#just in case they’re too brightly colored
marlynnofmany · 9 months
A Worthy Sacrifice
Going on a food run for this spaceship usually didn’t end up in a debate over whose body parts are more expendable. Never, as a matter of fact. Today was the first. And it could have easily been our last.
The trip had such a peaceful start, too. Along with the usual supplies that we paid real money for, Captain Sunlight sent a handful of us to pick up a local delicacy: some plant. I honestly missed the name. I was more interested in the location — inside a vast cave complex with shafts of light filtering in from above, and multiple lakes of poison to make the perfect growing environment. Or maybe they were acid lakes. At any rate, extremely dangerous, and completely at odds with the lovely sun-dappled scenery and brightly colored plantlife.
I stood with some trepidation at the edge of the cave maze, holding an empty bag and wondering if there was maybe an entrance somewhere big enough for a hoverbike. Beside me, the hulking forms of the Frillian twins were similarly hesitant. You can’t punch an acid lake, after all, or lift weights at it.
Down closer to ground level, Mur just looked annoyed. “It’s fine,” he said, flipping a blue-black tentacle forward. “The locals pick these plants daily.” His own bag was on a dinky little hoversled that followed him like a flying puppy, leash and all. The sled also held a couple pairs of pruning shears in case the stems gave us trouble. Mur could have ridden on the sled himself, pushing off the ground like a squid-shaped kid on a snow disk, but that would have been undignified. Strongarms are proud of that tentacle-walking, after all.
And apparently they’re not phased by giant lakes of acid.
“If you say so,” I told him. “Lead the way.”
He did, grumbling. I followed, taking care not to trip over the sled, while Blip and Blop stood tall and brought up the rear.
The entrance tunnel was small, alongside many others, and a few turned out to lead to the same big cavern. My first impression was warmth. I regretted wearing a sweater, thin and utilitarian though it was. I took it off as we walked, tying it around my waist, glad that I at least had my hair tied back in its usual long braid. I didn’t need any extra sweat about my neck today.
Once the sweater was secure, I was free to appreciate the scenery. It really was pretty. The walls were a wash of reds and golds, with multiple types of greenery sprouting from every level surface and a few that weren’t. The lake far below was an evil purple, fading to the innocent blue of tropical seas at the edges. A solid fence lined the cliff edge, which I appreciated.
The wall behind us was awash in climbing vines with dangling blueberry-looking things that sure would be convenient if they were the plants we were here for.
No such luck. Those were on the far side. Lots of them. A vast jungle of treelike things, most of which were bent under the weight of head-sized yellow fruit. As I watched, one particularly spindly trunk lost its biggest fruit to gravity, and sprung upwards to fling the smaller ones away in a comical fashion. I could almost hear the splats against the cave wall.
“Well, they sure look ripe,” I said.
Mur wasn’t interested. “Where’s the— Oh, there it is. We took the wrong door. C’mon.” He slapped away along the path beside that fence, over to where a single large hover platform waited like a ferry.
We were just getting on, with me trying to hide my misgivings and the Frillians doing the same, when a chorus of more slapping tentacle-steps approached at speed.
“Wait!” commanded the large reddish Strongarm in the lead, who was colored much like the cavern walls. She was also shaped more like an octopus than a squid, as was the green one behind her. The beige-gray one had a pointy squid head like Mur.
Mur waited. He’d already figured out the controls for the platform, and he stood there in silence while I clutched the railing with the Frillians, and the newcomers climbed on.
With nods all around, Mur pressed a button to close the gate. Then he removed the lid of the fancy pottery jar big enough for a child to hide inside — I’d assumed somebody had left it behind — and he scooped out a bunch of those blueberry things. As I watched in curiosity, he opened a different lid, this one over a part of the control console that stuck out, baring a dark tunnel like an ominous toilet bowl.
He threw the berries in. The platform’s engine started.
Mur steered us out over the deadly lake, engines humming happily, throwing clusters of berries in every so often. I exchanged looks with the Frillians. The other Strongarms didn’t look impressed.
“Are those fuel berries?” I asked.
“Only for this engine,” Mur said, tapping a sign. “It takes anything organic. Nice of the locals to make sure there’s always a full pot here. There is a note here to refill what we use if possible, and I think we definitely should, but I’m sure that not everyone does.”
The red Strongarm made a flapping noise that I recognized as the equivalent of a snort. Yeah, she probably wouldn’t stick around to do her part.
(And remember that bit about “anything organic”? If you recall how I started this little anecdote, this is where you’ll start to get concerned.)
There was only a moderate level of worry in the air at that point, though. We hadn’t fallen in yet and the rails seemed sturdy, if sparse, and the jungle was approaching at a reasonable pace. The slight breeze even made the temperature pleasant.
When Mur docked the platform headfirst and opened a gate on the other side, I was the first one off among the trees. Picking the yellow fruits turned out to be a great time, especially the way they kept accidentally flying through the air. They were about as heavy as cantaloupes, but with such rubbery outsides that it was like they were made for high-impact comedy. I did my best to pick each tree thoroughly, hanging onto the bent trunk with one hand before letting go. I’d started by taking a single fruit from each tree, but that had not worked.
Blip and Blop had the most efficient strategy: one held a bag and the other shook a tree like they were taking its lunch money. Mur just climbed the lowest trunks and plucked everything he found. One way or another, we filled our bags quickly and met back at the platform.
The strangers were a little slower, but again, we waited politely. Soon enough, we were on the way across the lake that lurked distantly below like malevolent grape jam.
I was just thinking that it had been a while since I’d had a proper PB&J when the trouble happened.
The Strongarms, standing on one side of the platform with their sacks of fruit, produced blasters and demanded ours.
(Yes, Strongarms keep things hidden among their tentacles. Yes, it’s just as gross as it sounds.)
Anyway, they must have taken our politeness and healthy fear of death for the signs of a bunch of pushovers, and wow they were wrong about that.
Blip and Blop swung their sacks of fruit in unison while I dove to one side and Mur took the other. You’d think we did this sort of thing all the time. In reality, there were only so many directions to go in a fenced-in battleground like this.
The would-be bandits were too busy dodging the sacks to aim their blasters properly, though they tried. One shot Blip’s bag of fruit, making her even more angry as yellow globes bounced everywhere. One nearly singed my ear, but didn’t get a second shot when I roundhouse kicked him in the squiddy head.
The other one, the leader, was wrestling Mur, and her shot went right through the center of the berry pot, shattering it and sending the platform’s fuel in every direction.
I mentioned that the railings weren’t exactly close together. And that these looked like blueberries: the little round things. My point is, they rolled. With great talent and speed. Right off the sides and down into that terrifying lake, leaving only a few behind.
“Look what you did!” Mur yelled, wrestling harder.
Blop made an undignified squeak of concern, then tried to find an angle he could help from. He ended up stepping firmly on a red tentacle and pinning the blaster to the floor.
His sister, meanwhile, was slamming an alien cantaloupe against the green guy, whose own weapon was stuck inside a different fruit, making its leisurely way down towards the lake.
The gray dude was out cold, which was a surprise to me. I guess Strongarms are easy to concuss, I thought as I made sure his blaster was safe on our side of the platform. I’d considered throwing it over the side as well, but figured we might want it to keep them in line once they woke up. I sure wasn’t planning on giving it back, though.
Crunch went the third blaster, Ow went the Strongarm holding it, and “Stay down, you arm-dragging limp grub!” went Mur. The red Strongarm stayed down.
So. We won the fight. But we only had a scattered few berries left to fuel the platform, and it had coasted to a stop in what looked to me like the exact stinkin’ center of this terrible, poisonous lake.
Blop looked worried. “Now what?” he asked Mur.
“These?” Blip suggested, holding a yellow fruit out toward the intake.
“No!” Mur shouted, startling everyone. He blocked her path. “Those break the engine. Didn’t you read the sign?”
I glanced at the defeated Strongarms. “I think only you read the sign,” I told him.
“Well, it’s very clear!” he exclaimed, waving dark tentacles like he wanted to tear out hair that he didn’t have. “Only other organics!”
Blip set the fruit down. “What do we have?” she asked, checking her pockets. “I’ve got two shrimp sticks and one of those seednuts that Paint likes.”
We all took stock, coming up with a whole lot of nothing. The unconscious Strongarms woke, and submitted to sitting in the corner with their leader, injured and embarrassed and also not in possession of any spare fuel.
“Let’s at least see how far the berries take us,” Mur said grimly, picking up the nearest.
We gathered all that we could find, and it took us a little way. Pocket snacks and whatnot took us a bit farther. We considered clothes (most were artificial), the fruit-carrying bags (same), and even treating the toilet-looking thing in appropriate but mortifying ways.
As we got increasingly desperate, we were still far from shore.
“Pretty sure this is real leather,” Mur said as he dropped in the leash for his tiny hoversled. “That will take us … not far enough.”
We were sort of close, kind of. Relatively speaking.
“The captain will come looking if we’re gone long enough,” Blop said.
“She doesn’t know which tunnel we took,” Mur reminded him. “Searching could take days.”
“Won’t the locals find us?” Blip asked.
The red Strongarm sneered. “They just finished a work cycle, and it’s a regular holiday. You think we’d try to rob you if they could come in at any moment?”
Both Frillians groaned.
Mur scowled. “Yes, very smart. See where that got you!” Moving slowly for added drama, he picked up a pair of shears from his sled. “Who wants to volunteer something organic?”
There were desperate pleas at that, and stonefaced silence from Mur that I hoped was acting.
“What about them?” the leader said, pointing wildly at the Frillians. “Surely they don’t need all those frills!”
Blip and Blop regarded her with identical shocked expressions. “Yes we do!”
“Well, we need our arms! You think that wouldn’t hurt to cut off?”
The yelling escalated while something very obvious occurred to me. I stepped over to Mur and flopped the braid over my shoulder. “Do you think this would be enough?”
The Strongarms shut up immediately. And they stayed silent while Mur calculated, so silent that I started to wonder.
They answered my question before I could ask it.
“You would volunteer that?” asked the red one quietly.
Ohhh, they think it’s a tentacle covered in hair, I realized. Have they not met a human before? Never mind; let’s see if Mur plays along.
“Yes,” I said solemnly, instead of going “Yeah” like I usually would. “If this is the only way to save all of us, then I will gladly make that sacrifice.” I looked over at Blip and Blop, who were elbowing each other but keeping mum. Good.
Mur ushered me toward the intake with all the grandeur of a high-society attendant. “If you would permit me to do the honors,” he said, “I will be quick.”
So I stood in front of the thing with my back to it so the wide-eyed bandits couldn’t see, told Mur to cut just below the hair tie, and held up my sweater ready to wrap it around my head like a bandage.
Yes, I did feel silly. But the bandits deserved a bit of shame and secondhand anguish. Besides, I’d been wanting to try a short haircut for ages, but never found the right time to chop it all off.
This is definitely the right time, I thought. “Go ahead.”
Mur snipped through the braid with one clean cut — hooray for sharp shears — and I collapsed with an anguished expression and some artful whimpers. Blip helped tie the sweater “bandage,” while Blop shielded us from view and stared down the Strongarms. I didn’t see Mur drop the braid into the intake, since my view was somewhat limited, but I felt the engine kick on with a most welcome hum.
I really hope that was enough, I thought as I lay there with my arms about my head. It’ll suck if we have to snip this down to a buzz cut. That’ll be hard to keep up the act through. And I really don’t want hair THAT short.
But when the engine finally went quiet, it was to a cheer from the Frillians. We were close enough to jump.
Or, more accurately, close enough for Blip to fling Mur across the gap with one of my socks to gather berries in. Mur was a terrible shot when he threw it back, but enough berries reached us that we were able to close the distance.
I pulled the blaster from my waistband and nudged it over the side before I forgot. It was too small for the Frillians to use anyway.
Plus, we didn’t need it. By the sound of her voice, the lead Strongarm had been so humbled by my sacrifice that she might have been considering a career change.
She even offered their collections of fruit, and the other two didn’t object.
Mur accepted graciously. I managed to turn my chuckling into pained noises as strong Frillian arms lifted me. I didn’t uncover my head to look. By the sounds of it, the many fruits were being balanced on Mur’s sled and the shoulders of whichever Frillian wasn’t carrying me.
“Farewell,” Mur said haughtily. “Make better choices in the future.”
We left the cavern to the sound of the ex-bandits promising to do so.
I have no idea if they’ll really go straight, but wouldn’t it be hilarious if they did?
Once we were out of sight, Blip put me down and took her share of the fruit bags. I claimed one too. I felt much lighter without the braid. And the threat of impending death.
I looked at my crewmates cheerfully. “Let’s never do that again.”
“Not without significant backup,” Mur agreed.
“Or more spare headfur!” Blop said.
“I’ve definitely spared enough for one day.” I freed a hand to pull out the hair tie, marveling at how simple a process it was now.
My crewmates all told me I looked incredibly strange with short hair about my face like that.
I told them to wait until I picked a final hairstyle, and I described hair gel to them.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come!
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Sweet Things
Writing pointless huntlow fluff in preparation for For The Future, indulge me.
“Wow Willow, you really went all out with the florals!” Luz exclaimed as she opened the door for the plant witch and her impressive selection of dahlias in every possible color.
“Thanks!” Willow said brightly, setting them down to go prepare a vase. “They reminded me of your mom’s tablecloth I found in the hall closet so I thought it would be a fun addition to our special dinner for tonight!”
“It’ll be like an explosion of color!” Luz exclaimed, examining the colorful folded fabric Willow had placed on the counter. “We haven’t gotten to use that tablecloth in awhile, it’s got a huge rip on the side from when I tried to use it as a parachute.”
“Oh, I didn’t even notice,” said Willow, making a mental note to ask about that story later on. “Well, I bet Hunter could fix it.” She finished filling the case with water and called out to the next room. “Hey, hon?”
“Yes?” Came Hunter’s voice, quickly followed by him sticking his head in the doorway.
“Do you think you could fix the tear in the table cloth for me? I wanna make the table look fancy and it matches the flowers I made for the center piece perfectly.”
“Of course!” Hunter said brightly, walking over to take the fabric from the counter. He gathered some sewing supplies from the drawer in the kitchen and set up at the kitchen table as he accessed the work that needed to be done.
“Yay! Thanks so much,” said Willow with a smile, placing the flowers in the vase and admiring the presentation. “I’m gonna go finish up some things outside then I’ll be back to help set the table.”
As Hunter and Willow went to carry on with their tasks, Luz said at the counter wondering if she had misheard Willow. As Hunter focused on his repair work, Luz looked at him with confusion as though an explanation was in order. After a minute, he looked up to find her eye on him and offered her his own look of confusion. “What?”
“Willow just called you ‘hon.’” She stated as though he wasn’t aware.
“Yeah?” he said, not seeing her point. “It’s short for Hunter, like Hun-ter.”
“Are you sure it’s not short for ‘honey?”
“I mean, she calls me that sometimes too,” he said nonchalantly. “But, I guess that’s not technically short for Hunter since it’s the same amount of syllables.” 
“Hunter, Willow is not calling you honey because it’s short for Hunter.”
“I know, I just said it’s the same amount-.”
“No dude, I think she means honey likes actual honey.”
Well, maybe? I guess it’s probably because my hair is yellow which is the same color as honey.” Hunter reasoned. “I mean, her palisman is a bee so it makes sense she would know a decent amount about that.”
“Hmmm maybe,” said Luz, not convinced. “But I think it’s because she thinks you’re so sweet just like honey.” She reached out to pinch his cheek and used the baby voice she would speak to King with. “Aww, look at you! Willow’s widdle honey baby boy.”
“Stop that!” he said, turning his face away from her. “It’s probably just because she really likes bees-.”
“Or because she really likes yoooou.” said Luz, not convinced or willing to be wrong about this. “Alot of people call someone honey when they’re, ya know, more than friend.”
The tips of Hunter’s ears turned bright red at the suggestion.
“W-w-well that’s just silly!” He said, not sounding like he believed his own words. “I’ve never heard you and Amity call each other that!”
“No, but she calls me her batata which means sweet potato,” said Luz.
“Do... all terms of endearment have to be food related?”
“I mean, I guess not?” said Luz. “But honey is a pretty common one.”
“What are... other common ones?” Said Hunter clearing his throat, trying to seem like he was focused on his sewing and internally hyperventilating about how oblivious he possibly was.
“Whyyyy?” Asked Luz with a smirk that seemed to read his mind.
“No reason, just curious,” he lied, as there very much was a reason.
“I dunno like ‘sweetie’ I guess?” Luz racked her mind for a list of examples.
Hunter squeaked. Luz looked over and saw he had stabbed himself with a needle, as though something about what she said had distracted him.
She gave a little gasp. “Does she call you sweetie?” Luz asked, raising her eyebrow.
“She calls me a lot of things!” He said, sucking on the tip of the finger he has stabbed. “I mean, okay, she calls me flower names-.”
“What? Like what?!”
“She calls me daffodil, sometimes...” Hunter said quietly, the redness from his ears spreading to the rest of his face. “And like, sunflower I guess. But it’s not-.”
“Well you can’t deny that Willow loves flowers,” teased Luz with a smirk. ”Awww, are you her little flower?”
“Wellmaybeiamandyourejustjealous.” Hunter mumbled quickly and almost too quietly.
“What was that?” Luz joyfully inquired.
“Maybe I am and you’re just jealous,” repeated Hunter, not looking at her as he tried to focus on threading his needle. “I mean, you can’t expect me to believe that Willow doesn’t give nicknames to anyone else.”
“There’s a difference between a nickname and a term of endearment.”
That much Hunter did know. He knew what titles commanded respect and which ones were meant to ridicule. The only other nicknames he had received had been negative or ironic, two things Willow was definitely not towards him. He knew the nicknames she gave him came from a place of admiration, but he never dared to dream that it was such a... unique admiration. 
“So like, someone would use these terms for someone they... liked?” Hunter asked carefully. 
“More than just liked.” Luz said. “Like, liked-liked.”
“Sometimes like which times?” Hunter asked urgently. “Like, is it possible it’s just a coincidence and it’s just purely platonic because Willow just has a vast knowledge of plants that resemble my hair color?”
“I mean, some people use them that way, yeah,” said Luz trying to hide the delight she took in Hunter’s panicked expression. “But I’ve never heard Willow call anyone else ‘honey.’ In fact, I think that’s what her dads call each other. Ya know, her dads who are in looove.”
“So that could be... why.” Hunter said slowly, unable to deny that it made sense. Unable to deny that he was kind of glad that it did.
“Do you have any nicknames for her?” Luz asked, putting her hand under her chin as she took delight in watching Hunter process this new possibility.
“I mean, I call her Captain but that’s more her title than a nickname,” said a Hunter, searching his mind. “Should I have one for her?”
