#kee noh
disquietedpalefish · 4 months
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lost-locket-antiques · 2 months
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Keenôree Jacison*, Elîsa's (adopted, tho neither of them would preface that) little brother, and one hell of a researcher. He's a lot more talkative compared to when he was a kid, but not by much.
He got to marry his childhood best friend, L'exûa*, which he constantly gets grief for (either from people saying they got married too young, or his sister jokingly being salty over the fact that her loner brother got married before her). He's not the type of man to start fights, and tries his best to keep the peace, being raised by a no-nonsense damn-near-special-forces Orc tends to not make you much of a pushover.
He may be meek, but he ain't weak.
*kee-noh-ree jaahk-ih-sun
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Anathema — that is, someone or something intensely disliked — is in the top 1% of looked-up words.
Anemone is a genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae.
The southern pole often gets renamed the Ant-ART-tic.
The final S and the K are frequently switched coming out as "asteriks."
Dissimilation is a linguistic phenomenon when similar consonants or vowels in a word become less alike, e.g. defibrillator becoming "defibyulator."
Dishonorable or despicable
Pronounced draft
Pronounced Shawn
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Chag Chanukah Sameach
Ma’oz Tzur
Sung by Inbar Lavi and Jake Epstein, whom starred together in Hallmark’s 2021 movie “Eight Gifts of Hanukkah”, which is where this clip is from.
This traditional Chanukah song is sung by some after the lighting of the Menorah. The Bailey family typically has Richard and Jasmine sing the song together after lighting the Menorah on the eighth night; This year, Aslihan sang the song instead. The link to learn more about the history of Chanukah is linked in the song title above; The transliteration and English translation of the song is beneath the read more. 
Hebrew Lyrics:
מָעוֹז צוּר יְשׁוּעָתִי לְךָ נָאֶה לְשַׁבֵּחַ תִּכּוֹן בֵּית תְּפִלָּתִי וְשָׁם תּוֹדָה נְזַבֵּחַ לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ .אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ
רָעוֹת שָׂבְעָה נַפְשִׁי בְּיָגוֹן כֹּחִי כָּלָה חַיַּי מֵרְרוּ בְקֹשִׁי בְּשִׁעְבּוּד מַלְכוּת עֶגְלָה וּבְיָדוֹ הַגְּדוֹלָה הוֹצִיא אֶת הַסְּגֻלָּה .חֵיל פַּרְעֹה וְכָל זַרְעוֹ יָרְדוּ כְּאֶבֶן בִּמְצוּלָה
דְּבִיר קָדְשׁוֹ הֱבִיאַנִי וְגַם שָׁם לֹא שָׁקַטְתִּי וּבָא נוֹגֵשׂ וְהִגְלַנִי כִּי זָרִים עָבַדְתִּי וְיֵין רַעַל מָסַכְתִּי כִּמְעַט שֶׁעָבַרְתִּי .קֵץ בָּבֶל זְרֻבָּבֶל לְקֵץ שִׁבְעִים נוֹשַׁעְתִּי
כְּרוֹת קוֹמַת בְּרוֹשׁ בִּקֵּשׁ אֲגָגִי בֶּן הַמְּדָתָא וְנִהְיָתָה לוֹ לְפַח וּלְמוֹקֵשׁ וְגַאֲוָתוֹ נִשְׁבָּתָה רֹאשׁ יְמִינִי נִשֵּׂאתָ וְאוֹיֵב שְׁמוֹ מָחִיתָ .רֹב בָּנָיו וְקִנְיָנָיו עַל הָעֵץ תָּלִיתָ
יְוָנִים נִקְבְּצוּ עָלַי אֲזַי בִּימֵי חַשְׁמַנִּים וּפָרְצוּ חוֹמוֹת מִגְדָּלַי וְטִמְּאוּ כָּל הַשְּׁמָנִים וּמִנּוֹתַר קַנְקַנִּים נַעֲשָׂה נֵס לַשּׁוֹשַׁנִּים .בְּנֵי בִינָה יְמֵי שְׁמוֹנָה קָבְעוּ שִׁיר וּרְנָנִים
חֲשׂוֹף זְרוֹעַ קָדְשֶׁךָ וְקָרֵב קֵץ הַיְשׁוּעָה נְקֹם נִקְמַת דַם עֲבָדֶיךָ מֵאֻמָּה הָרְשָׁעָה כִּי אָרְכָה לָנוּ הַיְשׁוּעָה וְאֵין קֵץ לִימֵי הָרָעָה .דְּחֵה אַדְמוֹן בְּצֵל צַלְמוֹן הָקֵם לָנוּ רוֹעִים שִׁבְעָה
