#johannes frater
Johannes de Lymburgia (fl. 1408–1430) - Recordare frater pie ·
Le miroir de musique · Baptiste Romain
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arcane-offerings · 2 years
Frater Acher. Black Abbot · White Magic: Johannes Trithemius and the Angelic Mind. London: Scarlet Imprint, 2020. Hardback edition. 212 pages. Limited to 900 numbered copies in white bonded leather (#221/900). Illustrations of Trithemius, Pelagius and Ramon Llull by Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal. 
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Since the publication of Professor Joscelyn Godwin's translation of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Thames and Hudson,1999) there has been considerable debate relating to the Authorship of the Text given that it was published anonymously _with only an "acrostic" of the first letters of each chapter hinting at the identity of the person(s) who composed the Work("Francesca Colonna Loved Polia Dearly"_etc)
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In view of the above most Scholars have come to agree with Professor Godwin that the author of the Hypnerotomachia was a Dominican Friar by the name of Francesca Colonna who resided for the major part of his Adult life in Trevisio,Italy_NNW of Venice . The main contender presenting an alternative to Professor Godwin's mainstream interpretation vis a vis "Authorship" is_of course_Dr Liane Lefaivre of MIT who has presented a voluminous work_Leon Battista Alberti's Hypnerotomachia Poliphili_ in support of the thesis that Alberti_the Vitruvian Architect _translator of the Ten Books of Vitruvius_was the primary Author . Professor Joscelyn Godwin records in his Book ,The Real Rule of Four, that there are other contenders for this role _Francesca Colonna , the Aristocrat who lived in a Palatial Home at Palestrina, nr Rome .Beyond that some consider that Lorenzo the Magnificent de Medici (Florence) may have been the Author . Beyond that a consortium of Classical Philologists working under Lorenzo de Medici's direction (Felice Feliciano ?)
For some reason Authors during the Renaissance & Early Modern Period published their Works anonymously.I'm unsure-for instance- why the Author of the "Fama and Confessio of the Fraternity of RC" -the so-called Rosicrucian Maniestoes-(composed by Johann Valentin Andraea_the Lutheran Pastor-1586-1654 ) published the above works anonymously(original publication 1614 in Germany_English translation_1652).I assume it wasthe same with his later publication "The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz".According to Dame Francis Yates (author of The Rosicrucian Enlightenment) the life of the Author may have been in danger for political reasons .Accordingly ,the individuals who were influenced by Andraea's Manifesto _the Founders of The Royal Society in the UK in 1660_Francis Bacon ,Lord Verulum,John Evelyn etc _possibly Descartes on the continent _worked in secret as a hermetically sealed unit known only to themselves .
Below_Johann Valentin Andraea
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Below .The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz.
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In the case of the Hypnerotomacchia Poliphili I can't see any reason why the Work could be deemed dangerous in a political sense >It does seem that Leon Battiste Alberti had to be careful during the Course of his lifetime not to associate too closely with Scholars associated with the Pagan Revival given that there were Reactionary Popes (prior to the days of the Reformation_Counter-Reformation) who came down heavily on proponents of Alchemy_Neo-Platonic Wisdom_Hermeticism_Mathmatics as Heretics ..In fact there was a close Alliance during the time when the Hypnerotomachia was written_the Incunabula period 1450-1500...through to 1700(The period of "The Scientific Revolution"..and beyond)when there was a very close link between those who investigated Alchemy,Neo-Platonism_Merkabah Mysticism_Kabbalah-Egyptian Hermeticism(ie Occult Science in general ) AND the nascent or ongoing development of Empirical Science_Applied Science/Technology of our Modern Era....eg (1)It is said for instance that Nicolaus Copernicus,the originator of the Helio_Centric System of the Universe ( a "World -View" that superceded the Ptolomeic system) presented a diagrammatic image-woodcut of the New Heliocentric system_in the "De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium" & this depicted the 2nd C Egyptian Sage HermesTrismegistus at the top of the page presiding over the"new" Astronomical Model .