leidensygdom · 2 years
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It was about time to give Jorven a new outfit! And why not give them a bit of holo?
This reference was really fun to do, and surprisingly agile considering others I've been working on! Rendering the transparent holo jacket was a challenge, but I'm proud of the result. I had given Jorven some robes in the past, but nothing too modern- So I had to fix that! Also, since it's Pride month, I decided to sneak in some flags here and there. Can you find them all?~
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incalotlarts · 2 years
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I had the delight of getting to draw for @leidensygdom for the Potluck Secret Satan~!
You had so many amazing characters to choose from, it was really difficult to pick but ultimately I decided to draw Jorven, as well as an extra picture of Relent!! They were both so much fun to draw;;;;; I hope I did them justice!!!!!!
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embraceableyou-blog · 7 years
and with those words another potentially beautiful wlw storyline died before it had even truly blossomed. rip jorven 07/03/2017 - 14/03/2017
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myrtlesboobflap · 7 years
Something I wrote before the jorven ship crashed and burned
Jasmine was exhausted. There was no other way that she could put it.Her short blonde hair had been scraped back into a messy ponytail and her black mascara was a smudged mess around her weary eyes. Yet another day being mentored by Holby's very own matriarch had taken its toll, not that she cared to admit it of course. She felt almost as if a flurry of patients had been prodding and poking at her body all day rather than the other way around. It had seemed like it was her own heart going under the knife.
The door of the apartment she shared with flatmate Morven seemed like long-awaited bliss in comparison to the bustling corridors of AAU. Normally, Jasmine craved the excitement and constant work that her job brought but right now she was glad to have been persuaded to go home. Her keys jingled in her hands as she attempted to muster the last remnants of energy she had to unlock the door rather than just stand there staring at it like she had been doing for the previous ten minutes.
Upon entering the flat Jasmine couldn't help but  feel a slight pang of disappointment as she realised Morven was still on shift and wouldn't be home for another few hours yet. The dark haired vibrant girl lit up the flat. Jasmine could always count on her warm laughter to bring a smile to her face even when she was on the brink of passing out from exhaustion. If only she could admit her feelings for her flatmate, Jasmine pondered, she would never need caffeine again. Even in her absence, Morven could be found in every inch of the place; from the photos of her and Arthur on the windowsill to the gigantic eclectic cd collection the girls shared and even in the mustard yellow blanket she had left on the sofa getting ready in a rush this morning. The blanket was Morven's favourite and like last night she often fell asleep nestled in it whilst watching some sort of documentary the subject of which Jasmine could never quite remember. Jasmine's contribution to the flat of the other hand was not quite so homely and was mainly remnants of uneaten takeaways that she had neglected to throw away.
Plonking herself down on the lumpy secondhand sofa Jasmine recalled the long shift she had just completed. Everything these days seemed like it was just one long blur. She had admitted defeat and missed out on the operation she so had been longing for just because she was too tired. Disappointment couldn't properly describe how she felt even though she knew that it was the right thing to do.Even she couldn’t power through the wave of exhaustion that she had been drowning in since she was placed under the watchful eye of Miss Campbell.
The lines between deep sleep and a hazy consciousness had become so thin that Jasmine didn’t realise when she fell into a slumber where she sat. Nor did she realise when Morven returned home with the same sinking feeling upon discovering her roommate wasn’t available to listen to her stories. She even didn’t realise how the sunshine girl yearned for her too.
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nebu-laika · 3 years
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ITS @leidensygdom ‘S BIRTHDAY TODAY SO I HAD TO DRAW THEM JORVEN!!! MY BELOVED!!!!! They are so inspiring and creative as an artist and they are such a wonderful friend and mutual!!! I’m so proud of them for their growth and their hard work!!! Have a wonderful birthdayyyyy!
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opabiniawillreturn · 4 years
Richard Masbruch
Quonshe Brinmer
Karen White
Matthew Harks
Tara Pearshall
Fallon Aubee
Tara Desousa
John Boulachanis
Josie Smith
Jessica Winfield
Kayleigh-Louise Woods
Gerald Matovu
Lauren Jeska
Kyle Zoe Lynes
Paris Green
Claire Darbyshire
Tiffany Scott
Davina Ayrton
Lisa Hauxwell
Marcia Walker
Jorven Seren
Vicky Green
Pauline Long
Chloe Walker
Ella Davies
Kristen Lukess
Geraldo Tucciarone
Katie Dolatowski
Tony Prince
Carol Lee
Lucy Edwards
Lana Law
+ more (if you'd like me to list the others please let me know, there was a very long list of names)
these are the names of violent misogynists, rapists, sex offenders, pedophiles, and murderers that identify as trans women. a quick search and I found the first few just glancing at some articles, and the rest were on a compiled list. I wrote the names here as the ones I found, because looking up some of their "deadnames" might not yield any results.
