#july iv mdcclxxvi
nesvobodni · 8 months
1884-08-05: V New Yorku byl položen základní kámen ke stavbě sochy Svobody.
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Socha představuje oděnou římskou bohyni svobody Libertas. Pravou rukou drží nad hlavou pochodeň a v levé ruce nese tabuli s nápisem JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (římskými číslicemi datum 4. července 1776), což je datum vyhlášení nezávislosti USA. Postava kráčí vpřed a u nohou jí při tom leží přetržený okov a řetěz, které připomínají zrušení otroctví. Po svém posvěcení se socha stala ikonou svobody a Spojených států, vnímanou jako symbol vítající přistěhovalce připlouvající po moři.
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sleepydrummer · 3 years
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sidonius5 · 3 years
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allgyan · 4 years
ये फ्रांस और अमेरिका के दोस्ती का प्रतीक है इसको फ्रांस ने अमेरिका को दिया था | जिसमे एक रोमन देवी है जिनके एक हाथ में जलता हुआ मसाल है और दूसरे हाथ में एक किताब है जिसपर लिखा हुआ है -" JULY IV MDCCLXXVI " 4 जुलाई 1776  जो की अमेरिका का स्वतंत्रता दिवस है | ये मूर्ति ताँबे की है और १५१ फ़ीट लम्बी है लेकिन चौकी और आधारशिला मिला कर यह 305 फुट ऊंची है | 22 मंज़िला इस मूर्ति के ताज तक पहुंचने के लिये 354 घुमावदार सीढ़ियां चढ़नी पड़ती हैं| इस मूर्ति को बनाने के प्रपोजल एक फ्रैंच हिस्टोरियन 1865 में रखा था और फ्रेंच लोगों से फण्ड भी इख्ठा कर लिया और इस मूर्ति पे काम 1875 में शुरू हुआ |और १८८५ में ये मूर्ति पूरी बनके तैयार हो गयी |मूर्ति के नीचे के चौकी को अमेरिकन आर्किटेक्चर ने डिज़ाइन किया है |और न्यूयोर्क सिटी में ये मूर्ति लगायी गयी है |कई सालों इसके टोर्च में कई बदलाव किये गए है |और 1916  में इसके टोर्च को इलेक्ट्रिक पावर में भी बदल दिया गया है |और समय -समय पे इसकी मररमत फ्रेंच और अमेरिकन वर्कर करते रहते है |और 1984 में ये यूनिस्को हेरिटेज में लिस्ट में डाल दिया |लिबर्टी का मतलब स्वतंत्रता होती है | सभी लोगों के अंदर इस रोमन देवी के हाथों ��ें जो टोर्च है उसकी रौशनी जो की एक स्वतंत्रता की रौशनी है अपने अंदर रखना चाहिए जिससे वो खुद भी वैसा महसूस कर सके | उस ज्योति से खुद को जागृत कर सके | स्वतंत्रता पे सबका अधिकार है | और सबको मिलना चाहिए |
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the actual monument is a representation of the roman liberty goddess, libertas. the statue capabilities a robed female lifting a torch toward the sky in her proper hand. there may be a tablet in her left hand inscribed with numerals july iv mdcclxxvi to commemorate july 4, 1776 when the yank declaration of independence become signed. at woman liberty’s ft lies a damaged chain, symbolizing the way that individuals broke free from british rule. the statue of liberty become constructed in france and upon its completion in 1884, it changed into shipped to the usa at the french warship “isere.” to be able to be shipped well, the statue of liberty changed into separated into 350 portions and positioned in 214 separate crates. while the pieces of the statue arrived in the america in 1885, it took four months to be rebuilt on the pedestal. it wasn’t until october 28, 1886 that president grover cleveland formally devoted the statue of liberty to ny metropolis as a overdue centennial present.
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مجسمه آزادی آمریکا
مجسمه آزادی یا تندیس آزادی (Statute Of Liberty ) در سال 1886 به مناسبت یک صدمین سال استقلال آمریکا از بریتانیا توسط دولت فرانسه به ایالت متحده آمریکا هدیه داده شد، و نماد دوستی این دو کشور می‌باشد. در 28 اکتبر آن سال " استیفن گراور کلیولند " ریاست جمهوری وقت آمریکا ،مجسمه آزادی را در محل فعلی آن، دهانه رود هودسن درجزیره آزادی که تا محله منهتن شهر نیو یورک دو هزارو ششصد متر و تا شهر جرسی سیتی ایالت نیو جرسی 600 متر فاصله دارد قرار داد. باستان شناسان اعلام کردند که ایده  ساخت مجسمه "آزادی"، نماد آزادی خواهی امریکا، با الهام از تصویر یک الهه باستانی ساخته شده است. این مجسمه نمادی برای خوش‌آمد گویی به کسانی است که از راه دریا وارد این کشور شده‌اند.