( see Giodarno Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition>Frances Yates) (2) .... Obviously the Work is both a Romantic Allegory as well as an Erotic Treatise bordering on the Pornographic in places . So-given that the (alleged) Author _Francesca Colonna_was supposed to be a Dominican Friar bound to Vows of Celibacy he may have had the Work published anonymously via a "Go-Between"_(Leonardo Crasso) because he feared disciplinary treatment by the monastic Authorities(Francesca Colonna_the Monk_ was_in fact_ subject to a form of Monastic Tribunal late in his life & walked out the proceedings in disgust.) My feeling _however_ is that Francesca Colonna was just a somewhat pugnacious & mischievous character who enjoyed "winding-up" the more conservative Catholic Clergy of the day_along with The Papacy. ( Certainly the Vatican dealt with the circulation of the Hypnerotomachia with a degree of distaste .I dont think the Work was banned (?) but certainly numerous copies were comandeered for serious scrutiny(Liane Lefaivre's book contains illustrations of censorship where Woodcuts that I think were_are_remain quite harmless were "inked-out"_but(possibly) the censors left the more Erotic Prints-Images ( eg The Startled Nymph & Satyr_the Triumph of Semele_Dionysius _ The Sacrafice to Priapus_undamaged ? (*** BELOW _note to Dr Liane Lefaivre re The Triumph_Sacrafice to Priapus_Bacchus) . I'd imagine the Monks-Celibate Priests who did the Censoring_inking-out _ erased the images that were seemingly "harmless"_showed their Supervisers their Work_inking-out_then took their copy of the Book(Hypnerotomachia Poliphili...the Erotic Dream of Poliphilo) back to their Dormitories to "peruse" in private .I've always thought that _in one sense_the Hypnerotomachia has the quality of a "What the Butler saw"Sideshow _or,to a lesser extent, an old fashioned Erotic Sideshow at an old fashioned Carnival_travelling Fairground Show_especially in relation to the social ambience of Court Life in France at Fontainebleau&_later_Versailles .Queen Marie Antoinette was supposed to be obsessed with the Hypnerotomachia & no doubt spent many a Happy Hour with her Friends at the Petit Trianon perusing the Woodcuts in a voyeuristic fashion for purposes of "titillation"***(below)(& this does not detract from the more profound aspects of the HP as a philosophical Treatise etc) _in between playing Games_pretending that the Queen & her "Ladies in Waiting"were all Arcadian Sheperdesses in some pre-hensile Wonderland _back in "Arcady"_ before the Acolytes of Pan turned it into a syphillitic Hell-hole of Wanton Erotomaniacs unfit to spend their days in the Company of decent_law-abiding Citizens
The Lady who masqueraded as Mme de Pompadour on MySpace told me that _at the Court of Versailles during the Reigns of King Louis XIII & King Louis XIV "Poliphyllic" language was a popular pre-occupation amongst the Aristocracy _I guess as "chat-up lines" to flatter the opposite Sex_&,of course, to flatter those close to the beating Heart of it all _King Louis XIII and King Louis XIV _their many Mistresses & their umpteen illegitimate(grown-up) children . I just think that the Hypnerotomachia simply added an extra frisson of eroticism within social circles that were already rabidly sex-obsessed_acutely degenerate _ & of course _later on_in the Modern World_to serve as some kind of supplementary interest for people like the Polish film Director _Roman Polanski__self-evidently more sex obseessed than most people_ & to provide another layer of interest( Le Club Dumas etc ) for the bibliophiles_polyphiles who never tire of finding deeper layers of meaning within this supremely enigmatic Text without ever getting to the bottom of "what it's all about" & who-most probably-never will. And,of course, for people like myself_retired_with nothing better to do than formulate commentaries-raise questions without providing answers for the benefit of his perplexed Readership now_presumably_seriously in decline(if they ever existed at all in thefirst place) . Accordingly I'd say the Spirit of Mischief_a truly Mercurial Spirit_was at the Heart of Francesca Colonna's endeavours .
