meanwhile, Illuso's ego is so massive that he flat out brushes off Ghiaccio's response and jumps right into schooling his buddy.
“Dove pensi che sia. SIA. Il congiuntivo l’hai lasciato al Quadraro?”
(Where do you think He was. He WAS.)
“Lulù stai cercando una capocciata o una bottigliata? Posso dartele entrambe. Te lascio scegliere l’ordine.”
(Listen Lulu. Do you want to catch these hand or the bottle? I can give you both. Just say a word.)
Formaggio's tone takes on a slurred edge, like he's got a bit too much booze in his system for fooling around. Illuso catches wind of this and takes it as the perfect chance to blow off some steam. Weirdly enough, Ghiaccio stays dead quiet, sitting this convo out.
Now that's a twist.
Still, you catch a little something. Even though the guy's zipped his lip, you spy the plastic cup in his grip utterly squashed.
Why's he holding back? You can read it in his expression, he's just itching to unleash his piece.
“Ziofà facciamo che se sei ignorante non è colpa mia.”
(It’s not my fault you’re ignorant)
Replies the tall man while stiffing up and crossing his arm to feel superior. Now Illuso is not even glaring at Formaggio anymore, and he's perfectly aware this is going to drive him mad.
“Ma chi credi de cojonà a' Pariolino?Ignorante lo dici a tua sorella.”
(You did not just call me ignorant.)
“Ignorante nel senso che ignori la grammatica italiana.”
(Don’t take it personally. I said Ignorant because you're ignoring the Italian grammar)
“Allora tu sei un imbecille perchè Imbelle”
(Then you’re an imbecile because you're imbecilin')
(That doesn’t even make any sense! You just MADE UP. A FUCKING WORD.)
Finally, Illuso comes down from his pedestal and starts hatefully staring at his friend.
Formaggio turns towards you for half a second and hands you the empty Menabrea before turning his gaze back to Illuso.
Formaggio's voice blares like a damn siren, catching the attention of everyone in the joint. A bunch of folks, wreaths atop their heads, swivel around, and others in the joint follow suit. In the midst of the mob, you spot Guido secretively trying on Giorno's laurel wreath while the dude's occupied with some pink-haired girl, fussing over his fancy-ass braid.
"Ragazzi non fate gli stupidi. Non potete fare a botte qui- Ci stano guardando tutti..."
(Guys. Stop this nonsense. You can't fight here. Everyone is looking-)
You make a move to put a stop to their antics, when a chilling voice sneaks into your ear...
(Let's go.)
This sensation is familiar, it’s like being in one of those deep, paralyzing sleeps where the weight of the bed covers feels like a boulder. But this time your body seems as if covered by a light sheet. A cold sheet, as if it had never dried. It’s wet and icy, a cold so sharp that starts biting into your skin.
Your head starts spinning, even though you are sure you haven't moved. 
You remain motionless, unable to do anything but inhale icy air.
You feel as if my whole skin is covered with frost.
Your memories are confused and jumbled...you cannot make sense of them.  Under your clenched eyelids, lights, sounds and colors from llast night mix in a continuous spiral, causing you to feel nauseous. After taking a few breaths, your head finally stops throbbing like the speakers of a disco. Your back hurts as it's lying on a hard surface that is even colder than the surrounding air. The unpleasant sensation given by your skin attached to the icy surface challenges you to move your muscles.... But something is wrong. 
They won't move. They can't move.
You sense your hands resting next to your body, the tips of your fingers numb with cold... However, when you flex them in order to warm them, they do not respond to your thoughts. Panic suddenly makes you lucid. you open your eyes.
Your eyes snap open, only to be assaulted by a blinding white radiance. It's intoxicating, that brilliance. A sea of white stretching to every horizon.
A single source of light reigns, the ceiling lamp above you. You lie atop a slab of metal, nothing but gravity pressing you into its unforgiving surface.
Your breath begins to shorten.
White smoke lazily rises from your lips, disappearing into the neon. The light illuminates your figure yet denies you any heat. You look around, trying to figure out where you are. Your neck slowly begins to loosen, allowing you to get a better look around the room...
Beyond, darkness reigns, a domain devoid of form or presence. Yet, something sinister looms along the walls, whether furniture or pillars, they crawl from floor to ceiling.
Your vision drifts downward, over your frozen feet, past the table's edge, until a glimmer dances at the periphery.
A door? 
“C-C-C’è…c’è q-qualcuno?”
(is-is anybody there?)
Your voice is hoarse, cracking when you try to speak. The icy air scratches your throat, your skin quivers.