“I mean, if you want to, yeah,” said Luz. “It’s not like a requirement or anything but it could be a cute way to let her know that you like her too.”
“I’m not... very good nicknames,” admitted Hunter and Luz noted happily that he did not deny the implication that he liked Willow. “Most of the ones I've given have had more literal connotations and not in a nice way. And I’ve never really had a reason to use a term of endearment, what are some good ones?”
“My dude, you’ve come to the right place,” assured Luz, pulling out her phone where she kept a list in her notes for just such an occasion.
Hunter sat at the table looking down at his hands as he practiced what he wanted to say in his head. When Willow walked through the door he stood up, holding the folded tablecloth close to his chest as she reentered the kitchen, trying to seem relaxed.
“Oh, uh hi!” He said as though he had not been waiting for her to return. He held the result of his labor out to her. “I finished the tablecloth. Good as new.”
“Oh no, it’s even better!” She smiled, taking it from him to admire the skillful repair. She unfolded it and twirled around the kitchen with it like she had just been given a gown for the ball.  “Now it’s got that special Hunter touch, thanks so much buttercup!”
“Of course!” He said, taking the use of the word as a sign to test the waters. “Anytime... babe.”
Willow stopped spinning as her ears perked at the word and she quickly turned her head from admiring the craftsmanship to looking at him in slight disbelief. “What did you say?”
Hunter gulped. Maybe she really just hadn’t heard him?
“I said, uh, anytime babe.” He repeated quicker, leaning against the doorframe hoping it sounded more natural this time as he landed the sentiment with finger guns. He tried not to linger on the word so it wouldn’t seem like her was trying so hard but he did want her to notice so she would notice that he noticed that she-
“Oh, yeah,” Willow cleared her throat. “That’s uh, that’s what I thought you said.” Her voice seemed labored, as though she was trying to adjust her breathing. “Well, uh thanks again... uh Hunter.”
Just Hunter? No marigold? No honey? Not even dandelion? Titan, he had ruined everything! Why had he listened to Luz? Willow hadn’t been calling him those things because she liked him more than a friend! She was just being creative! 
“Of course, of course,” he said, now seeing it was his turn to steady his breathing. “Maybe we should uh, start setting up the table? Camila will be back with the take out soon.”
“Yeah, I wonder if we’ll need any sugar.” Willow pondered, still learning when sugar was needed and when salt was meant to be put out. 
“Any what?” Hunter asked as though she had not finished her thought.
Willow looked at him with a raised eyebrow before she understood what he thought he had heard her say. “Oh no, I meant actual sugar,  like for the table.” Willow clarified, a soft crimson dancing across the bridge of her nose as she realized he had a reason to be confused; she had called him that numerous times.
“Right, right yes of course,” said Hunter, embarrassed trying to look busy as he fetched the plates from the higher cabinet. “But um would you... like if we put sugar on the table? Like, would you say that you... like sugar?”
“Well yeah, I like sweet things,” she said as she gathered the forks and knives. She looked across the table at him, meticulously placing the plates an even distance from each other. Clover flew over and sat atop his head, resting peacefully like Hunter was the sweetest smelling flower she had ever come across. Hunter was so used to this action by now that it did not deter his focus and he subconsciously reached up and scratched her head with his finger and the palisman nuzzled against it affectionately. “You of all people should know that.”
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q-talations · 1 year
How to Eat Life LN Chapter 1-2 Translation (2/2)
1-2 Imaginary Borderline (Part 2 of 2.)
Read Part 1 of this chapter before continuing this part!
When Tobi went to school on little to no sleep, a teacher wearing glasses with black frames eyed him in front of the gate. This person always wore a suit that fit him as if it was tailor-made. He really didn’t want the neat black-glasses man to call out to him this morning, so he decided to make the first move and dropped his head in a small bow.
“Good morning, Sensei.”
“…Um, right. Good morning.” The black glasses-wearing teacher looked noticeably daunted. Ever since freshman year, this man had bothered Tobi almost every morning, but then he receives a simple greeting and suddenly nothing happens. Just saying ‘good morning.’ Was this enough all along?
“Where did the wind blow from?”* Baku asked as Tobi was changing his shoes by the lockers. 
*It is a common Japanese phrase used when something unexpected happens
“I dunno. I guess there’s no wind at all.”
“You’re having a change of heart? That is what caused it, isn’t it?”
“You’re making things up…” His slippers felt a little tight. Did his feet grow? When you’re going through a growth spurt, clothes stop fitting you, but having to buy new ones would hurt his finances a lot.
When he started walking towards the classroom, feeling slightly gloomier than before,  a girl with long hair suddenly appeared from behind the lockers. Tobi stepped back on instinct.
“Good morning, Otogiri-kun.” Those eyes again. Shiratama was staring directly at Tobi.
“…Wh, what?” Tobi covered the lower part of his face with his arm and looked at the floor. “You want something? It’s still really early…”
“Actually, I was waiting here for you.”
“Huh? …W, why?”
“I told you yesterday, did I not?”
“I would like to hear your answer.”
The phrase “eyes flashing white and black”* popped into Tobi’s head. He had seen it in a dictionary some time ago. The situation he’d found himself in then wasn’t one to make his pupils switch colors, rather, it made his eyeballs spin violently in their sockets. Tobi’s eyes kept moving restlessly. It was making him feel sick. Many of their classmates were coming to the lockers and whispering amongst themselves while changing shoes. They’re probably starting to suspect there’s something between him and Shiratama. They’re wondering “What’s going on? What are the two of them doing?” without a doubt. In all honesty, despite being one of the people in question, Tobi himself didn’t know the answer. 
*A Japanese phrase meaning being astonished, surprised, or shocked
“Hi,” If that wasn’t enough, a passing janitor just had to approach them and further amplify this predicament, turning it from complicated to chaotic.
“Good morning, Otogiri-kun. What are you doing here, Shiratama-san?” 
“Haizaki-san.” Shiratama turned around, and when she recognized who was speaking to them, she bowed politely. “Good morning to you too. Thank you for your work even at these early hours.”
“It’s nothing.” Haizaki beamed brightly. He was carrying cardboard boxes. Tobi couldn’t see what was inside, but whatever it might be, he didn’t give a damn.
It seemed to be different in Shiratama’s case, though.
“They look heavy. Shall I assist you?”
“No, no, no, there’s no need!” Haizaki shook his head vigorously. His almond-shaped eyes became almost perfectly round. “Don’t trouble yourself. It is a part of my job, after all. I come to this school to work, and you come here to get your education.”
“I may not look like it, but I am pretty strong.”
Shiratama raised her right arm and flexed it. A thin arm. Very, very thin. Was there really any strength in it? Tobi sincerely doubted so, but he felt they weren’t quite on the same page. It wouldn’t matter even if, hypothetically, she had some sort of superhuman strength. Haizaki was carrying the boxes as part of his duties. A middle schooler like Shiratama wasn’t obligated to help him with it. That’s what he was trying to tell her. Even Tobi, who Baku calls antisocial, understood that much.
Shiratama Ryuuko might bring him trouble.
Tobi realized that last night.
An ordinary middle schooler wouldn’t go about asking classmates of the Otogiri Tobi sort to be their friend.
Tobi was aware of the fact that he’s not the type of person others can feel close to. He’s not happy. He’s not nice. Not even funny. His past was difficult to explain. He also carries around Baku, with whom only he can talk.
And despite all that, it seemed that there were things he notices that other people don’t.
What would Tobi think if there was someone else that’s just like him?
He would probably consider them a freak.
That’s likely what everyone sees Otogiri Tobi as — a freak.
Shiratama Ryuuko’s probably not much better if she wants to befriend this kind of person.
He wants to run. Get out of there as quickly as possible. Shiratama is talking with Haizaki. That’s his chance! He’s going to run while he still can!
Tobi tried to get away from them. Unfortunately, even though he made sure to tread especially lightly, he was noticed.
“No,” Shiratama grabbed his right arm dangerously close to his wrist. “Don’t go, Otogiri-kun. At least give me an answer.”
“Oh no,” Haizaki had a perplexed expression, as if he was feeling guilty. “Did I interrupt you by any chance? I’m sorry. Forgive me. I should be kicked by a horse, or however that goes…”
What would a horse be doing here? He’s read that in a book before. There was a saying that went somewhat along those lines.
‘Those who interfere with other people’s love lives should be eaten by dogs.’
The dogs can also be replaced with kicking horses.
Haizaki seems to be misunderstanding something here. It would be best to correct him. Eh, it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s not the time for that. Shiratama was still holding Tobi’s arm.
Will you let go already?
Tobi tried to express it with his eyes.
It’s not getting through. Shiratama just tilted her head curiously. He should be the one feeling curious.
Nothing to do about it now. Careful not to put too much strength into it, Tobi shook off Shiratama’s hand.
“So… About that, um, I’ll tell you when we’re walking, or something…” When Tobi timidly made this offer, Shiratama nodded. Should I start running at full speed? That idea came into his head, but he chose to ignore it. Shiratama was walking along on his left.
“I would like to hear your reply.”
“…Already? Isn’t it too early?”
“Are you still considering it?”
“Well… Considering, and, um…”
“He’s the indecisive type,” Baku said with a sigh.
“Does he have a hard time making decisions?” Shiratama asked.
“It’s more like he’s not used to expressing his thoughts or feelings with words. Never has been. Doesn’t talk to people.”
“What about you?”
“I’m different. And even so, he still tells me to ‘figure it out’ or ‘guess’ and stuff!”
“He expects you to understand him?”
“Something like that.”
“……Hey,” Tobi was knocking on his forehead with his fist. It started to hurt. “Can’t you talk normally? To others, it sounds like Shiratama-san is just murmuring to herself…”
“I apologize, I was careless,” Shiratama lowered her head a bit. “But would they not think that I am talking to you, Otogiri-kun? Or that I am trying to get your attention?”
“That’s just plain weird in itself…”
“Then talk back to me, please. Everything will be sorted this way.”
“……I’m talking to you right now.”
“So using this occasion, what is your answer?”
“I’m telling you I don’t know yet…” Tobi realized he was slouching. He couldn’t help but think he was attracting attention from the students passing by them in the corridor. “Besides…” Wait, they’re definitely staring at him. It’s because of Shiratama, clear as day. “Why?”
Shiratama’s eyes flashed when he asked that.
“Could you elaborate?”
“…Why do you want to be my friend? What’s the reason? Your motive?”
“It is because you are you.”
“Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Do you need me to explain?”
“If possible. If you can tell me in a way I’ll be able to understand…”
“To understand.” Shiratama nodded in agreement, and after thinking for a short moment with her eyebrows furrowed, she stopped walking.
In the middle of a staircase.
Tobi climbed one step farther than her and halted there.
Shiratama was looking at Tobi. She captured him in her gaze and wouldn’t let go.
“May I have some of your time? Preferably during today’s lunch break. This is a matter we will need to discuss in a place where people scarcely come.”
Those eyes were Tobi’s weakness. They’re impossible to ignore. He can’t look away from them.
“…Fine. Whatever.”
That was the only reply he could give. What else was there to do?
Right after lunchtime ended, the special classroom wing was empty. Tobi arranged to meet Shiratama on its outside emergency staircase.
He was waiting at the landing between the second and third floor, leaning against the railing when Shiratama opened the door and started climbing up the stairs.
Tobi had a strange inkling. It was because she was carrying a bag on her shoulder. Not the kind that’s normally used for school purposes. This one is small. Pretty sure they’re called pochettes.
“Hello.” Shiratama went up to the landing and gave a polite greeting.
“Yeah…” Tobi nodded back vaguely. Shiratama is so well mannered it takes him aback every time. “So… what is it? That motive? The reason why you asked to be my friend.”
“You know what they say, it is more suitable to present a proof rather than a theory.”
“…I guess. There was something like that.”
“With that being said, we came here together.”
“Together…?” Tobi frowned. From what he could see, Shiratama came alone. Didn’t bring anyone with her. She raised her pochette and opened it.
“Come out, Chinurasha.”
Did Shiratama just call out to someone while looking at the bag? If so, then she was presenting some eccentric behavior, to say the least. Tobi had always considered her to be quite the character, but not to this extent. He even started to worry about her. Was she alright? That question went for more than just this situation. Maybe there was a small pet, some sort of a rodent, hiding inside of the pochette? That would mean an entirely different issue with irrationality. You’re not allowed to bring animals to school. Even Tobi’s aware of that, and yet, it looks like that’s exactly what’s going on.
Something crawled out of the pouch
“Mmm…” Baku let out a small moan.
It’s a tiny pet.
The little guy must’ve felt very cramped sitting inside that bag. Considering its size, it must have had to really squeeze in there to even just barely fit. Although, it looked like there was more fluff to it than most actual living creatures, so it was likely able to get into spaces much smaller than one might assume at first glance.
Is it a cat? A kitten? Probably not. Even saying ‘probably’ is a mistake in itself.
This creature has horns. It’s obvious that cats don’t have horns.
A small animal with two horns on its head—
Does something like that exist?
He hadn’t seen it in the animal atlas at the facility. The facility had also organized many field trips to the local zoo, and Tobi couldn’t remember seeing anything this size that grew horns during any of those. On the other hand, there might actually be a species like this living somewhere in this vast world that Tobi just doesn’t know about. Maybe it’s a horned animal’s young?
The creature left the pochette and started climbing up Shiratama’s body. It wasn’t particularly nimble but didn’t pause once on its way. It must do this regularly. When it reached Shiratama’s right shoulder, it turned its head towards Tobi.
It’s hard to tell if it has eyes or not. They might be buried under all that fur.
In spite of that, Tobi could feel its gaze upon him.
“Chinu, say your greetings.” The creature moved its head at Shiratama’s command, making a gesture resembling lowering it diagonally. Then, a teeny tiny mouth showed from within the fluffy fur.
That was what Tobi could hear coming out of it. Is this how this thing cries?
“……Hi.” Tobi bowed out of habit.
Shiratama scratched Chinu— or Chinurasha, whichever one it is— under its chin with her pointer finger.
“Good job.”
“Oi, Tobi—” Baku whispered, “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice.”
“…Notice what?”
“This thing isn’t normal!”
“Well, it’s a… unique creature. Has horns and all.”
“That’s not what I mean!” Baku seemed quite irritated. Save for the fact that he can speak with Tobi, he’s nothing short of a regular big backpack. However, he can open himself at will when mad. It’s different from a zipper getting loose. Tobi is the only one who can see it, but it’s as if a part of his zipper opens just like a mouth does.
It’s doing it right now.
“Are you STUPID, Tobi?! Dumb as a doorknob, for goodness’ sake!” Baku’s speaking, flapping his mouth. He’s shaken rather than irritated.
“I am,” Shiratama drew her shoulders back and touched cheeks with Chinu. “the only one who can see Chinu.”
He can see it.
Tobi can see it clearly.
It seemed that Chinu had a soft spot for Shiratama. In response to her action, it rubbed its face against her cheek and closed its eyes in delight. It let out low-pitched cries, though they sounded more like noises it wanted to hold in but couldn’t than its actual voice. Its horns dig into Shiratama’s skin, but it doesn’t look painful. At least, she isn’t feeling any pain. They must not be hard enough to pierce through.
“It’s the same as me!” Baku spat out, almost like he didn’t want to. Could he not stand it anymore? “Up until now, you were the only one who could hear me. And only Shiratama Ryuuko could see Chinurasha, or whatever its name was. It’s not exactly the same, but really FREAKIN’ close!”
“…So, Shiratama-san can hear you, and I can see Chinu.”
“That’s it.”
“Huh?” Tobi’s shoulders dropped. He knocked his fist on his forehead. “…Then what— what does it mean? H-how did it… happen…?”
“Frankly, I am also clueless.” Shiratama said nonchalantly. “I noticed you were talking with Baku-chan a while ago because I could hear his voice. It appeared that I was the only one. Only you and I can hear him, Otogiri-kun. I thought it had to have a special meaning.”
“……Special—” Tobi shook his head, barely putting in any strength. “It could be some kind of a disorder…”
“Do we have mental problems?”
“Well… It’s more likely than thinking that only the two of us are sane…”
“Oh right, Shiratama Ryuuko!” This time, Baku threw in a proper reluctant interruption, “Quit adding chan to my name!
Shiratama’s expression was puzzled.
“THAT! It makes me all itchy. Can’t really find the words. It’s disgusting!”
“I apologize.” Shiratama shrugged and lowered her head in a gesture that was all but apologetic. Chinu mimicked her.
That’s adorable.
Tobi startled himself by having that thought.
For the record, he only thought that Chinu was ‘adorable.’ That it and Shiratama did the same thing at the same time, yes.
“How about Baku-san?” When Shiratama asked this, Baku cleared his throat.
“That ain’t really feelin’ right either. Why not just drop honorifics altogether?”
“You’re putting on airs…” Tobi wanted to fling Baku to the ground. Baku got back at him immediately.
“I’m not putting on anything! Just sayin’ she can be casual with me! I’m being humble! Isn’t that right, Shiratama Ryuuko?”
Shiratama nodded. Chinu followed through.
“I will start calling you ‘Baku’ from now on.”
“Sure. That’s great. I’m real bad with all that ‘formal’ stuff anyway.”
“I have no issues with you calling me by my first name either.”
“That’s a given! Something like ‘Oryuu’* could also be nice. Yeah, not bad at all. Whaddya think?” 
*Baku makes up a pet name by adding a hiragana character for “O” before the first and taking away the last syllable of the name.
“I do not dislike it, so you can call me whatever you wish.”
“Then I’m settling on ‘Oryuu’! Oryuu.”
“……You’ve started to get along really fast.” Maybe Tobi should throw Baku towards Shiratama instead of smacking him to the ground.
“Ou? What’s thaaat? Are you jealous, Tobiii?” Baku giggled, “Worry not! Our relationship won’t change just because Oryuu’s here now.”
“The one where you’re… stuck with me?”
“Don’t call it that!”
“So what kind of relationship is it?”
“If you force words into it it’ll lose all its magic! But if you have to, then probably partners?”
“Chinurasha and I are also like partners,” Shiratama smiled brightly and turned to Chinu, adding ‘Right?’ as she did it. “It cannot speak like you, Baku, but it is always by my side. We have been together as long as I can remember.”
“…I want to ask something. What would you have done if I couldn’t see Chinu?”
“If that had happened, I would have—” Shiratama made all sorts of grimaces with her lips and puffed out her cheeks. “I would have been put in a difficult situation, to say the least. A pitiful middle school girl who claims to be seeing an invisible little creature, furthermore, behaves as if it were there with her…”
“It’s good that I can see Chinu then…”
“Honestly, I took a risk. Although I was quite convinced already that you could see them too, Otogiri-kun.”
“So you can say the results were alright?” Baku asked that incredibly lightly, but if Tobi were in Shiratama’s place, he wouldn’t have taken that risk.
Is there something wrong with me?
