#just. all of it. all of it is fricking horrifying.
cheese-water · 11 months
Generation Loss being a tv show makes so much on a meta level. Like remember how Ranboo said there’s a reason why it’s streamed on his twitch channel, and how we all thought it was because he was secretly broadcasting it? That was disproven quickly with Showfall Media publicly promoting the viewpoint and the existence of Squiggles on the broadcast.
So let’s look at the the episodes through the lens of a tv broadcast instead of a twitch stream. It becomes clear why Ranboo always gets himself into these wacky situations and miraculously survives till the end unlike his friends. Ranboo is the main character. Ranboo is the protagonist.
Compare them to another tv protagonist, like Ted Lasso. Sure other characters contribute to the story of each episode, but we as a viewer always follow the main character’s highs and lows, successes and failures, rights and wrongs. They are how the plot moves forward and conflict is created and dissolved. There’s a reason why we don’t see Sneeg’s escape attempt, Ethan Austin and Vinny being freed from the machine, Jerma’s demise; because it doesn’t matter. We don’t care. Showfall doesn’t want us to care.
Our viewpoint is Ranboolive. Who cares if a couple side characters die when the main character is about to solve the next puzzle. He is what keeps the show running, an essential cog in this beautiful machine. He will keep this broadcast rolling whether they like it or not.
Makes you wonder how many other “viewpoints” there are. Are they similar television channels, different people, sets, situations all at the press of a button? Is Showfall Media just beginning of interactive experience entertainment or is it one of hundreds of other programs following the same protocols, each baring a long list of missing persons cases that have yet to be solved? Who really was the “Founder?”
I guess we have to wait and see…
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mirrorhunt · 4 months
Every time I see a westerner like or reblog something from a ruzzian, not even specifically their shitty opinions, but like art (if those morons are able to create it even) I want to smack them for not knowing better. That fucker has a damn flag or their nationality on their bio, what the fuck are you doing. Or you even commission their work??? Do you realize you just contributed to missiles, the same that plague Ukrainian sky? The same, that terrorize and kill civilians? You say you oh so tired of this war, and then you directly pay to those who started it.
How can you be so unbelievably forgetting? After you yelled your support for us? After you cried for us? And then you don't even bother to check, or, what is more horrifying, don't care who made the content you consume?
For someone who is racing to cancel every celebrity (rightfully so, in most cases) you somehow forget to watch your own interactions with those who directly pay for the genocide of not just Ukrainians.
It's not that hard to click on the profile. It's not that hard to just go past those fricks who yell "but I didn't want war" while they continue to live and pay taxes in their shitty nazzi hole of a country. Even better - block them. Most of you can decipher the ruzzian language, I know that. Ukrainians have their flags displayed proudly after all. You won't mistake us from them.
They continue to kill civilians. They continue to destroy our homes. They don't. Fucking. Care.
It's not just soldiers. It's every one living there. You just had to read their chats after every missile attack to know that.
Don't get complacent. Please don't.
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femmefatalegoth · 1 year
This passage is so perfect I need it embroidered and hung on my wall. Here it is in all it’s glory. Poor Jonathan.
Nope, nope, no ff— lizard. I can’t, I just go one day, one day without some kind of horrifying revelation. I just found out I’m stuck inside a castle in the middle of nowhere with a man who will probably kill and eat me Hannibal-style. I know what I’ll do, look out the window for a bit. Look at the moon, calm myself down, maybe look around for an escape route, but no. I can’t have one moment of rest, can I? I have to look down and see my future murderer crawl down the fricking wall like a lizard. I can never unsee that. If I get out of this alive, I’m going to be sending this man my therapy bill, that’ll show him.
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poke-imagines · 1 year
Any headcanons for ortega? Literally anything at all I love the star bosses with all my heart
I'd be glad to! Ortega needs more love in the fandom
Ortega Headcanons
Ortega is in the same age range as the rest of Team Star (18/19) he just hasn't had a growth spurt yet. He contantly gets teased about it and it was one of the reasons he was bullied so heavily
Has gotten mistaken as a preteen by the teachers a few times, much to his embarrassment
Pretty much addicted to sweets, and he absolutely despises bitter tastes like Dark Chocolate. Sour candy is on thin ice-
You know that pixie stick/captain crunch sandwich from Breakfast Club? Ortega tried it on a dare and ate the whole thing (horrifying Giacomo in the process)
He doesn't really understand the standards of food between wealth classes. He always had gold flakes in his cereal, is that not common?
