#kalk bay
pplumayknw · 2 years
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idiotwithacamera · 3 days
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📍The boats of Kalk Bay, Cape Town, South Africa
Taken on a Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FS6
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ultrajaphunter · 18 days
Part 2, Intro to Huge STORM | Kalk Bay | Cape Town | South Africa 🇿🇦
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brandborough · 10 months
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kalk bay, cape town.
Image by Keri Bainborough
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ozgursblogacc · 1 year
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Ölü Ozanlar Derneği... Beni derinden yaralayan film. Gençliğin en zor dönemlerinden bahseden film gerçekten insanı etkilemeyecek gibi değil. İstediğin şeylerin aileler tarafından desteklenmeyince gelen hislerin tarifini çok güzel veren bir film.
Sizden perk farklı değiller aynı saç modeli tıpkı sizler gibi coşkulu sizler gibi yenilmez hissediyorlar. Dünya onlar için istiridye, çok büyük şeyler başarabilecekşerini inanıyorlar. Sizler gibi gözleri umutla dolu, peki yapabileceklerini yapmak için yaşamaya acaba çok mu geç başladılar? Çünkü beyler bu oğlanlar artık çiçeklere gübre oldu, ama eğer dikkatle dinlerseniz size fısıldadıklarını duyarsınız. "Yaşadığınız günü kavrayın, hayatınızı olağandışı yapın."
Hayallerinizin peşinden gidin, insanlar yapamayacağınızı söyleseler bile dinlemeyin, çünkü eğer hayallerinizin peşinden koşmazsanız hayatın tadını alamazsınız. Başkalarının istediği hayatı yaşarsanız başkaları gibi olursunuz. Siz, siz olun. Büyük siyah harflerle "Seize the day!" yazdı, yani "Anın tadını çıkar!" Bu dünyaya bir kere geleceğiz ve ben bu hayatımın pişmanlıklarla dolu olmasını istemiyorum. Yapmak istediğim her şeyi denemek istiyorum. Düşeceğim sürekli belki de ama düşmeyen değil, düştüğünde kalkabilen daha güçlüdür. Şiirler okumak istiyorum, bir sürü bir sürü. Aşkı öğrenmek, aşkı tatmak, doğayı izlemek, gökyüzünde yıldızları saymak, deniz kenarında oturup bir kitap bitirmek istiyorum. Biz hoş olduğu için şiir okuyup yazmıyoruz insan ırkının birer ferdi olduğumuz için şiir okuyup yazıyoruz. Çünkü insan ırkının içinde coşkular vardır. Tıp hukuk ticaret mühendislik yaşamak için gereken asil bir meslektir çocuklar ama şiir...güzellik aşk sevgi, biz bunlar için hayattayız. Bunlar için hayatta olmaya da devam edeceğiz. İnce ruhlu insanlarla tanışmak istiyorum, şiirlerin ince detaylarını dahi merak eden insanlar istiyorum. Zarif ve olgun düşüncelere sahip olsunlar mesela. İncitmekten korksun hem kendisini hem başkalarını. Hakkı olduğunu savunsun. Hayallerimi süsler böyle bir insan, zordur böylesi, çok nadirdir. Sevmekten korktuğunuz oldu mu hiç sizin? Benim çok oldu. Bir porselenmiş gibi kırılır diye korkup sevmekten çekindiğim insanlar oldu, böyleleri de olsun hayatınızda. Sevmeyi, sevgiyi öğrenin. Kimseden görmemişseniz bile bir çiçeğe sevgi gösterin, bir kediye ya da bir böceğe. Zor zamanlardan geçin ama hayalleriniz bitmesin. "İnsanlar sadece hayallerinde özgür olur, her zaman böyleydi ve her zaman böyle olucak." Ölmesin hayalleriniz. Düşünceleriniz yaşasın, bastırmayın onları, sözcükleri güzel kullanın çünkü kim ne derse desin sözcükler ve fikirler dünyayı değiştirebilecek güce sahiptir. Eğer bir şeyden eminseniz, başka bir şekilde düşünmeye zorlayın kendinizi, yanlış ya da aptalca olduğunu bilseniz bile. Bir şey okurken yalnızca yazarın ne düşündüğüne kafa yormayın, durup siz ne düşünüyorsunuz ona da kafa yorun. Güzel bir şiir oku bugün hadi kalk.
