#just audrey losing her shit silently
missaudreystiara · 2 years
Prompt Bess × Audrey 10!
Anon I’m sorry it’s taken so long to reply!  This prompt for my faves seemed to sad too write (screw you anon - jk) and I had no idea where to start with it,  but then I remembered something Bess says in S2 episode 10 just after they’ve decided to use Audrey as a hostage and sort of ran with it!  I don’t usually write angsty fics and I’m not sure it’s where my skills lie (I generally only write fluffy feel good mush) but I actually like where this idea went and I’m thinking about using it as a starting point for a series exploring the gap between S2 and S3 and attempting to delve a bit more into Audrey’s motivations/thoughts at this time.  Anyway, I’d love to hear your thoughts 🖤❄️
10 - Things you said that made me feel like shit
How long are they going to leave me in here?  Audrey wondered, sitting on the floor of a cupboard, still bound in handcuffs, still covered in her own blood - still alone.  Was this what rock bottom felt like?
It seemed like hours had passed since she’d been locked back away in there after Layton and his merry band of pirates had stolen Snowpiercer from Joseph, and her along with it (not that he’d seemed as concerned about losing her as he had been about losing his precious engine).  Losing the engine meant he was losing power, control, but losing her?  That was a mere inconvenience by comparison.  Audrey knew better by now than to be surprised, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt or that she hadn’t wished that this might have finally been the time he did surprise her.  She hated herself for that. 
To say that the pair had a complicated history would be… an understatement.  They’d spent almost two decades together before the freeze, but they weren’t filled with the romance and laughter that Joseph liked to pretend they had been.  For Audrey, it had been years of knowing that she was only safe for as long as she was willing to be what Joseph needed her to be, for as long as he felt like he was in control of her, body and soul.  That was what the deal had been all those years ago when he’d spotted her working as an escort at a party on one of his trains.  He had offered her a way out - to show her the world… to help her to record her music and share her talent… a life with him.  A handsome stranger offering her everything she’d ever wanted, and all he’d asked for in return was loyalty.  At 18 years old it had sounded so easy.  She shuddered; the scar on her forearm was all the reminder she needed of what could happen if that loyalty was called in to question.  
What would happen to her now?  If Joseph had even the slightest reason to doubt whether her loyalty had remained strong while she was trapped here, what fate would await her when the two trains eventually reconnected?  Christ! Just look at how he’d responded to Kevin after only a day aboard Snowpiercer.  She’d alienated her friends and if she couldn’t rely on Joseph’s… affection… what was she going to do?
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.  A knock?  She almost laughed Who on earth takes a hostage and locks them away, only to… knock before entering?
“It’s me, I’ve come to see if you’re okay” …Bess.  She was the last person Audrey wanted to see.  She remained silent.
After a pause, it must have dawned on the former brakemen that she wasn’t going to receive a reply.  Audrey heard the key turn in the lock.  She greeted the blonde with a raised eyebrow - as if she cared whether she was okay?
“I don’t know what to say okay, Audrey?” Bess shrugged and ran an anxious hand through her fringe.  She took a hesitant step forward, “Are you okay?”
Audrey scoffed.  “Like you care.”
Bess sighed “Please don’t make this harder, Audrey.”
“Seriously? You’re asking me not to make this harder?”  She retorted.
“This wasn’t my idea Audrey” the former brakeman snapped “I didn’t choose to bring you with us.”
“Yes” Audrey agreed, “You’ve made that abundantly clear Bess.  But whoever’s idea this was, you were the one who paraded me in front of Joseph like a puppet and then manhandled me in here - did this” she attempted to gesture to her nose, bloody and swollen, with her shoulder.  It wasn’t easy in handcuffs.
At this, the blonde winced.  “I am sorry about that.  I hope it isn’t broken.”
“Fortunately for you, I don’t think it is” Audrey replied.
“Good” Bess nodded.  
A beat passed.  Bess took another few awkward steps forward into the cupboard, closing the gap between the two of them.  “Look —” she began, her voice softer now “I’m supposed to be taking you straight to the library, but do you want me to take you somewhere to clean up first?  Ben’s using the shower up in the engine, but I think there’s a bath tub in one of the first class cabins you could use?”
Audrey froze. “No” she said more firmly than she’d intended, “not a bath tub.”
Bess eyed her with confusion.
Still somewhat rattled, Audrey continued “Just — can you just take me to a sink somewhere or bring me a basin of water or something.  Not a bath tub.  Please.”
Bess continued to stare at her at her, mystified, but Audrey offered no explanation.  “Why, does Wilford have a bath kink?”  The blonde asked, seemingly in an attempt at a joke to diffuse the mounting tension in the room.
“Something like that” she replied, her expression full of disgust, “I — I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay, okay — err — I’ll bring you some water, just — just bear with me a minute” Bess replied awkwardly, quickly ducking back out of the cupboard, leaving Audrey alone again.
She let out a sigh of relief when the door closed.  Too many old memories were resurfacing - old wounds re-opening - today, and she wasn’t in the mood to share them.  If truth be told, she hadn’t ever been in the mood to share them. 
The former brakeman returned quickly, knocking on the door once more.  “Come in” Audrey responded this time.  Bess had brought an assortment of goods back with her - a shallow bowl of water, a wash cloth, soap, antiseptic cream, and aspirin.  She set the items down and sat on the floor opposite Audrey, rolling her sleeves up to her elbows.
“May I?”  Bess gestured to the wash cloth and basin.  “Sorry, I’m not allowed to uncuff you” she grimaced apologetically. 
Audrey nodded, indicating for Bess to continue.  The blonde dipped the washcloth into the water and brought it gently up to Audrey’s face - the water was warm.  She worked in silence for a minute or so before Audrey broke it to ask softly “Why are you doing this Bess?”
“Doing what?” Bess shrugged, continuing to cleanse the blood from Audrey’s face.
“Pretending to care about me” she couldn’t meet the blonde’s eyes.
Bess stopped what she was doing and sighed “I’m not pretending, I do care about you Audrey.  I’m disappointed and I’m mad and I want to shake you until every last thought of Wilford falls out of your head, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about whether you’re hurt or not.”
“That’s funny, because it didn’t seem to matter to you earlier” Audrey responded, still refusing to meet Bess’s eyes.
Bess frowned.
“I heard what you said Bess, before you took me to the aquarium, ‘Oh great, Audrey’s the hostage.  Are we bringing anyone we actually want?’” Audrey elaborated, her voice rich with sarcasm.
Blood rushed to the former brakeman’s cheeks “Audrey, I —”
“I’m no fool” she interrupted, finally looking the other women directly in the eye.  “I saw the looks you all gave me at that disastrous dinner party, I’ve heard all the track talk…” she took a breath, to steady her voice “… but to hear you say that?  Well, it made me feel like shit, Bess.”  It really had.  She valued her relationship with the other woman more than she’d realised. 
Bess floundered “Audrey — you weren’t meant to … I didn’t realise you heard… that.” She grimaced.
“That doesn’t sound very much like an apology to me” Audrey countered, an eyebrow raised.
Bess sighed “I’m sorry you heard that, Audrey - I wish you hand’t.  But —” she shrugged, throwing her hands up in exasperation, “ But I’m not sorry I said it.  Christ what did you expect?” She continued, frustration growing in her voice  “We all trusted you — I trusted you, but you went back to him.  Actions have consequences Audrey.  Surely you can’t expect to choose Wilford over us with no repercussions?”
Actions have consequences… if only Bess knew just how painfully aware she was of this. 
“It’s not as simple as that, Bess” she replied, gazing intently into the former brakeman’s eyes, a sad smile forming at her lips.
Bess frowned, “What do you mean?”
“I —” Audrey began, but was interrupted when the door to the cupboard was thrown open.  Bess scrambled to her feet quickly, dropping the wash cloth as she stood.  Layton entered the room.  He looked from Bess to Audrey (and the various sundries on the floor) to Bess again, raising an eyebrow.  “Why is she not in the library yet?” He gestured at Audrey, his voice heavy with frustration.  “We need you in the engine Till - we’ve got plans to make”
Bess’s cheeks coloured pink once more.  “Sorry we were just — I was just”
Layton closed his eyes and let out a sigh “It doesn’t matter, just hurry it up - get her out of here and meet me in the engine as fast as you can”, leaving the room as suddenly as he’d arrived. 
Bess looked at Audrey as though about to pick up their conversation once more, but before she could Audrey spoke up: “A story for another day then, darling”, she forced her mouth in to a confident smile - her usual mask now firmly back in place as she allowed the former brakeman to lead her away.
... to be continued(?)
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Over This (Over you)
        Quick one-shot. Class salt ahead. this about the fall of Lila getting exposed. Kind of cliche at this point. Enjoy.
   Surprisingly, it was Mylene who found out the truth first. Lila had told a lie about a famous performer who taught her all about filmmaking.
           The issue?
           The guy had died three years before Lila was born.
           It all snowballed from there.
           She told Ivan who told Nathanial.
           Nathanial just shrugged it off because Lila knew a lot of people, maybe she just got confused. Then he overheard Lila brag about her weekend, then she casually thrown in that Stan Lee had dropped in. And his heart stopped.
           Because Nathanial didn’t care who you were: Stan lee was not a name you confused for anyone else’s. He had been a legend. Stan Lee had been a god to comic book lovers everywhere. Stan Lee was dead.
           Nathanial told Nino first.
           Nino had thought it was an honest mistake; a lapse in memory on Lila’s part. Still the suspicious didn’t just go away.
           And when he heard her bragging about working with the famous DJ Marshmallow; that she helped him compose his biggest hit.
           Nino paled when he remembered that he had played nearly all of Marshmallow’s jams to Lila and she hadn’t known a single one. Even asked if it was Nino’s own work.
           That was when he got Alya involved. It had been Saturday, date night, but they were stuck babysitting their little siblings. They tended to find themselves babysitting a lot. They couldn’t find anyone willing to cover for them.
           Nino carefully brought up the Lila situation.
           Alya at first came to Lila’s defense. She had already dealt with Marinette’s jealousy and determination to call Lila a liar. Lila had been bullied by Marinette for months. It got to the point where the whole class had no choice but to ostracize the Bluenette like they did Chloe until she changed her evil way. Even Adrien gave the girl the cold shoulder. A few of them even went out of their way to show Marinette what it was like to be bullied; a trip here or there, torn up school notes, an “accidently” spilled drink on something Marinette had been designing. When Marinette didn’t change, and seemingly became friends with Chloe, Kagami, and kids from other classes; Alya had to put her foot down, and the rest of the class followed suit. They would not be friends with Marinette anymore.
After that, Alya refused to let anyone talk bad about her new bestie. Even if that person was her boyfriend. However, before she could get angry, Nino talked her down. And Alya quickly conceded that two was a coincidence, three times was a pattern.
“Fine,” Alya huffed and pulled out her phone to research Lila Rossi. It would be easy show the entire class just how amazing her best friends was, and then the nasty rumors of her being a liar would stop once and for all.
           However as Alya searched for information on her new friend, she found google to be lacking. Slowly but surely as Alya tried several different search methods, the righteous feeling she had started with faded away as desperation filled her.
No, she thought with growing horror, Lila was telling the truth. She had to be.
           Alya had supported her. She had filled the Ladyblog of interviews from Lila. She had-She had! Lila couldn’t be lying.
           But no matter how long Alya searched. There was no evidence to support anything Lila had ever said.
           Alya held her phone is her hands tightly and just stared at it. Tears burned in her eyes. She looked up at Nino and gasped, “Lila is a liar!”
           The entire class knew within the hour.
           The group chat was filled with remorse and anger. (Three akumas came out of it. Ladybug saved the day.) No one knew how to react. How should they confront Lila? How could they make her pay?
           But then Rose, sweet Rose had texted something that made all their hearts stop
Rosebud: What about Marinette?
Shit, one by one they all thought, Marinette!
           They had all hurt the girl, their ‘everyday Ladybug’. So much so that they had snatched the title away from her and given it to Lila, who they thought deserved it more.
           Quickly, they all tried to text and call their dearest friend with apologies ready on their lips, only to hear “This number has been disconnected.”
           Marinette had changed her number.
           Alya and Nino had raced to the bakery as soon as their parents came from. Only for Sabine and Tom, the nicest people on the entire planet, apart from Marinette, had given them the coldest glares possible, and told them Mariette had gone a weekend trip. And that they were no longer welcome in their establishment or in their home.
           By the time Monday morning rolled around, emotions were high. Adrien had tried to calm the class down, convince them that what Lila did wasn’t so bad, but they wouldn’t hear it. Most of the class waited silently as their desks, lost in their thoughts.
           Until Lila strolled into class, a big smile on her face, “Wait till I tell you what I did this weekend,” And went on to talk about the celebrity she had been with.
“Liar!” Alix roared, and Kim had to hold her back from throttling Lila.
           That was all spark needed for the class to start ripping into her.
           Alya screamed about her ruining the Ladyblog and destroying her career; her friendship with Marinette. Nino yelled about promised connections and missed opportunities. Everyone had something to scream.
           Lila tried to defend herself. However, it became increasingly clear that the game was up. There was nothing she could do to save it. She looked around helpless.
           That was the scene, Marinette, Kagami, and Chloe walked in on. Marinette and Chloe had spent the entire weekend at a fashion show; models for Audrey Bourgeois, walking the runway. And when they weren’t doing that, they were at photoshoots. Kagami had tagged along for support, and the beach house they had stayed in. When the girls weren’t working, they had a blast just hanging out.
           Marinette eyed the teary Lila and the angry faces of her classmates, her ex-friends, and just snorted, “Took long enough.”
           Kagami just held out her hand.
           Chloe huffed and handed money, “Two weeks. Just two more weeks, and I would’ve won the bet.” She stumped her foot. “Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. These morons spent over a year hanging of Lie-la’s every word and they couldn’t give me two more weeks.”
           Marinette giggled at her friends antics. “I told you not to bet against her.” She said as the three walked to their desks in the back. Ignoring all the eyes on them. “Kagami doesn’t lose.”
           Said girl in question smirked, “As if there was ever a chance.”
“…Marinette?” Rose said, her eyes still red from all the crying. “I’m so sorry. We should’ve listened. We should’ve believed you.”
“Yeah,” Alya cried. “Girl, I can’t believe I got fooled. I’m so sorry.”
           More apologies came. Each one more sorrow filled the last. Lila watched with anger in her eyes.
           When the last one was done, Marinette shrugged, “Whatever,” And went back to talking with Chloe and Kagami.
“Whatever?” Alya asked confused. “What do you mean: whatever?” She had expected an emotion reconciliation. With promise of future girls’ night and being best friends forever.
           Even Lila was caught off guard, and stopped her escape from the room to watch.
“It means an American localism,” Marinette explained. “It’s mean it’s doesn’t matter; I don’t care; sure, okay. Sometimes, just to end a conversation if there’s nothing more to say.”
           Nino frowned, “How can you say that? We’re really sorry!”
“And that means what?” Kagami asked, coldly.
           The question caught most of the room off guard.
“This has nothing to do with you!” Alix hissed. “We’re talking with Marinette.”
           Marinette crossed her arms, and leaned back in her seat, “Answer the question.” She said. “What exactly did you expect to happen? What do you even think apologizing would mean?”
           Kim scratched his head, “Its means everything’s okay again; that we’re friends again.”
           The three stared at him. He shifted uneasily.
“Ridiculous,” Chloe muttered.
“No,” Marinette said slowly to them. “That’s what it means. Saying sorry just implies you know what you did was wrong and that you feel bad and want to make it clear to the offended party that you are remorseful. It doesn’t actually do anything.”
           Lila smirked. She was glad she stayed. The fools thought everyone would go back to the way it was. Unfortunately, Marinette had different plans.
“We are remorseful, though,” Rose pleaded. “We feel really, really bad about what we did.”
           Marinette nodded, “I understand. But that doesn’t change what you did,” She explained. “You hurt me. You bullied me. You accused me of awful things. You ended our friendships. I understand that you are sorry. I accept your apology,” The other students visibly brighten with hope on their faces. “I do not forgive you. I don’t have to forgive to you. It’s not okay,” Marinette said this part directly to Kim, who used to be her oldest friend in the room. “I will not say “It’s okay”, to your apology. Because you’ll just think it okay to do it again. And it’s not. What you did was not okay. And I do not have to forgive you.”
“But we’re friends,” Juleka sobbed, “Friends forgive. Best Friends forgive.” To that Alya nodded earnestly.
“We are not friends,” Marinette said bluntly. “We haven’t been friends in a long time. I only have two friends in classroom, my best friends,” The two girls next to her preened. “Kagami and Chloe. All my other friends are in different classes.” She paused. “And before you ask, I don’t think we can be friends again. I do not want to be friends again because I can only be friends with people I trust and like. None of you meet those requirements.”
           Ouch. The other students flinched back as if slapped.
           Adrien stepped forward, “You’re being mean, Marinette. They’re sorry. Just let them make it up to you.” He smiled wide, hope in his eyes. “Then we can go back to the way it was before.”
Chloe raised an eyebrow, “Just how hard did you hit the ground when you fell out of that tree when we were five?”
Marinette snorted a laugh. “This isn’t a movie, Adrien,” She told him. “Life doesn’t work like that. And what about you? How sorry are you? You knew Lila was lying the entire time, and did nothing.”
Nino let out a strangled cry, “What? Bro?”
Angry glares turned toward the blond.
“No,” Marinette slammed her hands on her desk. “You don’t get to be mad at him. I do. He didn’t have to tell you Lila was lying because I already did. Me! Someone most of you have known since we were toddlers. You just met Adrien less than two years ago, there was no reason for him to think you would’ve believed him over me.  It’s not like you believed Kagami when she came to class and pointed out hole in Lila’s stories. Adrien’s only crime was that he never had my back like he promised he would. Not once. And I don’t forgive him for that either,” She added to her former crush; during her speech his face had gone from scared, to relieved, to devastated.
“Sorry doesn’t fix everything,” Kagami said simply. “To think otherwise, is the same childish behavior that got you into this mess.”
           Chloe nodded, “And thinking everything can just go back to the way it was, after everything, all the hurt, is just stupid,” She stated let looked over every student in class to let them know she was speaking with them too before resting her eyes on Adrien. “There’s too much damage now. This isn’t like the fights we had as kids. We can’t just share cookies and forget a second later that we we’re fight. It’s a burned bridged; scooping up the ashes and hoping for the best doesn’t change the fact that the bridge is gone. It’s just gone.”
“She’s friends with you,” Alya snapped.
“We were never friends before now,” Chloe defended, anger raging in her eyes. “We hated each other. I made her life. Never once did Marinette trust me, relied on me, thought of me as friend.”
“Nothing Chloe did actually hurt me,” Marinette shrugged. “At least not in way that matter. Because she was just a mean girl who didn’t care about me and I didn’t care about. When we became friends, it became different. Now there’s an emotional connection, trust. Now she could actually hurt me.”
“Not that I would,” The blonde quickly added. “But it’s different for you. I hurt my enemy. You hurt your friend. She expected me. She never saw you coming.”
           Miss Bustier walked into class. The bell rang. Everyone went back to their. Mourning their friendships and berating their own actions.
           As the days went on, some of ex-friends tried to pretend everything was alright between Marinette and them again.
           Rose would try to draw her into the latest gossip. Alya would just sit down at her lunch table and just launch into a conversation but would leave once it was clear that the three girls were ignoring her.
           Kim tried to joke around with her but was met with stone cold silence. Alix tried baiting her into an argument.
           Those like Nino, Juleka and Max just left her alone. They knew they had done wrong and accepted the consequences.
           A month later, another blow up happened.
           Alya stomped into the lunchroom, right to Marinette’s table, and slammed a magazine on it, “This this why you don’t want to be friends?” She yelled gaining the attention of the entire cafeteria. “You’re too good for us now?”
           Marinette glanced at the magazine; teen vogue. On the cover was Marinette wearing the latest from Audrey Bourgeois’ new line.
           Alya picked up the magazine and showed her class. There were gasps. Students from the other classes just gave impressed looks when they recognized the sweet girl from Bustier’s class.
Alya sneered at Marinette, “You think better than us?”
“How could you not tell us?” Alix snapped.
           Adrien nodded in agreement. He couldn’t believe Marinette wouldn’t tell him. She had to know how lonely those photoshoots got. Didn’t she care? “I would have liked to model with you. It would be nice to have a real friend on set.”
“You’re not even that good at it,” Alya said with jealousy having filled her heart since she saw magazine in the store. Her friend had her foot in the door to her fashion dreams a while Alya’s dream of being a great journalist had gone up in smoke. The Ladyblog was ruined. Her fans had been flocking for months and Alya couldn’t figure out why until the truth about Lila was revealed. Now no one trusted Alya would have the scoop. The Ladyblog was replaced by Bugout managed by Aurore. “You probably begged Chloe’s mom for the job. And she took mercy on her brat’s only friend.”
           Kagami narrowed her eyes, “I am Chloe’s friend too. Luka is Chloe’s friend. Aurore is Chloe’s friend. Marc, Claude, Ondine; are all Chloe’s friends. Once again you failed to check the facts.”
“Ooohs,” Were heard from various students around the cafeteria. Nearly everyone knew by now that the Ladyblog had fallen into infamous category. It had been blacklisted as a credible resource by a majority of local news.
           Not to mentions the rumors cease and desist orders from various celebrities.
“I’ve been modeling for over almost two years,” Marinette said, frost in her eyes, as she looked at her class. “Never once have I brought it up. And I’ve been on the covers of Seventeen, Elle girl, Sassy, Vogue Paris, and Cosmogirl. I was featured, along with Chloe, in a spread in Vanity Fair. And another one in W with Gigi Hadid. I walked the runways during fashion weeks for New York, London, and Paris. Never once did I brag. Never once did I think it made me better than you. Or anyone for that matter.”
           The tone was far different than any they had ever heard Marinette use before. It was cold, unfeeling, and sent shivers through them. Alya, in particularly, unconsciously took a step back.
“I didn’t tell you,” She said mockingly to Alix who reddened. “Because we’re not friends. I don’t owe you anything. I don’t have to tell you anything. You’re no one to me.” Marinette glared at Alya. “No one at all. Just some wannabe journalist who ruined her own life’s work because she couldn’t remember that a good reporter checks her resources.”
“Damn,” Aurore chuckled, she sat next to Kagami and was enjoying the fireworks.
           Alya opened her mouth to yell but stopped when Nino placed at hand on her shoulder and motioned around the room. All eyes were on her. She flushed.
“I don’t know what your problem is, Alya.” Marinette shrugged. “Half the time you’re blaming Lila.  The other half you’ve been acting like you’ve didn’t do anything wrong. Now you’re looking for some excuse to make me the bad guy again. Just stop. You’re not a victim. You need to stop acting like you are. Hell, I’m not even the victim anymore because I moved on with my life. I have better things to do than be hurt and angry for the rest time.”
“Lila lied,” Alya repeated for the thousandth time. “I didn’t. It’s not my fault.”
“Seriously?” Marc asked from where he sat at Marinette’s lunch table. “Is she serious?” He asked Ondine who had a bewildered look on her face.
           Marinette just pinched her nose. “Oh grow up! You tripped me class. Sent horrible texts that could easily been considered harassment in a court of law. Destroyed weeks of designs when you ‘accidently’ spilled your coffee on my desk. You didn’t talk to me for months. You reported false information for over a year; dragging multiple celebrities into it. When you weren’t doing that, your blog focused more on the supposed relationship between Ladybug and Chat noir than it did on actual news. Any information you actually reported was half-assed at best. I’ve seen more accurate information on Tumblr. That was Lila. That was you.”
