holly-natnicole · 18 days
If Team 7 were DigiDestineds (Part 9):
Sometimes Shannarō digivolves from her Pyocomon/Yokomon form into
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Pomumon then either into
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Kabukimon followed by
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Lilamon or into
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CheerGalmon followed by
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Sometimes Shannarō digivolves from her Pyocomon/Yokomon form into
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Floramon then into
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Togemon or
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Ponchomon; regardless of which cactus Shannarō digivolves into, her next form after the cacti is
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Regardless of whether Shannarō is in her Pomumon or Floramon form at the time, matrix digivolving with Sakura results in
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Although they're the last to platonically bond and thus gain a digivice, Sakura & Shannarō are the first to matrix digivolve when their partnership/platonic friendship reaches its peak.
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thisanimeidiot · 1 year
Could someone help me find a mega/ultimate that fits my fakemon Dramamon?
I have
Rookie/Baby: Dramamon
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Champion/Adult: Lainpumon
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And Ultimate/Perfect: Kabukimon
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(Side note, Kabukimon can apparently be adult or perfect? Interesting)
I just need a Mega/Ultimate. Help pls
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kaijukyru · 2 years
Nie Huasiang and Kabukimon
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Now for the little brother. His will only go up to ultimate as I have no idea what the Mega for his partner should be.
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YURAMON Level: Fresh Type: Seed Attribute: None/Free Field: None
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BUDMON Level: In-Training Type: Plant Attribute: None/Free Field: None
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KOTEMON Level: Rookie Type: Reptile Attribute: Data Field: Dragon’s Roar, Nature Spirits
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YAKSAMON Level: Champion Type: Demon Man Attribute: Vaccine Field: Nature Spirits
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KABUKIMON Level: Ultimate Type: Mutant Attribute: Vaccine Field: Nightmare Soldiers
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medral · 6 months
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Sakuramon (partially inspired by Kabukimon)
The manifestation of the spirt of a Sakura tree, a kind digimon that offers his fruits to other kind beings.
Docile and shy, can become aggressive to protect smaller digimons, and be also very prickly.
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lierrelearns · 5 months
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国指定史跡小田原城跡 二の丸東堀 指定 昭和13年8月8日 小田原城は、江戸幕府の三代将軍家光の乳母、春日局の子稲葉正勝が寛永9年(1632)城主になると、大規模な工事が行われ、石垣を備える近世城郭として整備されました。 二の丸東堀は、本丸・二の丸を守る堀の中でもっとも大きなもので、幅は最大で約40mあり、現在よりもさらに北に約60m先まで続いてしました。また、西は常磐木橋、南は南曲輪の前までつながっていました。 現在の石垣は、大正12年(1923)の関東大震災で崩れたものを昭和初期に復旧したものですが、石の写真のとおり、江戸時代の石垣は今のものよりも高く、二の丸の石垣として威厳のある姿を見せていました。 なお、震災直後、一時この堀を埋め立てる計画がありましたが、小田原保勝会が中心となって保存運動を起こし、その結果二の丸東堀は、今日までその姿を残すことができました。 小田原市教育委員会
文久図 (江戸時代末期) 現在地 明治36年頃の二の丸東堀 (絵葉書[相州名所 小田原城址 御用邸])
馬出門 Umadashimon Gate 銅門 Akaganemon Gate
馬出門 馬出門は、三の丸から二の丸に向かう大手筋(正規登城ルート)に位置する門です。寛文12年(1672)に枡形形式に改修され、江戸時代末期まで存続しました。 石垣と土塀で四角く囲んだ枡形と、本柱と控柱を備えた高麗門形式の馬出門・内冠木門の二つの門から成ります。
銅門 銅門は、大手筋に位置する二の丸主部への表門で、寛永10年(1633)には完成していたものと考えられています。 入母屋造瓦葺の渡櫓門で、銅門は大扉を銅鋲で飾ったことに由来します。[勢溜]と呼ばれる広場の前には、突出部が設けられて住吉橋の橋会が造られ、住吉門が据えられています。