The tips of your fingers have now lost sensibility, as if they have become one with the table. You cough... then you try to speak again, louder.
“Pe-Per favore!!COFF! AIUTO!! Sono qui!! Non cè nessuno?!”
(Anyone! Anybody!!Please, some-Cough-SOMEONE HELP!!)
After shouting, you wait panting for an answer... a sign...any sign. 
Suddenly you hear footsteps approaching, slow and measured. A shadow obscures the narrow glimmer coming from the door. The sound of several locks being opened echoes in the room. 
The door slowly opens, letting a much stronger light invade the room, revealing an unknown figure.  A man is watching you from the threshold but the light beyond him prevents you from recognize him.
Your eyes flicker as the light sound of your chattering teeth signals you've just regained control of your jaw muscles.
The expression you’re making seems to amuse the man. A soft chuckle escapes him as he strides into the room, sealing the door in his wake. He drags in a cart, and upon its enigmatic cargo, your gaze falters, unable to discern the details.
“Non ti conviene sforzarti così tanto…rischi di farti male.”
(Oh dear, you shouldn't push yourself too hard...you'll end up hurting yourself.)
His voice slices through the air, sharper than the chill. Dread claws at you, its grip tightening as his teeth catch your attention more than his eyes do. A grin stretches across his face, a gruesome expanse that reveals his gums. His gaze remains unaltered, a predator's stare, unrelenting and piercing.
Behind those glasses, his eyes undress you, baring your vulnerability as if you weren't already stripped bare.
 “Shhh..ti fa male da qualche parte?Come va il respiro?”
(Shhh. Does it hurt anywhere? is your breathing okay?)
All of a sudden, the man puts on a genuinely concerned face, and seems to be focused on your face.
"C-Che è successo??...Ci siamo schiantati?”
(what.... what happened...where am I? did we crash?)
Your voice tremble, it’s stuttering. You gasp as you notice his hand resting on the table, beside your ankle.
" Non c'è niente di cui avere paura...concentrati e rispondi alla domanda: ti fa male da qualche parte?"
(don't worry about it now.... take a breath, stay focused and answer me: does it hurt anywhere?)
The situation is surreal.... what happened? Perhaps you're in a hospital? Did you have an accident? Are you paralyzed because of that?
"n-no. Non c'è niente che mi fa male...ma non riesco a muovermi...h-ho così tanto freddo..."
(n..no.... nothing hurts.... but I can't move..p..I might have something d- to put on...I'm so f-ing cold...)
You murmur, your voice trembling from both cold and unease. Shivers run through you, the icy fingers of anxiety now accompanying the chill. The man's lips curve at your hushed words, his face inches from yours. Your cheeks burn, tainted red by a mix of emotions.
"In un attimo, chicca."
(In a moment, babe.)
He purrs, his tone velvety. However, that ' babe' part is filled with venom and resentment. You quickly notice he's making a sloppy imitation of Formaggio's accent.
His face inches closer, his gaze locked onto yours.
"Sto controllando che sia tutto apposto...dimmi..."
(I must make sure everything's alright... tell me...)
His hand touches the sole of your right foot, a warmth you haven't felt since you woke.
"Senti le mie dita?"
(Can you sense my fingers?)
You're aware of his index finger trailing over your skin, a sensation that sends ripples through your body. Past your knee, ascending your thigh, the warmth causes both your form and fear to tremble. His other fingers join the index, like sinister accomplices, tracing your flesh. With a creeping exploration, his hand moves until it firmly presses against your inner thigh.
"Dimmi quando non le senti più."
(Let me know when you can't feel them anymore.)
(a-ah! Stop!)
You attempt to resist, but your defiance only manifests in the frustrated shake of your head...
He coos, his voice a syrupy assurance.
"Non ti farò niente...per ora. Non sei contenta di ricevere un check up gratuito?"
(I won't do anything... yet. Isn't a complimentary check-up something to be glad about?)
His hand still lingers on your inner thigh, its touch a languid caress that ignites a warmth, craving coursing through your body. You relinquish the sensation, only to be met once again with the unforgiving cold of the table.
"C-Che cosa è successo?"
(What... What's happened to me?)
Breathless, you gasp, your chest heaving. The man's features retain an eerie calm as you sense his touch upon you once more. His fingers slip under your right hand's palm, lifting it, while his other hand blankets your back.
"Solo un attimo chicca, devo finire il chek-up...Poverina, le tue mani sono congelate."
(Just a moment, babe. I need to finish the check-up... Poor thing, your hands are freezing....)
 He smiles as his warm hands rub against yours, giving you such relief that a sigh of pleasure escapes you.