..............................................................................................................................Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (A) AUTHORSHIP_Precis_Allee 1 (acute accent on first "e" of Allee)_ pp42-49 THE DREAM GARDENS (READING THE FRENCH GARDEN :Story and History :Denise Le Dantec and Jean-Pierre Le Dantec(MIT Press.1993))
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Precis..Readng the French Gdn _ complete at later date .
The above Commentary on the Hypnerotomachia vis a vis Authorship ( Allee 1_the DREAM GARDENS _Reading the French Garden_pp 42-49) is the most interesting Work_on Garden History_ I've read_ to date in rel to History as Story_History as Novel .(Also interesting chpts on St Fiacre,the Huguenot Agronomist Olivier de Serres,the Mollett Family<Le Notre) Prof Godwin's Precis (2 CHPTs) in The Real Rule of Four and The Pagan Dream of the Renaissance (CHPT 1) are useful as a preparatory read .
Allee 2 ..notes
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Prof Collingwood_"The Historical Imagination"_ The Idea of History ..Notes
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Notes on above(Pagan Dream)
THE RULE OF FOUR .Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason _Notes (Below)
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antarpapuanews · 2 years
Wabub John Rettob Hadiri Pentahbisan Anak Mimika Wee Kedua yang Jadi Diakon
Wabub John Rettob Hadiri Pentahbisan Anak Mimika Wee Kedua yang Jadi Diakon
Asmat, APN – Wakil Bupati Mimika Johannes Rettob didampingi Ibu Susi Herawati Rettob, serta Muspida Pemda Kabupaten Asmat menghadiri acara Pentahbisan peresbiterat Pastor Martinus Tarimanik Pr dan pentahbisan Diakonat Frater Theodorus Yoseph Tepa, Ofm serta Frater Fridoardus Sariman Pr Paroki di Gereja Katedral Salib Suci Indah Asmat, Selasa (31/5/2022). Pada rilis yang diterima redaksi APN,…
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vladdocs · 2 years
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Original letter of the governor Vlad Draguli Tepesh dated October 31, 1448.
"Wise and beloved brothers and friends.
We inform you that the noble lord Nicolae of Visakna (Ocna Sibiului, Ocna Sibiului) wrote to us and invited us to come until his majesty Janos, ruler of the kingdom of Hungary, returned from the war. We cannot accept his invitation, because last Wednesday (October 29) the brother of the ruler of Nicopolis came to us and confirmed that Murad, the Turkish Sultan, had fought without interruption for three days against Janos and on the last day he chased him behind the wagons in the camp. The emperor personally got down from his horse among the Janissaries and attacked and killed all who were in and around the camp. If we go to you now, the Turks may destroy us on the spot. Nevertheless, we ask you to be calm, to wait a little while until we find out where Janos is now. For there are doubts whether he is alive. If he is free and has left the battlefield, we will find him and make peace. And if you will go against us and in any way become our enemies, then for that you will bear the responsibility before God. Written in Targoviste, on the night of All Saints' Day, in the year of the Lord...(1448). "
__________ RU:
Оригинал письма воеводы Влада Драгули Цепеша от 31 октября 1448 год.
«Мудрые и возлюбленные братья и друзья.
Сообщаем вам, что благородный господин Николае из Визакна (Окна-Сибиулуй, Ocna Sibiului) написал нам и пригласил нас приехать, пока его величество Янош, правитель королевства венгерского, не вернулся с войны. Мы не можем ответить согласием на его приглашение, потому что в прошлую среду (29 октября) брат правителя Никополя приехал к нам и подтвердил, что Мурад, турецкий султан, бился без перерыва три дня против Яноша и в последний день загнал его за повозки в лагере. Император лично спустился с лошади среди янычар, напал и убил всех, кто был внутри и вокруг лагеря. Если мы сейчас отправимся к вам, то турки могут нас уничтожить прямо на месте. Тем не менее, мы просим вас быть спокойными, немного обождать, пока не выясним мы, где же находится нынче Янош. Ибо есть сомнения , жив ли он, если ж он свободен и ушел с поля боя, мы найдем его и заключим мир. А если вы пойдете против нас и каким-либо образом станете врагами нашими, то за то ответ нести будете перед Богом. Писано в Тырговиште, ночью дня всех святых, в год Господень…(1448).