Vocab 史跡 (しせき)historic landmark 小田原 (おだわら)Odawara 城跡 (しろあと)castle site 二の丸(にのまる)outer citadel 堀 (ほり)moat 将軍 (しょうぐん)shogun 家光 (いえみつ)(Tokugawa) Iemitsu 乳母 (うぼ)wet nurse 春日局 (かすがのつぼね)Lady Kasuga 稲葉正勝 (いなば・まさかつ)Inaba Masakatsu 寛永 (かんえい)Kan’ei era 城主 (じょうしゅ)lord of a castle 大規模 (だいきぼ)large scale 工事 (こうじ)construction work 石垣 (いしがき)stone wall 備える (そなえる) to prepare for 近世 (きんせい)early modern period(from the end of Azuchi-Momoyama period to the end of the Edo period) 城郭 (じょうかく)castle, citadel, fortress 整備 (せいび)maintenance 本丸 (ほんまる)inner citadel 幅 (はば)width, breadth 常磐 (ときわ)Tokiwa 木橋 (もっきょう)wooden bridge 曲輪 (くるわ)(refers to things both inside and outside of the castle grounds (incl. the walls, moat, (etc.) 関東大震災 (かんとうだいしんさい)Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 復旧 (ふっきゅう)restoration なお furthermore 埋め立てる (うめたてる)to fill up, reclaim 保勝 (ほしょう)preservation of a place of scenic beauty 残す (のこす)to leave undone, not finish 文久 (ぶんきゅう)Bunkyu era (2.19.1861-2.20.1864) 絵葉書 (えはがき)picture postcard 御用邸 (ごようてい)imperial villa 三の丸 (さんまる)outermost region of the castle 大手筋 (おおですじ)large-scale operators 正規 (せいき)regular, normal 登城 (とじょう)attendance at a castle 寛文 (かんぶん)Kanbun era (4.25.1661-9/21/1673) 枡形 (ますがた)rectangular space between the inner and outer gates of a castle (where troops can gather) 改修 (かいしゅう)repair, improvement 存続 (そんぞく)continuance 土塀 (とべい)earthen wall 控柱 (ひかえばしら)secondary pillars 備える (そなえる)to furnish/equip with, install 高麗門 (こうらいもん)Koraimon, a style of gate architecture that consists of a tiled gabled roof with two pillars and two smaller roofs over the 控柱 冠木門 (かぶきもん)Kabukimon, a gate in a wall formed by two square posts and a horizontal beam から成る (からなる)to consist of, be composed of 主部 (しゅぶ)main/principal part 表門 (おもてもん)front gate 入母屋造 (いりもやづくり)Irimoya, a building with a hipped, gabled roof 瓦葺 (かわらぶき)tile roofing 櫓門 (やぐらもん)Yaguramon, a gate with a tower/turret on top 渡櫓 (わたるやぐら)a turret built on top of a stone wall 銅 (どう)copper 鋲 (びょう)rivet 勢溜 (せいがまり)a place where troops can gather and prepare 突出部 (とっしゅつぶ)extrusion, overhang 設ける (もうける)to prepare, provide 住吉橋 (すみよしばし)Sumiyoshi Bridge 据える (すえる)to place (in position), to lay (foundation)
https://tetsugakunomichi.jp/about.html (defines 保勝 as 景勝地の保全)
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kuromonsters · 5 months
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Level: Rookie/Child Attribute: Data Type: Plant
Field: Jungle Troopers, Wind Guardians Possible evolutions: Kabukimon, Sunflowmon, Pucchiemon, Togemon, Bancho Lilymon (warp), others. A light, adorable-looking Digimon that can float with the breezes of wind, moving gracefully. It opens the petals that make up its body to propel itself or stop falls, letting its vines hang. Many times other creatures mistake her from a distance for an umbrella in the air. [This is another of my oldest digifakes, the third one and I love the result]
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orangelemonart · 2 years
ok lets go
Naruto’s: This was very hard to decide. I thought about a funny little frog it none were intimidating enough; i was surprised by the dearth of fox-themed digimon that capture the trickster vibe; so yeah, with no other appropriate options its gotta be Kyuubimon for Naruto’s partner.
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Sasuke’s: This was also very difficult, but between Hawkmon/Halsemon and any snake digimon, this was the greatest compromise. Quetzalmon.
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Sakura’s: Cherrymon is a little on the nose name-wise, and I’m saving Numemon for Tsunade lmao. Kabukimon it is!
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Oh wait shit, Sasuke and Sakura are both armor-digivolutions, Naruto’s left out. ok maybe Naruto has to be Frogmon to fit the theme. If only Gabumon’s fantasy of KitaKitsunemon from the drama CD had official art.......
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BTW Jiraiya has ShogunGekomon, Tsunade has PlatinumNumemon, and Orochimaru has Orochimon (natch). Kakashi has one of every dog digimon. He collects them like this is fucking Xros Wars or somethin.
