#kami’s 200 followers event
seabirdtxt · 1 year
Hi, I’m Bird. welcome to my sideblog! i hope you have a good time :) thanks for reading! 🩵
Ask box is: On hold
WIP tracker
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Rules & TOS:
- I am using this blog as a place to put my self-indulgent fandom fics. i don't proofread or beta my stuff so if i make typos no i didn't 🫡
- blank blogs please do not +follow! i will assume you are a bot and block/softblock you. You can remain empty/anon as long as you have some profile customization and maybe a post/reblog or two
- you can send asks/requests and i'll tackle 'em asap but please don't expect too much of the social aspect from me, i struggle with socialization like a feral cat
- i write reader fics. this means: gender neutral, no physical description/indicators, no gender-biased nicknames clothes or scenarios, you/yours and they/them pronouns only.
- do not call my Reader she/her, or any fem-aligned nicknames. im dead serious, this is a ‘block on sight’ thing, it kicks up my dysphoria and it's the same reason i won't read fem!reader fics. i won't block for the first time, but if you commented on something or sent an ask/request and I deleted/didn't respond, this is probably why. I'm giving y'all the benefit of the doubt that maybe you didn't check my page first though! but continued behavior will earn a block .
- i’m not holding a taglist atm, you either perceive me or don't. (if i ever write smth longer that warrants a taglist i’ll be sure to mention it!)
- no bigotry or discrimination allowed, please use your good judgement when consuming media, etc. there will be no bitchin in my kitchen!
- no reposting, copying, or heavily referencing! plaigarism is the 8th cardinal sin 😊 yes this includes feeding my writing to AI. don't do it.
- re: above ^ making stuff inspired by/expanding on concepts is totally fine though! i'm inviting everyone to come play in my sandbox :3c if you do, please tag me! i'd love to see and rb from you 🥰 (AI is still 100% off the table though)
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Request Rules:
currently in genshin/sagau fandom so mostly stick to those themes please! (and do let me know if you want canon or other AU settings! otherwise i'll assume sagau)
i won't do crossovers sorry! i'm not too knowledgeable on many other media or fandoms and i'd rather not butcher something im not familiar with!
willing to write both platonic and romantic! (specific character romance with the male characters only, sorry, but platonic is free game!)
i write kinda slow tbh, so please don't send me anything that is time sensitive or has a deadline bc i probably won't make it in time :')
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General Tags:
Writing -> #seabird.txt
Doodles -> #seabird.png
Asks/replies -> #seabird.inbox
Personal -> #seabird.exe
Reblogs -> #seabird.rb
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Masterlist below the cut:
Glitch in Irminsul AU
SAGAU setting, where the Irminsul tree behaves like a GIT repository, and the Creator's arrival accidentally merged old branches into the current data.
Blog Tag - [p1] [p2] [p3] [p4] [p5]
Bloodletting AU
SAGAU cult au, the Creator descends to Teyvat with no obvious godly powers and is rejected by the acolytes, until it's discovered that their golden blood has strength-enhancing properties.
Blog Tag - [p1] [p2]
[rb1] [rb2]
Voice of God AU
SAGAU cult au, set pre-isekai. The Shouki no Kami is powered up and connected to Scaramouche, who then experiences a sudden jarring connection to the Creator.
Blog Tag - [p1] [p2] [p3]
Wish Upon series
Stardust AU, canon setting. Wanderer tries to catch a fallen star to get a blessing from Celestia and obtain a heart. Instead, he gets you.
Blog tag - [p1]
Misc. fics
Not aligned to any specific AU or series!
[200 Follower Event tag]
[Creator!Reader and Cyno's bad jokes] [dollmaker!Reader and the scara gang]
🔞 [18+ tag] 🔞
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fruitsoflab · 1 year
1. Gunakan main account
2. Hanya menerima selective account dengan username yang relate dengan muse, no nick, all stars, dan no twins (kecuali jika charamu memiliki kembaran)
3. Maksimum following dibawah 500 dan minimal 200 tweet
4. Maksimum tergabung dalam 3 OA/SQ aktif, termasuk kami
5. Dimohon untuk selalu berkabar jika tidak bisa mengikuti kegiatan yang diadakan FruitsOfLab seperti daily games, event, mini event dll kepada base dan mutual OA yang bertugas
6. Bersedia menerima sanksi jika tidak mengikuti kegiatan yang diadakan FruitsOfLab melebihi 3x tanpa izin
7. Dimohon untuk tidak terlibat dalam circle in circle, drama, dan war
8. Bercanda sangat diperbolehkan, namun tidak boleh mengandung SARA atau menghina secara berlebihan
9. Sangat dianjurkan melakukan upchar dengan manual. Namun diizinkan meretweet dari akun official, bukan akun fanbase atau konten haram sesuai dengan chara masing-masing
10. Gunakan brackets jika ingin membahas mengenai rl atau ooc, kami lebih menyarankan menggunakan cyber account masing-masing
11. NSFW thingy diperbolehkan dari jam 23.00 - 05.00 wib, dan dilarang menampilkan foto atau video vulgar
12. Love wins
13. Tidak diperkenankan untuk bertukar cyber account (CA) dengan sesama member selama FruitsOfLab masih berjalan
14. Menghargai dan menghormati seluruh Fruities dan seluruh member
15. Dimohon untuk aktif karena waktu kita untuk bersama terbatas ❤️
1. Gdm hanya ada 2 yang bersifat OFF CONVO dan INFO ONLY dimana hanya fruta dan base yang dapat mengirimkan chat. On convo tidak dilakukan jika tidak dibutuhkan
2. Diperbolehkan share tweet maksimal 3 tweet sehari, dengan syarat sudah mereply tweet yang sebelumnya
3. Jika hendak mengirim tweet, pastikan tweetmu dapat membangun percakapan (contohnya diakhiri dengan tanda tanya)
4. Tidak diperkenankan untuk mengirim tweet yang berasal dari akun rl, seperti misalnya tweet dari akun CA atau PA. Tetapi mengirim tweet untuk meminta likes, retweet, atau reply yang berkaitan dengan akun RP diperbolehkan
5. Bersedia menerima sanksi jika melanggar atau menerobos gdm off convo
1. Minimal hiatus 3 hari dan maksimal hiatus 5 hari
2. Move akun dan ganti username dengan sengaja hanya diizinkan sekali
3. Tidak diizinkan untuk unverified sebelum 10 hari sejak verification
4. Jika tidak melakukan verifikasi dalam waktu 1 x 24 jam maka dianggap gugur secara otomatis
5. Tidak aktif selama 3 x 24 jam tanpa izin bisa terkena unverified
6. TS diperbolehkan sekali dalam sebulan dan maksimal selama 3 hari
7. Tidak diperbolehkan ts menjadi anak FruitsOfLab agar tidak menimbulkan kebingungan
8. New owner tanpa sepengetahuan fruta, akan terkena unverified
9. Terlibat dalam circle in circle, drama, atau war akan terkena unverified
10. Diperbolehkan untuk mengganti chara 3 x 24 jam setelah verification. Pastikan chara yang ingin diganti tidak sama dengan member lain
11. Mohon untuk memberi kabar melalui fruta apabila akunmu terkena suspend atau locked. Rentang waktu menunggu dikabari bagi akun suspend atau locked adalah 3 x 24 jam. Apabila tidak ada kabar melewati rentang waktu yang sudah diberikan, maka akan kami unverified
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Akash Cooper
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Sean Marcello
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Esra Roxelana Joozher
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halloffamely · 8 months
Harap baca dan pahami dengan baik serta ikuti segala peraturan yang ada.