           Fire raged in Alya’s eyes, hurt clear on her face. She looked like she was going to explode.
Akuma alert anyone, Marinette thought.
“You screwed up. It happens. Let it go.” Marinette stood up, grabbed her bag. “This whole confrontation of yours was just childish. And I’m over it. I’m over you.”
“I was over you first,” Alya lunged at Marinette, with tears in her eyes, but Nino pulled her back.
Marinette rolled her eyes and moved to leave but just before she did, Marinette looked at Alya and then at the Class. “You’re ill-tempered, rash, and prone to immature behavior better suited on your little sisters. Besides the obvious, you want to know the real reason, we can’t be friends? You’re a child.”
And with a shake of her head, Marinette said. “And I’ve outgrown you.”
There was applause as Marinette left the lunch room to go transform. A smirk was on her face.
She really was over it.
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syms-things-5 · 3 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Seventeen
Previous Chapter Here
Warnings: Strong language and an air of discomfort.
Notes: I hope this reads OK as it’s quite dialogue-heavy.
Tags: @kelbabyblue @jennmurawski13
The night shifts weren’t all bad. From time to time, they were even as good as “pretty straight forward”. They proved especially useful when trying to finish patient notes and random admin that always got left to the very end of the shift. Perhaps they’d endure a tidy-out of the stock cupboards if the crew was feeling generous. Since O’Brien had taken up his post at the hospital years earlier, he had insisted upon mandatory training updates for the ER units every three to four months (the national average was about once a year) so the team were regularly reminded not to set fire to their computers and not to leave boxes in places people could trip over. You’d be surprised how often both those things happened in an emerging crisis. 
“I swear he thinks we’re idiots half the time.” Complained Jack, his head now glued to the palm of his hand. Jack was hurtling towards an early retirement thanks to an ever-increasing distrust of the corporate environment ER departments found themselves in. We trained to save lives, he’d say, not file stat reports. He was so right, it hurt. 
The crew was sat round the reception desk. The ER was empty except for a local homeless man the team allowed in from time to time to sleep off his latest drunken adventures. 
“Who doesn’t know how to bend their knees when lifting something heavy?” Jack asked again. 
“Ryan for one.” Sarah joked, pointing her cold cup of tea towards the fellow nurse in question. Ryan was a tall and skinny guy, not dissimilar to Alexander Skarsgard in the right light but with less charm although he had left a few of the interns swooning of late. Shanna quite liked him, too. 
“One time, Sarah. One time and I suffered for it greatly.” Ryan remarked, spinning a full 360 in his swivel chair. “Did you tick ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ for question eleven?” 
“Oh, if you don’t tick ‘strongly agree’ even if you only ‘agree’, they mark you down a couple of percentage points.” Entered Audrey, slamming down a pile of files on the desk beside Sarah. Their nightly routine just got more interesting. “Just get it over with. It’s not worth the effort. It’s just O’Brien being obsessed with stats again. He turns everything into a competition. I swear it’s unhealthy.”
Ryan looked momentarily confused before returning to face his computer screen. He re-read the question for the fifth time and rubbed his eyes in resignation. Something about 3am made this far too complicated. 
“When did you even find time to do this, Aud?” Jack asked, turning back to Sarah and Audrey in time to witness their shared look self-satisfaction. “I’ve been sat here for half an hour and am still only part way through the first section.” 
“I logged in at home earlier.” she responded before catching Sarah’s quizzical look. “Well, Michael did most of it for me.” 
“Fucking hell!” exclaimed Jack, chucking his pen on the table, giving up. “Got no chance then, have I? Michael’s a bloody genius. Hey, how much for him to do mine?” 
“Normally I’d say $100 but he’s pretty cheap these days.” shrugged Audrey. “Probably a fancy cigar would do.” 
“He still grumpy about the you-know-what?” whispered Sarah to her friend when the guys started joshing between themselves. 
Audrey leaned back on the desk beside her and took the mug from Sarah’s hands to take a sip, grimacing slightly at the sweetness. For some reason, Sarah had to have at least three sugars in her tea if she was drinking it post-midnight. It helped to keep her more alert apparently. She didn’t drink it like that at any other time of the day. “No more than usual. Seems like we’re both unlucky in that department at the moment.” 
Sarah smiled at her in acknowledgement, lips thin before biting the inside of her cheek. 
Following their last meet-up, Chris had been decidedly quiet. Too quiet almost. It was weird. He hadn’t messaged her. He hadn’t called or visited their apartment except to collect a parcel he had left. Sarah has been out for a run at the time and had felt silently glad to have missed him. He hadn’t updated his twitter and there had been multiple sports events occurring that would have guaranteed a humblebrag or five. Shanna had pledged to buy rib-eye steaks for a Saturday night meal during a Celtics game and he had cancelled at the last minute citing an interview he had conveniently forgotten. Even Audrey thought it was weird. If anything was guaranteed to get his attention and bring him out of whatever funk he was in, it was the promise of sports and a ‘Grade A’ barbeque. 
Shanna merely put it down to his laziness or him having something better turn up. Scott had started replacing Chris around their apartment, wanting to get some of his own distance from the tricky Zach situation and it helped her feel better knowing he was at least in touch with him if Shanna wasn’t. He was evidently still alive. 
Sarah decided to swap a couple of daytime stints to partner up with Audrey for the nights. She needed the comfort of working with a good friend to calm her down from whatever ledge her anxiety had placed her on. 
“You know that he’ll come back, right?” Audrey interrupted her thoughts. Maybe Sarah spoke too soon. “Haven’t you got that birthday thing for Lisa coming up?” 
That trip was a couple of weeks away yet. She was trying to bank some reasonable excuses but everything sounded lame in the cold light of day and Lisa was never going to accept her not coming as well. Surely things would have smoothed themselves out by then? 
“This won’t just fix itself, hun, you’ll need to speak to him eventually. And the sooner the better.” 
It was like Audrey had a hotline straight into Sarah’s psyche. It was unnerving at the best of times. Sarah knew she was right of course. It’s just, a little bit of distance would be a good thing, right? Even Chris himself had offered that advice from time to time, and stressing herself out at this point almost seemed counterintuitive. 
“I reckon you could go in an hour or so if you wanted.” Audrey offered, nudging her friend with her elbow to bring her back into the room. “It’s dead out there.”
“I hope not.” Sarah joked, trying to lighten the mood. “We’d be shit at our jobs if that was the case.” 
Audrey laughed for the first time since Sarah could remember that day. It was moments like this that reminded her of why she enjoyed working alongside her so much, and why she didn’t mind if it resulted in overtime. 
“You wanna take patient referrals while I take the EPRs?” 
“How can I refuse an offer like that?” Sarah picked up the dozen or so documents sat in front of her and grabbed the nearest chair. Audrey told her she’d put the kettle on and nudged the guys still glued to their screens. Ryan had pretty much given up logical thinking and was now ticking random boxes. Jack was cursing under his breath. O’Brien was going to be in for a real treat when he could finally tabulate the responses. 
It was nearing 6.20am when Sarah and Audrey finally packed up to go. Matt and Stephanie had just arrived to take over for the morning, bringing a fresh perspective for the day. There wasn’t much for them to catch up on so it should be a smooth few hours at least. Sarah even ran a mop through the staff locker room as an added gift – Steph was a notorious clean freak – nearly tripping Greg up in the process. 
He’d been on leave for the past fortnight and his hair was a little longer than she remembered. A five o’clock shadow graced the lower part of his face and it suited him more than she thought it would. He had kept up with the informal tie-less attire and he seemed to be, dare she it, enjoying himself. 
“God, I’m so sorry.” She held her hands up in a mock mea culpa. “I was just gonna put it away before heading out. It was a stupid place to leave it.” 
“Did you not take the Health and Safety refresher?” he joked, rebalancing himself and trying to play down the redness creeping into his cheeks from the embarrassment of temporarily losing his footing in front of her. 
“You gonna rat me out to O’Brien? ‘Cos you know as well as I do that he doesn’t need yet another reason to know he’s right.” She shifted the mop and bucket and placed them back in the supply closet before reaching for her bag again. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it.” He moved passed her before turning to face her again. “Tell you the truth, I ghosted the last couple of tabs myself. Who knew there were so many ways to ask questions about standing in elevators?” 
Sarah rolled her eyes in acknowledgement. “Yeh. I can’t wait to have the team meeting when he realises we’ve all pretty much done the same thing. That’s gonna be fun. I might finally take some of my holiday.” 
“Yeh, good plan. Hey listen,” His words stopped her in her tracks, feet from the exit. “Um, I know it’s been a while but I was wondering if you might want to reschedule that tennis match some time? Or if not, we could get some dinner or something? There’s that new sushi place on Reagan Street. It’s meant to be really good if you fancy it?” 
She was indeed familiar with that very restaurant thanks to the glowing reviews she had been unable to avoid since it opened. Audrey had only mentioned it a mere thousand times in her presence. Word was that bookings were now months in advance so she wasn’t sure how Greg was hoping to find a table unless he wanted to make plans with her in November. Given the number of commitments he always appeared to have going on, it wouldn’t be completely outside the realm of possibility. 
“Wow, I thought that place was fully booked?” 
“Yeh, it is, but I went to college with one of the investors and he’s promised me a one-off.” 
Of course he did. Sarah bit her bottom lip to stop herself from chuckling out loud, imagining Audrey’s face when she would inevitably find out. To be honest, she was genuinely surprised he was still showing a minor interest in her. When she finally made eye contact with him, his earnestness was practically shining. Had he always had perfect skin?  
“Um…” That was a good start, she thought. 
“Honestly, it’s not a big deal if you’d rather not.” He helpfully pre-empted her awkward rejection but she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. “I’ve been meaning to go is all and I knew you liked sushi and figured it might be fun? They have live Jazz on Sunday nights.” 
When did he find out she liked sushi? And live Jazz? Just how much had Audrey told him about her? 
Realising she probably looked perplexed, she shuffled her shoulder strap back up onto her shoulder and tried to relax the awkwardness setting in between them. It was still quiet and no one was within earshot that she could figure out of her peripheral vision. 
“It’s not you, Greg, I promise. It’s just, I’m not really looking to get into anything right now. With anyone. Plus, we work together and…I’m sorry. I hope that’s OK?” 
“Hey, look, I promise it won’t be awkward. There’s absolutely no expectations from me and if you change your mind, just let me know, yeh? I literally know no one else who likes Sashimi so I can’t waste my only chance to get a table.” He chuckled and she felt more at ease. 
“If it’s any consolation, I’m a pretty crap date.” She smiled at him as she edged herself down the hall, putting space between them both literally and figuratively. “You wouldn’t be missing out.” 
“Oh, I doubt that somehow.” He returned her smile. “I’m serious, though. Just let me know. Anytime. No expiration date.” 
And with that, she had been left dumbfounded by two men in the space of a single week. 
It would have been easier to get the early morning bus home at this time, as tired as she was starting to feel. She hadn’t slept well in the last few days and she had a creeping nausea from the lack of proper rest. The walk and crisp, fresh air might do her some good. It was practically full daylight even at this hour, and it was sometimes fun to watch people on their own way to work, huffing along, trying not to drop their coffees. 
The out-of-town school bus passed her a few minutes out from her apartment and as she rounded the corner, she got this weird sense that someone was watching her. Another corner turned and she could see her building in the near distance. Still, she couldn’t shake it. She stopped, pretending to fumble for her phone in her pocket and turned around swiftly to see a sweaty Chris stop a few steps behind her. 
It took her a moment to register it was in fact him, his beard fuller and a Red Sox cap pulled down low over his eyes. He had sweats and sneakers on and looked like he was on a run. Honestly, if someone else had spotted him from this distance, they would have worried he was going to attack her. 
“Hey,” she said, turning to fully face him. “What are you doing out at this time?” 
He didn’t respond at first. He shuffled from one foot to the other before grounding himself and taking a couple of steps towards her. Again, he shuffled back a step like he was rethinking his move. She didn’t appreciate seeing him like this, so unsure of himself. 
“Five months out from filming some pre-shoots so figured I’d make a start.” He finally spoke. Not a really a smile but he at least sounded OK. 
“Cool.” She said, nodding back at him. “Um, I’m not sure if Shanna is awake yet but do you want to come inside for some water or coffee?” 
“Yeh, that’d be great. Thanks.” 
She turned to continue walking on. For a few long moments, he stayed walking slightly behind her. A couple more strides and he had decided to catch up. The last time it had taken this long to walk this same street, she had been so drunk she had narrowly avoided falling into her neighbour’s front garden. 
“Five months? You’re not that out of shape.” She tried to make a joke. It was the only thing she could think of. Audrey would be eye-rolling like a champ if she could see them now. 
Chris knew she was trying to make small talk now so he decided to indulge her. It was a fair response, he thought - he was doing OK - as he followed her up the stairs deliberately keeping two or three behind her in an effort to keep it casual. 
“Oh, y’know. I fluctuate pretty easily. A few pizzas here and there and it’s game over.” 
They walked into her kitchen and she had been right in assuming Shanna was still asleep. Unless she had awoken really early but that was highly unlikely, unless there was a sale at Ted Baker she didn’t know about. 
He lingered in the doorway while she searched the fridge for a bottle of water. Grabbing one from the back, she turned to hand it to him expecting him to be within an arm’s reach from her but he had been distracted by something down the hall before turning back to her. Gratefully, he accepted it and walked into the kitchen to take up his usual spot leaning against the counter. 
“Sorry, did you say you wanted a coffee?” She offered. 
“Nah, I’m good. Can’t really take caffeine until this afternoon.” 
“Sorry. I always forget how strict it is.” She apologised, offering him a sympathetic smile. 
He took a long swig from the bottle, not breaking eye contact from her. “No need to apologise. You OK? Night shift?” 
“Yeh. Pretty quiet, thankfully.” 
“I’ve always meant to ask but what is it like, a night shift? I can’t work out if it would be worse or not.” 
She understood what he meant and laughed. “It can go either way to be honest but it’s been quiet the last few nights. Nothing crazy. I caught up with some paperwork, so…” She shrugged again, acutely aware of how boring she must sound. 
He nodded at her. “Aren’t people supposed to be crazier in the summertime?” 
“Well, kids are around more and families tend to spend more time together, so…” 
The apartment was unnervingly quiet now which was weird. She could hear the uptake in traffic outside which provided some relief that perhaps he couldn’t hear her heart beating out of her chest. She could make out some small sweat patches on his hoodie and it did something to her that she wasn’t expecting. Shaking the thought from her head, she turned to switch the kettle off. 
“What?” He asked. 
She jerked her head back around to face him. “Huh?” 
“You were thinking of something. Your neck just went red.” He smiled, tilting his head at her and relishing the look of surprise making its way over her features, knowing he’d caught her out. 
That was news to her. She knew she had “tells” but a red neck was not usually one of them. How come no one had ever told her about this? 
“I can’t tell if you’re joking with me or not.” She inquired, playfully narrowing her eyes at him in an effort to lighten the mood. 
He shrugged a shoulder at her, a smirk starting to cross his fine features. Joshing with her was good. She’d take that. A small step in the right direction. 
“Sometimes, it’s really obvious. You get it when you’re embarrassed about something, or when you try to lie. I’d never really noticed it before, but...” He paused. His expression started to turn more thoughtful and she wished he’d just continue to make fun of her instead. 
“Guess I won’t be playing poker anytime soon.” She finished the thought for him. 
“Yeh, no, you’d be rubbish at that. Just terrible.” He took another swig from his bottle and waited for her to throw something at him. 
“You’re welcome.” 
The room went quiet again. She stirred her mug of coffee and offered him another chance at one which he politely refused although his discipline was waning slightly now he could smell it. 
“So this is fine.” He said after a couple of minutes, nodding in a slightly exaggerated manner. He looked out of the kitchen window. “We can do this, right? No awkwardness. No embarrassment. Just normal, everyday conversation.” 
“’Course,” she nodded in agreement. 
“Start as we mean to go on, right?” 
She nodded again. This felt like a trap and she couldn’t put her finger on why. Chris had a knack for saying and doing two different things at the same time, an intimidating ability that often put people on edge if he thought it would serve his purpose, whatever that may be. Probably the actor in him. When you called him out, he would aggressively defend himself which only served to prove the point you were making in the first place. 
Scott was the only one, truly, who knew when it was happening. It had taken Sarah years to get to a similar position but now, she wasn’t sure she was remotely close to it. 
“It’s as good a starting point as any, I guess.” She shrugged again, sipping from her cup. 
“So there’s no need to ignore me then.”  
“I haven’t been ignoring you, have I?” 
“You tell me. I’m just pre-empting it is all. I’m just saying we can still interact, you and me, if we need to. Like, it doesn’t always have to be in social settings with other people around.” He took a final drink from his bottle and turned to locate the recycling pot stashed away in the corner. Even with a mundane task, he always looked cool doing it. 
“So don’t worry about it.” 
“Alright then. That’s good to know.” She shot him a raised eyebrow which he caught and returned with a sly smirk. “I’m just trying to be sensible. We have to get this right or else there’s no point.” 
“I know, I get that, too.” If he wasn’t attempting to be serious before, he was now. He had a hand on his hip and seemed to have grown a few inches in height. “What do you think I’m trying to say?” 
“I…think I’m on the backfoot again and it’s weird.” She held a hand up in defence. 
“Hey, I’m just doing what we agreed, OK? I’m just following your rules.” 
“They’re not rules.” She struggled to regulate the volume in her voice in case she disturbed Shanna. “And you’re making it sound like I’m controlling the situation when I’m not. We both agreed on this. There’s no point being difficult about it.” 
Was he being difficult? Yes. Obviously, he was. He wasn’t happy. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling but happy definitely wasn’t it. Things were out of sorts and he hadn’t been able to eat carbs or sugar for four days so the withdrawal symptoms certainly weren’t helping. He should go easier on her. She was doing the thinking for the both of them. He should learn to be more grateful for that. 
He scratched the back of his head and let out an audible sigh in frustration. “I’ll try harder, I promise. We’ve got that cabin thing coming up with Mom, so…I promise I’ll be good.” 
He imitated the scout salute and she smiled at him, a smile not quite reaching her eyes. 
Another night shift and Audrey and was starting to get suspicious. No one willingly switched for a night shift. For one thing, there was a disproportionate amount of recovery time. A couple of night shifts often took in excess of a week to recover from; a week that a nurse definitely did not have to spare. 
“He been buggin’ you?” she asked, finally growing tired of the silence. 
“Who?” Sarah looked up from the cabinet. “No, not really. We haven’t really spoken.” 
“So why are you ignoring him?” 
“I’m not ignoring him! Why does everyone think that?” 
“Who’s everyone?” 
Crap. Audrey had her there. Sarah open and closed her mouth without a sound coming out. She took a breath. “He’s not bugging me. He’s not. I’m just trying to limit the times we’re in the same place at the same time.” 
“Huh, you’d think he would at least allow you to have peace in your own home.”  
“Well, to be fair, he hasn’t been around all that much, but…at least I don’t have to worry about him showing up unannounced. It’s stupid but I feel way more awkward about him than I thought I would. It’s like I can’t even stand to be under his gaze.” 
Audrey glanced at her friend, wishing she could offer some words of comfort. Even for someone as verbose as she normally was, she was finding it a struggle. Sarah wasn’t much looking for words of comfort at the given time either. She was all too aware of the predicament she was in and how much responsibility laid at her feet. In her mind, waiting it out was the only logical solution she could come up with. The only logical solution that didn’t require more conversations with someone who could feasibly run rings around her “theory” that if they just stayed apart for a little while, they would suddenly and magically forget about the past couple of months. 
They stayed filing documents in silence again, the air seemingly getting thicker. 
“You ever spoken with someone and it’s like they’re thinking the complete opposite of what’s coming out of their mouth?” Sarah huffed while shoving the cabinet drawer closed. 
“Not really. That person’s usually me.” 
“But why?” she asked. “Why can’t you just be normal?”  
“I mean, it’s not my go-to response of course. It’s normally reserved for occasions when I am trying to indulge someone because I know they’re talking bullshit. Like, when I know Mike has been gambling but he tries to deny it? It’s just easier to figure him out that way.” 
Sarah froze to the spot, looking at her friend. She breathed a heavy sigh and turned to lean back on the table behind her and crossed her arms. She stared at her shoes for a second. 
“Chris is a smart guy. I’ll give him that.” Audrey muttered loudly so she was sure Sarah could hear. 
“Give me something! I’m your friend here.” She implored her before chuckling to herself at Audrey’s face and her own apparent lack of self-awareness. 
“You know what I think? You’ve probably got withdrawal symptoms from the all the amazing sex you’ve had and now you’re sulking. I think you should get back on that horse and let him fuck you again. That’s what this is.” 
Sarah eyed her friend again. For once, she would love to hear someone tell her that she was right. “That’s really not helping, y’know.” 
“And this is?!” Audrey’s shriller tone cut through the dry air, smacking Sarah right in the face. “Honey, this isn’t healthy. You hiding out in the hospital and treating it like your own solace is not healthy at all. I love you but you are your own worst enemy.” 
“Alright, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you for your unswerving efforts to be honest with me at all times and not, like a normal pal, be comforting in any way.” Sarah comically bowed to her friend before considering leaving the office. She would have followed through with the idea as well if it wasn’t for the cosy warmth of O’Brien’s office versus the coldness of the ER department thanks to a leaking pipe. “It’s difficult. I’m sorry. I don’t wanna fall out with you, Audrey.” 
Audrey just smiled at her. “I don’t know why you think you have to be the beacon of morality all the time, Sarah. Take a look around. No one else is. We all out here just trying to live our lives as best we can and a part of that is taking advantage of moments of happiness when we find them.” 
Something about what Audrey was saying did resonate with her but comparing two months of happiness with Chris to ten years with Shanna was not something she could in good conscience do. Shanna was her security blanket. She provided a comfort of living with someone with shared life experience, of knowing how little you thought about yourself because you were given up as a baby. Honestly, from the very first day they had met, Sarah felt lucky to know her. 
Yes, Shanna could be immature at times. Maybe a little selfish. She would often get carried away with trivial things and wasn’t the most reliable person, but what Sarah got in return was worth that and more. Her family enjoyed highlighting the maternal care Sarah would have to provide to someone who was seven months older than she was, but honestly it didn’t matter. 
Maybe this was one of the rare occasions where Audrey was wrong. 
Chris was a fling at best, Sarah told herself, when she was lying in bed struggling to fall asleep. When she was cold and missing his arms around her. They were both having shitty times and they both got something out of it. That was what Chris had said himself at the very beginning. 
Chris 08.15am: You home? Shanna said you were working late again 
It was like he knew she would be thinking about him. 
Chris 08.17am: I really dont want u ignoring me all the time. This is hard for me right now as well 
Sarah 08.21am: I kno. I’m so sorry I made you feel like that :(
He didn’t respond. She thought she saw the tell-tale three dots of him writing something but nothing appeared. Giving up on sleep, she got up and headed into the kitchen. Shanna had left her some bacon in the fridge and a fresh bread bun on the side so she turned on the grill and set about making some coffee. 
She felt strangely awake for this time and the apartment was nice and warm from the bright sunshine streaming in from all corners. Maybe a run would help. Or a cold shower.  
Chris 08.44am: I wanna be honest with u but I dont think u want that 
Chris 08.45am: so what do i do?? 
Fuck knows. 
Chris 08.51am: Can I come over? 
Sarah 08.54am: that’s not a good idea 
Chris 08.55am: cos you know what will happen? 
Chris 08.56am: what does that tell you?? 