This time, his 'babe' doesn't feel as a mockery.
You catch the sight of his tongue darting across his lips, a prelude to him exhaling gently onto your fingers. His warm breath works its magic, coaxing sensitivity back into your once-numb digits.
"Ti piace, non è vero?...lascia che ti faccia stare meglio..."
(Feels good, doesn't it? let me do something special...) 
Before you can say anything, his mouth is pressed on your fingers as he starts to kiss them, slowly.... how can those lips be so warm.... the gesture is so unexpected that leaves you speechless. You feel your head dipping into a fog-you are still dreaming. You are definitely dreaming. There is no other explanation, 
Your index finger slides into his mouth, encountering the sensation of his warm, wet tongue caressing your nail, descending to its very base. It's a repulsive, slimy sensation, made eerier by the expression he wears—a perverse delight akin to a child sucking their favorite treat.
"M-ma che fai? S-Smettila..."
(N-no... no, stop...)
You stammer, horror clenching at your chest, urging him to cease.
Your gaze locks onto the dreadful scene unfolding before you. Slowly, he extracts your index finger, his lips gripping its tip. Behind the thick lenses of his glasses, Ghiaccio gazes at you, his eyes holding an unsettling glint. As terror courses through you, his teeth begin to close deliberately, his molars biting down, the pressure intensifying with every passing second.
"No-C-Che cosa-AHI. AHIA!! MI FAI MALE! L-Lasciami!! SMETTILA!!"
(No—what are you doing? Ah!AHH! YOU'RE HURTING ME!! It hurts! NO!)
Recognition dawns as you comprehend his sinister intent. The sound that echoes from him—a chilling crunch—is oddly familiar, like the memory of your grandmother offering freshly harvested, crisp carrots from her garden when you were a child.
A scream rips from your throat, pain blurring your sight. His jaw locks around the bone with an aggressive grip.
In a split second that catches you off guard, Ghiaccio tears two of your phalanges away, wrenching your finger free in a swift, brutal motion. The forceful snap of his head results in a gruesome sight—a gushing surge of blood spraying forth.
Your hand remains locked in his.
The vile squelching of his chewing churns your stomach. He's like a rabid dog ravaging his prey.
"Mmh... sapevo ne sarebbe valsa la pena"
(Mhh... delicious... just as I'd imagined.)
Your shrieks of torment transform into violent retches. You twist your face aside, desperate to avoid vomiting, yet there's nothing left to expel. The sound of his swallowing grates on your ears. More convulsions wrack your frame, forcing your eyes to shut.
You can hear him dragging the cart closer, your gaze drawn to the crimson smears that now stain his scrubs. You can't muster the strength to confront your mangled hand.
"Ci vuole calma e sangue freddo, tosa."
(Baby, it's cold outside.)
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scolpimpisdiary · 2 years
His Prized Possession
Yan!Don Giorno x Fem!Reader
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Content Warning: Mentions of Kidnapping/Captivity, Yandere themes, possessiveness
Word Count:2.3K
It was painful.
Not the type of pain you’d get from a physical injury, or the type of numbing pain a heartbreak gives you. It was the pain that stung the most to you. The pain of realizing you’ve been stuck here for five months.
Five months.
It was routine at this point. You’d get up, shower, get dressed then go to your Calendar and cross off another day. After that you’d sit quietly on a bench near the windowsill curled up in a book.
It was funny, almost. You were never an avid reader in the past, but ever since the kidnapping you’ve lost all access to any form of internet, making you solely reliant on books to entertain yourself. You used to have art supplies, but tried using the sharp wooden handle on one of the brushes to pry open the window. Like a child, the privilege of painting was quickly taken away from you by Don Giovanna.
You let out a desperate chuckle, hearing the footsteps you’ve grown all too familiar with as they clicked down the hallway towards the room.
The truth is, you’ve given up on trying to escape the prison that Giorno would always call home. Time and time again of failed escapes and cruel punishments proved the labyrinth to be impossible to leave. Even going through the villa was like a confusing maze to you.
Even though you were deep in thought, you could hear the click of the steel door unlocking, indicating that Giorno has just entered your room. You kept your back turned to him, trying to ignore his presence.
“Buongiorno, amore mio..”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see his figure move over and sit next to you on the bench. The smell of what seemed like expensive cologne engulfed your nostrils.
The pain of being held captive was made worse by the certain blonde-haired man’s presence.
“Now tell me, Y/N, how is my precious wife doing today?”
The tone in the blonde’s voice was sickeningly sweet, you could tell he was reveling in seeing you like this.
After staying quiet and keeping your head turned, a light scoff left the Don’s lips. His smile pursed into a frown as his hand cupped your face and quickly turned it to him.