The Letter in Latin:
"Providi et honesti viri fratres et amici nobis sincere dilecti. Scire damus vobis quomodo egredius1) vir Nicolaus de Vizakona scribit nobis ad eum accedere vellemus donec magnificus Johannes regni Hungariae gubernator veniret de bello. Hoc ideo facere non possimus, quia feria tertia proxime praeterita2) frater Nayph de Nicopolio venit ad nos certissime dixit, quomodo Omrath dominus Turcorum in tribus diebus sine omni intermissione contra ipsum dominum Johannem gubernatorem pugna habuissent, ultima die inter curros taboritarum inclusisset, pedester solus imperator inter yanicaros descendisset et omnes extra et intra currus taboritarum percussent et interfecissent. Si veniremus nunc ad eum, Turci statim nos et vos destruere possent. Ideo petimus vos sedentes pacifice [S. 266] quatenus habeatis patientiam donec videbimus processus ipsius domini Johannis. Dubium est de vita ipsius, si autem enascitur de bello liber secum conveniemus bonam pacem faciemus, si autem nunc nobis contrari fueritis, siquid tandem fiet, sint in detrimenta animarum vestrarum et periculum coram deo respondeatis. Datum in Tergouistia in vigilla omnium sanctorum, anno domini et cetera XLVIIIo. Wlad, partium Transalpinarum vaivoda, frater vester in omnibus".
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andinarcadiai · 6 years
Magick Without Tears Liveblog
Now before we get started here, I should say a few things just so I don’t have to answer questions later.
First, I know nothing. I’m a raw newbie to this whole thing, so any answers I come up with are things I think or I’ve Googled right when I’ve posted. If I’m wrong and you know I’m wrong, I’m totally down for you to correct me! I’m painfully aware that I don’t know stuff! Just try and be nice about it, kay?
Second, the things I know about Aleister Crowley are that he’s Victorian, which is the opposite of a compliment for me. Something about either drugs and/or syphilis destroying his brain, maybe? He, along with Gerald Gardner, are the two Big Important Dudes in... I think Wicca specifically? And that he, like many Victorians, is a sexist, racist, self-important jerk who couldn’t research his way out of a paper bag if given a map. (told ya it wasn’t a compliment)
I’m trying to come at this with a relatively open mind, but I’m not planning on being particularly reverent either. So if you’re someone who’s put him up on a pedestal, this is probably not the liveblog for you! I’m gonna criticize the shit outta this guy, cuz that’s how I learn!
Oh, and one last thing. I know there’s some sort of debate between spelling it magic and magick. Like magic is for sleight of hand stuff and making an elephant disappear while magick is dudes in robes chanting stuff. For this, I’m gonna use the K cuz that’s how he’s spelling it. For me usually, I like magic for both cuz it does maintain the link that those dudes in robes might be tricking you as well!
With that, Onward!
So in 1943, Crowley gets a magical pen pal who would like some questions answered. He thinks it’s a great idea, asks for more letters, and puts his answers into this book. I do like this idea, since hopefully it means that ‘40s-50s housewives are asking the same questions I am! We shall see!
Much gratified was the author of THE BOOK OF THOTH to have so many letters of appreciation, mostly from women, thanking him for not 'putting it in unintelligible language', for 'making it all so clear that even I with my limited intelligence can understand it, or think I do.’
Hey, don’t sell yourselves short, anonymous ladies! They do tend to make things unintelligible! (deliberately so sometimes, I think!) And if you can’t understand, even with “limited intelligence” (Which I don’t believe!) that’s a failing on the teacher! They’ve gotta start teaching where your learning ends, not beyond!