Whenever he is around his family he censors every swear word (heck, darn, frick, etc). When he's at school though he is a swear machine, even rivaling Mela on his bad days
Total sore loser, even when it comes to board games. Mela loves to bring up the fact that Ortega once flung a Scrabble board across the room
As we know, Atticus made Ortega's outfit. But Ortega actually collaborated with him to make his cane, providing the materials and concept. It took a few days of collaboration but it turned out super well! Ortega treasures that cane and is never seen without it
Is super close with all of Team Star, but he probably is closest to Atticus. Whenever Ortega gets upset or fussy, Atticus is always able to calm him down simply by talking to him
Has a real brotherly relationship with Mela. They constantly bicker and argue, but deep down they care about each other (they will never admit it tho)
When Ortega has a tantrum, sometimes Eri will just sort of... pick him up like a cat. And hold him till he calms down. Surprisingly, it works pretty often!
Giacomo handcrafted Ortega his own theme song, and plays it whenever Ortega enters a room. He acts like it annoys him, but he secretly adores it everytime
He absolutely adores bunny pokemon. Something about their long ears and fluffy tails just makes him so happy! He definitely owns a pair of bunny slippers
Thanks you for requesting!
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welcometohell09 · 5 months
I've come to the conclusion that Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Set it Off) is actually really fucking musically interesting, regardless of the sheer cringe that overcomes people when they hear the opening chords and enter a state of horrified flashback.
(Really I think the 'cringe' associated with nightcore and those kinds of animatics are just more teenage-girl-hating nonsense, because as far as phases go, it's a pretty good one; it's almost, for some people, the first kind of musical subculture they know because it's the first time they're able to deviate from the set songs of their childhood and family to listen to their own music. Looking back to your nightcore phase with nothing but disgust and cringe only hurts you in the long run because if you're constantly scared you'll be cringe one day, you'll never be able to express yourself in a way that feels emotionally authentic and you'll never grow as much as a result.
This is Tumblr, though, so I'm preaching to the converted here, and it's a conversation for another post.)
But holy shit, that song is SO MUCH BETTER, musically, than it has any right to be. The use of two emotionally/musically contrasting bridges coming in quick succession before that final chorus? Inspired. You start listening to the first bridge, and you're like 'yeah, ok, we're at that part of the song now', and it's that Slightly Annoying Contrasting Section that lampshades the limited emotional range of the rest of the song, and we're going to be smooth and flowing here because it's about the potential for forgivene- hOly hEll WHAT THE FRICK IS THAT. Because suddenly, out of nowhere, there's a SECOND BRIDGE. And it's VERY DIFFERENT.
And your sense of tonal stability is ripped away by the lack of continuous chords as you grapple with not having constant support from the backing, and the vocalist is yelling about wanting to kill someone, and the whiplash is real, because it's a complete 180 from earlier and it came out of nowhere. You expected it to transition smoothly back into the chorus like every other song that does the same thing. By the time the 'burn in hell' bit comes, you're grasping for anything with a tonal/emotional centre to tell you what to expect.
And then the chorus hits again, but better.
You've found that tonal/emotional centre that you were looking for, but it feels so different than before. The texture of the chords is different, and you're sort of wrapped up in them, and you suddenly fully realise how emotionally cathartic the chords themselves are, with the constant building tension and release. The lyrics now have new meaning; the 'so tell me' is contextualised, now, by all the anger and hurt of the vocalist, and it means so much more. It almost seems more like they're begging for an answer, even if it still retains traces of that mocking, taunting tone from the other choruses. It really feels like that point in an argument when someone has just thrown their (metaphorical) cards down on the table and is looking the other person in the eye and daring them to tell them how they should feel, how they should react. It's so perfect for what the song is, and it's well supported by the musicality of the piece and the emphasis of the lyrics ('so tell me how you're sleeping easy, how you're only thinking of yourself').
But all of that was enabled by the composer's use of structure; the complete emotional recontextualisation of that chorus takes the piece to a completely new emotional plane, which is simultaneously more vulnerable and more cutting.
Like, damn. That's some good shit right there.
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princess-josie-riki · 5 months
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After watching the latest episode of Number Lore, I came up with a spooky and terrifying Alphabet Lore horror AU featuring F as a vengeful ghost haunting L for bullying him when he was alive, ruining his life by making him spell "FRICK" (especially since O helped), murdering him, burying his corpse in an unmarked grave in the woods and leaving him to rot. L is horrified at the presence of the ghost of F, haunting him by scaring him and tormenting him. Will L realize the error of his ways or will he be haunted by F's ghost forevermore?
