blobbei-art · 10 months
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Been sitting on this one for a bit but I think I will just never be quite satisfied with Kasifer's alternate design so it will just have to be a little flexible.
Infernal death bird and his human friend!
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Prepare for a whole lotta art fight spam! This is Kasifer, god of death, come to collect the soul of sweet Myrtle who simply sees another bird looking for snacks. I tried a lineless, rendered sketch and it takes a surprisingly long time to clean up edges. I also tried not to over-render everything, but not sure I pulled it off ; ;
Kasifer belongs to @blobbei-art and Myrtle belongs to ronkardd
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lozthusk · 1 year
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Tiny Kasifer for @blobbei-art
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haha what If i actually used this blog for random WIPs, sketches and art rambles since Twitter isn’t looking too good
I’ve had this one sitting in my art folder for ages, idk when I’ll come back to it but I have nothing else presentable right now
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bluestarlights · 9 months
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the two lovely OCs i chose to go for are Kasifer Pfauengrab (left) who belongs to @blobbei-art and Angel Goodsprout (right) who belongs to @toastraccoon ^^
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javedkashif · 1 month
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"history does not belong to us; we belong to it."
full name: javed kashif age: 41(physically), 400+(actual age) birthday: november 1st species: vampire gender & pronouns: cisgender man, he/him orientation: bisexual(only attracted to men and non-binary) relationship status: single occupation: history professor at greywood university
face claim: rami malek height: 5'7"(170.18 cm) dominant hand: left hair color: brown eye color: brown scars: tbd
positive: intelligent, friendly, hard-working, loyal, genuine negative: stubborn, distrustful, anxious, isolated, outspoken
phobias: fear of abandomnent disorder: anxiety disorder allergies: tbd
hometown: london, england birthplace: cairo, egypt current residence: mystic grove education: phds in african and european history
javed was born in cairo, egypt, where he spent his life up until his adulthood. his family lived on the edge of poverty, so he decided early on that he wanted more for himself and to make his parents proud. before long, he fell in love with history and instantly decided that he wanted to devote the rest of his life to studying this. it became his personal mission to record as much history as he had access to, making sure that his culture was put into written word. as he grew older, it became apparent to him that he did not have enough time in his life to achieve his aspirations. he wasn’t old, not yet, but there was too little remaining in his life to possibly make a significant contribution to historical records and research. at least in his eyes that was the case. one day, he ran into a mysterious stranger and he was given two options: continue living as he was and fail to achieve his goal or be granted eternal life? the choice seemed obvious. what he had failed to be informed of what came with this immortal life; his a heart that no longer beat, blood that ran cold through his veins, and being burned by the sun should it so much as touch his skin. he was horrified by his choice, but no one was more terrified than his own family, who called him a monster and forbid him from reentering their home after casting him out on the streets. but, his choice had been made and ultimately, he had gotten what he asked for. 
javed had a fiance, who left him with no explanation 15-20 years ago. he thought that they were his endgame and was deeply hurt by them leaving. this is part of why he has a fear of abandonment, part of him fears that everyone he becomes close to will eventually leave him and he'll end up alone.
part of him regrets asking to be turned, but he's also largely moved past it because he knows it's a decision he can't take back. despite this, he considers himself to be relatively happy in life, because he's achieved everything he ever wanted to and more. he loves his job and he has hobbies and friends.
he's the kind of professor who very rarely gives out a's. javed considers an a to be perfection and no one is perfect, so it's hard to achieve in his mind. other than this, in class he's the type of teacher who welcomes debate and discussion, as well as never discouraging questions. he's very passionate about what he teaches and it shows when he's in class.
connections(wanted and established)
friends: noelle wakefield students: ex-fiance(0/1): book club members: colleagues:
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bollywoodirect · 1 month
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Remembering legendary director #KAsif on his 53rd death anniversary (09/03).
He is famous for his work on the Hindi epic motion picture Mughal-e-Azam (1960).
In this photo (L to R) #PrithvirajKapoor, K Asif, Roberto Rossellini (Italian film director, screenwriter), #Madhubala, #DilipKumar.