She was sure he was nursing some kind of hangover or, quite possibly, he was still a little bit drunk. There were two responses she could give, she figured. The first would be her usual denial and perhaps an excuse that she was busy or working later than planned. The second, and ultimately the one she opted for, was to agree with him. 
Sarah 09.05am: I know what it tells me. That’s why I’m saying you shouldn’t come over 
Another three dots followed. There was only so many times they could go around and around in circles and as much as Audrey’s words made sense to her, it felt like she had to make the effort to regain some normality. 
He didn’t respond. She stared at her phone for an age but nothing came through. Maybe he got the message? Maybe he had fallen asleep. She was both relieved and suspicious; Chris wasn’t someone who backed down from an argument when he thought he was right. He had said as much himself. 
She turned the grill off, having lost her appetite. A run might make more sense and could help clear her head. 
She couldn’t sit around waiting for Chris to make his next move. 
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dashhoney25 · 4 years
SB: eight
My eyes fluttered open as they landed on the ceiling. The scent of mahogany filled my nostrils as I took my first breath. To my surprise, my body didn’t feel any discomfort from being on the couch. Confused, I lifted my body and realized that I had ‘teleported’ to the bed. I looked down at myself and examined the remnants of the empty bed. The mahogany scent was coming from King’s pillow, the lingering scent alerted me that he hadn’t been gone for too long. Exhaling, I laid on my side and brushed my hand across his pillow, just staring at his side of the bed for a moment. My mind couldn’t process why King placed me in the bed (despite the discomfort of the couch), nor how long or if we slept in the same bed together (or if he lifted me from the couch and placed me there before leaving me alone).
I never fathomed being a stranger to my own bed. I feel as if I’m having to ask for permission to be here, considering that I’ve shattered our sacred bond. The many mornings King and I shared together in this very bed; it doesn’t amount to the pain I’ve caused. Constant late mornings due to our risqué rendezvous here, late nights spent in here being intimate, not to mention my miscarriage took place in this room… the pain was indescribable. Even with the fond memories in this bed, King and I always took the time to express our love for each other, our troubles, hopes, and dreams for the future; never losing sight of communication. But now, for the first time, (since Malcolm), this room is silent and half empty.
 Getting out of my thoughts, I walked into the bathroom and took a long hot shower. Stepping out, I towel dried my hair and threw on some workout gear and tennis shoes. I gave myself a final look in the mirror before heading downstairs to prepare a water bottle. I walked into the kitchen to find a shirtless King making a smoothie. “Good morning” he said gruffly. “Hey” I said nervously grabbing the filtered water pitcher from the fridge. I felt weird being in King’s presence as I filled my water bottle. “Can I ask you something?” I questioned placing the pitcher in the fridge and closing my water bottle, placing it on the island. “What’s up?” King asked leaning against the stove, folding his arms. I leaned against the counter next to the fridge and sighed, “About last night on the couch” my voice trailed off lowly.
 “What about it?” King asked seeming irritated. “Well I.. I went to bed on the couch and I woke up in our bed” I said curiously. “You know how you got there, why you asking me?” King replied dismissively. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, “I asked a simple question King, what’s with the hostility?” I questioned. “Let’s not talk about hostility baby girl” King said walking over to me. “I did you a favor and felt sorry for your ass, so I put you in the bed next to me.” He replied in my face. King was entirely too close, his cologne was filling my nose and I could see the faint blonde hairs on his skin. The lower half of his grey joggers were pressing into mine and dammit I just knew I was gonna ruin my fresh pair of panties. I attempted to take a side step away from him, when the left side of my body collided with the fridge. I held my side in embarrassment trying not to show the pain in my face. “Is that what you wanted to hear?” King questioned gruffly, stepping closer to me. He placed his hand on my left shoulder, and I quickly jerked away from him. In this moment it didn’t feel right having King touch me, I still couldn’t understand why he would move me into our bed, and then get smart with me for questioning him about it.
 I knew that I was feeling things that I shouldn’t and maybe I was reading too much into this, but 4 years… you can’t just turn the feelings off, and maybe he did feel “sorry” for me. King held my shoulders and moved me away from the fridge, he just stood there staring at me as I stared back at him. I tried looking away but I could still feel him… staring at me. Sighing, I looked up at him as a tear ran down my cheek. “I can’t expect you to stop caring overnight. I shouldn’t have asked and I’m sorry. I can’t be this close to you, not like this” I admit, pulling away. King took my hand and I glared at him with longing eyes. “I’m sorry too.” King said taking a step back, leaning on the island, “I felt bad for how I spoke to you. Even if it was true, I could’ve said it better. We always made a promise not to go to bed upset, and when I saw you come in last night that’s all I thought about, despite the news” King said. I felt a wave of emotions that I knew I couldn’t act on. “Tash it’s hard to not want to touch you. Putting you next to me last night, I couldn’t tell you all the shit I felt. I wanted… “ King’s voice trailed off as he shook his head. King clenched his jaw and I noticed his left hand gripping the edge of the island, “I wanted to talk about everything, us, what went wrong and why. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I watched you sleep for a minute, I wrestled with myself all night on if that was a mistake to move you” he said looking away.
 “I can respect that. I didn’t think I would  be in the same room with you, but I felt that the couch would be a start. Jermaine, I know there’s nothing that I can say to change what happened, but I couldn’t be alone last night. I mean even if it was the floor, I would still be in the same room with you… just on the floor” I said slightly smiling. King’s face was unchanging, and my smile quickly faded, “Communication has always been our thing, and it’s always been in our bed. I’m not talking sexual communication, but us growing, learning, and laughing with one another and working through things. Our bed symbolizes all of that, including comfort for us to recharge.” I replied, really thinking about what I was saying. “I don’t like silent nights like this” I said feeling myself getting choked up.
 Though his face expressed a nonchalant demeanor, King placed his arms around me and I couldn’t help but feel lost in his embrace. I didn’t dare touch him, but feeling his warm body next to mine was enough for me to know that there’s hope, somewhere in all of this. I pulled away and grabbed my water bottle from the island, wiping my eyes. “So where you headed?” King asked. “I have an errand to run and probably going to the park later. You?” I asked. “I got some venues to look at for possible listening parties for the upcoming weeks.” He replied tending to his watered-down smoothie, pouring it down the sink, turning on the garbage disposal. The noise let me know that he was over this conversation and we should resume our day, “Well okay. I’ll umm, be back later” I replied. King didn’t say a word.
 Grabbing my water bottle and thin dri-fit jacket to fit over my sports bra, I grabbed my purse and keys from the hooks of the wall and headed out the door. Getting in the car I pulled out of the garage and talked to myself, giving myself a run-down of things to do for the day. With the situation at hand, I made an appointment with my gyno to get myself checked. After that, I would pick up some brunch and surprise Audrey, hopefully she isn’t too busy; I really need to talk to her, especially since I’ve been putting this conversation off for far too long. To finish the day off, I’m going to the park to get a good run in to destress before going home; King and I could use the space. My thoughts were interrupted by a facetime call as I drove through the neighborhood. I glared at my phone and saw Adonis’ contact “HIM”. “What could he want?” I said to myself, he never facetimes me. I pulled over next to the stop sign and put my car in park to answer the call.
 Adonis appeared on the screen, shirtless with a smug smile on his face. “Tash, where you been ma?” he asked flashing his dimples. I stared back at him trying to keep a straight face as my heart jumped out of my chest, damn those big lips of his. “You know you don’t facetime me, what you doing calling me?” I questioned keeping a tough stance. “I’ve been missing you. I see you haven’t used your key, it’s been too long since I’ve been without you” Adonis admitted, biting his bottom lip. I smiled a little and shook my head, “D….” my voice trailed off. Adonis adjusted the camera and propped it up against the coffee table showing his physique in a pair of black shorts. Adonis got comfortable on the couch and rested his elbows on his knees looking into the camera. “I feel like you’re avoiding me” Adonis teased with a wink. I caught myself blushing, “You don’t look too busy, you’re welcome to stop by the condo. If you don’t have your key I’ll meet you there, you know my door is always open for you” Adonis teased. “Donnie, I can’t. I’m busy today” I responded looking away. He sighed, “Why you playing hard to get? I thought you missed me” Adonis exclaimed. “I do!” I chimed, “I did” I said recanting my statement. Adonis picked up the camera and held it, “What’s really up with you?” he asked examining my face through the screen. “There’s been a lot going on since our last encounter” I replied looking up to see a car behind me. “Hold up” I replied, placing the phone in my lap. I put on my seatbelt and put the car in gear and drove down by the neighborhood lake. “Like what? You know how you get when you overthink” Adonis says jokingly.
 Putting the car in park I picked up the phone, “You’re right, but this time I’m not overthinking.” I said feeling myself in a rock in between a hard place. “This conversation is keeping me. I have errands to run D” I say attempting to cut it short. Adonis rolled his eyes, “You playing ma. Drop your pin and I’ll pull up cuz you actin’” he scoffs. As bad as I wanted to, just to see and touch Adonis in person, I knew that I couldn’t. He’s the reason for my first stop of the day and I need to stay away from him. “D, I need to go. I’ll talk to you later” I said quickly hanging up. Sighing, I put my car in gear and headed to the doctors’ office.
“The fuck?” I questioned myself glaring at my phone. Tash got some nerve hanging up on me, thinking she can get away with it. Something about her rushing off the phone, it just doesn’t sit right with me. She was opening to me, amidst other things we’ve already shared, I don’t understand why she’s acting shy with me. I know her body inside and out and all her forbidden desires, why would she fold on me? I only know a little bit about ol’ dude, but I know enough about Natasha to the point that I know that that ain’t where she wanna be. During our last encounter, she admitted to me that she’s feeling something for me, and she’s expressed that her feelings could be developing for me in a way that Mercedes has for me. I know she falling for me, without a doubt; I’m feeling her too, but I’m keeping my promise within the year and I know my actions don’t match my words, but my heart is in the right place… with Mercedes.
I put on a t-shirt and placed my keys in my pocket, heading out the door. Stepping out of my house my body collided with hers accidentally.
“I’m sorry, I’m rushing” Adonis said to me not looking up. “Excited to see me?” I questioned taking his hand. Adonis looked spooked. “Merc?” he questioned. “Of course baby!” I said pulling him into a quick kiss. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and Adonis quickly stopped me, he grabbed his keys and opened the door for me. Following me inside Adonis quickly questioned me. “Thought you wouldn’t be home for another week” he said eagerly. I placed my suitcase by the door and plopped on the couch, taking off my shoes to stretch out comfortably. “Come here, Daddy” I cooed. Adonis sighed and walked towards the couch and sat next to me.
 “I wanted to surprise you. I got tired of being on the road” I said straddling him. Looking in Adonis’ eyes, he seemed worried. The sad expression and calm demeanor alarmed me a bit, but I didn’t want it to get in the way of my sudden arrival. “I didn’t want to tell you over the phone, but.. I don’t want this part time life on the road directing. We have a wedding to plan, and we both make enough money for me to stay home so that I can wait on you hand and foot when you come home” I said cheerfully. “Wouldn’t you like that?” I questioned kissing and nibbling at his ear. “Of course baby” Adonis replied in a calm tone holding my waist. He sighed, “I’m sorry. I just didn’t think you’d be here so soon.” He admitted hanging his head. I lifted his chin, “It’s been really hard on me, to be quite honest, I’m over this agreement between us.” I admit, caressing his face. “What do you mean?” Adonis furrowed his brow. “I’m over seeing other people. I don’t want a placeholder anymore when I can’t get to you. I want you, and only you Adonis” I confessed.
 “You put this ring on my finger for a reason, I know it was crazy of me to agree to something like this, but it’s time for me to take care of business at home and that means that I have to be fully committed to you” Adonis smiled and pulled me into a kiss, caressing my sides, slowly lifting the blouse over my curly hair. “I know it’s been hard on you, and I wanna make up for that” Getting out of Adonis’ lap, I pushed the coffee table back and tugged at Adonis’ black shorts. “Merc come on, you ain’t gotta do all that right now, just relax” he chimed. “No, I want to” I replied fluffing my hair and unclasping my bra revealing myself to him. “Take them off” I commanded. A smirk crept to Adonis’ face revealing his sexy ass dimples. Adonis stood to his feet dropping his shorts to the ground and he quickly picked me up. “You coming with me” he said kissing me. Adonis carried me to our bedroom and he threw me onto the bed playfully. Pulling my jeans down, Adonis wasted no time in placing kisses against my stomach. Giggling at the sensation, I looked down and watched Adonis, damn I missed him so much. It’s been three long weeks and my mind is made up, I can’t ever leave him again. Arching my back, stretching my arms into the pillows,  small sweet kisses were planted onto my lower half, trickling down to my inner thighs. With my bottom lip wedged between my teeth, my toes curled at the feeling of Adonis’ warm wet tongue blessing my pink folds. Straining my neck to watch him, I rested on my elbows as he forced my legs by my ears as he sucked on my clit vigorously. “Mhmmm” I let out as my hands found their way to his head pushing him further onto me. “I know you missed me” he breathed. Nodding my head in agreement, my body tensed up as Adonis continued to please my pearl effortlessly, this time teasing my clit while inserting three fingers into me roughly.
 My hands entangled into my thick curly hair, I arched my back, swiveling my hips as he continued to pump in and out of me, I just knew I would reach my peak. As my moans filled the room, I couldn’t help but feel powerless to him. Adonis climbed into the bed interlocking his lips with mine as his tongue roamed my mouth. My hands caressed his big strong arms and I placed my ankles on his shoulders swiftly, ready for him to have his way with me. “I’m yours” I replied seductively.
Her beautiful brown skin, and her delicious folds sent me over the edge. Not to mention her body opening for me, ready and willing for the taken. Leaning over, I kissed her passionately, placing kisses down her neck and tweaking at her nipples. Groaning at my touch, my tongue swirled at her nipples playfully, watching her mouth fall agape to my desires. Alternating from the left nipple to the right with my tongue, my hand toyed with her clit, giving her as much sensation as I could to keep her in the moment. Mercedes pulled me into a deep kiss, and I aligned myself at her entrance, slowly entering her, feeling her juicy folds welcome me with ease. Her gasps in between kisses, was music to my ears. I know she missed me, and I can’t lie, I surely did. Her body was tiny, and easy to maneuver. She was quite submissive, and always down to take whatever I give. Picking up the pace, I hooked my hips into her bottoming out. At full length, Mercedes clawed and my back as she looked in my eyes. “Damn I missed you so…” she let out.
Kissing her soft skin, I rested my hands in a handful of her curly hair as her hips bucked against me wanting more. “Deeper” she whimpered. Obliging, I positioned her legs straight up to the ceiling and the balls of her feet rested on my shoulders, no longer at an angle, she took my dick full on with deep strokes. “Just like that baby” I pumped as I watched Mercedes clutch her b cup breasts harshly. Her bottom lip wedged between her teeth, as tight as she held her lip I knew she’d draw blood. “Good ass pussy” I croaked. Bending her leg at the knee, Mercedes failed at her attempt to stop me. “Baby.. baby… let me turn over” she pleaded. Taking one last stroke for good measure, I slowed down and watched as she got on all fours and arched her back.
 Mercedes looked back at me with a quick sweep moving her hair from her face revealing her hazel eyes. “Fuck!” I said spreading her ass cheeks, entering her deeply. “Mhmmmm, daddy! Stay right there” she moaned enjoying the pace. Mercedes deepened her arch, grabbing the pillow to bite and I pulled it away from her in haste. “I wanna hear you baby! Tell daddy how you like this shit” I barked with a slap to her ass. Mercedes huffed and threw her small frame back against me attempting for me to catch. I had forgotten how aggressive she can get, matching my fly. Speeding up, her cries could be heard all over the house with our skin clapping loudly, my balls slapping against her clit. “Shit Donnie!! So fucking deep!” she yelled. “Mhmmm, bring that pretty ass here girl” I smirked, smacking her ass one last time and bring her to my lap, looking in her hazel eyes.
Mercedes slid down on my dick, as I held her waist. “Stay just like that” I said to her. “You feel good like this” I said noticing the look in her eyes. She looked concerned. “What’s on your mind?” I asked. Mercedes placed a kiss to my lips and her hands trailed my chest. “You know I love you right?” she asked me. “Of course, baby” I smiled. “I know that we agreed that we would consult each other on big decisions but, I don’t want to be away any longer so I’m no longer directing on the road. I’m 100% fully committed to you, no more placeholders” Mercedes smiled. A smile crept on my face, “I know we’re not perfect, but I wanna be present and fully immersed, and I’ve been thinking, maybe we should move up the wedding” I chuckled, “To when?” I asked.
 “I don’t know, six months from now. I don’t want to waste anymore time not being your wife. I want to make this official, I want a family Adonis. Being away made me realize how much I missed you and how important family is. I can’t imagine being away and not knowing where you are anymore. I don’t like being away for weeks and months at a time” I stared back at Mercedes and nodded my head in agreement, feelin my heart pop out of my chest. “okay” was all I could say. “You don’t seem happy” she said searching my face as I looked down, moving my hips to keep myself inside of her. “You just got home, babe we shouldn’t be talking about this right now. Just relax” I said rubbing her shoulders, attempting to calm her nerves. “I know, I just..” Cutting her off with a kiss, I held her waist and plunged deeper into her. “Let’s worry about babies and marriage shit later, lemme finish stretching you out baby” I whispered into her ear as I laid her down.
Nervously leaving the doctors office, I stopped by my favorite brunch restaurant to pick up some food for Audrey and I. Luckily, Audrey wasn’t busy at the moment and said it would be fine if I dropped by. Driving to her house, I couldn’t shake the feeling of what my test results could be. Not to mention, Adonis calling me earlier today it didn’t make me feel any better. I needed to clear my head and get everything out in the open to Audrey, this conversation is well overdue. Pulling into Audrey’s driveway I grabbed our food and drinks and knocked on the door. Audrey helped me inside and greeted me. “Iced coffee?” she questioned me as I took a seat. “Yeah, I got you a lemonade” I replied. “Sis, you only drink coffee when you’re stressed” Audrey replied. I nodded my head in agreement and opened my plate of shrimp and grits.
 “About that… is Tae home?” I questioned looking around. “Girl no, he’s out shooting ball with Rich, he won’t be home for a few hours. Thanks for the chicken and waffles, I’m starving!” Audrey admitted digging into her plate. Ten minutes passed as we enjoyed our food, “So, what’s on your mind? I’m sorry we couldn’t have met sooner” “Its okay.” I sighed heavily taking a sip of my iced coffee. “You remember the morning I left you a voicemail saying that we need to talk, and a few days later at Mercedes house I said we’d talk later?” I asked. “Yeah, it’s been about 3 weeks since that happened” Audrey added. “Yeah well…” my voice trailed off as I put my empty box on the table. Audrey raised a brow, “Tash spit it out” Audrey said growing restless. “I called that day because I was leaving Mercedes house and didn’t know it.” I blurted out. Audrey had an inquisitive look on her face. “hold up Tash, explain… something ain’t right” she chimed.
 I sighed. “That Friday night when Tae didn’t want you going out with Alana and I, I met some fine ass guy at the club and.. we hooked up. Before I knew it, the next morning I woke up in his bed with a hangover and he offered to take me home and I called an uber. I tried to call you and you didn’t answer. Well, about a week later when we went to Mercedes house for the gathering, remember when I had that panic attack?” I questioned. “Yeah, when we went to the bedr-“ Audrey’s eyes got wide, “BITCH! YOU SLEPT WITH ADONIS?! YOU SLEPT IN THAT ROOM?!” Audrey yelled. I shook my head as my face fell into my hands, ashamed. “Yes!” I added. “Oh my God. Natasha…” Audrey said in complete shock.
 “I’ve been seeing him ever since” I let out with tearful eyes. “Audrey you of all people know that we just recovered from Malcolm, and I fucked around and I… I did this! It was one thing to fuck around and be intoxicated, but something about King the morning I came home, it was like he already knew.” I relented. “Does he know now?” Audrey asked. “Yes, and Audrey I don’t know if we’re gonna make it. I couldn’t live a lie anymore. Being with Adonis is totally different than being with Malcolm” “But Malcolm was best friends with King. This is different because Mercedes is a good friend to you. Tash it’s not gonna be easy, but you two will make it” Audrey said with comfort. “Audrey you’re just saying that, don’t lie to me” I rolled my eyes. Audrey sighed taking a sip of her lemonade. “Trust me, Jermaine loves you. If you two made it through Malcolm, you’ll bounce back from Adonis” she coached. “If only you saw the look in his eye when I told him” I whined.
 “At least you told him. Tae had to find out the hard way. He walked in on me and Adonis” Audrey admitted. “Excuse me, what?” I asked confused. “Adonis and I had an affair long before he was ever with Mercedes. I never told you but Adonis was the root of Tae and I’s problems.” Audrey confessed. “The affair with Adonis lasted for about a year, and suddenly I just couldn’t take it anymore. I felt drained, I was lashing out at everyone. He was one of the reasons why you and I didn’t talk for a while simply because I couldn’t get control of my emotions. I lost a lot that year, and I thought I would lose Tae as well. Adonis had a way of making me feel like I was the only thing that mattered in this world, but he was so draining and needy and when he didn’t get his way he became possessive, and more aggressive than usual. I never caught him, but I had a gut feeling that he was seeing someone else.” Audrey continued. “I had a feeling that Tae knew but he didn’t want to believe it. Tae came home early one night and caught Adonis and I in bed and …” Audrey paused abruptly reminiscing, “I thought Tae was gonna go to jail that night. Seeing him and Adonis go at it fighting over me I felt terrible. It was like life or death and just seeing both of them in front of me, I couldn’t go against lust over loyalty, so I stood by my man Tae, regardless of being caught red handed. Fortunately for us we went to counseling and eventually worked it out. But you know Tae always kept his ear to the streets so if Adonis ever crossed me again, he knows he’d get dealt with” Audrey said. “Look, it’s best to be transparent as much as possible with King. I know it hurts but how do you think I got through it? Every song on my EP pertained to that tumultuous relationship with Adonis” Audrey said. “I’m sorry King and I couldn’t make it you know we were out of town with his parents in the cabins” I added. “It’s no big deal, but seriously listen to “So Bad, Gold, Lonely Hearts, Think About You, and Comeback. I poured my heart out into those songs just so I could deal with it. Tae was very supportive, but he had a passive way of showing it. Everyday we’re still repairing our relationship but I’m telling you, now that King knows, you have to cut Adonis off before it gets worse” Audrey warned.
 “What about Mercedes?” I questioned. “I’ll say this, and forgive me. But fuck her. This is between you and him, I know Mercedes isn’t faithful to him” Audrey urged. “He did tell me that they have an agreement” I added. “And whatever that may be, you get yourself out of it. I know how unforgettable he is, and his touch. But Natasha, he isn’t worth it. I know how much Jermaine loves you, and I don’t want to see Adonis ruin this beautiful bond that you have with Jermaine. You have to figure it out for yourself and just trust the vibe.” Audrey encouraged. Tears filled my eyes as she spoke, “He barely looks at me, I can’t talk to hm even if I tried Audrey” I argued. “And it’s gonna be like that for awhile sis, but while he’s running away you just continue to do you. Continue to separate yourself from Adonis and you take this time to write out how you feel for Jermaine. You go to counseling, and you stay in his face. Even if he doesn’t talk to you, just be present, be in his space and wait on him hand and foot. All you can do is pray and if it’s really not meant anymore, you’ll know. I know its hard sis, but you played your part in it by going back and I’m so sorry. I know how addicting Adonis can be” Audrey symapthized.
