#kaminari denki fic
fandom-joiner · 2 years
Trade before this
A/N: I wanted to have this out on Monday, but the day was more draining than I expected.
“What are you doing here?” Hanta jumped at Shota’s voice and turned to his teacher.
“I, um… I was just…”
“You’re doing what I’m attempting, right?” Hanta relaxed a bit.
“I’m trying to get that kid to eat something before she starves.” Hanta slowly nodded, remembering how he had seen Hiva basically turn green when food was offered to her earlier that night and watched Shota slam his phone down in frustration. “I thought we were over this, Hiva.” Hanta hummed at Shota’s whisper.
“Ginger pork’s good and quick.” Shota turned to Hanta. “Seemed like she was kinda sick. Ginger helps.” Shota nodded.
“Thank you.” Hanta nodded and turned away to try and escape any punishment he would receive.
“Have you noticed how close Hiva and Sero are?” Hizashi asked as he watched Hiva and Denki follow Hanta into his house.
"Is now the time for this, Zashi?" Shota wondered aloud. Hizashi raised an eyebrow, and Shota sighed. “They did become friends pretty quick." Hizashi shook his head.
“No, I mean close-close.” Shota titled his head. “You’re their homeroom teacher! You’re supposed to be up on the gossip.”
“Gossip is your thing,” Shota replied. “I learn it from you.” Hizashi sighed and kept an eye on the door.
“According to Nemuri, Sero’s got quite the crush on our little girl,” Hizashi shared. Shota hummed. “Are you really surprised? How many times do you see him turn back to look at her? He’s like a puppy.” Shota huffed out a small laugh. “I know, it’s adorable. Hiva, of course, is oblivious as ever.”
“She likes him?” Hizashi pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Sho, you’re worse than she is.” Hizashi watched Hiva walk out of the house with Denki. “Your turn.”
“My turn?” Shota repeated.
“I got her a loud blonde,” Hizashi stated. “It’s your turn.” The door opened, and they quickly shut up. “How is he?”
‘God damn it, Hizashi.’ “Can you cook?” Hanta froze but turned back to his teacher to nod. “Good, I can’t.” He was confused by his teacher’s surprising leniency but followed when Shota flicked his hand in a ‘come here’ motion. He turned with a finger over his lips. “We were never here, okay? We’re both breaking rules.” Hanta copied his teacher and nodded with a thumbs up. The two "borrowed" what they needed and got to work.
“In how much trouble would we be if caught?” Hanta asked. Shota shook his head.
“Don’t worry about it.” Hanta gulped, and Shota chuckled. He watched his student for a second. “What do you think about Hiva?” Hanta shrugged at the sudden question.
“I don’t know,” he mumbled. Shota rolled his eyes.
“Sero, do you think I’m stupid?” Hanta quickly shook his head. “Then never lie to my face again. I know that you are obsessed with her.” Hanta blushed at the call out. “Hiva really likes you, you know.” Hanta shook his head. “Kid, trust me.” ‘Why do I have to be playing matchmaker?’ Shota wondered. ‘This is Hizashi’s thing.’ “Hiva’s always had problems with her feelings, especially when they're like this.”
“Oh…” Shota nodded.
“Yeah, she’s… difficult. If you like her as much as it seems, you have to be the one to bring it up.” Hanta bit his lip and sighed out his nose.
“Isn’t that kinda awkward, though? I-”
“It’s not awkward unless you make it awkward,” Shota stated. “Trust me.” Shota watched Hanta for a second. He looked hesitant, and Shota was searching for something to make him make a real decision. “She needs you and Kaminari. She acts like herself when she’s with you two. I haven’t seen her this happy in a long time.” Hanta smiled and looked up at Shota.
“You really think she’s into me?” It took everything in Shota not to roll his eyes.
“That’s what I said. I suggest doing something about that crush on Kaminari too.” Hanta’s cheeks turned bright red at that.
“How’d you know...”
“You just told me.” Hanta cursed himself in his head, and Shota shook his head with a small smile. “And I’m your teacher. I know all the drama. Nothing is safe.” Hanta nodded. “Talk to them. Communication does more than you think.” Hanta nodded again. ‘Never expected to have to talk sense into this one.’ Shota thought. ‘No one can ever say I don’t take care of my students after this. Getting wrapped in teen drama like this...'
“Thank you.” Shota nodded at Hanta.
“Don’t worry. Just… This never happened. I have a reputation.” Hanta chuckled a bit at the teasing hidden in his serious tone and zipped his lips.
“I really don’t want to, though,” Hiva mumbled.
“I’ll tell you my deep, dark secret if you tell me yours,” Hanta tried to bargain.
“I wouldn’t call it deep or dark.”
“Then regular, boring secret for mine.” Hiva’s lips twitched up in a small smile.
“Fine,” she sighed, letting her head fall on the arm behind her. “I think the villains are going to come to camp.” Hanta’s mouth fell open as he nodded slowly.
“So… that’s neither regular nor boring.” Hiva chuckled and let her head fall to the side onto his shoulder. “What makes you think that?”
“Well, I’m pretty sure I have everything else figured out,” she explained. “Something like that also just fits Shigaraki. He loves the fear he causes.”
“Everyone feels secure here.” Hiva nodded.
“Exactly. It’s the perfect time to strike. No one’s ready for it.”
“Why not tell the heroes?” Hanta asked, starting to become a little nervous.
“I’m trying to go with them, and I can't if the heroes are alert. They won't show it, but they'll be panicked as well. It should be easy to slip away. Besides, Shigaraki’s come to me trying to convince me before, so I'm guessing he'll come for me.”
“What?!” Hiva lifted her head, shocked by his sudden shout. “Why… How… Huh?!”
“It’s really not that serious,” Hiva dismissed. “Remember that underground bar thing?” Hanta nodded. “Yeah, I did it to help Endeavor catch a bunch of assholes, but it made it easy for me to look useful to the villains. I told him I did it to take out competition, and he believed it.” Hanta braced his elbow on his knee and leaned his head on his hand. “Like I said, I assume he’s coming for me so I’ll go. He’s gonna cause as much chaos as he can. It’ll cause a panic which is the perfect distraction, and I’ll just slip away. All I have to do is convince him I’m the perfect person to be undercover for them, I’ll come back saying I escaped or something, and talk to Nezu, All Might, and probably the police about being undercover. If they don’t agree, I’ll just do it without permission.” Hanta was becoming more and more worried with each word that left her mouth.
“Is that all?!” he squeaked. Hiva thought for a second and then nodded.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Can I be honest?” Hiva nodded. “That sounds like a horrible plan.” Hiva tilted her head but then nodded again. “You know it’s horrible, but you’re still gonna do it?” Hiva nodded once more. “Okay, I’m in.”
“Yeah, no.” Hanta frowned.
“I wanna help.” Hiva shook her head.
“No,” she repeated.
“Just in case,” Hanta tried. “If you need me, ask.” Hiva just shook her head. “Please?” No response. “Please ask me?” Hiva sighed when she met Hanta’s eyes.
“If I need your help, will you help me?”
“Of course.” Hiva grumbled to herself a bit, and Hanta laughed.
“Well, your turn. What’s your secret?” Hanta tensed.
“I forgot about that,” he whispered to himself before clearing his throat. He watched Hiva cross her arms over her knees and lay her head on them, gently squishing her cheek.
“Come on. It can’t be worse than mine.” His heart flipped at her teasing little smile.
“I have crushes on my best friends!” he blurted. Hiva hummed.
“Ooh, interesting! Who are they?” Hanta tilted her head, unclear if she was oblivious, adorably stupid, or both.
“You and Kaminari.” Judging by Hiva’s smirk, it seemed to be none of the guesses above. “You know, don’t you?”
“I guessed that earlier today, actually,” she admitted. “If it makes you feel any better, I think I’m into you too. I just wanted to wait until I knew for sure.” Hanta relaxed at her calmness, and, despite his talk with Shota, he was still surprised to hear her say she liked him. “You look shocked. I thought it was obvious.” Hanta tilted his head.
“Wai- Were you trying to tell me or something? Because I totally missed it.” Hiva giggled and shrugged.
“I actually don’t know. I just got smacked in the face with reality a couple hours ago. I was looking back at it, and I just realized that I think I like you. It’s just… I’m not good at the whole feelings thing. If it weren’t for dad, I don’t think I’d be with Denki now, honestly. I like someone, I push it away, and if someone likes me, I force myself to like them back. It’s confusing separating someone else’s feelings that I’m matching from my own. Does that make any sense?” Hanta nodded and put an arm around her to pull her into his side. “I'm still processing the fact that I'm stupid," Hanta huffed a laugh, muttering that she wasn't stupid, ”and dissecting those feelings. That, and-"
“You wanted to wait until it wasn’t just a think,” Hanta finished. Hiva nodded. “That’s kinda why I didn’t drag Kaminari with me.”
“Thank you, Hanta.”
“Thanks for talking with me. I wasn’t expecting you to stay so calm.” Hiva chuckled a bit and shrugged.
“Can you do me a favor?” Hanta nodded. “I want the villain thing to stay between us. I don’t want to worry anyone, especially not Denki. Kinda why I’m trying to just disappear.” Hanta nodded.
