#keio corporation
japanbizinsider · 10 months
0 notes
The Gold and Silver Expenditure and Receipt Book (金銀出入帳)
The "Gold and Silver Expenditure and Receipt Book" is a record of the Shinsengumi’s receipts and disbursements, covering the period from the 14th day of the 11th month, Keio 3 (1867) to the 1st day of the 3rd month, Keio 4 (1868). It is approximately ten pages in length and is written in a unique ink script. This record is thought to have been written down by Shinsengumi accountants, and is one of the most valuable official documents of the Shinsengumi for understanding their exact activities and financial situation.
A portion of this document was once published in "Shinsengumi Shimatsuki" (written by Shimozawa Kan in 1928). Until around 1937, it was in the possession of Kondo Isami’s relative, Miyagawa Takashi, who lived in Kamiishihara, Chofu, Tokyo. It’s now kept at Ryugenji Temple (6-chome, Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo), the site of Kondo Isami’s tomb, along with many other related documents once owned by the Miyagawa family.
The first part of this document is marked with "Start". It then describes the movement of money within the accounting division, and the four people whose names appear in the document, Yasutomi Saisuke, Kishijima Yoshitaro, Otani Isao, and Nakamura Gendo are of course Shinsengumi accountants.
The accountants were usually in charge of bookkeeping, but in times of war, such as the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, they were also assigned to the the logistics division (konida). Yasutomi and Kishijima worked as investigators (諸士調役) (also called "metsuke"), while Otani and Nakamura were treated as the same level as corporals. Some records refer to Otani as an accountant and Nakamura as an equivalent of an accountant.
(source: 新選組史料集)
Out of all the historical texts in 新選組史料集, the Shinsengumi’s account book seemed the most interesting to me, and I kept seeing quotes from it in the articles I’ve read.
It took a while to make sense of the archaic terms and Edo period accounting notation, but I think I’ve mostly figured it out. Here’s my translation: [link], and below are my translation notes and the full original text.
[Read the full translation here]
Translation Notes
一金...也 = formal notation used to clarify and confirm that the money will indeed be paid. Ignore this when translating. (source)
也 = classical modal particle used at the end of sentences to express an explanation or judgement. Ignore this when translating. (source)
右 = classical term of respect. Ignore this when translating. (source)
ニて (にて) = indicates the location where something took place. Ignore this when translating.
江 = river? (not sure why it’s added to some of the entries, but makes more sense to ignore this when translating)
同 = same 一同...也 = 一金...也 同人 = same person as the previous entry
両 = ryo (see: how much was 1 ryo worth?)
分 = bu (1/4 of a ryo)
朱 = shu (1/16 of a ryo)
代 = fee
渡 = transferred
相渡 = handover, transferring from one party to another
手宛 = salary
地役 = easement (the right to use someone else's land for a specific purpose) (source)
入用 = necessary uses
御用 = official duties
帰ル = returned
拾 = ten
廿 = twenty
卯 = year of the rabbit (1867 in this case)
正月 = first month
極月 = twelfth month
一件 = incident
候 or 候事 = the state of things. Ignore when translating.