Giorno’s voice soon went cold and threatening as his grip gently tightened along your jaw. His piercing green eyes bored into yours
“Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
Once you gave him your full attention, Giorno’s face then warmed into its usual faux smile. “Good, now answer my question. How is my beautiful wife doing today?”
“I’m fine” you muttered, both you and your captor knowing that isn’t the truth. Either way, it was an answer that he was satisfied with.
“So good, mi caro, you’re becoming more obedient. I know that soon enough you’ll let me shower you with my love, yes?”
You nodded, knowing that if you didn’t then Giorno would probably force a response out of you one way or another.
He chuckled and gave you a light peck, his lips meshing with your soft ones.
“Well, I have a surprise for you. Today I’m taking you out to dinner. I have made reservations for a restaurant that offers the best dining in all of Napoli..”
Your eyes shot open at this sudden news, to which Giorno took notice of. He chuckled and continued on.
“Yes tesoro, you’ve been so good lately. I have to go out for a while, so I’m letting a maid accompany you for a couple of hours. She will be helping you get ready for the dinner until then. Once I come back, we are leaving.”
You nodded along to his words, feeling as if he didn’t need a response. Eventually Giorno left, not forgetting to lock the steel door behind him as he left your room. Your body eased up a little from his lack of presence, and you went back to reading your book.
Over the course of several hours you’ve spent majority of it in the dressing room, letting the maid find a suitable dress for you to wear. You weren’t able to choose much outside of hairstyle for the event, as Giorno had strict control over what could and couldn’t be worn for it. You sighed and checked it off as another one of his controlling tactics.
When it was time to go, Giorno personally went to your room, collected and brought you through the villa to the limousine that waited patiently outside. You had assumed that he didn’t trust any of his guards to personally bring you. Hell, they wouldn’t even look at you.
The both of you wore matching emerald green outfits, Giorno’s being a suit that had golden ladybug shaped charms on each side, and yours being a silk emerald green dress
Once the both of you had made it to the limo, Giorno opened the back door, letting you get in first. As you slid in, you were met with three unfamiliar faces. One was a woman with short pink hair and a simple black dress on. She sat on the left side, quietly staring out the window as the two men on the right conversed with eachother.
The two men, one having strawberry blonde hair, glared in irritation at the other man, who was tan and wore a red and blue hat. He was aimlessly rambling on about a video game, and the blonde seemed very disinterested.
When Giorno entered the car, all of their eyes were on him. Once everyone settled in, the car started driving away from the villa.
“Giorno! How have you been, man?”
“I’ve been good, Mista. How has your team been? And you too, Fugo?”
“It’s actually been pretty good! Ever since you made me capo I feel like people respect me more!” Mista told Giorno with a comical grin stretched across his face.
Fugo then turned to Giorno. “I feel honored that you’re letting me oversee the data and information team. I promise that this won’t be in vain.”
With a satisfied smile, the Don nodded his head as he turned to the pink-haired woman. “What about you, Trish?”
Mista then added on “Yeah, you haven’t said anything during the whole ride! Don’t you want to be a capo too?”
Trish shook her head, turning back towards the window.
“No. I have no interest in being directly involved with the mafia. I just want to live my life..”
Even though you couldn’t say anything, you knew deep down that you could relate to Trish. You didn’t want to be under Giorno’s watchful eyes or have any ties to Passione, you just wanted to be free and live your life as well.
Trish must’ve noticed that you were staring at her, because she gave you a soft smile and said “Might I say, Mrs. Giovanna, you look wonderful tonight.”
A small smile curled up onto your face. You nodded and thanked her. That was the first time someone has paid you a compliment in months, besides Giorno obviously. You’ve chalked it up to Trish being very close to him, knowing deep down that if it was someone else complimenting you, Giorno would’ve probably done something to them.
Once you’ve reached the restaurant and taken your seats, you couldn’t help but admire how beautiful it was. There was an aquarium in the very center of the restaurant, and each booth had soft comfortable seats and impeccably clean tables. The silverware and plates looked high quality. You lifted a plate up, able to see your reflection inside of it. This caused you to let out an audible gasp. The whole table chuckled at your reaction, with Giorno adding “I take it you like the restaurant?” You nodded and shyly looked down at your lap.
Once everyone was settled down, you tapped Giorno on his shoulder. He looked up at you with his usual gaze, loving and sickeningly sweet. “Yes, my love?”
“I have to use the bathroom..” you replied shyly. Immediately Giorno looked to Trish. “Trish, can you accompany Y/N to the bathroom for me?”