L: (hears a ghostly moan and rattling chains) "Huh?" (looks around) "Who's there?"
???: "Elluh... It's meeeeeee... Eeeaaafff..."
As L turns around, the ghost of F materialized. He looks exactly the same as when he was alive, only with pupilless blood red eyes, ghostly hands made of black goo with bony fingers that resemble claws, a ghostly tail, ghostly chains all over his body and shackles on his neck, wrists and tail, giving F an eerie and more terrifying appearance. This made L gasp in horror.
Ghost!F: "Oooooooooh... Elllluuuuh... You killed me, L... Yooooou killed meeeeeee! You're a murderer, L... A MURDERER!!!"
L: "No, it can't be..."
Ghost!F: "Ooooh, but it is, L... Iiiiii am the ghooooost of Eeeaaafff and Iiiii want my reveeeeenge! You killed meeee, but nooooow, I will haaaaaunt yoooou... foreeeeveeeeeer!"
L: "No, wait... F, I'm sorry!"
Ghost!F: "Toooooo laaaate, L... Sorry won't bring meeeeeee back to liiiiiiiiife! You reeeaaap what you sooooooow... You're doooooomed... Doooooomed! Oooooooooh..."
(Note: This is not to promote hate on L since I do not hate him. I just wanted to do a little satire.)
Alphabet Lore (and Number Lore) (c) Mike Salcedo
Artwork, idea and ghost concept of F (c) me
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siriuslytamlin · 4 months
Iron flame spoiler so !! And no I don’t need arguments here, I’m ranting. If you disagree, move on.
Okay, the more I read Iron Flame the more underwhelmed I get by the characterization of Xaden and Dain. Xaden, clearly the hero, who has the “I’m not a good person complex” is being propped up as morally grey because lol, Vi cannot trust him? Where as Dain who’s clearly the one struggling between choosing right and wrong, understanding right and wrong, made mistakes but is still trying to figure out how to balance it all, is a horrifying villain? Please.
Xaden is an excellent character but I call a huge fail on the “morally grey” bs. He’s not, he’s a good guy. He doesn’t have to be characterized as morally grey because he kills people and gives great orgasms. They all kill people and I think they all have good sex lol.
Not to mention, Xaden and Dain BOTH read minds so. If Dain said he only did it one time and it was a glance of a memory and he genuinely believed at that point that Xaden had reason to kill Violet because of her mom and the scars, well, I’m not saying that was not a bad thing he did, it was for sure. But y’all are judging him too harshly for his one mistake just like Vi and deciding he read her mind every time he touched her and I honestly think that’s a reach unless Rebecca is planning a double betrayal in the future which I really doubt she is.
And don’t even get me started on how y’all are chill about Xaden reading Vi’s intentions about her wanting to kiss him lol that’s wild but Dain glancing at a memory which literally had nothing to do with her and he thought was them breaking law and he didn’t know Liam would die from him sharing the memory with his own fricking father who I assume he thought was a good man at that point is somehow the worst thing ever.
It’s all so complicated but y’all decided you like Xaden and hate Dain purely because Rebecca literally did not put effort into showcasing in a likeable way that Dain is morally grey but instead pushing the good guy to look morally grey.
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newsie-collective · 11 months
Hey, hi surprise!
Part 4 in my ever growing series of 'Newsies as things my friends and I have said'
I've realized that I could take this time to set up posts
But where's the fun in that?
Davey: We launched our strike in a most AUspIcIOUs mAnnEr Romeo: What the frick is a spishus? Henry: No, no. He mispronounced asparagus. Romeo: WHAT THE FRICK IS A SPARAGUS MANNER?!
Les: Davey they're kissing again Davey: FFS JACK STOP PANDERING TO THE HETEROS
Jojo: Take your fuckin shoes off. This is a holy hizzle.
Specs, to Jack: Sorry, you've been replaced. I'm the they-triarch now.
Buttons, wanting to make something for Les: What's his style? Davey: His style is "we have to beg him to put on pants so he threw on the first ones he found"
Katherine: The only straight I am is [going] straight to hell 😎
Romeo: Aye babay. Come home with me and I'll show you my... Romeo: Dinosaur bedsheets
Jack: I'm just saying. I don't think it would be right for us, as upstanding citizens, to be kissing on the first date.