“Yeah, but… I know not knowing for sure makes it difficult, but I want to talk with all three of us when you get back.” Hiva nodded and held her pinkie out.
“Deal.” Hanta smiled and linked his pinkie with hers. He took the empty plate from beside her. “I’ll take this back. Good night, querida.” He held his hand out to help her up.
"Good night.” She took his hand and laughed at how easily he pulled her to her feet.
“Ragdoll.” Hiva tilted her head at Tomura, letting her arm fall to her side.
“What about her?”
“All For One thinks her Quirk is interesting,” Tomura explained. “He wants it.” Hiva hesitated. ‘This is a test.’ she thought. ‘He thinks I won't because I’m a hero in training, and heroes don’t sacrifice others.’
“Deal,” she agreed, eyes glowing black. A high-pitched scream was heard in the distance, and Hiva fought a wince at the sound. “Where to?”
“There’s a collection of old warehouses in Camino Ward,” Tomura told her. “Any of those will do. He can get her from there.” Hiva nodded, and Ragdoll was taken away.
“Hiva!” Hiva turned to Izuku’s voice and groaned at the sound of explosions getting closer.
“Is that idiot trying to set the forest on fire?” she wondered aloud as the light of Katsuki's Quirk got closer. Izuku was still shouting, just now at the blonde.
“Well, hurry up.” Hiva nodded right when Katsuki and Izuku came barreling into the clearing, three sets of feet pounding behind them. Izuku smiled brightly, but it fell when he saw the villain. Katsuki's palms sparked as both boys tried to launch themselves at Tomura.
“Sorry,” Hiva apologized. Katsuki quickly changed course in an attempt to stop her, but it was too late. The smoke had curled around her and then burst, flowing steadily in every direction. They both froze in place and disappeared. Hiva’s body seized up, and she toppled over. Tomura put an arm around her shoulders to slow her fall and then lifted one of her arms over his shoulder to make her easier to carry.
“You’re lucky you’re important,” Tomura groaned as a warp gate came to life behind him. Aza pulled itself from Hiva’s arm and watched Tomura cautiously. “Relax, you parasite.”
Shota winced when he accidentally slammed the door behind him. Hitoshi’s head shot up when he entered the living room, making Hizashi lean back to avoid getting headbutt. He had been trying to comfort his panicked son all night. “It was my fault. I’m sorry.” Shota tilted his head, and Hizashi raised an eyebrow. “I know you think it’s your fault, but it’s not.” Shota hummed, even more confused.
“It’s not, Toshi. You weren’t even there,” Hizashi tried.
“But she told me, and I didn’t even realize.”
“What?” both parents questioned.
“She hinted at it. I thought she was just messing with me, but she was trying to tell me.” Hizashi rubbed Hitoshi’s shoulder, finally understanding the problem.
“It’s not your fault,” he assured. He looked over at Shota. “It’s not yours either.” Shota scoffed.
“Yeah, sure.” Hizashi motioned him over to the couch.
“It’s not.”
“If you were there, you wouldn’t be saying that,” Shota argued, sitting on the couch like he was silently asked to.
“She was right there!" Shota yelled, voice failing him the next time he opened his mouth. "I had her right in front of me.”
“What happened?” Shota shook his head. “No, tell me what happened. I wanna know if it’s your fault.”
“What are you doing here?” Hanta stopped at Denki’s voice and looked away from his neutral face.
“I came to check on Aizawa-sensei. I kinda owe it to him.” Denki gave him a single nod. “You too?” Another single nod. Hanta guessed Denki’s silence. “I know you want me to be sorry, but I’m not. I’m sorry I yelled at you, I’m sorry I taped Kirishima up… but I’m not sorry I helped her.” Denki walked up to Hanta, and he closed his eyes with a sigh. He peeked one eye open when two arms wrapped around him. “What is this? You trying to find how wide to dig my grave?” Denki chuckled and shook his head.
“No, you looked like you needed it. And I’m sorry.” Hanta took a step back.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
“Still am.” Hanta waved his arm around Denki.
“What… Why aren’t you mad at me anymore? I’d be furious with me if I were you!” Denki shook his head.
“No, you wouldn’t.” Denki huffed out a humorless laugh that made Hanta frown. “Really, I feel like crap because last night, my best friend had more faith in my girlfriend than I did. It feels like I betrayed you both.” Denki shook his head. “What did she say to make you help her?” Hanta shrugged.
“I thought she was being stupid, and I thought her plan was horrible,” Hanta replied honestly. “I just wanted her to know that I was there to help if she needed me. I didn’t expect her to ask because she was so against it, but she did.”
“She wasn’t really using her head, though,” Denki pointed out. “She was in pain and running on adrenaline. I’m convinced that, and her Quirk was the only thing keeping her on her feet.”
“Denki, she looked and sounded so desperate,” Hanta said. “I couldn’t have said no even if I wanted to.” Hanta laughed and ran a hand through his hair. “Everything blew up in her face. I had to do something.” Denki frowned and sighed.
“Why you and not me?” Hanta hummed. “She told you and not me.”
“She wanted to protect everyone, you specifically. I don’t know how she thought just disappearing like she planned to would, but she was convinced, and I trusted her. I wanted to keep you safe, too.” He mumbled the last bit and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Okay.” Hanta sighed as Denki made his way to the door. “Come on.”
“It’s not your fault,” Hizashi stated after Shota’s retelling. “Hiva knew what she was doing.”
“But I looked right at her, and it did nothing,” Shota sighed.
“Hiva’s power is weird,” Hizashi defended. “I’d be more surprised if it did work.”
“Sero helped her, but Kaminari didn’t?” Hitoshi mumbled. “That feels like the weirdest thing.”
“It was my turn to play cupid,” Shota groaned. “I told him to talk to her, and I guess she told him something.” There was suddenly a knock on the door before it opened. Hanta and Denki walked in, each poking their head cautiously into the living room. Hanta froze when he noticed Shota’s intense gaze on him, and it took everything in him not to take a step back when he stood. He placed a hand on both teens' shoulders. “We don’t blame you.” Hanta relaxed and nearly stumbled into Denki. Shota removed his hands from their shoulder and ruffled Hitoshi's hair before going back to the couch.
“We’re acting like she’s dead,” Hitoshi muttered. “If anyone dies, it’ll probably be Ayame. Hiva’s finally gonna snap, and I’m not there to see it.” Hizashi sighed as Hitoshi crossed his arms. “What? Hiva knows how to survive, and she’s going to be fine. Hell, she’s made Death her bitch. Even if something happens, she’ll hop right back up like nothing ever happened.” Hizashi laughed a bit and nodded.
“You’re right.” Hitoshi hummed and thought for a second. The other teens watched him oddly before laughing.
“You have the same lightbulb face as Hiva,” Hanta pointed out, earning fond headshakes from the two adults.
“Make them her bitch,” Hitoshi mumbled. “She’s trying to go undercover!”
“She told you too?” Hanta asked. Hitoshi shook his head.
“No, but you did,” he groaned. “It just seemed like something her dumbass-self would do.” Hitoshi went up the stairs and waved the other four after him. They entered Hiva’s room, and Hizashi sighed at the blackboard covered in her writing. “She was convinced she had everything figured out. I believed her, but now I believe her, believe her.”
“None of this makes sense,” Denki grumbled, eyes grazing over every weirdly placed bullet point.
“Well, it starts around here.” Hitoshi pointed to a spot in the middle of the chalkboard.
Hiva groaned and woke up, the gas from the villain’s Quirk finally leaving her system. She whined at the hand prodding around her head, and Dabi grabbed her wrist the second she tried to swat at him. “Watch it.” Hiva let her arm fall to her side, and Dabi finished bandaging her head and did his best to create splints for her arms. Dabi patted her shoulder surprisingly gently and helped her sit up. “Was wondering when your lazy ass would wake up.” Hiva hummed at him but got up from where she lay on the bathroom floor.
“Thanks, Dabi.” He just clicked his tongue and walked off. Hiva followed him, guessing she was supposed to.
“There you are!” Hiva took a step back, unnerved by Tomura’s joyful tone. “How did you know we’d be there?” Hiva sighed when his dark tone returned and waved at him.
“I can explain that just give me a sec. Still a bit groggy.” She looked around for a second and watched Aza waddle up to her. “Oh, there you are.” Aza climbed up to her shoulder and seemed to sigh. “First, thank you, Ayame.” Hiva motioned to her. “Your hints made this easy. I’m guessing you know this the best, so tell me when I’m wrong. Anyway, it starts about nine years ago when Arachnid, or Sero Daiki, went missing during an overseas mission. One you were on as well, right Ayame?” The woman sighed and nodded.
“Now, everyone knows you were only playing hero,” Hiva continued. “You were only ever a villain. I guess you wanted to prove to All For One what you’d do for the league. You used Sero as an offering. Using anyone you were actually close to was suspicious, and you knew enough about Sero to act like he was a friend. You killed Sero and brought him back, or you brought him back and killed him. Either way, he’s dead, and you only succeeded because of your dear brother, Yuuma.” Hiva motioned to the said man. “After all, siblings that plot together, stick together. You put yourself in a situation where your guilt was almost ensured and thought you proved that you didn’t care who you had to put in danger, you’d do it. Even if it was yourself. Maybe a stretch, but I’m pretty sure he’s a Nomu now, right? All For One doesn’t seem the type to waste material.”