She nodded and stood up from the booth.
Once you both made it near the bathroom, Trish stood outside and you went in.
“Don’t take too long, okay? Giorno..you know..” you could tell she didn’t want to finish her sentence, nor acknowledge the reality of him keeping you captive.
“I understand.” You replied, going into the private bathroom and closing it behind you. The truth is that you just wanted a moment to be alone. Actually alone. Without the presence of surveillance cameras, guards and maids, or the watchful eyes of your captor husband.
A moment that was stolen from you the very moment Giorno kidnapped you.
As you sighed, staring into the mirror, you noticed a window above. It wasn’t a sealed one, just a regular window. Your head whipped around and jogged towards it. Your footsteps must’ve been quite loud, as you heard a brief knock on the door from Trish.
“Hey, Y/N, is everything alright in there?”
“Uh- yes! Everything is fine! Give me a couple more minutes..” you quickly reached for the window, only to realize it was too high up for you, or any human for that matter, to reach. Your eyes quickly scoured the room for things to use as a booster, only to see the cupboard underneath the sink.
“So yes, those are all the recent discoveries my team has made about the other organizations operating in Italy”
Fugo smugly replied, then turned to an annoyed looking Mista. “What about you? What does your team do, besides shoot things of course” “Now hold on you little-“
Giorno immediately stood up, catching the other men’s attention. “Is everything okay?” they both said. The Don looked slightly frustrated, his deep green eyes scanning the restaurant for the two women that were gone. “I’ll be right back. I need to do something..” he replied, walking away from the table with a fit of urgency. The two men glanced at each-other blankly for a second, only for their eyes to shoot open in the realization that something may have happened to Y/N
Giorno rushed towards the opposite site of the restaurant, seeing Trish leaning on the door to the girls bathroom, casually texting on her phone. She looked up to see Giorno, any sign of happiness or joy completely gone from him.
“Trish, I need you to open this door now.”
In the bathroom, you opened the cupboard to see three things: some wipes, a stool, and a plunger
Wait, a stool?
You grabbed it and placed it near the window, giving you enough of a boost to open it and push it. You heard the door behind you unlocking. Panicking, you shoved yourself through the window, one of your emerald green heels falling off into the bathroom in the process. You fell onto a garbage can, then onto the cold concrete floor. Your body ached from the fall, but still pushed through, seeing a river nearby. The fight or flight in your body immediately kicked in. You yanked off your last heel and booked it, reaching the river.
“God, I’m so sorry Giorno! I swear she was just there a second ago!” Trish said, a look of guilt evident on her face. The young man sighed and looked around the bathroom, quickly taking note of the opened window and the lost shoe.
“It’s fine. Go get the others and explain the situation. I’ll stay here.”
Trish nodded and went to get Fugo and Mista. Meanwhile, Giorno grabbed your shoe, surveying it further. He wasn’t angry or sad. Instead, Giorno mumbled to himself.
“Oh Il mio tesoro, don’t worry, I will find you once again..”
Once you dove into the water, being dragged away by the river current was intense. Rocks and other debris hit you at every angle, filling your ankles, face, and other exposed parts of your body with scratches. you barely stood afloat in the harsh waters, accidentally breathing in water every now and again. You feel like you’d pass out from it, but your determination kept you awake. Even though it hurt, you were finally free, free from Giorno’s grasp, free from Passione, and most importantly, free to finally go home and live your life how you want to.
Or so you thought
Once you reached the end of the river, which seemed to be a cold dark forest, your body struggled to climb onto land.
Your entire outfit was wet and dirty, making it hard to walk. Once you barely lifted yourself up, you felt a familiar pair of arms pull you towards him in an embrace. His blonde locks tickled your face gently, not caring about his outfit getting stained in the process.
“Oh tesora, I was waiting for you.”
Your stomach sunk and you swallowed, a lump of fear stuck in your throat.
“H-how..” you cried, tears streaming down your face. You felt a warm hand brush the tears off of your cheek.
“You left your shoe, amore mio. I turned it into a fly, then it went near the river. That’s how I was able to find your location. After that I waited at the end of the river for you, and let Mista and Fugo patrol around just in case you may take shortcuts.”
Immediately, Giorno’s hug tightened. A wide grin was present. “But you didn’t! The path you took led you straight to me! That goes to show how connected we are, how truly everlasting our love is, correct?”
Your mind was filled with disbelief, too shocked to murmur any other words.
Wrapping his arm securely around yours, Giorno led you towards a car that you’d assume takes you back to the villa. You’d thought about running away, but his grip on you was so tight that it was impossible for you to form any distance between your body and his.