Topla gül goncalarını toplayabilirken,
Zaman akıp gidiyor:
Aynı çiçek sana bugün gülümserken,
Yarın solup gidiyor.
Kalbinize dokunsun sözcükler, o zarif ruhunuzu titretsin. Aman korkayım demeyin, bunlar ruhunuz için gerekli şeyler, ruhunuzun yemem ihtiyacıdır. Besleyin ruhunuzu, aç bırakmayınız.
-kitap okuyor musunuz, bay Anderson?
-okumuyorum, eksikliğini de hissetmiyorum.
-ama biz hissediyoruz.
Toplumun güzelleşmesinde önemli bir rol oynar bir şiir, bir hikaye. Ruhunuzu özgürleştirin her zaman. Kendi sesinizi bulmaya uğraşın, çabalayın. Düşünceleriniz de sizin gibi özgür olsun, bunlar hayallerde kalmasın. İyi olduğunuzu hissettiğiniz bir şeyin peşini bırakmayınız, hayattan soğumayınız sakın ha! Oturun uzun uzun konuşun kitaplar hakkında. Kelime dağarcığınızı geliştirin, küsmeyin hayata, zor olsada unutmayın kolay olsa zevk vermezdi. Her gün yeni bir bilgi öğrenin, öğrenmekten korkmayın. Eğer kendine güvenle hayallerinizin peşinden giderseniz beklenmedik bir başarıya ulaşırsınız. Zaman kaçar, anlamazsınız zaman nasıl kanatlanır uçar. Çağrıyı dinliyor ama kulak asmıyoruz, Gelecek için umutlanıyoruz, gelecek yalnızca planlardan ibaretken, bilgeliği düşlüyoruz, her gün köşe bucak kaçtığımız bir kurtarıcı diliyoruz, kurtuluş elimizdeyken. Hayatlarınız normal olmasın, hayatlarınızı olağanüstü kılın. Düşünün! Hayatınızın en güzel dönemlerindesiniz, anın tadını çıkarın, korkmayın hata yapmaktan -hata yapmadan öğrenemezsiniz- güçlü olduğunuz yanınızın peşinden gidin. Devam et korkma düşmekten, kanasın dizlerin, nasıl olsa kanar kanar durur bir zaman sonra. Yorulun ama tükenmeyin, çok yorgun hiç olmayın çünkü insan çok yorgun olmaz, tükenmiş olur. Üzgün demeyiniz, hüzünlü diyiniz. Bir filmden alabileceğiniz en güzel verim bunları anlatması olur. Bu sebeple ben bu filmi tekrar unutup, tekrar tekrar izlemek isterim. Kaptan, kaptanım...
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
This is what Ellie Hall is saying… 🤦🏻‍♀️
Fortunately, Archie and his nanny were in another room when the fire started.
Meghan said that she and Harry were so unsettled that they asked to cancel their afternoon engagement in order to stay with their son, but were told it would be bad optics to do so.
Wonder what the afternoon engagement that she didn't want to attend was...
This is the woman who made a "secret visit" to the memorial site for the rape/murder victim Uyinene Mrwetyana that she had a photographer on hand for...so if she was so scared for her son, why did she leave him?
On a 10 day tour they spent 3 days together, so it had to happen Day 1, Day 2 or Day 10.
Here is their tour schedule:
Monday 23 September
Harry and Meghan (plus baby Archie) will arrive in Cape Town. The couple will tour the District Six Museum and join a community cooking activity.