払 = payment
付 = assistant
Original Text
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Simplified Text
���十一月二十八日 二十両 中村渡蠟印一件 (中村は、勘定方の中村玄道のこと)
十二月三日 六十二両二分 安富渡福林代 (安富は、諸士調役の安富才介のこと)
五日 七十二両 同人袴代渡
十一日 二百五十両 岸嶋渡 (岸嶋は、諸士調役の岸島芳太郎のこと)
十一日 百両 安富渡
五十両 同人渡
五十両 同人渡
百両 同人
十二月二十一日 五十両 安富渡
百両 同人
三百両 同人 大平分
百五十両 同人
百両 同人 大平分
伏見にて 二百両 中村玄道預ケ
二百両 同人 船中にて
品川 二百両 安富渡
百両 中村渡
一月二十三日 百両 同人 品川にて
一月二十三日 五百両 安富渡 布段代
二十八日 五十両 同人
大坂より諸払分 二百二十二両 中村渡
二月六日 百両 安富渡
八日 六百三十両 同人
十一日 百両 同人
十五日 百両 同人
二十三日 五十両 同人
二十七日 五十両 大谷 (大谷は、勘定方の大谷勇雄のこと)
二十九日 二百両 安富
百両 大谷
二月二十九日 五十両 岸嶋渡
三月一日 二百両 道中 大谷
手宛入用出口 (現在は書き出し付箋がはがれ、上から三文字が不明となっている)
十一月十四日 三百五十七両三分 十一月分手宛 (十一月分の月給のこと)
七両 同学講 三人 (講師への手当)
十五日 五両 角楼払 (島原遊廓角屋への支払い)
十七日 十両 山田一郎 刀拵代渡 (二条小川角の研師で、隊士の刀剣の修理代と考えられる)
百両 佐藤安二郎 相渡 (保次郎とも書き、文久三年以来、新撰組といろんな接点を 持つ。この記録からも密接な関係を知ることができるが、実態はいまひとつはっきりしない。幕臣 <小普請組岡田将監支配〉 佐藤喜内の孫で、父を宗三郎という)
十七日 二十五両渡 伏見御用
内十両原田請取 原田岸嶋
内十二両二分□二分入 両人渡 (副長助勤原田左之助、諸士調役岸島芳太郎らが伏見へ公用 で出張した折のもの。坂本龍馬の暗殺により海援隊士などが 大坂から伏見に上り、ここから分散して京都に潜入したのが十七日。この不穏な動きを察知し、直ちに出動したものらしい)
十九日 十七両 七条一件 十七人被 (七条油小路で伊東甲子太郎および高台寺党の面々を襲撃した時に出動した隊士への特別手当。一人各一両が渡されている。記録によって出動が判明している隊士は、永倉新八、原田左之助、大石鍬次郎、岸島芳太郎、宮川信吉、島田魁、横倉甚五郎、三浦常次郎、 芝岡剛三などで、原田、大石、岸島、三浦、芝岡の負傷が確認できる)
十一月十九日 十両 金物屋清兵衛払
十九日 一両 七条一件付下男共遣し
二十一日 二十両 山田一郎相渡
二十二日 一両二分 伏見行入用幷ニ酒料共
二十二日 五両也 帰ル 下坂手宛宮川 渡 (この記載事項は印を押して抹消してある)
二十三日 十両 同入用辛嶋 相渡 (辛島昇司への大坂行きの手当。この辛島は、後に大坂で新撰組を脱走している)
二十三日 五両 荒木新三郎遣し (信三郎とも書く。江戸で病死したと伝わる)
二十六日 十六両二分 大和守身三本 (会津の刀匠大和守源秀国の刀身三本を購入)
十一月二十三日 一二分 御用出入用渡
二十九日 十六両 刀身二本宗安
五両 綿代相渡
十二月 二日 二分二朱 西ノ宮御用行 (上京途上の長州藩兵の様子を探るため、二日夜に西ノ宮へ向かった隊士への費用。翌三日に帰還して作成した報告書が残る)
二日 一二分二朱 土方剣術古手一ツ (「古手」は「籠手」の誤記)
五両 土方入用
六日 十五両 山田一郎相渡
九日 十両 原田渡
二両 宮本 (局長付の宮本騰太のことか)
十二月 十日 六両 着込入用吉村渡
十一日 二百両 歩人足手宛部屋頭 相渡
