#jurdan baby
viivdle · 14 days
what everyone thought was gonna be revealed in tpt:
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Something Precious | Jurdan Baby Fic
Chapter Two
Summary : After three years of exile, Cardan is determined to bring Jude back home with him. When he arrives, the last thing he expects to find is a dark-haired toddler looking up at him.
Tags: Jurdan baby, Jude’s exile, Dad!Cardan
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Cardan made good on his promise to assign more guards. They kept their distance, but Jude noted their presence. At first, it was bothersome, but with the reminder of how dangerous it could be for a king’s heir, it was nice to have additional eyes watching out for Everly. At least she no longer had to worry about hiding her from Cardan. 
Jude had replayed the entire conversation over and over in her head, trying to find any hint of a trick. But Cardan’s words left very little room for interpretation. There was still the matter of ruling together and returning to Elfhame, something she would deal with later. 
A week after Cardan’s unexpected visit, a number of packages with various faerie children’s toys, beautiful clothing, and food arrived on their front porch. Most of the presents were for Everly, but Jude found several boxes with her name on them too, including a new sword. The hilt was exquisitely decorated with tiny rubies, and the guard was made of golden twin snakes. After testing it out during one of Everly’s naps, Jude found the balance was equally extraordinary to the design. Beautiful gifts were not going to sway her decision to return, but she could appreciate them. At the very least, she could consider it child support and reparations for her loss of station after being exiled. 
A third week passed before Cardan sent a letter requesting to visit again. Jude considered the request. If she refused, Cardan could always show up anyway. It would be easier just to say yes, and truthfully, the little enjoyment she had found in her mundane human experience had dimmed since being granted an opportunity to go home. Grief that had subsided after so long ago came back and pitted in Jude’s stomach. If it were only her, she would have returned back with Cardan the night he showed up. She would have faced whatever difficulties that came with returning as they arose. 
Her sweet child changed everything, though. Jude had lived a childhood in Faerie, and it had been filled with too many close calls. Whether motivated by hatred, politics, or on a simple whim, the fae were ruthless. Vivi pointed out that Everly was half-faerie and, on top of that, would be a princess; she surely wouldn’t be as vulnerable as Taryn and Jude had been. Oak had nodded in agreement when she brought her dilemma to them. However, neither of them were present every time she had witnessed attempts on Cardan’s life in just a single year.
It was a battle between what she wanted and what she knew was best. A worrisome mother against the calculated crown’s strategist. Two roles that were entirely foreign to her just a few years prior, but both so ingrained in her personality now, that it was hard to separate the two. Jude didn’t want to make her final decision just yet. So, for now, she was content to let Cardan visit and see how their daughter would take to him a second time. 
Three days after she sent the letter, Cardan arrived around dawn, impeccably dressed but not entirely inconspicuous in his royal tunic and pants. By all accounts, he should look exhausted, given that it was well past sleeping hours in Elfhame. Yet, he greeted Jude at the door with a soft smile and another armful of gifts.
“Err.. Good morning.” 
The tension between them was palpable. Enemies. Schemers. Lovers. Husband and Wife.   They had been all of those things. After years of silence, they were … co-parenting?
Jude set the boxes down and led Cardan down the hall to the nursery. As they entered the room, Everly, awake and wearing her purple and black striped onesie, beamed up at them. She reached over to the bars and hauled herself up into a standing position.
“Hello, little one,” Jude cooed. She scooped the squirming child from the crib and held her out to Cardan, without second-guessing herself. He fumbled for a second as if he had been expecting only to watch, but quickly regained his composure and held her securely. 
“Hi! Hi!” The child chanted over and over, excited to see another face during the morning routine. Jude stood back and watched the look on his face, similar to the one when he first held her. It was impossible to pinpoint the exact emotion he was feeling, but he clearly wanted to be there. Cardan rocked her gently as she babbled some and then used her chubby little hand to pull on his curls again. The third yank was hard enough to jerk his head, but Cardan only laughed and twisted his hair out of her hand before opening his palm to reveal seeds in his hands. 
“Would you like to see a trick?” He asked. Slowly, the seeds began to bloom into vibrant wildflowers with an unnaturally strong perfume. The child’s eyes opened wide with amazement; her full attention turned to the magic at Cardan’s fingertips. His focus, however, remained on the child, taking in every detail. 
“Fwowers!” Everly said, reaching to touch them. Cardan repeated the trick once more before Jude gestured for Cardan to follow her into the kitchen. She grabbed ingredients from the fridge and cupboard and laid them all out on the counter. Cardan, with Everly still in his arms, took a seat on the barstool across from her. She began preparing breakfast, taking extra care to cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces. Cardan, who never cooked a meal in his life, nor likely ever would, watched intently and nodded every so often as if making mental notes. 
“For breakfast, she likes to eat strawberries and yogurt. I also give her some eggs that I make for myself.” 
“Is that what you are making now?” He asked as Jude moved back and forth from the oven to the plates. 
She nodded. “Sometimes, I give her a half piece of toast if she’s hungry. It all depends.”  
“Depends on what exactly?” Cardan asked, having switched his attention briefly back to Everly, who began blowing bubbles with her mouth. 
She shrugged, “I don’t know. Every day is different, but you just learn to read what she wants.” Jude moved around the kitchen bar and slid her arm around Everly, moving her into the highchair and placing the breakfast plate down. “Plus, she is talking so much more now, so it is easy enough just to ask.”
On cue, Everly said, “Tank youuu,” before shoving a berry into her mouth.
Upon making her own plate, Jude sat down next to Cardan, offering the carton of strawberries to him. They all ate in silence for a few moments, before Cardan spoke again. 
“I’d like…” he began, “...to learn to know what she needs… and wants.”
A twist of guilt formed in Jude’s stomach. Devastation was written in the hard lines of his face. It pained him to know he had a daughter, who he functionally knew nothing about. Jude let the silence grow for another minute before she began listing off things about their daughter; She was born on March 13th. Her favorite foods were grapes and cheese. She hated carrots and would throw them across the dining room if they were on her plate. Her favorite toys were blocks and a rainbow unicorn stuffed animal. She had a nap after lunch around 12:30, and dinner was at 5. She always fell asleep in the car after playing at the park and always played with other kids. Once she had started crawling, she discovered how to play hide-and-seek on her own, and frequently tried to scare Jude after finding it hilarious the first time Jude jumped in surprise. She had developed Cardan’s coy smirk, purely from genetics. Some “only magic could explain” events had happened in recent months, so it was very likely that she possessed her father’s fae gifts. 
The corners of Cardan’s beautiful mouth turned up with each tidbit he learned and was practically beaming when Jude started to tell stories about what it was like during the teething stages, when she took her first steps, and other moments where she acted so much like both of them. Jude let herself take in the small enjoyment of being able to share so many of the moments that she had experienced with their daughter alone. While she had often shared these things with her sister and little brother, it felt different sharing it with Cardan. Jude never planned to share Everly with Cardan, but things had changed dramatically over the last few weeks. The fact remained that she was their daughter, and it was something that would bond them forever. 