Tuesday 24 September
The couple will travel to Monwabisi Beach to meet various charities. Prince Harry will then travel by boat to Seal Island, Kalk Bay, before returning to his wife in the afternoon. They will then visit the Bo Kaap area to mark Heritage Day, before joining a reception at the British High Commissioner's Residence.
Wednesday 25 September
Harry will travel to Botswana while Meghan remains in South Africa to meet female entrepreneurs.
Thursday 26 September
Harry will visit Chobe Forest Tree Reserve before heading to a local project run by his charity Sentebal. He will then spend the evening at a new HALO Trust de-mining camp.
Meghan will visit a 'Women in Public Service' breakfast at the High Commission in Cape Town.
Friday 27 September
Harry will visit a working de-mining field outside Dirico. He will then travel to Huambo, Where he'll meet the Governor of Huambo, Joana Lina, who was also the official host for the late Princess Diana's visit. Harry will visit the location where his mother was famously photographed and see how an area that was a dangerous minefield in 1997 is now a busy street.
Saturday 28 September
Harry will have an audience with President Lourenço at the Presidential Palace before visiting the Maternity Hospital Lucrécia Paim.
Sunday 29 September
Harry will attend a reception hosted by the British High Commissioner.
Monday 30 September
Harry will fly to Liwonde National Park.
Tuesday 1 October
Harry will visit various health programmes and organisations before returning to South Africa.
Meghan will attend a roundtable discussion with the Association of Commonwealth Universities in Johannesburg to discuss the difficulties for women trying to access higher education.
Wednesday 2 October
The couple will visit Johannesburg together. - Fly back to UK
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millarda1 · 4 months
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Lunch in Kalk Bay.... Millard Arnold Photography....
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visitcapetown02 · 8 months
Best Whale Watching Cape Town: Experience the Amazing Sight
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How to Experience the Amazing and Best Whale Watching Cape Town?
Are you ready for an incredible adventure in Cape Town, South Africa? One of the most exciting activities you can do there is whale watching. Cape Town is renowned for its stunning landscapes, and its oceans are teeming with life, including some of the world's most magnificent creatures: whales. In this blog, we'll take you on a journey to discover the best spots for best whale watching Cape Town and the amazing whales you might encounter.
I. When to Go Whale Watching
It is seasonal, so timing is crucial. The best time to visit for whale watching is from June to November. During this period, you can witness the annual migration of southern right whales. These gentle giants come to the waters around Cape Town to breed and give birth, making it the perfect time to catch a glimpse of them.
II. Where to Go Whale Watching
2.1 Hermanus: 
Known as the whale-watching capital of the world, Hermanus, located a couple of hours from Cape Town, is a must-visit. The cliffs overlooking Walker Bay provide fantastic vantage points to spot these creatures from land. You might even see them breach and slap their tails!
2.2 False Bay: 
Closer to Cape Town, False Bay is another excellent location for a sight view of these water creatures.. Kalk Bay and Simon's Town are two popular spots. You can also take a boat tour for a closer encounter.
2.3 Gansbaai: 
This small fishing town near Hermanus offers boat tours that take you out to the deeper waters where you can see not only southern right whales but also great white sharks and dolphins.
III. Types of Whales You Might See
3.1 Southern Right: 
These massive creatures, known for their distinctive white callosities on their heads, are the stars of the show in Cape Town. They are slow swimmers and often come very close to the shoreline, making them easy to spot.
3.2 Humpback : 
Humpbacks are known for their acrobatic displays, including breaching and slapping their fins on the water. Catching a humpback show is a real treat.
3.3 Orcas: 
While not as common, orcas do make appearances in Cape Town waters. These apex predators are awe-inspiring to witness.
IV. Behaviors to Look Out For
4.1 Breaching: 
These water creatures breach by propelling themselves out of the water and crashing back down. It's a breathtaking sight and is believed to be a form of communication, play, or getting rid of parasites.
4.2 Fluking: 
Before diving, they often raise their tails out of the water, showing off their distinctive tail patterns. This behavior, known as "fluking," is not only captivating but also helps researchers identify individual whales.