Tobi has had those thoughts a number of times. However you look at it, being able to talk with your backpack isn’t normal.
He can hear sounds other people can’t.
He can see things he’s not supposed to see.
Are those illusions? Is there something wrong with his brain? Is it some kind of mental illness? Maybe he should go see a doctor about it. He’s considered all of those options.
Tobi was so exhausted he might just fall off the railing. What had tired him out so much? One thing came to mind.
He’s not the only one. It’s relief he’s feeling. Those weren’t just products of his imagination.
Baku is there.
He’s not an illusion Tobi created.
He actually exists.
“…You can hear Baku just as I can, and I can see Chinu, just like you do. The things that other people can’t see…”
If that’s the case, maybe those ones as well?
Tobi decided to ask Shiratama.
“Does it mean you can see them too, Shiratama-san? Those… weird creatures other students bring here sometimes…”
Shiratama looked Tobi in the eye so that their gazes met.
After that, she nodded slowly.
Translated by Q-talations
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rainisawriter · 6 months
A Bit Possessive – Kazuma (PSF #29)
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PSF Ficography | H&F Flash Ficography
Genre: Fluff, supernatural, romance
Prompt: “Hey, wake up!” (@flufftober) / Frightening Films: Hocus Pocus (@slumberpartybingo Halloween Flash)
Word Count: 4,635
Pairing: Reader x Vampire! Kazuma
World: The Rampage
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
You stretched your arms above your head, stifling a yawn as you exited the LDH building. After nearly three months of working non-stop, and dealing with the chaos that is the Rampage, you had been given a three-day vacation. It just so happened that these three days fell on Halloween, something you were super excited about.
The autumn wind was cold as it wrapped around your body, fallen leaves scraping across the cement. It brought a smile to your face because you adored this time of year. Living in the city meant there weren’t a lot of trees around, something you thought was a real shame. The few that did exist were currently bare, their brightly colored leaves lying in piles on the ground.
As you walked down the street toward your apartment, something caught your eye, making you pause. Tucked in between two large clothing stores was a movie rental store called Flicker House. Last time you had checked, most movie rental places had shut down with the rise of streaming so it was a surprise to find one still standing.
‘Rest in peace, Blockbuster and Yeonghwamaeul,’ you closed your eyes for a moment and nodded respectfully. As someone who grew up in the age of DVDs, where the last of VHS tapes was beginning to fade from the public, it was sad to see that very few rental stores still existed.
The thought filled you with nostalgia and, despite how badly you just wanted to climb into bed, you chose to check it out instead.
The bell above the door chimed when you stepped inside, the faint smell of dust reaching your nose. The store was small, black shelves living the walls and filled with hundreds of DVDs. The store was silent, though, making your ears ring. You figured they would at least have music playing or something.
To the right against the wall was the check-out counter though no one was there. Was the store even open? You double-checked the sign hanging on the door. It had been turned so that OPEN was facing outward toward the street. 
‘Maybe they’re just in the bathroom or something.’ You made your way through the store, looking at the signs hanging above each shelf – romance, historical, fantasy, drama. You hummed in thought as you turned the corner, eyes widening with happiness. There, at the back of the store, was a Halloween display. 
The shelf had been decorated with paper crafts of ghosts and pumpkins, the sign above reading, Frightening Films. You rushed over, scanning the shelf with a grin. They had horror and Halloween-themed movies from all over the world. The plastic cases were scratched, the images within dull and faded with age. The discs themselves seemed fine, though, and didn’t appear to have any scratches or marks.
If you were being honest, you had watched ninety percent of the movies they were offering, being an avid horror fan, so it was really just a matter of what you wanted to re-watch. The few movies you hadn’t seen didn’t look too interesting to you.
The door at the center of the room opened and a tall, thin young man came walking out with a scowl. He was wearing an orange vest with the store’s name on the left breast. When he saw you, he paused and blinked as if surprised to see someone inside the store.
Then he realized you were pretty cute and a sleazy grin came to his lips. He ran his hand over his slicked-back hair, so heavy with gel that you were surprised it wasn’t dripping down his neck. “Hey there, baby. Can I help you?”
You quirked a brow at him before returning your attention to the shelf. “No, I’m good. Thank you.”
He wasn’t put off by the curt answer. “I’m quite the horror enthusiast, ya know. If you have any questions, I -” He reached his hand out toward your shoulder. Before he could touch you, though, a hand wrapped around his wrist, squeezing so tightly that it prompted a cry of pain from him.
You looked up in surprise. “Kazuma?”
The raven-haired idol was glaring daggers at the employee and it took every ounce of self-control within him not to break the guy’s wrist. He was insanely protective over you, hating whenever anyone touched you. This was especially true for strangers and people who were trying to flirt with you.
“Kazuma, let him go!” You scowled, slapping the male’s shoulder. 
He seemed to snap out of it, reluctantly releasing the younger male who was now shaking by a leaf, unable to meet his dark eyes.
“E-Excuse me!” He bowed, turning on his heel and rushing into the back of the store.
“What the hell was that about?” you scolded, eyes narrowed at him.
Kazu’s shoulders fell, his gaze on the floor as he frowned. He wanted to say he was just trying to protect you, but he knew it was so much more than that. He couldn’t admit to being possessive over you, even if it was obvious to everyone else.
When he refused to answer, you sighed deeply. “What are you even doing here? Shouldn’t you be out with the rest of the boys?”
He folded his arms over his chest, the leather jacket being pulled taut against his muscles. “I wanted to make sure you got home safely… you said you were going straight home.”
“That was the plan but then I found this place,” you admitted. “How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t need a bodyguard. I’m not the idol, here.”
“You don’t have to be an idol to find yourself in danger,” he retorted with a frown, poking your forehead with a black nail. “And you seem to have a penchant for finding trouble.”
“I don’t find trouble, it finds me!”
“Same thing.”
“Completely different.”
The two of you stared at each other for a moment before he smiled softly, dark eyes seeming to sparkle under the low light of the store. “What movies are you picking?”
You hummed in thought, turning your attention back to the shelf. “Well, I’ve seen most of them. I’m thinking maybe The Ring and one of the Halloween movies. As Above, So Below is really good, too!”
Kazu stepped closer to you, his shoulder brushing against yours as he reached out for the last movie you had mentioned so he could read the back. Upon removing it from the shelf, it revealed a different movie.
You gasped, eyes wide with delight as you snatched it off the shelf. “Oh my god, they have Hocus Pocus!”
He found himself smiling brightly at your excitement. “I’m guessing you really like that movie?”
“It was my favorite growing up! It’s a true Halloween classic, though I wouldn’t say it’s a scary film. Perhaps for children.”
“Can we watch it together? I’ve never seen it.”
“Absolutely!” You turned to him with a grin. “I really hope you enjoy it, it’s such a good movie.”
He nodded, slowly wrapping his arms around you, face nuzzling the side of your neck as he inhaled deeply. “I tend to like anything you do.”
You chuckled, not the least bit worried about how close to your neck he was. Over the years, you’ve grown close to Kazuma and, despite the fact that he’s a vampire, you trusted him with your whole heart. You knew he would never hurt you and you made sure he fed regularly to avoid any accidents.
You patted his back a few times before pulling away, chuckling at his hiss of disapproval. Deciding to get all four movies, you headed toward the counter to check out. You tapped the silver bell sitting on the counter, though you weren’t confident that the boy would return.
Standing at five feet seven inches, Kazuma was full of muscle with a more slender body. His resting bitch face was enough to scare most people, but when he was actually trying to be intimidating, most people tended to run. You weren’t sure if it was just him or if it was a vampire thing, but you remember being scared of him when you first met.
Rather than the young man, an elderly man came hobbling out from the back, using a cane to assist him. You could see the younger male peering out from the doorway but he hid again as soon as he caught sight of Kazuma.
“Sorry for the wait,” apologized the man, offering you a tired yet kind smile.
“No problem at all,” you smiled back, sliding the DVDs over to him.
“Did you find everything you were looking for?”
“I did, thank you.”
He entered something into the computer before it started to print out four stickers which he then placed on each DVD. The stickers held the store name, the current date, the return by date, and a barcode. “Please return them by next Thursday.”
“I’ll make sure I do, thank you.” You bowed to him before taking the bag. “Take care.”
“You, as well, dear.”
Kazuma followed you from the store, unable to take his eyes off of you. How could he when you were so damn beautiful? All he wanted was to hold you in his arms for the rest of eternity. He wanted to ask if you were going to watch them tonight, but the sound of his phone ringing interrupted him.
He frowned, tugging it from his pocket. “Hello? Hokuto, what -” His brow furrowed as he came to a stop, earning a concerned look from you. “Oi, calm down… how much have you had to drink? … eh, Makoto? Seriously? Ugh, I’m on my way, just hold on!”
“Is everything okay?”
“Hokuto got drunk and is apparently trying to fight the other people at the bar,” he sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Oh jeez.”
He cupped your face, eyes softening when they met yours. “I have to go help Makoto. Please… please get home safely.”
“I’m not helpless,” you smiled, patting his hand. “Go save our pretty boy before someone ruins that face of his.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead before he could stop himself. Biting his lip, he quickly turned and rushed off before he could see your reaction.
You bit your lip, as well, trying to hold back your smile.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
Rain gently pelted the window of your bedroom as you slept, the sound helping to keep you under the sandman’s hold. A smile came to your lips as you shifted in bed, mumbling incoherently to yourself. You were honestly exhausted and had earned a good night’s sleep.
There was a light tapping on the glass and you shifted again, body registering the sound but it wasn’t loud enough to wake you. It grew in intensity, seeming impatient, and your brow furrowed, sleep beginning to leave you.
“Hey, wake up!”
You slowly lifted your head, blinking tiredly as your mind tried to figure out what was happening. You registered the tapping on the glass and the sound of thunder rolling in the distance. Had you imagined it?
A familiar voice whined your name. “Wake up!”
With a furrowed brow, you climbed out of bed and approached the window with a yawn. Squatting on the other side of the glass was Kazuma, black hair wet and plastered to his forehead. He was frowning, looking uncomfortable as the rain pelted him.
You flicked the lock before pushing the window up and frowning at him. “Kazu? What are you doing here?”
“I missed you,” he admitted softly, a pout on his lips.
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “You just saw me…” you glanced at the clock and groaned. “Bro, it’s three in the morning!”
“I’m sorry,” he shifted his weight, brushing his hair back away from his forehead. “Will you please invite me in? It’s cold and wet out here.”
You blinked at him dumbly. “The window is open.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m a vampire, remember? You have to give me permission to enter.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever. You can enter,” you waved your hand at him in frustration before sliding back under the warm comforter.
Kazuma didn’t hesitate to slip through the window, closing it behind him. “Can I use your shower?”
“Do you have to be invited to do that, too?” you muttered, earning a chuckle from him. “I don’t care.”
“No, I just didn’t want to be rude.” He shook his head, sending you a smile before leaving your bedroom.
When he returned, you were out like a light, snoring softly. He readjusted the towel around his waist as he rifled through your dresser, looking for something to wear. He adored the way your clothes smelled, not just because of the detergent you used, but because it reminded him of you.
With a smile, he carefully slid under the covers, strong arms wrapping around your body and pulling you against his firm chest. You mumbled something incoherently and he hummed, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. His eyes flashed red when he inhaled deeply, the scent of your blood filling his nostrils. 
He had wanted so desperately to drink from you the moment the two of you first met three years ago. At first, he held himself back because he didn’t want you to know his secret. As time passed by, though, he started to grow attached to you. Even after you found out the truth, he couldn’t bring himself to drink from you.
For Kazu, he knew it would be more than just feeding. With you, it would be so much more intimate and he couldn’t be sure that he wouldn’t mark you. For vampires, marking was akin to marriage but deeper. It was a connection between soul and body, promising to forever be by that person’s side. 
He was sure he wanted to spend the rest of his existence with you, but it was a complicated situation. You were human, for starters, and you knew nothing of vampire customs. How could he possibly ask you to give up your humanity for him? He certainly didn’t ask for it and it took him a long time before he was able to come to terms with his new life.
Knowing how he suffered, how could he possibly put that on you?
A frown tugged at his lips as he held you tighter, fingers curling around your shirt. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the ache inside his heart.
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
The shrill ringing of your phone cut through the morning, knocking you from your sleep. You grunted tiredly, trying to roll over so you could grab your phone but there was a heavy weight atop your body, preventing you from moving.
Blinking a few times, you lifted your head to find Kazuma, his body wrapped around your own. His head was on your chest as he slept peacefully. You tried to push him off but he just held you tighter, his grip like iron.
“Damn it, Kazu,” you muttered, stretching your arm as far as you could. Your fingers brushed against the phone and you grunted, carefully pulling it closer until you could get a good grip on it. Unfortunately, you pulled it too close to the edge and it toppled off the table, bouncing against the wooden floor. 
You winced, hoping it was okay.
The sudden noise woke Kazu, a hiss escaping his lips as he slowly lifted his head, eyes half-lidded. His gaze met yours and he smiled immediately, pulling his body farther up your own so he could reach your neck. “Mornin’,” he mumbled, lips brushing against your skin.
You sucked in a breath, goosebumps rising across your skin. “You’re too heavy,” you muttered, pushing at his shoulder.
He groaned, shifting his body so most of his weight was off of you. “Don’t get up yet…”
“I have to check my phone.” You patted his arm, slipping away from his grip so you could grab the phone off the floor. 
As soon as you had it, Kazu was on you again, arms secure around your waist. You never knew vampires could be so clingy. Then again, you didn’t even know vampires existed until you met him.
You tapped the power button on your phone, checking your notifications. Most of them were messages from Zin and Likiya, asking if you had seen Kazuma. You quickly replied, letting them know that their vampire was safe, sound, and not locked up in a hunter’s lair somewhere.
There were a couple messages from Takahide and Riku, but they were just memes and funny posts they found on Instagram. There was a message from your boss, Nagoya-san, as well. Kazu frowned when he saw the name. Were you being called into work? He went through the schedule in his mind.
Right now, the Ma55ive crew were promoting their new song. Hokuto was working on a drama. Rui and Takuma had been booked for a YouTube video with Taiki and Keito from Fantastics. The rest had the day off. 
Unofficially, you had been assigned to keep watch over Kazuma, making sure his feedings were in check and his secret didn’t get exposed. Officially, you worked as a sub-manager, filling in whenever and wherever you were needed. Had something come up?
You opened the message, scanning the contents. He was asking you to look over the schedule for next week and let him know if you had any issues with it. You did so quickly before letting him know that you would be able to work without issue.
His body relaxed against you, a soft exhale passing his lips.
You chuckled at his reaction, patting his back. “I need to get up, Kazu.”
“You don’t have to work,” he frowned. “Stay in bed with me.”
“I have to use the bathroom.”
“Oh…” Reluctantly, he released his hold, eyes following you as you left the room. He was tempted to just go back to sleep but decided against it. He knew you well and he knew that once you were awake, you’d struggle to go back to sleep.
He entered the kitchen with a hum, opening the fridge to check what food you had. It was pretty barren, mostly drinks and condiments that made his nose wrinkle in disapproval. You didn’t even have any eggs!
“There’s no blood in there,” you joked, slipping past him so you could grab a bottle of water.
“You don’t have any food,” he replied disapprovingly. 
“Yes, I do.”
He quirked a brow, glancing at the empty fridge again. Before he could say anything, you opened the cabinet. It was stuffed with cup noodles, instant ramen packets, and various other snacks that probably weren’t the healthiest. 
“See? Food.”
He sent you a deadpan look, arms folded over his chest. “You can’t survive off of ramen.”
“Lots of people do, Kazuma. It’s not that big of a deal.” You rolled your eyes at his scolded look, heading into the living room so you could flop down onto the couch. 
He followed, settling down beside you. He was really tempted to keep scolding you for your choices, but he didn’t want to annoy you so he bit his lip instead.
Thunder boomed outside, rattling the sliding glass door, rain pelting the glass. Despite being the early morning hours, the sky was covered with dark grey clouds, the sun nowhere to be found. 
“Do you want to watch a movie?” 
“Can we watch the one you were excited about?”
You nodded with a grin, hopping off the couch so you could insert the disc into the DVD player. Once it started playing, you returned to your place beside him, making him suck in a breath when you curled up against his side. He put his arm around you, pulling you so close that you were practically on his lap.
His fingers brushed lightly over the pulse point in your neck, loving the way your heart picked up speed when he did so. 
“Pay attention to the movie,” you muttered, feeling your face warm up under his intense gaze.
“I am,” he replied, blatantly staring at you as his fingers continued to rub over your skin. Oh, how he longed to sink his fangs into that vein.
You scoffed, glancing at him. The hazy look in his dark eyes took you by surprise but you tried to ignore it, forcing a laugh. “You’re staring at me, how can you be paying attention?”
“Sorry,” he mumbled, forcing his gaze toward the TV, though he wasn’t paying a lick of attention to what was happening. All he could hear was your heart racing, the smell of your blood pumping through your veins wrapping around him like a comforting blanket.
Silence fell over the two of you as you both watched the movie, though neither of you were actually paying attention. You had suddenly become hyper-aware of the man sitting beside you. You turned your head just enough to peer at him, a frown tugging at your lips. His skin was paler than normal, dark bags beneath his eyes and his lips chapped. 
They were all telltale signs that he hadn’t fed in a while.
“Now you’re staring at me,” he teased, eyes flickering to meet your own.
“When did you feed last?”
This caught him off guard. “What?”
“When did you feed last?” you repeated, eyes narrowing at him.
He swallowed hard, trying to think of a lie that you would believe. You had memorized his quirks, though, and could tell if he was lying or not. He didn’t want to lie, but he knew you’d be pissed if he told you the truth.
“Damn it, Kazuma. I’ve only been away from work for a day and a half and you’re already not feeding properly!”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t leave,” he muttered under his breath, turning away from you.
“Go home.”
His head snapped toward you, eyes wide. “What?”
“Go home,” you ordered, scooting away from him and folding your arms over your chest. You closed your eyes in case he tried to pout at you – it was a look you struggled to say no to. 
“I know you’re mad at me,” he breathed out, struggling to find his voice. “Please… don’t kick me out.”
You frowned at his tone, looking at him despite yourself. When you spoke again, your tone was much softer. “You need to go feed, Kazu.”
“I’m fine, I swear.”
“I know you’re lying.”
He swallowed hard, lowering his gaze. Truth be told, he was starving. He could feel the thirst getting worse with each moment that passed, but he didn’t want to leave you. More importantly… ever since he first smelled your blood all those years ago, no other blood tasted the same. It tasted sour, foul almost.
“Go home and feed…” you paused, biting your lip as you considered your next words. “Unless…”
Kazu’s eyes snapped to you, hands clenching around his jeans. “Unless…?”