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sheepaleepz-but-art · 9 months
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Round 5 >:) real happy with the shading on the third piece
Kasifer for blobbei/@blobbei-art
Nailgun for captain_icarus/@captainicarusmeetshismaker
Claude Desorsier for baph0meat/@iraprince
Cherry and Aeodd for Szallejh/@szallejh
One more round!
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ap0stasis · 9 months
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🎻 KASIFER & FORTE – Attack on @blobbei-art !
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lubia-zenite · 9 months
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artfight attack!!
Kasifer belongs to @blobbei-art
Hope I did him right, I looooove glowing undead designs I have one of my own after all
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kilfeur · 5 months
Ezran et Janai, leurs responsabilités en tant que seigneur mais aussi celui de leurs royaumes (Ezran and Janai, their responsibilities as rulers but also that of their kingdom)
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A la base, je comptais écrire cette analyse après la saison 6. Mais au final, je me suis dit autant la faire maintenant. Ezran est un personnage connu pour son pacifisme voulant résoudre les choses autrement par la violence. Dans les premières saisons, son développement a été de comprendre quel était son rôle et ce qu'il devrait faire en tant que roi. Bien que dans la saison 3, la cour semblait le ménager et Kasif qui le voit comme un enfant que justement un roi. Et justement sa situation m'a fait un peu penser à celle d'Amaya. Au tout début, Janai essaie de comprendre ce qui s'est passé pour son beau frère. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle comprenne que c'est Viren qui aurait orchestré le meurtre de son roi (Bien que dans son cauchemar, ça laisse supposer qu'il était témoin au moment où il a découvert le corps malgré le coup d'état mais à voir pour la suite). Amaya essaie justement d'avoir un semblant de contrôle avec Gren, son fidèle partenaire dans l'armée, jusqu'à ce que Viren l'enferme.
Tout comme Amaya, Ezran a essayé de porter sa parole mais au final à part Opeli et quelques uns, ça semble tomber dans l'oreille d'un sourd. Et à la frontière, elle sent que le contrôle de la situation lui échappe. Et quand celle ci affronte Janai en condamnant la frontière, elle se rend, se sacrifiant pour son royaume. Ezran a senti que la situation commençait à lui échapper. Et personne ne semblait l'écouter tout comme Viren n'écoutait pas Amaya. C'est pour ça que justement il rend sa couronne et se sacrifie pour éviter davantage de morts.
D'ailleurs j'aimerai souligner quelque chose c'est qu'Ezran a beau parler de ce que peuvent ressentir les autres et est attentif les concernant. Mais je le trouve peu ouvert émotionnellement parlant. Je veux dire lorsqu'il apprend la mort de son père, il comprend qu'il est le dernier à apprendre la nouvelle. Et du coup, il s'en va pour réfléchir à tout ça et retrouve Claudia pour parler de tout ça. Claudia qui justement parle de sa mère et Ezran qui parle de faire ce qui est juste même si ça fait mal. D'ailleurs quand Ezran retrouve Callum et Rayla à Xadia, il parle même pas de ce qui lui est arrivé gardant tout ça pour lui ! Ou bien par exemple lorsqu'il fait son discours, il parle de son ressenti mais aussi du deuil de son père. Car dans les premières saisons, il n'a jamais pu le faire correctement. Là ce discours lui permet justement d'en parler et de se soulager. Bien que je pense qu'il reste encore un ressenti enfouie que justement Ezran préfère garder pour lui comme on a pu le voir dans l'histoire courte où il écrase la flèche concernant l'assassinat d'Harrow. Il est fort probable qu'Ezran intériorise pas mal de chose tout comme son frère Callum ! Comme par exemple quand il voit l'arc de Runaan et tu sens qu'il va pas bien !