These next ones are courtesy of the amazing @emmedoesntdomath and used with her express permission:
Hotshot, ringing up Medda who had bought sugar cookies: Would you like a receipt? Medda, chuckling to herself, and then winking at him: Oh, no, honey. Why would I have a receipt if I made these myself? Hotshot, mouth opening and closing like a fish, trying not to absolutely fucking lose it because damn: Understood, ma'am
Racer, barging in like he's on a mission: I need to pick up an order! Elmer, nodding politely, because what the shit: Ok, sir, what was it? Racer, coming up to the counter: Oh, a couple cupcakes Elmer, knowing damn well that the only cupcakes order they have left is a 15 dozen (180 cupcakes) order: Elmer, also knowing 180 is more than "a couple": Will that be all for you today?
Finch, a regular, pointing at the display case: I'd like a blueberry scone, please Finch, leaning a bit closer, and dropping his voice to a stage whisper: Did you put the crack in them again? Albert, looking him dead in the eye, and solemnly nodding back: Yessir The Jacobs parents, standing behind him, watching this interaction between two children in a grocery store, absolutely horrified:
As always, feel free to hit that ask box for anything you'd like to see!
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coramatus · 11 months
As someone from a world where Pokemon aren't video game characters, how does Emmet feel about Nuzlocke runs? Is he horrified at the idea of pokemon dying if they lose a battle? Or from a more PG standpoint where players simply won't use a pokemon anymore if it loses a battle? Maybe he brushes it off as what it is, people just challenging themselves in their favorite videogames, but he would be really concerned if trainers in his world acted that way.
Frick, now I'm imagining Jamal shows Emmet a few Nuzlocke animations like from Jaidenanimations, and Jamal offhandedly asks Emmet if he would like to do a run only for Emmet to give him a sharp glare.
I’d say Emmet’s knee-jerk reaction is that of horror. Nuzlockes are basically Pokémon battles turned into actual bloodsports and he is glad he doesn’t live in that reality.
But Nuzlockes in video game form are less troubling because it’s just that: a video game. He totally understands the impulse to self-impose handicaps to create a challenge. And in a world where all Pokémon are imaginary, he can see why people would take that approach. It’s a bit disturbing but nothing is actually being hurt or killed. Kind of like a Call of Duty or Halo match.
That being said, he would never do one himself and goes to sleep that night hugging his Pokémon tight.
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arduadastra · 1 year
An unhinged recap of TLOU EP3
Honestly read at your own peril, I cried a lot in this one
*spoilers ahead*
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So right off the bat I played TLOU with my partner very soon after it came out, and then again.....and again......(and again) a few more times so I thought I was ready for this. I was ready for grissly asshole bill needing to go find Frank because he's only gone and got himself in some shit and yeah joel and ellie come along I know where a battery is but oh no Frank got bit?! and have a cry but did we get that? No. Do i wish we did? Absolutely not.
But i am kinda bummed we didnt get pedro pascal caught upside down shooting at zombies because of Frank's trap....thats one of my all time favourite scenes
The whole set up to Bill and who he is, is done so well and with comedy too. It's meant to be ridiculous in a way that someone like bill, a prepper and lets be real we all know one, who 9/10 is called crazy is now the smart one and we see him living his best solo life in his mini town
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5. Years pass im thinking huh, that isnt too long, we arent up to present day yet and then i see my boy frank in a hole and im thinking OH YEAHHHH we get some BACKSTORY
6. "there is no girl" "i know" - why did this make me laugh yet cry in the same breath? its so bloody unfair people can grow up without knowing what it is to love and be loved simply because some assholes out there made it 'not the norm' and considering how bill grew up, im sure that didnt help either.
7. "have you done this before?" "no"
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8. Young joel in that sunshine? eating with that fork on a fancy plate with pedro's non grey hair and looking clean as frick? this was for the pedro simps and i APPROVE
9. the raiders hit, im thinking SHIT here we go, this is when theyre gonna kill frank and joel and ellie will show up and bill will be an asshole and joel will think nothing of it and ill be screaming at my tv and all will be right in the wor- wait what BILL GOT HIT?!
10. oh he's fine
11. Frank isn't though
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12. This is where im prepping myself right? I KNEW since i started this episode that he would die, he died in the game and he's gotta die here but im not liking this.