Before either of them realized it, it was almost dusk. Cardan had followed her around through a typical day at home routine with a trip to the park, a nap, and he even helped with potty training and preparing dinner. Cardan held her when she was fussy and didn’t mind the occasional smack to the face when she got too excited and threw her arms out. 
She shouldn’t be impressed. These were things she did every day, alone. If Cardan wanted to know his daughter, then he should have to participate in everything that went into being a parent.  But Cardan grew up in a palace. He had maids and cooks. He was king . Every need was taken care of at a single command. In the castle, Everly would likely have a maid tend to her. None of the skills she was teaching him really mattered, but he learned them anyway.
Unless he thought she would never allow Everly back to the castle, and this was the only way he would get to see her. The thought made her feel a flurry of emotions. 
Everly was fighting sleep as she watched Cardan’s magic light up and dissipate from his palm. As much as she was in awe of the colorful lights he created, her eyelids dropped lower and lower until she fell asleep in the crook of his arm. 
“She is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Cardan murmured finally, brushing her dark bangs out of her eyes. 
Jude rolled her eyes and laughed, “Well, she is the spitting image of you, so of course you’d think that.” 
Cardan just shook his head, “I cannot deny we share the most obvious similarities, but when you look closely, she looks just like you.” He traced Everly’s tiny ear, much like he had with Jude’s that day lying in the grass. “She has your smile. Have you noticed?”  
He looked back to Jude, who shook her head slowly. She had never noticed before. All she saw was Cardan in her beautiful features. Some days it had been a painful reminder of the past that she could never entirely escape. Their eyes met, and Jude noted the way Cardan’s eyes dropped to her lips before returning again. She mimicked the motion herself. His lips were as perfect as the rest of his features.  Jude’s breath caught as she noticed Cardan had gone preternaturally still. Suddenly, the oxygen in the room had run out.  
Meeting Everly had stolen the focus of their reunion. Without a moment by themselves, the true reunion between the former lovers ( and enemies ) had not yet happened. They needed to talk. They needed to be at each other’s throats; in violence or want, Jude wasn’t sure. It was standing at a precipice, balancing before that falling sensation that would be the future neither of them knew the outcome of yet. A future as united rulers, raising Everly in a loving environment was still a fever dream Jude wouldn’t let herself believe in. 
Jude broke her eyes away first, jumping to her feet and walking over to the dresser to get her can of soda. The action gave her a moment to resume a normal breathing pattern again. When she returned, she reached for the baby, but Cardan pulled back ever so slightly. 
“Would it be alright to hold her a few minutes longer? I haven’t got much time before I must go.” 
Jude hesitated, shoving down the rage that boiled when he had moved away. She searched his face and found no malice in it, just a bit of exhaustion peeking up. A calming breath had her thinking rationally again. Nodding, Jude moved back to her original spot. 
The king and queen sat quietly, watching the sleeping child, all the while ignoring the almost moment they had. After a few minutes, Cardan rose gently from the couch and carried the child to the nursery. He returned to the living room a moment later. “May I return next week?” Cardan asked. 
“Next weekend is Halloween. We are going to be out for most of the day Sunday.” 
Cardan looked puzzled for a moment before recognition hit. “The mortal holiday of candy and tricks? Such a day does not seem suitable for a babe.” 
Jude laughed. Leave it to Cardan, who grew up in Faerie of all places, to think Halloween was dangerous. “It is hardly as dangerous as it sounds. It is mostly families who dress up in silly costumes and walk around the neighborhood getting candy.” 
A spark lit in Cardan’s gaze. “Families?” he asked softly, “So… you intend to wear a costume along with Everly?” 
Realization dawned on Jude, causing her to fidget. They still had not really established what type of dynamic they would have raising Everly. Being a “family” seemed too personal of a term, although they were bound together in more ways than one.  
“Everly is going as a pumpkin. Vivi bought her the costume last week. I can show it to you if you’d like.” Cardan nodded, and Jude retrieved the costume from the closet. She handed it to Cardan, who held it gingerly. It was utterly adorable with its puffy bottom and matching hat. “Oak insisted that I dress up too, but I will probably just put on a witch hat.” 
“Are you going with them?” Cardan set down the costume and walked to the door. He recognized her diversion for what it was. 
“Yeah. Neither Oak nor Vivi have to wear their glamour on Halloween. So Oak is going as a devil, Vivi as a cat, and I think Heather is going as a mad scientist.” She trailed off as guilt washed over her in waves. The entire conversation felt wrong, especially when she knew what Cardan wanted. A different Cardan would have made demands and threats, but the three years she had been gone had changed him. He was more patient, more willing to give her space. She was waiting for something… for the cruel young boy she had known to make an appearance, but he wasn’t there. 
Cardan took one look back towards Everly’s nursery door, before turning the handle and stepping out into the night. Sadness not well hidden on his face. Jude mentally berated him. He shouldn’t forget to wear a mask among his enemies otherwise they would take advantage of him and the kingdom. But... perhaps he didn’t bother because they weren’t enemies anymore. 
“I’ll send a letter next-”
“You should come,” she blurted out. 
Cardan turned to face her, equally shocked at her words. “I-” He starts, but Jude interrupts again. 
“We are leaving at 4. You can wear a costume or drop your glamour, whichever you prefer. But…” she swallowed. “It would be nice for you to be there. Everly would like it if you were there.” 
Heat burned across her cheeks. It was a silly thing to be embarrassed about. Cardan was Everly’s father. Parents go with their kids on Halloween. But the redness was not only from her words. Cardan was staring at her with an unrecognizable emotion. She met his gaze, and the intensity behind his eyes felt too intimate like it had on the couch. It brought up too many feelings that Jude had not allowed herself to feel in years. 
Her lips parted, attempting to fill the silence that had grown too long when Cardan bent down and placed a chaste kiss on her warm cheek before saying his goodbye and leaving. 
The spot where his lips had met her cheek continued to warm as she returned to the living room and threw herself face down on the couch. 
Jude walked through the door into Heather’s apartment and was overcome with a thick wall of fall scents. The entire apartment had been decorated with Halloween and fall decorations. It looked like Heather and Vivi had not decided on a cohesive theme, as each room appeared to be at war with each other. Dismembered bloody figures were wrapped in glitter pumpkin-themed garland. Skulls lined the shelves and were accompanied by “Friends Gather Here” signs. It was utterly horrifying and amusing at the same time. 
Everly didn’t mind and squealed at the string of purple and orange lights that covered the ceiling. She walked into the middle of the room where the lights were lowest and reached up for the lights. The child’s face exploded with joy when her little body was lifted into the air, close enough to the lights she could grasp them in her hands. Cardan had swooped into the room, drawn by the sound of Everly’s laughter, and lifted her above his head before Jude had a chance to track the movement. 