Mah-ohz tzoor yeh-shoo-ah-tee leh-kha nah-eh le-shah-bay-ah-kh Tee-kohn bayt teh-fee-lah-tee veh-sham toh-dah neh-zah-bay-ah-kh Leh-ayt tah-kheen maht-bay-akh mee-tzahr hah-meh-nah-bay-ah-kh Ahz, ehg-mohr beh-shir miz-mohr kha-noo-kaht hah-miz-bay-ah-kh
Rah-oht sah-vah nahf-shee beh-yah-gohn koh-khee kah-lah Kha-yai may-reh-roo veh-koh-shee, beh-shee-bood mahl-khoos ehg-lah Oo-veh-yah-doh hah-geh-doh-lah hoh-tzee eht hah-seh-goo-lah Khayl pah-roh veh-khol zah-roh yahr-doo keh-eh-vehn bim-tzoo-lah
Deh-veer kohd-sho heh-vee-ah-nee veh-gahm sham loh sha-kah-teh-tee Oo-va noh-gays ve-hig-lah-nee kee zah-rim ah-vah-deh-tee Veh-yayn rah-ahl mah-sakh-tee kim-aht sheh-ah-var-tee Kaytz bah-vehl zeh-roo-bah-vehl leh-kaytz shee-vim noh-sha-tee
Keh-roht koh-maht beh-roh-sh bee-kaysh ah-gah-gee ben hah-meh-dah-tah Veh-nee-heh-yah-tah loh leh-fahkh oo-leh-moh-kaysh veh-gah-ah-vah-toh nish-bah-tah Roh-sh yeh-mee-nee nee-say-ta veh-oh-yayv sheh-moh mah-khee-tah Rohv bah-nahv veh-kin-yah-nahv ahl hah-aytz tah-lee-tah
Yeh-vah-nim nik-beh-tzoo ah-lai ah-zai bee-may khash-mah-nim Oo-fahr-tzoo khoh-moht mig-dah-lai veh-tim-oo kohl hah-sheh-mah-nim Oo-mee-noh-tahr kahn-kah-nim nah-ah-seh nays lah-sho-shah-nim Beh-nay vee-nah yeh-may sheh-moh-nah kah-veh-oo shir oo-reh-nah-nim
Kha-sohf zeh-roh-ah kohd-sheh-kha veh-kah-rayv kaytz hah-yeh-shoo-ah Neh-kohm nik-maht ah-vah-deh-kha may-oo-mah hah-reh-shah-ah Kee ahr-kha hah-sha-ah veh-ayn kaytz lee-may hah-rah-ah Deh-khay- ahd-mohn beh-tzayl tzahl-mohn hah-kaym lah-noo roh-eem shiv-ah
O mighty stronghold of my salvation, to praise You is a delight. Restore my House of Prayer and there we will bring a thanksgiving offering. When You will have prepared the slaughter for the blaspheming foe, Then I shall complete with a song of hymn the dedication of the Altar.
My soul had been sated with troubles, my strength has been consumed with grief. They had embittered my life with hardship, with the calf-like kingdom's bondage. But with His great power He brought forth the treasured ones, Pharaoh's army and all his offspring Went down like a stone into the deep.
To the holy abode of His Word He brought me. But there, too, I had no rest And an oppressor came and exiled me. For I had served aliens, And had drunk benumbing wine. Scarcely had I departed At Babylon's end Zerubabel came. At the end of seventy years I was saved.
To sever the towering cypress sought the Aggagite, son of Hammedatha, But it became [a snare and] a stumbling block to him and his arrogance was stilled. The head of the Benjaminite You lifted and the enemy, his name You obliterated His numerous progeny - his possessions - on the gallows You hanged.
Greeks gathered against me then in Hasmonean days. They breached the walls of my towers and they defiled all the oils; And from the one remnant of the flasks a miracle was wrought for the roses. Men of insight - eight days established for song and jubilation
Bare Your holy arm and hasten the End for salvation - Avenge the vengeance of Your servants' blood from the wicked nation. For the triumph is too long delayed for us, and there is no end to days of evil, Repel the Red One in the nethermost shadow and establish for us the seven shepherds.
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emerald-dragonflame · 2 years
Be excited! The gods of Nijezdo finally have names!
