#just mentioned
headless609 · 10 days
The Vee’s Vs One Rollercoaster
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Praying that Valentino died 🙏
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nainwoo · 1 year
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CRASH COURSE IN ROMANCE EPISODE 14 You were never like this. You'd starve for days and receive IV drips just to teach. You always worked endlessly without taking a break. You were always professional and never let your private matters affect your work. But you were swayed by Ms. Nam Haeng-seon and kept making exceptions. Seeing you like that flustered and upset me.
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thejacketscloset · 5 months
Mission went to shit so quickly, things they never could've accounted for happened, and now Ghost is captured and the 141 is in the wind.
Graves had been alive, somehow survived the attack on the tank, and he had hit them hard. His rage had been vibrant, and he was clear in his targeting attacks towards Soap. In Ghost's concern he had been blind to see how it was all a trap.
Now, Ghost had been captured for a few days. He was unsure how much time exactly had passed, only getting occasional visits from the shadows and Graves.
After what Ghost guessed was the fourth day, the shadows moved him to a new room. His head had been covered by a bag, and the barrel of a gun was pressed to his head the entire walk before he was roughly shoved into a metal seat. The gun remained until all the binds on his arms, legs, and chest were fastened. Then, finally, the gun was removed and the bag was pulled off of his head.
Ghost was sat in a blank room, a dim overhead light revealed a table set with plates at each of the three empty seats around it. At the very back of the room, Ghost could see Graves trying to blend into the shadows.
"The fuck is this supposed to be?" He growled out to his captor, only confused by the set up in front of him.
"Divine intervention." Graves says, speaking so casually as he steps into the light. Ghost hates him, he scowls with the need to wipe the smug look off his face.
"Enlighten me then."
Graves grins something sadistic. He turns and grabs something off the side, beginning to bring it to the table.
"I payed your Sargent a little visit this morning." He says, still grinning at Ghost with a look that looks almost manic. He's back in the light now, and Ghost can see what he's carrying.
A dish cover of some sort.
Ghost stomach drops, mind racing with all the implications of what Graves said while holding it. Images flash through his mind, ones of his Johnny's head sitting on that plate. Pale and lifeless, everything that he knows Johnny isn't. Has never been.
"What did you do?" Fear slips into his tone. Graves grins wider.
"I made him a snack."
The plate cover is placed on the table, in seconds Graves goes to pick it up and reveal Ghost's worst fears. A scream rips out into the room, and Ghost realizes, horrified, it's his own voice. He screams "NO" as the plate cover comes off, screws his eyes shut to avoid facing down the worst case scenario.
The room is silent for a few seconds, and then Graves honest to God starts giggling. Ghost feels sick.
He pries his eyes open, and they fall upon the... bomb??
Not Soap's head, thank god, but and honest to god timed explosive. A ragged releived breath rips itself from Ghost's chest. He hadn't even realized he had been holding his breath.
"Jeez, I'm not that crazy. Don't worry though, I made sure to invite him for this dinner."
Right as Graves spoke, the door to the room is opened and Soap is dragged in the same way Ghost had been.
Ghost's mind spins, he's dizzy with the relief of seeing Soap. He's breathing and so alive.
The bag is ripped off his head and Ghost studies every inch of every feature. Soap looks mildly scratched up, and a little dazed, but so very alive. Ghost's stomach flips with emotion, he almost lets out another sob of relief.
Soaps eyes finally land on Ghost's, and in spite of the millions of fucked up things happening to them in that moment, he smiles so warmly.
Distantly, he registers Graves saying something that sounds snarky, him leaving the room, locking them in here. And the beeping of the timer in front of him continues on, and God he should be so worried about that right now but he isn't. He can't pull his eyes away from Johnny's.
Yeah. We'll be okay. Is all Ghost can think as he holds his gaze.
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traffic-light-eyes · 9 months
It's so funny to watch people go through my chirp au and stop as soon as Harumi shows up
Harumi haters, can I just know why you detest her so much? She's supposed to be a frustrating villain character. That's just who she is.
To me, Harumi is such an interesting and malleable character. She's shown to be snarky and hold grudges, and I think that's quite funny. I don't particularly care for the lloyd/harumi ship, but Harumi on her own is pretty compelling.