三百四十四両三分 手宛相渡 (十二月分月給のこと)
三十九両 局長付相渡 (局長付の十二月分月給。局長付池田七三郎の遺談に「十二 月になって一両が渡された」とあるから、三十九人分ということになる)
三千両 山中組十家 返済
十三日 二百二十七両 二条城にて一同 相渡 (特別手当として支給されたもの)
二百両 人足渡部屋頭渡
十両 吉村貫一郎着込 (吉村は本名を嘉村権太郎といい、奥州盛岡藩を脱藩し新撰 組に加入した人で、この時、諸士調役を務めていた)
十五両 賄方忠助福田渡 (忠助とは沢忠輔のこと)
四千九十八両二分 (十一月二十三日の御用出入用渡という記載からの合計金額)
四十五両 山崎烝相渡 (山崎は副長助勤)
二十五両 大坂岩城にて先生 御買物払分 (新撰組は十四日に永井玄蕃頭に従い下坂して、大坂の天満天神に駐屯した。先生とは近藤勇のことである。岩城とは呉服屋のことか)
十両 先生行辛嶋 渡
大坂にて 十六両 局長付残分手宛山崎
十五日 夜 百両 山崎吉村伏見行節 相渡 (新撰組の伏見警備が決まり、偵察と下準備を兼ねて、先発隊として向かったものらしい)
十五日 十両 大坂にて辛嶋渡
十六日 二十五両 伏見地役共被 (十六日、新撰組は大坂を発し、夕方、伏見に到着し、伏見奉行所へ入る)
十両 部屋頭渡伏見人足 入用
十両 大坂表て人夫分 渡
四両 大川七郎相渡代
五十両 先生下坂付山崎 相渡 (十二月十八日、伏見奉行所から二条城へ出向いての帰り、 近藤は高台寺党の残党に鉄砲で右肩を撃たれ、重傷を負った。 会津藩と大坂城の将軍家から医者が来たというが、手当てが 充分できないというので、二十日になって大坂へ赴いた。 沖 田総司も同行し、以後、大坂町奉行屋敷にて療養を続けた。この時に護衛をした山崎烝に預けられたもの)
二十両 伏見部屋頭 相渡
八両 荒木柏村岡田中村残人 相渡
三両 井上源三郎賊相手 節渡 (井上は、副長助勤で三番隊組頭)
四十九両 伏見て歩兵人足 被
十一 十一人賊相手節 (十二月二十一日夜の都城兵との事件に関する特別手当。 一人あたり一両となる)
三十両 伏見部屋頭 相渡
十二月二十八日 百八十五両 伏見にて一同被 (特別手当として支給されたもの)
十二月二十八日 三百両 部屋頭 貸渡分
六両 福田平馬相渡
(天然理心流近藤周斎の門人で、神奈川奉行所定役である。 甲州勝沼戦争の時に近藤が神奈川の菜葉隊の応援を期待したのは、この福田の関係からである。明治になって、駿府奉行所支配定番となる)
二十九日 四両 小幡三郎 (+) 行節渡 (薩摩兵の動きを探るため、間諜として潜入する時に渡されたもの)
一両二分 大坂遣ひ人相渡
一月七日 百五十五両 大坂城って一同手 宛渡 (一月分月給のこと)
十八日 五百八十五両 品川宿局中一 同 被三十九 (鳥羽伏見戦争に敗れた新撰組は、大坂天保山沖から富士 丸と順動丸に分乗して江戸へ向かった。 横浜で負傷者を上 陸させ、本隊は品川宿の釜屋半右衛門方を宿所とした。この 時に分配された特別手当で、一人に十五両が渡された)
二百四十両 同局長付二十四人被 下 (一人に十両となる)
百五両 伏見地役七人被 (一人に十五両となる)
百五両 步兵 被 (一人に七両で、十五人か)
六十五両 人足 被 (一人五両で、十三人か)
一月十八日 九十両 役人分被
十五日 百両 横浜病人手宛嶋田 預ヶ置候 (横浜の仏語学校を改造した病院で治療を受けている隊士た ちのことで、伍長の島田魁が世話役として派遣される)
品川にて 二十両 大工仙蔵渡 (近藤の試衛館道場と関係のあった人物)
十八日 二十五両 土方諸買物払
二十二日 三十五両 土方戎屋払 (武器購入の支払い分)
二十三日 二十五両 大工仙蔵相渡
五両 諸払土方出 (副長土方歳三は、このところ自らいろんな買物をしているようだ)
五両一分二朱 子儘者ぶん硯瀬戸 物色々 (「子儘者」は「小間物」ということだろう)