Peraturan Utama:
Saling menghargai seluruh Founders dan Fames.
Menerima semua jenis faceclaim dan job, selama tidak menggunakan faceclaim yang di larang.
Satu akun per-satu orang.
Maksimal 3 OA termasuk HOF, dan 2 SQ.
Menggunakan username dan display name yang berhubungan dengan muse.
JFB, NICK, dan BOT tidak diterima.
Maksimal following 500 sudah termasuk dengan memfollow para Fames.
Menerima akun baru dengan batas minimal 200 post, dan 40 following.
Tidak menerima kembaran, kecuali karaktermu memiliki kembaran.
Love wins is allowed.
Jam dewasa/NSFW boleh dilakukan pukul 23:00 - 05:00 WIB, tetapi tolong jaga batasan.
Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dan dilakukan ketika menjadi bagian dari HOF:
Berinteraksi ke Fames dan Founder.
Dilarang mengikuti War, Drama, Circle in Circle dan masalah lain nya.
Siap untuk mengikuti segala kegiatan yang ada di HOF, silahkan izin ke Founders dengan alasan yang jelas, jika tidak bisa mengikuti kegiatan.
Menggunakan tagar khusus ketika melakukan pembicaraan di luar karakter.
Selalu memberitahu kami jika mengganti karakter, akun terkunci, hilang, atau di tangguhkan.
Harap memberi tahu Founder jika ingin hiatus, dengan durasi 5 hari untuk hiatus panjang, dan 3 hari untuk hiatus pendek.
Ketentuan TS dan mengganti karakter:
TS maksimal 2 hari, dan diperbolehkan mengganti karakter selama karakter tersebut masih tersedia di HOF.
Ketentuan pindah akun:
Harap memberitahu Founders jika ingin pindah akun, tidak ada batasan untuk pindah akun.
Tidak aktif selama 24 jam setelah pengumuman.
Tidak berinteraksi kepada Fames selama lebih dari 3 hari.
Tidak mengikuti event tanpa alasan, karena kita hanya berjalan selama 30 hari, jadi untuk yang tidak mengikuti kegiatan tanpa alasan yang jelas akan di unverifikasi.
Informasi Tambahan:
Terdapat 2 Group DM dengan 1 GDM INFO dan 1 GDM share tweet dan ngobrol yang akan on convo setiap hari Jum'at.
Hanya memiliki 2x event besar, sisanya kegiatan ringan harian.
Bersikap baiklah kepada seluruh Founders dan Fames.
Please read and understand properly and follow all existing regulation.
Please respect to all Founders and Fames.
Accepts all types of faceclaims and jobs, as long as you don't use prohibited faceclaims.
One account per person.
Maximum 3 OA including HOF, and 2 SQ.
Use the username and display name associated with the muse. JFB, NICK and BOT are not accepted.
The maximum following of 500 includes following HOF and Fames.
Accept new accounts with a minimum limit of 200 posts, and 40 following.
Do not accept twins, unless your character has a twin.
Love wins is allowed.
Adult content/NSFW hours may be done at 23:00 - 05:00 WIB, but please keep the limits.
Things that need to be observed and done when being part of the HOF.
Interact with Founders and Fames.
Do not join the War, Drama, Circle in Circle and other issues that might be a problem.
Ready to take part in all activities at HOF, please ask permission from the Founders with clear reasons, if you cannot take part in the activity.
Using special tags when talking out of character. Always notify us if you changing characters, account is locked, lost, or suspended.
Please notify the Founder if you wish to take a hiatus, with a duration of 5 days for a long hiatus, and 3 days for a short hiatus.
Temporary Swap, and Changing Account:
Please notify the Founders if you want to move accounts, there are no restrictions on moving accounts.
Inactive for 24 hours after the announcement.
Do not interact with Fames for more than 3 days.
Don't take part in the event without a reason, because we only run for 30 days, so those who don't take part in the activity without a reason will be unverified.
Additional Regulations:
There are 2 DM Groups with 1 GDM INFO and 1 GDM sharing tweets and chatting which will be on convo every Friday.
Only has 2x big events, the rest are daily light activities.
Be kind to all Founders and Fames.
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the-nevertale · 1 year
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• General Rules.
1. Respect the Peters and Members.
3. We accept all star but only the GENERAL ROLEPLAYERS.
4. One account per-head. It’s highly recommended if you use your main account and please be active.
5. No double muse, NO TWIN unless your muse has a real twin.
6. Your username and display name must be related to your muse.
7. Do your update chara (you can only retweeting your update but only on official accounts, no fanbase, no fansite, or fan account)
8. New account is allowed with minimum 200 tweets.
9. Maximum number of your followings are 600.
10. Multi-agency is allowed, maximum 3 agencies including Nevertale.
11. JFB thingy, BOT and UPFOLL and other kind of stuffs are strictly prohibited.
12. No retweeting real life thingy and please use brackets for muntalk but don’t use it too often.
13. NSFW contents and rated thingy are only allowed from 23:00 - 04:00. Please do respect with minors and respect each others.
14. Circle in circle, joining war, drama and spreading hate are definitely intolerable.
15. You are allowed to move account only twice unless for obvious reasons
16. You are allowed to change the character only twice
1. There will be only ONE GDM for INFO ONLY.
2. Strictly no conversation allowed, unless Peters decide to turn on the conversation at certain times.
3. Share anything related to roleplaying, such as greetings, starting a new convo, help RTs for squads, etc. DO NOT share random tweets to start indirect conversation in the GDM.
4. It is forbidden to bring Nevertale-related chat topics. Including inside jokes to the outsider Nevertale.
5. A dare is waiting for you if you break the GDM rules.
• Unverification Rules.
1. Inactive 24 hours after the verification time.
2. Inactive in 72hours without any notice to the Peters
3. It is a must to do 30 tweets and be active again after your inactivity. There is no ghosting once you are active. if you only make a one tweet to 'say hello' and you being inactive again is forbidden.