“You’re not exactly wrong,” Ayame mumbled. Hiva nodded and walked over to the bar.
“We’re gonna be here a while. Get me a drink, would ya?” Hiva turned back to the group. “Anyway, that brought Shinso into All For One’s good graces with Ayame. That's why Hitoshi can only remember you two fighting. I guess he grew a conscious when he learned more."
“If anything, he lost it,” Ayame growled with a glare in Yuuma’s direction. Hiva hummed at the odd reaction. It was surprisingly emotional for someone like her.
“I guess you got me there,” she admitted. “I don’t really know how Yuuma plays in other than helping with your clues and with Sero.” Hiva took her glass full of brown liquid and took a sip. “Here on the timeline, I’m about six. Next, I’m seven and have a Quirk. That’s thanks to All For One, and it’s not one, it’s a full collection. That’s why it was so hard for me to handle. Eight, you go away. Ten, I’m in the hospital with Aiko. I guess All For One got to her after me, right?” Ayame nodded. “And I guess she’s a backup?” Another nod. “Which makes sense considering my Quirk before All For One.” Hiva smiled and pointed at Ayame’s shocked face. “Yeah, Toshi helped me with that one. Any Quirk he gave me would’ve mixed with the enhancement Quirk I already had, and they would’ve become stronger. That’s why right?” Ayame sighed, and it was enough confirmation for Hiva. “If Aiko’s a backup, that means she’s still out there.”
“She is.”
“I know. I just said that.” Hiva finished her drink and slid it over to Kurogiri for a refill. “I always wondered how you got caught, Ayame. I mean, you got away with so much so for long. How could someone as good as you get caught? Then it hit me.” Hiva smacked the bar, ignoring the shot of pain that went up her arm. “You let yourself get caught. If you just disappeared, people would have to look into you to find you, so it’d get out anyway, right? You went away when he got Aiko. Your ‘sacrifice’ of Sero allowed you to watch me. All For One wanted you to watch Aiko because he thought you did a good job with me. I kept seeing you because you were trying to learn how to train her through me. You picked through my brain to learn what Eraser Head and Present Mic were teaching me.” Hiva smiled at Ayame’s irritated twitch at the sound of the men’s hero names. “She still had the same problems as me, though. Sometimes you just go off like a bomb. Meeting was entirely by accident, a clumsy move on your part. You didn’t know what to do, so you faked her death and made Shinso make a fake body to sell it. If she just disappeared, I’d look for her. However, you couldn’t help yourself from trying to rub in that you’re smarter, so you hid a trail because you knew I could find it but not put it together. I did, though. Now skip to the car accident. That actually had me stumped, so good job. It was a warning. Gin told me it was All For One, but I think it was you. You wanted me to know you were on your way because you wanted to scare me. You wanted to play your little mind games. Then U.A., and now we’re here.”
“That explained everything but how you’d know we’d be at your summer camp,” Tomura spoke up.
“Easy. You’re a sociopath who loves to leave a trail of fear behind him,” Hiva answered. "This invasion of my camp allowed you to get the two things you really wanted." She turned to Ayame. “So, besides the family drama, how’d I do?” Ayame rolled her eyes at Hiva’s proud smirk. “You don’t have to say it. I know I did great.”
“That’s it,” Hitoshi finished. The others sat stunned.
“How reliable can this be?” Hizashi wondered aloud. “Hiva’s smart, but this is outlandish.”
“I have to go.” All eyes went to Hanta when he stood. Denki was quick to follow his friend down the steps and out the door.
"Oh, did I forget to mention that it's a triangle, not a corner?" Shota asked Hizashi. Hizashi hummed for a second and then gasped.
"They- Two-!" Shota nodded. "Huh. How'd you get that before me?" Outside, Denki was chasing after Hanta.
“Sero. Sero!” Denki caught his wrist and forced him to turn around. “Are you okay?” Hanta frowned, and the blonde nodded. “Right, dumb question.” Hanta ran a hand through his hair, and Denki watched, then quickly released his wrist. “Um, do you want me to walk home with you?” Hanta just sighed and shook his head, worrying Denki with his panicked look. “Do you want to go home?” Hanta threw his arms out with a shrug.
“I don’t know! I have no idea! That was a lot… there was already a lot… My life is literally crumbling, and that didn’t help!” Hanta smacked himself in the forehead, and turned on his heels, walking off in a random direction with Denki trotting after him. “What did I let her get herself into? Why did I do anything?”
“Oh, wow. You’re spiraling,” Denki observed. “That’s not good. You’re supposed to be the stable one.”
“Not so stable now, Kami!” Denki watched Hanta mumble to himself, switching from Spanish to Japanese and back. “What is the word I’m looking for?!” Denki jumped at the sudden loud question.
“I don’t even know what you’re saying!” Denki cried. “Do you?”
“No, I do not!” Hanta came to a stop and huffed.
“Do you know where you’re going?” Denki questioned cautiously.
“Of course, I don’t.” Hanta threw his arms in the air, and Denki placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Why don’t you come to my place?” he offered. “You need a breather.” Hanta took a deep breath.
“I think I had a meltdown,” he muttered. Denki tilted his head from side to side.
“Just a little one. It happens.”
Hanta watched Denki move around the kitchen with a small smile. “Can I do something?”
“Sero, we’ve been here five minutes, you managed to ask that at the end of each minute, and if you ask a sixth time, I will cut your hand off,” Denki threatened, pulling a knife from the knife block to prove it. Hanta put his hands up in surrender, and Denki sheathed the knife.
“Thanks for inviting me.” Denki nodded.
“You needed to be around someone, and family’s stressful,” Denki stated. “I can’t imagine having siblings on top of my mom. You poor thing.” Hanta chuckled a bit.
“They really aren’t that bad,” Hanta defended. “I like to think I taught them pretty good.” Denki smiled as he placed a mug in front of Hanta.
“One man job, see?” Hanta chuckled and nodded, twirling the string of the tea bag between his fingers.
“Speaking of family, where is your mom?”
“Nightshift,” Denki answered. “You wanna talk or…” Hanta suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over him. Here Denki was helping him, and he didn’t know what he and Hiva were talking about only a few nights before. He couldn’t keep leaving him out of the loop, especially if it involved him.
“Yeah, but not about that.” Denki tilted his head. “Hiva and I have kinda been talking.”
“Duh, you’re best friends,” Denki said, stating the obvious.
“No, we said we liked each other… romantically, I guess.” Denki’s face fell, and Hanta panicked. “Wait, wait, wait! It’s not like that! She was gonna talk to you, but didn’t want to make you anxious until she knew her feelings more…? God, what am I saying?! I’m really out of it.” Denki just continued to stare at him, now with confusion. “I like she, she like me maybe, I don’t know! She like you, and I like you, too!”
“Wait, what?” Denki finally interrupted.
“Oh, now you make me shut up!” Hanta crossed his arms and sat back in his chair. “Listen, I know you don’t like me, but when she gets back, we wanted to talk to you about it.”
"Who said I didn't like you?"
“I finally get a proper sentence out, and that’s all-” Hanta stopped, words processing. “Wait, huh?”
“Hiva’s not good at emotion. She said that before,” Denki continued. “It’s a good idea for her to wait until she knows. I could tell there was something there, though.”
“Oh,” was all Hanta could say for a good minute. “That didn’t make you jealous?” Denki shook his head.
“No,” he replied. “I thought it would’ve, and I thought it should’ve, but I wasn’t jealous. Then I think I realized who she was falling for and started to do the same.” Hanta looked away, and Denki chuckled.
“We- We’re good, right?” Denki nodded. “You’re not mad?” Denki shook his head.
“I mean, I wasn’t being completely honest either. Left somethings out just like she did.”
“You can still be mad.”
“Why do you want me to be mad at you about everything?” Denki asked.
“I… I don’t,” Hanta stuttered.
“Then stop trying to convince me to. I’m not, and I don’t want to be.” Denki stood. “Come on. Let’s watch a movie.” Hanta watched him take the few steps to the living room and then joined him.
“You know, people don’t give you enough credit.”
“For what?"
“Everything. You’re a lot smarter than they think and a really good person.” Denki smiled and slowly let himself fall into Hanta’s side.
“Thank you.”
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pjs-everyday · 3 months
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if anyone is gonna rally the 1-A boys into playing dumb dress-up games, it's mina 💕
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wasabi-gumdrop · 21 days
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neon glory squad 💖
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writersmorgue · 6 months
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Rizzed up
Thanks anon!!
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bakubunny · 6 months
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he finds out you have a praise kink and promptly looks up a long list of praises. he sits there with a grin and reads each one of them in a warm, low voice “just to be sure” he knows what you like and what makes you blush the most.
shinso, bakugo, kirishima, sero, kaminari, aizawa, toji, geto, gojo
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fever-dreamer97 · 7 months
Just a Quick Fact
There is a fic out there (don’t remember what it was called) where Deku had died on a mission or something and a emotional Kaminari desperately uses his quirk to bring him back.