千八百七十一両三分二朱 (十二月二十八日の部屋頭へ貸渡分という記載からの合計金額)
四百両 大坂先生出分
二十六日 十五両 大工仙藏
二十七日 三百二十両 横浜在留之者相渡
同志十六人局長付六人 人口四人 (一人あたり、同志十五両、局長付十両、人足五両。 これは、 横浜において治療を受けていた隊士たちを岸島芳太郎と尾関泉が迎えに行き、近藤の指示に従って江戸和泉橋の医学所へ移した日に渡されたもの。医学所が収容しきれなかったので、 幡三郎、中山重造、大町通南太郎、大橋半三郎、足立麻太郎、医学館の方へ入ったという。ちなみに鳥羽・伏見戦争で負傷したと考えられる面々は、近藤芳祐、 小原孔三、 粂部正親 山野八十八、 松原幾太郎、 沼尻小文吾、 中條恒八郎、小上原栄作、池田七三郎、和高小刀太、相馬肇、一色善之助、小堀誠一郎などである)
二十八日 五十両 内三十八両帰ル 先生 横浜行持参 (仏人医師の治療を受けるため、横浜へ赴いたもので、この時に近藤と会った通詞田島応親の遺談が残っている)
二十九日 六両 仕立や乙二郎遺
二月二日 三十両 大工仙藏
三日 十両 近藤隼雄 原錠之進
三日 二十五再 原田嶋田両人子供 片付遣し候
三日 百両 元詰鉄炮五丁 (一挺二十両となる)
二月六日 十両 岸嶋芳太郎脇差代
八日 八両 佐藤安次郎刀代
十日 六両三分 買物払
十三日 五十両 先生 出 (永倉証言でいうところの近藤の月給か)
百六十四両一分 手宛相渡 (二月分の月給のこと)
十五日 六十四両 病院詰
十四両 同手宛 (病院に入院中の同志および局長付へ渡された二月分の月給。六十四両は同志の分、十四両は局長付の分と思われる。 同志十六人とすると人あたり四両で、局長付は二両で七人といったところか)
四十三両 中嶋屋払大小七本
十五両 同渡
二十両 大工仙蔵分寺尾君 渡
(寺尾君とは、田安家の家来で寺尾安次郎という人。 近藤上京後、道場の世話をしてくれていた天然理心流の有力者であ る。 板橋で処刑された近藤の死骸を掘り出す時も、その指示をした)
十六日 三十両 日野宿要三幸助遣 (谷春雄氏によると、要三とは侠客小金井小次郎の弟分天野要蔵だという)
二月十七日 三百両 甲州行三人渡 (甲州鎮撫に赴くための下工作資金か)
七両 永倉 両度渡 (副長助勤永倉新八のこと)
十八日 二十一両 伏見地役七人渡 (一人あたり三両となる)
七十五両三分 刀五本脇差三本
二十四日 六両二分
二十五日 二十両 中村屋金払
二十両 石屋弘二本
千疋 芝参詣香料 (芝の金地院にある近藤周斎の墓に詣でた折のものか、あるいは増上寺の徳川家茂の墓か)
二十六日 六両二分 中村屋金兵衛払
七両二分 馬代大久保払 (この頃、近藤はすでに大久保剛と名乗っていたらしい。一説によれば、若年寄格に登用されたという)
二月二十六日 二十両 大工払沖田渡 (副長助勤沖田総司のこと)
十両 佐藤安二郎馬代払
二十七日 十両 大石鍬二郎甲州行 (十両は甲州行きの特別手当。 大石は鎮撫隊先番として先発した)
百両 松本良順石料 (松本への薬代の支払いである)
二十八日 五百九十五両 四十九人二十一人甲 行手定 (甲州行きの特別手当で、同志四十九人に十両ずつ、局長付二十一人に五両ずつが支給された)
二十八日 三百両 二十騎相渡し (近藤の妻子が住んでいる牛込騎町のことを、俗に仕騎と呼んだ。御坊主の家を購入したもので、新しく建て増した勝手と三部屋くらいの広さであった。この後まもなく甘騎の家は福田平馬に譲り、中野の成願寺へと疎開している)
五十両 宮川神前 (天満屋事件で戦死した伍長宮川信吉の神前に供えたもの)
十両 沖田渡 (甲州行きの特別手当と同額であり、沖田が甲州鎮撫隊に途中まで随行したという説が、俄かに真実味を帯びてくる)
三両 忠助妻