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maswartz · 1 year
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My digimon partners for RWBY characters Ruby- Palmon ----> Shurimon ----> Lilymon ----> Rosemon Weiss- Blucomon ----> Paledramon ----> Crys Paledramon ----> Hexeblaumon Blake- Liollmon ---> Lowemon ----> Jaeger Lowemon ----> Raihimon Yang- Ryudamon ---> Ginryumon ---> Hisyaryumon ---> Goddramon Jaune- Kotemon---> Gladimon ----> Knightmon ----> Gallantmon Nora- Pulsemon ---> Bulkmon ----> Boutmon ----> Kazuchimon Pyrrha- Zubamon ----> Zubaeagermon ----> Duramon ---> Achillesmon Ren- Floramon ---> Kabukimon ----> Zamielmon---> Lotusmon Oscar- Ghostmon ---> Wizardmon ---> Wisemon ---> Ancient Wisemon
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if I could a digimon series, the 3-queal i guess.. mayhaps
Note: i came up with another-nother 1 and typed it up, also the quote marks are still because these tamers don't actually have crests, but that they fill similar narrative roles.
Goggle-head Rookie: Bulucomon botched: Chamelemon - note: came after Paledramon champion: Paledramon dark: WaruSeadramon ultimate: CrysPaledramon MEGA: Hexeblaumon MTG colors personality: blue/red
"love" crest rookie: Muchomon botched: owlmon champion: Kokatorimon/Akatorimon ultimate: parrotmon MEGA: Eaglemon MTG colors personality: white/red
rookie: Chamblemon
botched: Kabukimon
champion: Yakiimon/RedVegiemon
ultimate: Blossomon
MEGA: Hydramon
MTG colors personality: green/white
rookie: Dokunemon
botched: Searchmon - note: came after Kuwagamon
champion: Kuwagamon
Ultimate: Okuwamon/MetallifeKuwagamon
MEGA: GrandisKuwagamon
MTG Colors personality: blue/green
rookie: Sangomon
champion: Shellmon/morishellmon
ultimate: Calmaramon - note: it's kinda treated as an ultimate
MEGA: MarineAngemon
MTG colors personality: blue/white
"Hope" (Younger brother of Goggle head)
rookie: Candlemon
champion: Wizardmon/Sorcermon/FlameWizardmon
ultimate: Mistymon
MEGA: Lampmon
MTG colors personality: white
rookie: Tsukaimon
champion: Devidramon/icedevimon
ultimate: MarineDevimon
MEGA: DanDevimon
MTG colors personality: white/black
notable not-partnered digimon: Kongoumon, Doumon, RedVeedramon, Ekakimon, footmon, Leomon, and banchostingmon
Main BBEG minions: Troopmon, Tuskmon, Wendigomon, Airdramon, Porcupamon, mimicmon, Darktyrannomon, Soulmon, SkullKnightmon, Darkmaildramon, SkullGreymon, Dragomon, Raremon, rareRaremon, SkullSatamon, seadramon and its digivolutions, Tankmon, ogremon and its variants, Gesomon, Manticoremon
Generals: Duskmon - note: it's kinda treated as a champion, Astamon, Gryphonmon, Velgemon - note: it's kinda treated as an ultimate, Zamielmon, ChaosGallantmon, JumboGamemon, and Olegmon
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hazelplaysgames · 1 year
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but wait, there’s medals! across the two games, i’ve amassed a medal collection of 307 unique medals. 43.8% of all medals ain’t... too bad, considering i never focused on them.
i’ve included a bunch of them too. the only one that shows up in this game in Tokomon, because that art is amazing. all the rest of them don’t show up. Moonmon, Kokomon, Gummymon, Sunmon, Kotemon, Tsukaimon, Shellmon, Deputymon, Kabukimon, Kenkimon, and Pipismon.
as i mentioned at the start, the selection of in-training Digimon in this game is limited, with 12 total, and Arcadiamon’s In-training form is locked behind a complete file of HM. i sort of wish a couple more could be implemented, but i know it’s really not needed here.