“Good afternoon, my loves,” Cardan said while bringing Everly back down into his arms.
She smiled up at him, “Daaa.” The word was still unfamiliar in her mouth. Cardan looked to Jude for help. Without meeting his eyes, Jude walked over to them and smiled encouragingly. 
“That’s right! This is Daddy.” 
Everly repeated the word over and over, still missing the second syllable, but Jude continued to praise her as she had over the last week teaching it. Finally, she glanced up to meet his eyes and felt butterflies in her own stomach. Cardan’s cheeks had reddened, and silver lined his eyes. He continued to bounce her lightly in his arms and nod encouragingly. Any words that he might have spoken were cut off by emotion. 
“I wanted to surprise you.” She said as a way of explanation. 
Cardan nodded again, eyes glistening. He leaned over and gently pressed a kiss to Jude’s cheek, making it her turn to blush. 
“Jude…” his voice came out hoarse. Before he could continue, the moment was interrupted by the rest of the house. 
Oak ran over and hugged Jude, “Can we play together now?” 
Jude looked to Cardan for the answer, and begrudgingly, he set her back on the ground. Taking her by the hand, Oak led Everly to his room, where the two often played together. Vivi had brought out two large steaming cups of cider and placed them in Jude and Cardan’s hands before Heather motioned for everyone to sit down in the living room. Heather took the beanbag chair and clasped her hands together. 
“So, look at you too. Co-parenting like pros. I wish my parents did holidays together. Instead, I just had to celebrate every holiday twice, which I suppose wasn’t the worst thing in the world.” 
A blush spread furiously across Jude’s face, and she refused to look in Cardan’s direction, but judging from his sudden stiffness, he too, was trying to process the comment. 
Two twenty-somethings. High King and Queen of Elfhame. Parents of a two-year-old. Their lives had never been simple, but their current circumstances were especially new territory. Halloween was not the time to talk, but Jude wondered how much longer she could find an excuse to delay a conversation. 
A half-hour later, the six of them left the apartment in search of candy. Cardan had managed to find a pumpkin costume himself in the short period he knew of their plans, but when he realized how unflattering he looked in it, he opted for an even more obnoxious orange suit instead, while Jude decided to wear a black skeleton costume. 
With the King of Elfhame walking around in the open, Jude made sure to keep an eye on each and every ghoul, zombie, and vampire that crossed their path. Liliver and the Court of Shadows lurked, undercover and from the unsuspecting places around them, but Jude still kept vigilant herself. It was a taste of what their future would look like. Even as queen, she would still look out for Cardan and now their child too. 
Everly didn’t make it long into Trick or Treating. Oak tried to walk with her up to each house, but her little steps made the process slow, and Oak’s excitement had him basically dragging her along after the first street. Eventually, Cardan swooped in and carried Everly up to each house, until her eyes dropped and she completely fell asleep. 
Oak’s energy, on the other hand, was limitless, and it wasn’t until his bag was so full he had to resort to dragging the bag that he agreed to go home. Once it was time, Heather, Vivi, and Oak said their goodbyes and headed toward their house. 
Cardan and Jude walked down the dark street and up to Jude’s apartment, remarking on the events of the evening. Once inside, Cardan helped remove the costume and wiped off the orange spots on Everly’s cheeks before laying her down in bed. She stirred for a moment before sleep took over once again. The two walked back to the entryway before Cardan interrupted the silence that had loomed over them. 
“Are you coming home?” 
There was no anger or sadness in his words. Rather, a carefully delivered question, not revealing any of his thoughts. 
She considered the question. Yes, she wanted to. No, it was dangerous.  How long before Cardan’s patience wore thin? How long before the desperation to return home would overtake her? How long before some enemy court found them here anyway with limited protection?  
“It can’t just be about what I want anymore.” 
A non-answer, but Cardan did not back down this time. “What does the mortal world have that makes it a better place to raise her?” 
Jude’s brow furrowed. “Less would-be assassins or kidnappers, happy to snatch a royal baby.” 
“I would like to remind you, that I survived a childhood in Elfhame utterly neglected and without any protection.” Jude started to object, but Cardan continued, “And that would not be the case with her. She will have all the protection our kingdom can offer.” 
Jude didn’t miss the emphasis he had placed on “our” kingdom. 
“Surely, someone will notice the rotation of spies and guards that are sent here, and our enemies will wonder why. We are being careful, but it is foolish to think someone won’t pick up on it. Not to mention, the risk we take with my absences.” 
“Then stop coming.” The venomous words slipped out of her before she could stop them. The anger rising in her was from the truth of his words She had been foolish to think there was a way to continue this inbetween situation. They would either have to disappear again and cut off the connection to Cardan and the court completely, or they would have to return. 
“I-” she began, wanting to take the words back. Cardan kept his features blank. His words were more clipped than before, the only reaction he would show to her words. 
“I said before I want to be in her life, and I mean it. I want to be in both your lives,” he stressed. “I will not miss this time with her. And if you continue to live in the mortal world, I will not miss the limited time we have together.” 
Jude flinched so violently that it was like an invisible blow struck her. He was right, though; she would keep aging in the mortal world, and Everly would only be a faction of the way through her long life before Jude passed from old age. The thought had her shaking slightly.
Her head emptied as he stalked up to her. It had her automatically stepping backward, pinning her back against the wall. His intensity didn’t waiver, but as he noted her body language, he took a small step back. 
His eyes searched hers, despair burning his features. “I will have you however you decide. Rule me again as you once did. Take a lover if you won’t have me. But know, I will bend to your will with or without a bargain. Name your price, and I will meet it; just don’t torture me with your absence or delay any longer.”
A sob built in her throat; her words came out with unexpected anguish, “Cardan, I don’t want a new lover. I don’t need another bargain.” 
This time, when he advanced, he did so slowly, and Jude didn’t move away. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek. It burned under his touch. Cardan gently tilted her head up until they were eye level, “Jude…” He closed his eyes in silent prayer before looking down at her again. Almost too quiet to hear, he whispered, “I just want you home.” 
Her resolve had melted, and she didn’t have the strength to fight the truth anymore. She wanted to go home too, with Cardan, with Everly. 
It was time to reclaim her throne and her life with the family she never could have imagined. 
“Take me home.” The words were barely off her lips before Cardan’s mouth was crashing over hers. He wrapped his free arm around her as they continued the kiss, her hands gripping his tunic. Before long, their cheeks were damp with tears of joy and release from all the years of waiting. 
"Take me home, Cardan," Jude murmured again, "Take us home."
Cardan only nodded before leaning in to kiss her again. 
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justdaphne · 2 years
prompt: Dad!Cardan in a meeting and his daughter interrupting it because she lost her toy
It was like watching a mundane show the speed of a snail. The eyes of his many advisers were soulless. The way they chattered among themselves in a gibberish manner. Or perhaps Cardan was just drunk? Nah. He was just painfully bored. It seemed like the meeting was going in a circle - topics kept looping back all the way to the beginning. There was no way out.