4. Break any of the rules 3 times. First and second time will cause you get a warning from us, but the third one will be a goodbye.
5. Not participating in our events for 2 times without any notice to us.
Questions & Answers.
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Untuk jawabannya bisa cek di link berikut ini ya:
0 notes
ceritatujuhbelas · 1 year
Tujuh Belas, diambil dari salah satu judul lagu Tulus di album Manusia. Lagu ini menceritakan tentang kenangan di masa remaja. Dimana usia 17 tahun menjadi pusat jiwa yang merasa bebas, memiliki banyak hal yang bisa dikenang dan semangat yan akan menjadi sebuah awal untuk mejadi Dewasa. 17 tahun, adalah awal dari segalanya.
Kami menggunakan AMICO sebagai sebutan kami yang mengurus member. AMICO berasal dari bahasa Itali yang artinya “TEMAN”
Meet The Amico,
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- One head one account, we really appreciate it if you use your main account.
- We accept all stars
- Nick and username must be related with your Character
- We accept newly made account, with minimal of 200 tweet.
- Please make sure you’re active.
- Maximum following is under 600.
- Max 3 agencies (including us)
- No twins and Love wins.
- JFB, Using BOT, retweeting RL thingy, and those other kind of stuffs are strictly prohibited.
- Minimalize your OOC tweet
- Use brackets if you want to talk about OOC and mundane thingy.
- Must be active in every games, event, or another agenda.
- NSFW thingy are only allowed at 10PM util 5AM, please respect underage.
- Semi hiatus : Max 3 days
- Hiatus : Max 7 Days
- There’s no rest or long hiatus
- Not active in 24 hours after verification
- Being inactive in 3 days without any reasons
- Not active after 2 days of hiatus ended
- Not interacting with fellow member of Tujuh Belas
- Got more than 4 warnings from us by breaking the rules
- Maximum changing faceclaim two times a month, and make sure its available
- Temporary swap only once in a month
Please inform us if you
- Changing your account or username
- Changing your face claim
- Doing a temporary swap
- Taking hiatus
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years
congrats on 200! can you do some neji fluff with prompt 14 and a fem reader
[Neji Hyuuga X Reader] Confirmation
|200 Followers Event|
Prompt: 14 — “Can I kiss you?"
Pairing: Neji Hyuuga x fem!Reader
Note: Hello anon, thank you for requesting! Firstly, I just want to say that the prompt is so Neji-ish lol :D it's like a perfect match. Okay, this one is definitely a fluff. I can't say anything else because I don't wanna spoil the piece so without further ado, please enjoy!
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There were many ways you found Neji impossibly attractive—his looks played an instrumental role, but above all, it was Neji’s compassionate and gentle disposition. Before you knew it, you found yourself showing up at places he usually came to, whether it was the training ground that Team Gai frequently occupied and shyly waved a hand at them or the teashop that he always walked in every weekend if he was not on a mission. Everyone knew you were head over heels for him, including your ultimate crush—Neji Hyuuga.
And if it was not for a bet with Tenten and Ino, you would not be standing here right at this moment, facing a Neji that was charismatically tying his hair after training. You lost your bet, and the girls dared you to confess your love for him. It would be blatantly ridiculous when he, in fact, already knew you had feelings for him. But being a highly esteemed person you were and unfortunately drunk, you challengingly nodded your head to their offer.
Shaking yourself out of the regretful reminiscence, you cleared your throat as you took measured steps to the man. Neji was resting on a rock, and you could not tear your eyes from the fabric of his white kimono growing slightly diaphanous due to his sweats. You accentuated your presence with a loud cough that came out too artificial, “Hey, Neji.”
“Good morning, Y/N.” He finally turned around, forehead glimmered in a sheen of sweat as he studied your features.
Your heart was drumming every passing second, teeth almost clamping against one another if your tongue was not the obstacle lying in between. You smoothed your shirt, “How should I phrase this?”
Neji took a sip of water and stood up, closing the gap between your shadow and his. It was ten in the morning, and you swore you could melt under the burning sun—or maybe under your sheer embarrassment. Determined to pull yourself together, you let out an audible huff and placed your hands on your hips, “I’m here to declare something.”
Neji Hyuuga was puzzled. He was unable to decipher the complicated expression you wore on your face—your lips were slightly trembling, but your orbs were blazing with tenacity. He held his breath, feeling a bit uneasy, “Go ahead.”
“As you might have known,” you started, eyes drifting elsewhere, “I mean you probably know right now that I uh… I like you.”
“… Are you asking me if I know you have feelings for me?" He lifted a brow a looked at you, "Because I do."
“Ah, I see.” You chuckled and scratched your head, still a tad bit dizzy from yesterday’s hangover. They only dared you to confess, so this should be it, right? Even though you felt disappointment slowly taking over you, you performed a hasty bow and swiftly turned away, “Thank you for your time, I’ll take my leave.”
You should have known that he would never feel the same way around. You spun on your heels, ready to flee the sight immediately but Neji quickly caught your forearm before you were able to sprint any farther. Being suddenly yanked backward made you stumble on your feet, helplessly waving the other arm to regain your balance.
“Are you going to leave like that?”
You heard his question clearly, perhaps too clearly with the position that you found yourself in after blinking several times. Your back was pressed against his warm chest, his chin inches away from your cheek when he lowered his head to speak. You tried jerking away, but it was of no use. Neji continued with a gentle tone, “I’ve been waiting for so long, Y/N, to hear those words from you.”
Kami knew you had no idea of whatever he was implying at the moment. You turned your head sideway, incidentally brushing your lips against the sharp jawline of his, and you were a goner. Did you just kiss him? No, it was only your lips coming into contact with his skin—it was nothing but an accident, and he probably did not notice. Or so you hoped.
Neji pulled away, letting your own feet support your body as he sat back onto the very rock, and waited for you to speak. But you had no intelligible thought to deliver—none. He narrowed his eyes and you felt an electric shockwave through your spine, babbling anything that was on your mind, “I mean I like you but I don’t really understand what you meant earlier. I’m sorry.”
“Come here, have a seat.”
And you complied—though reluctant, you dragged yourself to his side and quietly sat down. Neji turned to face you, eyes boring through yours as you nervously swallowed. His arms gradually made their way around your shoulders, and you ended up in his embrace, eyes wide when you felt his hair skimming past your cheek.
“You like me?”
His question pulled you back into reality, and you nodded. The Hyuuga brushed a strand of stray hair out of your face, “I like you, too.”
His voice was so soft you thought he did not say it at all, but what he said next took you by surprise, “Can I kiss you?”