13. Bill stop naming Frank's pills fun names im literally crying
14. Frank: "This is my last day" Me:
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15. I dont need to write the speech he made because honestly if i did i'll just cry again and im writing this on my laptop and i really cant afford a new one but you all know that made you cry too
17. Now here i am, tears streaming down my face when you lose something you cannot replace Frank has drunk the wine, im a puddle and then Bill.....this mother fricker....downs his glass and im thinking wait a miniute here....this isnt what happened in the game
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18. "objectively.....that is very romantic"
19. ........ *frank castle voice* wait wait wait wait wait WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT
20. my ass is in denial right, im like nah ok bill is gonna wake up and that'll be horrifying and heartbreaking because now hes forced to live on without the love of his life and joel and ellie arrive and his door is locked and i knew this aint the way it's gonna be
21. the letter. I need say nothing more.
22. So after ALL THAT, all the sobbing and crying and pact and 'we left a window open' they're just gonna throw at me some joel and ellie bonding in the car? theyre gonna give me the game quotes of 'what you say goes' ????????????????
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TLDR: EP3 was beautiful and heartwarming and then soul sucking all at once. While i didnt get my refirdgerator scene i got something so much more and I loved them for that. Now im just hoping ellie found those magasines because best BELIEVE thats another of my all time favourite scenes from the game
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Hey, I just wanted to say I’ve loved your art for such a long time now. You have so many fricking awesome art styles—from chibi to Disney, you do it all. Your drawings are so charming and they capture the characters perfectly. And you always pick the best style to go with the mood of what you made.
But I mainly wanted to say how much I LOVED Guilty Tears. I can tell you have a gift and a passion for horror, knowing exactly what to show the viewer and what to leave to the imagination. I can honestly say that Roman’s video was the scariest video I’ve ever seen in my life, and goddamnit, I would watch it again. I watched it three times that first day I saw it, even though it was ten o’clock at night and I had to sleep soon and I knew I’d be terrified all over again. That last frame, put into context, was the perfect terror to pile on top of the horror you’d already served. As the events get worse, you show less and less and god, was that effective. Such cute art contrasted with such a horrifying tale. You know you found a good horror when even through the fear you’re dissecting the events and quality of the work.
And that little jumpscare in Patton’s video where chibi-Patton briefly turns into the scariest thing known to mankind was so terrifying I was glad I could only see it for a millisecond, so my brain didn’t even have time to process what it saw. Which in a way, made it even scarier. So many things I saw that were mildly creepy at first and then came back to haunt me after I saw the other horrors that awaited me. So many rewatches through my fingers. And I could tell how dedicated you were to the stories and the interweaving and the little bits of Janus woven throughout. How you could take a lighthearted comedy and turn it into the most frightening thing I’ve ever seen astounds me in the best way. It’s 11:45 at night right now and I’m fighting the urge to watch it again now that I remember it. It was absolutely worth the hype I saw. Your art is an absolute gift to this fandom. I’m very glad to have found it!
that's such a sweet message my dude! a lot of people recently have been rewatching GT for some reason and I think that's awesome.. i had plans to do more horror stuff but sanders sides is dead and sadly for y'all I have a sonic hyperfixation now... :( though I feel like we should all rewatch GT, bc it's fun and quick and still a project that I love very much. Also, the series' 1 year anniversary was Halloween and I forgot to say anything about it, so let's celebrate!! here's a video I made for my portfolio! SPOILERS FOR GUILTY TEARS! (TW GORE)
here's the playlist if you feel like watching it again!
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Not One, but Two Baby Bitches
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[ ID: Traditional art showing a crossover between the games Faith and Smile For Me.
The first four are of Michael Davies and Pabit(puppet Habit). They are uncolored and drawn on lined paper.
The first shows Pabit pissed off and barfing teeth with the text in allcaps,’Epic Teeth Barf’ while Michael laughs and mocks him with the text in allcaps,’’You know nothing pendejo!’’
The second is Michael puppeteering Pabit and making him say things. Pabit says, ‘’bla bla Frick jesus bla bla’’. MIchael amusedly says, ‘’ Say Fuck’’ and Pabit replies with a pointed,’’no’’.
The third is Michael smiling, crawling on all fours, while Pabit sits atop him and throws his hands up enjoying himself. He says, ‘’corn-age’’ while Michael says, text in allcaps, ‘’Carnage’’.
The fourth is Michael sitting upright, cross-legged, tears escaping his face as he gives a small smile, saying,’’I feel like a child again’’. Another sketch shows Pabit with Michael’s tears on him, looking confounded and a little scared. He thinks, ‘’I don’t understand...this feeling..?’’