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lopmonappreciation · 2 years
Updated Digifakes: Maomon
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The pet cat monster
Level :rookie
Attribute :Vaccine
Type :Mammal
Evolves from:Nyaromon,Wanyamon, friyamon,cupimon
Evolves to: Gatomon, black Gatomon,mikemon, meicoomon, leomon, liamon, darcmon ,nefertimon, lynxmon,rabbitmon,kabukimon,mothmon, Tylomon,oryxmon, opposumon, maildramon
Attacks: cat claw , healing bell,tail slap , Kitty yowl
Bio :A docile but playful and normally calm Digimon that hides a secret wild side it has the potential to become a very powerful Digimon depending on how it’s raised . The bell around its neck contains a small about of holy energy that will emerge when ever it rings ,those who hear the tone are said to be calmed and rejuvenated. It enjoys napping and loves to curl on the warm lap of a trusted tamer.
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just-jammin · 2 years
oc ask: wht digimon wld ur ocs hv?
tbh i would've had an easier time with assigning Pokémon than Digimon
but anyhoo, time to make myself suffer by providing full evo lines (In-Training -> Rookie -> Champion -> Ultimate -> Mega) for the AuraStone kids according to their vibes without any explanation whatsoever
keep in mind that the list was made on a whim, so this is subject to change—
Amy: Tokomon -> Sistermon Blanc -> Hudiemon -> Arukenimon -> Minervamon
Mitch: Babydmon -> Dracomon -> Coredramon (Blue) -> Wingdramon -> Slayerdramon
Manny: Babydmon -> Dracomon -> Coredramon (Green) -> Triceramon -> Goldramon
Cast: Kapurimon -> Solarmon -> Guardromon -> Andromon -> Suijinmon
Pip: Tsunomon -> Aequcedramon -> Frigimon -> Korikakumon -> Dinotigermon
Sylvie: Minomon -> Wormmon -> Woodmon -> Cherrymon -> Ceresmon
Richie: Sunmon -> Candlemon -> Meramon -> SkullMeramon -> Gankoomon
Ezer: Pagumon -> Psychemon -> Targetmon -> Etemon -> Diablomon
Talc: Sakuttomon -> Zubamon -> Musyamon -> Oboromon -> Zanbamon
>> — bonus peeps below! — <<
Mrs. Tanyag: Yokomon -> Biyomon -> Swanmon -> Sinduramon -> Ravemon
Pax: Nyaromon -> Gazimon -> BlackTailmon -> LadyDevimon -> BelleStarmon
Zullie: Tanemon -> Palmon -> Kabukimon -> Blossomon -> Lotusmon
Old Man Business Rival: Chicchimon -> Penmon -> Kiwimon -> Delimon -> Griffomon
Dr. Li: Tsumemon -> BlackAgumon (2006) -> DarkTyrannomon -> MetalTyrannomon -> RustTyrannomon
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thisanimeidiot · 10 months
Info on my boi
Name: Dramamon
Lvl: Rookie
Type: Virus
Bio: exposed to plays and film when they were in their digitama, what would've been a normal Otamamon became Dramamon. Dramamon can perfectly mimic the voices of digimon its met. It guards its mask with its life, becoming Hysterical without it, leading it to attack any digimon it believes saw it without its mask
Nightmare Song: Lets loose a song that drives opponents mad with hallucinations
Siren Echo: Mimics enemies voices to turn them against each other
Dramatic Crash: Headbutts opponents with its hard mask
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Name: Operamon
Lvl: Mega
Type: Virus
Bio: A mutant type digimon like Kabukimon, it can be found roaming the swamps at night where the Otamamon and Gekomon gather to sing. It is obsessed with finding its "angel of music", and can manipulate others to do their bidding by singing to them.
Phantom Tune: sings a haunting tune from the mouth on its arm, controlling any whom hear it
Swamp Lullaby: sticking its staff into the ground, the flower on top releases spores that sprout into roots that drain the opponents vitality
Mirror Hymn: uses vitality stolen by Swamp Lullaby to fire off opponents attack
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mat2modblog · 3 years
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I find it funny how the Gekkomon recreate that high pitched taiko drum sound by clapping a pair geta together.
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andithepunk · 4 years
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autoplaysdigimon · 4 years
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After leaving the office, we’re basically given an ad for the Quest Center. 
There are Species Quests and Union Quests. Union Quests are the main plot ones, but they won’t let you take one on until you’ve done a certain amount of Species Quests, usually about two or so between each. I assume, that’s the amount that you get given between each Union Quest, and I usually do all of the Species Quests available first before even looking at the main plot.
Anyway, the Species Quests are typically similar between the two versions, but we’ll end up doing the same quests out of order in each.
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