Why the hell haven’t we got this type of scene from Kaminari yet? What is Hori afraid of?
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pinkykats-place · 9 months
Male Reader x bnha male character(s)
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The stories linked are NOT mine.
Most contain mature content.
Gif not mine.
Note: if you read and enjoy any of these stories - please like, leave a comment and/or reblog original post!
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character(s): Class 1-A and bits w/ Aizawa Shouta [platonic]
Summary: basically class 1-A w/ a rescued mutant quirk user, claimed to be used as an “nomu” experiment from authorities but is generally under UA’s hand for now due to the help of Aizawa’s quirk to prevent... accidents
Ghostly Prince
Reader x Bakugou, Midoriya, Sero
Summary: Bakugo, midoriya, and sero with a tall tattooed boyfriend with a powerful medium quirk who talks to ghost kinda like paranorman and can summon them to fight people
Dirty Thoughts for a Clean Man
Overhaul x male reader
NSFW fic
Dabi x male!Reader
Summary: Reader helps Dabi dye his hair and feelings are revealed.
Warning: smut is mentioned but not explicitly written
not scary at all (nsfw)
ojiro x virgin!male!reader
warnings: virgin reader, crying, slight mention of a breeding kink kinda
dumbed down (NSFW)
m!reader x denki kaminari
tw: dumbification, toys, daddy k
[ I. Midoriya x Male!Reader ]
Summary: aged up au with smut
❝ 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚 ❞
𝙄𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪 𝙭 𝙆𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞’𝙨 𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧
Teaser ➤ Izuku realizes he must act to get what he wants.
been fantasizin! (nsfw)
izuku midoriya x male reader
WARNINGS: heat cycles, bunny quirk, ear-pulling, creampie (x2), toy use, overstimulation, manhandling, dacryphilia, soft dom!izuku, praise, kissing, drool/spit, body worship, dirty talk, breeding mention, use of the word “pussy” as a synonym for (ass)hole, amab reader
do it again (nsfw)
aizawa shouta x himbo!male reader
cw: mentions of creampie(s), large chest (pecs), teasing, anal, headlocks, fingerhooking, drool/spit, dumbification, veryyy minor dirty talk
Hawks x top male reader
Smut fic
aizawa shouta x male reader
WARNING: amab reader, praise, degradation, spitting, dirty talk, crybaby!reader, himbo!reader, fingering, anal, nipple play, chest mentions, use of the words ‘tits’ in a mocking manner, dumbification, mutual masterbation, sadism, humiliation, creampie
Hitoshi Shinso x Male! Reader
Smut Drabble Fic
385 notes · View notes
bleach-your-panties · 4 months
●Texting your anime bf to show him your new nails!🍧💗💗
♡w/ denki kaminari, touya 'dabi' todoroki, and connie springer!
♡crack text fic!
(a/n: I got inspired to make these while scrolling my pinterest nail board lmao.
these aren't my designs!)
18+ /nsfw.
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katsukidynam1ght · 1 year
you’ve heard of
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now get ready for
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anyways here’s me reminding you they’re all the same exact vibe and it’s about to be really obvious in like. two weeks of spark plug
edit: guys i am literally begging you to start actually reblogging my posts. i love you all but the vast majority of the notes i get are likes and they do me no good when it comes to getting my posts spread around
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urmomsbunkmate · 8 months
Accidents happen ?
Kirishima x femreader
Potential series if u BOOTYFUL people would like
Warnings- nude taking? Boobies, hot sexy momma y/n, female masturbation if u squint. suggestive shit rn but if we do more then the suggesting will be literal. I cannot think of anything else rn
The sun was long gone as Y/n released low sigh, situating herself in front of her large mirror, sitting on the ground practically nude. The pink lace accentuated her perky breasts and her hardened nipples after rolling them between her fingers, contrasting against her soft tan skin. She slightly angled herself to the left making her ass curve into the picture. The lingerie wrapped around her tailbone wearing as a thong. although the lining was moved to the side as she teased herself, knowing this Denki guy wasn't going to send anything cum worthy back. They were all just so useless.
The brushed her wavy pink hair cascade down her boobs, a messy look that is arousing in this context. Her lips were glistening in glistening lip gloss, the upper part of her face was never included in the pictures of course.  She drew a line at that. Her future had some have some hope.
Y/n knows she's pretty. She knows. But she hates when other people only treat her as a pretty face, expecting sex or nudes just because she's a beautiful girl. Her old boyfriends did that. People still do that. She's treated like a plastic barbie with this box she lives in, a box people think her whole life revolves around. People think the box contains booze and sex and nothing nice - she's just a pretty face, what more can she be? The box cannot possibly contain anything other than those things, like intelligence and integrity.
The girl sighs, the thought of what she has become haunts her. She never wanted to be this: this Barbie in a plastic box, one who says yes to sex and nudes and doesn't refuse, one who goes through the motions like a robot as greasy jocks have the best orgasm of their life, one who longs for a sense of stability, of integrity. Your quirks pretty much define you for the rest of your life, and she could do nothing to change that. Y/n wants a nice boyfriend, one who actually cares about her, one who knows her birthday and gives her a kiss on the forehead out of the blue, one who isn't afraid to be her person despite the repercussions that come with her. She's said to be too pretty for a relationship, too much of a whore. Who'd want to date her?
So many people have called her a whore that she just sticks with it, knowing she'll be nothing more.
Y/n snaps from her trance, looking at herself in the mirror before continuing what she prepares herself for. Y/n settled on the perfect one, and she's tempted to send it to the chat since she debates it's her best one yet. The lingerie is just perfectly in place, her lips are slightly parted, breasts pushed up and shadowed from the light, making them bigger.
She knows this'll give Denki what he wants.
Putting on plaid shorts and a large sweatshirt, she yawns, seeing the time is nearing midnight. It's usually around the time she goes to bed on a school night, given her homework is massive and she normally spends the majority of her time doing school related things.
Padding against her carpet floor, she lazily walks to the other side of the room to turn on her fan, something that is background noise and allows her to sleep with ease. Her eyes are lethargically glued to her screen, blinking sleepily as she types out the number clicking the K and selecting the first number she saw.
Choosing the photo and pressing send without any further thought, the clueless girl goes to bed, not knowing what she has done.
Where as the boy just trying to work out before he falls asleep get the most jaw dropping notification from an unknown number.
(1 attached photo)
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Um I don't think u meant to do that
oh my god
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
It okay don't worry we all make stupid mistakes
hello kind person, that was not meant for u 🥰
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
I didn't look for more that 2 seconds if it makes u feel better
Not really but I'm so fuckin sorry
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
😭😭 it's okay
Can u delete it please 🙏
For the sake of the people
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Oh I did that ages ago
I kinda worked out it wasn't for me
thank u ☺️ i could literally kiss u
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Like what else am I supposed to do?
The male race has no boundaries
I'm not willing to push what is already not there
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
On behalf of the male race I'm sorry!🫶
Some of them just aren't manly
ur an angel
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
So I've been told
It means a lot that u delete it btw
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
That what I'm here for saving the day
U look pretty in pink
Don't go a heroic on me
Is that all u 1-A kids do?
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Nahhh we also braid each others hair when the times right
It's good team bonding
Imma assume it's a joke but my hearts telling me otherwise
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
I'll guess u will never know
I like u red
Ur nicer than I though you'd be
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Compliment? I'll take it
Good choice
I gotta go sleep
See u in art red
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Good night
Kirishima dropped his phone upon his aches and let out a loud sigh. His cheeks flushed a red colour, imitating his face. The whole situation was utterly insane but somehow, in some weird fucked up way his ultimate classroom crush had initiated conversations. Well not conversation of such, but now he felt like he could say hello or wave when he saw her without making it utterly weird
Oh actually he could probably take that back. It will probably make his crush on her 10 times more awkward. Unless she didn't find it awkward, wait did he make her uncomfortable.
The boy grabbed onto his pillow and shouted a loud "you idiot!" Into the fabric. What is wrong with him.
“Shut your fucking face shitty hair!” A shout followed by pounding on his wall echoed into his room.
Omg okay let’s not idk if I’m feeling it, I tried not to hold back or go all the way in. So this is what I’ve got.
Please like and comment if I should continue on?? Does our fake red baby ever get to see the big titi queen again ?
Like people what should I do👎🫄🏿🍋😁🔛🚶🏿‍♀️🤪🫶🏃🏻‍♂️🔛☺️😊
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fandom-joiner · 2 years
Conversations before this
Hiva's P.o.V
“Hear any of that?” I turned to Shigaraki and tilted my head.
“Any of what?”
“The news.” I shook my head, and he chuckled a bit. “Well, I’m really great full for all the publicity we’ve been getting. Hey, don’t you agree...?” I shrugged.
“It depends on how you want to think about it,” I answered. “Right now, it’s the reason staying low is the best option for you guys.” I felt Ayame’s burning gaze pierce the back of my head and sighed. I heard the door close and turned to look behind Ayame to Dabi.
“Shinso, come.” Ayame growled but turned to Dabi. “Not you, dumbass. The little one.” He turned to me, and his tone changed. “Come on.” I hummed at the weirdly gentle voice but followed.