“Unless…” you took a few deep breaths to try and calm your racing heart. You lofted your head, meeting his eyes. “You drink from me.”
His eyes widened, flashing bright red before settling on a deep maroon. He covered his mouth, face heating up and heart racing within his chest. Was he dreaming? He had dreamt of drinking from you every single day since you first met, and now you’re offering yourself to him?
He quickly shook his head, jumping off the couch. “No,” his voice was barely above a whisper yet it still trembled. “No, I… I can’t.”
“You want to, right?”
His shoulders tensed. He was hyper-aware that you had stood up and was slowly approaching him.
“You want to and you need to feed. What’s the harm?”
His lips parted, a shaky breath escaping him. How could he possibly explain this to you? He felt embarrassed just thinking about it.
“Please talk to me, Kazu.” You lifted your hand to his back.
As soon as you touched him, he whipped around and pressed you against the wall in the blink of an eye, his face buried in your neck. He was breathing heavily, his body trembling as he fought to control himself.
You reached up, fingers threading through his hair and pulling a groan from his lips. “It’s okay. I’m giving you permission.”
His arms tightened around you, lips brushing your skin when he spoke. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”
“You’re just feeding -“
“No!” He hissed, squeezing you almost painfully before his grip loosened. “No, I… if I…”
“What is it?” you questioned softly, trying to push him away so you could see his face but he refused, shaking his head. “Please talk to me. I can’t help if you don’t tell me.”
“If I drink from you,” he started softly, pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts. “I’ll mark you. You’ll be mine… for all eternity.”
You blinked, taking in the words before laughter erupted from you.
Kazuma was confused. Did you not understand what he just said?
“I was under the assumption that I was already yours. Pretty sure you claimed me the day we met, right?”
“And… you’re okay with that?”
He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, his fangs sinking into your skin. You gasped in pain, hands clutching his shirt. You knew it would hurt more if you were tense so you forced yourself to relax, closing your eyes. His hand rested against the other side of your neck as he drank from you, eyes glowing brightly.
He pulled his fangs free, tongue lapping at the puncture wounds. He nuzzled your neck with his nose before dipping down again, sinking his teeth into your flesh. It felt different than the first one. Rather than feeling pain, you felt euphoria fill every inch of your body.
You had never done drugs before, but you were pretty sure this is what feeling high would be like. You felt as if you were floating in the clouds, your heart beating in time with Kazu’s. His hand found yours, pressing it back against the wall so he could lace his fingers through your own. 
A wave of dizziness washed over you, your vision blurring. Your lips parted, forming his name, but no sound escaped.
He flattened his tongue against your skin, running it slowly from the first wound to the next. “I love you,” he whispered, red lips pressing kisses to your neck. “God, I love you so much it hurts.“
You wanted to reply, to let him know that you felt the same, but you didn’t have the energy. Your knees gave up beneath you and he scooped you up into his arms, your eyes meeting his. You’ve never seen so much happiness and love in his eyes before. He was ecstatic, so filled with happiness that he felt as if he might burst.
“Get some rest, my love,” he whispered.
Your consciousness was fading fast but you fought against it, hand finding his cheek. You leaned up as best you could, pulling him toward you until his lips met yours. You could taste your own blood but you didn’t care.
His lips danced against your own, his teeth tugging at your bottom lip. He knew you were barely holding on so he pulled away, his forehead against yours. “Rest now. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Promise?” you mumbled, resting your head against his shoulder and closing your eyes. 
He kissed the top of your head with a smile. “Baby, I’ll be here with you until the day I die. You’re mine, now.”
A smile tugged at your lips as you slipped into unconsciousness. 
“And I’m yours.”
───── ⋆⋅🍂⋅⋆ ─────
-> High&Low/Rampage Taglist: @kiraaaeon, @simpforchuchu, @star2fishmeg, @thatpoindexterpixy @manhwabtch
-> General Taglist: @asterhaze, @mrskenpachizaraki
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nico-di-genova · 1 year
Sad Gabriel Headcanons
Because weird shit was going down in Mercury’s house and it needs to be addressed
TW: discussions of SA and CSA
Has felt like an object, and not a person, for most of his life. This stems from Mercury’s treatment of him and the other boys. He’s seen as a errand boy a maid, something for Mercury to speak at but never to. He’s never been valued for his thoughts, only for his looks.
Decorates his apartment as chaotically as possible, with as many brightly colored things as he can find, as a direct contrast to how his room at Mercury’s was. She barely tolerated him keeping his book in his room, and she expected the room to be kept clean at all times. In every shot we see of it, it looks like something out of a catalog. It’s not a bedroom, it’s a glass case Gabriel was kept in.
He was kept isolated for much of his life, and was only allowed to leave Mercury’s house when he become old enough to do jobs for her. I doubt she let him talk to the other boys much, seen in the way he’s so nervous when the little boy in the house helps him unlock the door. Mercury probably worries if they talk to each other, they’ll be able to band together. It’s easier to keep them scared when they’re separate.
Has become hypersexualized as a result of the SA he faced from Mercury, and from other men. Mercury was way too touchy feely with Gabriel and Nathan for my liking, I think she should die immediately. I do think she probably SA’d Gabriel when he was younger, but was always sure to wipe his memory. So he doesn’t remember specifics, but subconsciously he senses it.
Seeks the validation of older men, because Mercury is his only basis for love. This is why he was with Clark. Clark who was 29, and who in one of the few scenes we get with him is openly commenting on Gabriel’s appearance and touching him in public. This ultimately ties back into him feeling like an object. Something to be treasured, but never to be listened to.
The blood witches at the bar are the closest he came to family before Nathan and Annalise. They helped him develop his own style and taught him how to be himself. They’re also the reason he hasn’t been checking in with Mercury. He’s never told them what she’s done to him, but they sensed something was off and did their best to give him a safe place.
Never initiates anything with Nathan, because he doesn’t want him to feel like he did growing up. This is why Nathan kisses him, why it’s Nathan who holds his hand first. Any contact they have is something Nathan has expressly initiated and Gabriel has followed.
The first time Nathan or Annalise ask him if he’s okay with doing something sexually, really and genuinely take his face in their hands and ask him, he cries. Because no one has ever stopped to ask him, and he’s so used to things simply being taken from him.
The first time Nathan expresses how impressed he is with Gabriel’s powers, he has to pause and process it for a minute, because no one has ever commented on his abilities genuinely before. Nathan notices this, and then goes out of his way to comment on anything other than Gabriel’s appearance from that point forward.
As much as he loves his parents, and wishes he could remember them, he’s also a little angry at them. He would never say it out loud, but he hates them a little bit for leaving him with Mercury. He blames them for what she’s done to him, which just makes him feel guilty and upset all over again.
Is constantly plagued with guilt that he couldn’t bring the little boy from episode 8 to wolfhagen with him. He thinks about him all the time, and worries about what Mercury might do to him for helping Gabriel.
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insomniac-dot-ink · 2 years
Original_The Silence of the Next Universe
When we finally build a window into the next universe over, no one will speak to us there. Dr. Margaret Camry had a hard time convincing anyone it was even that. Skeptics said she was pointing it in the wrong direction—gazing out into the next solar system or snagging on an old tv show transmission. She had to record it for weeks, tearing her hair out and pointing at the screen and everything that looked like our universe, but wasn’t. The dust settled more slowly there. The light refracted more brightly. The people walked with a sloping gate of one extra vertebra.
They look like us. We think they’re human, human in their own sense. And they won’t talk to us. We motion and hand signal and tap on the walls and flash morse code at them, holding up letters to the screen and slowly mouthing the alphabet. Newer interns might point at themselves and yell their own names, louder and louder like that might break the distance between dimensions with willpower alone. Some older scientists attempt conversation using color theory and wolf howls—just in case, you know? Just in case they howl like wolves, I suppose.
Desperation breeds fools of everyone and Dr. Camry’s team dearly wants that Nebula Prize. I do too, technically. 
We know they see us— the people who are not quiet people—their brows pinch together, and their lips purse and they walk a little faster. The screen is in some kind of hallway. There are gray walls of wide smooth panels and corner-less ceilings, a modernistic sensibility for the palette of someone partial to drinking unsweetened cereal milk.
At the very least we’ve determined it's some kind of communal corridor. Families with fathers and mothers holding strangely gangling toddles pass by along with people in red blazers going to work or grandmas in fleecy sweaters getting home from the store. We’ve never seen their shoes which somehow bothers me.
They wear clothes with sharp angles and stiff-looking material, usually buttoned all the way to the throat. No one seems to wear hats, but almost all of them wear dangling earrings off of earlobes that are a little too long and a little too narrow.
There is something familiar about their angular outfits and chin-length hairdos, something I could imagine coming into style in our universe in maybe 10 or 20 years. And they won’t talk to us. They don’t even want to look at us.
Most nights, I dream of windows.
When I leave our watch room which feels tinier and tinier by the day, and I lie down for the mandatory 8-hour rest, I dream of windows in halls. Windows that open up into purpling skies or birds that float instead of fly, and a beautiful not-person who whispers dully, lovingly in my ear. Welcome, hello, we’ve been waiting for you.
I wake in a cold sweet and guilt burns behind my eyes. The words linger at the cusp of my ear, an ear smaller and wider than theirs. I won’t admit I know which one it is whispering to me. A blonde, dyed blonde, poorly. The fact that our neighboring dimension has poor dye jobs is a joke onto itself. I imagine we could also joke about it sometime. I imagine I could give her tips on how to even out the color and tell her about how I’ve been dying my own hair since grade school—how I was almost a chemist until all of my bangs fell out my freshmen year of college.
I imagine she would laugh at that.
“You can’t have a crush on someone on one of the Doomers.”
Doomers is our name for them, or Dimension D citizens. We call it that because we thought the “D” sounds cool and it doesn’t actually stand for anything except whatever dirty phrase the newest interns can think of.
I scrub my burning eyes and make a point not to look at my watch-mate, Lars. “I don’t want to hear it. I’m only saying,” I give him a hard look. “Some of them seem more receptive to communication than the others, you know? I mean, the one’s we see almost every day could probably choose a different hallway—”
“If they weren’t in love with you?” He teases.
“If they weren’t interested in reaching out!” I grumble. “At some point. . .”
“Uh-huh.” I practically feel Lars giving me a smarmy smile. A smile that comes with it’s own side of swarm. “And which one of them exactly do you want to reach out?”
I sink lower in my seat. Our interdimensional hallway was empty right then because I guess sometimes hallways have to be empty.
“What time, Brenna? What time do you see Lady B each day?” Lady B is one of our nicknames. We have nicknames for all of the regulars. 
I exhale harshly. “You see her too. It’s not weird to note her movements, it’s literally our job.”
Lars clears his throat and taps through our logs. “Notes by Dr. Brenna Wilkens, day 324, time 7:34 local, subject B03 was wearing feathered gold earrings today the length of one’s pinky. She wore a matte lipstick and grey cotton-like jacket. Subject’s demeanor was placid, if not thoughtful, she stared at the ceiling whereas she normally stares at the floor. Perhaps, she’s looking forward to this day? Perhaps she wants to hold my very tender scientist body—"
“You make my job so much harder than it needs to be.” I gnash my teeth.
Lars turns back to me. “How’re you gonna make sweet interdimensional love if all she does is glare at us, Bren-Bren?” He pushes back in his fancy swivel chair he brought from home. He said he needed a nice one since all we do is sit all day. “You should put your seductive ways to good use. Do you think they enjoy nudie mags in Doomsville?”
I give an appropriate eye role and comment dryly, “actually, Lars, you are the only person in this universe who likes nudie mags. No one else, a real innovator, surely, you’ll receive tenure at the nearest Marster’s Star Port.”
“Hold that thought. There’s our main man, Ken Doll.” Lars starts jotting down our daily notes as people appear. We take down what they are wearing, their demeanor, how fast they are walking. It’s the least we can do at this point. “And your crush!”
I hold my breath. Lady B enters from the left and strides across the screen. She is usually glaring, thin dark eyebrows dented inward, and arms held tightly at her sides. She glares at the ground, the ceiling, and the place right beside our screen, or rather their screen, in the hallway.
She wears bright earbuds nestled behind her choppy bad-dye-job curls. I often imagine asking her what she’s listening to. If it’s music. If it’s news. If she likes it.
I know she doesn’t like us. I give a slight wave, standing up in my chair and trying to catch her eye just in case. I might be imagining it, but I swear the woman on the other side flinches ever so slightly in response. And then she’s gone again.
I practically melt. “Did you see that?” I can still see the slightest twitch of her shoulders.
Lars grows uncharacteristically silent for a long moment. “I forget that sometimes,” he says in a bemused way. “That they can see us.”
The shift passes with its usual suspects and notes and the busy boring hallway in an entirely different dimension than ours. Most of the subjects look grumpy or weary that day, our most long-standing theory is that Mondays exist there too.
The thing we don’t understand though, the thing that none of us understand, is why they built their own screen first. For us to peer into their little gray hallway in some random corridor in some random sector means they must have built an interdimensional lens for us to connect to. But why? Why build a window to another universe and then not talk to us? Ignore us? Why have it at all?
The question gnaws at all of us, consumes some of the older scientists until they spiral out into becoming philosophy professors or drunks. Two careers we’ve all been tempted by. 
Mostly though, I find other things to consume me.
Love, false love or love that only exists in windows, does funny things to you. The first truly funny this is when I start bringing in music to our nightly watches. Nothing else has worked and Dr. Camry has spent less and less time reading our theoretical papers and more and more time locked away in her lab. So, I bring a music box to my session with Lars, and he doesn’t bother me about protocol.
We plug in music and play it toward the screen. We’ve determined they can hear us even if they must keep the volume on low or whatever else they do to ignore us when we’re playing elephant trumpeting or whale noises directly into their universe. I play the classics at first, orchestra performances and opera singers—some of which we’ve tried before.
The people on the other side diligently ignore us. We note a slight hesitation when we play violin music and a slight increase in walking speed when we play opera. Piano solos make their glares even more prominent.
“Maybe they don’t have pianos in that universe?” Lars muses. “Maybe pianos are devil music there, too sexy for the locals . . .”
“Or maybe they wish our boring hallway music was at least on par with their elevator music.”
“Have you tried Elvis yet?”
I snort. “We’re trying Swan Lake first and then move on to slightly less sexual work . . .”
Lady B notices after the first few visits. I see it in the way she wobbles in place and her angry, dark eyes glance over the screen, over our faces. I beam. She keeps moving.
Lars makes kissy faces and I ignore him when I start playing ballads by long dead composers and some modern pop. Neither of us say anything if the ballads are love songs and no one can say anything more if I sing along sometimes and lean a little closer to the screen.
Does love transcend universes? Probably not. It would complicate the concept of soulmates too much, too many logistical issues there. 
Even more so, the people in the next universe over don't talk to us—even after we reached them. Even after they built their own screen first. Or at least, that’s what we assumed.
I was there on our last shift. In some ways, everything that came after started from that question of love and universes.
I was humming along to a Dark District techno song called Love that Only Grows—modern music which would make old Dr. Louis potentially hunt me for sport. The music had a way of bringing out something looser in me, it had been too many days of cramped space in a small lab with the same people. Lars tapped along and a watched the left-most side of the hall.
Lady B appeared as she always did, and I stood up in my chair to wave. I sang a little louder for her ears and her ears alone.
“Talk to me, talk to me, baby! I love the way you move so good and yet so bad.” It was silly, barely a song and more of a club remix some kid in the outer planets put together in his basement. “Everything you do is bad for me, bad for me, but oh so good.”
Lady B’s eyebrows skyrocket. She wobbles in place and straightens up with her spine with an extra vertebra. Maybe they have the exact same song in their universe. Or maybe I finally sang loud enough to stop her.
My heart squeezes and stampedes through my chest in one glorious moment. Her eyes meet mine. They are brown as oak trees (do they have oak trees?) and lashes long enough to make wishes on (I hope they have wishes in that universe). Her pupils expand slightly and her eyes are just like ours.
I’m smiling like a dope on all the tapes we rewatch. She doesn’t smile back in any of them either. She nods, one small jerk of her head, eyes fixed on something behind us. Lady B nods at it and then she’s gone. She must have bolted, but it almost seems like she was there one moment and gone the next.
Lars turns first and I hear him inhale sharply.
I am still high on everything about the way her eyes caught on me when I turn as well. My smile slowly falls. There is a reflection in the glass of the far door. A reflection of our screen to another universe, but it is not their hallway reflected there. It is not our universe or theirs at all.
An eye peers back at us. A large singular eye unblinking and yellow as moons and dogs and smoggy air. It’s not an eye like ours. We realize too late that perhaps all those people we’ve tried to say something to have been trying to tell us something back. They didn’t build that screen.
Heya, I write spooky stories but also Sapphic romance. Get a copy of my Sapphic urban fantasy collection here. If you enjoyed the story, leave a tip either here on Tumblr or Ko-Fi, thank you!
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probieravi · 2 years
buddie & 2.) things you said through your teeth and/or 20.) things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear
we didn't know each other (but baby it was fate) buddie | different first meetings | 1700 words
Look—Eddie isn’t blind, alright?
Sure, he spent more than thirty years of his life deeply repressed and refusing to label himself as gay, but he’s worked through all that. It took a shit ton of therapy, a lot of self-reflection, and more than a few wine nights with Karen, but he got there. Eventually.
So, when he says that the guy sitting across from him at physio is hot—well. He’s not so repressed anymore that he can’t freely admit it. Take that, Frank.
Eddie pulls out his phone from the pocket of his sweats, slouching down in his seat a little so that he can glance at the blond-haired, blue-eyed dreamboat without raising suspicion. He navigates to his text thread with Karen and Hen, typing out a quick message.
    There's this guy at PT. Like a stupidly hot guy
    Edmundo, I'm working right now
    I'm not!
    Tell me about him
    No, wait. Send me a picture
    I absolutely will not send you a picture of the stranger in my physio's office
    You're the worst
    You love me
    I'd love a picture more
Eddie pauses, lip caught between his teeth. One picture couldn’t hurt, right? The guy is absorbed in his book — it’s brightly colored and looks like it’s about…cults? — so it’s not like he’s looking at Eddie. Eddie could definitely sneak a picture. It’s for Karen, anyway. Not for him.
That’s what he tells himself as he taps into his camera app and balances his phone on his sternum so he can get a full-body shot of the man. He’s wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a baby blue hoodie that’s doing wonders for his eyes, and there’s a birthmark, Eddie thinks, over his eyes that he’d really like to press his thumb to, for some reason. The man is so engrossed in his weird cult book that Eddie thinks it’ll be no issue to take a quick snap, send it to Karen, and get on with his day.