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radiodeep · 3 years
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Switch on and enjoy the sound of Audiobox - from 7pm every Wednesday only on Radio Deep. We look forward to seeing you Jorven ❤️ #radiodeep #houseradio #housemusic #radio #deephouse #welovedeep #radioshow #deep #music #dj #mixtape #onair #audiobox #zurich https://www.instagram.com/p/CK1rkA8Aacv/?igshid=pl74jgs3bov9
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ecchispostsfitness · 6 years
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jacnaylor · 7 years
holbys-lone-wolfe reblogged your photoset:thepurrbutton: M: Sorry coffee. J: Oh. I probably...
Why couldn’t they have gotten together ??????
#jorven for life
i know! if darwin is the pregnant!ward aau should be the lgbt ward!! bernie and serena, jas and morven and fletch and raf. @holby writers pls give this to me
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Produtora acusa apresentador da Record de ameaçá-la de morte
Denian Couto pediu afastamento de suas funções de apresentador da RICTV, afiliada da Record no Paraná, e da Jorven Pan local, após ser acusado de ameaçar de morte sua ex-noiva, Giulianne Kuiava, produtora da emissora.
A história veio à tona após divulgação das informações pelo site “The Intercept”, nesta semana. “Vou te matar se você não calar a sua boca”, teria dito o comunicador em ligação gravada pela vítima e divulgada no veículo.
Além disso, Couto também está sendo apontado como agressor de ao menos cinco mulheres. Ao “UOL”, Giulianne Kuiava disse que a suposta agressão aconteceu enquanto ela tentava colocar um ponto final da relação dos dois, no mês de janeiro.
“Comecei a descobrir várias mentiras pesadas. Toda vez que tentava terminar, ele se tornava agressivo. Certa vez, no telefone, ele me ameaçou de morte. Parei o meu carro e lembrei de uma reportagem que eu tinha feito dois dias antes – sobre uma mulher que tinha sido morta pelo marido. Parei o meu carro e voltei para casa. Se tivesse chegado à casa dele, poderia ter acontecido algo mais grave”, relatou ela, chorando.
A produtora conta que ela conheceu Couto nos corredores da emissora e que após um mês de relacionamento o apresentador a pediu em casamento. “Achei estranho porque tudo estava indo depressa demais. Nos tornamos noivos”, afirmou.
Agora, Giulianne entrou com ação criminal contra ele, porém, o caso corre em segredo de Justiça.
“Existem as provas materiais que são robustas, como áudio, [prints de] mensagens via aplicativo WhatsApp e, mais para frente, se forem necessárias, as testemunhas. Mas o áudio, por si só, já diz tudo”, garantiu Luís Roberto Zagonel, advogado que defende a produtora no caso.
À publicação, o apresentador e seu advogado, Adriano Bretas, negaram as acusações. “A acusação é falsa, mas tenho impedimento de falar porque o caso tramita em segredo de Justiça. Se pudesse eu esclareceria o contexto desse áudio e o que antecedeu isso e o que aconteceu depois”, afirmou.
O apresentador ainda negou que Giulianne tenha sido sua noiva como ela afirma.
Segue minha nota sobre a fraude travestida de jornalismo escrita pelo panfleto de esquerda The Intercept Brasil. pic.twitter.com/imBwyWoixr
— Denian Couto (@DenianCouto) March 28, 2019
Veja também: Veja como agir caso você seja vítima de assédio ou estupro
Produtora acusa apresentador da Record de ameaçá-la de mortepublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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leidensygdom · 1 year
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After a day-long break, the sixth poll (out of the 8 in the first round) is here! This one is pitying two very different characters against each other- Let me present them!
Jorven Sylbatell is a chill person amidst the chaos: Raised in the streets as an urchin, they have fought to make a name for themself as a bard, and now does that for a living. They ended up in a polycule with Mythannae and Yden: They were far too aware these two were in love, but let them sort it out. For 48 years.
The Onirist is a stark contrast to the sweet, colorful Urion we know: Brainwashed and broken, they ended up turning evil and hiding their identity behind a big red X, up until the party recently discovered their identity. Despite everything, they have stayed polite and sweet- Even when they have barely been in control. Endless angst with both, Yxala and Relent.
This match brings again heavily contrasted blorbos, so pick wisely: Is Jorven's blatant genderqueer identity more interesting than the allure of an almost faceless Onirist? Up to you! Vote your fave!
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que-noticias · 5 years
Aplazado el concierto de José Mercé en Salamanca, que pasará del 22 de diciembre al 19 de enero
Aplazado el concierto de José Mercé en Salamanca, que pasará del 22 de diciembre al 19 de enero
El Ayuntamiento de Salamanca ha anunciado que el concierto de José Mercé, previsto para el 22 de diciembre en el CAEM, ha sido aplazado hasta el 19 de enero, donde estará acompañado por la música de la Jorven Orquesta Ciudad de Salamanca.
Todas las personas que hubieran adquirido entradas para esta actuación podrán solicitar su devolución a través del mismo sistema por el que las…
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embraceableyou-blog · 7 years
i’m watching jorven die before my eyes this episode and it’s heartbreaking
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nebu-laika · 3 years
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@leidensygdom ‘s babey boy Jorven for an art trade! 🥰🥰 He has the cutest smile but I couldn’t help but draw him more wistfully!
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