#johanna prester
a-titty-ninja · 1 year
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coldraindropsss · 8 months
Woman of house Lannister
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nirikeehan · 2 months
Happy DADWC! Let's have some Thalia/Cullen, with "Reunion x Defying prophecies" from your Fun Trope Combos list!
Hi Duchess!! Perfect prompt for some post-Battle of Haven early Thalia/Cullen character study, I think.
Also had to add these prompts from @breninarthur and @wolfs-dawn:
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For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1289
Now that Lady Thalia Trevelyan had returned from the dead, Cullen did not know how to speak to her. 
It had been easy at first. The scrappy red-haired mage had looked to him for guidance those months in Haven. Uncertain of the moniker bestowed upon her by the masses, she had peppered him with questions — about leadership, philosophy, religion, and listened with earnest fervor to what he had to say about them. She was young, certainly, but Cullen had every confidence she could grow into the role presented to her. Had been flattered, even, to mold her for command. 
Then everything came crashing down, and Cullen, acting as her commander, sent Thalia off to die. 
He replayed the moves of the battle through his head as the stragglers that called themselves the Inquisition trudged through snow and mountain. The days were brutal and the nights were worse, with ice winds howling down into the narrow rocky passes, and Cullen thought he might freeze a thousand times over. Only the rage boiling in his gut keep his blood pumping, as he ran the plays again and again. In chess, there were times when one must sacrifice a piece, even an important one, but the risks so often outweighed the reward. Try as he might, he didn’t see an outcome that saved her from destruction. He would have to live with that for the rest of his days. 
Maker guide her, she went willingly.
The burden of the march had eased. The train moved with lighter steps, their Herald restored to them. They had a destination, a goal to picture in their minds. Still, Cullen found it difficult to approach her. It was he who had found her, on her knees in the snow. When her lips were blue, he cradled her fragile body to his chest, trying to bring some warmth back into her. He flushed with the memory, in turns frightened, relieved, and… something else. 
Tonight, the cook fires burned brighter, it seemed, after the skies had cleared. He saw her, sitting on the cot in the healer’s tent, where her condition was being monitored, nose in a book. Her hair, auburn and incredibly long, she had coiled around her head in one long plait. She seemed stronger, the color starting to come back to her oval face. For days she had been white as the snow around them, offset only by the spiked tattoo ringing one eye. An extra security measure, Cullen had learned, devised by templars at the Ostwick Circle. It made him vaguely uneasy to behold, but he often found other parts of her face more pleasing  — her bright blue eyes, for instance, or her heart-shaped lips. 
She looked up and spied him, and Cullen’s heart thudded. She smiled at him shyly over the rim of the book, and his feet moved toward her of their own accord. 
“Forgive the intrusion,” he said as he approached. 
Thalia glanced around the empty tent and back to him. “Oh, Commander, as you can see, there’s nothing to intrude upon. I’m alone.” 
“Yes, but you seemed so engrossed.” Cullen motioned to the book.
 Thalia cleared her throat and set it aside. “Just something Mother Giselle lent me. I guess she was conscientious enough to salvage several books from the Chantry before the evacuation of Haven. I wish I’d had that level of foresight.” 
Cullen glanced at the title. The Holy Mysteries of Andraste and Her Disciples. “Ah. I read that one in templar training.” 
“You did?” Thalia’s pale gaze was upon him. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold wind. “What did you think of it?” 
Cullen chuckled. “A touch… fanciful, perhaps.” 
“What? You don’t believe the story of Saint Sylvester slaying the dragon on New Year’s Eve?” The corner of Thalia’s mouth quirked upward. It was nice to see her smile again. 
“Some of the tales are apocryphal at best, if I recall,” Cullen said. Then, he blurted, “You look good.” 
Thalia blinked in surprise. 
“Better, I mean,” Cullen cried, backpedaling. “Healthier. When I saw you in the snow, I feared for the worst.”
Thalia ducked her head shyly. “Thank you. I didn’t mean to scare you then; I was just… very tired.” 
“No need to apologize,” Cullen said quickly, leaning on the hilt of his sword to regain some dignity. “I’m just relieved to see you on the road to recovery.” 
“After rising from the grave, you mean,” Thalia quipped. 
Cullen felt sheepish. “I don’t really believe—” 
“No, I know,” Thalia cut in, laughing nervously. “I already gave my report. It’s very unlikely I was truly dead at any point.” She sighed, glancing at the book. “I am not so sure that’s what the masses think. That’s why Mother Giselle lent me the book. She thought stories of other religious figures might… inspire me, I suppose.” 