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grey-viridian · 9 months
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My Student Spirit × Major Grom crossover
Олег Волков умер. Сергей отчаянно сжимает в руках злополучную бумагу, насквозь пропитанную слезами. Его тело всё ещё трясётся, глаза смотрят вдаль, не видя ничего, и он словно всё ещё ощущает знакомое прикосновение, эти родные пальцы в его волосах. Рука тянется к непослушным прядям… Ничего. Некому больше взьерошить ему волосы, поправить чёлку, похлопать по спине, поддерживая в трудную минуту, держать за руку, когда страх сжимает горло… Рука сама находит лезвие, словно во сне, ведь что есть жизнь, если рядом больше нет его.
Ухмылка Птицы становится ещё шире, когда он наконец триумфально распрямляется, держа в руках волчий кулон. Так вот где ты был всё это время… Взгляд скользит по блестящей металлической поверхности, когда внезапно руку с кулоном накрывают призрачные голубые пальцы. - Э-э-э, не так быстро! Птица лишь звонко смеётся и вертит украшение в руке, словно дразнясь. - Ты ведь не можешь его коснуться, правда? Он встречается взглядом с холодными голубыми глазами призрака. В них плескается чистая ярость в перемешку с едва заметным отчаянием. Птица же словно и не замечает этого, наигранно невинно улыбается и подкидывает кулон вверх, ловя в самый последний момент и крепко сжимая в ладони. В ответ на это Волков лишь злобно скалиться, словно раненый зверь, загнанный в угол.
AU где Олег погиб в Сирии, а его дух оказался привязан к волчьему кулону, который он перед отъездом оставил Серёже на память. Птица может видеть призраков, потому что он сам мистическая сущность. Он скрывает от Разумовского факт смерти Волкова и начинает искать способ избавиться от последнего, чтобы тот не сумел испортить его планы. Однако всё рушится после того, как Серёжа находит документы о смерти друга и пытается покончить с собой. Птица спасает его, и в последний момент Серёжа успевает увидеть Олега. Но уже поздно, и Птица нашёл, как избавиться от бывшего наёмника…
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
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Also I just got back from the vet and here’s some info about her:
About 4 years old
Currently 7.7 pounds, should be around 8.5
Breed is probably domestic medium hair
FIV positive, so she can never be around other cats, but she’s in the intermediate stage and otherwise healthy so she should live a full life span!
I love her. Very important.
And also look at this adorable cat tree I got for her
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averagehomosapien · 1 year
P. A rt 1 4
Don’t you just love leo as an arrogant astute asshole
*14th-panel spelling mistake, replace the first that with us, whoops!
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I was so inspired , I am really proud of this chapters
I did not make all these panels because I was on drugs ok—
I hope you enjoy! B y e 😀
also, yes one of the panels has my pfp
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elymansss · 8 months
*gives you an award and medal for getting luffy right*
Thank you! Luffy is a super interesting character and complex even with how.. how to put it, simple? he is.
He's both, it's amazing to see how Oda made Luffy. I do worry that sometimes i can't completely and correctly characterise Luffy, but i try anyway
He's straightforwards, simple, has ideals and dreams he follows until his death and never does what he doesn't want to do. He's someone who is truly free and has people around him bend so his whims, whether they know it or not.
He's hard headed and doesn't change his mind, like ever. I've never seen him be completely in the wrong, his innate senses just make him always be correct for some reason (unless im misremembering lol) It's a unique trait i'd say
His freedom influences everything and everyone, and his demeanor pushes anyone who sees him forward into their own journeys. A beam of hope and happiness in the dark that is their reality.
But his stubbness and his unwillingness to show weakness (unless absolutely unavoidable) is quite prominent. He's someone who accepts the truth as it is, knowing he won't bring the dead back to life and is able to process such heavy information in months. Some people take years to get over the deaths of loved ones, yet you see this 19-year old process it in a tiny amount of time
He doesn't even talk about it to his crewmates
He's someone who has had people around him affected by their heritage, background or past so prominently that they escape from their lavish home into a jungle or angrily lash out at the name of their dad. Luffy knows, so he doesn't ask, not Ace, not Sabo, not his grandpa and not his crew. After all, living in the present is the best and bringing up the past won't change much.
He's someone who experienced being alone for years, until he met his brothers. He felt so isolated and lonely, the thirst for love being quenched for a bit by Shanks. After that though he got brothers. And they loved him and he loved them. Then Sabo died.
They weren't alone but it felt empty. Luffy experienced loss early, he knows what it's like. The empty space of the deceased person makes you feel even lonelier than if they just left on their own two feet. He and Ace cheered each other up.