二月二十九日 七両 子供手宛 (近藤、土方の召し抱えた小姓のことで、刀持ちなどを勤めた。一人一両ずつとすると七人いたことになり、一両三分ずつとすると四人となる。井上泰助、沼尻愛次郎、渡辺市造、市村鉄之助、上田馬之介、玉置良蔵、 田村銀之助などがいた)
三十一両 中嶋屋弥右衛門払
十三両二分 中村屋佐兵衛づぼん (池田七三郎〈後の稗田利八〉の談話に、「洋服の上着みた いな木綿の綿入れにズボンをはき、これに撃剣の胴を着けて草鞋ばき」という、甲州勝沼戦争時の服装を語った部分がある)
六両二分 沖田遣
四十両 田中福田蔭山嶋崎 (田中恒太郎、福田平馬、 蔭山新之丞、嶋崎は勇三郎か玄弥 か。同志の甲州行きの特別手当と同額なので、この人たちも甲州鎮撫隊に参加したと考えられる)
十両 伏見役人遣し (これも甲州行き特別手当と考えられる)
二十両 松原大橋渡 (松原幾太郎と大橋半三郎への甲州行き特別手当。同志格につき、各十両ずつが渡されている。両名は鳥羽・伏見戦争で負傷し治療を受けていたため遅れたもの)
二十両 三人分手宛 (甲州行きの特別手当で、同志名、局長付二名に対し支給されたもの。同志一名とは、 近藤芳祐か)
十一月十四日 六十三両一分 十一月分一同借財
十九日 二十両 会より四人葬敷手 宛受取
(会とは会津藩のこと。 七条油小路で殺害した、伊東甲子太郎、藤堂平助、服部武雄、毛内有之助の葬儀料を受け取った屯の)
二十三日 三両 東一件持合之入
十二月朔日 二百両 杢兵衛受取 (永倉記録に、部屋頭若松杢之助とある人物のことか)
五日 千両 同人
七日 千四百両 会 大竹受取
六百両 会より受取
十三日 二千両 小堀数馬受取 (所司代支配下の京都代官。 禁裡御所御用支配を兼任した。役高六百石、役料千俵)
四十二両 宮川 紀州より (伍長宮川信吉が、紀州藩公用人三浦休太郎を護衛術中に戦死したため、紀州藩からの弔慰金)
二十日 二十両 会より先生見舞 (近藤が高台寺党の残党に襲われ、右肩に重傷を負った折の見舞金)
一月七日 五百両 大坂城請取
四千二百両 同賄方分請取
二百両 大坂先生請取
江戸にて 二千両 会請取
十二月八日 四千両 大坂山中組合十家 より (帳簿に記載するのを忘れ、後で書き込んだようである)
二月三日 三百両 御城設楽殿 (幕府御目付設楽岩次郎〈備中守〉のことと考えられる)
二十七日 二千三百九十四両一朱 御城請取
二十九日 千二百両 会より
三千両 松本良順より 二万三千百四十一円余 (この分別筆)
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23gs0048 · 9 months
1. Name: Nozomi Oka
Background: Tokyo University, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

Keio University, Business / Illinois Wesleyan University
Experience: B Corp Consultant (current)

Japan Bank for International Corporation: Researcher (2020-2021, UK)
 2 Start-ups (2020, UK)

Nissan: Corporate strategy, Sales, Marketing (2014-2020, Yokohama)

Goldman sachs: Finance Controllers (2009-2014, Tokyo)
 The speaker’s activities is “B corp”. That is a designation of employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials.