“And do they?” Cullen asked softly. He could sense the conflict in her, but didn’t want to push her in one direction or another. Being looked to for leadership was an immense, painful thing, whatever the reason. 
Thalia shrugged. “I don’t know. You’re right, they sound like fictional characters, most of them. Do you think there’s truly been a secret Chantry in Par Vollen for centuries that no one has been able to find, run by an knight-errant Chantry mother?” 
“I suppose stranger things have happened,” Cullen conceded, “but no, I found the accounts of Prester Johanna far-fetched, as well.” 
“As far-fetched as being the Herald of Andraste,” Thalia huffed. “Is this how I’m going to be remembered in the history books? Some mythical figure no one can believe in?” 
“I think that may depend on you,” Cullen said carefully. “We have ways of crafting the narrative around you, but your own deeds and decrees, how you treat others… that’s as telling as the rest.” He smiled in spite of himself. “I think so far, most have wanted to follow you because you give them something to believe in. Your compassion and drive inspire them. Tales of defying death, or slaying dragons, that may come later, but… it’s who you are that makes the most impact.” 
Thalia was looking at him curiously as he spoke. Cullen cut himself off with an embarrassed sigh. “Forgive me, sometimes I do think I like to pontificate a touch too—” 
“No, no, it’s all right. I like listening to you.” Thalia chewed her bottom lip and looked down. “Thank you, Commander. That’s good food for thought.” 
“Right.” Why was Cullen’s heart thumping like that? She didn’t seem to think him a fool, though he certainly felt like one. “I’ll leave you to your convalescence.” 
“You could stay, if you like,” Thalia suggested brightly. “I could read to you. Saint Sylvester was just about to team up with two elven apostates to fight the dragon terrorizing Vyrantium.” 
Cullen hesitated. He had maps to pour over, losses to calculate, casualties to report to Knight-Captain Rylen. As of late, however, when it became difficult to concentrate, he dug through the trunk of his that had survived the Haven onslaught. He sat on the floor of his tent and, with trembling hands, contemplated the one vial of glowing cerulean that sang to him under tunics and greaves and letters from home. He’d been so parched lately, and no amount of mountain fresh ice water could quench it. 
“You’re busy,” Thalia decided, before he could answer. “I understand.” 
Cullen swallowed thickly. “Sometime soon, perhaps. Once we’ve reached this castle Solas has promised us.” 
“Of course.” The book was back in her lap, her eyes straying from his. “Have a good night, Commander.” 
“Yes.” He stifled a sigh, turning to leave. He felt more stupid than ever. “You as well, Lady Thalia.” 
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laannie0803 · 3 years
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Dalton Greyjoy, conocido como el Kraken Rojo, fue el Señor de las Islas del Hierro, Lord Reaper de Pyke y jefe de la Casa Greyjoy durante los últimos días de Viserys I Targaryen y luego la Danza de los Dragones. Se le considera un gran héroe de los hijos del hierro de las Islas del Hierro.
Dalton era un hombre osado y sanguinario. Fue amado por sus hombres pero no por sus esposas, ya que se cansó rápidamente de las mujeres.
Dalton, hijo salvaje del heredero de Pyke, remaba a los cinco años y despegaba a los diez, navegando con su tío para saquear las ciudades piratas de las islas Basilisk. A los catorce, Dalton había navegado hasta Old Ghis, luchó en una docena de acciones y reclamó cuatro esposas de sal.
Dalton reclamó una espada larga de acero valyrio, a la que llamó Nightfall, de un corsario muerto. Mientras luchaba en los Stepstones como un velero, Dalton, de quince años, vengó a su tío después de presenciar su muerte. Debido a que Dalton salió de la pelea empapado en sangre por una docena de heridas, los hombres comenzaron a llamarlo el Kraken Rojo. Más tarde, en el mismo año, Dalton regresó a las Islas del Hierro para reclamar la Silla Seastone después de enterarse de la muerte de su padre. Inmediatamente comenzó a construir barcos, forjar espadas y entrenar cazas, citando que "la tormenta se acerca" como la razón.
La Danza de los Dragones comenzó después de la muerte del Rey Viserys I Targaryen en 129 d. C., cuando Dalton tenía dieciséis años. Se dice que el Kraken Rojo se rió después de enterarse del estallido de la guerra.