Much to his dismay, his wife was not there so he, for once, couldn’t bail out. Jude was away in the mortal world, attending Vivi’s engagement celebration. However, knowing Vivi, it was more of a rave than a celebration. How he wished he was there to attend. But alas, there was the dreaded meeting, which he couldn’t cancel (again)
Suddenly, the door opened with the slightest creak. His daughter, looked up at him with eyes so wide, shimmering with tears. “Papa, I lost my toy.” she said very faintly, barely heard for the advisers were still raging among themselves. “Silence,” Cardan said to them, with his voice of the High King booming along the hall. Turning back to Eva, he said calmly, “could you repeat what you said to me, Eva?”
“I lost my toys, can you help me to find them?” she murmured , her eyes pleading. “You want me to find them now?” She nodded in response, her lips barely a smile. “Alright.” He said, standing up. “Gentlemen, excuse me for a moment but please carry on.”
The moment the door closed, a thankful smile teased his lips. Freedom, Cardan thought. “Now where did you leave it, Eva?”
Searching for Eva’s toy was far from simple. Cardan and his daughter searched high and low, side to side, tearing the palace inside out (quite literally) But they couldn’t seem to find it anywhere, which caused Eva to tear up
Cardan lifted her up into his arms. resting her little head on his shoulder and patted her head in comfortingly. “Don’t cry.. don’t cry,” he whispered, “We’ll find it soon, alright?”
He brought her to the High King and Queen’s chamber to rest in and quietly set her down on their enormous bed. “We’ll find it okay?”
But just then, Cardan felt excruciating pain coming from his foot as he took a step. It was like a knife stabbed through his foot with so much rage. “TOY!!” shouted Eva, excitedly. “So, this is where it was.” said Cardan as he winced in pain. “I told you we would find it.” “Thank you, Papa!” Eva said with a smile so sweet it could rot teeth with just one look. “Stay here, alright? Papa needs to return back to the meeting.”
When he reached the meeting hall, he was greeted with pin drop silence. No one looked at him, no one spoke to him. He was facing rows and rows of empty seats. I came back just in time, Cardan thought to himself, a grin teasing his lips.
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judeswife-panini · 1 month
fanfic friday: tfota edition
Braids that Bind by rabbitholessk (@rabbitholessk)
Summary: Just some soft Cardan and Jude fluff where Cardan asks Tatterfell to teach him how to braid his Queen's hair.
Tags: Hair Braiding, Soft Cardan Greenbriar, Jude Duarte/Cardan Greenbriar Fluff, Parents, Fluff, Tatterfell is done with Jude
Words: 1,776 Chapters: 2/2
this is a super cute fic abt cardan learning to braid hair :) he's such a softie <3
(check out the writer's tumblr linked above for some more amazing tfota content)
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elephart-hi · 2 years
Okay.. Ik there are a lot of mixed opinions on Jurdan having a baby…
What if Jurdan uses the room that Cardan burned down as their nursery since it’s connected to the royal chamber 🥺🥺
Exscuse me while I weep your honor
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tfotababe · 2 years
Synopsis: Jude Duarte thinks she is poisoned. She feels sick? It must be the poison. She eats more? It must be because the poison made her weak. She missed her period? Yeah, must have been the poison. Was she poisoned? You guessed it! No! Word count: 4, 101
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When the physician took his leave, Vivi, Heather, and Taryn took Cardan over to the corner of the room. "If anything happens to her or the baby, I will be the one fighting you alright?" Vivi received a slightly painful nudge from her wife of five years. "You should bring her to a mortal doctor so we could see if it's a girl or a boy." Heather told him. "She's going to have a lot of changes. She's going to be more vulnerable, her mood would change time and again, she'll need to be taken care of, a lot." Taryn fills him on the struggles of human pregnancy, putting great emphasis on the last part. On the other hand, Jude was left with Oak and Amelia. "Why are you crying auntie? Do you not like the baby?" Amelia asks the currently very emotional Jude. Oak had stopped with his device instead giving his older sister a listening ear. "You know Lia, sometimes when people are really happy they cry." Oak explains, giving Jude a tissue. He had matured quite a bit after breaking up with his 'girlfriend'. He said he wanted to become a better 'man' for her. "Oh, so auntie is really happy?" She averts her gaze to Oak. "Yes, Lia. Hug me?" Jude finally says. She was propped onto the headboard of the bed. she opened her arms and invited Lia to come over. Her niece in turn, crawled on top of the bed and went into her embrace. "You're so warm!" What Amelia said was more comforting than it would have been in any other context. To Jude, the giggles she got from Amelia sounded sugary. She wonders if her child would say that about her voice too, if their giggles would sound just as sweet or if it would sound sweeter. Seeing Oak looking at them, she removes a hand from Amelia's back, also inviting him. "No. I'm not a kid anymore." Oak crosses his arms, looking away. "If you won't hug me as a kid, what about as my brother?" Jude asks. "Fine. but only because it would make you happy." Trudging over to the side of the bed, Oak made it look like a walk of shame. Still he crawls onto the bed to give Jude the hug she asked for. If it is because she is soon to be a mother or because she likes Oak and Amelia that she feels this moment gratifying she doesn't really know. After a few moments, Vivi, Heather, and Taryn decided to give Cardan and Jude some time to talk to themselves. Taking Oak and Amelia with them. Cardan walks to Jude. He could immediately spy the doubt in her eyes. "We will do great Jude. You will do great." But, even the supposedly solacing kiss that Cardan gave his wife, didn't help in the nine months of pregnancy. 1 Month The Queen has been tossing and turning in her sleep. She tossed and turned so much it woke the King. "Jude..?" Was the first thing the King muttered The Queen turns to look at him in the eyes. "Cardan… I'm famished…" The words paired with a deadpan look was rather ironic. The King couldn't quite stop his laughter at such a chucklesome moment. "What are you laughing at?" The Queen scowled. "Well-" The King removed his hand from his eyes to look at his Queen but then the Queen looked too adorable for him, he couldn't help his laugh yet again. This time though, it was of affection rather than amusement. Wiping away the tears, he asks his Queen. "Well then, what does the High Queen of Elfhame crave at 12 noon when many are asleep?" The King sits up on the bed. "Veal. I want veal paired with potatoes and cheese. Do we still have ice cream? Did we get ice cream? And maybe bread too. And after that something sweet but also a little salty… Do we have something like that?" The Queen rests her head on her palms while looking up at the King. "I doubt we'll be able to get any of what you want here in Faerie. Come, let's head to the mortal realm." To that the Queen's face lit up.