Of course in Luffy's mind, all of this is simply thought and let go of. He now knows that he doesn't care for the past much. The past would stop him from living in the present and using the skills he learned then to do something in the present is possible without sinking into the memories. There's no need to complicate life. Death will come for you, early or late, so why not have fun and eat and sleep and fight while you can?
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nesiacha · 2 months
I recommend for those who have not seen the movie The Last Queen by Adila Bendimerad and Damien Ounouri. A magnificent and tragic movie about the legend of Queen Zaphira. Although I have some criticisms (especially during the second meeting between Zaphira and Barbarossa) , I really liked it. It was refreshing to see the two wives of the last king of Algiers (the very good politician Chegga and Zaphira who through her evolution will fight patriarchal morals in her family and become more and more involved for the good of Algiers) Salim Toumi be allies instead of to be an enemy. There is also the memorable Astrid the Scandinavian. The female characters are very strong and there is no demonization for them. Barbarossa is much less romanticized than in Magnificent Century for example. Of course the film is based on legend above all, but why not appreciate it?
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emmyloveyyy · 3 days
First Post, WOOOOOO!!
Like the title says, this is my first post on Tumblr, and even with my freshly made new account... sweet!
Edit: I tend to type a lot and I don't wanna bother anyone with a long rectangle of text, so I've decided to add a little "read more" thing so it'll just be a shorter rectangle of text. My bad... but this'll probably happen a lot more, most likely. So... just click or press the thingy if you wanna listen to my rambling... or, rather, read my rambling.
So... usually, I like to make my usernames "Emmylove<3", but since Tumblr wouldn't let me, I decided to just go with "Emmylovey"... oh, well.
Anyway, I'm pretty much just a nerdy tomboy who also likes to draw, and so I like drawing and video games and anime and stuff, and so I'll probably be posting about that kinda stuff and other things that I like.
Also, uh... at the time of writing this, I actually have a big crush on Wheatley from Portal 2... so there's a little fun fact about me, heheh... probably will post about him from time to time, too... I actually even recently got the official GlitchGear plush of him, and I've been giving him tons of hugs and cuddles and kisses ever since... I love him so, so, so muuuch, he's my silly li'l Brit bot... 💖
Anyway for the second time, uhhh... Well, I've been meaning to create a Tumblr account for a while, so I'm pretty excited to be a real user now, though I'll probably be a big noob about it for a while... or forever, lol.
So... I'm glad to be here now, and I look forward to my future time and stay here... and to some neat li'l fun future friendships and/or just acquaintanceships too, hopefully... I wanna have fun and share stuff and make buddies, y'know...? Y'know...
Anyway for the third time, 'cause third time's the charm, I guess...
Thank you for reading, bye! 💖
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Monster Engine Infection/Virus AU Rambles Stankyle Angst:
Yep, I’ve joined the bandwagon basically Kyle gets released from the lamp with the organization’s “assistance” though they had their own plans and made Kyle “patient 0” well for the narrow gauge engines and dumped him nearby the skarloey railway after he attempted to escape where he was then found recused and reunited with Stanley who’s is overjoyed and immediately keeps him updated one everything that has happened, weeks to a month pass and Kyle is settling in nicely Stanley has done all he can to help him recover to the point that the older engines had to tell him to take a break cause he’s overworking himself (guy wants to impress Kyle so bad he’s got it bad)
Then one day after having to handle people and differing them about “proteus” he falls “ill” at the same time some of the standard and miniature engines fall “ill” Stanley is understandably nervous and worried for Kyle often staying up late into the night keeping Kyle company who seems to be getting worse each passing day…
The currently skarloey railway manager, Sir Handel Hans Brown understands Stanley’s feelings and lets him stay though it’s the older engines mainly Duke and Nia gently yet firmly convincing him that Kyle wouldn’t want to see him running himself down to the ground as he’s doing both of their jobs.
So for the first time in what felt like ages Stanley leaves Kyle on his own devices in the shed with Kyle’s encouragement of course it getting hard to smile and remain confident in himself but he hold his grin till Stanley is out of view…
So when Stanley returns as quickly as he can worried but hopeful he finds the shed doors closed which is odd Kyle always wants them open even in rainy or snowy weather he hasn’t experienced it in 50 years
“Hey Kyle I’m back,sorry it took so long-…” So his driver and fireman,Benji and Charlie, Ruth’s apprentices who Stanley watched grow up after Ruth took him in before he went to the mid-sodor railway open the doors..,
It’s dark..there’s a strong stretch none of them can place..but over in the corner hunched over…something..Stanley could make out the familiar shape of Kyle..a nagging sense of dread filled his boiler as Stanley prayed to the Lady above that this wasn’t real..