طراح اصلی این مجسمه "فردریک آگوسته بارتلدی" مجسمه ‌ساز ماسون فرانسوی بود البته سازه درونی آن را "الکساندر ایفل"مهندس فرانسوی برج ایفل ،طراحی نمود مهندسان و طراحان دیگری نظیر” ژوزف پولیتزر” و"اوژنویوله لودوک" نیز در جریان ساخت آن نقش داشتند. مجسمه به شکل شخصیت زنی است ایستاده در حال گام برداشتن، که دور سرش را هفت اشعه نورانی فراگرفته است. او با دست چپ خود یک لوح سنگی را نگه داشته و با دست راست خود مشعلی فروزان را بالای سر خود نگه داشته است. روی لوح سنگی با شماره‌های رومی نوشته شده JULY IV MDCCLXXVI که نشانگر ۴ ژوئیه ۱۷۷۶(میلادی) و تاریخ استقلال آمریکا است.
بارتولدی برای طراحی پیکره این تندیس، همسرش شارلوت را مدل قرار داد، اما خود او و دستیارانش تصریح کرده اند که این زن، نمادی از تائیس، معشوقه اسکندر است. او زن بدکاره ای بود که اسکندر به او دل باخت و در لشگرکشی ها او را همراه خود داشت. شبی که لشکر مقدونی، تخت جمشید فعلی ایران را فتح کرد، فرماندهان و سربازان چنان مبهوت شکوه و زیبایی کاخ بودند که در جشن پیروزی خود نیز، بزرگی ایرانیان را ��حسین می کردند، اما تائیس که درکی از هنر و شکوه نداشت اسکندر را تشویق کرد بجای تحسین دشمن، این قصر را به تلافی حمله خشایارشاه به یونان، به اتش بکشد و خود در حالی که مست بود، مشعل به دست گرفت و پرده های تالار را به آتش کشید. فرانسویان او را نمادی از یک زن آزاد می دانند. این زن بعد از مرگ اسکندر، به سایر فرماندهان او خدمت کرد.
از نظر شمایل ظاهری، طراحی این مجسمه به مجسمه باستانی غول رودس و مجسمه کارلو بوروموئه کشیش ایتالیایی شباهت هایی دارد. این مکان یک میراث جهانی یونسکو در آمریکا می‌باشد.
 نگاشته شده توسط :  هتل نارنجستان
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bilgibabacom · 2 years
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biancaperes · 3 years
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1 – A Estátua da Liberdade foi um presente do povo francês ao povo norte-americano, para comemorar o centenário da Declaração de Independência dos Estados Unidos. Os cidadãos dos dois países fizerem vários eventos sociais para arrecadar fundos para a construção da obra. 2 – A Estátua foi projetada pelo escultor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, que se inspirou no Colosso de Rodes. Para a construção da estrutura metálica interna da estátua, Bartholdi contou com a ajuda do engenheiro francês Gustave Eiffel, mesmo arquiteto da Torre Eiffel. 3 – A obra desmontada em 350 peças e empacotada em 214 engradados chegou ao porto de Nova Iorque em junho de 1885 a bordo da fragata francesa Isere. 4 – A Estátua de 46,50 m foi remontada em quatro meses no pedestal construído pelos Estados Unidos. Contando com o pedestal, a Estátua tem 92,99 m de altura. 5 – O monumento é feito de cobre e agora ele é de cor verde por causa da oxidação. 6 – A coroa da Estátua tem 25 janelas. Os sete raios ou picos na coroa representam os sete mares ou os sete continentes. O visitante deve subir 354 degraus para alcançar a coroa. O nariz mede 1,37 m. Fonte: Discovery.com 7 – A obra foi apresentada ao público no dia 28 de outubro de 1886. 8 – Muita gente pensa que a Estátua da Liberdade carrega um livro. Na verdade, ela carrega uma tábua na qual está escrito o Dia da Independência dos Estados Unidos em algarismo romano: JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (4 de Julho de 1776). 9 – Em 1984, no início da restauração da obra, as Nações Unidas designou a Estátua da Liberdade como Patrimônio Mundial. A Estátua foi uma das semifinalistas no concurso das Sete Novas Maravilhas do mundo. Fonte: The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation 10 – No pedestal da Estátua da Liberdade, está escrito o famoso poema “The New Colossus” (O Novo Colosso) de Emma Lazarus, poetisa norte-americana. https://www.instagram.com/p/CO8g3Skg5Zr/?igshid=biipqmjjpsnt