“Now, I do have to decide on the punishment I’ll give you..but for right now, let’s just go home, okay?”
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onovnii · 2 years
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kiss it better | giorno giovanna
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— a short drabble of giorno taking care of his s/o after a mission...
feat. giorno giovanna x gn!reader cw/tws. established relationship — light part 5 spoilers? , blood mentions , not beta read we die like men ;) , nicknames (angel y love) note. i don’t know i just wanted to write something with giorno  lol
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giorno giovanna.
it wasn’t unusual for you to come back hurt after a mission, it was to be expected honestly. giorno had already planned to set time aside to tend to your wounds; he wasn’t new to this and either were you.
but for one reason or another, today seemed to have it out for you especially. firstly, you went alone. you thought you could handle a simple investigation, the thought of another stand used crossing you never came into your mind…you wish it did. the fight felt like it lasted hours, but was probably only for a couple of minutes. even so, you defeated your opponent as usual. but they were surprisingly strong and had left you with a giant gash on your side. a deep cut and probably some broken bones you weren’t aware of. god…you wish you had brought a phone to call giorno..or even mista.
it didn’t matter though, cause in the end you still got the job done. but fuck it felt like you were dying. luckily for you, some deity out there must’ve taken pity on you. making it back to the base safely, you had mista carry your weak body back to giorno’s office.
when facing giorno, you could only smile weakly. you could vaguely tell he was worried, but your sight had gotten a bit too hazy from the blood loss to tell. the two men exchanged words but you could only make up the last of what giorno had said,
“thank you mista, i’ll take it from here”
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giorno knows he can’t technically heal, so he can’t really alleviate any pain you may be feeling. but he does try his best to distract you from it. when sitting you up on the counter, he’ll firmly put his hand down on wherever the bleeding is, to stop it and to decrease any low levels of pain it may be causing. you’ll feel him manifest GER as his stands power flows through his hand and into your body. it’s extremely painful, feeling the body part heal itself back up at an inhuman speeds. you couldn’t help but let out a groan. 
giorno looked back up at you with concern. he wasn’t too sure on how to help beyond this point. giorno ran through a couple of ideas in his head before he settled on one; one that might help with a momentary distraction.
giorno’s free hand begins to caress your face. feeling a warm pair of lips press themselves against your skin; giornos lips. he gently kisses your cheek, muttering praises in between each kiss.
“i know it hurts, you’re doing so well, angel”
for a moment, you nearly forgot about the pain on your side. the feeling of butterflies in your chest was enough for you to momentarily focus on his gentle words. you feel the pain slowly leaving your body, as well as GER’s flow of life come to an end. looking down, all that remains is the blood staining your clothes. with a sigh of relief, you let your head fall onto giorno’s shoulder.
“thanks again, giogio” you mumble tiredly. he only smiles at this, happy his plan had worked. his hands go back down to your side, fingers tracing light patterns on your exposed skin.
“of course, love”
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©ONOVNII - valene 
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orphetoon · 4 months
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bugs when u pick up a rock
og image and source:
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wesaier · 5 months
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Boss Giorno
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JoJo’s Bizarre Halloween!
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diosrodeo · 3 months
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also these
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brightgoat · 10 months
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bring out the JOJOs
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jei-rifni · 4 months
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Feh you gave me an insane idea thanks to the “TT” abs you put on Giorno
vvv Inspiration / Feh’s art below vvv
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paovuante-vuanteador · 4 months
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My Vento Aureo AU where it happens on Brazil lol
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scolpimpisdiary · 2 years
The Golden Dreams Bakery - Part One
Baker!Giorno x GN!Reader
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No Advisory Warnings! Completely SFW
(Takes place in an alternate uni, Giorno is a lil baker boi!)
Word Count: roughly 2k
Your family business, Panifico L’amore, was quite successful. It was reknowned for being one of the most popular bakeries in Naples. You almost felt that its glory would last forever, until one day you witnessed a “Grand Opening” sign from a store across the street.
You peered closer through your store window, eyeing the one adjacent to you.
“Hey Y/N, is everything okay? You seem glued to that window. You in love with it or somethin?” your young aunt joked as she quietly sipped on a cup of coffee.
You were too distracted to notice her walking up to you and softly resting her hand on your shoulder, gently shaking it. “Whatcha looking at?”
You temporarily broke eye contact with the glass and glanced her way. “Hey aunty, when did that store open up? I never saw it before..”
Your aunt chuckled before resting her mug on the table nearby. “Oh, you mean that one? That bakery had actually opened up a while ago. I don’t know why it still has the grand opening sign though..” she peered closer as well.