4.3 Spyhopping: 
During Cape Town guided tours you will notice that these fishes occasionally lift their heads vertically out of the water to observe their surroundings. This behavior is called "spy-hopping" and allows them to get a better view of what's happening above the water's surface.
V. How to Enjoy Whale Watching Responsibly
It is an incredible experience, but it's crucial to do it responsibly to protect these magnificent creatures and their environment. Here are some tips:
5.1 Choose eco-friendly tours: 
Opt for excursions that prioritize the safety and well-being of the whales. Respectful operators maintain a safe distance and follow guidelines to minimize disturbance.
5.2 No littering: 
Dispose of your trash properly, and if you're on a boat tour, make sure nothing gets thrown overboard.
5.3 Stay quiet: 
Keep noise levels down to avoid startling the whales. Enjoy the serenity of the ocean and the sound of the waves.
During South Africa tours from Cape Town the best seen is whale watching which is a breathtaking experience that allows you to connect with nature in a profound way. With the right timing and a responsible approach, you can witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat, creating memories that will last a lifetime. So, don't miss the opportunity to embark on this adventure when you visit Cape Town from June to November.
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shuttlecapetown · 8 months
Uncovering Cape Town's Hidden Gems with Private Airport Transfers
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Cape Town, known for its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich history, has a wealth of hidden gems just waiting to be discovered. While popular attractions like Table Mountain and the V&A Waterfront are undoubtedly worth a visit, it's often the lesser-known, off-the-beaten-path destinations that truly capture the essence of this remarkable city. With the convenience and comfort of Cape Town private airport transfers, you can unlock a world of local treasures and embark on an unforgettable journey through Cape Town's hidden gems.
Kalk Bay: A Seaside Haven
Situated a mere short drive away from the airport, Kalk Bay is a delightful coastal town renowned for its captivating fusion of art, culture, and breathtaking natural scenery. Take a leisurely stroll along the vibrant Main Road, adorned with an assortment of charming shops, galleries, and inviting cafés. Delve into the allure of the picturesque harbour, where you can witness skilled fishermen in action and savour the freshest seafood delicacies. Opting for a private airport transfer ensures a seamless journey to Kalka Bay, allowing you to effortlessly immerse yourself in its laid-back and inviting atmosphere.
Bo-Kaap: A Kaleidoscope of Colours
Tucked away at the foot of Signal Hill, Bo-Kaap is a vibrant neighborhood known for its brightly colored houses and rich Cape Malay heritage. Delve into the area's history and culture as you wander through its narrow, cobbled streets. Discover the local cuisine, indulge in a traditional Cape Malay meal, and visit the Bo-Kaap Museum to learn more about the community's fascinating past. A private airport transfer ensures a seamless journey to this captivating neighborhood.
Llandudno Beach: Secluded Serenity
Discover a serene oasis away from the bustling crowds at Llandudno Beach, an exquisite hidden gem nestled along the Atlantic seaboard. This unspoiled beach, gracefully tucked between colossal granite boulders, presents awe-inspiring vistas, velvety white sands, and sparkling, translucent waters. Take a leisurely amble along the shoreline, bask in the warm sunshine, or embrace the invigorating waves with a refreshing swim. With the convenience of a private airport transfer, you can effortlessly access the secluded beauty of Llandudno Beach and relish in its tranquil splendor.
Woodstock: Artistic Haven
Once an industrial area, Woodstock has transformed into a thriving hub for creativity, art, and design. Explore the vibrant streets adorned with eye-catching street art, visit galleries showcasing local talent, and browse through unique boutiques and vintage shops.
Book your Cape Town Private Airport Transfer with Shuttle Cape Town. Get in touch with us at 072 617 8577!