2 Months The High Queen and King of Elfhame was invited to a revel. They accepted, it would be careless of them not to when it had been planned for them. They shouldn't have. They should have just been careless. The Queen had one hand at Nightfell's hilt while the other sub-consciously positions itself on her stomach. The King, regardless of not knowing how to use a sword, had put himself in front of his wife. "We'll get a higher pay if they discover the woman has --" Cardan needed not to hear the rest of what the slaughterers had to say. With an outstretched hand, Cardan made the tree roots come alive. Grabbing those who was sent to harm the High Queen and dragging them into the soil. When he turns after hearing the clang of metal, he sees the Queen fighting two different Fae. He would have left her to fight them, she could finish them, he knows. But he couldn't do that. Especially not when another folk joins in. Still, before he could do anything, the other two the Queen had been fighting is on the ground, their necks slit. He sees Jude mutter something but not quite hear it then just like that, the third folk had been cornered in a bush, slowly being swallowed by the land. He was about to say something to lighten the atmosphere, if it was possible, however, his wife had collapsed. Lucky were they that he caught her. If not, he might declare war on the rulers of the court. It had tired him to call on the land even as a Faerie, how much more spent is she, carrying a child, holding a sword and commanding the land? It took all his might and every bit of his responsibility to not yell a declaration of treason.
3 Months Taryn had introduce her twin to the term 'Baby proof'. Hence, why when a new item is being brought in the palace, The Queen would appear from thin air to ask "Is that baby proof?" A new shelf is getting installed? The Queen would stalk in and tell them, "Make sure that's strong enough for a kid. oh, and add those soft corner things Taryn gave." Was it heart warming? Yes. Was it irritating? No. But then the Queen started to look at anything and think of it as bad for the future child. When she saw anything sharp, her eyes would grow big and she'd say "Cardan! That's not baby proofed!" She saw a book -- "That could fall on their head. Make sure to lock the room." The only thing she wasn't baby proofing now were the swords. But Cardan could see the 'baby-proof-that-thing' glint in her eyes. If it was not for the training, those swords would have been stoppered right away. No questions asked. Just orders. Was it heart warming? No. Was it irritating? Yes. The King smiles.
4 Months The King and Queen are taking a bath together. Normally, it would be the King between the legs of the Queen, leaning into her chest with his eyes closed. With the Queen feeling the vulnerability of a pregnant woman though, their positions were reversed. "Do you feel better?" Cardan asked his wife. Planting a chaste kiss on her temple while stroking her stomach, which is progressively increasing in size a day at a time. "Hmm?" Jude looks back, eyes ending on his lips. She pecks it before continuing with what she had to say. "Very much." "Right. Then, would you like to head to the mortal world now?" The Queen nods. The King get's up and helps the Queen stand up. After that, everything went fast for the Queen. They get clothed, got everything ready for their travel, and arrive at the mortal world. Only when they are at the doctors office did time run normally for Jude. Gliding a device on her stomach, the doctor give her a happy smile. "It seems you will be having twins Mrs. Greenbriar." She announces. "Twins?" Cardan jolts upward from his seat beside Jude's bed. "Yes sir." She nods happily. Jude and Cardan could only look at each other in horror. It was mostly joy, yes. Still, Cardan couldn't believe he would be having two children at once and Jude doesn't believe she'd be able to care for so many.
5 Months The King woke to rustling. From his bed he sees his Queen slumped over the table, face in her hands. When he had processed the situation, he stands up immediately. Feeling the sudden movement, Jude looks up. She wipes her tears and walks over to her husband. When their paths meet, Cardan was fast to cup Jude's face. "What happened? Do you feel anything wrong? Does anything hurt?" He asked her immediately. "Do you think I'll be a good mother?" Jude says, voice hoarse. "Of course." Cardan answers. "How? How could I give anything I didn't experience? I grew taught by Madoc. What if our children end up the way I did?" She looks up to meet his sincere gaze. "Jude, you gave me many things you yourself lacked. I doubt you'd be a bad mother, look how I turned out. I believe a mostly drunken, irresponsible Fae would be harder to manage than a child. You'd do great. And when you can't do it, I'll help you. You won't even need to ask for it." Jude cries. Cries so hard Cardan wonders where all her tears come from. Still, he strokes her back comfortingly and until she falls back asleep, he tells her all the things he knew could assure her.
6 Months The High Queen was stroking her stomach when the High King entered their chamber. "Jude... You'd do absolutely fine as a mother. Had we not talked about this?" The King hastened his steps, immediately cupping the cheeks of his wife. The Queen chuckled, "I know. I believe what you had told me was enough to give me confidence in my future motherhood..." "Then?" He wondered what else she was worried about if not how she would do as a mother. They had enough riches to provide for the children, they had established their rule, what else was there to worry about? "Names." She says "We haven't thought of names." The King was overcome with relief. He had thought it had something to do with the child being human or Fae or maybe she wished the children to be introduced to the mortal realm. "What type of name would you like?" The King sat down beside the Queen. "Something significant." She leaned on his shoulder. "Such as?" "Alice..." She looked at the King in the eyes. The King smiled. He was about to say something but the Queen beat him to it. "Or something meaning river..." "River?" The High King wondered what it meant... "Oh." The King realized. "Oh." The realization sunk in.
7 Months By this time the King had refused the Queen to do anything in connection to the work he had dubbed 'fatigue-inducing'. Which means the King stressing, pushing himself to his limits and the Queen getting angered at him treating her 'like a child'. "I am no doll, Cardan!" The Queen shouts when the King, yet again, snatches the report she had in her hands. "I have been with you for long enough to know that Jude." The King tries to keep his voice steady. "Then let me do what I have to!" The King felt his patience coming to an end. "Look at yourself, Jude. You can't even walk properly! You waddle! You shouldn't strain yourself with anything more. Carrying one child is strenuous enough but you are carrying two!" The King raises his voice. Arms flailing about. "I was kidnapped, almost torn in half Cardan! I could do this! My using the thing in my head won't tire me so much!" She crosses her arms. "Stop being so witlessly dense Jude!" Jude held her stomach. Oh. He didn't mean those words to come out so forcefully... "Jude... I didn't-" He was about to explain but Jude had snatched the paper from his hands. "You didn't mean it? Then let me finish my responsibilities." She says, smug. Still, Cardan knows. She's hurt. He hurt her. She had always found sword fights better than words and raised voices. She'd be more sensitive to them now. He opens his arms. Cardan knew forcing a hug on her would only make her try to break free more. Asking for her voluntary gesture would be best. If she refuses, it would be fine. He'd just have to woo her. Jude accepts. She cries. "I'm sorry..." She says in between her sobs. "I just-- I don't like it... Doing nothing makes me feel weak... Useless..." She cries on his chest, words mostly choked out. "I was in the wrong... I shouldn't have shouted. I should have understood better. I'm sorry." He says in her hair. Leaving a few kisses. He lifts her head up. "I love you. Alright? I'll let you do it, under the condition that you force to finish nothing." "...Fine." She answers weakly. He guides her to their bed. Sitting her on his lap, lightly rocking her, he repeats his pleads for her forgiveness.