The Gods of Order
Alberrek the God of Leadership
Enna the Goddess of Healing
Zkoldorfri the God of Protection
Rafejil the God of Artistry
Lilani the Goddess of Agriculture
The Gods of Chaos
Nekena the Goddess of Joy
Zkarlet the Goddess of Passion
Gunthar the God of Wrath
Warutini the Goddess of Sorrow
Dinüz the God of Fear
The Gods of Mediation
Kijanu the God of Earth
Weßüjan the God of Life
Dezdinona the Goddess of Death
Heliwo the God of the Sun
Lariza the Goddess of the Moon
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s9e17 mother's little helper (w. adam glass)
noticed misha directed this episode, will be honest i don't take note of the director unless while watching something catches my eye
SAM Yeah? See, because ever since you killed Magnus, you've been acting... sort of...obsessed. DEAN Well, maybe because I want an end to all this. Maybe because if we find Abaddon, then Crowley ponies up the First Blade, and we kill her and him both. So, what you call being "obsessed," I call doing my job. SAM Okay, um... I get it, Dean. I'm just checking in. DEAN I'm fine.
nice brotherly (wait no not brotherly!) concern. and dean is TOTALLY fine. no issues here. he's just workin, sammy!
(sighing that it's a men of letters old timey thing, it's just not my jam on many levels)
so now is the mark making dean grumpy(er)? fic is giving me unrealistic expectations
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always a good sign.
the whole bottle, dean? does the mark change your alcohol metabolism? i guess i don't know that it's the same day still. no sleep all booze makes moc!dean somethin not good
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dude getting picked up by the van makes me expect a demon slice and dice phone call situation a la s1!meg. i don't remember what the blue light monster was. not a dragon is about all i got. oh right, vespa
do they ever use christo anymore? haha apparently not
Christo is God's name in Latin, will make a possessed person flinch. Despite many subsequent encounters with demons, this method of detection is not used again by the Winchesters. This has long been a bugbear of fandom.
one episode! until s14
DEAN Acting out how? SAM Well, same as the woman -- aggressive, violent, impulsive.
i wonder if dean is feeling some of these feelings too!!
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CROWLEY You're lying to Sam like he's your wife, which kind of makes me your mistress.
ha ha
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LOL from the side i was all SHIRLEY MACLAINE????
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er s3e6 fear of flying - jenny o'hara as nurse rhonda sterling
i started an ER rewatch last year maybe? and her character was memorable even she was only in 2 episodes. givin trouble to our beloved nurse hathaway
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huh never seen someone do that before. i appreciate them showing us his little routine for racking. show me that competency
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DEAN What do you want? CROWLEY You tell me, romeo. You rang. Let me guess -- you butt-dialed me? DEAN Whatever the hell that is.
do you expect me to believe dean winchester doesn't know what a buttdial is??
CROWLEY What's going on with you, huh? You call me, you hang up. You want Abaddon, you don't want Abaddon. You want the Blade, you don't want the Blade. If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you're stalling. Just between us girls, how did you feel when you sunk the First Blade into Magnus' head? DEAN Not half as good as I'm gonna feel when it's yours. CROWLEY Love it when you talk dirty. You know what I think? I think you felt powerful... virile... and afraid. DEAN Afraid? CROWLEY Don't scam a scam artist, darling. You're stalling 'cause you're scared.
another thing that was lost a bit i think when crowley was straight evil, didn't get to see him being clever and insightful (in his assholeish way)
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did i ever do a hiky for abaddon? don't think so. it's more noticeable to me now that you can't see the red hair
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stargate universe s2e7 the greater good - alaina huffman as lt tamara johansen
JOSIE No. It -- it's pre-Enochian. A crest of some sort. Kni-- "Knights of Hell"? What is that?
reminded me to look up enochian, hadn't realized it was an actual thing
Enochian (/ɪˈnoʊkiən/ə-NOH-kee-ən) is an occult constructed language[3] — said by its originators to have been received from angels — recorded in the private journals of John Dee and his colleague Edward Kelley in late 16th-century England.[4] Kelley was a scryer who worked with Dee in his magical investigations. The language is integral to the practice of Enochian magic.
okay well this page says it was used by adam in paradise, so what came before that, how did she know what it said? bah
JOSIE I could be more useful to you. People underestimate a woman. MOTHER SUPERIOR No. That's not it. You love him. He loves you, too, you know. Like a sister.