 “Even Malcolm warned me. He’s friends with Adonis” I added. Audrey sighed, “Malcolm still cares about you, and he doesn’t want you with anyone else but him. Though there may be some truth to his warnings, don’t give privy to his concern either, he still isn’t over you” Audrey says. I sighed heavily wiping my eyes, “You make all of this sound so easy” I replied. “I know it’s not, but it’s something you have to face on your own. Look, I’m having a listening party in the next few weeks. Since you missed the EP release, I’d love for you to come. I know King is gonna have a hand in it” Audrey says. “Yeah, he told me today that he’s gonna be looking at some venues.” I added. “Well, when he gets home tonight, run it by him. By the time I have the listening party, you two should at least be cordial enough to come together and STILL be a couple. I’m not giving up on ya’ll and I’m not gonna allow Adonis to get in between you two. If I have to step in, I will” Audrey warned. “No don’t, I don’t want Tae or anyone else involved in this. I’ll figure it out. Thank you for having my back as always” I said hugging Audrey grabbing my things. “Call me if there’s anything you need” she encouraged.  
 Leaving Audrey’s house, I felt a crazy urge to call Jermaine just to check in. To my surprise his phone went straight to voicemail, something that never happened. Sighing, I drove to the park to clear my mind and sort some things out before returning home.
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deliasbabe · 4 years
Sarah Paulson Characters and jealousy headcanons:
NSFW I guess?
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Billie Dean Howard:
She’s literally so jealous anytime anyone gets close to you or flirty, even if you two are just keeping things casual.
If you show up at an event with someone else she for sure gets possessive af
She’ll keep her distance and just watch you for a while, but the second your date gets a little too close and touchy she gets heated
She’s all about appreciation of the art, but it’s a fine line with her.
It’s like a game for her, she waits until you see her and then she gets super flirty with someone she doesn’t care about
But when you don’t seem to take notice, she makes a move over to you.
She’ll start off the conversation innocent, but with a possessive grip on your shoulder
The more interest you show in your date or the more interest they show in you, the worse it gets. Bitchy glares are exchanged, the level of flirtation rapidly rises, she keeps her face only inches from yours. Her hands are touching you whenever possible.
So many pet names and innuendos are dropped
She’s definitely the “I can see other people but you’re mine” type.
And you know exactly what she’s doing and you secretly live for it
Sometimes you get extra flirty with your date just because you know you’ll have her attention
You are completely aware you have her wrapped around your finger and you definitely use it to your advantage
She thinks she’s in control but you know if you play your cards right she’ll give you exactly what you want
And because you enjoy driving her crazy, you play coy and excuse yourself and your date to go dance or talk to some friends
Then you get even more flirty and she is LIVID
Now she can’t even enjoy this damn party because she can’t take her eyes off of you.
And the second you stray away from your date she is grabbing you and dragging you to the nearest empty room for mind blowing sex
And you make sure she knows that SHE was the one who wanted to see other people and keep it casual, so you aren’t the one to blame
Because you’ll be damned if she gets away with this without admitting it’s not just casual
“If we’re just casual then let me go back to my date”
“Oh baby girl this is anything but casual.”
And that’s all you needed to cave
She won’t leave you alone until you are practically screaming that you’re hers and covered in hickeys that your date will definitely see.
When it’s over and you go to compose yourself she shoves your underwear in her pocket
“Hey I need those”
“You can get them when you come to my place tonight, sweetheart”
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Lana Winters:
First of all, she’s Lana fucking Winters, she doesn’t get jealous
But whenever she sees someone get a little too close to you she likes to tease you about it
Only because she knows if she pretends to be a little jealous it’ll just make you feel the need to prove how much you are hers and hers alone.
She just likes to hear you tell her how much you love her
Even though she already knows
She especially teases you when men flirt with you.
“I see you found yourself a new husband.”
Which never fails to make you giggle uncontrollably
Because you’re like so gay dude
And you joke about it all night
And it becomes a running joke
“Oh is that your 5th husband?”
You now have like 12 husbands
“It’s getting so hard to keep track darling. You know I don’t like to share.”
She’ll never admit it but she secretly likes when others hit on you because it just reminds her how lucky she is that you are hers.
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Cordelia Goode:
Cordelia Goode is graceful and elegant and is just not the type to show she’s outwardly jealous
But internally? Oh yea
She knows you are a gentle soul and are kind to everybody, but she still has insecurities
Mostly because she feels like she doesn’t give enough time to you or she feels like she’s too old.
She thinks you’ll find someone better
So she keeps it cool when you are out in public and it happens, and she won’t actually tell you she’s jealous even when you two make it home.
But she tends to be a little more affectionate
She just wants you to hold her and remind her you love her
Which you give happily because you would scream about it from the rooftops if you could
But there was this one time
It was before you were dating, you were flirty with each other but she was too scared to tell you she had feelings for you
And you were totally clueless but everyone else could see it
You had agreed to go out with Madison and she made sure to tell Cordelia that it was her mission to get you laid that night
And she casually mentioned you going out in a conversation just so you would invite her along
She justified it to herself that she was just going to make sure you didn’t get hurt
But when she saw some guy flirting with you at the bar and you actually looked interested she was done for
So she walked up and placed her hand on your lower back and asked if you were doing ok
And when he didn’t excuse himself and kept flirting she just couldn’t take it anymore
Cordelia Goode never uses her powers for her own personal gain, but she did that night
And suddenly he was saying he had to go and she had you all to herself
And she glanced up and Madison was smirking at her from across the bar
After she had thrown a few too many drinks your way, you told her how beautiful she was and how anyone would be lucky to have her
“Seriously if you were my girlfriend I would die”
“Miss Y/N, are you telling me you want me to be your girlfriend?”
And the drinks had made you a little bolder, so you smirked and said “maybe I am.”
Oh yea, you definitely got laid that night
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Bette & Dott:
Oh the twins definitely get jealous.
Like insanely jealous, but they handle it in different ways.
They’re just really insecure, ok?
Bette is the one who cries/pouts because she knows you’ll tell them how much you love them and think they’re beautiful.
Dot tends to bottle it up, but she can’t help but be agitated, which usually means the silent treatment for her.
Bette seems to recover quickly one you reiterate that you love them
But Dot isn’t as easily convinced as her sister by your kind words. She’s more of an action kind of girl.
So after you quell Bette’s fears, you turn to Dot and stare at her for a moment with a loving and apologetic look in your eye
And once her eyes soften a bit you lean in to kiss her cheek and she melts
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This goes without saying but Sally is crazy jealous
Literally if she could tie you to the bed and keep you all to herself she would
But you tend to be a social person and like to frequent the bar
Usually it’s with her, but sometimes you get off of work and head straight there without her knowing, and most times by the time she’s reached you, you have taken up conversation with one of the residents or it’s visitors
And BOY does she hate that
She tends to be better about the ghosts, but if you are talking with a living human being she LOSES it
And you can tell when she’s mad and you try to sweet talk her, but if she deems you too interested you can bet things will get scary kinky later on, with or without your consent
But let’s be honest, you love that she’s this crazy over you.
One time she saw you talking to the countess and held a knife to your throat as she fucked the shit out of you
She’ll never believe you but you would die and stay with her forever if you could
And despite her crazy possessive moments, you know she could never hurt you, not really,
So you let her do it because you secretly love the thrill of it
Also it’s kind of the hottest sex ever?
Like she won’t leave you alone until you’ve cum so much you practically pass out
And she always apologizes and takes care of you after she knows for sure you’re hers.
Literally the queen of aftercare.
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She literally gets so pouty when she’s jealous
You hate that you make her feel that way, but you also love how cute and loving she gets when she’s pouty
One time at an event you were talking with Kristen Stewart and she got so jealous
She’s a drama queen, so she made sure to mope for a little bit before she pitched a fit and ran outside in the rain
And while you were frustrated because you were just talking, you know she just cares about you a whole lot and this is scary for her.
So you ran after her and let her yell at you about how you were going to leave her for a younger woman even tho you damn well knew you were going to spend the rest of your life with her
She really just wanted her “the notebook” moment ok?
And then once she was done you just smiled at her
Which of course made her curse at you
And you just kept smiling until she ran out of things to say and finally smiled back
And she asked you what you were smiling about
And you walked up and kissed her
Because you are more than willing to put up with her theatrics as long as she’s happy and with you
And by the end she was laughing at her hysterics.
But she still swatted at you for teasing her
And then you begged her to let you take her home and she agreed
Because there’s nowhere she would rather be than alone with you
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Ally Mayfair-Richards:
Despite what happened with Ivy, Ally isn’t one to get jealous
She just thinks the whole idea is toxic, and she never mentions a word about it to you
Expect you start to notice on the nights you go with her to functions and fundraisers, she tends to get a little more attentive
Especially when you have been talking with other women
She’s always grabbing your hand and pulling you closer
And she never fails to whisper in your ear about how much she loves you
If you spend too much time talking with another senator she tends to whisper dirty things in your ear
And her top definitely comes out
She’s not the type to do anything in public, but the second you walk in the door she’s practically taking off your clothes
She’s a gentle top tho, she never does anything without your explicit permission
And she never goes too far
She just wants to make sure you know you are hers and she loves you
And you are happy to oblige
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So Venable is incredibly possessive
Partially it’s that she’s super insecure, and partially it’s that she is a top in every aspect of her life
However, you work together and she doesn’t want anyone to think you are getting special treatment, so you keep your relationship a secret
But that means that everyone thinks you are single, and at work parties you are constantly dodging weird dudes who want to get you into bed
And despite your best attempts at fighting them off, you still can’t bring yourself to just tell them to fuck off and they tend to push father than they should
And she watches you carefully, knowing your kind demeanor and inability to be mean. Really, she just wants to protect you.
So when you make eye contact with her across the room and give a pleading look, she steps in and tells them to scram for you
But sometimes you don’t look at her, and that’s when she gets jealous
And she doesn’t interrupt you, but she can’t bring herself to look away and she gets angry that she cares so much about you
And when you finally slide up and talk to her, she tends to be colder than usual
But she hates being mean to you and can’t even bring herself to look you in the eye
And you can’t help but feel like a lost puppy every time
So you usually leave the party early, and when she notices you are gone she goes after you and knocks on your apartment door
And once she sees your red rimmed eyes she caves like nobody’s business.
And that’s the only time you two ever really hug
She’s not into PDA, even in private, but she holds you for awhile and tells you she’s sorry
She won’t admit she was jealous tho until you coax it out of her slowly
And you ask her to let you show her how much you love her
After, and I can not stress this enough, soft sex that ends up real kinky
She lets you undress her and touch her back, but as soon as you try to take control she’s flipping you over and tying you up
Literally the only way you get to make her cum is if she sits on your face
Usually that happens first and then she tortures you for hours until you are begging
And despite your tears she knows you love it
Because y’all have a safe word, although it is never used
Because you trust her and honestly, she thinks that might be even more important than love for her
Because even she can admit her tastes are rather sadistic
But you’ll happily submit
She tends to be not so great at aftercare in general, but after her jealous episodes she doesn’t protest when you crawl into her arms and kiss her cheek
Because she tends to be a lot little rougher on you
You tend to go to bed earlier while she stays up and reads, so often times you end up falling asleep on her lap
And she’ll never admit it but it’s kind of her favorite thing
Like her glancing up from her book and seeing you asleep on her chest never fails to make her heart melt like a popsicle.
And when you grasp on tightly to her nightgown? She would kill for you
When she’s absolutely sure you are asleep, she tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and whispers how much she loves you and how much that scares her
Also forehead kisses?
And she loves how sleepy you are when she wakes you up
Especially that little whine you make
“What Mina?”
“We need to get to sleep, little one.”
And you never fail to curl back up and pretend you didn’t hear her so she leans down to whisper in your ear lowly
“I know you heard me princess, get up before I have to punish you.”
And that never fails to make you scramble
And she always sings your praises for it as she chuckles
And suddenly she can’t remember why she ever was jealous because you are obviously infactuated with her
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paganinpurple · 4 years
Clowder - Ch 7
I have been on an honest to Gods year long writing block until recently. I was lucky enough to force out a couple of chapters for other fics around March and April before I got blocked again, but...yeah. Sorry.
I hope no one completely lost interest waiting for this. It's just been so hard to focus, or feel like I care and any brief bursts of interest were limited to a paragraph here or a phrase there before disappearing.
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Buy Me A Coffee?
It Was You (comes before this fic)
Read on AO3 or FF.net   <<Ch 1   <Ch 6   Ch 7   Ch 8> (not yet written)
Protective Best Friends
Slowly, Gabriel turned to face his son. “Adrien,” he said, his expression undecipherable, “Is there anything you need to tell me?”
The boy in question took an audible gulp, his throat too dry and scratchy to let him do anything less obvious.
“Yeah, um, there’s…a girl at school. If I had to go to a gala, I’d rather take her.”
“I see,” Gabriel said as he intertwined his fingers above the table in front of him, leaning forward to regard his son over them, “And is this a girl you like, or are you already seeing her?”
“She’s…my girlfriend.”
“And how long have you two been dating?”
Adrien glanced awkwardly at his father’s assistant. Ideally, he’d tell his father that they’d been together for a week, just as they’d told Alya and Nino and the others at school, but Nathalie knew things and he could almost see her disappointment already if he lied in front of her. “Six months,” he said instead.
The shock on Gabriel’s face was apparent to even those usually most oblivious to facial expressions. His features quickly returned to their usual air of disappointment and indifference however and Adrien’s stomach turned. “Why have I not known about this until now?”
“I…” Looking to Nathalie for help, he took strength from the slight nod she gave him to continue, “I wasn’t sure you’d let me date her. I was frightened you’d make me stop.”
He watched as his father arched an eyebrow. “Who is she?”
“If you’re frightened, I assume there is something about her I wouldn’t approve of. So, who is she?”
“It’s Marinette. Dupain-Cheng. You met her before, she designed the hat I wore, the one Audrey Bourgeois wanted to take to New York last year?”
“Ah,” Gabriel said, a slight smirk appearing on his face, “Yes, I’ve met her. More than once.”
“You have?”
“Yes. She showed up here after I tried to remove you from school last year for losing my book. She was overly concerned about you being punished for her mistake.”
Adrien’s brow furrowed and he blinked in confusion. How had that been Marinette’s fault? He glanced back and forth between his father and Nathalie in confusion, hoping an explanation was forthcoming.
“She seemed to think it was some kind of modelling scrapbook of your shoots,” Nathalie eventually clarified when Adrien remained silent, “She said that she hadn’t planned to hold onto it, she was just unsure how to get it back without you realising.”
“It was very brave of her to admit that to me,” Gabriel said, returning to his food with an air of disinterest that Adrien found hard to believe, “Considering that she wants to work in fashion one day and I could have made that very difficult for her. I take it that bravery extended to finally telling you about her feelings? Although, I admit I didn’t think you saw her as anything more than one of your friends.”
Adrien gave a flinch at the reminder of his earlier foolishness. “Yeah, well…I was an idiot. I turned her down, then I realised I liked her.”
“Well then, you were lucky she hadn’t moved on. Are her parents aware of your relationship?”
“They are.”
“Very well. I expect you to remain conscious of your public image throughout your time together. Be sure there’s nothing she might use against you in case of an unpleasant break-up.”
Adrien suppressed a snort of laughter, knowing his father would not approve. As if Marinette would ever be the kind of person to try and hold something over someone just because things didn’t work out. Not to mention he absolutely doubted he would ever let his Lady go now. Not if he could do anything to help it.
“You may laugh,” his father responded, having spotted his attempts to restrain himself, “but sometimes it only takes one bad situation for two people to act differently and upset their usual dynamic.”
The smile creeping it’s way across Gabriel’s face seemed out of place to Adrien who, for the life of him, couldn’t work out why that thought would make his father so happy.
As soon as he closed the car door behind him, Adrien could tell something was going on at school. He was no stranger to the fact that practically every kid at his school owned a phone and they all went through phases where they seemed to be glued to their screens. Today however, there didn’t seem to be a single person not looking at theirs and whispering gossip to one another in scandalised tones.
“Adrien!” a familiar voice shouted from off to the side of the courtyard and Adrien looked up with a smile at his best friend as he came running over. The close Nino got, the more Adrien could tell he was alarmed about something. He had that wide-eyed look he got whenever he realised he had worded something badly to Alya and she was now pissed at him.
The boy reached him finally, instantly grabbing him by the wrist and tugging him towards the large accessible bathroom in the far corner; the one that most students never used because if their wheelchair-bound vice principal ever caught them it just wasn’t worth the lecture they would get.
The second they were inside, Nino flipped the lock behind them before turning to his startled best friend.
“Have you seen the news today?” he asked without preamble.
Not his most eloquent moment, Adrien realised, but honestly he was pretty confused about what was going on. Why was Nino dragging him off like there was a life or death situation? And if it was, then why was he so concerned about the news?
“The news, dude. Have you seen it? The biggest story to hit the city since the first arrival of the heroes?”
Nino swore loud enough that Adrien flinched and glanced at the door, worried in case anyone had heard. It was school grounds after all, and being caught swearing was worth far more than the lecture they would get for being in this bathroom.
He watched as the other teen took out his phone and quickly opened and navigated a browser tab, bringing up a huge image and headline. He handed the device to Adrien who finally had a chance to clearly take in the picture and text for himself. His eyes immediately widened to engulf his face and his jaw slackened as a gasp snuck past his lips.
“Oh, shit!”
“What do you mean, it involves me?” Marinette asked as she rubbed the sleep from one of her eyes. Her mind was still groggy and she desperately wanted to go back to sleep, or at least grab a cup of coffee and a pastry from the kitchen before she attempted to make heads or tails of the conversation.
“M, go look at the headlines quickly for a sec, then we’ll talk,” Alya said, a worrying hint of panic in her tone.
“Oookay,” the sleep-deprived girl answered with a yawn, pulling the phone away from her face to navigate to a news app she sometimes used to check for akuma updates when there were issues with the Ladyblog.
The top headlines opened and Marinette had already read the first one and begun freaking out when the accompanying thumbnail finished loading. She tapped it quickly and began to scan the story, becoming increasingly more terrified the further she read.
Jamming the receiver back against her ear, she started to word vomit at her best friend. “Someone overheard Ladybug and Chat talking last night and now everyone knows they’re just kids,” she gasped, “And poly kids too. What if he reads this and thinks it’s too much hassle to deal with? What if he breaks up with me? “Oh mon Dieu, what if everyone stops trusting Ladybug and Chat Noir to protect them from Hawkmoth? What if Hawkmoth uses this against them? Oh no, this is such a disaster!”
She broke off with a squeak as the suddenness of the new information overwhelmed her. Alya was saying something in her ear but she couldn’t hear any of it; she only registered a mumble of sounds in the distance as if she were behind a sheet of thick glass.
The article managed to cover everything the two of them had spoken about last night. The teasing, the references to having more than one partner, mentioning being teenagers with school the next day – all of it. And…all of the sexual innuendo that had been thrown around, as well as the more serious side of their sleepover conversation. It would be mortifying if it wasn’t so dangerous to their identities and public image.
“Marinette! Mar! Are you still there?!” Alya’s voice suddenly broke through her haze and, no longer groggy, Marinette realised she must have gone silent for some time.
“I’m…I’m here,” she said, “Just freaking a bit. What were you saying?”
“Uh, it doesn’t really matter now. It was stupid of me to start asking you stuff when you’re so off the deep end. How you holding up?”
“Not great,” she admitted, “Wait. What kind of things were you asking?”
“Uh…” Alya was quiet for a second and the hesitation told Marinette it wasn’t going to be anything fun to answer. “Look, I know you and Chat are both dating two people. But Ladybug…she apparently mentioned a second boyfriend. Did you, uh, know about that?”
She didn’t have to own up to that if she didn’t want to, but Marinette had a feeling Alya wouldn’t buy it. She was already juggling so many lies surrounding Adrien’s identity and her own that she was going to get mixed up sooner or later, and judging by the way her heart was beating wildly out of control in her chest, it was going to be the former.
“Yes,” she said with a difficult gulp, “After Chat brought up the poly thing with her, she was apparently excited because it meant that…this other boy she was interested in wasn’t completely off the table after all.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie, it was more of a stretched truth. She knew for a fact that if things in her love life had actually gone down the way she had told Alya, then she would have been ecstatic at the opportunity to date both Chat and Adrien guilt free. Well maybe. If they really had been two different boys, she would have still had the guilt of knowing she was leading Chat to believe he was dating two different girls when he was only dating one. But if she had been single, and Chat had approached her as Ladybug after she had developed feelings for him in order to ask if she’d be okay with him dating her and a civilian girl he had fallen for? Well then, the discomfort of holding two boys in her heart at once would have dissolved away with his suggestion that she could also date other people at the same time.
A groan could be heard emanating from the other end of the phone.
“Marinette,” Alya practically whined, “why didn’t you say something earlier?”
“Why would I have?” she answered defensively. It wasn’t really any of Alya’s business who Chat’s other partner was. Technically it wouldn’t have even been Marinette’s business, beyond whatever rules her and Chat had set up within their relationships to ensure everyone was on the same page.
“Well, I could have been subtly diverting attention or putting out more feelers on the Ladyblog to see how people feel about people having multiple boyfriends or girlfriends all this time! As it is, I’ve barely started laying groundwork for that, and it’s all from the guys side of things because I thought Chat was the only superhero who was a Vee! [1]”
“A what?”
“Never mind, I’ll explain later. Look – I just mean I could have been helping make things like this seem like…not such a big deal if I’d known there was a chance of this happening. So far I’ve only been focusing on how to help Chat Noir out of any awkward situations with the public. A lot of those ideas focused on me pointing out that Ladybug was vouching for him in some way, but that doesn’t work if people are also judging her.”
“Oh.” Marinette’s face heated in shame at assuming the worst of her best friend, even after she had gone to previous extremes to prove she wasn’t going to throw their friendship under the bus for a scoop.
“Shit,” Alya said suddenly, “I’ve got to move if I still want to make it to school on time. We can catch up on this more once we’re there.”
“You are going to school, right? Only, I don’t want any suspicious people trying to make any connections between girls who stay home from school on the day the news breaks and that it would  be upsetting for Chat Noir’s girlfriend to see it this morning.”
Marinette scrunched up her face into a frown. The last thing she wanted to do was face everyone when they were talking about her love life around her and judging her without even realising it. But Alya was right. There would probably be a million people watching for which kids didn’t show up to school today.
Besides, she really needed to speak to Adrien too. Had he seen this yet? It seemed unlikely as Adrien usually avoided most news sites in case they were spreading gossip about him or his father. He only used a handful of well tested akuma alert systems and the Ladyblog, and even then he didn’t look at that constantly. No, Adrien usually got most of his news from hearing about it second-hand and then looking into more himself on what topics interested him. He would most likely hear about this once he was in school, at which point he’d lose his chance to duck out of the building if he wanted to speak to her.
“I’ll be there,” she said quickly, glancing at the time with a flinch, “Though I think I’m gonna be late at this point.” Alya laughed.
“At least one thing’s still the same,” she said.
Buy Me A Coffee?
1Vee: A vee relationship is made up of three partners and gets its name from the letter “V,” in which one person acts as the "Vee," “hinge” or “pivot” partner dating two people. The other two people are not romantically or sexually involved with each other. These two people are known as “metamours” to one another (metamours are two people who are dating the same person, but are not actively dating each other). Metamours in a vee relationship may not know one another, may be vague acquaintances, or may be very good friends. In some cases, metamours may even live with one another, with or without their partner. A vee relationship can be "closed" where all three agree not to date anyone else, or "open" where they agree they can see other people outside of the vee. As such, a person can be a vee in one relationship and a metamour in another at the same time.