...having aspirants write to the Master asking questions, the kind of problem that naturally comes into the mind of any sensible inquirer, and getting his answer in the form of a letter. 'What is it?' 'Why should I bother my head about it?' 'What are its principles?' 'What use is it?' 'How do I begin?', and the like.
Oh good! These are some of the questions I’d like answered! Especially the “why bother!” I love how even back then there was this “tell me why I should care” mentality, even tho phrased differently!
The style has been colloquial and fluent; technical terms have either been carefully avoided or most carefully explained; and the letter has not been admitted to the series until the querent has expressed satisfaction.
Again, good! But we’ll see if that’s true. I’ve heard those claims before, so I don’t trust them yet!
 ...there seem to be certain gaps in the demonstration, like those white patches on the map of the World, which looked so tempting fifty years ago.
What blank spots in the map existed in 1893?! That was after the height of Victorian Conquest! We knew where stuff was! And Crowley was 18 that year, so he would’ve known!
This has now been done.
Karl J. Germer Frater Saturnus X○ Frater Superior, O.T.O.
January, 1954 e.v. Hampton, N.J.
Thanks Karl! No idea what all that Frater Nonsense is! Going by my high school Latin (yes, I’m a dork), Brother Saturn and Brother Superior?
So according to Wikipedia: Karl Johannes Germer (22 January 1885 – 25 October 1962), also known as Frater Saturnus, was a German occultist and the successor of Aleister Crowley as the Outer Head of the Order (OHO) of Ordo Templi Orientis from 1947 until his death in 1962. ...He was arrested by the Gestapo on 13 February 1935 for being an associate of the "High Grade Freemason Aleister Crowley". ...As author and occultist Aleister Crowley’s representative in Germany, Germer moved to America after being released from Nazi confinement. In 1942, Crowley appointed Germer as his successor, and he fulfilled that position after Crowley's death in 1947.
Also according to Wikipedia: Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) ('Order of the Temple of the East' or 'Order of Oriental Templars') is an international fraternal and religious organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century by Carl Kellner and Theodor Reuss. English author and occultist Aleister Crowley is the best-known and most influential member of the order. Originally it was intended to be modelled after and associated with European Freemasonry,[1] such as Masonic Templar organizations, but under the leadership of Aleister Crowley, O.T.O. was reorganized around the Law of Thelema as its central religious principle. This Law—expressed as "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"[2] and "Love is the law, love under will"[3]—was promulgated in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law. Similar to many secret societies, O.T.O. membership is based on an initiatory system with a series of degree ceremonies that use ritual drama to establish fraternal bonds and impart spiritual and philosophical teachings.
Also apparently the Xo thing is that they’ve been indoctrinated (advanced? atttained? what’s the proper wording for this?) into the 10th degree. Oh, duh, roman numeral 10=X and the degree symbol! Got it!
Thanks Wikipedia! I think I might just have to keep that tab open while I read.
Ok, that’s the first part done! I’m not gonna be too consistent with these, cuz I have the rest of my life to be handling. I’m gonna try and tag them all consistently, but please let me know if I screw up!
