#joe dispenza
yourmoonie · 3 months
How to live in the end
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Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming photoshoot? Your exams? Sp? Or maybe an event that hasn't occurred yet?
I have got your back
1. Focus on your end goal and not on the "lack/circumstances"
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Our fave stickman wants to go to Barbados, but instead of focusing on Barbados (aka the end goal) he starts focusing on not having the tickets or not having the money to buy the tickets (circumstances)
His entire attention is on the circumstance and not on the end goal
“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” ― Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune
2. Thinking from THE end
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This is based on the timeline jumping method ( the thread, ♡ the visual thread )
So what do we do here?
Tickets are just the bridge of events for your end goal
We mentally go to Barbados and think FROM Barbados and not OF it
(That's how Neville manifested his trip, btw)
"Thinking from the end is the beginning of all miracles" - Neville Goddard
The art of thinking from the end is about internally seeing the world as you would see it if your desire has already been achieved, even if it hasn't physically manifested yet.
3. Not seeing any movement?
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The stickman has got a photoshoot at MoonMoon studio in 2 weeks
On top of that the stickman is manifesting their desired body
> Out of the blue, the stickman gets anxious about their desired body and how they would look during the photoshoot because they "can't" see the results in the 3D
"The journey is in yourself. You travel along the highways of the inner world. Without inner movement, it is impossible to bring forth anything." - Neville Goddard
4. Think FROM & AFTER your desire
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They become anxious about the photoshoot BUT
How can the stickman get out of that anxious state?
Instead of thinking OF the photoshoot, they will think FROM and AFTER the photoshoot
They will mentally imagine that the event has already occurred
5. How to get into the state
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And they ask themselves this question
"How do I feel now when the photoshoot is done?"
"Wow, I like how the photos have turned out. I look so hot,"
They mentally prepare themselves for the best outcome and it helps them to get out of the anxious state
Inner action is an introverted sensation. If you will construct mentally a drama which implies that you have realised your objective, then close your eyes and drop your thoughts inward, centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and partake in that action, you will become a self-determined being.
6. You are THE observer
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The Timeline jumping method in nutshell:
This is how you think FROM + After your desire
The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy. As a consequence, you affect the material world. - Joe Dispenza
“Imagination is the act of creation. Imagination creates reality." - Neville Goddard
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audrinawf · 13 days
Manifestations and triggers of the ego and old identity.
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Do you ever feel like whenever you try to better yourself that somehow your life just throws some drama at you? If so I’m going to tell you exactly why this happens and what you need to be doing.
When you try to manifest your new life you start to work on your self concept aka your identity. You start to asses what habits and beliefs you have currently that have lead to your current circumstances and life. You might identify which behaviors and beliefs no longer serve you and you start acting differently. The thing that happens is that as soon as you have this form of awakening and you start behaving differently from your current patterns your ego aka current identity starts to freak out.
I also want to note that I do not use the word ego in a negative or positive way it’s just a word to explain your current identity.
So our ego freaks out and tries to stop us from changing our thought patterns and behaviors cause if we change, that effectively means that we are killing the current ego. So in an act of self preservation the ego will attack you with doubts and fears as to why we shouldn’t change.
Let’s say you decide to change your self concept to someone that is in a loving and loyal relationship with a romantic partner. What your ego will do is that it will bombard you with every instance and painful memory in your life where the opposite was true in order to keep you from changing your beliefs.
Your ego will tell you that you can’t date or find the love of your life cause look at your friends, look at this person or that person.
You can’t find love cause the divorce rate is 50%. Romance is dead, dating apps have ruined romance and so on and so forth. The ego will keep feeding you as many negative thoughts and beliefs until you are so consumed by it that you forgot that you were trying to change your self concept.
Our self concept and identity aka our ego creates our reality. So when we try to change our self concept our current identity will fight tooth and nail for us not to kill it. And thus we have to wake up every day and fight ourselves. fight to break the habit of being ourselves (shoutout to Joe Dispenza for that phrase)
So when you start changing your patterns your ego is going to create situations and circumstances where the opposite of what you want is going to present itself and all you have to do is not react.