“Oh well” your aunt hummed, making her way towards the kitchen. You shrugged and stared at the window a little longer just to see a boy, who looked somewhat older than you, hauling some kitchen equipment out of a truck and into the store. “Could that be his restaurant?” You mumbled to yourself.
You couldn’t see much from far away but could tell that he had golden blonde hair which was braided neatly away from his shoulders. He also looked quite muscular and lean. Weirdly enough you couldn’t help but stare at him longer, squinting your eyes to try and get a slightly better look. This continued for a couple more minutes until a piece of notebook paper blocked your view.
“Hey stalker! Stop staring at people and go pick up some groceries from the store.” Your aunt waved the paper back and forth with a smug grin plastered on her face. You sighed and grasped it, eyeing the contents of the letter.
“Five packs of butter? Didn’t we have like, ten yesterday?” You groaned letting your posture slump as you analyzed the paper further. Your aunt shrugged her shoulders.“Hey, yesterday was a busy day. We had twelve wedding cake orders, do you know how much buttercream that took?”
You growled in defeat, strolling out the door and onto the concrete, only to hear your aunt shouting “Also we need more milk and creamer! I forgot to add that to the list!”
You gave her a thumbs up as you walked away, signaling that you’ve heard everything she’d needed to say.
As you made your way around the dairy aisle, you could feel as though you were missing an item but couldn’t figure out what. Your hands sifted through your coat pockets, only to realize that the list was gone.
“What the hell?” You mumbled to yourself, frantically looking around the store. You immediately spun your cart around to retrace your steps, unaware that your frenzied demeanor caught a certain blonde’s attention.
Before you could make your way into the bread aisle to see if it was there, a light tap grazed your shoulder. A faint smell of cologne and vanilla infiltrated your nostrils as you whipped your head back and saw a boy. His hand, presumably with your little list of ingredients in it, holding it out to you. His warm green eyes reading you like a book with a smile accompanying it.
You could’ve sworn you’d seen him somewhere, but couldn’t remember as you were too focused on retracing your steps.
“Scusi, I think you may have dropped something. Could it be this?” the young blonde said. You quickly collected the paper with a flustered face, thanking him. “Wow you’re a lifesaver! I thought I was cooked..” you joked, sporting a shy grin while rubbing the back of your head. He chuckled and put his hand on his hip.
“Well I’m glad I was able to help, buona giornata!” The boy made his way out after you shouted another thank you. After picking up the rest of your groceries, you quickly headed back to your shop.
The next couple days went by uneventfully and your mind soon wrote the encounter off as just another memory soon to be forgotten..that is until this very morning.
You stumbled down the stairs sleepily into the main area of the store, the upstairs being a regular apartment you and your aunt stayed in. “Y/N! Come meet our special guest!” Her voice boomed, loud enough to wake you up. You entered the main room, only to notice a familiar face looking at you in surprise, with his wide green eyes easily giving him away. Your hands met your eyelids, rubbing them to make sure what you were seeing was real. And it was.
“Y/N, this is the owner of the bakery next to us! His name is Giorno Giovanna. He came here to say hello, so be nice and welcome him!”
It then all made sense. The mysterious boy that you watched from the window, and helped you find your note was the owner of the shop right next to yours. Your brain was too busy connecting the dots at first to notice your aunt protesting you wearing your pajamas in the store.
A couple minutes after, your face instantly beamed a high red as you ran upstairs to get changed. A chuckle escaped Giorno as he gently stirred his tea, courtesy of your aunt. She shook her head and apologized “I don’t know what’s gotten into Y/N, lately. It’s like they’ve been so distracted!”
Once you were done changing into a decent outfit, you made your way back downstairs to join the two. For some reason your aunt was nowhere to be seen, and it was just you and Giorno. Alone.
You could admit that it was quite awkward given how silent it was. He just sat there sipping his tea. Did he even notice you were there?
You walked up to the table anyways and sat near him, hoping that was enough to catch his attention. It seemed that it did as the blonde quickly whipped his head in your direction.“There you are Y/N, I didn’t know you worked here. Your aunt seems very nice!” Giorno complimented. You then let out a nervous chuckle.
“Yeah, she has her moments..”
Honestly, you didn’t know what to say to him. It was hard to formulate any words in particular as a small flurry of emotions gnawed at your heart. You didn’t really know what this feeling was, only that it’d appear every time you’d see him.
Giorno could tell that you seemed distracted. “What’s on your mind? You look caught up in your thoughts.” He then reached into a bag he brought that was rested on the table. “Your aunt told me you liked chocolate, luckily I happen to have some chocolate cake from my bakery. Do you want some?”