Los verdes de Aegon II Targaryen le ofrecieron a Dalton el puesto de capitán de barcos y el almirantazgo para reemplazar a Ser Tyland Lannister, quien había sido nombrado maestro de monedas, si Dalton traía sus barcos alrededor de Westeros para luchar contra Lord Corlys Velaryon, la Serpiente Marina. En lugar de aceptar la oferta, Dalton esperó a ver qué podían ofrecer los negros. En el consejo negro, el príncipe Daemon Targaryen sugirió apelar a la sed de sangre de Dalton para ponerlo del lado de Rhaenyra Targaryen. En lugar de pedirle que navegara a Blackwater Bay, Rhaenyra solo le pidió a Dalton que atacara a sus enemigos.
El Kraken Rojo eligió el negro sobre el verde, y decidió atacar las cercanas tierras del oeste, vulnerables con Lord Jason Lannister haciendo campaña en las tierras de los ríos. La esposa de Jason, Lady Johanna, bloqueó las puertas de Casterly Rock pero no pudo proteger el resto del oeste. Dalton quemó la flota de la Casa Lannister y saqueó Lannisport, llevándose oro, cereales y mercancías comerciales. Cientos de mujeres y niñas fueron tomadas como esposas de sal, incluida la amante favorita de Jason y sus hijas naturales. Dalton lideró la captura de Kayce, y después de la caída de Faircastle y Fair Isle reclamó a cuatro de las hijas de Lord Farman como esposas de sal, dando la quinta, la "hogareña", a su hermano Veron. Lord Jason murió en la batalla de Red Fork en 130 d. C.
Durante la mayor parte de dos años, el Kraken Rojo gobernó el Mar del Atardecer como los reyes nacidos del hierro de antaño, aunque no reclamó el título de Rey de las Islas del Hierro. Ser Tyland Lannister y la regencia de Aegon III ordenaron a Dalton que detuviera sus incursiones, pero el Kraken Rojo los ignoró. Cuando Lady Johanna Lannister comenzó a construir una nueva flota en nombre de su hijo, Lord Loreon Lannister, los hombres de hierro de Dalton quemaron sus astilleros y secuestraron a otras cien mujeres.
Dalton nunca tomó una esposa rockera, aunque tenía veintidós esposas saladas y se jactaba de tener cien. Cuando Dalton se enteró del espectáculo de ganado del Día de la Doncella, consideró enviar a una de sus hermanas como candidata para convertirse en la segunda esposa del rey Aegon III Targaryen. Después de que sus occidentales defendieran a Kayce y mataran al tío favorito de Dalton, Johanna envió una flota irregular para invadir discretamente Fair Isle. Sin embargo, los hombres de hierro tendieron una emboscada a estos hombres del oeste, y Dalton envió las cabezas de Lord Prester, Lord Tarbeck y Ser Erwin Lannister a Johanna en Casterly Rock.
Después de que Lord Alyn Velaryon derrotara a la flota Braavosi en Stepstones durante la Guerra de las Hijas, Lord Unwin Peake intentó deshacerse de Alyn Oakenfist enviándolo a poner fin a la insurrección de Dalton. Dalton respondió reuniendo cientos de barcos largos en Fair Isle y las costas de las tierras occidentales. El Kraken Rojo tenía la intención de conquistar las Islas Escudo y Driftmark y saquear Oldtown y Sunspear.
Mientras dormía en el dormitorio de Lord Farman en Faircastle en 133 d.C., Dalton murió cuando una de sus esposas de sal, la niña Tess, le cortó el cuello con su propia daga antes de arrojarse al mar. Como el Kraken Rojo nunca había tomado una esposa rockera, sus herederos eran dos jóvenes hijos de sal en Pyke, Toron y Rodrik. Dalton también tenía tres hermanas y varios primos ambiciosos. Toron tenía solo cinco años, y pocas horas después de la muerte del Kraken Rojo, estalló una sangrienta lucha por la sucesión entre los nacidos del hierro. Cientos de hombres de hierro murieron cuando Fair Isle se rebeló. Faircastle resistió por un tiempo, pero el castillo cayó después de que Gunthor Goodbrother mató a Alester Wynch mientras luchaba por otra de las esposas de sal de Dalton, Lysa Farman. Habiendo llegado para encontrar a Dalton ya muerto, Alyn Puño de Roble dejó un tercio de su flota con los hombres del oeste un y regresó a casa para las tierras de la corona.
En 134 d. C, la viuda de Lord Jason Lannister, Johanna Lannister, vengó las incursiones de Dalton haciendo que sus hombres de armas navegaran hacia las Islas del Hierro con la flota de Ser Leo Costayne, el almirante de la Cuenca. Entre los nacidos de hierro muertos se encontraban dos de las hermanas de Dalton y nueve de sus primos. Su hijo menor, Rodrik, fue tomado cautivo, castrado y convertido en el nuevo tonto de Casterly Rock.