The fifth is a sketch by my friend Mika done in pencil and scribbled over with yellow marker in way of coloring. In here Pabit, Michael and Amy Martin are hanging out and wearing flower crowns. Amy hugs Michael with her regular hands and hugs Pabit, holding him up in the air, with the demonic hand from her face. end ID]
----------talk under the cut!
@askpabit​ this was inspired by your AU and a conversation with my friend Mika!! The last drawing is by her : ) (smiley emote)
We agreed Michael and Pabit could bond over being bastardous children (\affectionate) and kind of...lost? Like Pabit is being put into this whole new everyday life he’s not coping with much, and Michael had to undergo being exorcised which is a turmoil-filled experience as well. I think they both would need lots of time to adjust to peace. Possibly difficult father figures with Garcia and Habit? Also hating John Ward and Flower Kid LMFAO;
 Michael does the Big Swears which Pabit is horrified yet intrigued by because I feel like Pabit’s more a ‘’Dookie head!!’’ kind of boy when cussing FK out
I think they’d piss each other off a lot though but eventually be begrudging kind-of friends
Also it really gets me that they’re both just kids, in a difficult life. Did you know that if you pause Michael’s animations, you can get an easter egg where he holds his head and shakes it, looking uncomfortable? I see that as him fighting his demon. I think having a toy friend like Pabit could help him.
Here’s a jokey (that one Toy Story song but they’re a little fucked up TM) that I did:
And when she was lonely
I was there to comfort her
And I knew that she loved me
So the years went by
I stayed the same
But she began to drift away
I was left alone
Still I waited for the day
When she'd say, "CARNAGE!" (Plain text: Carnage!)
They try pranking each other all the time.
Michael loves to crawl out of fuck nowhere and jumpscare Pabit 
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[ ID: a GIF where two small cats wave their tails and look at each other before one jumps the other down to the floor. end ID]
Pabit does the like
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[ ID: a GIF where a bunch of dolls creepily walk slow on their own, passing by someone who stands up and looks in surprised fear, folding away the paper they were reading. end ID]
..towards Michael but it just makes the binch laugh a ton
They prank John and Amy together sometimes absolutely
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[ ID: Official art where a muscular Michael  sneaks up behind an obliviously smiling John. The Martin house is in the BG. ]
Emotions are hard for both.
They just. Hang out for some reason and keep doing it. They make each other feel something familiar but they don’t know what it is, yet they lean into it anyway.
Being cared about, etc...;w;(crying smiling emote) found family!! Pabit begrudgingly admits that he wouldn’t steal all of Michael’s teeth if he had any...maybe a bicuspid or two though- Pfff its his way of saying he cares
Amy is their joint big sister who cleans up their messes.
Michael eats a guy in chapter 2 so maybe he’s gross sometimes by bringing pieces of that stuff to show affection. Like a cat bringing you a dead rat but its Human Pieces TM. I’ll say hes gotten better at not murdering them and only tears off itty bits or something 
Hes improving!! Amy’s so proud of him. Him and Pabit trade bits and teeth. Maybe Michael’s really careful one day and brings Pabit teeth from someone. 
Pabit tries to act nonchalant but hes actually super flattered(and a little confused). He eats them slowly and gives Michael a full review about it 
Offers constructive criticism on how to extract them without getting as much of the gums left over. He shares those with Michael. Dude does that uh
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[ ID: GIF where a gray sprite runs like its dancing. It looks goofy. end ID]
Celebration dance.
Amy doesn’t get any😔(pensive emoji) but she watches those two playing fondly.
Amy’s like...older and went through a ton of shit so I bet Michael doesn’t get whats going on with her a lot. He tries to cheer her up using Pabit. They make cool bone and tendon bracelets for her face arm and she’s grossed out but will put up with it this time. Maybe she shows them how to make flower bracelets instead next time LOL
They’re all together in the fields with flower crowns🥺(pleading emoji). Michael feels something wet on his face and he’s like, ‘’Whats this?’’ Pabits like, ‘’That’s tears stupid’’
They tell Amy she looks very pretty with all her new accessories!! She is happy to hear it! She hugs them with her regular hand and her face hand somehow.