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rogergreenawalt · 3 years
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The statue is a figure of Libertas, a robed Roman liberty goddess. She holds a torch above her head with her right hand, and in her left hand carries a tabula ansata inscribed JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776 in Roman numerals), the date of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. A broken shackle and chain lie at her feet as she walks forward, commemorating the recent national abolition of slavery.[8] After its dedication, the statue became an icon of freedom and of the United States, seen as a symbol of welcome to immigrants arriving by sea. Bartholdi was inspired by a French law professor and politician, Édouard René de Laboulaye, who is said to have commented in 1865 that any monument raised to U.S. independence would properly be a joint project of the French and U.S. peoples. The Franco-Prussian War delayed progress until 1875, when Laboulaye proposed that the French finance the statue and the U.S. provide the site and build the pedestal. Bartholdi completed the head and the torch-bearing arm before the statue was fully designed, and these pieces were exhibited for publicity at international expositions. The torch-bearing arm was displayed at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, and in Madison Square Park in Manhattan from 1876 to 1882. Fundraising proved difficult, especially for the Americans, and by 1885 work on the pedestal was threatened by lack of funds. Publisher Joseph Pulitzer, of the New York World, started a drive for donations to finish the project and attracted more than 120,000 contributors, most of whom gave less than a dollar. The statue was built in France, shipped overseas in crates, and assembled on the completed pedestal on what was then called Bedloe's Island. The statue's completion was marked by New York's first ticker-tape parade and a dedication ceremony presided over by President Grover Cleveland. (at Pasadena, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/COLUyaBB0rA/?igshid=7s3iu7imt8cz
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Construção da Estátua da Liberdade
setembro de 1875.
Em estilo neoclássico, a Estátua da Liberdade foi construída em cobre, aço e cimento. O monumento foi projetado pelo escultor francês Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi (1834-1904) e o engenheiro Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923), que também trabalhou no projeto da Torre Eiffel, em Paris.
Estátua da Liberdade foi presente de franceses para os Estados Unidos. ... Um dos símbolos da libertação das 13 colônias - e do apoio francês à emancipação - é a Estátua da Liberdade. Cedida como um presente da França para os EUA, a ideia do monumento começou em 1865 e ele foi inaugurado 21 anos depois.
Muita gente pensa que a Estátua da Liberdade carrega um livro. Na verdade, ela carrega uma tábua na qual está escrito o Dia da Independência dos Estados Unidos em algarismo romano: JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (4 de Julho de 1776).
Significado da Estátua da Liberdade
Ela traz em sua mão direita a tocha, simbolizando a iluminação que guia o caminho e na mão esquerda, segura o Declaração da Independência dos Estados Unidos com a data da Independência, dia 4 de julho de 1776.
Porque os franceses ajudaram os americanos?
A França auxiliou os estadunidenses pois assim prejudicaria a Inglaterra, que era a sua grande rival estratégica no domínio dos mercados e da política europeia. ... Por conta disto a França é apresentada na historiografia estadunidense como a primeira aliada do país.
