#johanna x librarian
patacrepe-san · 2 months
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jetcat-14 · 3 months
Anders: Ouch she bite me.
Johanna: Yeah Kaisa does that sometimes.
Kaisa: *Kaisa smiles showing her sharp teeth*
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alexxuun · 1 year
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Endless chemistries…yet…
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[Teen Hilda and Co are at the library, Kaisa is nearby reshelving books]
Frida: Ugh, I can’t believe Tildy would put this much pressure on me. Can you believe that she wants me to pick one type of magic to master? I want to study them all.
David: Only you can be disappointed in not being allowed to do more homework…
Louise: It can’t be that hard? How many types of magic are there?
Frida: So many and they’re all so interesting…Hey Kaisa, what’d you end up choosing?
Kaisa: Divination. It’s practical for this job as I cast a simple spell to see who’s showing up and what book they’ll want and so when they show up I can get it for them as fast as I can. Give or take a few minutes.
David: That explains so much.
Frida: See, it’s so cool.
Hilda: Meh, all that “future sight” stuff and she still didn’t know it was my mum’s birthday last week until I told her the day before.
Kaisa: We hadn’t gotten to that point in our relationship yet! It’s not my fault that I didn’t know! ///////
[People in the library shhhh her, Kaisa frustrated and blushing leaves the quartet who silently giggle amongst themselves at that]
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notallsandmen · 1 year
I think there is an unspoken agreement in the Dreaming that every time Dream has had library sex, Lucienne gets to fuck Gault on his throne when he’s away
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exaniron · 1 year
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chaosheadspace · 6 months
Meet cute Johanna and Lucienne 👀
Thank you for sending this in!
I've had so much fun writing Jo. She's such a disaster. I love her. I didn't even intend to write her as a smoker, but she looked at me and said "girl, you gotta give me something." Here you go:
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tryan-a-bex · 7 months
Oh no I have gotten behind in sharing my new ficlets. They are for femslash weekend ( @violetoftheendless @thesandwomen ) and monsterfucktober ( @seiya-starsniper ) (still pretty gen/fade to black though) (485-1093 words).
Og ghost story, inspired by tumblr (ghost)
Lucienne and Titania, bdsm (fae)
Death and Johanna (eldritch horrors)
Jed and Gault at first, then Gaulcienne. (Dragon)
Chantal and Zelda (arthropod)
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thepaintedlady00 · 11 months
Burden Chapter 14 is underway! So here's the sneak peek vote! 😊
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oneshots-heaven · 1 year
A Love That's Not Mine — Morpheus/Dream
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On the search of totems of power, Morpheus meets upon Johanna Constantine who draws his attention to her — much to your dislike.
Warning: pure angst/sadness (it’s a short one) Morpheus/Dream x Dream!Reader
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“He will not like seeing you sit on his throne.“
You glanced back over to Lucienne whom you had been talking to for the past hour as she sorted hundreds of parchments in the ruins of the Grand Hall in hopes of finding something certain. Something she would not talk about with you, claiming it was not of your interest.
“I appreciate your concern, but I do not care.“
Lucienne sighed at your reaction, but strained from doing anything other. It would have been pointless anyway, experience from hundreds of years had taught her that—that was how long you had known each other. A hundred years had been the recent you had spent together, buried underneath the ruins of what you had once called your home. The Dreaming—once a beautiful place filled the greatest imaginations, the fearfullest nightmares and the deepest wishes—was not what it used to be without its king to reign.
A hundred years gone by without a sigh of its rightful king and his land wasted away like a faded memory until only its truest dweller stayed. Lucienne, as much as you, was one of the only ones who remained, in the most fearful hope of his return and the re-reign of his land. Days turned into weeks, passing into months and years. A hundred years meant nothing to the ones you’d already spent in your lifetime, but a hundred years felt awfully long when you existed without any purpose.
As the king return ever so suddenly, your purpose came back along with him. However, all what once had been wasn’t the same when he returned. You had felt it cutting deep in your heart when you first saw him again. Whatever may happened to him in all those years, he would not speak much of it. All it had done was change him into another man, one that you struggled to recognize. One that struggled to recognize you.
The ruins of the Grand Hall shook upon his return from his search for his totems of power he had gotten stolen.
“May I utter one last warning?“ Lucienne said quietly, her tone so distressed. She had been a friend, especially over the last hundred years, but she still did not understand when it was not right to play with fire.
You sat still on the throne of the king, ignoring her final warning. Even with the best words, you would have not been able to explain the source of your bitterness, the very one that turned you crueler as the days passed by.
As the stone floor vibrated underneath your feet, you knew he had been successful in his search for at least one of his totems. The panicking, yet lightening gaze of Lucienne revealed that she knew just as much. The king of the Dreaming slowly returned to his highest powers. You felt it in the electrified air as he entered the Grand Hall, the surrounding changing with every of his steps, carrying a small but heavy looking pouch in his right hand. It was even smeared across his face, his eyes were almost as bright as the mystic ones of his librarian.
“Lucienne,“ he greeted her, his voice carried a hint of relief, as he caught sight of her first.