John is like ‘’shouldnt we exorcise those three?(unsure) ‘’
and Father Garcia is like ‘’nah hijo let those bitches live’‘(Pats John on the back)
‘‘Don’t make them feel alone twice.’‘
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mizkit · 4 months
new blog post: a bad haircut :(
new blog post on https://mizkit.com/a-bad-haircut/
a bad haircut :(
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I am currently growing my hair out in the sense of “I haven’t had it cut in six months and it was a pixie cut so that’s a lot of growing out,” rather than “I am deliberately growing my hair,” but it looked like, you know, like a pixie cut does after 6 months of not being cut, so Indy (who was in a similar situation but his hair was longer to begin with) and I went for haircuts yesterday.
And since it’s January and my FRICKING HELIX PIERCING is still not healed after 15 months so I can’t wear a hat, I thought I would not go back to the pixie cut in winter when my ears will get cold. I just wanted the back cleaned up and the sides evened up a tiny bit. Which she did, and it was fine until she “textured” it, which I, having strongly expressed no layers and having said I didn’t like much texturing, agreed to a little bit of.
“A little bit” to me is, you know, like, a quarter of a damn inch, not AN ENTIRE INCH, which is what she cut. So now my very straight hair which has no particular body to it looks thin and lank which is what happens if you layer or texture my fucking hair, which is why I said no layers and only a little bit of texture.
The only reason my hair has body at all is there’s so MUCH of it. It’s very straight and not terribly coarse but there’s A LOT of it. The first time I got layers I was fucking horrified. I thought I’d look like Jennifer Garner (well, you know, within certain limitations which involve me looking nothing like Jennifer Garner). Instead I looked like a string mop somebody had been using for 28 years died on my head.
I think I’ll dye it blue or pink this weekend. I’ll still be unhappy with the cut, but at least it’ll be blue. :p
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makerofmadness · 7 months
Hi uh I just need a post to scream into about the final boss fight of Earthbound while I'm playing it so excuse me while I do this (under the cut because of spoilers of course) because somehow even knowing what I did know about Giygas wasn't enough to prepare me mentally for this:
Pokey. Buddy. Why are you "discharging stinky gases." Are you farting.
so I think Giygas is invincible or something so I'm just gonna beat the shzt out of Pokey.
I wanna consult my walkthrough but I'm also scared of spoilers :(
Ok I just went carefully and the strategy really is just "beat the shzt out of Pokey" so. Sorry kid.
why did you put a giant Ness sticker on Giygas though Pokester like tell me please. What was the point of the giant Ness face on the orb.
oh god here it comes
aaaaaand ok yeah I know what Giygas looks like already but. Jesus that's still a creepy design and. Is that breathing noises??-
"His own mind was destroyed by his incredible power. What an all-mighty idiot!" Pokey throwing shade huh-
HE KILLED PAULA LIKE IMMEDIATELY????????? Good thing I saved those Lifenoodles.
"Poo could not turn into Giygas" that's probably a good thing actually
Susceptible to Brainshock the one attack I basically never use. Nuts but Poo is at 69 PP it'd be really funny to keep him like that all fight-
welp what the heck time to try.
this turn he didn't even attack. He just calls for Ness again. What do you want????
ok I try to attack him and it actually does Damage but Paula starts crying and now Jeff and Poo are paralyzed what the fudge.
Finally, the perfect moment... *used Monkey Love* *it fails*
PSI Rockin' Omega fails the first time I use it ever. Frick.
Ok I know I'm being all silly but humor is genuinely just my go-to coping mechanism this is like. Genuinely horrifying.
well, guess it's time to go with actually doing the thing I remember hearing you're supposed to do in this fight: A hope and a prayer.
...except I have to revive Paula first 'cus she died again.
Ok so like. When my normal attacks did only 1HP at the start of the fight I thought that meant something but now I think it just means that Poo's offense really doesn't hold up against Giygas without his weapon but I didn't get his weapon 'Cus its drop is chance-based so. Yeah.
healing is becoming a pain why did I give everything to Paula
ok I prayed because I heard you needed to do that at some point and Pokey's dialogue here seemed to hint to that but. The dialogue. There's actually dialogue.
ok so the power of all those Mr Saturns praying at once managed to break this guy's defenses I guess and now the screen is trippy and wrong in a NEW way. Yippee-
oh hey it's Paula's dad.
I feel like this is what would happen if Void from Kirby had been an RPG fight instead of the usual Kirby style. Kirbbound AU when /j
why did I have to give Paula all the frickin' Brain Food Lunches now I need her to keep praying so I can't use them...