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vidkid20ssimblrlair · 4 years
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Episode 27: The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (Part 3)
"Aaron. Aaron. Speak to me. Please."
I rubbed his shoulder, but he sat there in a daze. I shook him, but he remained silent. I then whispered in his ear. "Stay here. I'm going to get help."
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I quickly ran out of the room and found myself in the hallway. Not a soul in sight. There was an eerie quietness that I wasn't used to hearing in the mornings in the hall. Jones’s music was no longer playing and not a single person was around when they would be at least someone. My breath quickened and I felt on the verge of panic. Then I heard a door open beside me and there Nathan stood in the doorway of the bathroom. He wiped his face with a towel and threw it over his bare shoulder. He then spotted me and a big grin spread across his face.
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"Sup Audrey!" he beamed and then his smile faded into an expression of concern as he studied my face. "You ok?"
"A...Aaron! It's... it's Aaron," I stuttered. "Gemma..."
He looked around and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Gemma? Did she do something? What happen?"
"She threatened Aaron and did something to him. I..I don't know."
"Where is he?"
"In his room."
"Ok. And you're ok, right? Did she hurt you?"
"No, but she knows I saw her and she's already threatened to kill me."
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He nodded. "Ok. Just calm down. I'll check on Aaron and then we'll let DJ and the others know what she did. She's not going to get away with it. It's going to be ok."
He hurried over to Aaron's room and pushed the door open. The doctor remained the same looking paralyzed with fear. His eyes flickered at the sight of Nathan, but he remained sitting there in a daze.
"Aaron. Aaron. You ok? What she do to you?" Nathan said lowering himself to his eye level. "You can tell me."
"I...I can't," the doctor mumbled.
"Come on. It's ok. You're safe. It's going to be alright."
The doctor shook his head. "No, it won't. No."
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Nathan rubbed his shoulder with sadness in his eyes. We waited several minutes hoping the doctor would say more, but he sat there quietly avoiding our eye contact.
"Is it anything I can do?" I whispered.
"No. He appears to be in shock," he frowned. "I'm sure whatever Gemma said or did must have really shaken him."
As we exchanged concerned looks, we heard a knock on the door. We looked back to see DJ staring back at us. His cool composure replaced with intensity and seriousness. He trained his eyes on me.
"Audrey, can you come here for a minute? I need you downstairs."
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"Just the guy we need. Do you see what she did?" Nathan complained as he gestured to the doctor. "She did this."
"Yeah. I heard. When Aaron is up to it, he can speak his piece too. For now, come on Audrey."
I immediately thought this is it. I figured DJ must know and Jones knows too. Everyone must know by now. Maybe she confessed? Maybe someone heard her? Lin was just next door. Maybe she heard? I don't know, but this was it. I would tell them what I witnessed. What she said and that would be enough to nail her. Then Aaron would later provide the proof needed to show how much of a threat she was. Then she would be gone. This would be finally it. If only Vince was here.
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"Have you seen Vince?"
"Yeah. This morning. He said he had something to do and he'll be back. I tried to stop him, but he was really determined. Maybe it's good I didn't stop him considering what happened."
"Did he leave me?" I thought instantly. He had stayed put all this time in the house. Why now? Was it because of the fight we had? Would he really leave me over that? No. I was being stupid. Was I? 
I persisted. "So did he say where he was going?"
"No. He just said he needed to do something and he'll be back."
"Oh. Alright, I guess,” I mumbled. “So did she confess? Is that how you know?"
"Huh?" he said sounding genuinely confused. "Gemma? Yeah, she told us what happened if that's what you're asking."
"Really? I bet she cried her eyes out again. Did she?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't she?"
"Yeah, it's her go-to move when she wants sympathy."
He scowled. "There's no need to gloat. You've done enough."
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"Woah? What?"
He sighed. "I just can't believe you..."
"I told you I was going to tell them about what happened in the garden and I did. About Ace. About Grace. All you needed to do was let me handle it," he grumbled. "But no, you just had to do it your way. Even after everything I said."
I stared at his back completely dumbfounded as we reached the end of the hall. I was utterly lost as to what he was even talking about. He seemed so angry. Not at Gemma, but at me. He stopped at the steps and held out his hand. "Give me the sword."
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"No. What is your problem?"
"Ok. Play dumb if want, but this isn't helping anything. I'm still going to have to take it from you. You broke the rules."
He turned his back on me and went down the stairs. I followed him feeling dread now. The hopefulness and elation I felt fading as I tried to decipher what was happening here. I followed him into the kitchen and I was met by various troubled faces. Omar and Tao sat at the table peering back at me with looks of disappointment. Madison leaned on the wall beside the doorway looking stressed. While Jones stood by looking furious with his hands on his hips. Then I noticed Wade standing by Gemma. He appeared to be comforting her as she held onto her arm. Then Gemma herself looked up at me with tears in her eyes.
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"You did this!" she cried. She held up her arm and a long cut on her wrist could be seen. It looked as if it had been sliced open. Blood drip from the wound and ran down her arm. Her piercing blue eyes stared back. Wade shushed her and applied a cloth to her wound. She then sniffled. "It hurts so much..."
"What the hell? What's going on here?"
Madison bit her lip and answered. "Well, Gemma here said she went up to Aaron's room to see him and she found you there sleeping on the couch. Said you woke up and started yelling at her. She tried to reason with you and make amends, but you went berserk and threatened to kill her. Then you sliced her arm open."
"I did what? I didn't do that. I didn't do any of that. It's her. She threatened me. She even threatened Aaron. He's upstairs right now with Nathan, petrified of her!"
"She said you would say that."
DJ groaned. "She said Aaron tried to stop you from hurting her even more and you told him to stay out of it. Then you pushed him to the floor. That's when she ran out to get help."
"Oh, God. You're kidding, right? This is just a joke right?" I laughed. It was the only thing keeping me from crying, but they stared back at me unmoved. I continued. "Well, how about Aaron's scalpel? She held it to his throat while she was threatening him. She probably still has it on her somewhere. I bet she cut herself with it just so she can make up her lame story."
Wade scoffed. "Girlie, are you trying to say she cut herself open like this?"
"Yes, because she's a fucking psychopath!" I roared. "I didn't do it. In fact, she threatened to cut my throat from ear to ear!"
"I did no such thing!" she cried.
"Enough," Jones snapped. "It's obvious there are two very different stories being told here. I would like to hear from both of you in private and Aaron as well, but for now, we must do something. DJ. Would you please?"
"Yeah, Gramps," he sighed. He came closer to me and held out his hand again. "Audrey. The sword. Give it here now."
"No. Are you fucking crazy?!"
"Audrey. I don't want to do this, but I can't have you walking around the house posing a threat," he said. "I'm not going to keep it. You'll have it back soon enough."
"Fuck off!" I yelled. I pointed it at him and he backed away. I felt my eyes swell with tears. I was losing control. I felt like an angry animal backed into a corner. "I'm not giving you shit! Nothing!"
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"Audrey please!"
"You don't have to take her sword,"  Gemma intruded sounding sickly sweet. "She obviously loves it and she may need it. I wouldn't want to render her defenseless just because of me."
"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed.
"Audrey!" Jones shouted. "I think it's quite commendable she would think of you and your safety even after what you...er, what happened."
"I said I didn't do anything you decrep-"
"What the fuck is going on here?" I then heard a voice say. Vince entered the room from the front door entrance. Despite his dirty and disheveled appearance, he was a sight for sore eyes. He stood at the doorway looking from one to the other at first. Then he came closer. "What the fuck is going on?"
"They’re trying to take my sword. They said I threatened Gemma!" I cried running into his arms. "I didn't do anything. I didn't do it!"
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"Ok. Ok. Calm down," he said softly. "DJ, what the hell?!"
"I'm sorry, Vince. Gramps was against her having a sword in the house in the first place, but we can't ignore it any longer. Not when someone is claiming she used it to hurt them."
"And that person would be Gemma?"
He looked over at Gemma and scowled. Gemma held out her arm again as if looking for sympathy from him, but he rolled his eyes in contempt. He shook his head. "That bitch is lying!"
Jones gasped. "Vince!"
"Don't you see? She lies about everything and Audrey wouldn't do that. It's total bullshit."
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Gemma began sobbing again. She buried her face in Wade's shoulder. Jones, on the other hand, looked taken aback by Vince's bluntness. If I wasn't so angry and upset, I might have laughed. The scene was somewhat comical. Madison cracked a small smile as she watched.
"Fine, but I still need to take her sword."
"Then what about Gemma? What you're going to do to her in the likely event she's lying?”
"We're going tie her up."
"What?" Gemma croaked. Her head rose up immediately and she wiped tears from her eyes. "Tied up?"
At this instant, Madison bust out laughing. Jones shot her a look and she quieted down, but she remained watching with an amused expression on her face.
"Well, what if we said no about the sword thing then?"
"Then you and her can leave with her sword," the old man snarled sounding increasingly annoyed. His cheerful and calm composure disintegrating before our eyes.
"Ok, then we'll leave."
"Wait. What?!" I gasped looking up into Vince's eyes. "But..."
He sighed. "It’s up to you."
I looked down at my katana and then around the room. These people had took me in. Befriended me. Cared for me. I glanced over at Madison. She looked sad as she watched to hear my decision. Who would think we would be friends after how we met. Who would think I would have grown to care about any of them. I even found a sense of normalcy with all of them strangely enough. Sharing meals, doing chores, the simple stuff. I had even grown to love the weirdness of this group and how different we were from each other. Sometimes it felt like we were a family. If I left now, what would happen to them? Would I ever see them again? I couldn't leave. Not now. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to them. If the Vultures got to them. I had to finish this fight.
"No. I'm staying," I said. I looked down at my katana one last time and smiled. It had saved me too many times. So many memories attached to it. Good and bad. To think my first kill was its owner and my friend. From that moment, I knew I would wield it in her honor. I handed it to DJ. He looked stunned.
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"I'm not going anywhere," I said angrily. I cut my eye at Vince and pushed past him. I paused for a moment taking in my decision, but then I found myself running towards the front door. I didn't look back. I was still furious, but also emotional. I wiped a tear as closed the door behind me.
Part 1  Part 2
Previous episode
Onto to the next episode. No more parts to this. xD There’s a reason why Vince is so dirty tho. ;)
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MLB Coffee Shop AU
I found this saved in a cryptic folder on my desktop called “Weird Stuff” and I’m sure I’ve posted this before but I competely forgot about and am wondering if I should do something with it? Idk if anyone has feedback let me know, I’m always a whore for feedback
Dunn Bros Coffee shop was the most relaxing environment Marinette could manage to find in her busy city. It was nestled in between the quiet back alley of a road that encased the definition of bustle, and a neighborhood that screamed snotty. But Dunn’s had a way of repelling the noise and excitement. Upon walking in there was the distinct smell of coffee and relief that hit just right so that all the kinks in Marinette’s neck seem to ease out with a sigh. She walked in, dropped her things in her seat and ordered her coffee at the counter. Dunn’s just seemed to be an unspoken gathering of fantastic human beings. Not that Marinette would really know. The most she ever spoke was to the barista when she ordered her usual although sometimes even ordering required no words. Tim always knew what she needed and that included when her eyebags indicated the necessity of a double shot. There was the occasional smile between her and the hot blonde boy who sat in the corner near the window but when she walked into Dunn’s it was because she had work to do. She didn’t come in for the company, though the quiet warmth that lingered was welcoming and enticing. When she was especially overwhelmed she’d take her headphones out and people watch to the folk music that played in the background. But that usually only happened about once a week and typically for about 10 minutes before her anxiety overtook her and she had to get back to the problem. Problem, typically taking the form of an also anxiety-stricken boss.
Marinette loved her job. Truly. She was constantly surrounded by beauty and fabric and sketch pads and creativity. But where the creative mind took shelter, so also did the chaotic mind. Every day she was met with impossible dead lines and over the top, dramatic, break downs and every day Marinette met the dead line and endured the responsibility of comforting the most ridiculous of people. Most of her work was done to satisfy the mainstream and Marinette took comfort that there were plenty of people wearing what she designed. But her true passion lay in creating something new and unseen. Her boss called it an “adorable hobby” but prompted her to spend her time researching what was being demanded.
Dunn’s seemed to accept that she had deadlines and anxiety and crazy people in her life and just let her be. She loved that about Dunn’s. So sitting her usual corner booth with coffee overpowering her nose and music filling her ears, Marinette sat content and continued her work. She did all the paperwork, matched all the right designs, and even whipped out her sewing kit to fix a stitch on a blouse that had been bothering her all day. She found time and peace to do all the things she needed to do. She glanced around the coffee shop, her eyes drifted aimlessly to the hot blonde boy who sat in the corner near the window. She didn’t know anything about him. Just that he was hot, blonde, a boy, and that he always sat in the corner near the window. Usually alone. But not today. Today there was another blonde though she did not look as particularly kind as the hot blonde boy who sat in the corner near the window. She had an impenetrable attitude that said she deserved to be worshipped and she knew it. Sometimes Marinette wished she could carry confidence like that. She knew she was pretty and she knew other people thought so but she didn’t know how to make it work for her or how to get the right people to notice.
Marinette watched the two for a few minutes, trying to decide their dynamic. There was a certain mutual admiration. The confident blonde girl that sat in the corner near the window, touched the hot blonde boy that sat in the corner near the window often. She squeezed his hand, affectionately ran her fingers through his hair, smoothed wrinkles from his shirt almost subconsciously. Marinette wished she could see the hot blonde boy’s face. He seemed to hide it in the corner near the window. It was obvious he didn’t mind the confident blonde girl but without seeing his eyes Marinette could not determine if he enjoyed it.
With the shake of her head, Marinette snapped out of her daze. It did not matter if he enjoyed it. It did not matter who they were, what they did, or why they did it. She didn’t know them so it certainly was not her business. Marinette floated to the counter debating if she really should have another coffee. She was so used to having late nights she was unsure of what the caffeine protocol was when there was a possibility of sleep. The barista, Tim, cocked his head a little.
“Are you confused?” Marinette just chuckled nervously.
“Sorry, it’s just, I finished my work and I don’t know what to do.” Tim chuckled back.
“Well typically people relax. Or go home.” Marinette nodded.
“Home isn’t as relaxing as here.” Tim just smiled.
“Well I can understand that. I’ll make you a cup of peppermint hot chocolate. Caffeine isn’t good for sleeping.” He turned around without another word and carried out his task. Marinette didn’t dare question him. Other people knew better how to do “normal” than she did. While she waited, her eyes wandered back to the blonde pair in the corner near the window. She still couldn’t see the blonde boy’s face. She found herself wishing that the blonde girl would leave. Marinette laughed to herself.
Leave it to her to get attached to people she didn’t even know. She thought about saying hello to the boy. There was a certain comradery there. They always saw each other sitting in their respective seats and Marinette always daydreamed about him when she had the time. But Marinette wasn’t good with strangers and she especially wasn’t good with hot strangers. Alya would probably laugh if she heard what Marinette was thinking.
“Girl,” she would say. “That’s literally your job, to deal with hot strangers.” But most of the people she worked with weren’t really strangers. Most of the models she worked with were the same to the point where she kind of felt like she knew them all. And she understood it. They had impossible standards to meet and incredible pressure. They were concerned about doing their job and doing it right. It wasn’t their fault it required them to be obsessed with their image. Maybe a little too obsessed.
“One peppermint hot chocolate for Marinette.” There she was, daydreaming again. She went to grab her drink when her phone started ringing. Her boss.
“Hello?” She thanked Tim silently and picked her drink up from the counter.
“Marinette!? Where the hell are you? Your deadline was fifteen minutes ago?”
“What are you talking about Audrey?”
“The lingerie line! The one we were presenting to Gabriel Agreste next month? Don’t tell me you forgot?”
“Of course not Mrs. Bourgeois, I gave it to my assistant yesterday to send to you this morning.”
“Well, its not here!” Marinette sighed.
“I’m coming. I’ll be there in just a minute.” She hung up the phone and hurried to her corner gathering her things. Another restless night. Same shit, different day.
“So Adrien, did hear about the line my mother is doing for your father?” Adrien took a sip of his coffee.
“No, what is it Chloe?” That was lie but it was best to just let her talk.
“It’s a lingerie line. Mother says if I lose a few inches around the waist I might get to model one of the designs at the launch party in a few weeks. Isn’t that great?”
“Chloe you don’t need to lose a few inches around the waist. You look fine the way you are.” Chloe rolled her eyes.
“You know for someone in the industry you seem to know nothing about fashion. Women need to be at least a size zero to look good in anything. Anyone who knows anything knows that.”
“Then maybe designers should make things that actually look good on normal people.” Chloe sighed.
“You could try being at least a little bit supportive Adrien.”
“I am!” Adrien protested.
“No you’re complaining again about how unfair life is. ‘Woe is me, my father is a world famous designer and all his designs are so exclusive, the humanity’!” Chloe mocked Adrien, a hand to her forehead in fake distress.
“Now who’s not being supportive?”
“Whatever. I have to go. Try not to mope to much while I’m gone, You’ll get worry lines.” Chloe ruffled Adrien’s hair as she walked away.
Adrien sighed. He looked to the opposite corner and saw that Marinette was gone. He knew her but she didn’t seem to know him so he felt awkward saying hi. He knew that she designed for Chloe’s Mom. His father spoke highly of her. He even commissioned that lingerie line from Marinette herself. Not that he would tell Chloe that. It was obvious that she was too wrapped up in her own little world to think much of anyone outside her bubble.
Adrien checked his phone.
1 New Message.
DJ Bubbler:
Dude you have to come over, I found a black cat on my patio and I don’t know what to do with it!
Adrien laughed. Same shit, different day.
Next Chapter
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preciousy00ngi · 5 years
Specialty (m)
Pair: NCT Mark Lee x Reader
Genre: smut
Kink(s): virgin!mark and older, experienced reader
In which Mark’s friends find him a girl to lose his virginity to. This girl being the college girl from next door.
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“Wait, why-“ Mark stutters as Johnny and Jaehyun shove some flowers into his hands and usher him up the neighbor’s driveway.
As a senior in high school, he feels somewhat like a child walking towards Y/N’s front door. She’s the hot college student that lives next door to his best friends Johnny and Jaehyun, also college students. She apparently has quite the reputation in the small university campus as being the typical loner that is rumored to be a freak in the sheets.
As a snarky joke, Johnny and Jaehyun teamed up to buy a bouquet and a sappy card to make their young friend deliver to Y/N as she lounges by the pool in her backyard. Mark, none the wiser, knocks on door thinking he’s just the message boy for his older friend’s crush. He waits for you to come to the door with no answer and looks over his shoulder at Johnny and Jaehyun who gesture for him to walk around back to the gate to your yard. Obediently, Mark does as told and knocks on the gate.
“Back here!” you shout from your spot on a lounge chair next to the water.
Mark unlatches the wooden gate and timidly approaches you. His eyes widen at your tanned figure dripping from a recent swim and red bikini standing out against your skin.
Looking over your cat-eye sunglasses, you give Mark once over, recognizing him as a frequenter of next door’s parties. His youthful looks and doe eyes spark a new feeling in your gut, he’s cute, you think.
“I... uh... have this for you.” Mark thrusts forward the card and flowers, looking down at his sneakers as you take the gifts with a confused look.
Reading the card, you take off your sunglasses and give the boy a smouldering look that makes sweat form on the back of his neck, “Really?”
Mark takes in your quirked eyebrow and nonchalant smirk, smiling and shrugging shyly. You grin wider, a mischievous glint in your eye and you stand, almost as tall as him when at full stature. He gulps when you step closer and reach behind your back to untie your top.
“Wh-“ he begins, but his jaw drops open at the sight of your perfect breasts on full display. If this were a dream, he would have one hell of a time after waking up.
With imaginary blood gushing from his nose and his dick growing harder in his pants, his eyes rake over your body. A soft, but menacing, giggle bubbles out of you and you grab his wrists, placing his hands on your chest. Like a fish to water, Mark takes their full weight in his hands as you play with his hair.
You brush his hair back and tilt his chin up to make eye contact with you, “Let’s take this inside?” Silently, Mark nods and follows you into your house like a babbling fool.
Once inside, you take him by the hand and climb the stairs to your bedroom. He continues to gawk at you when you sit him on your bed and kneel in between his legs, hands going to his belt. As you’re palming his crotch briefly, Mark stays in his stunned silence and gasps softly when your grip becomes stronger. You savor the innocent, unabashed lust gathering in his gaze that follows your hands.
“Is this okay?” You ask while looking up at him through your lashes, beginning to remove his jeans and boxers.
Mark vehemently nods, “Yeah. Yes, yes it’s better than okay.”
You smirk again and free his erection from his bottoms, stroking it until it reaches full potential. You hum and lick a bold stripe up the underside of his cock, flicking your tongue over the slit. Mark groans and lets his head lull back while he lavishes the pleasure of your skilled mouth.
The warmth of your mouth envelops the red tip that has beads of precum budding. You moan at his salty taste and make eye contact with him as you fondle his balls and swirl your tongue around his soft head. Mark’s breath keeps hitching in his throat, this new sensation of someone’s mouth on his dick has him gripping the sheets at his sides. He’d only ever received short, meaningless handjobs from his few girlfriends, never anything close to this.
“Oh god,” Mark groans, lightly placing a hand in your hair as you begin bobbing up and down the length of his cock “just like that. Fuck, that feels so good.”
Inwardly, you smile and nearly coo at his vocalness while you’re sucking him off. Each time he mewls little noises of pleasure, you shift your legs, trying to gain some friction on your pussy. His tentative hand grips your hair tighter as you suck harder and you moan again, reaching up to position his fist around your ponytail.
Mark picks up on your meaning and tugs your hair, earning a powerful groan from you. He bites his lip as he wraps your long hair around his wrist and really pulls it, again getting a visceral reaction from you.
Removing him from your mouth with a pop and rising to your feet, you peel off your now wet bikini bottoms. He looks up at you with admiration and expectedness, hands finding purchase on your hips as you straddle his lap.
You reach between your bodies and grab his saliva coated cock, positioning it before your entrance. Mark holds his breath as you sink down on him, each inch making him lose more of his sanity.
“Oh, holy shit.” he mumbles lowly, voice gruff with passion.
“You feel so good inside of me, baby.” you say breathlessly in his ear, slowly beginning to rock back and forth on his lap.
His eyes meet yours and you look down at him with a lust filled fire behind your irises. Mark’s whimpers raising in pitch as you bounce with more force, impaling yourself on his hardness.
You move one of his hands to your breast and he rolls your nipple between his forefinger and thumb, using his mouth to pay attention to the other.
By this point, with each of your moans, Mark thanks porn for giving him some techniques to get you off. The sound of your skin clapping against his makes Mark close his eyes to focus on the feeling, your silky, wet walls gripping his cock and your lips kissing the exposed skin on his neck.
When you feel your orgasm approaching, you slow your pace and get up, climbing onto the bed on all fours. Mark stands behind you as you press your upper body to the mattress and look back at him.
“Take off your clothes.” you direct, and Mark obliges, ready to please you in any way possible.
After he gets naked, you admire his lithe body and shake your hips at him, whining for his dick, “Fuck me like this, pull my hair.”
Doing as told, Mark wraps your hair around his wrist again and re-enters your warm pussy. His other hand gripping your hip.
“You’re so hot.” Mark states as he bottoms out in you, making you laugh.
Swirling your hips and making your ass bounce on him, you speak in a husky, sexy voice, “Thanks, baby, but I really need you to move now.”