LOL what. everyone's hot for the winchesters of all generations?? i thought she was offering because he had a family
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CROWLEY I saw you. I saw the two of you together. Nothing like Cain? What's in that bottle? Delusion?
DEAN Where you going now? CROWLEY I'm going to go water the lily. Care to cross streams?
would love to see his face if sam or dean took him up on his propositions
do not understand the point of that baby hunter interaction. and why is he so clueless? with the swarms of demons that been around the past handful of years, surely even a freshly hatched hunter would know how to handle them? confusing.
JAKE But he did do exactly what you said he would. He saved you. CROWLEY Of course he saved me. We're besties. And now he's ready.
okay then :p that explains it.
bummer that dean is so grumpy now but he is extra pretty when he's like that
keeping souls in jars, okay. will this teach sam the lesson that when regular people lose their soul they turn into violent uncontrollable animals, but when he lost his soul he was just only sometimes violent and had a reason for it!
haha finally being practical, phone exorcism recording, hurray writers
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nother episode where they're too busy to have an angsty we're-not-brothers-yes-we-are thing
well i'm grateful it wasn't a flashback heavy episode after all. this whole soul harvesting business is a lot more labor intensive than cas getting all those souls from purgatory
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low-stakes-polls · 1 year
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majidalaydeross · 2 years
PETRONAS . Liquid & Metal | Brad Hogarth from Luminous on Vimeo.
CLIENT: PETRONAS MOTORSPORTS AGENCY: McCANN ERICKSON MALAYSIA PROD HSE MSIA: LUMINOUS MALAYSIA Luminous Msia Film Director: Brad Hogarth Luminous Msia Exec Producers: Karen De Silva / Dest Kee DOP ex Spore: Haruld Goh Production Designer ex KL: Nick Wong McCANN Creative Team: Richard Irvine / Jerome Ooi / John HD McCANN Head of AV : Pauline Moreira McCANN Brand Management: Adrian Ng / Amanda Yap / Aliff Faith / Hisham Noh Foreign Production Support UK: Fellow Productions UK Fellow Prod UK Producer / MD : Mark Ratcliff Fellow Prod UK Production Manager: Ravinder Cheema Fellow Prod UK Production Coordinator: Elizabeth Maj Editor: Ng Soo Siung Post Production & 3D VFX: MFX Post : Kyanne / Kim San / Pitt Ong /Moon Chong / Chek / Wayne / Szu Pei / Resi Gautama Audio : MAVERIQ - Paul Morrison & team Location Shoot: UK
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disquietedpalefish · 7 months
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thecarvingwitch · 2 years
"noh-chee" I say.
"It's gn-oh-kee" He says, in exasperation. "You are Italian. You TOOK Italian in college."
"This is delicious noh-chee." I say, smiling.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
How do you say lavender (like the herb) in Greek? Or any words for herbs and garden plants tbh 🌿
lavender = λεβάντα  (leh-VAN-da) 
plant = φυτό  (fee-TOH)
herbs = βότανα  (VOH-tah-nah)
greens/vegetables = λαχανικά  (lah-ha-nee-KA)
garden = κήπος  (KEE-pohs)
gardening = κηπουρική  (kee-poo-ree-KEE)
flowers = λουλούδια  (loo-LOOTH-ya) / άνθη (AN-thee) 
in bloom = ανθισμένος  (an-thee-SMEH-nos)
leaves = φύλλα  (FEE-lah)
tree = δέντρο  (THE-ndroh)
bush = θάμνος  (THAH-mnohs)
creepers = αναρριχητικά φυτά  (ah-na-ree-hee-tee-KAH fee-TAH)
flower pot = γλάστρα  (WLAH-stah)
wither = μαραίνομαι  (mah-REH-noh-meh)
Since words for gardening are too many to include you can send me individual words you want to know in Greek! (Or any word, for that matter!)
>>> quick pronunciation guide for Greek letters (some people get confused with ντ, θ and δ)
>>> Sometimes my pronunciation guide is a bit informal or anorthodox but I do it this way because I think this will help more.
>>> One or two of those words don’t have Greek roots and are borrowed from other languages, like λεβάντα from the Italian “lavanda”. If you want to learn their origins, you can send me an ask!
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lost-locket-antiques · 9 months
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Keenôree*, Second Child of Aharen Jacison*
A later addition to the Tippicenù crew, little Keenôree (not his birth name, but given to him by Aharen so he would stop calling him “boy” or “child”. It is the equivalent of calling your son “bird”*), was meant to only be a foster until he could be integrated into a permanent home. However, due to Aharen parental instincts, and his daughter, Elîsa’s pushing, he became the latest member of the Jacison household.