“My lord,“ she said happily, however, her smile vanished and her stolen gaze revealed her worry to him. She lowered her head quickly, closing the book in her hands, as he had already taken notice of you sitting still and sternly on his throne.
You recked your chin, eyes attached to the pouch only, avoiding his glaring glance as he stepped closer. “As I see, you have found your sand, my lord.“
“I have, indeed,“ he claimed calmly, but somehow you knew it was only the calm before the true storm. He did not turn around to address her properly and simply said instead, “Lucienne, will you please leave us alone?“
“Of course, my lord.“
As she turned away from the Grand Hall off to the side entrance, her eyes met yours for one last time as another warning, however, in this one laid a request. Keep your silence, it almost said. She asked you not to share your deepest anger, and rather to keep your mouth shut, although she knew better than that. The lord of the Dreaming may be an Endless, but it did not matter how mighty or powerful he was, you would speak your mind, especially now when what you called your home seemed to falter.
“And as I see, you’ve made yourself comfortable in my absence.“
You straightened your position, yet not dared to slip away from the throne. “As comfortable as ruins can be.“
Morpheus scoffed. “Do you really dare to sit there and hold a grudge over my absence, which was to your notice not my fault? Have you forgotten the part where I have told you about my abduction?“ “No, you did not failed to mention that.“
“So, what is this for?“ he argued, motioning to you sitting sternly on the place that belonged to him, and only him. A place you would’ve never dared to sit at without his permission, but that was years ago. A lifetime had past ever since, and so had your patience with him. The Dreaming was falling apart, its magic seemed lost, and there was no other but him to blame.
Just as there was no other to save it.
You pushed yourself out of his claimed seat, stepping down the broken apart steps to the ground level of the Grand Hall. Morpheus stood mighty, all tall and fearless, in the same spot as you walked closer to him. “I congratulate you for earning your sand back. It will bring good back to the Dreaming. It just leaves me to wonder what it has cost you.“
His gaze was brutal, but you did not let him falter you. “What it has cost me?“ he echoed. “It has cost me nothing but nerves. Put your worry aside.“
“I worry as I please, especially if humans like Johanna Constantine become a dangerous part of your deal to getting the sand back, or become a threat in general.“
His brows furrowed, the confusion being obvious written all over his face, but as your words hit him, he brushed past you stepping up the stairs to his throne, saying with his back turn on you, “Jealousy does not suit you well.“
Your blood drew cold. Someone else in your place probably would’ve known it better, to keep their mouth shut and not speak up against the judgement from their lord. Someone else would’ve, but not you, because how dare he come back after all those years of his land suffering and belittle you this way?
You laughed dryly. “You must mistaken me, my words have nothing to do with jealously.“
Morpheus huffed, letting himself down on his throne. “But what else are you trying to provoke?“
Your gaze was sternly on him. “Nothing. I am just protecting what is mine.“
He recked his chin, his hard gaze meeting yours. Two stubborn souls cannot exist next to each other. “But I am not yours to protect, nor will I ever be.“
Every argument came back to this, full circle to the harsh reminder. Always some heavy words to drown you in, to keep you away from him, as if your actions were smothering him. He always seemed to forget that all you’d ever wanted was for the Dreaming to thrive and blossom, but he instead acted as if you were an intruder in your own home.
“I am in no need of reminders of that.“ you spoke calmly, but the bitterness seeped through, poisoning every word. “But you are the king of the kingdom I exist in, so I shall remind you of that  before you go and risk our home so selfishly, once again. Because as it appears right now, you have forgotten yourself!“
Raise your voice and you’ll know when to regret it, the words were burned in your head, and although they still hurt like the first time Morpheus ever threatened you, you still didn’t listen to him. How could you when he was the source of everything you’d ever loved and kept you in constant fear to lose it all within seconds? One change of mind and it all could be gone. That was a terrible power to have and you despised him for having it.
“Don’t you dare talking to me like that.“
Tears burned hot in the corners of your inner eyes. It was written all over his face. He didn’t care about how you were feeling, perhaps he never did. But what made it even worse, was the way he looked at you—so full of rage.
You kept your head held high. There was nothing for you to lose if he would risk it all anyways.
“The Dreaming is everything I’ve got, it’s everything I love. How can you not understand my fear when you go and blur the lines between our world and the ones of people like Johanna.“ you tried to explain to him, however, with every words you’d found yourself more damned. “You took a liking on her, and I have seen how love can turn you into a fool. If you give into that, then one day the lines will be too blurred, and you’ll risk our home for something that is not worth it. And I thought you had here everything you could’ve wanted.“   Your nerves went blank as Morpheus pushed himself out of his throne. There was softness in his gaze, but you knew it was a trick to keep you from running away. In those eyes, you had lost yourself so many times that for moments, you forgot that he was an Endless. He was not created to be good, he was meant to be cruel.
He stepped in front of you, gripping your jaw so harsh within seconds as his hand snapped forwards, pulling your mouth closer to his. “Do not go over your head, my love. You are nothing more than a carnation of what I’ve wanted you to be. You’re a part of my essences, I’ve created you. You do not get to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. If this kingdom goes down, then you’ll vanish with it, because you are not real.“
Once you’d promised yourself to not show any fear in front of them, but this felt like the end. It did not matter anymore, so you did not hide as the hot swelling tears rolled your cheek onto his hands. His words hurt, like they always did, but these ones hurt even more because you could have never fulfilled the very sole reason why he created you.