8 Months "Jude! What are you doing!?" The King's voice echoed through the halls of the palace. "It's fine! The doctor said I should exercise. Do you want my delivery to be difficult? Does my agony please you to such a point?" The Queen shouts back. At times like these, the attendants know to step back. They would not be able to do anything and they would only be punished for their meddling with the royal couple. "My dearest, even now as we are speaking you are holding a sword!" The King stomps his feet. Glaring at the Fae who dares look their way. "It's made of wood. It won't do any such to me!" By the time the Queen finishes her statement, the King is in front of her. The King tries to snatch the sword from her hands, he struggles quite a bit but only until the Queen lets go, by which he stumbles back. "It could hit you or worse hit your stomach." The King says heaving in air after the struggle for the wooden sword. "You could exercise but only with those mortal devices that Vivi brought. Swords are far too dangerous for you and our children." 9 Months The High King and Queen had gotten invited to a revel. Again. The revel would be held in the Court of Termites, an allied court. Still, the High King feels the need to be wary. The Queen's sisters had given him a generous amount of sources, all of which said that the last month of pregnancy would be most straining on the body of the woman. He wished not to add any more. She was the High Queen and he was the High King. He could ask for her to be excused from the event. But, Jude even when supposed to be weak and delicate remain obstinate as ever. "The land was able to protect me. You were able to protect me. I trust, shall anything happen, you'd protect us again." The Queen assures the King. Even without it though, they would still be going. Could he still refuse when they are already getting ready? Cardan had been guarded the whole time while heading to the revel. Making sure he could feel the Bomb and the Roach's presence. When they got to the venue, Lord Roiben and his consort greeted them. Talking to Lord Roiben, The King looked at Jude and her swelling stomach. "I had told you." He said. "I understand." The head of the Court of Termites nodded his head. "I offer my late congratulations to Your Majesties." He bows his head, this time to the Queen's direction. "We'll head in first." Kaye told the men. When she and the Queen are alone she asks if she minds meeting new Fae. Of course, Jude said she didn't mind. The Fae Jude had expected to meet were closer to an ally rather than a friend.
The female Fae's she was met with however, had asked her so many questions, so many words, she had protectively wrapped her hand around her stomach. The action had somehow become her defensive instinct. Something that, when done, makes her feel safe and assured that the teensy creatures inside her hadn't slipped out. "How does it feel to carry twins? Is it heavier?" One asked. "Does it feel different, human pregnancy?" Another leaned in. "I heard mortals glow when with child. True it seems." The other said, crossing her arms around her chest, eyes slitting. Another tried to rub her stomach, she backed away. It was an innocent gesture she knew, the Fae did look rather young. "Sorry." The young Fae looked very apologetic. "Had I truly forgotten to tell? Mortal pregnancy, is much more vulnerable than that of Fae. Mortal mothers are more caring of their children as they have as much a chance of losing their child as conceiving them." Kaye explained in Jude's place. "It's alright." Jude smiles, removing one hand from her stomach, only letting one on top. She guides the hand of the little Fae onto her stomach. After the scene, the atmosphere had turned a warmer, friendlier one. With Jude answering their questions and them giving her advice on motherhood And yes, Jude knew better, but to see the creatures she had expected to abhor her give counsel for the caring of her child warmed her heart tremendously. ~~~~~ A mix of sugar and spice, those nine months. Still, those times couldn't quite compare to the birthing of the royal children. Giving birth went quite fast or maybe it was because of the great commotion that ensued. When the Queen's water broke nobody was beside her. She panicked. Panicked real bad. "Cardan..?" She asked the empty room. She had peed her pants, she was about to give birth, and yet she didn't know which was more absurd. "Cardan!" She screamed. Heavy foot falls could be made out from outside the room and then BOOM! the door flew off its hinges -- quite literally. It had landed beside the table actually -- "What. Happened!?" The Queen finally looked up. The King was in the place of the door, legs apart, arms spread wide. "I peed my pants." She looked, still very pretty, but her expression had been ghastly. Eyes big as saucers, mouth hanging open, body frozen, trousers wet, hands holding-- or rather -- grasping and forcibly squeezing at the poor parchment in them. "Huh? I thought you were -" "I'm giving birth, you knuckle head!" With that the King carried the Queen in his arms, shouting orders for Tatterfell and the Bomb, for towels, warm water, and anything that could help childbirth. The Queen had finally been set down onto a bed, peaceful but not really. The attendants outside were running around like stormed mice, shouting "THE HIGH QUEEN IS GIVING BIRTH!! THE ROYAL CHILDREN ARE COMING!!" like an alert signal. In no time, the whole palace had been bombarded with the news. Cooks thinking of food to give a mortal who just gave birth. Attendants cleaning the floors, making sure not a spec of dust was in the palace. Others locking the doors to libraries and sword storehouses. With a lot of struggle the women were able to get the King out the room. When he heard Jude scream, he screamed. When another scream came, he held his hands over his ears, also screaming. "Can I really do nothing? She sounds as though she is getting butchered. Do mortal children crawl their way out of their birth giver?" Cardan looks back at Taryn, hysteria obvious in his eyes. "Cardan! Get Cardan in here!" Before Taryn could answer, Jude's voice came muffled from inside the room.
Cardan didn't think another second before dashing into the room. When he came in, he sees Jude holding onto two cloths coming from the ceiling, legs parted, Tatterfell between them. "Just a bit more!" The imp raises her voice to overlap the screaming. Cardan get's shaken awake and continues his walk to Jude and with a towel he wipes the beads of sweat on her forehead, swiping away the baby hairs. With a bit more screaming and a few more tugs, the prince was out into the world. Brown locks and eyes from his mother. Pale skin and tail from his father. With another set of screams and tugs, the princess was reunited with her parents and sibling. Raven hair, ebony eyes, and tail from her father. Rich tan skin from her mother.
~~~~~ Now, a week after their birth, it was time for the twins to rightfully receive their names. The High King and Queen headed to the throne room one child in each of their arms.
In front of the throne, a mat of grass was set. On that mat, they laid the future heirs to the crown.
Just like nuptials, giving names to Fae children was kept only to the child and parents. Names, after all, are the weakness of the Folk. The Queen raised her open arms. Tilting her head heavenward, eyes closed. "Sobriquet 'Alina'- " She speaks only for the ears of the infant. Putting her hands down, eyes opened, she bends at her knees to put her hands on the marble tiled floor. "Answer only to 'Alice Catalina Greenbriar'. One besides the name given to you shan't weaken, sway, nor hold authority over you." She whispers into the air, letting her words turn into crystalline mist. From underneath the little princess, grass grew greener, flowers budded. A branch of the throne circled protectively around the child; acceptance. The land accepted the princess. The Queen kneeled, bowing her head; a show of gratitude toward the land. Once the Queen had stood up, it was the King's turn to bless his child with a name. He opens his arms and just like the Queen, tilts his head upward after closing his eyes. "Sobriquet 'Veride'- " He sets forth a worthy name for his son. Repeating the gestures, words, and actions of the Queen, he lets his words turn into a warm glimmer of moonlight. "Answer only to 'Everild Wade Greenbriar'. One besides the name given to you shan't weaken, sway, nor hold authority over you." The same way it did to the princess, the grass around the little prince turned a vigorous shade, vibrant flowers sprouting from it. Forming a similar cot, the throne wrapped a branch around the prince. The King and Queen could only smile. Any words they could use was probably an understatement to the burning in their chests. ~~~~~ The Queen, King, and the royal children came out into the revelry.