If we continue with the example of manifesting love. You might find yourself meeting men that are the opposite of what you want or you might hear horrible dating stories from your friends. What you’re not gonna do is internalizing those experiences . That’s not your reality. For every dating horror story there’s a success story as well, you just haven’t heard it yet. And either way you only need to find ONE good man so it doesn’t matter that there’s a hundred shitty men out there. That has nothing to do with you.
You’re gonna ignore anything that doesn’t serve you. The more you ignore the less these attacks happen. The more you focus on the new identity you want the old one will slowly starve itself.
So remember this. When you start to change your beliefs your old beliefs will come up to the surface. You might experience events and meet people that reflect your old beliefs. What you’re gonna do is that you’re not going to react to that. You’re just going to observe it and stay focused on the new reality you are creating. It takes time for the new reality to show up so you have to have faith and patience in the meantime.
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young-goddessx · 2 months
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shisasan · 2 years
Ten minutes of gratitude every day could heal you.
— Dr Joe Dispenza
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princesssascha · 1 month
Most of y'all are always asking the same question:
"Can I manifest _ because I feel like I already have it but it's not here".
Just because you put a different reason in _ doesn't mean that it changes anything. It's all the same thing. You are not a victim and ONLY you can't manifest that one single specific thing in the world. No. That thing you want is not even real, you made it. You're the center of the universe and you decide what your life looks like. You can manifest everything. Get over it.
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funeral · 2 years
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The neurochemical relationship between the brain and the body. As you think certain thoughts, the brain produces chemicals that cause you to feel exactly the way you were thinking. Once you feel the way you think, you begin to think the way you feel. This continuous cycle creates a feedback loop called a “state of being.”
Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
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do not disturb🧘🏽‍♀️🤍🎧🎀
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godlytransurfer · 2 years
Hello everyone, I am back! Life has been chaotic but i’ve been working on a few juicy things to saturate the subconscious with if it helps! In this post I am bringing you my current personal tape for my relationship with my specific person. I decided to send it to one of my friends so I adapted the whole thing to be more universal, but you can definitely change pronouns and some content if you want. I hope you like it and it helps you as much as it does for me!
(SP) is madly in love with me.He fell in love with me as soon as he first saw me, I am his dream girl. He's completely magnetized and addicted to me. I am magnetic, irresistible and irreplaceable. And to him specially, I am unforgettable.He's very in love and healthily obsessed with me, he has me on a pedestal and will gladly do anything for me. He knows I'm perfect for him. (SP) knows I'm the most beautiful girl in the world inside and out and that we are perfect for each other. He loves me for me, he fully loves my mind, body and soul. We are 100% compatible and he loves my intelligence, beauty, way of being and my sense of humor. He’s my number one fan and supporter always. I am his top priority.He quickly and surely asked me to be his girlfriend and wants to be with me forever and that's exactly what happened.I am everything he's always been looking for in a partner. He loves me and I am his long term girlfriend. We have a happy, blissful, healthy committed long-term relationship with each other. I am his favorite person and he loves talking to me and being with me everyday. He always wants to do that. He's always in constant contact with me and he's always blowing up my phone. He always texts me and calls me. He's always with me, we love spending time together. He's super clingy with me and super affectionate.Our bond and relationship is strong, stable and better everyday. It is indestructible.I am the only one (SP) loves, wants, is attracted to and connects with. I am the first thing he thinks of when he wakes up, and the last thing when he goes to sleep.I am the only one that wants and loves (SP) and he only wants and loves me.I am the only one he wants and loves and there is only one of me.(SP) is crazy about me.He is always faithful, loyal and devoted to me only. He always treats me with love and respect, like an absolute goddess. I'm the only girl he even follows on social media and he always compliments me and hypes me up. Even though he's not much of a fan of social media at all.He is repulsed by anyone that isn't me.He dreams lovingly of being with me every night.He's always thinking of me, everything reminds him of me.We both know we are perfect for each other.I am sure (SP) is the right one for me and he is sure I am the right one for him.He is sure he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. He's 100% committed to me.Everything positively brings us closer together.