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Quand à Janai, c'était une soldate et la soeur de la reine du royaume de Lux Aurea. Et a aussi perdu un membre de sa famille lors de la chute de son royaume, tentant de le reconquérir en vain. Ne leur permettant que de construire un camp de fortune. Dans la saison 4, on sent que Janai se questionne sur la marche à faire sans compter son frère qui s'oppose à lui et qui était un peu son confident quand elle faisait son deuil de sa défunte soeur ainsi que son frère. En revanche, ils avaient des visions différentes pour leur royaume, Janai pensait à l'avenir même si elle serait pas là. Au moins la future génération sera protégé grâce à la graine. Or Karim ne pourra pas le voir et je pense pas que ce soit uniquement par arrogance qu'il tourne le dos à sa soeur. Je pensais qu'il souciait sincèrement du sort de son peuple et on a vu dans l'histoire courte comment la reconquête de Lux Aurea l'a affecté, ayant perdu son ami.
Donc bien que Karim est plus rattaché à l'histoire et aux traditions. Janai se sent tiraillée et ne sait plus quoi faire. Ça devait être plus simple quand elle était juste qu'une soldate mais elle peut plus être que ça désormais. Et c'est justement Amaya qui lui fait comprendre qu'elle peut être les deux malgré tout. D'ailleurs quand il a fallu rendre le verdict concernant Lucia, elle trouve la "punition" nécessaire pour justement éviter la condamnation à mort. S'éloignant justement de l'histoire mais aussi des traditions que Karim accorde autant d'importance ! Et c'est justement dans sa confrontation avec elle, qu'elle affirme sa résolution en tant que reine, ne se sentant plus tiraillée désormais !
Ezran en voyageant, comprend justement qu'il doit être capable de s'adapter car justement son rôle de roi signifie qu'il devrait rencontrer différentes personnes avec différentes personnalités, traits et ainsi de suite. Mais aussi comment les convaincre pour qu'ils puissent être à sa faveur ! Comme on a pu le voir quand il a dialogué avec Rex Igneous, Domina Profundis voir même Zubeia. Et on voit que justement ça lui pèse se confiant à Soren sur ses responsabilités en tant que roi. L'échange entre Finnegrin et Ezran est intéressant car je trouve que Finnegrin ne le voit pas spécialement en tant que roi, ne voyant pas la valeur de sa couronne ! Et justement quand ce dernier lui propose Bait en échange de son bateau pour se rendre à la mer des bannis ! Bien sûr qu'il refuse mais justement quand il voit les trois bébés battrapât, on voit les conséquences de cet acte. Et ça va justement de pair avec le fait que les personnages veulent justement sauver le monde autour d'eux, peu importe qu'il soit humain, elfe ou bien animal.
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Il voit que son frère s'est fait passé à tabac sans compter que Finnegrin intimide le groupe. Bien qu'au final, ça marche pas trop car ils sont littéralement un "ride or die" ce groupe ! Il était prêt à sacrifier sa main pour ça que je trouve qu'on oublie un peu trop souvent ! Et même à la fin, il ne dit rien à ce sujet donc y a de fortes qu'encore une fois il intériorise à nouveau. Mais y a des chances qu'il culpabilise encore sur le fait que son entourage a souffert à cause de son acte ! Quand il voit Claudia, elle les manipule en parlant de ce qu'ils auraient pu faire pour Harrow. Et je pense que ça leur a traversé l'esprit, peut être qu'Ezran aurait été tenté ? Mais je pense pas qu'il serait allé jusqu'au bout, je le vois pas forcément comme quelqu'un de moralement douteux. Or si justement, on lui offre la possibilité de revoir son père, je pense qu'il hésiterait un peu.
Car justement son deuil n'a pas pu se faire correctement dans les trois premières saisons. Du coup il est encore en période en de deuil ! Et justement quand ça marche pas, Claudia le saisit pour l'étouffer pour lui faire cracher le morceau. Et c'est triste quand on y pense car Claudia était justement la première personne auquel il s'est ouvert durant la série ! Et justement c'est Ezran qui a souhaité qu'elle et son frère soient libérés. Car il ne voulait pas qu'ils soient responsables des actes de leur père ! Et Ezran bien que je pense, la comprend dans un sens, ne peut pas lui donner ce qu'elle souhaite ! Libérer Aaravos, mettrait en puéril Xadia ainsi que la pentarchie et en tant que roi, il peut pas se le permettre !