La espada de Dalton, Nightfall, finalmente pasó a la Casa Harlaw. La vida del Kraken Rojo está incluida en Sea Demons: A History of the Children of the Drowned God of the Isles del Archimaestro Mancaster.
Dalton Greyjoy, known as the Red Kraken, was Lord of the Iron Islands, Lord Reaper of Pyke, and head of House Greyjoy during the final days of Viserys I Targaryen and then the Dance of the Dragons. He is regarded as a great hero of the ironborn of the Iron Islands.
Dalton was a daring and bloodthirsty man. He was loved by his men but not by his wives, as he tired of women quickly.
The wild young son of the heir to Pyke, Dalton rowed at age five and reaved at ten, sailing with his uncle to plunder the pirate towns of the Basilisk Isles. By fourteen, Dalton had sailed as far as Old Ghis, fought in a dozen actions, and claimed four salt wives.
Dalton claimed a Valyrian steel longsword, which he named Nightfall, off a dead corsair. While fighting in the Stepstones as a sellsail, the fifteen-year-old Dalton avenged his uncle after watching his death. Because Dalton emerged from the fight drenched in blood from a dozen wounds, men began calling him the Red Kraken. Later in the same year, Dalton returned to the Iron Islands to claim the Seastone Chair after hearing of his father's death. Immediately he began to build longships, forge swords, and train fighters, citing that "the storm is coming" as the reason.
The Dance of the Dragons began after the death of King Viserys I Targaryen in 129 AC when Dalton was sixteen. The Red Kraken is said to have laughed after hearing of the outbreak of war.
The greens of Aegon II Targaryen offered Dalton the position of master of ships and the admiralty to replace Ser Tyland Lannister, who had been made master of coin, if Dalton would bring his ships around Westeros to battle Lord Corlys Velaryon, the Sea Snake. Instead of leaping to the offer, Dalton waited to see what the blacks had to offer. On the black council, Prince Daemon Targaryen suggested appealing to Dalton's bloodlust to bring him on the side of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Instead of asking him to sail to Blackwater Bay, Rhaenyra only asked for Dalton to attack her enemies.
The Red Kraken chose black over green, deciding to attack the nearby westerlands, vulnerable with Lord Jason Lannister campaigning in the riverlands. Jason's wife, Lady Johanna, barred the gates of Casterly Rock but was unable to protect the rest of the west. Dalton burned the fleet of House Lannister and sacked Lannisport, carrying off gold, grain, and trade goods. Hundreds of women and girls were taken as salt wives, including the favorite mistress of Jason and their natural daughters. Dalton led the capture of Kayce, and after the fall of Faircastle and Fair Isle he claimed four of Lord Farman's daughters as salt wives, giving the fifth, the "homely one", to his brother Veron. Lord Jason was killed in the Battle of the Red Fork in 130 AC.
For the better part of two years, the Red Kraken ruled the Sunset Sea like the ironborn kings of old, although he did not claim the title King of the Iron Islands. Ser Tyland Lannister and the regency of Aegon III commanded Dalton to cease his raiding, but the Red Kraken ignored them. When Lady Johanna Lannister began building a new fleet on behalf of her son, Lord Loreon Lannister, Dalton's ironmen burned her shipyards and abducted another hundred women.
Dalton never took a rock wife, although he had twenty-two salt wives and boasted of having a hundred. When Dalton heard of the Maiden's Day Cattle Show, he considered sending one of his sisters as a candidate to become King Aegon III Targaryen's second bride. After her westermen defended Kayce and slew Dalton's favorite uncle, Johanna sent a ragtag fleet to discretely invade Fair Isle. The ironmen ambushed these westermen, however, and Dalton sent the heads of Lord Prester, Lord Tarbeck, and Ser Erwin Lannister to Johanna at Casterly Rock.
After Lord Alyn Velaryon defeated the Braavosi fleet in the Stepstones during the Daughters' War, Lord Unwin Peake attempted to rid himself of Alyn Oakenfist by sending him to end Dalton's insurrection. Dalton responded by gathering hundred of longships to Fair Isle and the coasts of the westerlands. The Red Kraken intended to conquer the Shield Islands and Driftmark and sack Oldtown and Sunspear.
While sleeping in Lord Farman's bedchamber at Faircastle in 133 AC, Dalton was killed when one of his salt wives, the girl Tess, cut his throat with his own dagger before throwing herself into the sea. As the Red Kraken had never taken a rock wife, his heirs were two young salt sons at Pyke, Toron and Rodrik. Dalton also had three sisters and several ambitious cousins. Toron was only five years old, and within hours of the Red Kraken's death a bloody struggle for succession broke out among the ironborn. Hundreds of ironmen were killed as Fair Isle rose in rebellion. Faircastle held out for a time, but the castle fell after Gunthor Goodbrother slew Alester Wynch while fighting for another of Dalton's salt wives, Lysa Farman. Having arrived to find Dalton already dead, Alyn Oakenfist left a third of his fleet with the westermen and returned home for the crownlands.