You looked at him and batted your lashes as he stared back at you, waiting for your answer. Your jaw was stiff, unable to open as though it was locked in place, and Neji pushed back, “I’m sorry if I took it… too fast.”
“No,” you stuttered, “you c-can.”
He took your face in his hand and lifted your chin up, tilting your head backward as your eyes met his. You quickly glanced away, unable to hold your gaze any longer. He gently demanded, “Look at me, Y/N.”
Your eyes darted back to meet his, and Neji instantaneously caught your lips the moment you found his tender gaze, pulling your body into his as his scent drowned your coherence—you could never be any more assured.
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @thenightfallingstar @iam-gaaras-loveintrest @animepickle7
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debatsepakboladunia · 4 years
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Hubungi Kami: Hubungi kami: https://bit.ly/starwin88
Follow juga sosial media kami: Fanspage: https://bit.ly/2RxAvYi Twitter: https://bit.ly/34yI5ao IG: https://bit.ly/2K6dO9v
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 198: A Pair of Chuunis
Previously on BnHA: Shinsou, Tsuyu, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Kouda (henceforth known as Team A) faced off against Shiozaki, Tsuburaba, Shishida, and Rin (Team B). Kiri, Kouda, and Tsubu were captured, making it 3 VS 3. Tsuyu covered Shinsou and Kami with her disgusting frog mucus in order to mask their scent so class B wouldn’t be able to track their movements. They then purposely allowed Kaminari to get captured as a distraction to let Shinsou get close enough to Shiozaki to ensnare here with his quirk. Realizing what had happened, Shishida stopped talking so as not to fall under Shinsou’s control himself. However this also left him unable to communicate with his remaining teammate, and Rin was shortly thereafter taken out by Tsuyu. Shishida was knocked out shortly after that, and so Team A ended up winning the match, giving class 1-A the lead as we enter the second round.
Today on BnHA: Aizawa and Vlad provide their respective students with constructive criticism following the match. Meanwhile the remaining 8 teams begin to plan out their strategies, including Monoma who is excited to have the chance to work together with Shinsou, particularly after witnessing the first match. It turns out he’s not the only one interested in what Shinsou can do, as Aizawa and Vlad reveal to All Might and Midnight that today’s exercise is doubling as Shinsou’s exam determining whether or not he should be admitted into the hero course. The second round of battles begins, with Team MomoYamaTokoKure facing off against Team KendouKuroMangaToadette. Kendou is excited to be battling Momo, as she considers the two of them to be rivals, and feels that up until now Momo has been outshining her. Meanwhile Kuroiro from class B bonds with Tokoyami over their mutual goth aesthetic before the two teams split off to get things started. Toko sends out Dark Shadow to do recon, only to have Kuroiro -- whose quirk allows him to move freely within the color black -- hitch a ride back to Team A’s location. The two prepare to clash, and Toko gets ready to show off a new technique he’s apparently learned from Hawks.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 222, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
my man Aizawa out here making sure I continue to stan him
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this is school after all!
and oh my god this title
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you know it’s the Momo chapter when...
goddammit Kirishima’s self-esteem issues are acting up again
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does anyone know if that “staring at yourself in the mirror and psyching yourself up by reminding yourself that you’re cool and awesome” thing actually works? maybe he should try that. he’s so good at complimenting other people but he’s so damn hard on himself. why are all shounen characters like this
Kouda says he needs to get better at issuing detailed orders to insects
good god Kouda, if you improve on your quirk you’re going to be fucking terrifying aren’t you
and I know I just said all shounen characters are too hard on themselves, but then along comes Kaminari to prove me wrong!
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you were great, buddy. 10/10 I stan one adaptable and clever electric boy. I would pit you and Mina up against Rat Principal all over again because I bet you two would crush it now
(ETA: not to mention that as Jirou will shortly point out, he’s skirting on the edge of falling into his usual derp mode here -- but he’s managing to retain his senses for the most part, which is extremely impressive given how much electricity he put out in that fight, first against Shishida and then later against Shiozaki. Kaminari!! you’ve become stronger!)
Tsuyu says she wanted to win without any casualties and she regrets losing two of her teammates
Shinsou, who did amazing for his first time, says it was “incredibly frustrating” and that he wasn’t able to apply even ten percent of what he’s learned
kid, take that frustration and channel it into becoming even more determined to fulfill your dreams! that’s the upside of being a shounen character who’s too harsh on himself! you learn and you keep getting stronger, okay?
see, and Aizawa’s telling him the same thing
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wow so he didn’t master it until he was out of school, then? or did he start on that before he entered U.A.?
say, aren’t we due some Aizawa flashbacks soon? this is the arc the manga was on when I first started reading, so it seems to be about that time I’d say
(ETA: so what is it exactly that made people have all these headcanons about him knowing the Iida family as a kid? I know he and Tensei are both in Vigilantes, so I’m guessing now it has something to do with that. lol and here I thought we were going to get a whole backstory. instead we’ve had all of one panel’s worth of flashbacks, and that was very recent and we apparently don’t know what the deal is with that yet except that he had some sort of cloudy friend that he doesn’t want to talk about. not that I’m not loving that, mind you; it’s just not what I was expecting. I really gotta start Vigilantes don’t I. maybe this weekend)
oh my god
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I’m a simple girl, I see Jirou losing her damn shit over Kaminari and I hit like and subscribe for more great content
and yes, Aoyama, they do seem to be taking this much more seriously than the others. thinking about what would have happened in a real life situation. and I mean, that’s not a bad thing per se, but it’s just... they’re still kids. and already thinking about death and other worst-case scenarios because they’ve experienced it firsthand now. and man but that’s rough
now Aizawa is giving them his own pointers
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he’s such a good teacher I love him so much
meanwhile Vlad is chewing out his own students
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didn’t Horikoshi describe his teaching approach as being gentler than Aizawa’s? was that just because he doesn’t expel entire classes at the drop of a hat? sure not seeming real gentle right now lol
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(ETA: strut strut)
excuse me Monoma who is the teacher here
but he says that despite the loss, he’s satisfied because they showed the rest of them “something marvelous”
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(ETA: strut strut)
yeah, I’ve been wondering about that. he probably can’t wait to try that quirk out for himself
man if Monoma bonds with Shinsou and then Shinsou ends up joining 1-A I am going to laaaaaaugh
(ETA: lol except for the fact that I sorta kinda ship it now oh shit)
and they have an advantage over the class A Shinsou team since they actually have some time to prepare
wow they’re all strategizing now
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friendly reminder that I love all of these kids and would die for them
and yes you, Todoroki. humility is all well and good but let’s not kid ourselves. you’re a powerhouse and you need to own it
I have no doubt that Team BakuJirouSeroSatou is going to crush this and I can’t waiiiit
and who fucking asked you, C-3PO. maybe they can’t have spare parts installed, but human bodies literally heal themselves given just a bit of time and rest. we don’t need to sit here and be dragged by someone who can’t even pass a damn turing test okay
All Might is reflecting on how much everyone has grown. he sure does that a lot
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I guess. and also a way to finally introduce the other 20 U.A. first years after 200 fucking chapters lol