Golden eyes turned to his names, no they’re not Kyle’s warm honey brown eyes they’re now more feline-like with bright red silts and golden irises and matching light sclera, sparkling ✨ glittering ✨ golden tears dripping from them and his mouth…
“K-Kyle?..” it was then he finally noticed what Kyle was…chewing at…ripping up..or what remained of a certain B12 that was their former supervisor..
Everyone throughout the entire railway was alerted to the sounds of Stanley’s gut wrenching screams of absolute sadness and terror, Benji and Charlie screamed too but not as loudly as Stanley as people workman and any nearby engines rushed over to contain Kyle who was reaching out a clawed?paw?hand?engines don’t have fur engines don’t have hands towards Stanley…
“S-Stan?” Minutes before Stanley screamed, Kyle managed to mutter a “run…please…” trying so hard to keep his new instincts,his urges but finally gave in as he became aware of the horrified looks and shouts from everyone ,their pointed fingers and some of them holding… no he won’t be trapped anymore, he won’t let them trap him…
Without thinking he lunged towards the first thing he saw coming towards him,being Duke, Nia,Skarloey,Rheneas, Charlie and Benji..Stanley now realizing what he has done immediately rolled forward towards him calling out for him as Kyle turned his attention to Stanley....
like god the feels and how everyone gotta be handling this especially Stanley considering he nearly loses an eye (he and Thomas have eye trauma here and Kyle is either directly or indirectly involved…) gotta do a follow-up post on this and maybe art…
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nightmare-foundation · 9 months
Okay okay so. Glitchmike au
Au where Michael survives past fnaf 6, and also never got scooped. Michael is just trying to live his life but finds out- hm there's some malicious coding in this vr game that FazEnt is using to make light of their history. May as well check it out
And he does- he finds out its a digital copy of William, and destroys it.
Or- he thinks he does.
Michael goes on in life, thinking he's finally rid of, at least, his father. He works at the newly built pizzaplex, wanting to take down this new restaurant like he has in the past, rising through the ranks as a high up manager.
But he starts having vivid nightmares, different from the usual nightmarish versions of the main gang. In these awful nightmares, Michael is in a yellow rabbit suit with purple patches and a purple vest, blood covering him and too-small bodies within the back room, one of the animatronics leaking blood. He always wakes from these nightmares in a cold sweat, swearing he can feel the blood on his hands still and the sweaty suit.
It doesn't help that children are starting to go missing, and the animatronics are starting to reek.
Michael starts to hunt down whoevers behind these murders- but he never gets far. Worse yet, this killer is starting to taunt him. Leaving behind deliberate evidence before the evidence suddenly disappears, notes that taunt him and know too much about him.
One night, he wakes from one of those vivid nightmares again, and talks to Henry over the phone, having needed some comfort. Michael gets up, and sees his desk nearby-
And there's a yellow rabbit head with purple patches on it, resembling spring Bonnie, with the head turned away from him, and a familiar note.
It's not a nightmare.
He turns the head around-
And there's a tiny, bloody handprint over the eye.
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sweetmoonbeam17 · 4 months
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griancraft · 1 year
Hey guys how are we so far on New Year’s Eve I think I’m a little drunk
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nat-of-personifs · 10 months
In Which Ira Refuses to Acknowledge Her Emotions
(which is a really broad category, but it’s fine.)
Foundation knows, intellectually, that she’s not human. It’s never bothered her to call herself an object in her file; ‘it’ feels as true to her as ‘her’, and she’s found it helps when she needs to be cold and detached the way Three Portlands mocks.
Three Portlands also likes to flaunt how little control she has over her, and that, like many other things, makes the undersides of her fingers crawl and twitch with the need to hold. When her gloves are fingerless, she can see the motion without her glasses on, and the revulsion she feels from her handlers is another reminder of her anomaly.
It doesn’t bother her that she’s not human. She’s Thaumiel, the first Thaumiel, and being anything more wouldn’t be right. Everything she should want has been laid out in her catchphrases and O5 meeting agendas. And it would be fine, if she wasn’t always aware of the movements of the others made of the same things as her.