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foxpapa · 10 months
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Douglas Holder/Getty
Kalk Bay, Sudafrica
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idiotwithacamera · 12 days
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📍Super blue moon over Kalk Bay, Cape Town
Taken on a Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FS6
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ultrajaphunter · 18 days
Cape Town Black South Easter - Storm surge in Kalk Bay 07 April 2024
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primrosetransport · 10 months
High Muizenberg Furniture Movers
Adding fragile or special items like antiques or pianos can even improve the price considerably. The same applies when you require specialised companies corresponding to packing or storage. If you're planning on moving furnishings from Johannesburg to Cape Town, you may need to know how a lot it will Staff Relocation Muizenberg cost. We’ve crunched the numbers and here's a breakdown of the common prices charged by skilled movers on Wise Move - South Africa’s only totally transparent moving platform. At least three movers should be contacted to get a price estimate. Find out whether or not an organization is willing to negotiate with you to get what you want.
Both docs often attend persevering with skilled development meetings and seminars, and endeavour to apply evidence primarily based medication with a holistic, pragmatic strategy. The follow now makes use of digital document keeping, and printed prescriptions which ensure clarity for pharmacists and patients. Wasps are arguably probably Office Relocation Muizenberg the most nasty Flying Insects handled as part of out record of services. They are aggressive and are able to stinging numerous occasions in contrast to its counterpart the Bee. Cape Town Pest Control knows and understands the want to these undesirable lawn trolls. Spider Infestations are a common downside throughout South Africa.
Muizenberg, Kalk Bay, Clovelly, and Fish Hoek could also be reached from Cape Town via the city’s southern suburbs. At Cape Movers, we pride ourselves on our native experience and will do our best to seek out probably the most environment friendly routes and dates in your relocation. To ensure that you may sleep well at evening, we provide round the clock customer assistance and quality assurance all through your relocation. Please answer a number of questions to ensure we match you with certified businesses.Expect to be contacted by companies inside 24 hours.This is a free service. We have chosen wonderful consultants for your service, will handle each step of the home removal process, no matter the shape and size or the vacation spot of your transfer.
Choices galore from Restaurants, Activities, Beauty and Getaways. We have extensive experience and experience in resolving sewerage blockages of all sizes, with special care taken to get rid of sewage safely and effectively. Our grease trap cleaning course of ensures a free flowing drainage system and alleviates odours in your office in a scientific, discreet and environmentally friendly method. Sewage Backups can typically Home Removals Muizenberg manifest inside current plumbing or can be recognized as a relentless faint sound of working water accompanied by a foul odour when you run your water or flush the toilet. Apart from being a part of Muizenberg’s DNA, the huts convey added value in the type of Instagram publicity and more importantly, as a backdrop for advert and movie shoots.
The South African Furniture Removals Alliance (SAFRA) now provides you an effective method of getting inexpensive moving quotes for your upcoming transfer. Let SAFRA help you discover up to 6 moving quotes from reputable moving companies all over South Africa. In your personal home or workshop, spring cleaning is an ideal method to reclaim rooms. Although your garbage bin remains to be full and undoubtedly too little for all of Moving Company Muizenberg the larger stuff with the cobwebs removed and storage areas washed out. Our company provides junk removal for native homes and corporations in Cape Town. For communities who wish to take pleasure in municipal services of a higher level, an SRA offers them with the choice of paying for these further providers, which should be affordable and sustainable.
Swimming is safe and browsing excellent at Muizenberg, with water temperatures a lot higher than Cape Town and surroundings. Due to the nice and cozy Mozambique currents of the east coast the water is significantly hotter than on the western Atlantic coast. At the start of the twentieth century Muizenberg turned a prestigious seaside resort for affluent Capetonians.
Michael Bodwell is considered one of the most respected furniture removals and furniture relocation specialists in Muizenberg. There isn't any better choice in Muizenberg for high-quality furniture removals companies than Michael Bodwell. We provide Storage Solutions Muizenberg furniture removals and furnishings courier services in Muizenberg and have a lengthy record of delighted clients. All long-distance removals are contracted out to solely the best in the enterprise.