Little one had quite the rough childhood. The type of rough that you would never wish on anyone, especially a little kid. But with a lot of love, and patience, he became quite the wonderful young man.
Razmal are still a pretty new species, and not much is known about them at the moment. This is mostly due to the fact that they are not only “new”, but also due to them being very secretive. Which is a bit of a problem for an adoptive father…
*Aah-haah-rehn jaah-kih-sahn
*the “birds”, commonly known as ari’al (ah-ree-ahl), on Nijezdo actually look pretty similar to rezmal (rehz-mahl), just with wings and feathers. They are mostly ambush predators that like to hide in trees and capture prey, most having some kind of aggressive camouflage. Aharen’s native tongue of Remoninee (reh-mah-nihn-ee) call these ari’al, keenôree.
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
Ok I'm very dumb but how do you say gnocchi? Do you say it with the g or do you not? I'm so confused.
im american so i butcher it and say it like "noh-kee" :D
i Think the proper italian way is more like "nyawk-kee" though. either way, the g is silent is both versions! 💗
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alwayscrazycycle · 3 years
Gnocchi Pronounce
How to Pronounce 'Gnocchi'
Potato pasta sounds strange, so it's no wonder that it's called something interesting like gnocchi. You can read the word 'gnocchi' and get away with sounding it out however you please, but how should you say it when you order it at a restaurant? Just point to the dish on the menu? The way you pronounce it may have a lot to do from where you're from, which is why the proper pronunciation is often debated. You can hear an Italian say nyohk-kee or nyuh-kee, and an American say noh-kee or nyawk-kee...does anyone really know how to pronounce gnocchi?
The word gnocchi in Italian likely comes from the term nocca, meaning "knuckle." Gnocchi is named for its shape, and it is traditionally made by rolling a piece of dough against a textured wood board. It's simply named and simply made, too. The basic ingredients include water, potato flour, and breadcrumbs or eggs mixed together into a dough. Other variations of the dish may include milk, ground almonds, ricotta, and corn meal.
Gnocchi can be found all over the world in many forms, but it is most often associated with Italy. Every region has its own unique gnocchi recipe. In Rome, for example, a traditional gnocchi dish is gnocchi alla Romana, which is a baked (rather than boiled) pasta dish stuffed with cheese, butter, and milk. Similar to crepes and a little black dress, gnocchi is a staple to any Italian menu. In addition, it can be dressed up or down—you can find plain gnocchi on the kids menu or seasonal butternut squash gnocchi.
How to Pronounce Gnocchi
Just like every region in Italy has its own unique gnocchi recipe, each region of Italy has its own variation of sounding out g-n-o-c-c-h-i. It's like having a Southern accent versus a Midwestern accent. Some roll the "gno-" off the roof of the mouth, resulting in a "nyo" pronunctiation. Others simply say "no," which in my opinion is much less exciting. The second half of the word,         "-cchi," is consistently pronounced like "key." So, the real aspect of pronunciation that's up for debate is the first half of the word, a simple three letters. 
The Italian language is one of the romance languages, which is associated with passion, rich culture, and suave. The underlying suave and smooth sound of Italian is why pronouncing "gnocchi" with a fancy "nyo" sound seems most fitting. Not only is it interesting to hear, it makes you sound like a pasta connoisseur. Repeat after me: nyoh-kee. Don't believe me? The Oxford English dictionary supports this pronunciation as well. 
There are numerous answers to the question of how to pronounce gnocchi, but the one that seems the most interesting and true to the Italian language is the pronunctiation with a rolling "nyoh" sound. There is a wide spectrum of accents throughout the world, even just in Italy alone, so it is unfair to say that there is just one right way to say it. However, if you're stuck asking yourself how to tell the waiter you want the small pasta rolls made with potato flour, I suggest nyoh-kee. 
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
Ito Gwapo Tao
Fandom: Marvel (Army AU)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Filipina!Reader
Summary: You’re spending Valentine’s Day with your family because Bucky is on deployment. During dinner, there comes a delivery for you.
A/N: Title translation: This handsome man. Also, I was inspired after seeing a family friend’s post on facebook about her fiance surprising her today. 
Filipina!Reader Inserts Masterlist
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Bucky had called you that morning, wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day and wanting you not to spend the day moping around. 