(SP) is healthy, positive, balanced and safe at all times. He has amazing physical, mental and emotional health. He's successful.We are always safe and our relationship is always safe.He always wants to be with me and around me because I am the only person that feels right for him to have a relationship with.His dick only gets hard for me, I'm the only one he wants to have sex with. I'm the only one he wants to romantically or sexually do anything at all with.(SP)'s romantic feelings and attraction for me are so strong that he cannot hide it.He always expresses his love, affection and desire for me in a consistent, healthy loving way.Me and (SP) are each other's lovers, soulmates, best friends and life partners. I am his girlfriend, his soulmate, his wife. He is my boyfriend, my soulmate, my husband.We are happily blissfully together forever.The universe fully conspires in favor of our loving union at all times. Everything comes together constantly so we can have the best life and live out our dreams together.We are very in love with each other. He actually really loves me and does anything for me and our relationship.I am (SP)'s top priority. He always gives me tons of love and attention. He is always my ideal version of him. He's everything I've ever wanted in a partner. I am always pleasantly surprised by him and he never lets me down. He's fearless, brave and proactive and always ready to step up when needed, for us and for me.(SP) is fully conscious of being my soulmate. We love and accept each other fully and we get along perfectly. We are a perfect match. We are always feeling comfortable, confident, loving, loved, safe, secure, happy and whole within ourselves and within our relationship with each other. We fully trust each other and are able to be vulnerable. Our communication and support with each other is always perfect. We have the same values and he wants the same exact things with me that I do with him.(SP) always puts in effort to make our relationship work. He is very romantic towards me, always a gentleman. We are each other's dream partners. We feel truly seen by each other.We have perfect chemistry with each other in all contexts. Our relationship is loving, fun, amazing and easy. We just get each other and mesh perfectly. I love everything about him and he loves everything about me.(SP) and I live together in a wonderful house here in (INSERT DESIRED LOCATION) and we both work here in jobs we love. We are very rich and we always have and make time for each other. He has a license and a nice car, and he loves to take me on dates and give me flowers. He's always ready to protect and provide for me if needed, as he makes enough to comfortably support the both of us. We are living our dreams together and basking in the joy of our perfect love for each other. We are a team. He's always by my side and I am on his.Our families and friends support our relationship and everyone gets along perfectly.(SP) is always loving and honest with me. He always does his best for me and our relationship. It is easy to maintain our relationship and we are always happy to be with each other, we are each other's natural counterparts. He's spiritually developed and loves to go on that journey with me. We are very intimate with each other. Our sex life with each other and our compability is amazing in all aspects. He's always going to gladly be by my side no matter what, he loves me and he's not going anywhere ever. What is mine cannot be taken away from me. I am thankful for our amazing, perfect, eternal and permanent union. We are love.
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mothicbeauty · 5 months
I am the receiver of many good things.
I am the receiver of many good things.
I am the receiver of many good things.
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‘Hold a clear intention of what you want, but leave the “how” details to the unpredictable quantum field. Let it orchestrate an event in your life in a way that is just right for you. If you’re going to expect anything, expect the unexpected. Surrender, trust, and let go of how a desired event will unfold. This is the biggest hurdle for most to overcome, because we human beings always want to control a future reality by trying to recreate how it occurred in a past reality.’
- Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
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sunm00nval · 1 month
Cutie Meditations on YouTube is changing my damn LIFE
Like mixing it with Joe Dispenza as well?
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I’ve used their dream car meditation and I genuinely have the 1st car I’ve bought for myself for under asking price, easy to drive, amazing on gas.
I listened to it twice and the first time was just for shits and gigs, but then the second time I tried it was right after I purchased a manual car having only practiced twice 🙃🤣
Suffice it to say, your girl was STRESSED
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But then i listened to the affirmations, imagine what it would feel like. And this helped so much because i started to feel negatively about the car due to my stress of not fully understanding how a manual car function vs an automatic 🤣
But i needed a car, and manuals are hella cheap and plentiful here. Anywho listened to the tape and allowed myself to just feel confident. And that alone felt wonderful.
Not letting the anxiety win for once and just truly believing in myself. I started being more gentle with myself, celebrating little wins, watching YouTube videos and just practicing a bunch and affirming and less than a week later I’ve taught myself how to drive a manual car and i drive it really well for week one!