In 134 AC Lord Jason Lannister's widow, Johanna Lannister, avenged Dalton's raids by having her men-at-arms sail to the Iron Islands with the fleet of Ser Leo Costayne, the lord admiral of the Reach. Among the ironborn slain were two of Dalton's sisters and nine of his cousins. His younger son, Rodrik, was taken captive, gelded, and made into Casterly Rock's new fool.
Dalton's sword, Nightfall, eventually passed to House Harlaw. The Red Kraken's life is included in Archmaester Mancaster's Sea Demons: A History of the Children of the Drowned God of the Isles.
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interactiveida · 4 years
Uke 3: Bruker test
Våres hoved bruker test var på torsdag (28 oktober) med fetterne (6 og 9 år) til Johanna. 
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Observasjoner: Den generelle energien var nokk at dette opplegget var veldig seriøst for barna som ønsket å prestere og gjøre riktige valg. Jeg tror egentlig ikke at de helt forstod konseptet før slutt fortellingen kom. Vi prøvde å sette stemningen til at dette skulle bare bli noe tøys men det var kanskje litt for rart setting for dem. 
Uansett så hadde vi noen hoved spørsmål vi ønsket svar til:
Hva er gøy?
tegningen virket mest gøy selv om de prøvde å tegne rødhette riktig, istedenfor å leke rundt med tulle kombinasjoner. De syntes noe av slutt fortellingen var morsom, spesielt når deres tegning kom opp. 
Er våres app lett å navigere/forstå?
Ja det virket som de forstod alt av navigering. Det kan hende det hadde vært en annen situasjon på noen punkter hvis ikke eldste bror hadde tatt kontroll. 
Er våres app lærerikt?
Stave øvelsene var nokk ikke veldig lærerikt for han på 9 år. Men det virket som det var midt i blinken for han på 6år. Han eldste visste litt om ord klasser også, men han minste hadde ikke lært noe om det enda. 
tids aspekt (tegning og ord valg)
Tegning tok lengre tid en jeg så for meg, rundt 3 minutter. Jeg kan fort se for meg at det hadde tatt lengre tid også hvis barn ønsket å leke litt mer rundt med det. 
helhetlig sammenheng 
Alt ble koblet sammen til slutt fortellingen og det virket som om barna forstod koblingene da. Men før da, så kan det hende at alt virket litt rart med tegning og staving kombinasjonen. 
tegne opplevelse i fellesskap / alene
De likte best å tegne med en annen. 
kobling mellom klassisk historie og egen historie 
Selv om de ikke sa det rett ut så fikk jeg inntrykk at de syntes det var rart siden den klassiske rød hette fortellingen ble endret så innmari mye.
mengde valg muligheter (tegning, ord valg, og fortellings valg)
Vi innså at det tar mer energi å stave en vi trodde, er derfor greit å ha litt færre stavelse øvelser. 
2 bruker test: Einar’s døtre.
Johanna endte opp å ta en spontan bruker test med Einar sine døtre.
Jeg var ikke der selv men det virket som barna hadde en veldig annerledes opplevelse her. De forstod konseptet og lekte mye med det. Det var veldig gøy for dem å tegne sa Johanna.
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Uke 3 presentasjon: https://litpresentasjon3.netlify.com/
(ps. vi hadde bruker test etter presentasjonen, så dette er ikke inkludert i presentasjonen.)
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Excerpt from Fire and Blood
In the west, Lady Johanna Lannister hoped to follow her victory at Kayce by striking another blow against the Red Kraken. Assembling a ragtag fleet of fishing boats and cogs beneath the walls of Feastfires, she loaded a hundred knights and three thousand men-at-arms aboard, and sent them out to sea under the cover of darkness to retake Fair Isle from the ironmen. The plan was to land them undetected on the south end of the island, but someone had betrayed them, and the longships were waiting. Lord Prester, Lord Tarbeck, and Ser Erwin Lannister commanded the ill-fated crossing. Dalton Greyjoy sent their heads to Casterly Rock afterward, calling it “payment for my uncle, though in truth he was a glutton and a drunkard, and the islands are well rid of him.”
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a-titty-ninja · 4 years
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「Johanna♡」 by  CeNanGam | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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