hey what
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what is it. what’s with those faces. y’all wanna throw down or what?? bring it
oh they just want to know what they thought about Shinsou
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All Might is so good I love you All Might
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oh shit. so spoiler alert I guess he passes lol
is he aware that it’s a test? is this another one of your Logical Ruses you deceitful hobo
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I honestly can’t fathom how a team with both Momo and Tokoyami could possibly lose. they’ve even got Aoyama “saving the day in the clutch” Yuuga and Hagakure “I’m the friggin’ traitor” Tooru for fuck’s sake
by the way, Hagakure’s right fist is facing out but isn’t that weird? wouldn’t it make more sense to have your fist facing toward you for this kind of “pumped and ready to go” gesture? idk why it bothers me. maybe because she’s literally only hands so you could at least get that one detail right lmao
and have I mentioned how much I love Momo’s cape. now if only they’d get her a fucking zipper good grief
that kid from class B who speaks in literal dialogue bubbles is freaking named Manga and I can’t you guys
I have no problem with calling Kuroiro by his name, but I’m pretty sure that legally I have to continue referring to Komori as Toadette. I don’t make the rules you guys
Kendou is asking Momo why she didn’t enter the beauty contest during the cultural festival
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have I mentioned lately that Aizawa is the best dad? I have? well it never hurts to say it yet again. Momo had more important things to worry about than participating in the least rational annual event this school puts on
oh right, somehow I forgot that these two did their workplace experience together. actually can I just call it a fucking internship even if it wasn’t an internship internship? y’all still know what I mean anyway so come on
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this is an odd thing to bring up now and I can’t help but think Kendou’s trying to get into Momo’s head somehow
(ETA: nope. just bein’ rivals)
oh, Hagakure’s bringing up that one guy at the festival who kept cheering for Momo. I had been wondering about that. so he was a fan of theirs from the commercial they did then? who the hell stans someone from just a single commercial
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ooh, hidden dark side from Kendou all of a sudden!
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I mean, on the one hand I don’t like Kendou getting jealous because these badass ladies should be supporting one another, not harboring jealous thoughts and insecurities
but on the other hand she’s not wrong about Momo though trufax
okay good, this seems healthy enough
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oh my god
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imagine going from drawing Shiozaki to drawing this guy. Horikoshi must be filled with relief right now
oh my god Kuroiro’s quirk is apparently amazing!?
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if these two don’t watch it they are gonna cut themselves to ribbons on ALL THAT EDGE
so then is Hagakure gonna clash with Toadette. or Manga
so now round two is officially starting, and Sero is asking his friendly neighborhood Tetsutetsu about Kendou, Tetsu’s crush
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I ship these two kids so hard. he adores her
lol he says that if she wasn’t around the whole class would have been “indoctrinated” by Monoma
he says she’s the big sister of class B
yeah, so basically the Momo
and now Todoroki is thoughtfully chiming in
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you know, operation? as in scheme? as in whatever plan Momo’s thought up using the intellect that’s put her on at the very top of what is probably the most brilliant class in U.A. history?
so now we’re cutting to Team B, and Kendou is saying that they should wait and see what Team A has in store first, since even though they know their basic quirks, they don’t know what improvements they’ve made and what special moves they’ve come up with
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go fuck him up Kuroiro! I know I shouldn’t be rooting for you, but I’m so fucking curious to see if you can use Tokoyami’s quirk against him omg
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meanwhile we’re cutting back to Team A, and Tokoyami is reporting to the others that Dark Shadow has located Team B
oh shit
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Dark Shadow’s zooming toward them now and Tokoyami’s shouting at everyone to disperse
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Hagakure is all “Kuroiro popped out from inside Dark Shadow!” as though everyone else didn’t just watch that happen right along with her
Momo’s flinging some ninja nets at Kuro but he’s dodging!
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(ETA: and I’ll have you know Horikoshi even specifically described his arms as “fairly thin” when he did his little bio in chapter 101! so this is a recent fucking development. bird boy been hittin the gym)
also he sure does have a lot of natural enemies doesn’t he. his quirk is so powerful but it has a lot of weaknesses
and lmaoooooo at “a pair of chuunis” holy fucking christ
how is this chapter over already?? oh well, we’re almost at 200, let’s keep going and check out Toko’s new technique
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10 Japan Facts
Japanese Population Crisis
In Japan right now there’s a lot more elderly people as compared to children which spawns a big population crisis, in some towns there isn’t even a single child present. This is a big problem as over the years population has drastically decreased and will continue to do so throughout the years. “Japan’s population began to decline in 2011. In 2014, Japan’s population was estimated at 127 million; this figure is expected to shrink to 107 million (16%) by 2040 and to 97 million (24%) by 2050 should the current demographic trend continue. “.
This is all caused by the fact that Japanese life expectency is very long, around 88 years for women and 86 for men on average. This is due to much healthier diet consisting mostly of fishes and foods low on fats that is considered daily and normal along the Japanese people. Meanwhile many younger people decide on a lifestyle that is much more work centred, making for a massive amount of people less willing to start families, which takes us back to the fact there is a lot of elderly but not many children. “A pretty sad fact about Japan because it’s actually a big problem and there’s a lack of childbirth. The people don’t have time or money to have a family in today’s Japanese Society. And this has led to the situation where there are more seniors than children.”
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Most Japanese Travel By Community Transport
Most Japanese people travel by the train rather than a car. Of course there are millions of people that drive but there’s no use for a car in the rural areas of Japan as people tend to walk everywhere or often ride a bike, and for longer distances just take the train as its way faster and less expensive. Keeping a car in such an area becomes an uneeded expense and most people there end up not even owning a car. It’s quite different in larger cities as there people own up to 2 cars per family but still end up using the train or the subway regardles as the trafic can get really bad within cities, and it could take twice the amount of time to drive somewhere rather than just walk over in many cases.
”Transportation in Japan is modern and highly developed. Japan’s transport sector stands out for its energy efficiency: it uses less energy per person compared to other countries, thanks to a high share of rail transport and low overall travel distances.” Due to the fact most people travel by train the Japanese railway system is very highly developed and modernised to support the needs of millions of people on daily basis. “In Japan, railways are a major means of passenger transport, especially for mass and high-speed transport between major cities and for commuter transport in metropolitan areas.” “Total railways of 27,182 km include several track gauges, the most common of which is 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) narrow gauge, with 22,301 km of track of which 15,222 km is electrified.” Also there’s a quite interesting fact that Japanese trains are almost never late, and have the highest punctuality score in the world. average daily delay is around 18 seconds, which is really impressive.