Mark nods and dutifully begins thrusting his hips, hair falling into his eyes and bottom lip being torn to shreds by his teeth. You watch sweat drip from his brow as he grips your ponytail and fuck you with reckless abandon.
After finding his rhythm, Mark speeds up, making you bury your face in the sheets, letting out some loud moans and cries for more. You can feel Mark fighting his orgasm, trying to prolong this feeling, so you start rising to your knees, but in a moment of animalistic lust, Mark yanks on your hair and arching your back.
“Stay right there, sweetheart.” he growls, speed picking back up and forcing a scream out of you.
With the new position, the tip of his dick brushes against your walls and reaches new depths, “Fuck, right there, Mark!”
“Mm, I’m going to make you cum, Y/N, aren’t I? Not too bad for a virgin, huh?” he laughs bitterly with a spit of pleasureable anger. Humming, you reach down to your clit to catch up to his fast approaching orgasm.
Then you feel Mark move his other hand from your hip to your throat, pressing your back flush to his front. The full body contact with bare skin drives him crazy and you enjoy the small grunts that leave Mark’s throat against his will.
Your pussy clenches as he hits a new spot, “Mark, I’m gonna cum.”
He smiles at the sound of your voice while his hand grips your throat, “Oh yeah? Do it, Y/N, show me how good I make you feel.”
A heat builds in your core, your eyes rolling back into your head as Mark slams relentlessly into your pulsating pussy. You call out his name and he groans a few compliments to you as he reaches his peak as well.
His hips slow as he spurts his load into your womb and takes his hand off your throat, pressing kisses to where his long fingers left marks.
The two of you stay still for a few moments before he pulls out his softening member and you lower your tired body to the bed. He grabs the tissues from your bedside table and wipes your thighs sweetly and kissing your hip bones softly while he’s down there.
You hum contently as he lays beside you, “You we’re pretty good for a virgin, champ.”
He rolls his eyes and brushes hair out of your eyes before asking a question that burned in his mind, “What did that card say that made you strip in front of me?”
You laugh and look at him, “It said “I’m a virgin please fuck me” and I was like ‘okay’.”
“What? Really? That’s all it took?” Mark asks in disbelief.
Shrugging, you nod, “Well, I had seen you at Taeyong’s frat parties and thought you were adorable, but never thought you’d be into choking.”
Mark flushes a dark red and you giggle at his embarrassment, but he pouts “Do you still think that?”
“After what you just did to me? Maybe... but you can change my mind with round two.”
Hey! Thanks for reading, why don’t you follow for more and request?
- audrey
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chokemepaulson · 5 years
'You Ain't Gotta Worry It's An Open Invitation'
Pairing - Audrey Tindall x Reader
Warnings - S M U T!!! Praise, begging, brat, the works. I went all out for Tori because she deserves the BEST and only the best. Periodt.
Words - 1,892
Tag List - @shineestark @ahs-honey @marilynroselleprentiss @gay-and-sad-tm
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“I just don’t understand why they would only give me a stand-in part, do they not know who I am? I’m Audrey Tindall dammit!” The woman’s british accent reverberated off the walls of the study as she paced in front of you. “Seriously though? Stand-in?” she crosses her arms over her chest. “It’s honestly so ridiculous.”
“Audrey didn’t I tell you not to audition?” You lean back into the armchair and your eyes follow her pacing form. You had written the show and you actually wrote a character specifically for Audrey that you wanted her to play, but the character wouldn’t be appearing until later. Her auditioning was a total act of defiance and you knew it. “You know I have no control over the casting directors.”
The short haired blonde stops her pacing and she shakes her head. “Well yes darling, you did tell me not to audition.” She nibbles her bottom lip then. “But my agent called with the part.” she tries to reason her actions with you but you weren’t having it.
“So you listened to your agent, not me.” You cross your leg over the other and your forearms rest on the arms of the chair. “Over my lap,” You lift your chin up and you look deep into her shocked eyes. “Now.”
Audrey feels her throat tighten as she listened to your stern demand. “O-Over your lap?” The blonde stands completely still in her spot and she licks her lips before she shakes her head, “No.” And god she had no idea why she denied your demand but she did and she immediately regretted it because you rarely lose your patience with her but already your eyes were lit with a frustration she hadn’t seen in months. You two were always just too busy.
"No?” The world slithers its way out from between your lips while you stand from your chair. Stalking towards Audrey like she was a mouse and you were the starving cat that had been hunting their prey for weeks.
Audrey blushed darkly and she bites the inside of her bottom lip as she’s cornered, stepping back a few times before her shoulder blades hit the wall behind her. A gasp is pushed out of her chest and she looks at you with wide eyes, “What are you going to do?” She questions and honestly she sounds damn near breathless.
You place your forearms on either side of her head, resting them there on the wall as you lean in, your breath washing over Audrey’s face. “Nothing.” You whisper simply and your nose brushes against hers, Audrey’s eyes close in anticipation and her breathing picks up its pace. The blonde licks her lips and gets ready for you to kiss her, but after hearing the study door close her brown eyes flutter open and she stares at it in pure and utter shock. You had left her there all on her own in the room, with no kiss.
It takes her a few moments but when she actually realizes you weren’t coming back into the room she feels her anger build, the older woman walks out of the study and she stomps her way up the steps, and after not seeing you in the bedroom she lets out a growl. Grabbing pillows off the bed she throws them to the other side of the room. Wadding up the quilt that you two used every night she throws it out into the hall and she pulls the fitted sheet off the mattress, before blowing a puff of air out of her mouth so she could move her falling bangs. “Stupid shit.”
You had finally made your way out of the guest bedroom with the duffle bag filled with punishment toys when a small pillow was thrown out of your room and into the hallway. You had to step over pretty much all of the bedding that resided there on the floor of the hall, and your eyebrow arches in slight amusement as you take a peek inside the bedroom. Watching as Audrey had her little hissy fit.
Once you step inside you drop the bag onto the carpeted floor and it gathers Audrey’s attention. Her face was flushed from all of her exertion and her eyes were red rimmed from the crying. “Absolutely not.” Audrey grumbled and she stomps over to you, snatching the bag up. “You’re not leaving me.” Her eyes trace your form, the brown orbs slid down your body and then they made their way back up to gaze into your own eyes. “You couldn’t survive without me.” she spits out, and it would sound harsh to you if you didn’t see the look that her eyes held. The sadness and fear in them.
Audrey takes the bag to the bare mattress and she unzips it with haste, planning on dumping all of your belongings out onto the bed. “Thinking you can leave me. As i- oh,” Audrey's eyes widened in shock as she takes a look inside the black unmarked duffle bag you had packed just a few minutes ago.
“Yeah.” You walk up to stand behind her, your hand slides up the older womans back and you let out a hum of disapproval. “Oh.”
A blush paints Audrey’s otherwise pale features and she has to bite her bottom lip to stop herself from smiling like crazy. All of the toys in there were her favorites and she knew her punishment would’ve involved her coming at least once. “I’m sorry.” She eventually whispers and turns to you so she can search your face for forgiveness over the situation, but there wasn't any.
“Oh no, no no, lay down, arms above your head.” Your voice is low as you push her slim frame down against the bare mattress in front of her.
Audreys heart skips a beat and her chest leaps with pure anticipation as the front of her thighs touch the side of the bed. The older woman climbs up onto it and follows through with your request. Her arms held above her head like she was told she sniffs and looks down at you from under her hooded eyelids. “Like this?”
You’re silent as you grab Audrey’s favorite silk tie of yours from the dresser before you made your way back to the bed, looping the long piece of fabric around the headboard and then Audrey’s wrist, tying her to the bed. Making sure the deep purple material is snug against the blondes wrists you straddle her thighs and a smirk finally fills your features as you look down at her. This was going to be fun.
"Please," She whispers "Please I’ve been such a bad girl don’t you think?”
You move down the bed and you sit on your bare heels, letting your fingers slide up the insides of her cream colored thighs. “Oh you most definitely have been bad, bratty even.”
The needy woman bites her bottom lip hard and she has to hold back a moan that tried to crawl out of her lungs. Audrey loved being punished, she would purposely get in trouble most of the time just so she could see the fire in your eyes.
The look on her face sent a surge of power through you, the flush on her cheeks, the darkness in her eyes. "What should I do with you." You tilt your head as you scan her body, you quickly made up your mind though and without warning you smack the outside of Audrey's thigh. Delighting in the ripple that was created from it.
Audrey gasps out in a mixture of pain and surprise, she hadn't expected the slap but she didn't mind it. "Come on..." she mumbles and it causes you to look away from the reddening hand print on her thigh.
"What? What is it?" You question with a raised eyebrow. "Do you have a problem? Hm?" You move up her body and your face is now mere inches away from hers.
Her dark brown eyes gaze into yours and she bites the corner of her bottom lip as she feels your breath on her face. "No problem, " she whispered. "I was just... Wondering if you'd hurry up and get to the part where I get to come." She licks her lips then and she smiles innocently.
"Oh you thought you would get to have fun tonight?" You chuckled darkly as you shake your head. "My poor girl," a fake pout makes its way onto your face.
"You mean..." She swallows the lump in her throat and her body starts to tremble, "You mean I don't get to..." She searches your face for any sign that you were joking, and she really really hoped you were just joking.
"Finish? Come? No, none of that," You wrap your hand around her neck before leaning down, grasping the woman's bottom lip in between your teeth. You pull it away from her face before letting it go with a pop.
Audrey moans and she licks her now bruised bottom lip, "But that's not how this goes." She whispered as she gazes at you, and boy did she have her innocent pleading face down pat.
"Oh? It doesn't?" You slide your left hand up the inside of her thighs, the skin hot and sticky from her dripping arousal. As your fingertips graze the woman's folds you let out a deep chuckle. "Well, how about we change things up a bit."
Audrey let's out a whine. "Come on!" She pulls at the tie around her wrists and she releases a deep frustrated puff of air. "If you don't fuck me I'll finish myself!" She finally pulls one of her hands free and she smiles in triumph.
You gasp and you grab her wrist, using it as leverage to pull her entire body up into your own. "Oh baby girl you've really done it now." Your voice is husky and your eyes are dark with a mischievous glint that makes Audrey's entire body light up in goosebumps.
"Oh bloody hell."
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raleigh-ocean · 5 years
the sarah’s and their drunk s/o | headcanon
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Billie Dean Howard + [the hungry drunk]
She is so…speechless. Billie for sure didn't expect you to be like that but she is enjoying it too much. She was really late for the after party thanks to some last minute issues, so when she finally walked in you were way way ahead in drinks. Asking for you around the house, she finally found you in the kitchen fighting to open the biggest bag of chips you had found. As she could see, you pretty much had a feast of whatever you had found around. "What are you doing all alone here sweetheart?" she giggled, flickering her cigarette and hugging your waist with one arm before pressing a kiss to your cheek. "They didn't let me order a pizza, told them those…things weren't enough, I was so hungry Billie," your voice was very affected in between munching, as you still struggled to open the damn thing while Billie found it adorable and hilarious. She helped you open after a few tries, holding her cigarette between her lips, and then laughed when you gave her a sloppy kiss in return. "Oh shit, do you want a drink?" you said while holding your own glass, which she took to prevent you from spill it and doing a mess. "I'm finishing yours, then we can go get that pizza, what do you think?" and when your eyes lightened up, nodding with enthusiasm, Billie thought that at least you wouldn't be so hungover in the morning. She much preferred having you hungry than crying or raging around, but she still was impressed about how much you had drank since she didn't see you before like that.
Lana Winters + [the broken drunk]
When Lana found you hiding behind a three, being the absolute mess all by yourself, something inside her broke a little. She had watched you fell more silent as the night went on, Kit keeping the drinks getting to you while he danced happily with her daughter, finally married. You weren’t too fond of dancing, but you never stopped Lana from enjoying her little guilty pleasure. Until she went to the restroom for a second and when she was back you were out of sight. She didn't know what to do then, standing by your side in silence, but as soon as she was about to say something your voice came out all broken and slurred. "Why is she so pretty and why she won't ever notice me?" that really caught her off guard, looking past her shoulder in case you were heard. You clutched your glass against your chest, sobbing like she never saw you before. "About who are you talking about?” it’s a mere whisper and you didn’t seem to turn around to see who was talking to you. “Lana! Who else!?” Lana frowned a bit, puzzled but with the knot in her throat easing almost immediately. How much did you actually drink to even forget that you were her girlfriend from several years to this day? Chuckling, she sat by your side and hugged you with one arm, putting her head in your shoulder. “I’m sure she can’t take her eyes of you.” she reassured you, kissing your cheek. “Are you for real?” you sobbed again, kinda more happy but at the same time breaking Lana’s heart. “As real as I can be, dear, as real I can be.” Lana doesn’t like to see you that drunk, it’s like you lose yourself in darker times, so she always tries to have an eye on you in case the scenario arise again.
Cordelia Goode + [the naked drunk]
“Y/N what are y-OH MY GOD” She almost had a heart attack when she saw you crossing the front door at 4 a.m without your shirt and heavily drunk. You always went out with the girls to make sure they didn’t put up a show, but it seemed that they finally convinced you to give in and drink. The first question she landed was obviously where were your missing pieces of clothing. You were too worried about whatever Queenie was telling you, both trying to not wake the whole house, so Zoe had to tell Cordelia that you lost it at some point of the night and you didn’t remember. And you are quick to tell her. “Deliaaaaaa I lost my shirt!” you are smiling a lot and she is too worried about trying to make you lower your tone and cover you with her robe. “How can you-How did she ended up like this!?” Cordelia would be all about yelling-whispering, trying to ignore the fact that you are telling her sweet nothings. “One moment she had it on, second moment she was flashing us Cordy,” Madison shrugged, way too drunk to barely hold herself too. You bet your ass later in the morning, she’s going full throttle for sure. But even hangover, you still are a bit flirty and all “Well, you don’t need to worry baby, the only one I wanted to flash was you” and Madison is all ‘woah snap’ and Cordelia is just Not Having It ™ - so the next time y’all go out she goes with you to prevent you from getting a arrested or something. She for sure was not expecting you to get like that...and your drunk behaviour will make quite some messes around the Academy at some point (as when you presumily sent a nude to the staff group chat and Cordelia forbid you from being there and therefore started the group chat wars aka @shineestark and I have a full hc built around this and this reader is the same as in all Delia’s stuff I wrote!).
Bette and Dot Tattle + [the touchy-feely drunk]
Bette is all over the roof, and Dot...too but in a lower level than her sister. Having you holding their hands or with your arms around their waist or even snuggled in their chest is like heaven. And Bette takes this opportunity to kiss you as much as she wants, giving you love without having Dot’s nagging voice in her head telling her to not be tiresome. She is taking full advantage of your state just to keep pampering with her kind of love at least. Dot is more worried about you throwing up all over them and at first will be wary of you being that close to them just in case, but as the night goes by and you don’t leave their side at all...well, it makes Dot start to warm up to your ‘love’ too. They don’t quite like the part where you can’t actually speak much or at least speak something with some sense, but having you all for themselves it’s always a really nice thing. It’s weird to see you like that, since you hardly ever drink, but it’s a nice weird thing. It also lead to you asking them to spend the night together for the first time, so how can they do about that? Saying ‘no’ to you? Bette will always laugh at how Dot blushed fiercely when you fell asleep with your head nuzzled in her neck.
Sally McKenna + [the violent drunk]
Oh God, Sally absolutely feels some particular things seeing you that worked up, but it also worries her that you are not near her if you get like that. It’s something you don’t even like of yourself, but sometimes you get a couple drinks and then your whole mood is thrown over the roof. Sally had to held you back several time because one of Will’s model acquaintances is getting too close to you and it anger you to no end for some reason. She knows how to handle you, how to move around people so you don’t end up in a Situation ™ and therefore being in trouble. But Sally is just one woman and she can’t be by your side at all times, so obviously you end up about to punch someone when she was away, trying to get you something to eat to help you get sober. Sally is quick to her feet to drag you out of the party, redirecting all that negative energy towards...other activities. You only had been that drunk around her a handful of times, all in those events the high fashion socialité has thrown at the Cortez, and after that last one she is adamant about not letting you get to that point in any way. And you agree with her wholeheartedly.
Audrey Tindall + [the sloppy drunk]
After the tenth time Audrey has to save one of her things from breaking thanks to your new found ‘curiosity’ she thinks she’s going completely insane. At first she found your ‘butter-hands’ syndrome somewhat endearing, just because you keep on saying ‘sorry’ every time you are about to break or take down something without noticing. But you are now way to drunk to even do that and she has to keep herself checking what are you doing and where are you going in case it get out of hand. She hates avidly whoever decided to keep giving you shots and is kinda annoyed at you for your behaviour, but Audrey takes a deep breath every time she is about to kill you reminding herself that she loves you and she can’t actually do that. When your sloppiness start to get out of hand, aka you starting to do reckless stuff out of the blue, she would be vocal about it with you and sent you to your share room in order to sober you up with a good cold shower. Audrey doesn’t like that part of you especially and she would remind you about it once you are not with a massive headache.
Ally Mayfair-Richards + [the sentimental drunk]
At first Ally found funny how you kept being by her side, clinging to her for your dear life, but at the same time it ignites a little jealous flame inside her watching you proclaim your love for everyone. It’s not the first time she is seeing you like this, but still the flame is always there. You aren’t that...open with your feelings in a regular setting, but when you had your share of drinks your tongue loosen up and go full throttle. From experience, she knows better than having you reach that point since you later barely remember what happened, but she can’t do a thing if you made your way to your current state before she could do something. In exchange of your behaviour, Ally stays close to you and give you kisses as much as she can to remind herself that even when you are like that you still loves her the most. In your drunkass haze, you pick up these gestures and you soon pull her in your lap, sitting away from everyone at the party and start to pepper her face all over with kisses and words full of all those deep feelings you have for her and only for her. And maybe you might make her shed a tear or two, but it’s just because hearing you proclaiming your love for her always caught her by surprise and warm her heart at her fullest. However she still doesn’t like you being that drunk.
Wilhemina Venable + [the happy drunk]
If you are already a happy person without having to drink, Wilhemina can’t believe you could keep leveling up in that just by being totally wasted. She is getting used to be in a formal relationship with you, loving every second she gets to spend with you, but she had still to see that part of you. You two were at a bachelorette party from one of your friends and everyone kept going full on ‘remember when Y/N used to beat us all drinking’ and they got you drunk before Mina arrived. You welcomed her without any kind of restriction and the biggest smile on your face. At first she didn’t notice you were that wasted and it only gave it away when you made her laugh with the most stupid thing that crossed your mind, almost you falling to the floor in good laughters. She is actually worry that you end up throwing up and try to get you controlled in case you decided to keep drinking, but at the same time...seeing you being that carefree and dancing and laughing and trying to keep her entertained and happy just moves something in her heart. She doesn’t really care to see you in this state as long as you are feeling ‘okay’ in the sense to not lose yourself, the extra happiness is always more than welcome in those times and situations when she doesn’t feel the best at it -like social events, per example.
Tammy Robinson + [the horny silent drunk]
For Tammy is something normal, something she has got used to. But for the rest of the group? It’s their time to freak out because they never saw you getting a) that drunk and b) like that. Lou actually had to ask Tammy why she is laughing so much every time you get near her. All of it is because you whisper some indecent proposals to her ear and she had to calm you down lightly with promises and some touches in right places. It’s something fun, if she was being honest, overall because aside of getting closer to her for that you are not really talking much and just moving along her everytime she moved. Like lost puppy, but make it horny. And she kinda likes the attention? So she let you be for a good while until it start to weigh on her and then she’s quick to push you into the nearest room and let you do whatever you last said to her. But once you got what you’ve been yearning for all night...Tammy has to help you get to the nearest place in which you can lie down and nap. It only earn soft laughs from the rest and even from her, but for sure later she will remind you about it just to see you get as red as a tomato.
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Harry Hook x Reader - soulmate au! lost things
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A soulmate. Something everyone had, whether they be on the Isle or in Auradon. You had watched your mom and dad hand things the other had lost back to each other, either be a pen or a full stack of papers.
Oh, did I forget to mention? Soulmates found whatever the other lost. So say one lost their phone? The other would find it moments later.
Sometimes appearing mid-air and dropping into your hands. Your mom had once lost her wedding ring when she was cooking, your dad decided to be all dorky and “propose” all over again.
It was one of your fondest memories of them, it always filled you with the hope that one day, maybe you and your soulmate would be that way.
Speaking of your soulmate.
A pair of headphones appeared out of the corner of your eye. You smiled and picked them up, examining them.
They were a dark red with black leather for the ear cushions, little silver and gold bits and bobs decorated the headband and outer shell of the speakers, a small cross bone skull painted on the left ear.
You knew for a while that your soulmate was and isle kid, from the state of the items he lost. Always run down or used, broken, worn down, and sometimes, things you had “lost” before that he had lost again.
Like this pair of headphones, it was a pair of headphones you had bought last month and “lost” them, and now soulmate had lost them again.
You tossed them onto your bed and continued to work, knowing you would soon forget about them and they would return to your soulmate.
Harry growled in frustration as he tore through his room for his headphones. “goddamnit!” he yelled, tossing up his pillows, hearing them thud on the ground behind him a moment later.
“where the hell are meh headphones!?!” Harriet rolled her eyes behind him, messing with the threads of her new shirt (mostly new, her soulmate had lost it recently)
“yeh dolt it's with yer soulmate, yeh will get it back soon jus’ wait” she muttered, sneering as Harry turned to her and stuck his tongue out.
“shut up Hettie” he jeered back, grabbing his discarded pillows and tossing them back on his bed.
Somehow throughout the years, his soulmate had lost a lot of of….comfortable things, like soft fluffy pillows, blankets, hoodies, and even a full bag of food!
Sometimes he thought his soulmate purposely lost things to give him stuff. It was one of the reasons he wasn’t starving to death or sleeping on a lump of stone for a mattress so he wouldn’t complain.
“harry” he looked at his sister, pressing his lips together and shrugging.
“what” he stressed, eyes drifting to where she was pointing.
There on his dresser was his headphones, though they weren’t there a moment ago “told ya”
Harry glared at her and snatched them off his dresser, tossing them around his neck and stomping out of his room.
“(y/n) I swear I can't find my new shirt! I just got it last week!” Audrey whined about her shirt, it was a non-expensive one but it was comfortable and breathable. You sighed through the phone.
“Audrey, if you can't find it, your soulmate has it, so just chill okay?”
She sighed “I know I know but that was a good shirt!”
“just buy another one?” you suggested, knowing she could easily do that.
“but that was-what the-oh” you heard something in the background and you sat up.
“new thing?”
“uh…yeah? It’s a ….bracelet?”
“whats it looks like?” you trapped your phone between your cheek and neck, continuing to work on your essay.
“silver, bunch of….piraty things on it? Is the best way to describe it I guess, and some red gems on it too”
“sounds cool” you laughed, setting your phone down and turning on speakerphone. “so hows you “vacation” going?”
“pretty good, I got my hair done”
“I saw, it looks dope” you complimented. Audrey hummed back.,
“I like it too, so anything new for you?”
“yeah, headphones, and a ring” you glanced at the red ruby ring on your desk, the teeth of the skull clamping around the jewel” “so you’re sure its an isle kid?”
“has to be, everything they lose is used, the only thing that was relatively new was stuff I lost”
“hmmm, well you know I really don’t like isle kids”
“correction, you don’t like Mal” you interrupted quickly, knowing she liked Evie to an extent and Carlos and Jay weren’t really on her radar.
“yeah yeah, but if they are an isle kid I won't be mean, if it's your soulmate it's your soulmate!”