“Where’d you go?” I asked, trotting after him to the bathroom. He lifted the items in his arms to signal he stole from some store. “Why? We have to lay low.”
“A thank you would be nice,” he replied while shoving a box of pads into my chest. “You’re welcome.” I tilted my head at him. “Kai.” I huffed but thanked him. “Up.” I hopped on the counter between two sinks and watched Dabi unwrap my arms and head. I hummed at the familiar look on his face.
“You’re either an older brother or dad,” I observed. “Too young for dad. Do I remind you of a sibling or something?”
“Shut up before I set you on fire,” he threatened. “Turns out I wasted my time and energy. You’re fine.” He turned and quickly left the room.
“Thank you!” I called after him. ‘I was right about something. That was an odd reaction.’
“I’m just doing what I’m told!” ‘He doesn’t seem the type to follow the rules either.’ I shrugged and slid off the counter to go to one of the bathroom stalls. I sighed when I left the bathroom. A hand on my shoulder kept me from going any farther. I turned and sighed at Ayame.
“You are far more devious than I thought. I raised an eyebrow.
“What is that supposed to mean?” She scoffed.
“You’re doing what took me years,” she hissed.
“Okay, same question.” I shrugged her hand off my shoulder, but she grabbed me again.
“Somehow, you have Tomura wrapped around your finger,” Ayame finally explained. “Congratulations on getting Dabi too.”
“Shigaraki, maybe, but Dabi’s just following orders.”
“What? You think Shigaraki is ordering us to make you comfy? No one’s comfortable here! What did you do?” I shrugged to answer and to get her hand off of me.
“Nothing,” I replied. “It never crossed your mind that I’m just likable? Unlike you, Ayame, I don’t need to play with people’s heads to make friends."
“You are nothing more than a manipulative bitch, and I’ll make sure Tomura knows it.”
“Okay, Ayame.” I turned and walked away, taking a deep breath when I went around the corner. ‘God, I hate it here.’
According to the news, everyone but Ragdoll was safe and accounted for. Those unconscious or injured were safe but in the hospital to be monitored. It seemed that they wanted to be sure that there were no lasting effects. They were also naming me a hero. I learned the villains’ real goal and sacrificed myself for the safety of my friends and heroes. I wanted that to happen, but the name still made me cringe. I grabbed the remote and clicked the television off. “I’m getting sick of hearing that,” I grumbled as I patted Aza’s head.
“Um, Shinso…”
“Hiva,” I corrected Magne. “What’s up?” She took the bar stool beside me.
“I wanted to apologize for that.” Magne pointed to her head.
“You’re trans, right?” Magne slowly nodded, wondering what that had to do with anything. “I’ll pretend it never happened if you get a little personal with me.”
“What do you mean?” I shrugged with a sigh.
“I’ve never had anyone to talk to when it comes to gender stuff. Maybe it’s weird, but…”
“It’s not weird,” Magne assured. “What’s up?”
“How did you know?” I asked. “Well, I know, but how did you accept it, I guess, is what I mean. Because everyone else I’ve met, my family included, can be who they are no problem, but I feel guilty and wrong when I try.”
“You’re not them,” Magne told me. “Every journey is different, and yours had Ayame in a way theirs didn't.” I grumbled a bit.
“She fucks with you too?”
“Just those little passing comments,” Magne stated. “I can guess the impression she made about gender and sexuality. No matter what, people will look down on you for being yourself. It makes being you the hardest thing to be. At some point, you should stop living in the image others set for you and start living in the one you set for yourself.” Ayame chose that moment to walk in, and I bit my lip. “You’re a kind, pretty kid. You deserve to be yourself.” I smiled at Magne.
“Thanks.” Magne nodded.
“I hoped that helped.” I nodded back.
“It did.”
Kai sat beside me at the bar, and I slid the bag of chips over to him. With Shigaraki as a babysitter to make sure I didn’t slip away, I used my Quirk to disguise us. I used the same trick I had to get into the underground bar and went out to steal some food from a relatively close corner store. How they lived in this bar so long, I have no clue. “No.” He pushed the bag back and continued to stare.
“What’s with the face?” I asked as I stole my drink back from Shigaraki. “Will you stop that?!” He huffed. “Well, I told you to get your own.” Kai grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. “Hey, watch it!” He threw me into the bathroom, and I almost stumbled into one of the stalls. “What’s your problem, man?” Kai sighed and rubbed at his hair. “Are you okay?” I could feel his nervousness. Something about him felt normal, and I hated that. He took my hand and placed it on his head.
“Read,” he ordered.
“I need to talk to you, but it just can’t be here.” ‘Still so paranoid.’ I thought with a sigh. For whatever reason, I let him pull me after him. I felt someone following us, and from how Kai’s jaw tensed, he did too. He went out the back and through the emergency exit, practically staring into my soul when the door swung shut. The door slammed open, and we both jumped, Kai pulling me closer like it was still an instinct. I looked over and saw Ayame searching the alley.
“Damn, Haruko!” She waited a minute before sighing and heading back inside. When the door closed again, Kai started pointing in random directions, teleporting us anywhere and everywhere until we stopped on a random roof. He sighed and let go of me when he blinked, rubbing at his eyes.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry.” I tilted my head.
“Excuse me?” Kai swallowed and shook his head.
“I just… I wanted to finally say it. I swear I mean it, but it'll make you listen to what I have to say.” I was confused but sat, and Kai slowly did the same.
“Alright, I’m listening.” Kai sighed.
“I was looking back at everything, and I realized we were made to fail,” he started. “I was shit, and it made you act like shit.”
“You weren’t the only one causing problems,” I mumbled. ‘It was just easier to pretend it was just you.’ Kai shook his head and laughed.
“No. You tried so hard! I really changed you.”
“Just a bit.” ‘After blaming him for so long, it’s hard to see him like this. I don’t think it’s just his fault. Or is it, and I just want to believe he’s good?’
“I was the bad guy. You were and somehow still are so perfect.” I shook my head. ‘I want this to be a trick, but I can feel your regret. Go back to being mean.’ “We each had issues. You kept yours to yourself, and I took mine out on you. I’m sorry, Hi- Shinso. I didn’t have anything to go off of. I thought that’s how it was supposed to be.” I nodded, remembering all the times they had to listen to his parents’ arguments that quickly turned to fist fights. “You were no stranger to the screaming and fighting, but when Aizawa showed up, you got a sense of stability I never knew. You tried so hard, and I turned us into my parents. There’s not enough apologies in the world to make up for that. I did whatever I could to hurt you, and I still don’t know why. Maybe I was jealous that you were growing, and I was still stuck.” Kai gave me a sad smile. “I made you afraid of me. You still look afraid of me.” I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest.
“You want to believe I was perfect, but you have to be honest,” I said. “I wasn’t a good person when I was with you. Maybe it’s because people play into the toxicity of others. That’s what you want to believe. I don’t care if it was because of you or not, though. I still feel bad for what I did, and I wanted to blame you, too. Hearing you take responsibility like that makes me feel bad for not doing the same. I cheated, too, because I wanted to get back at you. I yelled back, and I pushed you back-"
“You never hit me back.” I rested my chin on my knees and looked at the ground.
“But I wanted to,” I admitted quietly. “I really wanted to.”
“Everything you did, you wouldn’t have if it weren’t for me.” I quickly wiped my eyes just in case and looked up at him.
“But I still could’ve been better. You’re not the only one that messed up. I don’t want to blame only you anymore.” He shook his head.
“You didn’t do anything to make me act how I did.”
“Then it was neither of our faults.” Kai shook his head again. “No, because your family made you like that, so it’s not your fault either. You were right. We would’ve never made it together. We were, what, thirteen when we first met? Traumatized and desperate for anyone to love us? How can we be at fault for that?” Kai sighed.
“You’re still so stubborn.” I smiled at his little chuckle.
“But I think it was me.”
“Hi- Shin- I’m bad at this. Shinso-” Kai shut his mouth when I lifted my hand.
“I still care about and love you, just not how I did. I don’t think it was ever how I should’ve. It’s a trick I’ve played on myself so many times. You liked me, so I made myself like you back.” Kai was rightfully upset at that. “If I loved you how I should’ve, none of this would’ve happened.” Kai shook his head.
“You’re right. It was none of our faults.” I tilted my head. “You expect me to believe you’d act like that without your mommy and abandonment issues?” I rolled my eyes at the seriousness hidden in his joking tone. “I think we just got dealt an unlucky hand.” I nodded.
“I think so too.” It was comfortably silent, something I didn’t expect. “You’re so normal now. What was that at USJ? It certainly wasn’t Haruko.” Haruko smiled at the sound of his first name but quickly shook it away.
“Because it wasn’t,” he replied. “It was Ayame. This is what I wanted to say. She wanted me to join. She said I could finally get you back, and I fell for it. I heard her plans, and found out what kind of person she was. It was one hell of an eye-opener, that’s for sure. I tried to back out, but she didn’t let me. Everything’s been foggy ever since. I remember it, but it’s like a dream. I don’t know what happened or what I made up.” I waved my hand to interrupt him, getting on my knees to lean into his face.
“Sorry, one sec. You broke out of her brainwashing?” He nodded. “How? I’ve never met anyone that could do that.” Haruko shrugged.