Our Household Removals Muizenberg will carefully pack all the things with our innovative packing materials and load every thing with care into our clean and often inspected vans. The home – the old one or new is left in pristine situation with none harm. You ought to receive one estimate from the moving company in your transfer.
Africans living in District Six had been rounded up under armed guard and taken to a location in Uitvlugt. Africans renamed the Uitvlugt location Ndabeni (place of news). Instant low-cost budget quotes for all small mini moves, medium family removals and large quantity home moving for native and countrywide relocations. I just need to say thanks soooo much for the superb expertise of dealing with your company.
As a result, we are considered one of Muizenberg’s greatest home furniture moving firms. Obtaining a quote and reserving your move with our Cape Town movers is as fast and easy as attainable. Get free moving quotes from an expert moving company that has moved over households across South Africa over 10 years. Get free moving quotes from knowledgeable moving company that has moved over families Moving Company Muizenberg across South Africa over 10 years. Suggestive Packing and Packing Materials shall be provided to guarantee that your furniture removal is correctly protected, loaded and delivered to your new home or vacation spot. Our friendly removal groups shall be happy to place the furnishings in the right position within your new home.
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Glamping Drakensberg South Africa
The street consists of concrete strips, allowing most automobiles entry. The unpredictable climate in the Drakensberg can present for beautiful imagery. These mountains have been completely hidden from our view and inside minutes they “popped” out to reveal forest camping a spectacular setting. Each chalet has open plan dwelling areas with fully outfitted kitchens and braai amenities. The chalets are serviced every day and bath towels are offered.
Often covered in snow in winter and with up to eighteen waterfalls cascading down the vertical cliffs after a storm, Thendele is a very particular place. Our cosy widespread room space with a log fire, offers a laid-back, sociable surroundings during which to attach with fellow adventurers. It has been the start line of many an excellent story, berg exploration and friendship. For those looking for private, self-contained units, we have pretty cottages which are excellent for a family getaway or group of friends. For the overnight backpacker, caves supply the best choice for lodging in the lower Drakensberg. There are only a few usable huts to select from, whereas the use of expensive mountaineering tents means further weight to carry.
Consider also which way the cave really faces and which way the wind is likely to blow from. A cave with a high roof (one during which one can stand) is all the time more snug than a low roofed one. Please observe that some caves are most likely to drip water via the roof, particularly in summer season. Also do not neglect drakensberg lodge that if a cave reveals indicators of dripping that if a big rainstorm is approaching these drips are more probably to improve, maybe to the extent of creating the realm unlivable. It is essential to keep in thoughts that on some Drakensberg maps, caves aren't marked of their exact places.
We have just lately added tents to our accommodation with a choice of primary tent with matresses on the ground or a more luxrious option with made up beds. We have a laundry, scullery and water points close to sites. This beautiful little coastal resort between Kommetjie and Scarborough in the Cape is a very popular weekend retreat. With a rocky shoreline providing a quantity of sandy bays and two synthetic tide swimming pools, swimming is in style right here and watching fishermen and crayfish divers return with their catch is one other regular pastime. You can even take a walk to the top of Slangkop to see an deserted radar station from the Second World War, visit the quaint fishing towns of Kalk Bay and Simonstown, or discover famous Cape Point.
Glen Reenen Rest Camp is finest suited to families and couples. Albert Falls Campsite is greatest suited to families camping drakensberg and pals. Bruintjieskraal Campsite is best suited to families and couples.
Injisuthi Camp is located within the spectacular Drakensberg mountain vary in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. This region is a World Heritage Site and is famend for its magnificent scenery and landscapes, which options dramatic mountains and valleys, rivers, caves and cliffs. Injisuthi Camp supplies a beautiful base from which to benefit from the wealth of experiences the area has to offer.
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dreamofpeace · 1 year
Kalk Bay Harbour
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dxinecoza · 1 year
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The Peer Strangers in Paradise Western Cape, South Africa (at Kalk Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpHO1h9IFJ9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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