So i feel like in this experience it was affirmations along with inspired action = manifestation? Shall keep testing this!
And the part about mixing it with Joe Dispenza, I learned about his Tuning into new potentials meditation and did the kundalini activation along with listening to the Dream Car video, finding it easier to experience the feeling of the wished fulfilled.
Anywho, I think this is a great way to start this blog. Talking manifestations, findings/results, successes, opportunities to grow, etc
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yourmoonie · 3 months
Please tell if loa is real?
Hey, yes, of course it Is
You being here is already a huge success story on its own
Well let's break this into a few sections and look into the actual definitions of each word:
The law of assumption
There are many universal laws out there and loass is one of them
• Law` is something that is FOR EVERYONE
Just like the law of gravity, it works for you, it works for me, it even works for the stray dog.
Let's say that just because a 5 year old kid doesn't know about the law of gravity, it doesn't mean that the law of gravity is magically going to not be working for him
• Assume`
1. "To think or accept that something is true but without having proof of it assume (that)… It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve. Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. Etc"
2. " 'Assume' means to suppose something based on little or no evidence. It can also mean taking on responsibility."
• Assumption`
1. "An assumption is something that you assume to be the case, even without proof. For example, people might make the assumption that you're a nerd if you wear glasses, even though that's not true. Or very nice."
2. "the act of taking something for granted or something that is taken for granted. an assuming of power or possession of something."
• Manifestation
1. "the act of making something happen by imagining it and consciously thinking that it will happen: Manifesting is based on the idea that you can think your dreams into reality."
2. " an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical.
"the first obvious manifestations of global warming" "
As you can see from these definitions from dictionaries, its not magic.
It's something that we use everyday either consciously or unconsciously
Our entire lives are based on assumptions
But now it's a matter of how much you let and allow yourself to be free in your own imagination.
You probably have seen people saying "oh that exam is nothing, I dont even have to study for it because I know I will ace it regardless" so they end up acing the exam without studying but the kid who suffered for 2 weeks trying to revise the papers got a lower grade
That's the law of assumption right there working perfectly
The kid assumed that he could get a high grade without studying, and he got it (and the way he got it, doesn't matter) he simply believed in his imagination and mentally accepted the fact that he could get that grade (tmi but this is how I manifested me becoming a straight a student, i also study for free and get paid by my university instead)
And just how my beloved Neville used to say "Experience has convinced me that an assumption, though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact, that continuous imagination is sufficient for all things, and all my reasonable plans and actions will never make up for my lack of continuous imagination."
I can bring millions of examples, but I hope this post can serve you as a motivation and a confirmation, too
Good luck ♡
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audrinawf · 8 months
guys I’m trying to rebrand “manifestations” I’m done with using my powers to manifest things that only satisfy my ego. and that statement alone means so many different things to different people but I truly believe that all of these videos and posts on “how I manifested my dream car”, “how I manifested 10.000 in 3 weeks” “how I manifested my dream life” is just repackaged capitalism. No hate to anyone who does it cause that has been me.
I’m just calling out to anyone that is on the path of living from flow state which is just this magical state of being where we do not chase our dream cars or try to make a specific person fall in love with us or any other object or status that keeps us stuck in our egos.
So if you’re someone who believes in the magic of manifestations and the law of assumption but you also want to achieve spiritual discipline and learn to live in a reality where you wake up every day and you get to create art, engage in hobbies and experience magic by just waking up and existing then you should follow me and /or reblog this if you’re on a similar journey to find likeminded people.
And also if you’re not there yet then that’s fine too cause manifestations and law of attraction is real and it works and everyone is exactly where they have to be and it’s all in order so please don’t get offended by this.
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venusbbysblog · 25 days
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shisasan · 2 years
Choose love and kindness at all times. No matter what comes your way always act from the center of your heart.
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yilisbookclub · 2 years
How you think 🧠 feel and act creates your personality. Your personality, creates your reality. if you want to change the way you’re experiencing life, you need to change the way you think, feel and act.
Becoming Supernatural ✨ talks about harnessing the energy inside yourself to achieve your highest potential 🏆The power to succeed is within your, you just need to find it 🦄
This book is great for anyone who is looking to reinvent themselves 🪄
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