#joe s8 ep 16
Jevin: Aight, I'm gonna go back to nature now.
Jevin: *turns into a tree*
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(Joe walks into iCandy. The song starts playing.)
Joe: Whoa!
(Joe stares into the camera as the song finishes. )
Joe: Well, that's the candyman, delivering a copyright strike, I'm sure.
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Joe: Tiiiime sk- oh that's a w- that's- that's a w- arrow. (stressed laughter, voice much higher than normal) It's fine! I'm just going to curl up in a ball and then figure out where to put those walls.
Joe: (even more stressed-sounding) It's always *something*.
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Joe: Also- wha- Is that a skeleton riding a spider? I do not have time for that. I do not have time for that, that is an unacceptable amount of spider jockeying.
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Joe: Okay, it is starting to get dark, luckily I don't think many mobs will attack us up in the treetops here, so we'll just crouching tiger, hidden joehills our way this way for a bit.
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Cleo: Okay, so what's the next problem that you've solved?
Joe: Okay um-
Cleo: Or created. Or something.
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Joe: But uh, at a certain point, I need to just buckle down and do my work before I can play video games. Even if my work is playing video games.
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