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anantabangun · 5 years
Pusat Perawatan Dan Pemulihan Adiksi Narkoba “Rumah Kita”:TIDAK SEKEDAR RUMAH PEMULIHAN
Pusat Perawatan Dan Pemulihan Adiksi Narkoba “Rumah Kita”:TIDAK SEKEDAR RUMAH PEMULIHAN
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Suster Yovita bersama Frater Kapusin memimpin kegiatan bersama Residen Rumah Kita (dok. Pribadi)
Pada tahun 2013, Konferensi Wali Gereja Indonesia (KWI) mengeluarkan Surat Gembala yang bertajuk “Jadilah Pembela Kehidupan! Lawanlah Penyalahgunaan Narkoba!”Surat Gembala ini ditandatangani Ketua Presidium KWI Mgr Ignatius Suharyo dan Sekretaris Jenderal KWI (masa itu), Mgr Johannes Pujasumarta.…
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minnamarie1983-blog · 7 years
Quotes for Monday July 3,2017
Appreciation  quotes Appreciate what you have, accept the blessings waiting for you to need them, and above all - realize that Source from which it all comes.--Michael Rawls Appreciation can make a day--even change a life, Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.--Margaret Cousins Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.--Voltaire Appreciation, not possession, makes a thing ours.--Marty Rubin ===== Beauty quotes Beauty is everywhere to he or she who would behold it. When God reigns supreme in the consciousness of man, the tiniest blade of grass speaks of God's beauty.--Frater Achad Beauty is God's handwriting.--Charles Kingsley Beauty is in the heart of the beholder.--Al Bernstein Beauty is no quality in things themselves: it exists merely in the mind which contemplates them.--David Hume ("Of the Standard of Taste" Four Dissertations) Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.--Khalil Gibran ===== Encouragement quotes If your treat an individual ... as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.--Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Instruction does much, but encouragement everything.--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Early and Miscellaneous Letters of J. W. Goethe) It is more difficult to praise rightly than to blame.--Thomas Fuller I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.--Maya Angelou === Faith quotes Faith begins where Reason sinks exhausted.--Albert Pike Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.--Voltaire Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the window which hope has opened.--Charles Spurgeon Faith is a continuation of reason.--William Adams Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe.--Mitch Albom (Have a Little Faith: a True Story) Faith is a knowledge within the heart beyond the reach of proof.--Kahlil Gibron ==== Kindness quotes Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.--Mother Teresa Kind words elicit trust. Kind thoughts create depth. Kind deeds bring love.--Lao Tzu The kindest thing you can do for the people you care about is to become a happy, joyous person.--Brian Tracey (The Treasury of Quotes) Kindly words do not enter so deeply into men as a reputation for kindness.--Mencius Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.--Eric Hoffer (The Passionate State of Mind: And Other Essays) ===== Prayer quotes If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough. -Meister Eckhart The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays. -Søren Kierkegaard Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden. -Corrie ten Boom Work as if you were to live a hundred years. Pray as if you were to die tomorrow. -Benjamin Franklin Don't forget to pray today because God did not forget to wake you up this morning. -Oswald Chambers
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catapti · 6 years
<b>Kloster</b> Roggenburg - Warum lebt man in Armut, Keuschheit und Gottesfurcht?
Mal ein Wochenende lang Klosterluft schnuppern, das können junge Männer bei den regelmäßig angebotenen Klostertagen in Roggenburg. Begeisterung für ein gottgeweihtes Leben zu wecken, ist jedoch nicht einfach. Pater Johannes (41) und Frater Joachim (38), zusammengenommen seit 22 ... from Google Alert – Kloster http://ift.tt/2B2fhLu via IFTTT
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arcane-offerings · 3 years
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https://www.ebay.com/itm/254931081825 Frater Acher. Black Abbot · White Magic: Johannes Trithemius and the Angelic Mind. Scarlet Imprint, 2020. Standard Hardback Edition. 212 pages. Limited to 900 hand-numbered copies in white bonded leather (222/900). Illustrated by Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal.
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catapti · 7 years
Frater Johannes Matthias feiert Ordensjubiläum Er vermisst das Schafkopfspiel und den Trubel
Im Kloster Altstadt kam er mit den Franziskanern in Berührung. Dort reifte auch der Entschluss, in einen Orden einzutreten. "Als Kind einer Großfamilie ... from Google Alert – Kloster http://ift.tt/2ilQp9L via IFTTT
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catapti · 7 years
Für immer ins <b>Kloster</b>
Freudige Wochen fürs Kloster. Frater Korbinian legt am Samstag, 2. September, die Ewige Profess ab. Nach Johannes Boscos Priesterweihe im Juni ... from Google Alert – Kloster http://ift.tt/2uWMoZV via IFTTT
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