“I wasn’t gonna mope around,” you mumbled to him. 
You heard him chuckle and say, “Doll, I know you. You were most definitely going to mope around. Besides, your mom told me you she was having a family dinner after the Feast of St. Valentine’s Mass.”
“True. I guess I could-wait.” you sat up in bed, against the headrest, “You talk to my mom?”
If you could see him right now, you were sure he’d be shrugging, “Yeah. I promised her I would when I can. She’s gonna be my mother in-law, sweetheart.”
You let out an unconvinced hum, looking down at the beautiful engagement ring Bucky used to propose to you.
“I’m 75% sure she’s trying to steal you from me.” you slid out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, doing your business. After washing your hands, you started brushing your teeth and washing your face. Bucky remained on speaker phone.
Bucky let out a laugh, “I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m pretty popular with the teetas.”
You snorted, “God, you sound so ridiculous when you say that.”
“What? Teetas?”
“Yes!” you laughed, “You sound so-”
“I was gonna say American!”
“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever, sweetheart. Make fun of me all you want, but I’m trying! Your mom has been teaching me some words and phrases whenever we talk.”
You rolled your eyes, “I don’t even wanna know what she’s been teaching you.”
“She says it’s not bad! So I think I’m good. I have a buddy here who’s also Filipino. His name’s Josh-”
“Of course it is.”
“Filipinos love to name their sons Josh. Anyway, continue!”
He chuckled again, “Okay? Well, he has been teaching me some words too. Like ‘ikaw ay maganda’.”
You giggled, “Salamat po.”
Bucky sighed, “I gotta get going now, sweetheart. Flying to another base. But I’ll call you when I can okay?”
“Okay, babe. I love you. Stay safe.”
“I will and mahal keeta.”
You giggled, “Still needs some work.”
“I’m trying!”
You laughed, “Okay! Okay! Bye!”
You sat at the dining room table surrounded by your family. Your older cousins were seated on your side, talking among each other, their parents aka the titas and titos, were on the other side talking among themselves. You were currently preoccupied with your three year old nephew, Nathan, who was telling you all about his fire truck. 
The doorbell rang and you moved to answer it, but your mom beat you to it. You shrugged it off and went back to listening to Nathan talk to you. 
“Y/N! You have delivery!” your mom announced. 
You handed Nathan back to your cousin and moved your seat back in order to get out. You waltzed over to the open door, seeing someone hold a large bouquet of your favorite flowers. 
“Oh wow! Those are beautiful!”
“I hope they are,” the person spoke and then brought the flowers down to reveal their face, “‘cause I know they’re your favorite.” And there was Bucky, staring right back at you. 
You stood there in complete shock, “Wh-Wha-How-Bucky?”
“C’mere, doll face.” Bucky handed the flowers to your mom, opening his arms out to you. 
You launched yourself at him and he caught you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight, “You’re here! You’re really here!”
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he mumbled before giving you a loving kiss. 
“Aye! Sino ito gwapo tao?!” yelled one of your aunties. 
Bucky pulled away from you and waved, “Hi, Teeta Beatrice!”
You snorted, “So American.” 
He gave you a pinch on your side, “Behave!” he then took off his hat and you realized he was still in uniform.
“Wait, you said you were flying to another base.”
He gave you a grin, “I did. Home base,” he gave you a wink and entered into your home. You followed him in, shutting the door behind you. You watched as he greeted each of your family members, paying special attention to your lolo and lola by doing mano. 
Your mom’s arm wrapped around your shoulder, “You like your suprise?”
You nodded, “Did you help plan this?”
“Yes, tay and I were so tired of your moping. You’re so dramatic!”
You rolled your eyes and mumbled, “Whatever you say, nay.” She then left you to hand a plate to Bucky, dumping food onto it as soon as it met his hands.
And you just stood there, completely elated that your fiance was here with you to celebrate Valentine’s Day together. You’ve celebrated a good amount of Valentine’s Days with Bucky. But this was probably the best one yet.
Ikaw ay maganda [ee-cow eye muh-gahn-dah] - you’re beautiful
Salamat po [sahl-ah-maht poh] - thank you
Mahal kita [mah-hal kee-tah] - I love you
Titas/Titos [tee tahs/tee tohs] - Aunties/Uncles
Sino ito gwapo tao? [see-noh ee-toh gwah-poh tah-ow] - Who’s this handsome man?
Tay [tie] - short for tatay which means father
Nay [nigh] - short for nanay which means mother
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