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novagranttravel · 3 years
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La Estatua de la Libertad es el ícono de Nueva York. Se encuentra en la Isla de la Libertad al sur de Manhattan. Este monumento histórico es famoso por representar la independencia de Estados Unidos e incluso fue considerada como una de las siete maravillas del mundo antiguo. La Estatua de la Libertad es un símbolo de libertad política e independencia. Hoy en día todos la conocemos como «estatua de la Libertad» pero el nombre original de la estatua era «La libertad iluminando el mundo» . Representa la libertad e independencia de Estados Unidos, es por ello que sostiene una antorcha en la mano derecha y en la izquierda una tabla con la inscripción JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (4 de Julio de 1776) en honor al día de la independencia. La Estatua de la Libertad fue reconocida como una de las 7 maravillas del mundo antiguo. Qué ver en la Estatua de la Libertad Al llegar a la isla de la Libertad tendrás acceso a ciertas áreas para conocer la estatua más de cerca: El pedestal: Mirador del pedestal: Para llegar a este punto tendrás que subir 215 escalones. Desde aquí podrás ver Manhattan en todo su esplendor. Museo de la Isla de la Libertad. (Liberty Island Museum) Actualmente se encuentra en mantenimiento para ser reinaugurado en el 2019. Se está invirtiendo un monto de 70 millones de dólares para su construcción. La Corona Es la parte más alta de la estatua a la que se puede tener acceso. Conformada por siete picos que simbolizan los siete continentes y los siete mares. Mirador de la corona Subirás 354 escalones por una escalera un poco estrecha, pero todo ese esfuerzo cobra sentido cuando tienes enfrente la gran vista panorámica de la Isla de la Libertad que podrás contemplar por las 25 ventanas. (en Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLjfyyZjXzx/?igshid=16w3pdy7lowxg
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bronzioni · 3 years
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Original Vienna Bronze Sculpture Of Liberty New York Landmark Statue Home Decor The Statue Of Liberty Is Officially Titled Liberty Enlightening The World, It Was Dedicated On October 28, 1886, And Is A Monument Commemorating The Centennial Of The Signing Of The United States Declaration Of Independence, Given To The United States By The People Of France To Represent The Friendship Between The Two Countries Established During The American Revolution. It Represents A Woman Wearing A Stola, A Radiant Crown And Sandals, Trampling A Broken Chain, Carrying A Torch In Her Raised Right Hand And A Tabula Ansata, Where The Date Of The Declaration Of Independence July Iv Mdcclxxvi Is Inscribed, In Her Left Arm. Standing On Liberty Island In New York Harbor, It Welcomes Visitors, Immigrants, And Returning Americans Traveling By Ship. Frdric Auguste Bartholdi Sculpted The Statue And Obtained A U.S. Patent For Its Structure. Maurice Koechlin-Chief Engineer Of Gustave Eiffel'S Engineering Company And Designer Of The Eiffel Tower-Engineered The Internal Structure. The Pedestal Was Designed By Architect Richard Morris Hunt. Eugne Viollet-Le-Duc Was Responsible For The Choice Of Copper In The Statue'S Construction, And For The Adoption Of The Repouss Technique, Where A Malleable Metal Is Hammered On The Reverse Side. Worldwide, The Statue Of Liberty Is One Of The Most Recognizable Icons Of The United States. For Many Years It Was One Of The First Glimpses Of The United States For Millions Of Immigrants And Visitors After Ocean Voyages From Around The World. This Bronze Sculpture Of The Statue Of Liberty Has A Breath Taking Patina Of Pick And Silver And Brown. It Is Perfect To Place On A Mantle Bookshelf Or Curio Shelf. He Robe Drapes Over Her Graciously As She Holds The Torch Up High Reminding Us All Of The Freedom We Have Here In The U.S.A! This Is A Great Way To Show Your Pride And Recognition To America. This Sculpture Was Cast Using The "Lost Wax Method" And Has A Beautiful Special Hand Painted Patina. This Sculpture Is Signed By Artist Milo....Condition:This Sculpture Is In Perfect Condition. Bronze Dimensions With Marble Base:Height 10" X Width 3" Marble Dimensions: 3" X 3" Height Without Base: 9" Weight : 3 Lbs Inventory: 16Y9102861 http://nemb.it/p/1QzrgCFpvu/tumblr
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plusorminuscongress · 3 years
The Original Lady Liberty
The Original Lady Liberty By Neely Tucker Published November 10, 2020 at 09:30AM
The picture of the model of the Statue of Liberty that Bartholdi submitted for copyright. Copyright Division.
This is a  guest post by Alison M. Hall, writer and editor in the Copyright Division. It also appears in the Sept.-Oct. issue of the Library of Congress Magazine. 
Of the tens of millions of creative works registered with the Copyright Office, the Statue of Liberty is one of the biggest and most famous.
French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi registered his “Statue of American Independence” on Aug. 31, 1876, submitting two photos of a model of the statue as the deposit copies. The first image shows just the model. The second is a rendering of how the statue would appear against the New York skyline on the pedestal. The pedestal also is registered with the office with architect Richard M. Hart listed as the author.
This second image has great significance because it shows a very early version of the statue that most people today would not recognize.