Your eyes immediately darted towards the cake. “Sure..” you mumbled. When you took a bite, your eyes lit up. “This..is so good!!” You took a couple more bites as Giorno giggled at your display, watching you enjoy his creation.
After eating, you smiled and thanked him for the delicious dessert. He nodded, and then pointed towards your cheek. “You have a little chocolate on your face..”
You quickly covered it in embarrassment, apologizing profusely to Giorno. He hummed “it’s okay..” Before you could grab a napkin, Giorno used his handkerchief nestled neatly in the pocket of his apron to wipe the chocolate around your mouth.
You couldn’t help but stare in astonishment at his seemingly bold action. He was extremely delicate as well, making sure to thoroughly remove the chocolate frosting from your face with his usual gentle smile.
After he was done, you were left a blushing mess. “T-thank..you..” you struggled even more to formulate your words as Giorno innocently nodded. “You’re welcome. I’ll be going soon so I can open up my shop and do some preparations. Talk to you sometime soon?”
You took a deep breath to compose yourself. “Of course! Just let me know whenever you stop by” Giorno shook your hand so casually, as if nothing ever happened. But before he walked out, he turned to you. “Just to let you know, you can stop by my store whenever you want as well” he then walked out the door.
“God, why am I like this..” you mumbled, covering your face with your hands and sighing. You didn’t know how to feel about that encounter, honestly. But a small part of you wanted to feel Giorno’s warm touch once more.
“Oh, he left already? I must’ve taken too long” Your aunt said, frowning a little. She walked over to the table to collect the empty teacup and deliver it to the sink.
“Yep, he’s opening his shop” you told her.
You noticed that your aunt was holding something in her hand, unaware of what it was. “Hey, what’s that?” you pointed to the rolled-up item. “Oh” she mumbled “this is just a newspaper. Did you know that Mr. Giovanna was in there?”
Your eyes shot open in surprise. “Oh really? Let me see..” she handed over the paper and you quickly flipped the pages, only to see the boy himself on the third page.
You saw a picture of Giorno that was titled “The Golden Boy of Baking- finally in Naples!”
Your eyes then scanned over the brief description of him and his shop. “Giorno Giovanna, at only 17 years old, has recently opened up a new branch of his family-owned restaurant called Panificio Sogno D'oro, right here in Naples, Italy! Come get various traditional Italian desserts, Tiramisu, Biscotti or even a signature dessert of the Giovanna family, Golden Apple Pie!”
You glossed over majority of the article, as it was essentially just an ad promoting the new bakery. That is until your eyes crossed the last part of Giorno’s section, which ended with a quote from him.
“I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream…to become a world-reknowned chef!”
“The “Golden Boy of Baking” eh?” You said to yourself, giggling a little at the phrase.
Time flew by so quickly that you’d hardly had time to pay attention. Giorno visited your bakery more often, usually around closing as his store closed earlier. Both of you would spend time talking to eachother about your shops, your passions and where the both of you see yourselves in the future.
It was a slow burn at first due to Giorno’s naturally introverted personality and your slightly awkward one, but a friendship started forming between the two of you. Although something else started happening during this phase as well.
“Dammit!” Your aunt cursed, scanning through charts and numbers on her computer. You felt quite worried as your aunt wasn’t usually an angry person.
You curiously peaked inside her office, wondering what the commotion was about.
“What’s wrong?” A concerned tone lingered in your voice. She sighed and stood up to face you.“I might as well tell you now since you’re gonna find out eventually..” she took a deep breath and shot a stressed glance at her computer once more
“We’re starting to lose profits”
Your teeth gritted and an initial wave of shock shot through your body. “But how? Didn’t we sell out last week? Are you sure it’s not a mistake?” You could tell that your aunt was trying to keep her composure as well, but knew deep down that she was just as alarmed as you were.
“Listen, kiddo. Every business has its ups and downs. I’ve been trying to wait it out but it seems like it isn’t getting better any time soon. It’s been a month..”
She looked you with a slight sorrow in her eyes while her lands lay on your shoulders. “Now I’m not saying this is certain, but we have to be prepared to work through any scenario given to us. If profits sink even more then..”
You pulled yourself away from her and immediately left, ignoring her calls for you to come back to the shop.
(Part Two Link)
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hajnarus · 8 months
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1-2-3 vs 4-5-6
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orphetoon · 5 months
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everytime i see a post about giorno being evil i can’t help but imagine him being evil but in a very ‘im 15’ way
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silver-1eaves · 2 months
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can i stand in your light just for a while?
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Abbacchio is Giorno’s #1 hater
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