Jude's foster father, former Grand General Madoc was the first to greet them. Looking intently at the boy he says "He looks very much like you, Your Majesty." he puts his gaze to Jude. "I believe so." Cardan answers in Jude's stead. "Would you like to hold them?" Jude wasn't going to ask such a thing but seeing the glint in Madoc's eyes, she felt it would be fine. "Would that be fine?" His time in the mortal world has rather calmed his want for bloodshed. It had given him time to think of what he had done, time to ease into the position of father. Holding the little prince and princess, he feels ready to embrace another position. "They're very precious." He looks alternately at the infants in his arms. More than ever, he feels he had missed so much of Elfhame. Of his foster daughter Jude. "I'm not so forgiving but, if the children are at ease with you… I'll learn." Jude tells her foster father, taking one of the infants from his arms. "You should enjoy the revelry." The King says taking the other. "I'm appreciative of the consideration your Majesties." The former General bows before blending into the crowd.
There was no wine in this celebration. All attendees were told to wear an unsparing amount of clothes. The songs sung were restrained. Still, the celebration felt just as merry as any other. ~~~~~
The King is starting to think the food he ate in the revel had some type of drug in it because even now, with sleepless nights haunting him. Cardan could not think of any better instance in his life. Having his daughter flailing her arms in his embrace, his son in his wife's arms, grabbing at her hair -- Yes, in this rather chaotic moment -- he feels as though he is walking through a grass field on a balmy summer day. And even the cold night air seeping in through the window could not overwhelm the warmth he had in his chest.
Now, poison only adds sweetness to his once bitter wine and the more he has, the more willing he is to drink.
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deathsweetblossoms · 6 months
The Cruel Prince Deleted Scene 3
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Just want to say that Holly makes a note in this book that says any scene with Cardan was cut because she was trying to make him truly awful, and some of these deleted scenes showed too much of his sympathetic side (imsuffering)
Scenes 1 and 2, all scenes here
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no cause it just occurred to me that even when cardan thought hoped jude might like him back, might feel even a morsel of what he felt for her, he still didn’t think she would ever choose him. Over her ambitions, her other loves, anything. Even if she desired him - and he’d known himself how desires could be so frustrating and, well, undesirable - surely she desired other things more.
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And it’s just so in-character of him i want to cry. of course he thinks he’s expendable. no one had ever loved him unconditionally. his parents barely spared him a single glance, his siblings only took notice when it aligned with their interests (and often clashed with his), his only serious lover left him for a passing fancy, and then he was forced into a situation in which people had to swear to love him. Of course he didn’t trust jude’s affections. Of course he thought she probably just found something better to occupy herself with. Of course he didn’t believe he could actually mean something to her.
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starrynightsxo · 10 days
"Cardan looks taken aback. Or possibly I spoke so fast he's not even sure what I said. 'You need not say it out of pity,' he says finally, with great deliberateness. 'Or because I was under a curse. I have asked you to lie to me in the past, in this very room, but I would beg you not to lie now.'"
- Cardan Greenbriar, The Queen of Nothing
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clockworkbee · 7 months
gf who loves knives & daggers and bf who loves her blade against his throat >>>
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naughtnixnothing · 9 months
actual canon events to show how dense jude is when it comes to cardan
cardan: you seem to have cut yourself jude: maybe he was looking at the tower waiting for me to jump to my death
cardan when valerian was stabbed: it was no more than u deserved jude: valerian must have misunderstood. cardan must have been mocking him for letting me under his guard.
cardan: you’re mortal. it’s not safe for you here. especially if you go around stabbing everyone. jude: i try to remind myself he must be in shock and grieving, and that might make him behave strangely.
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cardudescrown · 7 months
We really forgot the fact that Cardan is 18 years old yet chugs wine like he has a 9-5 office job for 15 years
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mia-nina-lilly · 1 month
Since it's a book about Oak and Suren, and indeed it's a sequel, I suppose I should be paying attention to them, however, nevertheless, every time Cardan appeared or was mentioned, I couldn't help but think about how my boy went from the Cruel Prince to the damn badass king of Elfhame. Guys, Cardan practically owns anyone in conversation, knows the schemes alongside Jude, and on top of that, he's super powerful, a present husband, brother-in-law, and uncle. He's everything and then some. The way that Oak sees him aaaaaa.
I love Holly for giving us this development 🥹😭
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judeswife-panini · 2 months
fanfic friday: tfota edition
Something Precious by ironicallyanemic (@court-of-forever-undone)
Summary: After three years of exile, Cardan is determined to bring Jude back home with him. When he arrives, the last thing he expects to find is a dark-haired toddler looking up at him. Jurdan Baby Story!
Tags: jurdan - Freeform, Fluff, Jude's exile, jurdan baby, the cruel prince - Freeform, the wicked king, the queen of nothing, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Jude Duarte/Cardan Greenbriar Fluff, Soft Cardan Greenbriar
Words: 7,673 Chapters: 2/2 (...for now)
this is an amazing jurdan exile baby fic (which i've been reading a lot of lately...) and y'all should absolutely read it!! it features a little bit of angst, cardan learning how to dad, and absolutely adorable jurdan toddler <3
also make sure to check out the author (linked above) for an amazing tfota blog and more fics!!
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tfotababe · 2 years
Synopsis: Jude Duarte thinks she is poisoned. She feels sick? It must be the poison. She eats more? It must be because the poison made her weak. She missed her period? Yeah, must have been the poison. Was she poisoned? You guessed it! No! Word count: 1, 517
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Jude, after being costumed into a silk maroon robe, promptly excused Tatterfell. Indisposition almost instantly returned to her system after she left the water. Too many had seen her weakness and she wished for no more to see her in such a state.