Although the pain, you leaned into him as you felt as if your heart was being ripped out of your chest, mumbling, “I was your dream once, and now you’re kicking me out.“
The grip of his hands softened, strangely allowing you for the briefest of moments to lean further against him. The hardness of his gaze vanished, and for once, the treacherous softness seemed to be truthful. His hand cupped your cheek as he said, “Time changes, my dear.“
And this may was the end of what you ever were and all of what you could’ve been.
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A/N: This has been sitting in my files for ages. I’ve never truly finished writing this, however, I liked some of the lines I wrote of this, so I’m sharing this unfinished piece with you all. Hope you still enjoyed it. 
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windsweptinred · 11 months
I’m on a ladies of Sandman appreciation kick and currently delving into:
Dream x Lucienne
Morpheus x Calliope
Hob x Eleanor
# 2, 4, and/or 7
And really, I’ll read anything with these characters that isn’t romantic. Feeling like there’s a lack of character studies/gen fics on these ladies. And I’d pair Johanna Constantine or her ancestor with pretty much anyone.
Oh marvellous! I fully support some Sandman ladies loving! You rarely see such a host of amazing female characters in one show/comic. And sadly they do often play second fiddle when it comes to fics and ships.
2.Do you ship them?
So let's see, Dream x Lucienne.
It's not on my personal ship list. But I can easily see the appeal and would happily read fics for it. Nearly every Dream ship is about giving him someone loyal and true, who will love and believe in him no matter what. A stalwart supportive type who will stand up to him for his own good when need be. Well... (pushes Lucienne forward). There she is. You don't have to get creative with Lucienne to prove it either. She is, always has been and always will be that being for Dream. To paraphrase her. When she says Dream is never without his raven. On a whole deeper meaning, he never has been. She has NEVER abandoned him....You know I'm think I'm talking myself into this ship. 😅
Dream x Calliope and Hob x Eleanor.
I've put these two together because my answer is the same for both. Are they my favourite parings for these characters, no. But do I ship them... Absolutely! These canon lady loves deserve their realtionships explored in greater detail! The only women in their long lives, Hob and Dream went so far as to wed and start families with. How spectular these women must be!
I cannot describe what an absolute tower of strength and beauty I find Calliope. And Eleanor, when you consider how much of huge risk it would have been for Hob to settle down to that extent. He must have seen something truly special in her. I'd love to see these two realtionships explored further.
4. Would I consider writing for them?
If the mood takes me, I'm pretty sure I'd have a bash as writing for any ship. 😅 But the history enthusiast in me would love to delve into the two marriages, especially Hob's. To explore the late Tudor/ Elizabethean period.
7. What are some good fics...
Ah now, if I don't ship it, I can usually hand you over to someone who does. 😅 For Dream x Lucienne recs I shall hand you into the capable hands of @lucienne-thee-librarian. I have just read the most beautiful fic here on Tumblr by @two-hands-toward-the-sun about Morpheus and Calliope which is platonic but heart meltingly good. If I ask very nicely they might tag it. 😅 Have Hob and Eleanor ever been explored outside of side notes for other ships? If you find anything, please let me know. I'd love to read them!
And my god you're right! Johanna Constantine has truly missed her calling as the disaster bi, fandom bicycle she was born to be!
And thank you so much for your ask! 😁❤️
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patacrepe-san · 3 months
I'm cooking
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jetcat-14 · 4 months
(Kaisa and Johanna Texts)
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(Had to Edit realized I messed something up)
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thetidemice · 3 years
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*unfurls my comically long scroll* if you look here, it says that by law, every wlw ship requires a redraw of this exact image *takes five minutes to roll my comically long scroll back up again* that’ll be all
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Johanna x Kaisa. (Are you still doing Ship memes?)
It's been a long time since I've done that prompt but I'll do this one since it's a bit relevant to the recent S3 release.
Johanna x Kaisa (seen it called SketchBook)
I like this ship, one of my otp's in the show even tho' they haven't interacted in canon. I could see them trying to keep things on the downlow but eventually Hilda and co figure it out. Kaisa would be a better parent than Anders to Hilda, she's the witch step-mom that stepped up. Johanna would sketch her girlfriend while they hang out either at home, or the library or out in town, she's got sketchbooks filled with Kaisa reading and other cute things she does.
Just a cute ship in general and I like all the fanart I've seen of it
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uiharu-and-company · 2 years
Villain Kaisa head canon, due to some strange affect of being a part of the void- she becomes deadly terrified of mice. Possibly because tide mice are linked to the soul, the exact opposite of the void, but either way Kaisa is afraid of mice now. I can just imagine her sitting on her throne in the tower with Johanna. A mouse runs by and the most powerful being in the universe literally jumps and screeches as loud as she possibly can. Leaving the non-magical Johanna to sweep it away with a broom as her immortal girlfriend is curled up in a ball on her throne.
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