“same for you Aud” you teased, her lost things were also very…isle like, but she constantly denied it.
“oh shut up”
You glanced at your clock and sighed “I gotta go, I have a thing to do”
“im guessing cotillion?” Audrey muttered.
“yeah, sorry Aud”
“its fine, its not your fault Ben was spelled”
“I know, but still” you murmured, saving your essay and closing your laptop “alright I really gotta go!”
“bye! Talk to you later kisses!” she made a kiss sound and hung up, leaving you to get to jane to help plan cotillion.
You jumped as Lonnie burst into your room, speaking quickly “bens on the isle kidnapped by pirates and I need your help to convince Jay and Carlos to let us help!”
You stayed silent as you processed her words before leaping out of bed and quickly getting dressed.
“let's go!” you grabbed your sword and ran out with Lonnie,  running around to the front.
“we’re coming with you guys” Lonnie stated, surprising  Jay and Carlos, the two boys laughed nervously.
“what? We don’t need swords at the…..waffle hut?” Carlos's smile dropped and he slowly turned his head to look at jay.
“look its either you take us or….we’re gonna have to tell fairy godmother” jay and claros glanced at each other and sighed.
“alright, but (y/n) do you eve-“
You snorted and lifted up your arm, revealing the P tattoo you had gotten a couple of years back In honor of your uncle jack.
“There are some things I haven't told you guys” you laughed, pushing past them and heading to the limo.
Harry raised his brow as beasty boy kept glancing at his wrist “what are yeh lookin’ at beasty” he huffed, pointing his hook at him.
“…that bracelet looks very familiar for some reason” Ben muttered, squinting at the red and (f/c) beaded bracelet.
“so wha’ its meh soulmates” Harry rolled his eyes, turning around and strutting around the mainmast.
Bens eyes widened, that’s where he recognized it, it was (y/n)s! maybe-
“Finally!!!” ben was ripped from the mast, and pushed to the plank. “so lets get this started shall we!!” Ben looked to the group had arrived, relieved to see you among them.
No matter how pirate someone was, it was hard to beat the daughter of the king of pirates after all.
(y/n) turner.
You glanced around, some of these guys were hardly holding their swords correctly. You kept your sword behind your back since Mal had said to keep them hidden so Uma didn’t know anything was up.
Soon, mal passed the wand to uma, ben being handed back to her. As the pirates yelled in victory, you locked eyes with the tall red-coated boy, his bright ocean blue eyes sending a shock down your spine.
‘the hell’ you thought to your self, shaking your head, about to run back to the tunnel when uma screamed and broke the “wand”
“NO!” your eyes widened, watching as Uma drew her sword “YOU DO NOT GET TO WIN EVERY TIME!” Carlos dug out the smoke bombs and launched them at the pirates.
You sighed, drawing your sword and flipping it in your hand, cringing as mal fumbled to grip ber sword correctly.
“mal space your fingers and move your thumb to the right!”
You leaped down the deck, landing in a crouch next to mal. “you focus on ben, ill handle any that come” mal looked startled but obeyed, running up the deck to get to ben.
Uma locked eyes with you, pointing her sword at you “get her!”
You smirked, twisting around and dodging several pirates blades, heh, your baby cousin could fight better than these goons.
Uam huffed, deciding to deal with you herself. You smirked as she ran at you, easily blocking and parrying her attacks.
She was quite good, possibly taught by one of the OG pirates that lived on the isle, but still.
She couldn’t best you. You disarmed her and tripped her, wincing slightly as she hit the deck with a loud smack.
“who the hell-“ her eyes widened as she caught sight of your wrist. You smirked.
“honor among thieves young captain” you purred, embedding her cutlass beside her head. As you ran to head back to the tunnel, something appeared mid-air.
A silver hook.
Oddest fucking timing you got ain't cha soulmate??? You ignored it, strapping the hook to your belt loops and running, not seeing umas jaw drop as that entire event happened.
“holy shit” she muttered, jumping as Harry popped up behind her and growled.
“I lost meh hook!”
Later in the limo, Evie finally caught sight of the hook, her eyes widening “h-how did you get Harrys hook? You never fought with him??”
“Harry who?” you muttered confused, grabbing the hook from your waist and holding it up “wait was this Harry apart of the battle?”
“yes! He was uma first mate! The one with the red coat!” Evie stressed.
You were silent for a moment before facepalming “this popped out of the air just as we were leaving.”
“oh shit” the car sounded back, Harry Hook was your soulmate.
A year later, the hook still sat on your dresser, delicately placed in a display case, and polished every week.
You had been unable to forget about it, unable to send it back to harry. So you kept it, not being able to go to the isle and give it back personally.
Until one day.
You dove underwater, glaring back up at the surface as you saw Audrey disappear.
You were really glad you followed your gut and took the hook with you to Janes birthday party.
Breaching the surface you took heavy breathes, swimming to the edge and lifting yourself up onto the grotto.
“come on, we gotta warn the others!” you lifted jane out of the pool.
“you go do that, I have to get my stuff!” you took your bike back to the dorms, changing out of your wet party clothes and into your gear.
You slid your loose leather jacket up to just below your elbow, putting on your gloves and ring.
Black pants with reinforced knees, calf-length steel toe boots, and your sword, hook once more on your belt loop.
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As you stepped out of the dorms, you locked eyes with the vks.
“hey” you yelled out, smirking as they all jumped. “where the hell have you all been??”
“uh, getting hades ember???” mal looked you up and down, raising her brows “why are you dressed like that?”
“because I can” you snorted, locking eyes with harry “hey, I think this is yours” unhooking the hook, tossing it to harry.
He fumbled to catch it, jaw-dropping as he realized what it was “how-when did yeh get me…..oh…OH!” his cheeks turned pink, looking away from you and into his shoulder.
“yep, how’d you lose it in the first place?” you asked, watching as Harry glared at jay. “ah, gotcha” you snorted, following the group out as they had decided to go to the castle.
You smiled as the bridge began to build, your parents just behind you, hands on your shoulders. “you ready (y/n)” your mom asked, brushing a piece of cake off your cheek,
“yeah, and I think you guys will like him” you snickered. Your parents looked at each other, smiles on their faces.
“and why is that?”
“hes a pirate” you laughed, watching as Harry stepped over the bridge/Auradon border and locked eyes with you, a bright smile on his lips. He started to walk over to you.
“like mother like daughter” your dad laughed, grinning widely as you ran forward into Harry's arms.
“found yeh” Harry laughed, nuzzling his cheek into your hair, holding you tightly to his chest.
“I think our daughters in good hands” your mom hummed, intertwining hands with Will and walking over to greet harry.
you turned, smirking as you saw a black haired pirate girl hang Audrey recently lost necklace in front of her, Audrey cheeks Turing dark and she buried her face in her hands.
“wait Hetties soulmate is Audrey?....whoa” harry laughed, watching as his sister kissed the princesses forehead.
“i knew it” you chuckled, taking Harry arm and dragging him to meet your parents half way. “i never told you who my parents were right?”
“yeah my moms Elizabeth Swan and my dads Will Turner.”
---the end---
-this isn’t my best but I just had to get this idea out of my head, inspired by tik tok POVs with this au, might do a more in depth version of this--
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
Hold Me By Both Hands: Chapter 33
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Hopefully I can update tomorrow but considering we're preparing to get the fuck out because the bushfires are that close, I can't really promise anything, so forgive any mistakes in this chapter XD
Chapter 32 | Chapter 34 | AO3 link
“This is a disaster!” Ladybug cries. “Chat Noir! Carapace!”
“Hey. Ladybug.” Rena Rouge grabs Ladybug by the shoulders, not painfully but firmly enough to stop her in her tracks. “You and I can take down Malediktator, yeah?”
“It’s not Malediktator I’m worried about.” Ladybug takes a deep breath and rattles the abacus Lucky Charm rhythmically, the repetitive stim helping her calm down and think clearly. Now is not the time for panic. “It’s Chat and Carapace. They think they’re a cat and a turtle! Malediktator could take their Miraculouses!”
“Hey, you’re not allowed to lose your shit right now,” Rena Rouge says. “You’ll figure it out. You’re Ladybug.”
“Oh, my darling, where’s Chloé?” Audrey Bourgeois simpers on the ground, stroking Chat Noir’s hair while Carapace curls in a ball next to her. Ladybug bites down the furious rush of wrong that curdles her gut at the sight of a bad guy petting Chat Noir like that. Even if Audrey’s been brainwashed, she sure as hell isn’t a good guy in her normal mind. “She’s always wanted a turtle!”
“I’ll find our princess just as soon as Ladybug and Rena Rouge are under my control!” Malediktator says.
“Huh, I would’ve thought Chloé would be all over this,” Rena Rouge says. “After the way she stormed out and said she was leaving with her mother. You know, it probably wasn’t such a great idea for Marinette to get them to bond over being nasty…”
“I know,” Ladybug winces. Okay, so that hadn’t been her finest hour, especially after all the effort she’s put into helping Chloé find the right track…but hey, desperation to help someone can be a nasty thing. “But the fact that Chloé’s hiding…maybe that shows that she’s realising this isn’t right.”
“Okay, so, like, what are you gonna use that for?” Rena Rouge points at the abacus.
“We need the Bee and I know what to do,” Ladybug says. “I need you to keep an eye on Malediktator till I get back, so I can take you to help me with Chloé. I need your Mirage.”
“Chloé?” Rena Rouge splutters. “But everyone knows she’s Queen Bee!”
“I know. She won’t be Queen Bee, trust me. I just need you to make sure we can trust her.”
“Okay, okay,” Rena Rouge says. “Just call me when you need me. Now, go!”
Ladybug salutes and takes off through the city to Master Fu’s place. She lands in a nearby alleyway just as her transformation wears off, then tucks Tikki into her purse to refuel and walks the rest of the way as Marinette.
“Master!” she cries as she barrels into the room. “Malediktator has turned Chat Noir and Carapace into a cat and a turtle!”
Master Fu’s eyes widen. “Maybe you shouldn’t have left them, then?”
“I’ve got Rena Rouge keeping an eye on them,” Marinette says. “And the Lucky Charm led me here. I need the Bee, but…there’s also another Miraculous I want to hand out after the battle. Then I’ll be happy with our team for now.”
Master Fu nods and goes to retrieve the Miracle Box. As soon as it’s flipped open, Marinette grabs the Bee comb and the Dragon choker, and Master Fu fetches little boxes for her to slip them into.
“Good luck, Marinette,” Master Fu says. “To you and your team.”
“Thank you, Master,” Marinette says. “Tikki, spots on!”
Once she’s outside and on a rooftop, she swipes open her yo-yo and calls Rena Rouge. Thankfully, it only takes a few seconds for her teammate to answer.
“You got what you need?” Rena Rouge says.
“Yeah,” Ladybug says. “Where’s Malediktator?”
“Back at the hotel, looking for Chloé. I think she’s hiding on the roof, ‘cause he hasn’t found her yet.”
“Perfect. Stay right there, out of sight. And when I say the words, “You can come out now,” I need you to make an illusion of Marinette.”
“Huh? Marinette? Why?”
“Just trust me!” Ladybug says. “If you’re listening, you’ll know what to make her say. But I need to make sure that my instincts are right.”
Chloé’s not on the rooftop when Ladybug finally makes it to Le Grand Paris. However, she does make out Rena Rouge’s distinctive orange behind a bush, thankfully out of sight unless approaching from the angle that Ladybug had, and just as Ladybug is about to head over and make sure that she remembers the plan, the door to the rooftop bursts open. A flash of yellow streaks out, and Chloé Bourgeois ends up firmly on her royal rear when trying to skid to a halt in time to avoid a collision with Ladybug.
“Are you okay?” Ladybug says, helping Chloé to her feet.
“Ladybug!” Chloé throws her arms around Ladybug. “You’re going to help me, right?”
“I'm fine with helping you, Chloé,” Ladybug says. “But first, I need you to tell me what happened.” She needs Chloé to pass this test. “Why is your father – I mean, Malediktator, so mad?”
“It’s because of my super lame classmates,” Chloé scoffs. “They all hate me. They humiliated me in class today and –”
“Maybe they’re not entirely to blame?” Ladybug says.
“Ugh. Fine, it wasn’t totally their fault,” Chloé scoffs. “Sure, they’re utterly mean to me sometimes, but Daddy got mad all by himself.”
“All by himself?” Ladybug raises an eyebrow. Chloé gulps and fidgets.
“Yeah, because…there was something he couldn’t do…”
Ladybug sighs and reaches out to rest a hand on Chloé’s shoulder. “Chloé, it’s me. Ladybug. You don’t have to put on this tough act around me, remember? You can trust me. What really happened?”
“I – I –” Chloé swallows and takes a shaky breath. Ladybug smiles and nods in encouragement, and that’s all Chloé needs to let the floodgates slam open. “It – It was me. I hurt my daddy's feelings. Because I want to leave Paris forever!”
“Because of what happened in school with the video?” Ladybug says, and Chloé blanches. “I’m sure your classmates didn’t mean to be so harsh –”
“Oh, it’s not them,” Chloé sniffles. “Actually, I don’t even care about any of them, except Sabrina. It’s because I have no reason to be here – nobody likes me, my only friend is Sabrina and I know I treat her like shit, Adrien’s still not my friend, I can’t do anything – I’m…the only thing I am good at is screwing everything up. And I caused this mess, and I’m sorry, Ladybug, I’m sorry.”
“That’s not true,” Ladybug says. Chloé snorts.
“It's easy for you to say that. You're Ladybug, a superhero.”
“You think I’ve always been Ladybug?” Ladybug says. “You think all of my achievements have been behind this mask? I happened to be in the right place at the right time. The costumes don’t make us anything; all they do is give us powers and enhance what’s already there. We don’t need our powers to be heroes. I’ve seen how hard you’re trying and how far you’ve come.”
“It’s still not enough.” A sob wracks Chloé’s body, and she hunches over as though trying to contain it. “My classmates have given up on me. Even Marinette Dupain-Cheng told my mother how nasty I am. Was she just trying to sabotage me? Ugh, I bet she was –”
“I’m sure that’s not true,” Ladybug says. Then she raises her voice and calls, “You can come out now!”
Chloé frowns and wipes her eyes. A few seconds pass, then Marinette emerges from behind the bush where Rena Rouge is hiding. Huh. Rena Rouge is really getting the hang of this; the Marinette illusion looks totally realistic, with only a slight fuzz around the edges, although that’s probably only because Ladybug knows what to look for.
“Dupain-Cheng?” Chloé exclaims.
“Ladybug brought me here,” illusion Marinette says. “I heard everything. And I’m sorry for what I said to your mother.”
“Why would you say that?” Chloé stomps her foot. “You say I have to be a good person, then you turn around and tell her what a bitch I am!”
Illusion Marinette’s mouth droops. “I saw how much it meant to you, getting your mother’s approval. I just…I guess I wanted to help, but I went about it entirely wrong. I’m sorry, Chloé, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You don’t need the approval of someone like that,” Ladybug says. “Remember our talk months ago? You’ve got support if you want it, Chloé, but you have to make the effort to not slip back into those behaviours.”
“I’m trying!” Chloé says.
“I know,” Ladybug says. “Is there something you want to say to Marinette?”
“Do I have to?” Chloé whines.
“Yes,” Ladybug says. “I’m grateful that you apologised to me, but I’m not the one who deserves that apology. It’s easy to say sorry to someone you like. It’s not so easy to say it to someone you dislike.”
Chloé’s mouth works silently for a few moments. Then, to Ladybug’s delight, she squares her shoulders, turns to illusion Marinette stiffly, and says, “I’m…sorry, Dup – Marinette. For everything I’ve done. I’m s-sorry for accusing you of sabotage. And…thank you for helping me try and become a better person. I…accept your apology.”
Illusion Marinette beams. “I accept yours too, Chloé,” she says. “Ladybug’s right, you know. You’ve been trying hard.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Chloé says. “Get off my roof.” But there’s no venom in her voice, so that’s pretty much a declaration of gratitude from her.
“Alright, alright, enough with the sap.” Rena Rouge emerges from behind the bush. Ladybug’s eyes bulge, and she’s just about to ask Rena Rouge what the hell she’s doing, but Rena Rouge grabs illusion Marinette around the waist before Ladybug can speak. “I’ll get Marinette to safety, then meet back up to take down Malediktator.”
How can Rena Rouge touch ‘Marinette’? Unless…oh. Smart. No one else can know secret identities, so having ‘Marinette’ around to see Chloé transform…
“Thank you for apologising to Marinette,” Ladybug says once illusion Rena Rouge has jumped off the roof with illusion Marinette. “And for thanking her. I know it can’t have been easy.”
“Whatever,” Chloé scoffs. “Only ‘cause you asked, Ladybug.”
“I know it’s a tough lesson to learn, but you have to learn it,” Ladybug says. “The people you’ve bullied aren’t obligated to forgive you. You should continue to grow whether they forgive you or not; to become a better person because it’s the right thing to do.”
“But I can’t be nice. And I know you told me I just have to be good, but no one’ll believe that I’m trying if I’m not sickly sweet! They’ll just shake their heads and be like, “well, there she goes again”.”
“And like I said before, you don’t have to be nice,” Ladybug says. “There are ways that you can make yourself a better person without sacrificing who you are. You can speak your mind without being mean, you know. Tell others what you think but also tell them what you’d do. Give them another perspective. Not everyone will appreciate or ask for it, but it’s at least better than just outright saying mean things. You can turn a negative comment into a snarky comment. You can direct your negativity towards evil and doing the right thing while you figure out how to become genuinely good. You can use your attitude for good rather than evil.”
“I mean…” Chloé takes a deep breath. “I guess if I can’t be nice, I can at least be…good. But how? I don’t exactly have a moral compass like Dupain-bloody-Cheng.”
“Maybe you should see someone?” Ladybug says. “A professional? I know Marinette’s been helping you, but she and I can’t be solely responsible for guiding you. Look, do you promise to keep trying your best? To work each day to become a better person and to reach out for help if you need it, rather than pushing people away?”
“I –” Chloé swallows and nods. “Yeah, I guess. I mean, if I could apologise to Marinette Dupain-Cheng…”
“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.” Ladybug swipes open her yo-yo to fish out the little box and holds it out to Chloé, whose eyes bulge at the sight. “Chloé Bourgeois, you’ve proven that you’re willing to put in the effort to grow and change, even when you’re knocked down. Although you can’t be Queen Bee ever again since your identity is known, I entrust you with the Bee Miraculous so that you can choose a new name and costume, and this will push you to keep taking steps to improve yourself. You will use it for the greater good.”
Chloé just blinks and stares. When Ladybug nods, she reaches out and takes the box almost reverently, then snaps it open. Blinding gold light bursts out, making Chloé gasp and shield her eyes, and when she’s uncovered her face, she lights up at the sight of the little yellow kwami floating in front of her.
“Pollen!” she cries.
“Hello, my queen!” Pollen says.
“Once the mission’s complete, you must return the Miraculous to me,” Ladybug says. “Can I trust you, Chloé?”
“Of course!” A beaming Chloé snatches the comb to slide into her hair. “I won’t let you down, Ladybug! I’ll prove that I can be a better person!”
“On both sides of the mask?” Ladybug says. Chloé nods feverishly.
“Yes, yes, of course! Pollen, buzz on!”
Chloé’s new Bee outfit turns out to be a short dress with a tight yellow torso in a sweetheart neckline, with translucent blue hexagons over her upper chest, outlined in black fuzz. On the back of each palm is a black bee head with yellow details, creating the illusion of her yellow fingers emerging from underneath the bee, and the black rises to her elbows to form gloves with yellow fuzzy trim. She also has black tights with a yellow line on the outside of her thighs, knee-high yellow-soled black boots with yellow fuzz around the tops, sharp black lines tapering down her stomach that are reminiscent of her old suit, matching yellow lines on her thighs, a floaty yellow skirt with black fuzzy trim and black lines around the hem, and her trompo slung around her hips. Topping off her outfit are black streaks through her blonde hair that’s now loose around her shoulders, two small black antennae sticking out of her hair, and a black-outlined yellow mask with black over the bridge of her nose and little jagged black bee stingers under each eye.
“I’ve dreamed of doing this for so long!” Chloé bounces on the spot, her blue eyes shining behind her mask. “With you, Ladybug!”
“Focus,” Ladybug chides gently. “You, Rena Rouge, and I have to work as a team if we’re going to take down Malediktator.”
“Yes, yes, don’t worry!” Chloé says. “I swear I won’t screw up this time! Call me…” She runs a hand over her new fuzz. “Honeybee!”
“Right. Stay focused, Honeybee.”
“I will, I promise!”
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An update on Gunnar
I’m only gonna reveal the title right now. For Gunnar’s story in the whole, “Bendy And The Last Rebirth” thing. It’s titled, “Bendy And The Nightmare Unleashed”. Which it’s basically a prequel to The Last Rebirth before Cassie comes back to Jollymation Studios.
It’s something kind of like Outlast Whistleblower(Which was a prequel but also an epilogue to Outlast). But compared to Last Rebirth where it’s more personal, delving into what happens after the cycle is broken. Including it being a story of finally destroying the ink machine after Eric restarts the machine. Which brings Hell upon the studio.
The direction for Gunnar’s story is basically legitimate horror. Or basically survival horror. In a way where Outlast meets the likes of Bendy. But without anything graphic and not trying to go above the T rating. Yet the intensity of the situation is more extreme as you play as someone who experiences the terrors unleashed first hand. Basically more extreme than Bendy And The Ink Machine. 
Such as thinking about Gunnar as a character. Wanting to put a character that puts the concept into action. If Henry was younger like usual horror protagonists put into a situation like this. Someone who is much younger(Gunnar being 30) and fighting tooth and nail to survive in the work place he loved. Basically in a way a different perspective of how would they react to the creatures and all that goes on in that twisted world.
But when I was thinking about character inspirations. Such as Harry Mason from Silent Hill....I just got the idea of him taking care of a perfect Alice Angel....and I’m like, “Gunnar is a dad now”.
I’ve had this idea of Dorthey AKA Dot from the Dreams Come Into Life novel sadly becoming a perfect Alice Angel stuck in the world that Henry and others are in. Yet I haven’t went too deep with it. It’s basically some dark and tragic shit. But also we got a perfect Boris with Buddy and the other Boris clones. While I also keep thinking if Ink Bendy was treated better...he might of became that perfect Bendy Joey wanted.
Yet now I’m just....I’ve had thought about happier AU’s where the crew of Jollymation takes care of Bendy and whatever else. With Gunnar being a dad figure as well. 
But now it’s like...I like this. Yet it would change things. If Gunnar found a perfect Alice Angel(I might still put it in a way), Twisted Alice would lose her shit seeing her and try to capture that Alice to make her perfect. Meaning she would not go after Allison. Even though I feel she would go after Allison after she realizes the Boris clones might not be working anymore. Because an Alice clone is rare. 
Basically Gunnar is going through Hell. You have demonic looking cartoons trying to kill him. He doesn’t know whether he should trust the likes of Allison Angel and Tom The Wolf(Despite they are actively trying to help him). But when he discovers this normal looking Alice Angel. He’s like, “Oh my God there is still innocence and goodness in this studio after everything that happened”. Now he’s just protecting this angel from anything that would harm her. He just goes into full dad mode. 
I mean we had Henry and Buddy Boris, we might get Audrey and this Perfect Bendy(who I think along with others is Henry reborn), Last Rebirth well....Cassie has nearly everyone looking out for her. But from I know it’s Cassie and Ink Bendy. Now it’s Gunnar and Alice Angel. One that’s from the cartoons.