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Traditional Clothing
Nowadays Japanese people tend to mostly wear Yukatas on special ocasions, Yukata is a cheaper alternative to a traditional Japanese Kimono, and while kimonos are made up of multiple layers of silks and fabrics with traditional stitchings and patterns, yukatas can have any pattern the customer can wish for and are much more cheaply made, usually mass produced by machines unlike kimonos that are to this day handmade. Kimonos are believed to originate from Chinese Hanfus but over the centuries they have adapted a different style that was much more suitable for the Japanese people. “Firstly, if you put the Kimono on the floor, you can easily find out that there is no curve on it. All the lines are straight, which means that once if you put it on, you will find out that it cannot show your figure at all. However, that is exactly what the Japanese ancestors want. They want to make themselves look calm, serious, and peaceful. On the contrary, Hanfu wants to show your figures in a positive way. It fits perfectly when you put it on and the curve will make you look prettier and thinner.”
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Koi Fish
Koi fish are very common in Japan as well as few other East Asian countries, they can be easily found in lakes and rivers and people very oftem put them in private ponds and aquarium displays. They are a normal fish, closly related to the European carp but because of their distinctive colours and patterns, have become a traditional Japanese symbol and a part of what the culture is known for. “Koi is an informal group name of the colored variants of C. rubrofuscus. Several varieties are recognized by the Japanese. Koi varieties are distinguished by coloration, patterning, and scalation. Some of the major colors are white, black, red, orange, yellow, blue, and cream. The most popular category of koi is the Gosanke, which is made up of the Kohaku, Taisho Sanshoku, and Showa Sanshoku varieties.”
Japanese people also breed Koi to achieve specific new species just like dogs are bred. People look for the biggest sizes and brightest colours, and fish with the most satisfying traits gets sold in millions of dollars.
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Japanese Religion
“Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions. Shinto is as old as the Japanese culture, while Buddhism was imported from the mainland in the 6th century. Since then, the two religions have been co-existing relatively harmoniously and have even complemented each other to a certain degree. Most Japanese consider themselves Buddhist, Shintoist or both.
Religion does not play a big role in the everyday life of most Japanese people today. The average person typically follows the religious rituals at ceremonies like birth, weddings and funerals, may visit a shrine or temple on New Year and participates at local festivals (matsuri), most of which have a religious background.”
“Shinto does not have a founder nor does it have sacred scriptures like the sutras or the Bible. Propaganda and preaching are not common either, because Shinto is deeply rooted in the Japanese people and traditions.
"Shinto gods" are called kami. They are sacred spirits which take the form of things and concepts important to life, such as wind, rain, mountains, trees, rivers and fertility. Humans become kami after they die and are revered by their families as ancestral kami. The kami of extraordinary people are even enshrined at some shrines. The Sun Goddess Amaterasu is considered Shinto's most important kami.” It is said that the current Emperor of Japan is the 126th directly in line after Amaterasu and therefore a decentant of the Gods making him the rightful ruler of the land.
“Shinto is primarily found in Japan, where there are around 80,000 public shrines; the country's shrine organization claims 113 million adherents. Shinto is also practiced elsewhere, in smaller numbers. Only a minority of Japanese people identify as religious, although most of the population take part in Shinto matsuri and Buddhist activities, especially festivals, and seasonal events. This reflects a common view in Japanese culture that the beliefs and practices of different religions need not be exclusive. Aspects of Shinto have also been incorporated into various Japanese new religious movements. “
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Japan’s Geography
“Japan is an archipelago, or string of islands, on the eastern edge of Asia. There are four main islands – Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. There are also nearly 4,000 smaller islands. Japan’s nearest mainland neighbors are the Siberian region of Russia in the north, and South Korea”
“Almost four-fifths of Japan is covered with mountains. The Japanese Alps run down the centre of the largest island, Honshu. The highest peak and Japan’s most famous mountain is Mount Fuji, a cone-shaped volcano considered sacred by many Japanese.”
Japan is known as ‘the land of the rising sun’ mostly due to the fact that its the furthest east out of every country in the world (exept Syberia which is a large part of Russia but practically nobody lives there due to the cold climate). In summer the sun raises before 4:30am in Japan.
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Risk of Natural Disasters in Japan
Although Japan is pretty high north it can still be considered a tropical country for the most part considering it’s rather warm climate as well as massive forests as well as bambooforests which most would infact consider to be tropical. It is very close to Indonesia and this general region is known for multiple natural disasters. Japan is at a very high risk of hurricanes as well as typhoons, and even more for tsunamis as well as devistating earthquakes. Tsunamis are so often in japan the actual term “tsunami” originates from Japanese and would roughly translate to “large wave”
“Japan can be a dangerous place. Three of the tectonic plates that form the Earth”s crust meet nearby and often move against each other, causing earthquakes. More than a thousand earthquakes hit Japan every year. Japan also has about 200 volcanoes, 60 of which are still active.”
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Cat Island and Bunny Island
Okunoshima: Bunny Island
“This small island was kept secret and off the maps during World War II when Japan produced poison gas on Okunoshima for chemical warfare against China. Where today's bunnies came from remains a mystery. Scientists debate whether they're descendants of test bunnies that were used at the poison gas factories, The Guardian reported.“
The Bunny Island is a popular location for tourists visiting Japan as it is the only place on Earth where the entire island is covered in rabbits. After the World War II it is believed that the scientists left the lab and released the bunnies into the island where they reproduced to populate the entire island. The animals have no natural predators within the island so their population massivly spiked to the point there is barely no plants or green areas left on the entire Bunny Island. Right now most of the rabbits depend on the tourists bringing them food and water and although on the outside this looks like the perfect visiting site most of the rabbits go malnourished or even starve to death. A lot of them also die due to infections as the island is heavily overpopulated and rabbbits tent to be really territorial even for pack animal standards causing a lot of fights mostly between the males that result in untreated wounds and infections.
Tashirojima: Cat Island
“The kitties were originally brought to the island to help with pest control on the island's silkworm farms. Many of Tashirojima's locals, most of whom are above 65 years old, believe feeding the hundreds of stray cats bring good luck and fortune.” 
“In Japan's late Edo Period, much of the island raised silk-worms for their textiles. The residents kept cats to chase the mice away from their precious silk-worms. Over time, this cat population left un-neutered began to grow immensely while the human population dwindled down to fewer than 100 residents. As of today, the feral cat population outnumbers humans 6 to 1 on this small Japanese Island.”