Janai quand à elle, parle de son ressenti envers Amaya mais s'ouvre peu je trouve aux autres. Montrant que peut être elle aussi, elle a des choses qu'elle ne dira jamais pas même Amaya. Elle a essayé de garder son peuple en sécurité en donnant la graine à Miyana. Mais qui au final, se fait trahir, sans compter que malgré avoir affronté Kim'Dael, elle se fait capturée ! Jusqu'à ce qu'elle se fasse sauver par Amaya lui permettant quand même d'échanger quelques mots avec son frère avant de retourner dans son camp de fortune. D'ailleurs elle a vu dans son cauchemar que justement Aaravos l'a avalé. Bien que je me demande comment elle a pu avoir ce rêve ? Car elle n'était pas dans la tour à ce moment là ? Est ce que ce serait un tour d'Aaravos ? Ou bien c'est la chute de son royaume qui lui fait croire à des choses auxquels elle n'était pas présente !
Sinon j'aimerai aussi parler de la capacité d'Ezran à comprendre les animaux. Car je vois personne vraiment en parler, mais autant Bait et Zym, je comprends. Bait, il le connaît depuis gamin, Zym, c'est lui qu'il a vu en premier. Mais les autres animaux ?! On m'explique comment il arrive justement à les comprendre ? Je veux dire même Harrow semblait avoir quelque chose de similaire avec Pip. Je sais pas, je veux dire y a que moi qui me pose des questions ?! Est ce que du coup la Reine Orpheline était capable de faire pareil ? J'ai vraiment envie de savoir !
Janai et Ezran sont deux seigneurs qui essaient de protéger leur peuple et bien qu'il y a des choses qu'ils ne diront probablement jamais ! Et bien qu'ils peuvent être tenté par d'autre choix, ils finissent par trouver leur propre chemin. Je trouve que le développement d'Ezran est moins dans ta face contrairement à certains perso et que du coup il y a quand même une nuance et une complexité malgré tout, tout comme Janai !
Originally, I was going to write this analysis after season 6, but in the end, I figured I might as well do it now. Ezran is a character known for his pacifism, wanting to solve things differently through violence. In the early seasons, his development was to understand what his role was and what he should do as king. Although in season 3, the court seemed to go easy on him and Kasif, who sees him as a child rather than a king. And his situation reminded me a little of Amaya's. At the very beginning, Janai tries to understand what has happened to her brother-in-law. Until she realizes that it was Viren who had orchestrated her king's murder (although in his nightmare, this suggests that he was a witness when he discovered the body, despite the coup attempt, but that remains to be determined). Amaya is trying to maintain some semblance of control with Gren, his loyal partner in the army, until Viren locks him up.
Like Amaya, Ezran has tried to get his point across, but in the end, apart from Opeli and a few others, it seems to fall on deaf ears. And on the frontier, she feels that control of the situation is slipping away and when she confronts Janai, condemning the frontier. She surrenders, sacrificing herself for her kingdom. Ezran sensed that the situation was getting out of hand. And nobody seemed to be listening to him, just as Viren wasn't listening to Amaya. That's why he gave up his crown and sacrificed himself to avoid further death.
By the way, I'd like to point out that Ezran is very good at talking about other people's feelings and being attentive to them. But I don't find Ezran very emotionally open. I mean, when he learns of his father's death, he understands that he's the last to hear the news. So he goes off to think about it, and then meets up with Claudia to talk things over. Claudia talks about her mother, and Ezran talks about doing the right thing, even if it hurts. Moreover, when Ezran meets Callum and Rayla in Xadia, he doesn't even talk about what happened to him, keeping it all to himself! Or, for example, when he gives his speech, he talks about his feelings, but also about mourning his father. In the early seasons, he was never able to do this properly. This speech allows him to talk about it, and to ease his pain. Although I think there's still a buried feeling that Ezran prefers to keep to himself, as we saw in the short story where he crushes the arrow concerning Harrow's murder. It's highly likely that Ezran internalizes a lot of things, just like his brother Callum! Like, for example, when he sees Runaan's bow and you can tell he's not well!