3. She pay an attention of environmental issues because when she was at kindergarten, she thought an idea of how to make doll from plastic trash.
4.During the lecture, she emphasized “kaizen”. This word felt me the most important for everything.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Milano: Tortona Design Week torna tra i protagonisti del Fuorisalone 2023 con “Future to Share”
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Milano: Tortona Design Week torna tra i protagonisti del Fuorisalone 2023 con “Future to Share”. Con una veste inedita e una proposta di comunicazione mirata a riunire e raccontare le realtà della zona di Tortona, Tortona Design Week, per la prima volta in collaborazione con l’agenzia di comunicazione integrata Double Malt, presenta per l’edizione 2023, Future to Share: un progetto ambizioso per farsi insieme pionieri di un futuro da scrivere nell’ottica della condivisione e dell’inclusività. La tecnologia, l’innovazione e la circolarità rappresentano oggi i capisaldi su cui riprogrammare la quotidianità e costruire un domani in grado di valorizzare l’autoproduzione e la manifattura urbana sostenibile. Protagonisti di quest’anno: TCL, Nardi, GAC Europe, Hainan Lizu, Delta Light, Decor Lab, Lechler, nhow Milano, Festool, Lexus, Zip Zone Events, YOOX, Keio SDM, Freehand Furniture Co, Officina 14, ADF- GARDE, Noroo, Swatchbox, UMPRUM (The Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague), Institute for Material Design IMD assieme a Mazda Motor Corporation, e IAB Italia. Ad animare l’intera zona e farne una tappa di riferimento per il numeroso pubblico atteso, ci sarà come sempre un ricco programma di installazioni, mostre, eventi, talk e incontri, mirati a rendere l’audience uno spettatore competente e critico nei confronti del presente. Con l’ambizione di creare nuovi valori, coinvolgere ed educare, Future to Share è apprendimento e costruzione del cambiamento. TDW Hub: Una novità di questa edizione sarà il TDW Hub, un open space dedicato alla creatività e all’innovazione, situato in via Tortona 12. Un punto di raccolta e interazione in cui più aziende si troveranno a coabitare e dialogare tra loro per offrire al visitatore un’esperienza di come il design faccia parte, con forme diverse e talvolta inaspettate, delle nostre vite. TCL Green Horizon: In linea con la firma del suo marchio "Inspire Greatness", TCL introduce ELEMENTS – TCL Green Horizon: un viaggio immersivo alla scoperta dei quattro elementi della natura, una mostra che ricorderà ai visitatori come la natura sia sempre stata e sia tuttora la più importante fonte di ispirazione, creatività e innovazione. Attraverso opere d'arte sostenibili, esperienze interattive e prodotti innovativi, i visitatori potranno immaginare un orizzonte, un futuro prossimo, in cui natura e tecnologia convivono armoniosamente. Limonaia (Nardi): Tra i protagonisti della manifestazione, Nardi presenta in via Tortona 30 Limonaia, un allestimento che interpreta un’idea di vita all’aria aperta con la leggerezza, i colori e i profumi di una terrazza mediterranea. La poltrona Net Lounge, dal caratteristico profilo a onda, arreda un’area in cui tra video ed effetti speciali, il visitatore avrà la sensazione di fluttuare nell’aria. Lo