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Gion Matsuri Festival
“Arguably, this is known as the mother of all Japanese celebrations. This festival began as part of a purification ritual to appease the gods thought to cause fire, floods and earthquakes… Eeps. The event itself is so popular, that it gets celebrated for the whole month of July with something different happening nearly every day. It’s a huge event in Kyoto culture and loved by locals and tourists alike, with the favourite events held on 17th and 24th July. For visitors, the most enjoyable part of the festival is the “Yoi-yama” events held on the three evenings preceding the main float processions.”
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Summer Olympics Tokyo 2020
“The Tokyo Olympics 2020 is ramping up and sports fans from all around the world will be heading to Japan for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. With all the people attending and involved in putting on such a large scale event, it might not be the best time to visit if you’re interested in really diving into Japanese culture. Expect hotels to be filled to the brim and prices to go up a bit. But, if you’re a sports enthusiast heading there for the big show, here’s our handy guide for making the most out of Japan while you’re at it! “
Tokyo has been selected to host the summer olympics this year way back in 2013 shortly after the London olympics of 2012. This wil be Japans secod time ever hosting the Olympics since 1964.
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kulinerbdg · 3 years
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. CALLING FOOD TENANT !. . BANDUNG FOOD ONLINE FESTIVAL 1 - 31 agustus 2021 at instagram @foodfestivalbandung . . yuk gabung menjadi merchant dan menjadi salah satu bagian dari keseruan jajan online di BFOF. . kenapa harus bergabung di BFOF : . - event kuliner FFB pertama secara virtual. - bakal ada lebih dari 200 food merchant yang ikut bergabung. - menjadi media sarana promosi produk menggunakan platform digital food marketing guna tepat sasaran ke pembeli dalam situasi pembatasan gerak dan dine in. - terintregasi ke semua media social buzzer FFB diantaranya instagram, facebook, twitter, tiktok, youtube, dan sosmed para food blogger & tiktok ers. - efisiensi waktu dan budget operasional food merchant. - kedepannya kami akan membantu untuk menumbuhkan efektifitas pembelian dan membawa ke top 5 brand di aplikasi food berbasis delivery. - menambah followers dan peminat pembeli. - penyelenggara akan banyak memberikan promo dan giveaway menarik kepada si pembeli seperti cashback , free ongkir, buy one get one , dll. - bekerjasama dengan ekspedisi sameday yg akan memberikan penawaran harga menarik under 10K ke seluruh kota bandung. - bekerjasama dengan radio ternama dibandung untuk promosi di media elektronik. - bekerjasama dengan online food spt Go Food, Grab Food, Shopeefood untuk kemudahan transaksi si pembeli. - pembeli dapat menggunakan cashless payment untuk memudahkan pembelian. - dan masih banyak kegiatan menarik lainnya. . yukkk gabung sekarang juga untuk info detail dan ngobrol santuy bisa contact BFOF team 😉. . Risya +62 812 12161211. Kochi +62 821 20300103. . follow instagram , FB, twitter, youtube 👉🏻@foodfestivalbandung . . powered by wikaorganizer. . #kulinerbdg #kuliner #bandung #bandungfoodonlinefestival #callingfood https://www.instagram.com/p/CRgQczhnx3z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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suraj1512 · 3 years
Global Sanitizer Market Updates, News and Data 2020
A new market study, titled “Global Sanitizer Market Research Report 2020” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
The research report includes specific segments by region (country), by company, by Type and by Application. This study provides information about the sales and revenue during the historic and forecasted period of 2015 to 2026. Understanding the segments helps in identifying the importance of different factors that aid the market growth. Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost 200 countries around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Hand Sanitizers market in 2020. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
ALSO READ:  https://industrytoday.co.uk/health_and_safety/sanitizer-market-2020-analysis-of-the-world-s-leading-suppliers--sales--trends-and-forecasts-up-to-2026
This report also analyzes the impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on the Hand Sanitizers industry.
Segment by Type, the Hand Sanitizers market is segmented into Foam Soap Gel Other (Spray etc.) Hand sanitizers are mainly classified into the following types: gel, foam, soap etc. Gel is the most widely used type which takes up about 57.8% of the total sales in 2019.
Segment by Application Individuals Industrial Education Office Buildings Health Care Food Handling Hotel Other Hand sanitizers have wide range of applications, such as individuals, industrial, education, office buildings, health care, food handling, hotel etc. And individuals sector was the most widely used area which took up about 61.25% of the global total in 2019, it will increase to 63.4% in 2020 mainly due to the COVID-19, the daily use and medical use for hand sanitizers get a strong growth.
Global Hand Sanitizers Market: Regional Analysis The Hand Sanitizers market is analysed and market size information is provided by regions (countries). The report includes country-wise and region-wise market size for the period 2015-2026. It also includes market size and forecast by Type and by Application segment in terms of sales and revenue for the period 2015-2026. The key regions covered in the Hand Sanitizers market report are: North America U.S. Canada Europe Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific China Japan South Korea India Australia Taiwan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Philippines Vietnam Latin America Mexico Brazil Argentina Middle East & Africa Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE
Global Hand Sanitizers Market: Competitive Analysis This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and sales by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.
The major players in global Hand Sanitizers market include: Procter & Gamble (US) Unilever (UK) 3M (US) Henkel (Germany) Kao Corporation (Japan) Reckitt Benckiser (UK) L’Occitane (France) Medline Industries (US) Amway (US) Lion Corporation (Japan) Vi-Jon (US) GOJO Industries (US) Ecolab (US) Longrich (China) Kami (China) Lvsan Chemistry (China) Bluemoon (China) Shanghai Jahwa (China) Walch (China) Likang (China)
 FOR MORE DETAILS – https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5366991-impact-of-covid-19-outbreak-on-hand-sanitizers-global-market-research-report-2020
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imaginativeamateur · 3 years
Fluff with prompt 16 - Itachi x gn reader … side note, you’re doing so well with the blog so far, love your work 💕
[Itachi Uchiha X Reader] Until We Meet Again
|200 Followers Event|
Prompt: 16 — “I've got you"
Pairing: Itachi Uchiha x gn!Reader
Note: Thank you for your request, anon! I kinda got into the mood for this one and before I knew, it was already exceeding the 1,000 words benchmark :D I couldn't help myself. There's a slight mention of blood, very light but ends in a fluffy note! Hope you'll enjoy it!
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It was raining. Heavy raindrops spattered onto the opaque glass of your window in a steady melody. You were on your way back home when the first drops of water showered you from above. With a basket full of freshly picked herbs, it was inconvenient for you to move through the woods without the agility that you normally possessed.