“I don’t know, but I’m not worried about that now. Ayame’s losing it. She’s not just gonna fall off her rocker, it’s gonna send her flying. Honestly, Hiva, the things she’s said…” Haruko shivered. “I thought I had it bad. She’s a monster and far too good at hiding it.” I nodded.
“Believe me, I’m aware.”
“I want you to go.” I shook my head. “No, Hiva, you really have to go.”
“No, Haruko, I will not.”
“You can’t actually be joining the league?!”
“So, what if I am?!” I yelled. “What’s there to lose?”
“Kaminari!” he shouted back. “That’s his name, right? Your Mic?” I sighed at the comparison.
“One of them… I guess.” Haruko processed this for a second.
“Oh… Oh!” I nodded. “I thought that was a rumor.”
“Nope.” It was quiet for a second, and Haruko shifted to sit next to me.
“I’m really happy for you,” he told me. “I’m happy you have him and whoever the other one is. I’m glad you have real friends and not those fakes we used to have to pretend to like. I’m happy you’re happy.” I smiled at Haruko and gently took his hand before letting my head to fall to his shoulder.
“Do you think Ayame’s losing grip on her Quirk because she’s losing grip on herself?” I wondered aloud.
“Maybe. I can’t think of any other reason.” I stood and pulled Haruko to his feet.
“Let’s just go back,” I said. “Ayame probably knows you’re out of it, so I suggest you play along. Don’t let her think you’re gonna leave. I’ll get you out of there. I promise.” Haruko smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.
“Thank you so much, Hiva.” I slowly hugged him back.
“Of course. That’s what heroes do, right?” Haruko pulled away with an even wider smile.
“I knew you weren’t joining.”
“We’re going. Come on.”
There was so much going on. Maybe, not a lot going on, but it certainly felt overwhelming. “Oh, pops,” I sighed at the screen.
“We deeply apologize for the incident that allowed harm to come to 28 first years of the hero course because of our unpreparedness. We apologize for causing unease in society due to our negligence in properly defending ourselves as a place of learning. We are truly sorry.” Pops, Nezu, and Vlad bowed, and I turned to my cup, tuning out what was on the screen until it shut off.
“It’s so strange…” I looked beside me to Shigaraki. “Why are the heroes being criticized? The way they were dealing with things was just a little off the mark. Is it because it’s their job to protect? Everyone makes a mistake or two. Are they supposed to be perfect? Modern-day heroes are so uptight. Don’t you think, Hiva?” I shrugged.
“Certainly, seems it,” I agreed. “Something I’ve realized in the public eye is that everyone loves you, but no one likes you. The longer you have a spotlight on you, the easier it is to get uptight. Heroes need everyone to like them all the time.”
“Once heroes receive compensation to protect people,” Spinner spoke up, “they aren’t heroes anymore. That is Stain’s teaching.”
“Hey, cultist, when did I say anything that had to do with that?” I asked. “While Stain’s ideology is correct, in a sense, you get paid for everything since everything’s a job. It’s unavoidable.”
“The strange system of transforming people’s lives into money or glory… The society that sticks tight to those rules… the citizens who blame the losers rather than encourage them… Our fight is to question: What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly just? We’ll have everyone thinking about it. We’re planning on winning. You like winning, too, right?” I nodded. “Even though our situations differ, everyone here has been restricted and suffered because of people's rules… and heroes…”
“And I can understand that,” I stated. “Also, why I’ve asked you to drop the ones that restricted me. You’ve done everything else, practically bent over backwards. Why can’t you do this one thing?" I felt Ayame’s rage-filled eyes burn into the back of my head. “My guess: You don’t have as much power as you think.” Everyone was silent.
“Tomura, don’t listen to her,” Ayame ordered, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Can’t you hear her? She’s trying to manipulate you. Play you like a puppet.” I nodded.
“Yes,” I told him, “but it’s to open your eyes. Who do I sound like?”
“Ayame,” he muttered, pulling his shoulder from her grip.
“That’s what she does. She pretends to be your friend until you make a decision she doesn’t like. Shiggy, when was the last time you made an order without her whispering over your shoulder? How many times has she lashed out because you didn’t do what she wanted?”
“You, shut up!” Ayame screamed.
“Maybe like that?” I asked. “Shiggy, she’s the real puppet master. You’re not really in charge. She just wants you to think you are. People have noticed. Everyone has but you.” It stayed dead quiet. It was awkward with tension so thick a chainsaw couldn’t even cut through.
“Th-The heroes said they’re continuing their investigation of us… We don’t have time to talk leisurely. Sensei- Lend me your power.”
“Ah, I forgot. Everyone has you around their finger.” Shigaraki’s hand twitched at my words. “You just don’t know how to think for yourself.” Shigaraki took a step towards me but stopped when there was a knock at the door.
“Pizza-La, Camino store.” I tilted my head. All Might suddenly burst through the wall Spinner was leaning on with a loud shout.
“What the-!” I sighed at Spinner’s cry and rested my chin in my palm.
“Kurogiri! Gate!” Shigaraki ordered.
“Pre-emptive Binding…” the tree hero I couldn’t remember the name of right now swung in and trapped everyone, “... Lacquered Chain Prison!”
“A tree?” Dabi mumbled, blue flames starting to light over his body. “What the heck?” An old hero zipped in and kicked Dabi in the head to knock him out.
“Don’t be impatient. It’d be in your best interest to stay put.”
“Just what I’d expect from one of the most competent new heroes around, Kamui Woods! And the veteran faster than the eye can see, Gran Torino! You can’t run anymore, League of Villains! Why? Because we are here!” ‘All For One has to have a plan to get them out of this. I wasn’t expecting a rescue so fast. I can work around it. I can make this work.’
“Right after the press conference…” Compress muttered. “Don’t tell me this was pre-arranged?” ‘It has to be.”
“Tree man! Stop pulling me! Push!” Twice yelled while Toga wiggled and whined.
“When one is on the offensive is when one neglects defense the most,” Edgeshot stated as he appeared in the bar. “We’re not the only ones here from the Pizza-La Comino store.” He opened the door to show officers armed to the teeth. ‘Can’t believe I’m wishing for this, but All For One, get us outta here. I got shit to do.’ “Outside, you’re surrounded by skilled heroes, like Endeavor,” ‘a stretch.’, “and the police.”
“I’m sure you were scared.” I rolled my eyes at Uncle Nori. “You did good bearing it. I’m sorry. It’s fine now, Young Hiva!”
“I’ve been scarier places than a musty bar,” I replied. “I had everything under control.” All Might smiled and gave me a thumbs up before pulling me over and into his side. I noticed him eyeing Ayame, and she flipped him off, biting the air in his direction. “God damn! Did any of you bring a muzzle?”
“After I went through all that trouble to prepare this… Why are you coming to me, you last boss?” Shigaraki questioned. “It can’t be helped. ‘We’re not the only ones here.’ The same goes for us. Kurogiri, bring as many as you can over!”
“Nomus, I presume!” All Might shouted back.
“What’s the matter, Kurogiri?” ‘They destroyed it?’ I guessed.
“I’m sorry, Shigaraki Tomura. The Nomus that were supposed to be in the fixed location… are not there…!”
“You are still green, Shigaraki.” I looked up at All Might when he patted my shoulder.
“Huh,” Shigaraki growled.
“League of Villains, you underestimated everything too much- The soul of a young woman-” ‘That’s a jump.’ “The diligent investigations of the police- And- Our anger! That’s enough with that childish pranks. This is the end. Shigaraki Tomura!”
“All Might… This is the hero acknowledged by Stain!” I squinted at Spinner. ‘You are really brainwashed, my guy.’
“The end, you say? Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve only just begun. Justice… peace… I’ll destroy this garbage heap that you put a lid on with such vague ideas!” Shigaraki struggled to stand as he spoke. “It was for that purpose that I set All Might apart and started gathering people to my cause. Don’t be ridiculous. This is the beginning. Kurogiri!” Edgeshot attacked Kurogiri before he could do anything!”
“No, stop!” Magne yelled. ‘After what All Might said, how can anyone be sure this is justice and not revenge?’ “I couldn’t see anything! What, did you kill him?”
“I played around with his insides and made him unconscious!” Edgeshot replied. “He is not dead. Ninpo-Thousand Sheet Pierce! This man was always a nuisance. I’ll have him sleep.”
“Didn’t I tell you earlier that it’d be in your best interest to stay put?” Gran Torino asked. “Hikiishi Kenji, Sako Atsuhiro, Iguchi Shuichi, Toga Himiko, Bubaigawara Jin. With little information and time, that police officers worked through the night to determine your true identities. Do you understand?” ‘Even if they manage to get away, they won’t be able to hide.’ “There’s nowhere left for you to run.” I looked towards the screen. ‘Where are you to help your protege?’ “Hey, Shigaraki, can I ask you where your boss is?”
“This… This is… unsatisfying… Don’t be ridiculous…”
“Where is he right now?” All Might tried.
“Go away… Disappear.”
“I hate you!” Things suddenly appeared on either side of Shigaraki, and Nomus started to climb through. ‘Finally!’