Except, the last person who used the camera was Christopher, who had the flash on because he was taking a picture of the underneath of his bed, and Eddie’s sound is perpetually on high just in case there’s an emergency and someone needs to get a hold of him. Normally, neither of those things would matter, really, but apparently, they do when you’re being a fucking creep in the waiting room of your physiotherapist to appease your nosy friend’s curiosity.
That’s all to say—
The flash goes off, the camera makes an awfully loud shuttering noise, and Eddie says through his teeth, “Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.”
The man looks up, and Eddie’s pretty sure he’d prefer to be in Afghanistan right now, because there’s absolutely no way he can talk himself out of this. They’re the only people in the waiting room beside Anita, the receptionist, and Eddie certainly isn’t pointing his phone at her.
“I am—” Eddie starts, wincing before he can even get the rest of the words out. He’s genuinely going to kill Karen after he changes his name and finds a new physiotherapist and probably gets a goddamn face transplant or something. “So sorry,” he finishes, a little lamely.
The guy tilts his head a little, tipping his book down so it’s resting on his knee. “Did you just take a picture of me?”
“No,” Eddie says immediately, before he glances down at where his phone is still pointing at the other man. He drops it into his lap and makes a wounded noise. “Okay, yes. But it’s not what you think.”
“So you’re not taking photos of strangers in your PT’s office with your flash and sound on?” he asks, sounding all too knowing for Eddie’s comfort.
Eddie bites on the corner of his mouth. Anita’s got a pair of AirPods in, completely oblivious to their conversation, so she’s going to be no help. He briefly considers actually fleeing, but getting this final clearance from Jasper is required to put him back on full duty, so the department knows his shoulder is back to its pre-shooting self. And it’s not like Bobby’s actively been keeping him out of the action, but he’s definitely been more careful; Eddie’s been running the winch for Tommy and Chim more than he’s been doing anything himself, and pretty much everyone at the station refuses to let him lift more than fifty pounds, so yeah. Eddie really needs Jasper to sign off on his back-to-work forms.
“Okay,” Eddie drawls, dragging out the word a little. “So it was it looks like. But it’s not—I promise I’m not. A serial killer, or something.”
“Do serial killers generally take pictures of their victims?” the man asks, a little curious. “I feel like that would be a crime blunder. It’s like, literally evidence.”
Eddie blinks. “Are you an expert on the inner workings of serial killers?”
“I listen to a lot of true crime podcasts.” The blond purses his lips, narrowing his eyes a little. “You don’t look like a serial killer. Neither did Ted Bundy, though, I guess.”
“I think that’s a compliment,” Eddie says, frowning. “That’s a compliment, right?”
“Was taking my picture a compliment?”
“Yes,” he says, too quickly to pass off as anything but embarrassingly earnest.
The guy grins. “Then yes, that was a compliment.”
And Eddie—blushes, because apparently, he’s sixteen years old and still being teased by his older sisters about being overly attached to Leo Vasquez from his homeroom. “I’m uh, Eddie. Diaz,” he says. It’s only polite. That’s obviously the only reason he does it.
“Evan Buckley,” he says, and then pauses, amends, “Buck, actually.”
“Buck,” Eddie echoes, and there’s something—familiar about that, actually, but he can’t quite place his finger on it. Maybe they’ve met on a call? Except Eddie’s certain that if he ever met Evan Buckley before, he’d remember, because he’s—
Yeah. Eddie’s still blushing.
“Nice to meet you, man,” he says, hoping his voice sounds at least halfway to normal. “You uh—what are you doing here?”
Eddie wishes, actually, that he’d never started therapy. At least when he was a repressed mess, he didn’t shove his foot so far into his own mouth that he could feel it in his stomach.
Eddie’s about to stand up and walk out of Jasper’s office and right into the street, probably, but then Buck laughs, all bright and sunny, the corners of his eyes crinkling, and Eddie shrinks back into his chair, the back of his neck hot.
“What are any of us doing here?” Buck says, waving his book around to gesture to the room. “I had a crush injury a few years back. I still do physio from time to time, when it gets bad.”
And suddenly, Eddie knows exactly where he knows Buck from. He snaps his fingers, pointing, like an absolute fool. “You’re Buck.”
Buck blinks. “Yeah. I thought we established that already?”
“No, like,” Eddie says, and he flaps a hand through the air too, “you’re Buck.”
“You’re losing me, man.”
“Evan Buckley of the 118,” Eddie explains, watching as something in Buck’s eyes flicker. “Right? The crush injury—two years ago, the ladder truck—”
“I didn’t realize I was a household name,” Buck says with an easy grin, but Eddie can see something beneath it, something hesitant. Like he’s used to getting sorrys or condolences for the injury that took him out of commission permanently. 
“You are at the 118,” Eddie says. “My team—man, they sing your praises so hard. I feel like a probie in your shadow, man.”
“You’re at the 118?”
“Have been since the tsunami,” Eddie confirms. “I was at the 136 before, but our station was shut down, and I got transferred permanently.” He pauses, leaning back a little in his seat. Both their feet are kicked out, and if Eddie just stretched a little bit, he’d knock the toes of their sneakers into each other. “I kind of feel like I’m meeting a celebrity.”
“You’re exaggerating,” Bucks says, just as a pretty blush begins creeping its way up his neck. “I’m not—it’s not a big deal. It was just a freak accident—”
“Buck,” Eddie says, and he does knock their feet together then, just to get Buck to look up at him. “It’s not—they don’t talk about your injury.”
Buck blinks at him. “What?”
“They talk about you, man. About how good of a firefighter you are, and how you’re a pretty great guy too. The stories I’ve heard from Bobby about your probie year, and Chimney’s always talking about hanging out with his brother-in-law, and Hen can’t stop extolling your virtues when it comes to how you’re so eager to watch Denny whenever you can—Buck, they talk about you.”
Buck’s mouth opens, closes, opens again. Finally, he says, “They do?”
“They miss you.” Eddie pauses, waits until Buck meets his eyes again, and then grins, soft and warm and with his teeth poking out. “You should come visit sometime.”
“Yeah,” Buck says, and he smiles too, less bright but still genuine, and Eddie feels it down to his bones, “I just might.”
“Eddie?” Anita calls from behind the desk. It snaps them out of their moment, feet darting back beneath their chairs, and Buck smiles a little sheepishly at Eddie as he nods toward the front counter.
“I’ll see you later. Maybe at the firehouse.” He seems less than sure about it, and Eddie is suddenly desperate to see him again, to talk to him more, to learn not just about the Buck that belongs to the 118, but also the real Buck—the one that’s sitting in the PT waiting room reading about cults, and wearing a soft blue hoodie, and smiling with his dimples. 
Eddie wants to know him, so he says, “Could I get your number?”
“My number,” Buck echoes, blinking at him. Eddie thinks, briefly, that he’s made a mistake, misread the signals, but then Buck’s smile grows, teeth on display, and Eddie feels warm down to his bones. “Sure. I’d like that.”
They exchange numbers quickly, Eddie sending Buck a message so he has his — if he puts a blue heart at the end of his hello, that’s between him and God — and then Eddie waves a little lamely, about to head off to his session, when—
“And Eddie?”
He turns around, glancing at where Buck still sits, grin bolstering and warm. “Yeah?”
“Feel free to use that picture of me for my contact photo.”
And yeah. Eddie thinks he probably owes Karen a thank you.
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7-dreamers · 1 year
18 January 2023, Dreamcatcher Interview with VIBE Magazine
Q. This is a ‘Special’ digital single release. What did you do to make it ‘special’?
지유(JI U) : We made it special by making it about the reason Dreamcatcher could exist so far. From the moment of our birth, nobody can live alone. We need the help of others, we learn from the wisdom of others, and that allows us to be part of the world. Dreamcatcher also exists thanks to the hard work of so many people and the special love given to us from the InSomnias.
수아(SU A) : More than anything else, the fact that it’s a song for the InSomnias makes it special. Just imagine, someone could listen to it reminiscing over the journey we’ve been sharing. Doesn’t that make it special?
Q. The title of the song is ‘REASON’. What reason did you mean by it?
드림캐쳐(Dreamcatcher) : As you can see from the line ‘Cause you are the REASON’, it means that everything we’ve been through -  Dreamcatcher’s 6th anniversary, the precious win, our contract renewals - was all for the fans. We thought it was the best way to express our gratitude.
Q. Lots of musicians express their gratitude and affection for their fans. Still, Dreamcatcher’s love for your fans seem to go a step further. What kind of bond do you have with your fans? What kind of energy do you get from them?
시연(SIYEON) : First off, they give us the strength to go on. Also, above everything, they make us better people. When I feel how loved I am, I find myself working even harder so that I can return that love many times over.
한동(HANDONG) : The InSomnias are more than fans to us, they’re like family. I think the love flows both ways in our case, and I know I was able to weather tough times and grow further thanks to the InSomnias.
Q. The song also commemorates your 6th anniversary. Looking back, what do you yourselves think of the last 6 years?
유현(YOOHYEON) : Sometimes I was peaceful and turbulent in others, but looking back, I was braver and shone more brightly than ever before. It’s my youth itself!
다미(DAMI) : It was like fire. It was intense enough to burn and hurt you, but I was able to be that passionate.
가현(GAHYEON) : Lots of tough times and happy times happened in the last 6 years. But being together made me happy!
Q. During the recording, how did each member interpret their part to bring out their own charm?
시연(SIYEON) : Personally, I got lots of parts that stretch outwards. So I vowed to use energetic rock vocal tones. It’s been a while since I used my head voice this much, so it was fun. Plus, since this is a fan song, I tried to sound dependable.
유현(YOOHYEON) : I utilized the rock vocal tones I learned from being Dreamcatcher to the maximum, and tried to invoke the overwhelming, diverse emotions that we experienced because this is telling our own story.
Q. The powerful rock aspect is one of the elements that set Dreamcatcher apart.The new song also contains intense rock sounds. What does the rock spirit mean to Dreamcatcher?
수아(SU A) : It broadened our musical horizons, and made us firmer on stage. Rock as a genre became our color, our strength - and it gives us a lot of energy on stage too.
다미(DAMI) : Rock spirit, to us, is the color. Every member has different music tastes, so we could mix in different genres with rock and create something uniquely ours.
Q. The song has a part that sounds like a crowd singing along to it in a rock festival. Imagine releasing a live version of the song, or performing the song with fans. How would you do it?
지유(JI U) : The song is incomplete. It will only be completed when we sing it with the InSomnias in a live performance!
한동(HANDONG) : I think it’s a song that everyone could enjoy at a concert. We would make the performance together, mixing in parts of our old choreographies!
가현(GAHYEON) : Especially for the encores. I want to sing along with everyone.
Q. Sometimes, the momentum you build up takes you to a completely different place than where you started from. As you said, as the fans are the energy source for Dreamcatcher, you could say the global fandom completes Dreamcatcher as an artist. From your current position, what is your new driving force, your goal moving forward?
수아(SU A) : ‘Just keep it as good as it was till now’ might sound bland, but even just keeping that takes a lot of effort. My goal is to keep giving people good music while communicating and supporting each other with the InSomnias - just like what we’ve done so far - for a long time to come.
시연(SIYEON) : Thank you for that sentiment! To be honest, I don’t think our goals have changed from the beginning. Showing our fans our best selves, becoming better singers, these are dreams that don’t have an end. As always, our energy is the InSomnias, our families and the members.
가현(GAHYEON) : I want our music to console and bring happiness to lots of people.
Q. Your music videos and visual content has been very consistent and very true to your team identity. Was there something you intended to really express in this new album?
드림캐쳐(Dreamcatcher) : Through happiness and through sadness, the InSomnias have always had our backs. Their endless love brought us this far, and the tower in the music video is an allegory of that journey. Dreamcatcher heads towards the top of the tower, and InSomnias offer to take our hands. That old friendship is symbolized by the 7 butterflies once seen in the ‘Fly High’ music video, one of our earlier songs.
Q. The great camaraderie and chemistry between Dreamcatcher members is also famous. Did you learn something again about each other or get a special story from the recording?
지유(JI U) : Before the recording, we talked to each other a lot about renewing our contracts. We learned once more just how deep and firm our love for the team and for each other was through that conversation. Our unified heart really shows itself in the music, I think.
한동(HANDONG) : In my part of the song, there’s a word that really moves me. That is ‘InSomnia’. I sang it thinking about the journey and the love we shared with the InSomnias.
유현(YOOHYEON) : Before we start recording, we get to hear the song to decide on how the parts will be divided. Because our members have been together for so long, we tend to speculate and discuss which part would suit which member the best. On this album, every member showed so much growth. They were so professional, beyond my expectations. That was amazing and admirable to see.
다미(DAMI) : There’s a group singing part in this song. When I was in the recording booth, I was listening to the recordings of the members who did it before me, and realized how alike we sounded. They say love makes people look alike, and I wondered if our voices were getting similar too.
Q. You are about to take your next step towards your next chapter. What does Dreamcatcher have planned next and what musical direction will you take?
드림캐쳐(Dreamcatcher) : Dreamcatcher has always tried new things and built new paths. We’ll continue to try different and new things so that we can keep bringing diverse acts forth and live up to the expectations. We will also include diverse messages in our music, continuing on our path as artists.
Source : VIBE Magazine
Translation by 7-Dreamers HojuneTL Please do not take translation without credit
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erenspussy420 · 2 years
Warning: Hey while this post doesn’t contain any Nsfw stuff my blog is, so please be careful and enjoy the Au. Thank you  -Mod 420
Fem Reader Insert
Parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
(Ring Ring Ring)
The store you entered was brightly lit by over hanging chandeliers that looked very expensive and frankly you can bet it cost more than your house. It’s pretty though, it’s twisted rails remind you of a tree. There are three levels open to the public, the ground level you are on and a second from the grand stair case that leads up to a second level of androids. You heard there’s a fourth level, but no one can really tell you if it’s true or not. There are large cases before you, Three rows, each with a different android, and guessing from their color schemes divided by what collection they represent.
 You step closer to one of the cases peering in, eyes wide as they took in the immaculate details of the android. So life like, they looked like they were just sleeping. You couldn’t even tell it was an android if it wasn’t for the fact their chest didn’t rise, or the cables that were charging them. Their clothes white with black checkered sash that crossed their chest, the cape that made them seem bigger than the android really was, that or the high heels the android sported. And even if the cape didn’t indicate how important this android was, or expensive in your mind, the crown and scepter in their hand surely did. Their hair was such a beautiful red, that even roses couldn’t even compare.
Your hand reached out to touch the glass, before you hand could touch the glass a loud voice startled you.
“Welcome, dear customer! I greet you and most graciously ask you to come to our store!” A figure stepped out from behind a the glass cases, with a duster in one hand and a large practiced grin, their face obscured by a mask that covered their upper half of their face. You step back, surprised and a little wary. Where did this person pop up from?
They step forward slowly, careful as their heels clicked on the blue mosaic tiles. They curtsied and gestured for you to come closer, with a patient smile. You shouldn’t really, you only wanted to peek inside, see what the big hubbub was about from your friends, you didn’t think the owner...manager or whoever this was, was like this. They’re of average height, black glossy hair and dressed in a soft mix of pinks, stepping closer you can smell a soft mix of flowers on them. Before you knew it, you have already came too close and you can see the delicate details of scales on their mask. She didn’t seem to mind though, so you guess you were in the clear. With a grand sweep of their arms, they present the glass cases before you with a showman’s voice:
“In this world, there are companies who created androids to serve humans. Be they a servant, caretaker, or even a companion!  Please step inside out store and browse our large Twisted Collection modeled after our dear beloved Seven! There are many unique androids dear buyer! From our large collections we offer the best we have!
Oh! I see you spotted this rowdy group!
This group is one of our largest collection! The Heartslabyul Units have all six figures including the prized Roseheart Unit legacy! His signature red hair stands out from all other units as it is ONLY to be used by the Roseheart Collection. This group is quite lively and each unit have their own unique personality and interests! The Deuce Spade Unit and Ace Trappola Units are our most buy-together units in our group! They’re rather the trouble makers, but please don't let that put you off from them their both quite endearing in their own ways but truthfully in my opinion they’re quite the combo! You have siblings? Need a baby sitter or rather a boyfriend material? Our unit Trey Clover is just the man for the job! He may look plain but don’t let that fool you he’s quite charming and trust me I would put a ring on that finger in a heartbeat! Need a picture perfect photo or how about a scoop on the hottest trends? Look no further we have the amazing Cater Diamond or as his fans call him Cay-Cay! The Heartslabyul Collection isn’t a easy dorm to list off, but hopefully you get my point! 
The Savanah Units while less than Heartslabyul have their own gruff charm. The Leona Kingscholar Unit is quite coveted and while not as popular as it’s brother unit, Farena, it’s still one of our top best-sellers! His beauty is nothing to scoff at and his intelligence can keep up with even the brightest, however he tends to be on sleep mode most times so be aware. The Ruggie Bucchi Unit, is small in stature but he’s quick on his feet and very resourceful! His ear’s are soft to the touch and any owner would be happy to have this money saver unit in their homes! And finally we have the Jack Howl Unit, ah! Don’t be scared he’s quite the sweetheart! While his looks tend to intimidate most buyers, he’s a loyal hardworking unit who’s tough exterior hides a golden core underneath!
Ah yes, we even have Units that shape-shift from our limited edition Sea-folk Units! Octavinelle Units are quite popular! Azul Ashengrotto Unit, is quite the smooth talker if I do say so myself! His second form is quite a beauty, but he’s a bit shy so you might have to work on that. Ahaha, the twin Units Floyd and Jade tend to be bought together and don’t seem to get along with other units, unless it’s the Azul unit to keep them company. It’s to be warned they do tend to be quite naughty so keep your head in the game!” The figure spoke so energetically, pointing to each unit to you as if they were simply long time friends and not androids.
And in a way they felt  like it.
 A loud clap from your tour guide drew you back, and you realize you had only seen the floor level units. Your tour guide, really what can you call them tour guide seems rude, but they really hadn’t told you to call them anything by- waited patiently for your reaction, the way they press their lips together suppressing a smile.
“So what do you think? Quite the beauties aren’t they?” She asks. She taps her heels and turned to point to the Riddle Unit.” He’s my favorite, that one. Funny too.”
“Yeah, um,” You point to the stairs, the woman turns comically following you finger’s direction,” I heard you have more? Can we see them?”
“Of course sweetie!” the owner, you think as that’s more easier to say, agrees she strides forward towards the stairs so quickly you ran to catch up. “Prepare yourself! There’s so many to see!”
You’re halfway up the stairs when the owner turns to you with a pleasant grin, you wonder does her mouth ever cramp from smiling so much?
“Be careful now, this is where the magic begins!”
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 9 months
tiffany: woman who was abandoned as a lil kid and would now do ANYTHING to be seen as valuable and lovable by ANYONE, including putting herself in the line of danger. will annoy people into giving her attention, adores anyone who gives her any neutral/positive attention. rough and tumble tomboy sort, but can be SO loving if someone is loving towards her. very henchgirl coded, love language of acts of crimes i mean service. (plop her into any verse btw, no need to keep it pacrim. ;3 )
So this is.... More than 100 words. I hope you enjoy!