But you were able to claim a cavern that could grant you a place to stay and wait for the downpour to stop. Settling your woven basket onto the cold rocks grounding the cave, you proceeded to squeeze your top out of the excess water, watching it pool beneath your feet. You scrambled around the hollowed space for some wood and started a small fire to dry yourself up, relishing the warmth that emitted from the bright heat against the cold air of the night. While you were enjoying yourself, munching on an onigiri that you, fortunately, brought on your trip, you heard footsteps approaching, and your senses heightened. You poked your head outside and observed the area with a quick scan, retreating backward when you spotted nothing out of the norm. Bu your back bumped against something else.
“Oh—,” you swallowed hard to restrain obscenities from rolling past your lips, too hard that you almost bit your tongue. You placed a hand on your heart, trying to steady its drumming beats, “Why didn’t you make any sound? You scared the heck out of me.”
The raven-haired man—fair and intimidating—mouthed an apology, walked to the back of the cave, and sat down in silence. He asked you to share the place with him for the rest of the night, which you reluctantly agreed, thinking that he was just another passenger struck by the uninformed storm—just like you. The two of you exchanged names—the basic greetings—and that was the furthest your conversation went. You did not bother to ask him any question, you knew you should not after he told you who he was. Just then that you paid attention to the cloak he was wearing and his Sharingan that was consistently showing behind his bangs. Itachi came all by himself, and that matter seemed to trigger your inquisitiveness much to your dismay, especially since you knew the Akatsuki members always appeared to be partnered up. You better stayed put for your own sake, quietly thanking Kami that he did not kill you for good at this point.
It was in the middle of the night when his heaving pants woke you up from your sleep. The fire you set earlier was dwindling, making it harder for you to observe his resting figure. You hesitantly moved closer to his side, furrowing your brows when the sight became unhindered to your eyes. Itachi was clutching his chest with one hand, the other one covered the lower half of his face when he coughed. Before you were even aware of what you were doing, your feet moved on their own, dragging your body to still itself right next to his figure. The Shinobi spun around on pure instinct when he sensed your appearance, crimson orbs spinning as he penetrated your form. But you paid to mind to his bloodshot eyes—your attention was solely fixated on the sanguine fluid that trespassed the edges where his slender fingers met, dripping down onto the hard ground.
“It’s okay,” you soothed, “I’ve got you.”
Itachi continued to cough and his condition troubled you significantly. You nibbled on your lower lip, making a bold move when you reached your index and middle fingers out to feel the pulse on his neck, once again praying that you would make it out in one piece. He flinched under your touch, shoving your hand away after no more than three seconds, sending yet another blazing warning in your direction with his eyes. It was a silent declare that it was none of your business to meddle with his problem.
In the dim light from the fire, you scrambled back to your basket of herbs after ghosting your hands atop his pulse, scraping your knees in the process. You hastily fetched for some leaves, a pot, a mortar, and pestle that you usually carried around with you in your pouch. At that instant moment, you completely disregarded the fact that he was danger, a potential predator to you—a prey, and wanted to aid his pain with all your heart. You added more wood to the fire before setting up the pot, pouring all of your water left from your bottle into the instrument. There was not a single second that your hands were relaxed, you went straight to grinding the herbs. You were just a normal civilian, but your knowledge about medicines was splendid. While you continued to prepare his medicine, your eyes periodically drifted to Itachi to make sure that he was alright. His coughing had diminished in intensity, but his face was still scrunched up in agony. Yet, the man never failed you spare you an indifferent glare.
The fact that he pushed you away when you offered him the steaming potion served in the very mortar—since you did not bring any bowl with you—did not cool your will to help him. He shot you a grimace and you mustered a weak grin, “Don’t worry, there’s no poison inside. I swear.”
Itachi refused to lift his limbs, and you sighed, “Alright, I’ll test it if you don’t trust me.”
With that, you took a big gulp, wiping the excess off your lips with the back of your hand, wincing when the bitterness took over your taste buds. You handed him three-quarters left of the medicine, “See? Now, it’s your turn—”
“I won’t drink it,” he snapped and coughed, voice raspy and hoarse.
“You shouldn’t be talking,” you demanded, leaning in to dab the blood on the corner of his lips, “and now, drink this.”
Itachi momentarily froze when your handkerchief touched his skin but he soon gained his senses, turning to his side as he seized your arm and yanked you forward. With the sudden action you were forced to cope with, your priority was to prevent the medicine from spilling. You raised the arm that was holding the mortar up high, trying to balance it when your body fell with a loud yelp. You had prepared yourself to land face-first on the stoned floor but you came in contact with something much softer instead. Your palms roamed the surface beneath you to find a point of leverage. That was when you realized you landed safely on a plane of flesh.
“I’m sorry,” you stammered, “I didn’t mean to. I’m very sorry, I-Itachi-san.”
His name rolled off your tongue awkwardly and he arched a brow, fully sitting up. You pushed the potion into his hands and scooted way back, face flushing bright red. Itachi looked at you with a calculating gaze when he noticed that he had his guard abnormally down within the last minutes. He peered down at the surging liquid that was still warm and gulped everything down in an instant. Then, the Shinobi placed the mortar down with an audible noise, earning your attention. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of the emptied mortar, happily making your way over to retreat the object, commenting out of your habit of treating patients, “Alright, good job!”
And the way you treated him as though he was a child had him cackling up. You laughed with him, easing the uncomfortable atmosphere to the best of your abilities. Itachi smiled, “Thank you, Y/N-san.”
It would not be an exaggeration to say you were totally captivated by his charming smile. You found yourself blinking several times before being able to speak, “It’s nothing, actually.”
“You helped me,” he muttered, “and I need to repay you.”
“You know what's the best payment a doctor could ever receive?” You questioned and he shook his head side to side. Slowly, you settled closer to him, “It’s when their patient is healed.”
Itachi felt as though his breathing stopped at that very second when he registered your words. Fumbling the hem of his shirt, the raven-haired whispered, “You’re very kind.”
“You’re kind, too.”
Your statement took him by surprise. Seeing the bafflement in his eyes—they were no longer bright red, but had returned to the usual tone instead—you added, “I have heard about your… rumors but I only believe what my eyes see. And they tell me you’re kind, otherwise, you would never, um, cushion me when I fell as you did.”
He looked away to hide his blush, “Anyway, I should be leaving.”
“You should—achoo!”
Itachi stifled a chuckle as he took off his cloak and wrapped it around your body. You tugged onto the fabric with trembling fingers, stuttering, “Thank you… But you should v-visit me for your check-up.”
You knew it was impossible that you would meet again but it was a candor suggestion. He took a moment to consider your words before standing up on his feet, showing you his sweet smile, “I’ll be here ten days from now, six in the morning.”
Taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @thenightfallingstar @iam-gaaras-loveintrest @animepickle7
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eventolimpiade-blog · 4 years
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