As for Janai, she was a soldier and the sister of the queen of the Lux Aurea kingdom. She also lost a member of her family when her kingdom fell, and tried in vain to reclaim it. All they could do was build a camp. In season 4, we sense that Janai is questioning the right course of action, not to mention his opposing brother, who was something of a confidant when she was mourning her late sister, as well as his brother. On the other hand, they had different visions for their kingdom, and Janai was thinking of the future, even if she wouldn't be there. At least the next generation would be protected by the seed. But Karim won't be able to see that, and I don't think he's turning his back on his sister out of arrogance. I thought he was genuinely concerned about the fate of his people and we saw in the short story how the reconquest of Lux Aurea affected him, having lost his friend.
So although Karim is more attached to history and tradition. Janai feels torn and doesn't know what to do. It must have been easier when she was just a soldier, but she can't be just that anymore. And it's Amaya who makes her realize that she can be both in spite of everything. Indeed, when it came to Lucia's verdict, she found the "punishment" necessary to avoid the death sentence. This is a far cry from the history and traditions that Karim values so highly! And it's precisely in her confrontation with her that she asserts her resolve as queen, no longer feeling torn!
As Ezran travels, he realizes that he needs to be able to adapt, because his role as king means that he will have to meet different people with different personalities, traits and so on. But also how to convince them to be on his side! As we saw when he spoke with Rex Igneous, Domina Profundis and even Zubeia. And we can see that it's weighing heavily on him to confide in Soren about his responsibilities as king. The exchange between Finnegrin and Ezran is interesting because I find that Finnegrin doesn't really see him as a king, not seeing the value of his crown! And precisely when the latter offers him Bait in exchange for his boat to the Sea of the Castouts! Of course he refuses, but when he sees the three glow toad babies, we see the consequences of his action. And this goes along with the fact that the characters want to save the world around them, be it human, elf or animal.
He sees that his brother has been beaten up, not to mention that Finnegrin is intimidating the band. Although, in the end, it doesn't really work, as they're literally a "ride or die" group! He was ready to sacrifice his hand for that, which I think we forget a little too often! And even at the end, he doesn't say anything about it, so chances are he's internalizing again. But chances are, he'll still feel guilty about the fact that those around him have suffered because of his act! When he sees Claudia, she manipulates them by talking about what they could have done for Harrow. And I think it crossed their minds, maybe Ezran would have been tempted? But I don't think he'd have gone through with it, I don't necessarily see him as morally dubious. But if he were offered the chance to see his father again, I think he'd be a little hesitant. It's precisely because he wasn't able to grieve properly in the first three seasons.
So he's still in mourning! And when that doesn't work, Claudia grabs him and smothers him to get him to spill the beans. And it's sad when you think about it, because Claudia was precisely the first person he opened up to during the series! And it was Ezran who wanted her and her brother released. Because he didn't want them to be responsible for their father's actions! And Ezran, although I think he understands her in a way, can't give her what she wants! Freeing Aaravos would put Xadia and the pentarchy in a state of chaos, and as king, he can't afford that!
As for Janai, she talks about her feelings towards Amaya, but doesn't open up much to others. Showing that maybe she, too, has things she'll never tell even Amaya. She tried to keep her people safe by giving the seed to Miyana. But in the end, she's betrayed, not to mention captured despite having confronted Kim'Dael! Until Amaya rescued her, allowing her to exchange a few words with her brother before returning to her camp. By the way, she saw in her nightmare that Aaravos had swallowed her. Although I wonder how she could have had that dream? Because she wasn't in the tower at the time? Could it be Aaravos's trick? Or is it the fall of her kingdom making her believe in things she wasn't present for?
I'd also like to talk about Ezran's ability to understand animals. Because I don't see anyone really talking about it, but as for Bait and Zym, I understand. Bait he's known since he was a kid, Zym he was the first one to see. But what about the other animals? Can you explain to me how he manages to understand them? I mean, even Harrow seemed to have something in common with Pip. I don't know, I mean, Am I the only one who's wondering?! Was the Orphan Queen able to do the same? I really want to know!