Energy thrums through her veins as she makes her way downstairs, settling at the worn old table. She’d like to think she’s hiding it well, but judging by the suspicious glances John, Henry, and her mom shoot her, she’s really not. Henry’s eyes linger on her the longest, sharp and assessing, and just a bit fearful. Which is ridiculous, really; she’s only pranked him like once (okay, maybe twice, but the second time it was really more payback, so). In any case, he has nothing to worry about this morning. Unlike some people. 
She smiles back brightly. “Hiya! Did you sleep okay?”
“Should I not have?”
“No, I just-”
The sound that slips from her mom’s lips can only be called a snort. It’s quick, soft, a moment there and gone in a heartbeat, but it’s enough to let Tiffany know that someone else has come down to breakfast. 
“Nikola, what a-delightfully bold look!” There’s only the slightest wobble to her mom’s voice, just a hint of amusement. “I could never pull it off myself, of course, but I think on you it’s quite-” She pauses. Takes a deep breath. “Memorable.” 
Henry finally dares look away from Tiffany to see what’s going on, and Tiffany takes that as her cue to look at her masterpiece: every hair on Nikola Tesla’s head, now electric blue. (In her defense, who uses blue shampoo? It’s like he was asking for someone to slip color into it. And, hey, he likes electricity, right? Electric blue should be perfect for him.) His lips are pressed tightly together, irritation written across his face.
Silence falls across the room for five long seconds. Then, John breaks, laughing loud and full. The others follow suit, and Tiffany inhales, letting their joy wash over her. Man, she’s never going to let Tesla forget about this. 
The man in question scowls, turning to John. “Johnny, can you please control your daughter?” He snaps, and the humor drains from Tiffany in a heartbeat, replaced with ice cold dread. 
Because John’s-John’s great, and he married her mom, and he makes her mom happy. He’s good to them, to all of them, and he treats them like absolute royalty. But she knows-she knows better than to think that he-
He had a daughter, once. Had. Lost. Never even got to bury. He may love Tiffany, may protect her and spend time with her and give her what she needs, but that doesn’t mean she has the right to call him dad. Only one girl ever had that right, and Tiffany knows she’ll never be able to compare. John’s going to get mad at Tesla, they’re going to fight, and then Dr. Magnus will be mad at all of them, and it’ll all be Tiffany’s fault.
“Sweetheart?” John says suddenly, and Tiffany pauses, gathering herself. He always does that: tosses out pet names for them, with ease but not with flippancy, like-like he means them. 
She swallows. “Yeah?”
“Dark green for next time, hm?” He smiles at her, warm and fond, and she shoves a bite of food in her mouth to hide the sob that works its way up her chest and into her throat. He isn’t angry; he’s amused and happy, and he loves her, and he didn’t argue when Tesla called her his daughter, and maybe, just maybe, this is real. 
He trades a glance with her mom that’s all sappy and loving, and Tiffany pretends to roll her eyes, but she doubts she’s convincing anyone. 
(There is another glance she does not-will not-see: A half smile, there and gone in an instant, from a man born of lightning and loneliness, who has always been too much and not enough all at once. He knows what it is to scream in sarcasm and mischief because it is the only love language you’ve ever learned, to annoy because it is easier than to beg for love. He knows exactly what gift he’s given her, and some blue hair is a small price to pay for it.)
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Omg I loved your ideal type for NCT127. Can you write Way's ideal types 🥺
•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ 𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕧’𝕤 𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕝 𝕥𝕪𝕡𝕖𝕤 ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•
     Disclaimer: While I consider my feelings about Lucas’s situation & status in the group, I’ve decided to exclude him from my writings for the time being. I encourage you to share your thoughts on his situation & consider my motion as an act of neutrality rather than a statement against him.
     This one’s a little different than my dream & 127 ones! I painted more a specific picture of the type of person I imagine, although obviously not every hyper specific detail needs to fit in order for it to stand. Enjoy~
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     For Kun, I imagine someone mature and emotionally intelligent, who is perhaps a little too reserved, but very smart. They would be the first person to offer help to someone else, but can hardly ask for it themselves when they need it. Someone who might enjoy cooking, whether they’re any good at it or not—it’s the process of it they enjoy, not the satisfaction of the end result. They would value family and friends immensely. They would be the sort of person who never understands quite how loved they are. No matter where they’re going, they have a snack or two packed just in case. Someone externally prepared for everything who needs a person to lean on more than anyone would ever expect.
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     I picture the perfect person for Ten being someone who isn’t afraid to wear bright colors—perhaps a hat lover with a truly fantastic sense of fashion. The person whose makeup looks like pure art. They would always go out of their way to make everyone feel welcome and heard, because they have known what it is like to feel unwelcome and silenced. They would be someone who probably isn’t given enough credit and doesn’t always get taken seriously, because they look younger than they are. Their loved ones would never shut up for a second about how amazing they are. 
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     His ideal type is very similar to him in many ways, I think. They would be a homebody, who can fill silence in moments while being perfectly content in it during others. I imagine soft cardigans, hot tea and coffee. The type of person whose least favorite season is summer. Randomly, I could see them having bangs, whether they’re thick or just curtain ones that they can put behind their ears. They would probably be a devout reader—someone who adores literature among other types of art. Maybe the could play an instrument. Someone who is a light that never flickers but burns consistently. Like Sicheng, they would never be the first person to start an argument, but not because they are afraid; because they don’t think it’s the right way to handle anything. A very sweet, quiet soul with a romantic worldview and admirable way of walking through each day of life like it’s beautiful no matter what.
Xiao Jun
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     In Dejun’s case, I’m thinking of someone exceptionally creative and perhaps artistic, who is internally driven and fairly independent. This kind of person would probably be well-liked by everyone but known well by a small few. They would be a calm but passionate soul, just waiting for someone to get to know them so they can share their passions and deepest treasures. They would come off or many as shy, but that’s not really the case at all. They love talking to others if the conversation actually means something. The type of person who could spend the whole day by themselves and never feel lonely. Their life would be full of so many joys and hobbies, they would love to share them but are content dedicating their life to them alone.
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     For this sweet boy’s perfect match, I’m thinking of long hair, a awful sleep schedule, and at least a little bit of a sports enthusiast, if not participant. Someone who laughs easily and smiles so brightly no matter who’s watching, with the most dazzling and contagious smile. Someone who just feels a lot more than other people or at least more intensely. The kind of person with their heart always on their sleeve—who expresses their emotions bravely and is very open in general. They would have a kind, honest heart. Someone who is a total board game enthusiast. They would sometimes struggle to stand up for themselves, but are learning to. The type to cry when they are angry or when they are sad.
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     Yangyang’s ideal type is someone more extroverted, who wouldn’t mind being a plus one to wild events and endless practices—who loves hoodies and joggers. They would probably like hot chocolate more than coffee and might have shorter hair. A less feminine style, but not necessarily always not so. Practically any moment with them isn’t dull. An absolute movie lover. A person who gets their energy from spending time with others and going on adventures, often rather spontaneously. Someone who sucks at drawing eyeliner but keeps practicing anyway because they don’t let themselves get caught up with negative emotions too much. They can shake almost anything off and don’t stay angry eaisly. People may label them as immature, but that really isn’t fair, because they’re just trying to make the best of their life and everyone else’s day.
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kloofspeaks · 1 year
The Flower Shop of Lemoore | A Bob Floyd Fictional Work
Words: 1718
She finally heard him, “It’s called a Gladiolus..” He hummed, meeting her eyes, “They stand for determination and.. infatuation,” He spoke on, his hands slowly coming to a halt, “I thought it was fitting for you being so determined to get this record player.. in working order.” 
She reached out, cupping his hands with her own so they both held the flower, this seemed to make his face go a deep shade of rose, “You were pretty determined too, mister,” She had a taunting tone as she spoke, gently lifting her hands up and pulling the flower out of his hands.
Flower three out of twenty
Today's Flower: Gladiolus - Determination, Infatuation
Chapter List can be found : here
Dedicated to: @notyoursbutlewis
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She let out a soft sigh, her eyes looking over the familiar shop. She could tell that Bob had switched out some flowers, her eyes glancing over every small detail, the fall colored flowers, the sweet candies he had placed on each table, the gently lit candles that made the place smell like a fresh autumn breeze. It made Y/N wonder what Bob’s home even smelled like if his shop smelled this fantastic.
She stopped in her tracks, looking over at Bob’s usual spot.. he wasn’t there this time, he wasn’t anywhere around the brightly lit shop, “Floyd?” she called out, wondering where he could be.
She jumped slightly when the back door was pushed open and out came Bob holding an old fashioned record player, “Just in time!” He said with a bright smile, his glasses sitting crooked on his nose as he set the record player down on a worn spruce table behind his desk.
“I found this baby in the back,” once it was settled on the table he picked up a record crate, “and these were my dad’s.”
Y/N glanced over the dusty, torn record casings, some paper, some just put away in what seemed to be tissue paper, “He must’ve been into a lot of old fashioned music,” she muttered, it was just like the rest of the shop, old and aging. 
“He was, he used to play these when the shop was really popular,” He pulled out a record and pointed to all the scratches and damages to it, “There are some in here that aren’t damaged, thankfully.”
She reached forward, her fingers brushing over a record of The Andrews Sisters, “These look like they’re from my dad’s time,” She had a soft chuckle as she blew off the dust with her breath.
“I’m guessing he wasn’t a big fan of The Andrews Sisters, they’re perfect for this place! Especially this song,” She pointed to the song list on the back of the case, her finger resting on the song You're just a flower from an old bouquet.
“You seem to really like these people..” Bob muttered, not seeming amused.
“Did you not grow up on old music, Floyd?” She was looking at him with a crazed disbelief, “There’s no way your father didn’t play these around you.”
“He didn’t, they were just for the shop, he didn’t bring me here, mainly because I was.. too loud, too wild for his liking,” He finally fixed his crooked glasses.
“I was a wild child too, Floyd, yet my father still played records around me,” She had finally taken the time to get a good look of him, he had something new.. something that made her smile just looking at it.
He had embroidered white daisies on his apron, she hummed in amusement seeing it, “Yeah, but I was too much for him.”
“You’re not too much for me,” Y/N blushed at her own words, looking away and suddenly really focusing on the record in her rough hands.
“I’m sure I’m not if you keep coming back in here,” Bob was blushing too, his cheeks red and pure as always.
“I do, but there’s countless reasons for that,” She laughed slightly, “You might just be one of those reasons,” She slipped the record back into the crate.
“Do you think we could play one?” She requested, looking up and focusing on the crisp color of his eyes, the way they softened when they met her own. 
“On this old thing? If I can get it working, sure,” He smiled, looking back at the old player, his eyes just looking it like fine china.
“How about I walk back there and get it going? My father had basically the same one,” She muttered slowly turning to the door that would let her behind the counter, her fingers resting on the top of the gate.
“I.. Uh-“ Bob was hesitant, he probably hadn’t ever had someone that wasn’t an employee walk past those swinging doors, “Sure,” he finally rested on an answer.
“Wonderful!” She pushed past the doors and stepped beside him, “Have you thought about.. putting a record on the plateau and cranking it?” 
“Well, of course I have.”
“Did you do it though?” She leaned over, giving the plateau a small spin.
”No..” He had a small awkward laugh, his hand trailing to the back of his neck as he scratched the small crook of his neck with the small hairs that started his hairline.
“Well, that might be your problem, Floyd,” She chuckled slightly, “Alright, hand me a record,” She stood up, placing her arm out for her hand to be met with the same record she was holding earlier, she placed it down on the plateau and lining up the needle and giving it a small crank.
She stepped back a bit, waiting to see if it would produce the music, her heart warmed when she heard the old tune her father used to play on repeat in her childhood days. 
/ You’re just a flower from an old Bouquet / I’ve waited patiently for you / each day / You’re just a dream come true / 
“There! Fixed,” She turned to look at Floyd as the song rang on, he was holding a violet colored flower in his smooth hands, “What’s that for Floyd?” She asked, he was holding it out towards her as she was feeling slightly fuzzy and froze up looking at his face.
He looked flustered, scared to give her such a flower, usually he asked her how her day was, what he did so he could match up a flower on what she did, but this time he didn’t even ask such a question.
His fingers uneven, shaky, as the music hummed on in the background, he muttered something under his flustered breath.
Y/N couldn’t even hear a word that came out of his soft pink lips, “Floyd?..” She had a slightly hushed tone as she came closer to him, so the song wasn’t blaring in her ears.
She finally heard him, “It’s called a Gladiolus..” He hummed, meeting her eyes, “They stand for determination and.. infatuation,” He spoke on, his hands slowly coming to a halt, “I thought it was fitting for you being so determined to get this record player.. in working order.” 
She reached out, cupping his hands with her own so they both held the flower, this seemed to make his face go a deep shade of rose, “You were pretty determined too, mister,” She had a taunting tone as she spoke, gently lifting her hands up and pulling the flower out of his hands.
“How did you see infatuation in that situation though?” She asked, looking at the curled petals and the way it looked like it faded from a sweet blue color.
“You were pretty interested in the time capsule,” He called the record player a time capsule, he wasn’t wrong, the thing was old and probably had so many memories hidden in those sheets of metal held together by rusty nails.
“I guess I was, Floyd,” She smiled, looking at his tall figure, she wasn’t far behind him in height, but he was definitely taller than her, 
“I might as well just start helping you out around here if we’re going to continue doing flowers like this,” She jokingly said, taking a soft step to the left so she could exit through those swinging doors and so she wasn’t so close to Bob.
“Do you think this is it?” She held up the flower so his eyes could focus on it.
“I don’t think so,” His hands resting on the counter after she stepped out, “There’s just so much I don’t know about you, I’d rather try to choose a flower that works for everything about you.” 
The song swiftly changes to A Jitterbug’s Lullaby by The Andrews Sisters.
“Is there even a flower like that?” Y/N questioned, her nails tapping gently on the stem of the flower that rested in her hands. 
“Probably not, I guess we’ll just have to give you a free bouquet,” He chuckled, leaning comfortably into the counter more while the record player went on.
“A free bouquet?” Her voice stuttered at the words that came out of his mouth, “Oh, Floyd, I don’t deserve that! You’ve helped me out enough,” 
“And you fixed the record player, I can say that we’re equal,” He pointed out, pushing up his glasses.
“Well, we haven’t even found my flower yet, so we can hold out on the bouquet,” She said, her cheeks growing an apple blossom pink color. 
“Alright, but you have to remind me when we do find your flower,” He had that charming smile, the kind of smile that you would find in a dream, it sometimes didn’t even feel real, the music was the only sign of this being real.
“I’ll remind you, Floyd.” She hummed, as she flicked her wrist towards her gaze, “I better get going, I’m going to miss my bus if I talk anymore,” She smiled turning a heel before looking back at him when her hand was resting on the door.
“Alrighty, I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N,” his voice sounding as if he had repeated her name all day till she stepped inside his fancy shop.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Floyd,” She pushed the door open walking down the small steps and took a sharp left where her bus stop sign was reflecting in the setting Sun.
The moment she stepped out of the shop, her hair prickled at the sudden cold, her spine shivered at the feeling, it was definitely autumn and she instantly missed the sweet pumpkin smell of his shop.
It smelled like a mix of sweet pumpkin and Christmas pinecones, she pondered if he had different scents during each season, she would probably find out by the time she found her flower.
Her eyes glancing down at the flower in her hand as the bus came up to where she was waiting.
In an outsider's eyes it would look just like any ordinary flower, but in her eyes it was a flower with a deep powerful meaning.
It was a flower from Bob Floyd. 
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min-yunki-agustd · 1 year
Day: 7
Haunted maze
Request: Maybe a sickfic where he wasn’t feeling well maybe before a run BTS where they go a haunted maze. Then because they have a hectic schedule and he’s had no time going to the doctor while they’re filming he gets super sick? Caretaker Namjoon (maybe cuz they were paired together or something)
sickie: kookie
caretaker: Joon
tw: mention of emeto, v****, descriptions of nausea sickie cold stuff
Word Count: 1,760
All the members sat in a stuffy meeting room with a project at the front at the center of the room. The managers and a few other coworkers were also at the meeting. Jungkook looked around the room trying to find a distraction from the odd sensation in his stomach. His throat hurt, he was congested and he had an endless seeming amount of phlegm. All day he'd sniffle and get odd looks. He Kept tissues in his pocket, just in case. Jungkook had a doctor's appointment scheduled, and he planned to go.. but then hybes meeting got canceled and rescheduled at the same time. The meeting was important he had to go. His appointment could wait a little longer. His manager said that if the symptoms weren't too bad that he should try being at the meeting which was going to explain how the haunted maze was going to go about along with other information about the things happening this coming up month. Plus with the sneezing painful throat and general congestion he could just have a cold. It was the occasional swirl in his stomach that would catch him off guard every so often in the day and make his symptoms feel ten times worse. He tried not to focus so much on how he was feeling anymore, he needed to pay attention. He looked back to the manager who explained the plans for the next run bts. He's glad he began paying attention right at the time the manager was explaining who would be who's partner. He tried to continue listening to the meeting without sniffling too much.
time skip ---
They had started filming, and they were being explained the rules of this particular run episode. They were going to be looking for hidden objects in a haunted maze. It made sense that they were doing a Halloween-themed run, it will be October by the time this run episode comes out. Each member wore the same color the partner or group wore. Jimin, jin, and tae wore green, yoongi and hoseok wore red and Himself and Namjoon wore blue. Everyone wore helmets that contained cameras. Jks straps felt too tight, it pushed into his face and messed with his sinuses. The blue vest he wore also bothered him. There was a white reflective strap around it that dug into his belly making him quite uncomfortable. Each team was given a bag matching to there team's vest. One person in each group was designated to hold each bag. Jk held the bag for him and namjoon. He kinda wishes he wasn't the one to hold it, he'd rather hold his aching stomach when it felt upset. The game was about to start. He's glad he has namjoon as a partner, his stomach kept distracting him from listening to the rules. "START" was yelled out behind the camera crew and each team scrambled off in different directions. Jungkook simply followed Namjoon. He was lagging a bit behind having a hard time catching up with the others. Namjoon ran to his first clue. It was a white piece of paper wedged into a bush. Namjoonn crouched down to read the paper, jk crouched beside him and listen as he read. " we gotta go down the path furthest to the right and find our first hidden object there." Namjoon stood to his feet and started walking jk did the same. His bag swung back and forth as he walked.