spazio ospiterà due talk moderati dalla giornalista e autrice Antonella Galli: mercoledì 19 aprile alle ore 19, “La stanza in più: progettare terrazzi e giardini” con l’architetto e noto personaggio televisivo Diego Thomas; venerdì 21 aprile alle ore 19, “Benessere e natura nel giardino contemporaneo” con il paesaggista, Antonio Perazzi, e il medico e docente di fitoterapia, Stefania Piloni. GAC Car Culture Series: GAC, giovane studio di design automobilistico, espone per la prima volta “Car Culture #2 – The Van life”, secondo progetto della "GAC Car Culture Series”. Grazie a un abitacolo versatile e tecnologie che consentono di raggiungere luoghi remoti senza emettere particelle nell'atmosfera, il nuovo mezzo permette di muoversi con facilità e silenziosamente, circondati dalla bellezza. momentUM (Delta Light): Per l’occasione, Delta Light lancia invece la sua nuova collezione, presentandola con la pubblicazione del catalogo The Lighting Bible 15. Dal 17 aprile i nuovi prodotti della multinazionale belga saranno al centro di momentUM, un’evocativa installazione che animerà il Delta Light Studio di via Gaspare Bugatti. Ottiche di precisione d’avanguardia, innovazioni di colori e di design insieme a eleganti espressioni decorative saranno le novità di sistemi di illuminazione lineare, ma anche di soluzioni per l’outdoor. WunderDecor (laboratorio della decorazione Decor Lab): Decor Lab, il laboratorio della decorazione di interni di via Tortona 37, torna con WunderDecor, un’esposizione rinnovata e nuove idee di decorazione, capaci di creare ambienti personali, immaginifici e innovativi. Insieme alle loro 20 aziende partner propongono un ventaglio di soluzioni coordinate e personalizzabili per liberare al massimo la creatività, ospitando eventi, mostre d'arte e presentazioni delle nuove collezioni. The Way of Relations (Lechler): Color Design® Lechler, specializzata nella produzione di vernici, presenta “The Way of Relations”, la nuova proposta dedicata agli spazi di relazione, di transizione, di riflessione, luoghi che rispondono al nuovo concetto di abitare la casa. Si recupera e rilancia la relazione in ogni sua forma, facilitando - con il colore, i materiali e le finiture - le armonie tra esterno ed interno, tra spazi reali e quelli virtuali, tra passato e futuro. L’hub 35 (nhow Milano): Da ex fabbrica riconvertita a hotel, nhow Milano apre le porte a L’hub 35, il grande evento che trasformerà i camaleontici spazi della struttura in veri e propri laboratori d’innovazione e creatività, riunendo i lavori di importanti brand internazionali che, come nhow, in una spaccatura nel muro non vedono qualcosa di rotto, ma un’apertura verso un nuovo mondo. Giovedì 20 aprile si festeggerà insieme con il party “L’hub of sound 35 ”.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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konradnews · 2 years
The "10 Private Railway Companies Stamp Rally" will be held for the first time in three years. Each company will present an original train hologram sticker with a different design.
The “10 Private Railway Companies Stamp Rally” will be held for the first time in three years. Each company will present an original train hologram sticker with a different design.