So.....here’s something funny.
GeekGem: Okay so, “Bendy And The Nightmare Unleashed” is basically if Outlast meets Bendy And The Ink Machine. This story doesn’t hold your hand. It’s intense, you aren’t doing fetch quests in some ways. The experience is way scarier than the first game. You need to fight and survive as someone who is experiencing these first hand. Gunnar’s gonna beat a Piper’s head to mush with a Pipe Wrench, he’ll hit the Projectionist in the face and head with a Pipe Wrench too. But he’ll even punch Twisted Alice in the face after she gets too close. Gunnar is a badass because of the fact he won’t give up and he’s taking on creatures that are beyond his understanding.
GeekGem’s mind: What if we give him a perfect Alice Angel and make him a dad?
GeekGem now:
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Yes I made this. Originally I was gonna put the axe in his left hand to showcase how much of a badass Gunnar is. But it was tricky and I decided to just keep the Pipe Wrench. Besides I keep imagining him with that weapon despite he would most likely use whatever is around him.
I’m only gonna tag this with Gunnar because the Bendy fandom is probably gonna think like, “What the fuck is this shit?” with this. XD
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
The House that Blows Up Every Few Years
request: Hey! Love your writing! Would you mind writing a Yukisonic x reader where the reader saves one of them from being terribly injured and the other two don’t know what to do cuz they don’t know if reader will make it and they reminisce a bit about when reader made them happy during hard times?
notes: Reader doesn’t save either, but tries to… Everyone lives, but you’ll understand what I mean. This one’s a doozy, at around 2.9k words.
warnings: domestic terrorism, housefire, near-death, hospital, wounds/scars.
The first thing you do after waking up to the smell of smoke is wake up your girlfriend. Ellie may be fireproof, but she’s not immune to smoke inhalation. The two of you grab your go bags and make a swift escape, following the rest of the people in your hallway to your station outside.
As you hear whispers of a bombing, you realize your other girlfriend, Yukio, isn’t at her station.
“She’s not there,” you say to your girlfriend, stomach dropping. “She’s not there.” Without another thought, you super-speed into the school before you can be stopped. Ellie goes after you, but is held back by teachers and staff. She fights them, yelling about Yukio, about you.
Hours that could be minutes pass by and though students are supposed to face away from the school, she and everyone else are staring. She watches as you flit past the windows, but then your form disappears. She watches the door, hoping you’ve gone downstairs, where there are less windows.
Eventually, Logan, Wade, and other assorted mutants who can withstand the fire filter out of the building. Ellie thinks you’re not with them until she notices that Wade’s got someone slung over his shoulder. You.
“Oh god!” she wails, but runs to the first aid station already set up by the authorities. Wade carries you over to the cot she’s closest to, and someone qualified begins working on you, doing CPR on you. “W-Where’s Yukio? She was looking fo Yukio?” Ellie shakes as she asks her question, one she realizes is dumb, while they are actively trying to resuscitate you.
“Why was she looking for Yukio? Yukio was out back, she had an impromptu sleepover with Jubilee,” Wade asks, confused.
“Yukio- She- She wasn’t at her station up front,” Ellie trembles. “Y/N just went in there, without a thought, to get to her… I- I…” She’s too stunned to cry, at least right now. Too stunned to be angry at Yukio, at least right now.
“And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why sleepovers are technically against the rules here. We have too many disasters between the old house, everyone’s old enemies, and anti-mutant organizations like the one that bombed us tonight for anyone to be unaccounted for,” Logan interjects.
“Even I know it’s not the time, dude,” Wade remarks, and Ellie doesn’t reject his comfort when he gives her a hug, letting her turn her head to keep an eye on you.
“As you can see by the soot near her nostrils and the bluish tint to her skin, your friend here is suffering from smoke inhalation. She’s breathing now, but we’ll have to take her to the hospital. What all can you tell us about her? Any allergies or other medical history we should know about? Conditions that may run in the family?” the EMT asks.
“Um, uh, she’s a mutant, uh, s-so she used her super-speed to get in and around there. She would’ve breathed a lot faster, so there m-might be- Y’know, with the inhalation, uh… I- I don’t know anything.” At this realization, the realization that you might die and she won’t know something as simple as if you have any allergies, she sobs into Wade’s chest. Your cot is lifted into the ambulance, and Wade releases Ellie, hopping in there before anyone can stop him.
The fire is finally put out, and the ambulance drives away. Ellie and Yukio sit together in one of the buses to the hotel.
“What happened? I heard Y/N got hurt, is she gonna be okay?” Yukio’s blissfully unaware, and this makes Ellie resent her even more. 
“If she dies, I will never forgive you,” Ellie informs her with a cold glare. Yukio didn’t think Ellie was capable of cold like that before now, only burning intensity with every single emotion.
“I don’t understand, what happened?”
“She was looking for you, you idiot!” Ellie shrieks, drawing the attention of everyone on the bus. “Because you weren’t at your station, and you failed to tell either of us where you were. Smoke inhalation kills way faster than the actual fire will. She’s barely alive.”
“What? She was- I- No, no, I- I- No…”  
Ellie just continues to glare, silent tears running down her cheeks as Yukio sobs into the empty seat in front of her where you should be. Ellie can almost see you, cracking jokes about how anti-mutant freaks are so stupid they can’t even bomb a building right, or how you’d wished they’d gotten someone you hated this time.
She realizes that she’s not honoring you very well by taking her frustration and fear out on the person who you tried to save.
“I’m- I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. She and I should’ve checked around before trying to go in. You- You’re not an idiot, you just wanted to hang out with your friend.”
“It’s my fault whether it was an accident or not,” Yukio admits, still crying, but she clings to Ellie now, who clings back as the ride continues.
When they get to the hotel, they share a bed, and Sally, Yukio’s roommate, gets one to herself. Normally, you’d be in the bed with them and Sally would jokingly beg you guys not to “do anything freaky.”
Ellie bitterly chuckles at the thought.
“What?” Yukio wonders. The two lay side by side, not even touching. Looking at the ceiling.
“Thinking about Sally asking us not to do anything freaky,” Ellie explains. “Remember when Y/N licked her own elbow in response and nearly dislocated her shoulder?”
Yukio giggles at the reminder, before remembering she’s not supposed to giggle while you’re fighting for your life.
“No, no, Y/N would want us to cheer up. Remember what she’d say, that dumbass meme? Keep your chin up, gamer, your headset is falling.”
“Our heads are on pillows,” Yukio retorts, being pouty and difficult in her near-grief.
“It’s a metaphor and you know it,” Ellie scoffs, knowing she has to step up and be the middle ground between herself and Yukio that you usually were. “Remember that time when she raced Pietro? And all the crazy stuff they did as tie-breakers?”
“She ended up losing because he proposed who could kiss their girlfriend faster as a challenge. He agreed she could choose just one of us, but she refused.”
“She chose you tonight,” Ellie chokes out.
“Baby, no…” Yukio reassures. “You know she thought she would get me out of there in no time, that we’d all be safe together… But I was so- So irresponsible. I’m so sorry,” Yukio breaks down again, overwhelmed by guilt.
Ellie’s phone rings, that stupid ringtone Wade programmed into it for himself when he got ahold of her phone while she was in gym.
Hey, it’s Wade, you need to pick up your fucking phone! Alexander Graham Bell didn’t invent this shit for texting, answer the call!
Ellie almost ignores it, but then remembers that Wade went with you and lunges toward the nightstand, ripping the charger out of her phone and answering, putting it on speaker.
“What’s going on, is she okay? Is she- Is she…?”
“She’s fine, Eleven. They’re gonna take some chest x-rays and whatnot tomorrow to make sure, but she’s alive, just sleeping.”
Ellie sighs in relief, ignoring Wade’s dumb nickname.
“Thank god,” Yukio weeps.
“No, thank Wade for getting her out,” Ellie corrects. “I- I owe you big time, dude.”
“Did you just… Say something nice about me? Wow, maybe- Nope. Not worth it,” Wade jokes, managing to get a chuckle out of Yukio and a smile from Ellie that he can’t see.
“We’ll be there tomorrow,” Ellie confirms, with a relieved sigh following.
“Great. See you then. Try to get some sleep, you don’t wanna be exhausted when you see her again.”
“Alright. Thanks again, man.”
“No problem.” Wade hangs up, and Ellie and Yukio lay back, unsure of how to sleep in the same bed without you. The two of them, between their electricity and fire abilities, produced too much heat to cuddle each other. You typically acted as a buffer between them, allowing them to be close to each other (and you) with no discomfort.
“Do you wanna hold hands?” Yukio offers.
“Mine are all sweaty,” Ellie admits.
“Mine too.”
They hold hands.
“Remember when Y/N went on that roller coaster with us? I think she was the most scared, she held our hands so tight.”
“Yeah. ‘It’s different when it’s me!’” Ellie playfully imitates you.
Yukio giggles. “She really is the best, isn’t she?”
“You’re both the best.”
“No, you’re both the best.”
“Maybe we’re all the best. That’s why we’re all together. No one else is worthy,” Ellie jokes.  
“Something like that,” Yukio replies. “I like remembering her. We should do it a lot more. Maybe tell her this stuff instead of assuming she knows it, ‘cause what if she had died and she didn’t know? What if she died because of me and she didn’t know that I love her, I love her so much…?” Her voice breaks a little bit.
“I love her too. And I love you.”
“I love you too. I miss her.”
“Me too,” Ellie agrees. “Remember when you two did that play together? What was it, uh…?”
“Little Shop of Horrors… She was adorable as Seymara. It was awesome that they let us gender-swap Seymour so we could play him and Audrey.”
“Well, your duet during auditions was amazing. I wish I would’ve tried out, I could’ve played a hobo, or Audrey 2. But I was too scared. Should’ve listened to Y/N.”
“We could all stand to listen to Y/N more,” Yukio reminds her girlfriend. “Oh, oh, remember when we saw The Nun and she got so scared at that one part that she ran out of the theater and back in at super-speed? We didn’t even know it happened until she told us after.”
Ellie finally laughs, at this. It was one of her favorite memories of you. You’d insisted on seeing the movie, but at the first jump-scare, you fled. However, you returned. Outside of the humor, that was Ellie’s favorite part: You came back and faced it.
“We should get to sleep, like Wade said,” Ellie suggests.
“Agreed. I love you. Goodnight. Sweet dreams, honey.”
“Goodnight. I love you, too. Sweet dreams, babe.”
Ellie doesn’t have sweet dreams. She dreams of the events of the night, but this time, you die. Wade holds a charred, smoldering body in his hands.
She lurches forward when she wakes up, still crying like she was in her dream.
“Baby, baby, sweetheart, what happened?” Yukio, already awake, rushes from the attached bathroom to Ellie’s side.
“It- It was last night, b-but Y/N died, and she was all burnt up, crumbling,” Ellie pants, sobs breaking up her breaths.
“Shh, shh… She’s okay, Y/N’s okay… We’re gonna see her today… Shhh…” Yukio repeats the sentiment, holding Ellie, who is sitting on the bed, to her and rocking back and forth steadily.
“What happened?” Sally asks sleepily, awoken by the commotion. “Did her, uh… Did her condition get worse?”
“She’s gonna be alright, Skids. Ellie just had a nightmare about what happened, that’s all.”
“Damn, that sucks. Tell Y/N I said to get well soon.” Sally goes back to sleep after saying this, and both Ellie and Yukio get ready to leave.
After this, they check in with Piotr and leave for the hospital, taking a cab there. They wait in the waiting room for visiting hours to begin, and Wade confirms at the desk that they’re allowed to see you.
Ellie and Yukio follow Wade down the halls to your room. You’re awake, sort of.
“Hey guys…” You give them the sleepiest, sweetest grin that makes it more than worth the wait.
“I’m gonna go steal some jello, B-R-B!” Wade announces, exiting swiftly after.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Ellie says, close to crying again.
“Hey, hey, none of that. Look, look… They tell me I’m gonna match Wade.” You hold up your leg, which is heavily bandaged, before letting it flop down on the bed, as if it’s too heavy to lift. Ellie realizes you must be under general anesthesia of some sort. It’d explain your grogginess.
“I’m sorry,” Yukio says. “I should’ve told you or Ellie about the sleepover, I-”
“Sleepover? Right, right, with Jubilee. Don’t blame yourself for me not sending you a text before running into a burning building. Damn, those anti-mutant freaks can’t even bomb a building right. There’s hundreds of people in there and the only person they managed to even injure is me. Damn it, why couldn’t they have gotten that shithead Quentin or something? I’m kidding, I’m kidding…”
Ellie laughs too hard, so glad to hear you make your twisted jokes that she’d usually scoff at, that Yukio would usually playfully scold you for.
“You- If I’d been in there, you would’ve saved my life. You thought I was in danger, and you just… Ran in, without even thinking. I’m- I’m so grateful,” Yukio says.
“Babe, of course. What else would I do?” You ask.
“I don’t know, stay safe and not be stupid?” Ellie mumbles. Now that she knows you’re okay, she can be angry at you for being so reckless.
“You ran after her too, jackass. I’m just faster,” you defend yourself with a scoff.
“Yeah, and you passed out due to smoke inhalation faster, too,” Ellie argues. You sigh.
“I’m not gonna apologize, Ellie,” you make it known. “I don’t regret going in there. What if she’d really been in there? What if someone else was? If I died in there, I wouldn’t have regretted it, because it was the right thing to do.”
“Forgive me if that sounds more suicidal than heroic,” Ellie says with a roll of her eyes, not even hinting at what a hurtful thing that was to say, considering her nightmare last night.
“Y/N,” Yukio scolds, though there’s no malice in her tone, just frustration. “You shouldn’t say things like that! Ellie just had a bad dream about you dying in the fire last night! She cried in her sleep and even after she woke up!”
“Yukio,” Ellie hisses. “You weren’t supposed to tell anyone.” So much for hiding it.
“Babe,” you fret, reaching out to stroke her cheek with your bandaged hand. She turns away at the sight of it, not letting you touch her. If she’d just been faster, maybe she could’ve helped you get out sooner, made you realize you couldn’t stay, that Yukio was somewhere else.
You can’t hide your expression of disappointment at her withdrawal.
“I’m happy you’re both okay, and I am sorry for worrying you and scaring you, just not for what I did,” you admit.
“Fine. I guess I can deal with that,” Ellie decides. She hates herself for being so selfish and afraid, and even hates you a little for not being those things as well. You could’ve stayed safe with her. You didn’t. You sacrificed your life for the potential of saving someone else’s, and you didn’t even regret it, despite only hurting yourself. “I just- You could’ve died.”
“Yeah, I could’ve, but I didn’t, so… Get over it,” you say. You’d tried to be patient, light-hearted, but between Ellie’s pushiness, your nausea from the anesthesia, and your overall exhaustion, it’s not easy to keep up. “It’s not like you almost died.”
“But didn’t I?” Ellie responds, the words almost silently slipping out of her mouth before she can stop them.
You sigh, reaching out to her again. She takes your hand this time, Yukio already holding your other and just watching, grateful to see you again after being so worried.
“I’m sorry we haven’t really chatted much other than arguing, but can I sleep some more?” you request. “You guys can stay in here if you don’t mind the increased potential for drooling and the fact that I might wake up and vomit, but I’m very drowsy.”
“Of course you can sleep, honey bunny. You need more rest so you can heal up faster,” Yukio agrees, while Ellie nods. You yawn before closing your eyes and trying to fall asleep.
You fail at this task, trying for minutes that felt like hours. You open your eyes, looking around. Ellie’s fallen asleep, still clutching your hand, but Yukio is awake, just watching both of you. Careful not to wake up your other girlfriend, you scoot away from Yukio, attempting to make a space for her. She squeezes in, your bodies eventually overlapping as you cuddle.
“I love you,” Yukio quietly says. “Last night, Ellie and I stayed up pretty late, just talking about you. Our worries about you, our favorite memories of you, what we love about you… It really helped us calm down, but I realized that we should be telling you these things that we appreciate about you, not just remembering them when you almost die.”
“Babe, you guys make me feel plenty appreciated.” It’s true. They give you lots of praise, and you them. Despite any other flaws in the relationship, that was a strong attribute of it.
“But- But still. What if you had died, not knowing exactly how much we love you? How much I love you?”
“Love, I promise I know. I love you two, too. Let’s just cuddle and try to relax. I’ve got an x-ray later.”
“Okay…” Yukio agrees, and once you’re in the safety of her arms, you both fall asleep.
Everything is gonna be okay.
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bunny-lou · 5 years
Hmmm, could you write some Mal/Evie/Jay/Carlos w/ them being extremely possessive & dependent about each other? Dark in term of their mental states not necessarily being where they should be, but not dark in that they treat other wrong/abusively. Maybe it could take place while their in Auradon? I absolutely love love love your writing
Enjoy, love!
Warning for dark themes and unhealthy relationships
Coach Jenkins is a wonderful man, but Fairy Godmother did not appreciate being woken up at 6 am on a Saturday by his phone call.
“You should probably just get down here. I…don’t really know what to do.”
She would bet her magic wand she knew exactly who started whatever situation she was currently storming into. Every time a staff member says I don’t know what to do, it’s the same students.
Jenkins met her at the gate to the tourney field and held it open for her. “I found them all this morning. I’m not sure how they got in, but I’m guessing Jay picked the lock.”
Any other student and she would have been shocked and he would have been more angered by the action, but these aren’t the typical Auradon student and Fairy Godmother quickly learnt that if she wasted time trying to understand and express proper surprise over every horrifying skill, she would have to retire early.
The two of them walk to the locker room and Coach Jenkins puts his hand up. “I think they’re still sleeping. No windows in here for sunlight.”
It’s currently 6:27. There is no sunlight yet. But she doesn’t say that.
He pushes open the door and Fairy Godmother is flooded with memories of Jane being young and having sleepovers with Lonnie and Audrey and so many other little girls. Blanket forts and pillows piled high, but they always ended up falling asleep in a little cuddle of one another.
Jay, closest to the door, shoots up immediately, wiping the sleep from his eyes. In the dim lighting that comes from the shower room next door, Fairy Godmother spots Evie, curled up in a ball against Jay’s back. Mal is next, arm thrown over her face with Carlos buried into her shoulder.
“Oh shit.”
“Language, Jay.” She corrects automatically. That isn’t the problem right now. “Make yourselves presentable. I want all of you out here in two minutes.” She flips the light switch and closes the door.
Jenkins crosses his arms. “Any idea what this is about?”
She ought to not be so open with the troubles she’s having, but these Isle kids make her feel like she’s drowning some days. “I caught the girls sleeping in the boys’ room a few nights ago. Chad told me about it.” Her godson had looked thrilled to get others in trouble and came bounding into her office immediately. “I told them they can’t do that anymore obviously.” She’s not crazy, right? Boys and girls don’t stay the night together in a boarding school!
“They didn’t take it well?”
“I thought they did.” She admits with a small smile. “I was suspicious at how quickly they agreed. I should have seen something like this coming.”
“They’re sleeping on the floor of the locker room.” Jenkins says and looks pointedly at the door. “I don’t think anyone saw this coming.”
For a moment, they are silent and listen to the gentle rustling on the other side of the door.
“You know, Jay depends on his friends pretty hard.” Jenkins softly says. “He’s told me a little bit about growing up with Jafar. It’s not a pretty picture. On days where we lose or he fumbles, he falls into this…downward spiral. The only way he gets pulled out is with Carlos and Mel and Evie.”
“Mal,” Fairy Godmother corrects. “Short for, ahem, Maleficent.”
He nods. “That makes more sense. I’m sure living with Maleficent wasn’t easy on her. Or any of them.”
“They can’t just break school rules like this.”
“They’ve never had rules to follow though.” Jenkins looks at her and stuffs his hands in his pockets. “They don’t understand them or why they should follow them.” He sighs and looks her in the eyes. “We take these kids from their home, their parents, their other friends and tell them to conform to Auradon life without any practice. The only thing they understand around here is each other.”
As the last word, leaves his mouth, the door swings open. Jay and Mal step out with confidence, still in their pajamas, but with blankets around their shoulders. Evie and Carlos follow, having the decency to look slightly ashamed, in a similar state.
Mal wastes no time. “Okay. Come on. We’re ready to be yelled at.”
“I would never yell at a child.”
“Then we’re ready to be scolded.”
But scolding doesn’t so anything. Neither does taking away privileges or setting an earlier curfew or giving detention.
Carlos had once said in passing that the one time he got detention on the Isle, he was used as target practice for a knife throwing class. He got detention for arriving to school on time because he was trying to escape his mother during a particularly bad day.
“What… What is the point of this?” Fairy Godmother finally asks.
“You said we couldn’t stay in each other’s rooms.” Mal shrugs, still failing to see the problem. “So we stayed here.”
“We were going to head back to our rooms as soon as we woke up,” Evie offers, still huddled in her blanket. “That way everything was still okay and we didn’t cause you anymore trouble.”
“It didn’t work out that way, though.” Carlos says. “Clearly.”
“I mean, what is the point of the four of you being together at night?”
Jay tilts his head and the gesture is so innocent and naive, it hurts her heart a bit. “What do you mean?”
“Why do the four of you feel the need to be around each other like this? At night?” Coach Jenkins offers.
As horrible as it is to break the rules, the four of them aren’t doing anything else. They’re fully clothed, they’re not disheveled, it seems like a genuinely innocent sleepover, just like what Jane used to have.
“You always sleep in a group at night,” Mal says slowly, like it’s obvious, like it’s the adults that don’t understand.
“Isn’t that why we all have roommates here?” Evie asks sweetly. “Because we’re most vulnerable at night?”
That isn’t the problem right now, Fairy Godmother can only handle one issue at a time and something like this is going to require more than a group of six standing on the tourney field in their pajamas and blankets.
“Boys and girls-.”
“-Can’t stay together, yeah, we know.” Mal says and her suppressed eye roll is felt by all of them. “We’re sorry.”
“You don’t say sorry if you intend to keep breaking the rules.”
“Say sorry, don’t say sorry.” She scoffs. “Why can’t Auradon just-.”
Carlos elbows Mal quickly. “We’re just used to having each other at night.” He says and bats his eyes. As the youngest in his group, Carlos often gets away with more than his friends and he knows it and Fairy Godmother knows it, but manipulating people isn’t the problem right now.
“We need a solution to this.” Fairy Godmother says. “This can not keep happening, it is against school policy.” But the disciplinary actions don’t work, these kids aren’t bothered by what consequences Auradon can offer. How is she meant to hand out punishments that compare with knife throwing and hurtful parents?
When Jenkins speaks, she jumps. She had almost forgotten he was here too. “Don’t you guys have smart phones? So you guys can call and video each other when you need to?”
“A what now?” Jay asks as he yawns, head tilted in the same naive manner.
“A smart phone, like…” Jenkins reaches into his pocket and shows them. “It helps you stay in contact with people when they’re not around you. You can call or text or video them.”
Like we did with your parents, she wants to say, but it probably won’t go too well.
Carlos eagerly looks at the technology, turning it over in his hands and studying ever port and button. “Yeah, I’ve seen some other kids use these!” He shows the others. “You talk into it and hear other people!”
“That’s a possibility,” Fairy Godmother says. “Ben agrees that we should be helping you four move up to the social level of other students as well as the academic.”
The four of them look at each other, but don’t respond. This situation isn’t going to be resolved with phone calls and video chats, but it might be the best thing Auradon can offer right now
“Come, children.” She waves them along. “Let’s work this out over breakfast, hmm?”
Ahh, I couldn’t really come up with a plot for this, so I tried to make this work. I hope you liked it!
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