The two almost forgot this was a haunted maze for a minute, but, they were reminded when a guy in an oddly shapen mask and a chainsaw jump out in front of them. They both screamed and ran around the man. once they got to a brightly colored area they slowed their pace. Jk was huffing, he coughed into his elbow trying to catch his breath and clear the phlegm in his throat. Namjoon was also trying to catch his breath only difference was his smile cheek to cheek, It was exhilarating and fun. Jungkook wasn't having as much fun as Namjoon was. He couldn't seem to catch his breath and he wasn't sure if he felt phlegm slowly climbing his throat or his lunch. Regardless he tried clearing his throat the best he could and tried to keep going. He made eye contact with namjoon. Joon looked back at him, noticing how much he'd been struggling just now trying to breathe. " You ok jungkookie?" namjoon asked putting a firm hand on his shoulder. " I"m alright hyung... where do we go now?" 'we're probably going to have to go back and search that area for the item we're looking for." namjoon answered. as they walked back they heard screaming sounding too be hoseok, there was also a bit of manic laughing sounding to be yoongi. Jungkook's thoughts were confirmed when yoongi and hoseok ran past being chased by the chainsaw guy. It was actually perfect timing for jungkook and joon. " perfect come on jk!" namjoon ran over to the area and started searching. jk did the same. " I FOUND it !" jk yelled out, forgetting about his stomach for a second. He ran over to his hyung showed him and then quickly put it in his bag. " I found another one!" joon says soon after. " great!" jk says back running over. joon shows him the shiny small object and puts it into jk's bag. " Now we only need nineteen more. The two got up and traveled up further.
As they walked Namjoon thought about how hard jungkook was struggling to catch up to him and catch his breath. He remembered that jungkook mentioned canceling his doctor's appointment when he was in the room. He must not be feeling so well namjoon thought as they walked. He figured he'd keep an eye on him. Once the path ended they were at an area that had two separate paths leading in opposite directions. Nammjooon turned to jk. "which path do you want to go down?' he asked. "uhh the left?" jk says kind of confused. He can see an interesting color projecting from the left patch it caught his eye." ok let's play rock paper scissors. You win we go down the left path but If I win we go down the right. "ok " jk answered putting his fist in his palm. " just one game and we will go," namjoon says Throwignhis fist into his palm as well. The two say out loud excitedly " ROCK PAPER SCISSORS...SHOOT!" namjoon had rock and jk had paper. " HA HAA! jungkook says as he covers his hand on top of namjoons. Namjoon giggles at jungkooks excitement. They turn back to the path and head down the left path. While walking down this path an actor jumped out at them. it was a disfigured lady with matted hair and lots of affected makeup. It scared the crap out of both of them. So much so that both of them jumped out of their skin. Namjoon felt his chest feeling his heartbeat going at the speed of light. Jungkook yelled out, just as namjoon did, then the only difference is when jungkook yelled it cause his stomach muscles to squeeze causing his dinner to come up faster than he could stop it. Namjoon looked over to jungkook to find him gagging and holding on tightly to his stomach. The cameraman that had been following them the entire time quickly turn his camera away. He had been with Bighit ( hybe) for a long time and he knew they tried their best not to catch content such as this. joon ran over to jungkook and tried comforting him. Patting his back in an attempt to speed up the proses so that he would feel better sooner.
" jungkooK? Is your stomach hurting you? " Jungkook's lunch answered first a sickeningly wet splash hit the hard ground. Jungkook was bent over by the waist. When namjoon looked over to see who was around, the actor lady was gone and Jungkook gagged hard, his knees shook, and all the tired he'd been feeling for a while now caught back up to him. Namjoon tried his best to keep the younger steady. jungkooks stomach was coming up faster than he could keep up with. He was sweating hard and shaking. Namjoon stayed by his side telling him to breathe and try to let it happen. reminding him that he'll feel a bit better after. Once jungkook could catch his breath he sat crouched on the ground attempting to catch his breath. Nnamjoon rubbed his back. Namjoon tried to get jk to stand. Come on let's go back to the start you definitely need some water. " but hyung, jk choked out, we gotta finish the game so we can win." "Jk "namjoon says calmly you're sick, let's go," namjoon says helping the younger way from the puddle. jk puffed, he was upset they were doing so well until he threw up. His stomach ached as they slowly walked all the way back to the start. The manager and other crew stood confused when then namjoon and jk returned to the start of the maze along with the cameraman. The manager and the director walked up to them. " what happened?" the manager asked concerned. "jk threw up." namjooon answered. " He looked like he's going to again the director says staring at jk's sickly complexion. He wasn't wrong, jk was feeling sick after that walk back. It felt like it took forever and his stomach jostled as he walked.
"SOMEONE GET THE KID A BAG PLEASE" the director yelled out. while the manager and Namjoon helped him find a seat on the old wooden bench nearby. A bag was shoved into his face right as he sat down. his stomach swirled and he sniffed. " can he get some water please?" namjoon called out to someone, jk couldn't quite see who his head was down to and shoved it into the bag, he felt sick again. After what felt like several hours of nausea The game ended, Namjoon and jk sat at the start jk puking every so often, and namjooon comforted him The members that were still in the game filled the end. Jimin, tae, and jin team green won the game by finding the most objects they found all twenty-one first. Once filming was over the other members crowed around jungkook trying to cheer him up." don't be embarrassed jk, hoseok almost peed his pants when we got to the other side of the maze" yoongi says laughing, and they all laugh.
the end -----
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weekend-whip · 1 year
Questions about eyes! If their irises are glowing, would you be able to see them through their eyelids if they were to close their eyes? If the pupils are dilated, does that affect how bright the light is/how much glows? Jesse has sparkles come out of his eyes- does Kai have embers? Does Jay have sparks? Is it harder or easier for them to see in light/dark environments while they’re lit up? Will they start glowing during nightmares, which relates back to my first question. Just how bright is it exactly?
How very specific adsdfghjkjhhgf
If their irises are glowing, would you be able to see them through their eyelids if they were to close their eyes? Depends. If you're in, say, a brightly lit hallway at school, your eyes start glowing, and you close your eyes, it's hard to notice unless you know to look for it. Otherwise, Jesse would've been busted for his own eyes long ago. Evidence supporting this:
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It's not the right pic I wanted BUT during NS13, after Cole begins to really connect with his element, his eyes begin to glow whenever his scar does, and this is true even when his eyes are shut, yet you can't actively tell there either. This also happens at least twice and I wanted the pic from the other moment but I ain't got time to hunt lmao
That being say, if you're say, sleeping in the middle of the night and of course your room is dark and you're having a really intense nightmare and your eyes start glowing while you're sleeping (even with your eyes shut)...someone walking in on you might definitely take notice.
If the pupils are dilated, does that affect how bright the light is/how much glows? Yup. More dilated, more muted glow; less dilated, less muted glow. This is why Kai and Nya can get angry so often to the point their eyes do start to slow, but not to the point that a random person would really notice, because pupils tend to dilate when angry (or when you see a loved one and feel overwhelmed about it *nudges Jesse*).
Jesse has sparkles come out of his eyes- does Kai have embers? Does Jay have sparks? Jay definitely has sparks, though his tend to appear over excitement as opposed to Jesse's tears. Kai could have embers, especially if he's stewing in his emotions, but this trait also differs by the person/element too. I mean, Cole's not gonna start blinking out rocks asdfghk (...his face cracks instead). So, basically, everyone's element does manifest in small ways during eye glow; it just depends on the person/element, and is doesn't necessarily have to be directly related to the eyes.
Is it harder or easier for them to see in light/dark environments while they’re lit up? It is definitely harder to see overall, because not only are they already starting to become blinded by emotion, they're blinded by the glow as well. As evidenced with Cole and Jay's Outbursts especially, you kind of get tunnel vision on whatever you're focused on, and peripheral vision definitely goes out the window (making it easier for people to come at you from the side or behind)
As for the glow itself affecting sight of the environment—for the one who's eyes are glowing, it's not an active light source to them, so it doesn't have any impact that way. However, given that there's a ton of color in their vision at the time, the glow will at least put a colored haze over everything. So when I say that "Kai's seeing infrared"? He's literally seeing things in infrared haha.
Crude Artist Rendition:
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The part outside of the "peanut" is the distorted peripheral vision; can't see shit. The part within the "peanut" is what Cole would be actually seeing. Other environment details would be present but "out of focus" (didn't draw them cuz lazy) while the object of the person's emotions (in this case Cole's hastily drawn father) would be the only thing able to register properly.
Will they start glowing during nightmares, which relates back to my first question. Yes they can
Just how bright is it exactly? There's 3-4 Stages! And now we'll use Nya as our example:
0. No Glow- Just for comparison; a control group, if you will.
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Base Glow: This is when emotions spike just enough to cause a knee-jerk or gut reaction, but not enough to cause worry.
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2. Pre-Outburst Glow: This is the time between when emotions start spiking but don't go back down, and before the Element starts overriding the body. Starts being noticeable, but still not entirely alarming.
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3. Outburst Glow: When you get the "peanut vision" as seen above, that's when you're officially having an Outburst. Very bright, very intense.
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Normally, all one has to do is just let it pass, or expel whatever emotion is becoming too overwhelming, but of course, if you stay stuck like that for too long...
4. NRG Glow: This is where things get too dangerous; pupils start to fade, glow reaches maximum intensity, and you start syncing with the element. If you haven't mastered NRG Mode, this is a baaaad place to be. You gotta make sure the pupils come back before losing the glow; otherwise congratulations you're now a pure element.
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So yeah, hope that helps~
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 7 months
Legend of the Dragon S2 Watch and Rewrite
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This season already shows how intense it will be through the updated intro. If I haven't mentioned before, the intro music is great, and the clips are just awesome. Yes, it shows a animation shift and Jeff "Swampy" is no longer assisted supervisor which is sad. But again, the intro so awesome, I'm already hyped and the pilot just ups the ante so let's get started.
Temple of the Shadow Dragon: Animation is much more crisp and fluid. At least when in close ups. In midrange, the faces aren’t always consistent. The flash animation is more obvious in the fight scenes though. And the CGI is wow. Very dated. But I guess it shows they got a bigger budget. Or smaller depending on how much flash animation costs. Also a side note, the animation made the color palette less vibrant and the characters more pale in general. And Ang/Ling have blue hair now instead of black with blue highlights. Kinda weird, I prefered season one palette.
Voice acting feels a little stiff during fight scenes even when the dialogue is in character, it feels like they’re trying to be overdramatic. 
Don’t remember as much monkey hooting from Xuan Chi in previous fights as he does now. Same with Bengail’s grunts and yells. 
Master Chin helpfully delivers exposition on the emperor combining his ancient magic with technology, hence CGI. 
Sadly, slo-mo has returned in a particularly egregious scene where Xuan Chi takes the blast for Bengali in a scene. But it is surprising that it actually turned Xuan Chi into a monkey, demonstrating that guardians who have taken the position long enough, have their powers in twined in their essence and thus when in danger, Xuan Chi went primal. Or primate in this case.
Probably to give them a cute animal mascot and to make up for the fact that the VA was probably unavailable for the second season.
But it is a big blam episode where the Emperor destroys the dragon shrine and dojo so the twins cannot recharge their armbands and become golden dragons. (Also I know they have no budget for extras but what about the other students at the dojo? Jungi? Their mom?!? I guess they’re dead, it was nice knowing them for one episode) 
Luckily, there’s a shadow temple for every yang temple. But Ling warns that isn’t the corruptive yin power what led to their emperor problem in the first place? 
It’s a risk they have to take, the same with Zodiac Master begging the group to take him with them. Apparently, the Emperor is the worst boss ever. Too bad he got caught and the emperor takes him away for punishment. 
However, they do have a jet to fight against the Emperor’s in a brightly colored CGI dog fight that honestly my eyes could have done without.  
Apparently one of the new bonuses is that they can create random machinery from their phones. Random but okay, gotta get toy merch somehow. 
Anyway, Master Chin takes the fortune cookie route by not telling them where the shadow temple is even though he clearly knows. I swear, some may say he’s letting them figure it out themselves, I say he’s screwing with their heads. 
Point is, the shadow temple is in Alacatraz (where else can you find mass amounts of yin than in prison) and their new dojo is in San Francisco’s Chinatown. 
Part 2 introduces a new villain. The ancient shadow rat guardian and the emperor’s sister, Yin We who has a slight British accent. I know it’s a british series but with the other characters have American or stereotypically Chinese accents (the emperor is the latter), it’s just weird that she’s British when she grew up in a time before British colonialism. Whatever, she sounds evil and loving it. Her moves are also very slithery and sinuous which is more snake like than rat like but whatever, she’s evil and loving it. 
As for Zodiac Master, he’s clearly become the bottom bitch for lack of a better term that they’re only keeping around because he knows the modern era and newfangled technology. It’s a pathetic step down and he so deserves it.
 As for the group back in the temple, Ling is wary of the shadow temple for good reason as she can already hear voices trying to corrupt her to fulfill her true destiny. 
Long story short, they mercifully don’t put viewers through a repeat of the previous season and Ling is able to regain control of herself and have renewed confidence that she can fight her dark side.
I would improve this episode just a bit by giving Ang more of an arc to go through. This season he is a bit lacking in character growth. While I liked the idea of Ling being wary of her potential dark side, Ang can show that he's still getting over the events of the previous season by not being totally trustful of her. Yes, he says he trusts her but he is first to jump on her when she seems to be corrupted. It can lead to a real bonding moment of how they're both trying to act things are normal but they aren't and they need to rebuild trust.
Enter the Shadow Wolf: Apparently some days have passed and we’re jumping into the new plot that since the twins already know about the shadow dog temple and is checking up on the guardian to see if he'll join the emperor. 
This case, they’re at the shadow dog’s temple or in this case, shadow wolf as fluffy and cute don’t scream yin as much as a giant man-wolf. 
K-Ho is true neutral evil as he has no interest in “sides” but representing yin so the world may remain in balance. A concept that Ang can’t quite reconcile in his black and white thinking. He doesn’t trust the wolf unlike Ling who is absolutely charmed. 
Ang’s negative impression is reinforced when Yin We comes out of the shadows to introduce herself and her alliegence to her brother. She also has shape shifting powers. Unlike the rat guardian, hers isn’t limited to just rats. She can turn into any person, making for some dynamic fighting your twin sequences. 
Anyway, the episode is all about whether trusting K-Ho a good idea and after some shapeshifting misunderstandings, Ang reluctantly concedes that K-Ho can be trusted. Well, the others trust him, Ang is still watching him closely. 
Yin We is a fun new character with her bratty sister dynamic as she says she’s more “with it” in understanding the modern era compared to her brother. But the Emperor asserts his dominance when he warns her against impersonating him again. Yeah, he’s “with it” too, he has eyes everywhere. 
To continue with my giving Ang more character development idea, I would like this episode to also explore Ang adjusting to being co-dragon with Ling. He's used to being the leader with Xuan Chi and Bengail as support. Now he has to sometimes run his ideas by Ling and it just rankles him after being independent so long.
Cats and Dogs and Dragons: Turns out Master Chin had a life outside the temple. A potential love life at that as the teens learn he has an archeologist friend who needs their help. 
So off they go to Egypt where the villains somehow already knew about Master Chin’s girl friend and have kidnapped her as bait to lure the dragons. Also to use as a bloodless offering to Bastet for anyone who brings Bastet back to life can ask the cat goddess for a favor. In this case, do their dirty work for them. 
You can also see the siblings are getting on each other’s nerves as the Emperor remarks that it’s too bad Yin We is his sister because then he can't chop off her head for being a smartass. 
Meanwhile, K-Ho is already at the temple as he literally sniffed out trouble which rankles Ang as he gets all territorial about the mission and not trusting him. Side note: I know there’s no budget for extra civilian designs but K-Ho looks prepared to explore the Artic rather than hot Egyptian pyramids. 
Anyway, there’s some reluctant team work between the boys after Ling yells at them, they free Bastet from the Emperor’s command, they free archeologist lady and we learn that the goddess was the original tiger guardian too. 
Which comes to what I’d rewrite in this episode which would be to give more focus on Bengail. As you'll see throughout this season is Bengail has been demoted from her badassery, often the first to be knocked out of battle. Same happens here even when Bastet has a real connection to the tiger guardian.
Bengail deserves some chracter growth too besides being mature supportive friend. So I would make this a Bengail episode, with her taking the lead on this mission, checking everyone for being unfocused with their crushes (Ling) and macho ego contest in K-Ho/Ang's case. I would highlight how Bengail has been working doubly hard, going back and forth between San Fran and Hong Kong to check her temple and help the twins and she wants some little acknowledgement for her hard work. Give her time to shine and save the time. Not just the golden dragons.
Shadow Tiger Take Two: The teens travel to a remote island to check on the shadow tiger temple where it turns out, Ang’s old superstar friend is making a new movie and he can be in it. (With only one camera man because budget problems. Hey, they can make meta)
Starstruck Ang immediately accepts as he can act opposite his celeb crush, Karen Kwan so Ling and Bengali go on a girls trip to the temple where the shadow tiger guardian, Sabre-claw lives up to his name by turning into a sabertooth-hybrid. The design is not unlike a low budget Sabretooth (hence name change). Bengail has a brief brush with corruption with how much she wants the shadow tiger band which I really wish they went through with. Show Bengail's dark side.
Meanwhile, Yin We has been impersonating Karen to get close to Ang’s armband but is foiled by Xuan Chi’s animal sense. Ang helps Ling and Bengail against Sabreclaw, they save Karen and the day is saved. 
Pretty standard so to add some pathos, I would have Ang be attracted to it because he is starting to miss some normalcy. He's been all Golden Dragon 24/7, and this used to be one of his childhood dreams. Now Ling is his co-dragon, why can't he take a break? Yes, I mentioned that he should have an episode in season one over his normal life vs new responsibilities but he can backslide, and start an arc of Ang working on a dragon-life balance.
A Horse of a Different Color: K-Ho has been training the twins on how to access their power bands without having to go through the transformation sequence. A feat which they quickly turn into a competition cuz sibling rivalries never go away. 
Anyway, before Ang gets turned into street pizza again, Master Chin’s Aesop gives him a brainstorm. All legends have a bit of truth in them so maybe they’ll find other shadow temples through the legends. Like England’s White Horse ruins sound perfect setting for the Shadow Horse temple. Ling’s Skeptical but Ang is quickly proven right when they find the temple and it’s defenses turn against them. 
Quickly they find the Shadow Horse, I mean Shadow Stallion guardian who can turn into a centaur! So awesome! Anyway, Yin We tries to destroy the temple when the stallion refuses to join the emperor and the twins figure out how to use their power by working together. 
It’s a simple episode so I would emphasize more of the competition part so their teamwork realization is more meaningful. In fact, I feel like the setting should just be changed to Scotland since they have so many loch ness jokes and a kelpie would be so much more of a yin legend-hello horse that drags unsuspecting mortals to their death just like the shadow horse draws people's destructiveness.