“Nomus?!” Woods cried. “They came from nowhere!” More appeared in the air. I began to cough, and the Quirk fell from my mouth. I tried to find an escape when it surrounded me but was just met with a handful of slime.
“Hiva!” All Might shouting was the last thing I heard from the bar.
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mintsbubbletea · 14 days
𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢 -𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
Word Count: 1,100
Contains: AFAB Reader, no pronouns used, Pills, period, period blood, cramps, kissing, oral f receiving, breasts, cursing,
Proof read and Edited
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You found yourself in class, slouched over your desk, trying to maintain composure despite the intense cramps stabbing at your uterus. Beads of sweat formed on your forehead as you took deep breaths. Normally, you could handle the pain, but this week it had intensified, making it difficult to move without experiencing discomfort.
"Y/n, are you alright?" Momo asked, kneeling in front of your desk and placing a comforting hand on your back, sensing your pain. You lifted your head, your face drained of color and sweat glistening on your forehead. "What do you think?" you snapped, wincing in pain. Momo bit her lip, concern evident in her eyes as she observed you. "I'm sorry," you mumbled, and she rubbed your back gently. "It's okay. I understand. Have you taken any painkillers?" she inquired, reaching into her bag. "No, I ran out last night and didn't have time to get more."
"Here, take these," she said, handing you two white pills and a water bottle. Slowly, you swallowed one of the pills, washing it down with water. You sighed, offering a small appreciative smile to Momo. "Thank you. Hopefully, it will help." Momo nodded before returning to her seat. "Of course. I hope you feel better," she said, resuming her place.
By the end of the day, you finally made it to your bed, collapsing onto it without even bothering to remove your uniform, shoes, or bag. All you wanted was to sleep it off. After only 20 minutes of sleep, a knock on the door jolted you awake. "I'm coming in," Denki's voice came from behind the door before he entered the room. "Y/n," he greeted with a playful giggle, closing the door behind him as he approached you. "Shut up," you mumbled, feeling him remove your shoes. "Let me help," he offered, taking off your bag and then your uniform. He sat you up and handed you a pair of shorts and a shirt. Unbuttoning your shirt, he helped you take it off, and as you looked up at him, a small pout formed on your plump lips.
"Do you still feel pain?" Denki inquires, leaning down to kiss you. You nod gently, expressing that it still hurts a lot. He tenderly holds your face and plants a few kisses on your cheek. "Let's make you comfortable first, and then I'll help with the pain," he says, removing your bra and causing your nipples to harden in the cool air. Denki does his best to ignore them as he helps you put on a shirt, being careful with your arms. He gently guides you back onto the bed, removing your skirt and leaving you in your underwear. He then slips the shorts on you before he takes off his shoes, and joins you in bed, wrapping his arms around your stomach and applying pressure to ease your cramps.
You hum softly as you lean against his chest, closing your eyes and enjoying his presence. After a few minutes, you feel kisses on your neck, soft and gentle, making their way up to your ear. "Let me make you feel better," he whispers. You give him a questioning look, as you've never had sex during your period and were too shy to ask if he found it strange. "Really?" you ask. Denki nods, kissing your cheeks. "Of course. Mina told me that orgasms can help with cramps, and since you're in a lot of pain, I wanted to do what I can to help," he explains, his hand sliding under your shirt to cup your breasts while he continues to kiss your neck.
You bite your lip, unable to hide your smile, and nod in agreement to his suggestion. "Okay," you whisper, and with that, he flips you onto your back and positions himself on top of you. His lips meet yours in a passionate and quick rhythm. He opens your legs, and you immediately grind against his growing erection. Denki lifts your shirt, exposing your breasts, and his mouth latches onto one, sucking on your sensitive nipple, causing a soft whimper to escape your lips. He swirls his tongue around your nipple before moving to the other breast, continuing to suck on it while his hands find their way to your shorts.
He removed your shorts and panties, leaving you exposed. Nervously, you closed your legs to prevent him from seeing. Noticing your legs closed, he pulled away from your breasts. "What's wrong?" he asked, stopping. Your lips trembled as you bit them. "Are you sure you want to…" your voice trailed off. Denki swiftly grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks together. "I'm very sure," he said between kisses. "We can always stop if you don't want to continue. Plus, it's just blood, babe. It won't hurt to have a little taste, right?" he smirked playfully, causing you to cover your face and laugh.
"Okay, okay. I love you," you said as he kissed you once more. "I love you more," he whispered as you opened your legs, his body shifting down as he lay on his stomach, face to face with your pussy. He softly kissed your inner thigh, wrapping his arms under your thighs and parting them further. He gazed up at you before his tongue finally touched your throbbing clit.
As his tongue swirled around your clit, soft moans escaped your lips and your hips bucked up in pleasure. He gazed up at you, his eyes fixed on your face to witness the beautiful sounds you made for him. A small smirk formed on his lips, relishing in the way you squirmed under him. You couldn't resist grabbing his hair as your back arched and your moans grew louder, overwhelmed by the pleasure he was giving you. "Fuck Denki" you whined, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. His tongue moved faster, intensifying your ecstasy.
Your legs trembled as you reached the peak, but he held them down, continuing to pleasure you with his mouth. Your eyes closed as you climaxed, your body arching and trembling in delight. Denki slowed down as you caught your breath, your eyes opening to see him pulling away from your pussy. His chin and bottom lip were coated in blood, and you blushed, unsure if you found it embarrassing or sexy. "I- Thank you," you managed to say, still breathless. Denki wiped his mouth with his sleeve and grinned playfully. "Anytime, baby cakes. How about we hit the showers and have some more fun?" he suggested. You nodded eagerly, and he helped you sit up. "Let's go."
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tags: @slayfics Lmk if you wanna be added🐸
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pjs-everyday · 16 days
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boys night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👹👹👹 they’re gonna be wearing hero merch— who’s wearing what?? 🤠
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zazter-den · 2 months
Chronically Chill
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Synopsis- Sometimes life gets in the way of holiday plans, but your boyfriends always know how to roll with the punches. A different kind of domestic bliss with Sero and Kaminari.
Reader Characteristics- Fem with severe cramps.
Warnings- Smoking MMJ, Shotgunning, Denki as a TENS unit.
Tags- Period Comfort, Cozy Fluff, Caretaker!Sero, Caretaker!Denki, Epileptic!Denki.
Word Count- 2000
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Sero pushed the door of the apartment open with an almost silent creak, the dim light from the kitchen just barely outlining the home's furniture. He could feel the weight of the day's patrol heavy on his muscles, the kind of fatigue that only came from hours of swinging through the city and wrangling villains with his tape. His backpack hit the chair with a soft thud, followed by the soft clatter of his helmet.
Making his way to the shared bedroom, Sero pushed the door open quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone. To his surprise, Denki was still up. He was sitting up in bed, his electric blond hair slightly disheveled. His worried expression caught Sero's attention immediately. But it was the sight of you tossing and turning uncomfortably in Denki's arms, that caused a surge of concern to rush through his veins.
He let out a tired sigh as he stripped down to his boxers, crawling onto the bed on your other side. He leaned over to Denki, pressing his lips against his boyfriend's in a rough but loving kiss, ringed fingers tangling in the blond hair. “Hey, Denks, sorry I'm late” Sero whispered, his voice filled with concern. “How's she doing?”
Denki looked up at him exhausted. “Having a rough night” he murmured concerned. “Been thrashing for most of it.” He rubbed circles on your back.
“Been looking after our girl for awhile, huh? Good boy” Sero praised, his voice filled with tired affection. His fingers continued to stroke Denki's hair gently, a soothing gesture that he knew always helped to calm his partner. Sero had always admired Denki's empathetic nature, how he could feel the emotions of others so strongly. However, he wasn't a fan of how sometimes it was to his own detriment. Denki leaned into the touch, his eyes closing briefly as he let out a sigh.
Your eyes shot open with a cry as you jolted awake by an excruciating cramp that twisted your insides. Your fingers instinctively dug into Denki's lower back, seeking some form of relief from the pain that coursed through your body. Denki was too worried to notice your grip, and just held you closer. “I'm sorry, love…” you whimpered into his chest, realizing once the pain subsided that you had unintentionally dug red marks into his skin.
Denki's expression softened as he gently kissed your forehead. “It's alright, babe” he said as he continued to rub circles on your back, “Hey, I know just what you need. So- health or mana potion?”
You winced, body still contorted in pain. You had to wait a moment for it to pass, your breathing shaky and uneven. “Both” you whimpered finally, voice barely above a whisper. You needed all the relief you could get tonight.
“On it” Sero drawled in his typical nonchalant manner, pressing a gentle kiss on top of Denki's head followed by one on yours. He hopped off the bed, footsteps barely making a sound against the floor as he moved through the shared home.
In the living room, Sero quickly adjusted the air conditioner, setting it on a low temperature. He wanted to ensure that you and Denki wouldn't overheat if you needed the heating pad later. If there was one thing Sero hated after a long day, it was waking up sticky with sweat- and it sure wasn't going to make your night any easier either,
Moving to the kitchen, Sero opened the fridge door, the soft hum of the cooling system filling the air. He reached in and retrieved a spherical bubbler, its glass cool to the touch. He filled it with chilled water, the liquid cascading down and forming a thin layer of frost on the glass.