Jeff get 'em (Jeff about to unleash a bazooka on an eldritch horror)
"A young woman in Dalaam woke from a dream in which Prince Poo died" so basically she dreamt about his Mu Training seriously what the fxck was that about-
Ness is going to need. So much therapy after this. I mean all these kids will but especially Ness like Giygas keeps saying weird shzt to him directly.
Jeff keep firing the bazooka
this whole time Jeff has been taking like. Laughably low damage from Giygas's attacks I'll admit. Idk why maybe I just equipped him with something good for this fight and didn't realize but he just took like 9 damage here or something.
though seriously WHAT THE FXCK
"Paula's call was absorbed by the darkness" THE FXCK???????
I kept praying...?
Aaaaaand Pokey comes in to hint at a sequel I guess. Which. I heard he does actually appear in Mother 3 so I guess that's right-
ok I know my tone shift makes it seem like I'm taking this casually but this is really just me typing while my face is still stuck in the same expression from the shock. Hold on a second I need to process what just happened.
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tag-that-oc · 1 year
Sometimes a family is a skilled assassin-slash-bounty-hunter-slash-whatever who has little care for human life and absolutely loves violence and bloodshed and is at the same time always very cheerful and upbeat and friendly even to the people he's currently killing, and his little sister who's a bubbly cheerful innocent young girl who loves to do fricked up science experiments in her free time and will squeal and clap and bounce up and down while the mouse she just injected weird goop into sprouts tentacles and makes horrifying noises, and they love each other more than anything and take care of each other and enthusiastically support each other in all their morally dubious endeavors no questions asked.
oh they're fucked up and beloved
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asmilethatshines · 5 months
Tumblr media
Seriously I don't know how this Tumblr thingy works =))) how to reply? Why do people writing in tags? @@ I will try to figure it out on Sunday. As for now here we go another picture.
100 Theme Challenge - Variation 1 - 51. Sports
Description: I kinda cheat with this theme. Of course you can't expect me to draw masculine men running round doing the heavy sports *sweat drop* (dang it if I could I would *cries*) so I kind of googled: Is chess a sport? Is dart a sport? And it said yesssss xDDD So here we have Mello and Near playing chess and darts (as sports) 
Author's notes:  - Here I want to introduce to you the other side of the sofa in Near's apartment's living room (in my imaginary fanfic that I have told you in previous picture). Near does a lot of activities in this area: playing with his puzzles, laying around, drawing (yayy he picks up a new hobby - there will be a picture), sleeping on his bean bag (this will appear in another picture later - yeah he seldom uses his bedroom, just sleeping around at random spots) - This happens around some time after Mello comes back from death (around some of his first visits). The idea of Near lying around and is not really focus on the game is inspired by a very short fic that I read from AO3 in which Near let Mello win on purpose 5 times and because he didn't use a chair he didn't really see the chess pieces. I incorporated it in my picture. - The idea of Near playing darts is changed a bit from my original imaginary fanfic. My initial though was that Near asked his staff for a light snack during the game and they fricking brought a pack of Pocky xD I think the snack itself brought up at that moment is not appropriate so Near used it as a game instead: he threw the sticks to the cup like that (and failed mostly). But I changed the Pocky to darts to fit the Sports theme. I know he uses a certain hand to throw darts but I am too lazy to read the manga again to know which hand. I hope I drew it correctly by chance :3 - The result of the game? Near wins of course. I don't let him lose on purpose. It will be an insult to Mello >"< but Mello can win with the dart game *hehe* - I enjoyed every moment when drawing this picture, from the pencil sketching to lineart and coloring with SAI. I realized that I don't need a lot of layers to color it, just adding blocks of different colors to the same layers and it will become shading/highlighting. The details on Mello's jacket is horrifying but again I enjoy every moment drawing it. It's like drawing Roxas' clothes (from Kingdom Hearts) but to a new level. I even added his rosary necklace. It's being extra of me though because I am sure you cannot see all the details on the small picture :3 I don't appreciate his sense of fashion (especially his black leather) but I do love all of his jackets: this red coat, the black leather vest when he rides his motorbike and the black coat with fur. If there is a chance I will draw them :3 - It took me more time than expected. I tried to finish it last night but stopped during midnight. My eyes hurt badly. And I will be away until midnight today so I try to finish this in the morning. But I think I have improved a bit from last picture yeah? *give Smile a pat on the head*
Characters: Mello Near from Death Note (I don't own Death Note)
See my other art challenges here: https://www.deviantart.com/o0asmilethatshines0o/gallery/31059579/100-theme-challenge
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