Rat Attack: Yin We has been breaking the teens’ defenses by attacking at all hours at random, making them lose sleep and leave no time to recharge. It’s a pretty wise strategy though I wish they did more with it as the episode goes beyond a few yawns here and there. To make it more urgent, just show the affects of sleep deprevetion on the teens, especially Ang.
But I found Bengail’s pep talk to Ang that it’s okay to take a break and he cannot be on guard all the time because he’s human to be sweet and just what he needed to hear. You can tell he puts a lot of responsibility on himself in being guardian all the time and needs to be pulled into focus as a season long arc.
So Yin We tries to pull a trap by kidnapping the rat guardian, Ming and impersonating her and the teens manage to pull off not one but two double crosses. The second one I didn’t even see coming. Plus Ming returns and the feisty girl never disappoints. 
So it’s a good episode, it could have just done more with what they had.
Spellbound: Sabreclaw and Yin We are back and have dug up a mystical were-Jaguar jade to call in another god to double-cross. Apparently, Yin We has been itiching to prove that she can do a good plan without her brother's input.
Back in San Francisco, the show finally answers my internal question about the safety of the Tiger Temple with Bengail in San Francisco this whole time, apparently she travels back and forth. And she’s been gone for a long time, Ang and Ling are worried and they head there to find it totally ransacked.
Long story short, they follow the clues to Central America and Yin We adds conflict by shapeshifting to the jaguar god so the teens would think the jaguar god is behind all this and not Yin We. 
It doesn't help that when they do see the real Jaguar God, he has hypnotized Bengail to be his future queen as he rebuilds his empire. Meanwhile, Yin We and Sabreclaw plan to ambush the god after he defeats the heroes so they can be double tigers.
Unfortunately, Bengail may be hypnotized but she's honest and tells the Jaguar god what backstabbing rats Yin We and Sabreclaw are, so he turns against Sabreclaw and Yin We and tries to sacrifice them in a pit. 
While I enjoyed the change in location, the brief fighting the wrong enemy, and the return of feisty Bengail before and after she breaks out of her trance, her reasoning that she felt bad for him trying to rebuild his empire as some tragic bad guy didn’t work. 
How did she know if she was hypnotized the whole time? I mean. the viewers knew but she didn't. 
Also, I was waiting for some clear Ang not quite realizing why he’s so distressed about Bengail being taken. I’m not saying to put them together or he has some big hero moment, but like some more intense feelings on his side as Bengail has already shown for him. 
So I would emphasize more of Ang's potential feelings for Bengail, and emphasize the god's tragic anti hero nature by having his empire be rebuilt after his tragic early death from conquistadors. Also give him a name, it will make him feel more human.
Friend or Foe: Since Yin We is weakened after their success in Rat Attack, the group takes advantage of Yin We’s state by setting up an irresistible trap-a seemingly abandoned temple. Yin We falls for it, and once they have her down, Sabreclaw nopes out of there like a coward. The Emperor watches this all from his all-seeing vision and while Zodiac Master suggests maybe it’s for the best, the Emperor turns on him for letting Yin We go without her band. Classic projection. 
Now it’s a race against time for the group to get Yin We to the shadow rat temple and send her back to the spirit world while the Emperor sends obstacles to stop them. 
And to make it a little more tricky for the heroes, without her band Yin We claims she’s good, no longer corrupted by the yin. That’s hard to believe and the whole group is skeptical of her innocent good girl act even as she begs them to let her help.
It all turns out to be a long con that Ang thankfully prepares for. I just wish it was a little more riveting and ambiguous. 
But besides the Ang/Bengail ship tease, there’s also a thing going on between Ling and K-Ho. Like he makes a comment about how it’s always a wild adventure with them, and she just smiles like he called her pretty or some huge compliment. She’s got it bad. 
While I think everyone could tell Yin We is faking, it could still add some conflicy by having Yin We observe the dynamics around her and pit the teens against each other like when she mentioned Ang and Bengail being together etc. It could also be another chance to have the twins discuss Ling's redemption.
They had a brief debate over whether Yin We could be held responsible if she was under the shadow rat power and if she is capable of change. Make it a real debate, and have the twins hash out why they (don't) believe in Yin We with Ling taking a more cynical stance to Ang's positive.
It could lead to a really dramatic climax when Ang asks Ling that if it was the smarter decision to not believe in redemption, than should he have not tried with her? And Ling says he shouldn't have. Reveal that past her nonchalant reaction to other's distrust, she still feels bad over what she did as the shadow dragon and feels she doesn't deserve redemption.
The Golden Babysitter Blues: After Yin We tries to steal the ox band from Robbie, he travels to San Francisco for refuge and Master Chin leaves the twins in charge of babysitting him while he gathers the other guardians to help. 
This was pretty much a filler episode with some highlights Ang's indignation at Robbie calling him "his elder," he's not that old yet.and the little boy effortlessly taking out the teens with ease when they underestimate his martial arts skills. 
But when they bump into the shadow-ox guardian in the park, it felt too convenient (he’s the town bully and can turn into a Minotaur) that Yin We could locate him and transport him so quickly just for Robbie to bump into him. Why not ambush? 
And then the contrived "urgent" situation where Yin We kidnaps Master Chin so she could force a stalemate and get Robbie to give his band in exchange, you feel no satisfaction from Robbie's bait and switch since it was so predictable. They did it a lot better in Rat Attack. 
To make it feel like a repeat of other episodes and maybe add some pathos have Ang and Ling really try to mentor Robbie as they were. Or even bring their mother in since she has more experience teaching kids only for her to be distracted in trying to bond with the twins and they're unsure of how to deal with having a parent in their life.
The twins could also have their own bonds with Robbie, reflecting in how they've learned and grown. Maybe ang realizes he wants to rebuild the temple and dojo. Maybe Ling even realizes she likes teaching kids and maybe Master Chin had a point that she has potential as a master like him.
Gone Shadow Ape: We return to the search for the monkey. Actually, it's the shadow monkey band. Master Chin and Ang head to Hong Kong at the behest of the previously helpful museum curator but Yin We and the Shadow Ape guardian get there first and turn into a beast worthy of King Kong (actually referenced within the show. Sadly, no tower homage) 
Unfortunately, Xuan Chin gets wind of it back in San Francisco and steals the jet to fly to Hong Kong to retrieve it, ruining Ling's day off (Apparently, they've been there for almost half a year and they haven't ventured past their street like a permanent house arrest, what gives?)
Anyway, fights ensue, Xuan Chin gets sent to the pound for rabies, and it's really not a memorable episode. We spent most of the time watching the antics of a monkey trying to fly a plane and rescuing the monkey from the pound. The fight with the shadow ape took only 3 minutes and it was painful to see the twins get beaten down by generic throws. 
Even the animation looked off in this episode, in character models and in matching audio with their mouths.
The only redeeming part is some of the snarky dialogue and yeah, that's it. It also ends the search for the monkey band on a cliffhanger! 
To make this a more meaningful episode, I'd potential bring back Xuan Chin as a human again, give Ang and Xuan Chi a real bro trip episode after a whole season without their friendship. Oh, and finally give him his dang monkey band. We've already seen the shadow monkey band in the first season, just give Xuan Chi the powers he deserves.
As a B-plot, Ling can decide to work on easing her conscience and make amends to the other guardians she attacked in the previous year. This can turn comical to heartfelt and really show that Ling has grown for her selfish, entitled nature of before.
Lone Wolf: Ang and K-Ho get a bonding episode! Since K-Ho has a connection to all wolves, he immediately sets out to the cold north to save a wolf cub being terrorized by some hillbillies. Unfortunately, one of those hillbillies is Yin We and K-Ho gets injured in the resulting fight. 
Now, it's up to Ang to care for a stubborn K-Ho and wolf cub in the midst of a blizzard while Yin We is waiting to attack them at their weakest. It made a great trapped among mountain lions scenario between Yin We and the blizzard and K-Ho rapidly decreasing energy. It was great to see Ang finally get the trust of the lone wolf and for K-Ho to finally admit he needs help and respect what Ang can offer in battle. 
Meanwhile, Bengail and Ling have their own girls trip to fight at the Tiger Temple with Sabreclaw which they deduce as a distraction so the twins would be split up and easier to pick off. Nuh-uh, they're too smart for that and so the day is quickly wrapped up with a full team beatdown. 
I don't have any changes or critiques to this episode even though it almost veers on a very special animal cruelty episode, I don't care. Animal terrorizers deserve to almost crash their helicopter. 
Also Zodiac Master was here, utterly forgettable and useless. He was fine in the first three episodes but I don't see why they had him stick around. The Emperor should have turned him into stone if only to emphasize that he's a real threat and inject "Anyone can die" scenario. 
Heart of the Black Dragon: Season finale time! With the help of the shadow snake guardian (who is promptly concussed cuz Yin We doesn’t share credit), the Emperor has the eye of the black dragon. A mcguffin never mentioned before because it in the time before guardians. Actually, it was why the guardians were created. To defeat the black dragon and then put the world in balance. 
So we bring things back to Alcatraz since the guardians thought no one would go to the “new world” to find the black dragon’s heart. Too bad the Emperor figured it out. 
So Master Chin ruins everyone’s day off (lowkey really nice to see them acting like normal teens, shopping, flirting etc. before it gets interrupted. Also Master Chin sarcasm is great) and they head to Alacatraz too late. 
But if there’s a black dragon, there has to be a gold dragon and once again, Master Chin tells them they have to figure it out themselves even though he already knows everything! 
I’ll admit the ending is cheesy as it’s inside themselves and after a brief moment of doubt, they turn into a double headed dragon. Something I’ve been waiting for and was disappointed at how cartoony it looked. Same with the final black vs gold dragon fight that was only 2 minutes long.
That’s the critique I’d give the episode as a whole. Great set up but the execution felt rushed and unearned and the fight choreography was a downgrade too. In season one you can see the martial arts moves that keep things dynamic and interesting, and the guardian powers had some relation to their animal. But here, it’s all kicks and colored blasts, it falls flat.
Even when it’s supposedly 10 terra cotta warriors against two, the urgency doesn’t feel real because the budget simplifies the action scenes. It makes them look lame honestly. 
Give their unique powers and fight skills back like Bengail and her dart claws, I haven't seem them all season. Show the actual martial arts moves and inspiration.
Although, I did enjoy Bengail and K-Ho as the last ones standing and vowing to keep fighting like any last surviving soldier in the trenches. Even though they didn’t interact much in this season one on one, you can tell they have a completely platonic respect for each other as warriors. I like it and I wish the show did more to switch up the group pairings. 
Final Thoughts: I really come to enjoy this show. The characters are what interesting and made me stay, the lore needs some work. As for the season, it started promising but showed cracks and budget issues in the end from color palette to fight chereography. It also got pretty formulaic by having the twins always being the one to save the day but the lessons felt too one-note. I wanted a season long arc as they did in the previous season.
Ang as I mentioned should get an arc on dealing with being a double golden dragon after being the lone dragon. Have him deal with sharing leadership, have him consumed with anxiety over his responsibilities, not giving himself time to rest. Learning to trust Ling again which is part of the reason he gives himself so much work because he doesn't believe Ling will care as much as he does.
Ling's arc would be complementary to his by having her take responsibility that she lacked. Yes, I want her to remain snarky but I also want her to be cautious of her own tendency towards selfishness and shortcuts. I want her to try to take accountability and make amends for the previous season instead of brushing off the other guardians' distrust of her (tho it is hilarious everytime. Guess there's no guardian newsletter update). Have her be a better sister by helping her brother acknowledge he is a good person but he needs to accept help and she wants to be someone he can lean on.
Master Chin shouldn't know everything. It makes him look like a jerk for not telling them basic information and warn them of potential dangers. Have him be just as unaware of the shadow temples since he's associated with only yang.
Give Bengail a focus episode as they did with K-Ho. K-Ho. . . K-Ho's cool. His VA reminds me of Greg Cipes the entire time which is so weird since its the same VA for Ang. I didn't mention before but the whole cast does double the amount of characters and its super impressive to me. They all did a great job!
The Emperor and Yin We were great as villains. I have no complaints, and Sabreclaw was nice attempt at giving Bengail a nemesis although it felt his indian accent got thicker in each episode he appeared.
As mentioned before, I would have just killed off Zodiac Master after the third episode. It would make the season darker and helps get rid of him since he was super unecessary and pathetic this season.
Upgrade everyone's powers. The only new thing the twins got was teleportation which eh. They can also "fly" but they did that in the previous season so I'm not sure why they were all surprised by that. It would be cool if the twin could breath fire though.
I would also up the ante with not just blowing up the dragon temple but forcing all the other guardian temples to move because they're not safe with Yin We and the Emperor on the loose. Displacement for all, and it can give the show a chance to show different Asian countries beyond Vietnam, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Speaking of dark, I would have focused more lore on the shadow temples as mysterious as they are as not all of them are explored in the show. Just half. Make the teens face their darker natures or face the worst of humanity in a deadly sins-like way or yin-esque way. Put focus on the importance of balance and harmony and how they need to both exist in the world. Bring back some of the yang guardians since those cameos were fun like the Rooster guardian and Chow Chow and the twins' mom!
Really bring the zodiac into play by having the yang guardians show the animal's best traits and the yin show the worst and how destiny/the animal doesn't really control the person' fate but the person's actions do. Explore all the nuances of morality and redemption through the zodiac.
Overall, I would recommend the series for the characters alone and for its potential lore even if there are some big gaps. I really enjoyed it and will be in my mind for a long while.
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insomniac-dot-ink · 2 years
The Silence of the Next Universe
When we finally build a window to the next universe over, no one will speak to us there. Dr. Camry had a hard time convincing anyone it was even that. Skeptics said she was pointing it in the wrong direction—gazing out into the next solar system or snagging on an old tv show transmission. She had to record it for weeks, tearing her hair out and pointing at the screen and everything that looked like our universe, but wasn’t. The dust settled more slowly. The light refracted more brightly. The people walked with a sloping gate of one extra vertebra.
They look like us. We think they’re human, human in their own sense. And they won’t talk to us. 
We motion and hand signal and tap on the walls and flash morse code at them, holding up letters to the screen and slowly mouthing the alphabet. Newer interns point at themselves and yell their own names, louder and louder like that might break the distance between dimensions through yelling. The residents of the next universe walk on. Some older scientists attempt conversation using color theory and wolf howls—just in case, you know? Just in case they howl like wolves, I suppose.
Desperation breeds fools of everyone and Dr. Camry’s team dearly wants that Nebula Prize. I do too.
We know they see us—the people who are not quiet people—their brows pinch together, and their lips purse and they walk a little faster. The screen is in some kind of hallway. There are gray walls of wide smooth panels and corner-less ceilings, a modernistic sensibility for the palette of someone partial to drinking unsweetened cereal milk.
At the very least, we’ve determined what kind of space the window is pointed to, it's some kind of communal corridor. Who builds an interdimensional flatscreen in an indoor crosswalk is the next question, but at least there’s a variety of people (who are like us, but not). Families with fathers and mothers holding strangely gangling toddles pass by along with people in red blazers going to work or grandmas in fleecy sweaters getting home from the store or early morning joggers passing toward stairwells or gyms with sweat-slicked foreheads. 
We’ve never seen their shoes which somehow bothers me. 
There is something familiar about their angular outfits and chin-length bobs, something I could imagine coming into style in our universe in maybe 10 or 20 years. And they won’t talk to us. They don’t even want to look at us.
Most nights, I dream of windows. When my shift ends and I leave our watch room which feels tinier and tinier by the day, and lie down for the mandatory rest, there are windows. Windows that open into skies blue as dreams or else clouds purpling at the edges or a watery green color I haven’t imagined yet. Birds that float instead of fly, cobbled streets and pools and people that tell me their name. Tell me your name.
They whisper back, Welcome, hello, we’ve been waiting for you.
Still, the days string together, and they don’t say that.
We’ve determined they can hear us even if they must keep the volume on low or whatever else they do to ignore us when we’re playing elephant trumpeting or whale noises directly into their universe. We play the classics at first, orchestra performances and opera singers.
Now, after everything and all the write-offs of a failed project, I play love songs. Pop music on missing your baby, Christmas classics, and weepy waifs singing about broken hearts. We dance sometimes and write in our notes: They seem to like Cher. 
There’s a blonde in the next universe over, tired-looking and walks at a speed of a small tractor that flattens fields in its wake. She looks at us sometimes when we play music, and I dream about that too.
I play the love songs a little louder, just in case they don’t howl like wolves, but also have music about wanting to be with you tonight.
Still, the people in the next universe over don't talk to us—even after we found them, begged them, cried out to them. Even after they built their own screen first. We found their frequency, Dr. Camry to tuned into it all those years ago, and they built that screen. Or at least, that’s what we assumed.
I was there on our last shift.
I was humming along to a Dark District ballad called Love that Only Grows—modern music which would make old Dr. Louis excommunicate me from every science convention into the outer districts.
The blonde appears, the one that walks like she has somewhere to be or else something to get away from. We call her Lady B, just as have nicknames for the old man called Whiskers Laury and the woman with smudged mascara we call Divorced Juliet. 
Lady B glances toward the screen. I maybe smile a little dopily and sing louder, “she’s a flower, a bloom, a love that only grows!”
Lady B’s eyebrows skyrocket. She wobbles in place and straightens up with her spine with an extra vertebra. Maybe they have the exact same song in their universe. Or maybe I finally sang loud enough.
My heart squeezes and her eyes meet mine. They are brown like oak trees (do they have oak trees?) and lashes long enough to make wishes on (I hope they have wishes in that universe). Her pupils expand slightly and her eyes are just like ours.
I smile; she doesn’t smile back. She nods, one small jerk of her head, eyes fixed on something behind us. Behind us. And then she’s gone. She must have ducked or ran or I blinked too long, but it almost seems like a magic trick, there one moment and gone the next.
And perhaps they have altruism in the next universe over.
I am still high on everything about the way her eyes caught on me when I turn. My smile slowly falls. There something behind us. Caught in the glass of the far door there is a glowing faint reflection. A reflection that’s maybe always been there-- on their screen, or just beyond our own, or in every screen in all the universes. There isn’t a hallway in that reflection of people who are like us but not, or a reflection of our tiny dark room with papers spread out and my own slack face. It doesn’t blink.
An eye peers back.
Staring from within the reflection, large, singular, unblinking and yellow as moons and dogs and smoggy morning air. Robotic in ways, utterly unreal. We realize too late that perhaps all those people we’ve tried to talk have already met other universes. We realize, too late, too late, that maybe it isn’t us they don’t want to talk to.
We realize, too late, they didn’t build that screen.
Heya, I write spooky stories but also Sapphic romance. Get a copy of my Sapphic urban fantasy collection here. If you enjoyed the story, leave a tip either here on Tumblr or Ko-Fi, thank you!
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