He turned his attention to the electric tea kettle, filling it with filtered water from the sink. The sound of rushing water filled the kitchen as he closed the fridge door with a quick motion of his elbow. Balancing the bubbler and the electric tea kettle, Sero carefully made his way back to the shared bedroom. He placed both items on the nightstand next to you, within easy reach.
Denki watched as you tried to move towards the nightstand. But before you could reach your destination, a painful cramp halted you in your tracks. “Whoa, easy there, girlie” he murmured softly, his voice filled with concern. He quickly shifted behind you, wrapping his arms around your abdomen and gently scooting you back between his legs.
The blond focused his quirk to create a soothing current that coursed through your stomach. As the gentle energy flowed, you let out a shaky sigh, pain slowly dulling. It wasn't a complete cure, but the relief was enough to take the edge off, to make the agony more bearable. “Ooh, I love you, Denks” With a grateful sigh, you relaxed against his chest, feeling the warmth he radiated seep into your body. His lips brushed against the side of your neck, the soft lingering kisses sending tingles down your spine.
“See- now you're gonna make me jealous” Sero teased as he placed a tea tray on the nightstand next to the kettle and the bubbler. The wooden tray held three elegant black and gold teacups, an array of different tea bags, and a small jar- everything you'd need for a night like this.
“Be useful, sparky” Sero teased playfully as he dangled the cord of the electric kettle in front of Denki's face. The electric hero snatched the cord between his teeth, his eyes narrowing in feigned annoyance at the jab.
“I was being useful” Denki mumbled around the cord, his words muffled but his the mock indignation in his tone was clear as day. He bit down, letting his quirk flow through the cord, his cheeks puffing out slightly as electricity crackled and buzzed between his lips. The kettle responded instantly, a soft whirring sound filling the room as the water inside began to heat up
Leaning back against Denki's firm chest, you couldn't help but smile at the playful banter between the two men who meant the world to you. You reached up to stroke the buzzing blond's cheek affectionately. “Don't listen to Hanta, love. He’s just riling you up to boil the water quicker” you chuckled.
You turned your gaze toward Sero, giving him a scolding look that was more endearing than intimidating. Denki, meanwhile, maintained his mock glare at him, the corners of his mouth twitching in a barely contained smirk. The kettle's water began to bubble a little quicker, responding to the surge of electricity from his quirk.
Hanta just laughed, his deep voice resonating through the room as he watched your bratty display. “You two are only cuter when you pout” he chuckled, grinding the medical cannabis from the jar.
You tried to remain comfortable, leaning against Denki's supportive body, his hands providing a soothing hum of electricity over your abdomen. Yet, the relentless wave of another cramp hit, wrenching another pained whimper from you as you instantly doubled over at the waist again. His arms tensed around you, trying to provide some comfort, but the pain was beyond intense. The kettle's chime signaled the water had reached its boiling point, and Denki promptly spat out the cord, his face twisted in distaste at the metallic tang that lingered in his mouth. Sero quickly filled the teacups, the steam rising in gentle spirals. Yours was filled with red raspberry leaf tea, a natural remedy for cramps. Meanwhile he sank constant comment into the cups for he and Denki.
With the teacups set aside to allow the tea to steep, Sero turned his attention to the chilled glass, holding it up to you. “Mana potion is up first” he teased, invoking the dorky inside joke- one of many that had become a cherished part of your relationship.
Sero lit the bubbler as you deeply inhaled the smoke carrying the promise of pain relief. Your lungs filled with the herbal remedy. A sense of calm began to spread through your body as the pain-relieving properties of the medical cannabis took effect, bringing a welcome break from the relentless cramps.
Denki's hands lingered over your stomach, his fingers delivering the faintest current, just enough to mimic the sensation of a TENS unit. Each kiss he planted on the nape of your neck and the curve of your shoulder was tinged with a tiny spark. The cannabis amplifying the sensation to a delightful tickle that coaxed giggles from you. You shimmied backwards closer into his embrace, the warmth of his chest providing comfort as the medicinal effects began to ease your pain.
“You too, Denks, don't want you to stress yourself into a seizure” Sero piped up, his concern clear despite the teasing undertone. You ducked down, as he brought the bubbler to Denki's lips. A silent offer of relief for the empathetic hero who had been fretting over your pain all night.
The blond took a deep inhale, but firmly pulled Sero forward, sharing the smoke with him in an instant. As the smoke passed between them, Denki's lips crashed against Sero's in a rough kiss, quirk sending a tingly static shock to Hanta's snakebite piercings. Sero's kiss grew more aggressive as he held onto the smoke, caught between the need to exhale and the desire to keep kissing his boyfriend.
Finally breaking the fiery kiss, Sero leaned back, his hands firmly planted on the mattress to support himself. A smug expression spread across his face, as a thin tendril of smoke escaped his lips into the air between them.
Your eyes followed him as he pulled back from the intense kiss with Denki. “Now I'M the one getting jealous” you teased, only to be interrupted by another wave of pain. Denki responded with tender nuzzles against your shoulder, trying to comfort you through the lingering pain. Sero turned his attention back to the steeped tea. “Here, beautiful, health potion” he said, offering the teacup filled with the raspberry leaf concoction with a wink. A perfect cup of tea for your situation.
Turning to Denki, Sero handed him his own cup of spiced tea, subtly telling him it was his turn to relax as well. “Thanks, I can still taste the brass from the plug” the blonde muttered, his face contorting into a grimace as he stuck his tongue out.
Denki settled back against the soft support of the headboard, the warmth from the spiced tea gently seeping into his tense muscles. His left hand remained protectively curled around your hip, maintaining the comforting electric touch over your stomach.
Sero held his own teacup steady, the amber liquid barely moving as he maneuvered his way into his designated spot next to you. With a gentle stretch of his arm, Sero placed your now-empty teacup onto the bedside table with a quiet clink. Slipping under the soft covers, he found his place next to you and Denki. The three of you finally settled into your usual sleeping arrangement.
With the pain finally subsiding, your voice broke the comfortable silence that had settled over the room. “I'm sorry, guys…. This wasn't how I wanted to spend Valentine's Day night with you” you confessed wearily. Sero wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. Denki, rested his head on the taller hero's shoulder, settling in closer for the night.
“Don't worry about it” Denki yawned with sleepy affection. “Any Valentine's Day I get to see you two is a good one” Sero chimed in, his words carrying the same sentiment. As the weight of the night's events began to lift, you felt your eyes grow heavy, the fatigue finally catching up. With a sense of peace, you drifted off to sleep, cradled between the two people you loved most in the world.
And, really, is there any better ending to Valentine's Day than that?
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Author's Note: Struggled with describing the scene I saw in my head, sorry it didn't come out quite the way I wanted ^^; I just really like the comfortable rhythm that comes with being in a committed relationship for awhile.
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Tags: @neon-gothicc @dcsiremc @bakubunny
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writersmorgue · 5 months
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Canon simp behavior
Thanks anon beloved 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Mha thoughts:my icks with some of the mha fandom.:PT 1:
I hate when people in this fandom make bakugou just an asshole nothing more. He's had character development like one of the many proofs is when denki called himself basically worthless to bakugou and bakugou explained how Denkis quirk is good and stuff.
Bakugou making out to be just a bully still? That's so stupid to me like bakugou gives his FRIENDS nicknames, and it looked offensive, and people just do it as if bakugou does it to be a dick. Like just because he had 'weird' nicknames for the baku squad doesn't mean he's a bully me and my friend have 'weird nicknames' I call her danger tits,my princess with a disorder, bitch,asshole and many more and she's calls me cartman,cunt,slut and many more.
Trust me when I say being rude between friends is such a love language.
I can't stand deku and not because he's the main character because all that I see when I look at him is some 'UWU' boy. Because the fandom made him out to be that.
Like just because he's got a baby face doesn't mean he's a 'UWU' baby boy.
And how 'innocent' he is. Cause I'm pretty sure todoroki is more innocent than deku, and that's because his father isolated him from everyone but him.
I seriously don't hate deku, but when I see him, all I can see is this:
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People overlook his trauma a lot. And it gets tiring.
Todoroki is one of the most mature,complex characters out of a few others. Like he symbols someone who's been through shit as a kid and still forgives his parents, showing that he's mature.
Another character who's trauma is overlooked. But this time it's because he's a "strong" character.
Kirishima felt weak, and it's heavily implied he had low self-esteem as a kid.
Kids seem to do this a lot when they get older. But they get more grouchy and pissy and have a cold mentality.
Kirishima shows someone who you don't need the toughest to be happy with yourself or just in general and he did that doing one of my favorite things characters do. Getting the f off the steroids to show that they are happy and aren't chasing to be more.
He isn't as ripped in the first season he's grown buff and bigger.
This man has his stupid moments, yes, but he's NOT and idiot. He's seen as the comedic relief and as someone who usually favorites blond characters who are silly and are the comedic relief one thing they all have in common is feeling stupid and worthless and they are one of the most intelligent characters I've seen.
I honestly think denki keeps him having his foolishness is an act. And if they ever show his backstory like they did with kirishima and some others, then I'm so sure he'd have a whole ass zenitsu like backstory.
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