She not so elegantly plopped onto the bed. The soft mattress and the cotton sheets quickly soothing her to sleep. "My beloved wife, must you really lay like that?" But, weak are the cushions against the voice of her inamorato. "Cardan..." Jude pushes herself up onto her elbows. Seeing her betrothed, she immediately feels heat crawl into her cheeks. How late he noticed my abandon of the revel. The red went back to wherever it had come. "The night is young. I doubt you had concluded that bacchanal celebration. I am fine, you should get back to the revel and perform your duties as the host." Her appearance she could keep inoffensive, her tone, however, did not have the same guise. "Have you become a terrible liar or have I become so great at discerning your lies to your truths?" Cardan laughs, striding nimbly over to his better half. Jude frowns, "Think what you will." "With pleasure, my lovely Mrs." Cardan greets Jude with a peck to her lips with which she answered with an unkind moue. "Where did you learn that term?" Jude asks as her husband tries to kiss away the crease of her brows. "I heard Vivi call Heather Mrs. Duarte, I figured it is what a married pair calls each other. You, are my Mrs. Greenbriar -- that is if you'd allow it." Jude rolls her eyes in an attempt to stop a grin. Cardan had sat down on the side of the bed, putting his hands beside her hips trapping her between them. "Go back, I truly am fine. You should enjoy the leisure." Now, Jude had faced Cardan. Planting a few pecks on his lips and cheek. "Answer me first. Do you accept my calling you Mrs. Greenbriar? My Mrs. Greenbriar?" He asks, keeping up the feverish gaze he had fixated on Jude. "We had been married beyond a decade. You had always had the right to call me your Mrs." She mentions in a matter-of-factly way. "I speak not of my right but of whether you find being Mrs. Greenbriar agreeable or not." He clears, letting the feverish gaze become more fierce. Jude is felt her qualms leaving her. "Yes. I find it agreeable." She leans over but pauses and cuts the contact. "Go back now. Our subjects are waiting." "Lies. You want me to stay." He says almost comically deadpan, smirk spreading over his lips. Silence. " Mrs. Greenbriar, Fine? Enjoy the leisure? You say that to me when, while trying to stand you had fallen back? Should I really enjoy ease and relief when my dearest, most cloying poison sat on the throne, eyes closed, face growing paler?" After a few moments of looking in each other eyes, he finally decides to hold his wife in tight hug. Rolling the two of them over so they lay on their sides. Jude could smell him. Packed soil and a lingering scent of wine. She found it most comforting. "I assure you, oh, esteemed High Queen of Elfhame. I left our dear subjects after announcing they could enjoy the 'debauch' by themselves as I would be heading to my wifey." He utters in her hair. Letting himself get a whiff of the lavender fragrance mixing with an earthy scent and another he couldn't quite place. "Wifey? Did you also hear that from Vivi and Heather?" Jude looks up to meet his eyes. "Indirectly, yes." "Indirectly?" "Through a mortal film." "Really..." Slowly their conversation becomes more and more hush until only Cardan was wakeful. After participating in all the frolicking, he presumes he smells corrupt. However, he wishes not to wake his wife. Looking at her, he realizes her calm might be his most unpleasant venom. It could drive him mad, how still very pernicious she looks even in her slumber. Admiration filled his head, spilling from his thoughts and eyes, rocking him to sleep. ~~~~~ Nausea.
Pushing the weight away from her body, she bolted to the lavatory. "Jude…" Her husband called to her, voice muffled. She tried to reply but it only made the her body convulse in a more violent manner. "Jude…" Cardan's voice got closer, added concern evident. He rubbed her back in comforting circles, pulling her hair back the way he saw in the film Vivi had shown him. "I'll be calling physician. This is not the first time and I worry that you have caught a mortal disease." Jude wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. Standing up and heading to the tub of water that is always prepared for the use of the King and Queen. "No." She declared, looking back at her spouse when she felt as fit to be seen as she can be after hurling bile into the toilet, certainty evident in her voice. "Jude." Cardan's voice came out forceful. "You are strong, to that I could personally attest to. However, I long to have my Queen for as long as I live. If you won't take care of her, let me." "Cardan. I'm fine." She wears the scowl she knows he turns hesitant toward. Opposed to the effect she wanted though, he only got more provoked. "Stop. Lying." He steps closer toward her, grabbing her arms. "If you are not comfortable with a different fae, I will call Liliver. If you don't wish for her, I will call on Taryn, Vivi or a mortal doctor if you want. I will call for help whether you want it or not." To that Jude didn't reply to. She knew it would be futile anyway and vomiting when she hadn't had anything for the past ten hours, had exhausted her. "Fine." She admits defeat That's too easy. Cardan thought. "However." There it is. He straightens himself. "However?" "I need to talk to Fand. If I don't get her report, I won't be seeing anybody." The Queen sets her conditions, The King obeys. ~~~~~ "My Queen." The knight greets the woman she serves. "Tell me. What of the girl? The cup? Did you find anything suspicious?" The Queen asks, making sure to be cautious with her words. She would rather deal with the King bringing in people to bustle about her than have him disturbing the peace of the palace for a sudden interrogation. She glances beside her, to the King; a silent warning to not mention anything of poison. "Ah.. The girl is fine. The cup had not been tampered with either." She hesitates before speaking. The King's eyes narrow with suspicion. Still, he asks none of his questions. Whatever it is, he trusts his Queen. "Very well. Go back to what you had been doing." The Queen tells her personal knight. Fand bows and leaves the room. Jude had many queries. Before she could process all of them though, the King had already made a fuss about getting a physician, writing letters to the Queen's sister and shouting orders to bring more cushions and blankets. ~~~~~
A physician, Vivi, Heather, Oak, Taryn, Taryn's daughter, Amelia, and the King are surrounding the Queen. Really, it was quite a sight. A comical one. "Auntie Jude… Are you alright?" Amelia asked Jude who was currently laying down on the bed, blankets and cushions around her body. She was fine until they decided wrapping her in a blanket and laying her down was a good idea. It was far too hot but since she could lie, why tell the truth? "Yes, I feel alright Lia. If there's anything wrong, the doctor would tell me about it." Jude smiled at Amelia. Even she herself didn't know she could give such a smile. How she was able to give something she didn't have, she didn't know. "It's just morning sickness." The physician finally said. "Morning sickness? Is it an Ailment that develops in the morning?" Vivi's mouth gaped open, Heather squealed, Oak looked up from the device he had in his hands, and Taryn held her youngest sister's hand, muttering congratulations repeatedly. Amelia copied her mother. Jude and Cardan? Well, they didn't understand what all of that meant. The physician understood the regard with which the King and Queen gave him and explained that the Queen is likely with child.
Jude looked at her husband. Cardan looked at his wife. Everything around them stopped. the way it would in films.
If it was possible for happiness to overfill a creature, that was how Cardan felt. He had always envied people who had children, wondered how it would be to take care of a child of his own. Fantasize about how him and Jude together would look like. And now, now he would see the mini them. He could take care of his own child. He was going to be a father.
Tears welled up in Jude's eyes. It was happy tears, she was sure. Afterall, every so often, when her day was rather somber, she wonders if she was barren. She had always envied Taryn for having Amelia. But now, now she was going to have her Amelia. She had a life inside her. She was going to be a mother.
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No because I need to see Jude as a mother- I need her to have her Bjork 1996 Paparazzo moment.
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