America sits stiffly in a vaguely familiar, if not far more opulent, room. His two strongest cities are texting each other thousands of words of playscripts and insults and so caught up in ideas that they skip their half-sleep, while his two strongest states give synchronized statements to their strongest news outlets. It’s an election year, and they’re tired, and they want to go further into themselves and sing into their oceans and forget everything at their bars and, by the looks of California’s search history, try making homemade boba.
Their oceans are free of hallucinations of bodies. The music at their bars is written by a human, and it won’t make them hemorrhage. The tapioca California will use won’t be sentient. All of that, and the holes in their memories from the times they were, is Foundation’s work. She’s proud, of course. It’s one of the few emotions that has never fazed her.
But it also rips all of her hearts out, in her chest and stomach and limbs, and absence hurts more than torn tendons. Absence means something that is not there should be. Something that should not be in the world is. It’s contagious, too. If she doesn’t do anything, the absences will spread, and it’s harder to do her work when she can hear her own pain echoing through the gaps in her bones. The tiny muscles underneath her fingernails and in her palms don’t twitch; they riot in thousands of tiny seizures that break open her stiff skin, and she doesn’t have to hold them to her nose to smell the antiseptic of the liquid that subsumes itself into the pages, her equivalent of blood.
There’s an itch, too, scraping her hands raw and drawing burning lines through her absences.
The personifications are anomalies. She’s the only one who can see it, because no matter how long they’ve lived above the Veil and how crucial they are to human civilization, they were a mistake in creation and containing them is a job she can’t finish-
No, of course she’s not a mistake. There’s no difference between her and the Foundation, because she’s accepted that she’s not human.
The others are pretending. They hold a smaller version of the Masquerade she’s maintained, and they’ve lied less often than she has, but at least she knows what she is. All the redactions are just in service of that.
She just needs to contain them.
She won’t. She knows they’re Archon. She’s made from emotions but she lives for rationality. This is the least of all the things she should be worrying about.
It’s scientific curiosity. That’s all her need is. Research is not in her motto, but her longing to cut things open and break them into their functioning parts, or to observe them from behind glass if she can’t do that, is almost as fundamental to her as those three words.
She’s tried to study herself before, force Site-17 to stay corporeal and strap her down while she looks inside her, but the only thing she’s found are concrete and steel and wires and the only thing she’s felt is pain. It’s not worth it. She knows what she is—she can’t use herself to find answers anymore because the only questions she has left are about the ones above. Maybe the twitching is just the frustration of unanswered questions, an extension of the reasons she exists, but it doesn’t matter. The personifications don’t matter. She can live without this particular knowledge; she’ll redact the questions from herself once she rereads her file again, another reminder. If she remembers.
She’s always got better things to do.
She’ll never be thanked for the things she has to do.
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verkja · 1 year
Word Find Tag
Thanks for the tag, @i-can-even-burn-salad , and for helping motivate me to stay semi-engaged with tumblr after a couple of 'off' days. <3
Excerpts are from my ongoing longer story, as usual. Words are small, lonely, quiet, and restless.
As the warrior’s sword came down, Catha pivoted on her right foot, tilted dangerously sideways, and drove her sword into the small patch of flexible leather beneath her attacker’s armpit. The berserker’s sword dropped from suddenly limp hands, and after a moment of tense stillness, the warrior crumpled to the ground as well.
So the knight was dead after all. Mures didn’t know quite how he felt about that. Damian had been a sad excuse for a knight and his death quite probably made the world a better place, but he’d also been the first person Mures had spoken to in years. While he certainly didn’t miss being tortured, the sorcerer felt a strange sense of loneliness knowing he was the only living person in the tower. He’d forgotten what it was like to be lonely.
It did hurt a lot. Worse, it made him feel dizzy and sick in a way he hadn’t anticipated, though probably should have. With a quiet whimper, holding back the urge to either scream or vomit, he let go of his eyelid to grab the small knife he’d set aside.
For the next few hours, the spellsword went through his gear. He sharpened his sword, oiled metal and leather as necessary, and sewed torn fabric. Then he spent a while playing music, composing themes to potentially accompany folktales he knew. After noting down a few basic tunes he’d found satisfactory, he rose and paced restlessly around the cave. He’d been travelling for too long, he reflected with mild amusement; they’d only been stationary for a few days, and already he was impatient to move on.
Tagging @blood-is-compulsory , @straight-to-the-pain , @dontjudgemeimawriter , and @quietly-by-myself - if you like, no pressure of course. Your words are ground, uncomfortable, grin, and close.
(How this works is, you go through a WIP, published story, or whatever else and find one instance of each word, then post it with a paragraph or two for context.)
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