In the original design, the Statue of Liberty is shown holding a broken chain and shackle in her left hand, representing freedom newly achieved. Bartholdi later made a major change to his design by placing the chain and shackle, symbolically broken by Liberty, at her feet. He then positioned the familiar tablet, inscribed “July IV, MDCCLXXVI” (July 4, 1776), in her left hand.
In the decade before the statue was assembled in New York Harbor, newspapers and magazines popularized images of it, and memorabilia proliferated. New York publisher Root and Tinker registered a color lithograph of the statue in 1883, thought to have been commissioned to raise funds to build the pedestal. The next year, the publisher registered a reissue of the same lithograph with “Low’s Jersey Lily for the Handkerchief” imprinted on the statue’s base.
The copyright on the original Statue of Liberty sculpture has expired, which means it is now in the public domain. Creators are free to use it in any way in their works.
Copyright application of Statue of Liberty, set in New York Harbor. Copyright Division.
  Read more on https://loc.gov
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allgyan · 4 years
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ये फ्रांस और अमेरिका के दोस्ती का प्रतीक है इसको फ्रांस ने अमेरिका को दिया था | जिसमे एक रोमन देवी है जिनके एक हाथ में जलता हुआ मसाल है और दूसरे हाथ में एक किताब है जिसपर लिखा हुआ है -" JULY IV MDCCLXXVI " 4 जुलाई 1776  जो की अमेरिका का स्वतंत्रता दिवस है | ये मूर्ति ताँबे की है और १५१ फ़ीट लम्बी है लेकिन चौकी और आधारशिला मिला कर यह 305 फुट ऊंची है | 22 मंज़िला इस मूर्ति के ताज तक पहुंचने के लिये 354 घुमावदार सीढ़ियां चढ़नी पड़ती हैं| इस मूर्ति को बनाने के प्रपोजल एक फ्रैंच हिस्टोरियन 1865 में रखा था और फ्रेंच लोगों से फण्ड भी इख्ठा कर लिया और इस मूर्ति पे काम 1875 में शुरू हुआ |और १८८५ में ये मूर्ति पूरी बनके तैयार हो गयी |मूर्ति के नीचे के चौकी को अमेरिकन आर्किटेक्चर ने डिज़ाइन किया है |और न्यूयोर्क सिटी में ये मूर्ति लगायी गयी है |कई सालों इसके टोर्च में कई बदलाव किये गए है |और 1916  में इसके टोर्च को इलेक्ट्रिक पावर में भी बदल दिया गया है |और समय -समय पे इसकी मररमत फ्रेंच और अमेरिकन वर्कर करते रहते है |और 1984 में ये यूनिस्को हेरिटेज में लिस्ट में डाल दिया |लिबर्टी का मतलब स्वतंत्रता होती है | सभी लोगों के अंदर इस रोमन देवी के हाथों में जो टोर्च है उसकी रौशनी जो की एक स्वतंत्रता की रौशनी है अपने अंदर रखना चाहिए जिससे वो खुद भी वैसा महसूस कर सके | उस ज्योति से खुद को जागृत कर सके | स्वतंत���रता पे सबका अधिकार है | और सबको मिलना चाहिए |
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luvabigglassored · 4 years
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#LadyLiberty welcomes every race, creed, religion, and color! She holds a torch above her head with her right hand, and in her left hand carries a tabula ansata inscribed JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776 in Roman numerals), the date of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Dedicated on October 29,1886, a broken shackle and chain lie at her feet as she walks forward, commemorating the recent national abolition of slavery. #FunFacts #WearAFunMask #StopTheSpread #StopTheHate #Covid19Life https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4TeSclvgj/?igshid=jwnov4y59nkq
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nativu360 · 4 years
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9 SECRETOS DE LA ESTATUA DE LA LIBERTAD 1.- Su nombre completo es “la Libertad iluminando al mundo” 2 – Ha cambiado de color con el tiempo 3 – La cara de la estatua es una mujer real 4.- Fue un regalo de Francia a Estados-Unidos 5. La estatua se utilizó como un faro 6.- La antorcha no es la original 7.- La estatua está andando 8.- La estatua se mueve cuando los vientos son fuertes 9.- El libro que sostiene la estatua en la mano es la fecha de la Independencia americana , el 4 de julio de 1.776 en números romanos : July IV MDCCLXXVI. . . . SOLO CON NATIVU360 #TULUGAR #TUMUNDO ☎️ 04 - 6016016 📲 0994954925 📬 [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/CA62rVqDLLM/?igshid=1de2v4b36kgty
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