Janai and Ezran are two lords trying to protect their people, and while there are things they'll probably never say! And although they may be tempted by other choices, they eventually find their own way. I think Ezran's development is less in-your-face than some of the other characters, so there's still a nuance and complexity, just like Janai!
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blobbei-art · 9 months
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Wanted to try and draw Kasifer a little more realistically and figure out how his antlers and feathers on his skull face work
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wordsinpersian · 2 years
Hello! Can you elaborate on the idiom “ khoone khoodet ro kasif nakon”? What exactly does this mean? and when is it used?
Of course. خون خودت رو کثیف نکن (xun-e xod-et ro kasif na-kon) literally means "don't dirty your own blood". It is said to someone who gets angry at something, and it means something like "don't get all worked up over it", "calm down", "it's no big deal".
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Hey, sorry, I know you just asked for fluff, but I’ve had a pretty angsty idea stuck in my head for a hot minute, so here it is. What if Rayla goes back to Katolis (empty handed in her search or not, you decide) to reunite with her found family. The guards let her into the castle, wary but unsurprised, which she finds a little odd considering how long ago she disappeared. She sees Callum in the courtyard and starts to get emotional from seeing him again, but stops in her tracks as she sees him pale in panic instead of reddening from anger like she expected. Then Callum turns and sprints through the castle, not responding to her calling his name or anything at all. He disappears into a room, and she skids to a stop at the door seeing him frantically looking through all his magical stuff in Viren’s old study muttering, “Where is it? Where is it?” Finally, he comes across a little pouch, and in all his haste to grab one of what’s inside, he sends some skittering across the floor. Rayla looks down to see moon opals then looks up to see Callum taking a deep breath, crushing an opal, drawing a rune, and whispering a spell. She feels magic wash over her and notices her body shimmering ever so slightly, but nothing else happens. Her confusion becomes forgotten when she hears Callum gasp, and she watches as he collapses into sobs while hugging himself and saying over and over again, “You’re real. You’re real this time.” Rayla feels her heart break yet again seeing him so distraught. She comforts him then they talk through some things. As soon as she feels like she can, Rayla asks what the moon magic was all about. Callum looks at the floor and in the dullest tone ever explains that he’s been tricked before. That illusions of her have been sent to him by lowly dark mages and other kingdoms’ high mages alike. The ones with little renown looking for reward money from a king and crown prince, and the other kingdoms (mostly Neolandia because Kasif) looking for revenge on Katolis for the disaster that was the Battle of the Storm Spire. What better way to get either than by making an illusion of the girl Prince Callum jumped off a cliff for and who subsequently vanished from his life? He figured it out fairly quickly and has since been asking LuJanne and other sympathetic moon mages for as many moon opals as possible both for learning moon magic and banishing illusions. Rayla does not know what to do with this information.
Wow, that’s a lot more than I expected, but I hope you enjoy.
Oh my goodness, that’s absolutely heartbreaking! How awful for him the first time, his relief swept away by horror as he realizes this Rayla isn’t his.
(And I’ll never complain about Rayllum content! I wonder how many different version of their reunion we’ll all write before we finally know the truth).
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I need to figure out a system how to draw Kasifer’s hair because his bangs are getting way too thick and I don’t want that sdfghjk
Also wip for the other two as well! Marzie also has no system in her hair yet mostly because I am actually not finished cleaning up her design
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cinefry · 1 day
Tandavam (Gujarathi) Movie Box Office Collection, Budget, Hit Or Flop, OTT
Tandavam Upcoming Gujarathi Movie Release on 19 Apeil 2024. The Movie Directed by AKIB SALIM GARANA Will Cast on the Movie is Prabhatsinh Rajput, Priyanka Chudasama, Dinkar Upadhyay, Kasif Chisty The Movie Produced By Prabhatsinh Rajput. The Movie Budget Was 4 Croes.
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