Tokyu Corporation, Keisei Electric Railway, Odakyu Electric Railway, Keihin Electric Express Railway, Seibu Railway, Sagami Railway, Keio Electric Railway, Metropolitan Intercity Railway, Tobu Railway, and Tokyo Metro will hold the “10 Private Railway Companies Stamp Rally” from October 28 to January 15, 2023, visiting designated stations of each company. This is a stamp rally in which visitors…
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ishibashisumi · 5 years
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Work - illustration for 「リノア目黒大橋」マンションポスター:京王電鉄&リビタ(タシリンゴ合同会社)2017年
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blaze8403 · 4 years
Hawkins Versus Basco University Hawkins Versus Basco like BAS Co or Company not Bascos Chicken and waffles like breakfast on fast break and splatter platters of latter day like IHOP and International House of Philosophy noted not pancakes like Okane is not Bread cakes like Pan cakes in Japanese and paper folds like origami into A polymer Magick trick of 311CK 311USA 311USS March Eleven Pisces like spies and everything is snacking like cakes and pies and well maybe what Imperial Majesty Warlord King and God may despise and what may not of surprise like sunset or sunrise and poetics flow is kicking in like afterburners and the incoming of incoming aftermath like Pythagorean mathematics and metaphoric translations of lango like fresh squeezed mango and breaded chicken tenders and Ken be it sword and words like Pokemon and Poke Cola and the Pokemon Monday and Pokeball Magick 8 ball question like Hotel Phonetic letter H B2A1S19 Reduced to 1 BAS211 like not 211 steel Reserved but Mister GMA like Good morning America and email like Google Mail hotmail code Gmail Ai like love and secured electronic mailing like maybe A Mei ling but I and Me like Me and I not rap devil but Rhap lived devil is Diablo about to blow like word throughout the La Angels Daemos in devils armed for Demo like Demolition man or Theory Nigoogaes go boom Nigoogaes explode like ocsab and Saab like bus or sub Tao means the way Dao means the Path Tee to Dee and John Lee or Dee like Hawkins or Hopkins and operations that or on specific day like Hawkins Umbrella Corporation in big sway be it my ways like any others College Versus among Selection adding Basco University like the Market or Market like pulling up socks while the stocks are on Christmas like day of stocking stuffers maybe stuffed Hen like Hard Rock Cafe and Spell Face Maybe Lacie May or Debbie Tsu like the Art of war and spell Sun Tzu or Tsu and come Sunday Sutcivni like Sol invictus and Los La Angels From Location to Location Mexico and International like Woman or Wyman and Y chromosome letter 25 and Pythagorean single integer of 7 like GPY777 on GPA771 of Saint Paul Holy Paul on Roll to go Saint Row GTA Johnny GAT live with Resident evil weaponry tactic live ammunition and Devil may Cry Dante and Virgil combined I just may especially over A Virgin student or Virgin Mary like Marriott or Marriage today Religious studies Janism the ist or ism of imperial sent messages maybe up down east west north south like A Pokemon pinball no blood and bone take it back Fist of the North Star Theory and live action movie motion picture maybe lovie or two like Boop or Booper and Re not Book or Booker maybe online offline the ff in Kauffman not fast furious but rocking to super thug like the Called me Animal Thug I love animals Thug Terry Hawkins Undergraduate not unintelligent guess but the IQ of an Adult with A high intelligence quotient Rules to Yale like male or female the Lee Li in me spell life female male lame be a meal of my Kogeki not any pieces to note like Hawkins Versus Hopkins 1 to 5 debate in to Kyoto Tokyo Tsinghua T sign University Ninja U not you tube or NINJA Gaiden and fudging gaijin like God and love maybe currency men women money letter and number one of may day past Dday not my Bday be it Keio Waseda Truman Harvard Howard Towson University of Baltimore or Baltimore Maryland community colleges that got in the way Coppin like not poppin spell Hawkins and Hopkins Hawkins Hokinsu or any of my founded college's International Correction Prisons Association University Maybe Not Mom Co Dad Co but A Bas Co but yes Like Dan And DNA a Dan Brown Novel motion picture and Sailor moon like the Hawk in me and Takatsugetsu spell sun and moon like Ai or my Jujanjzanjutsu and magic of Magick like Iki says and Perose Dragonus Loki Kami Aisuru Ikigami Shinigami tribal combo like Tee T or Terry not eat ate tea on an eta estimated time of arrival or eastern time not entertainment tonight but Raven Phoenix Angel Dragon Rainbird Sparrow Hawking Dove like Shang Yang and yin and yang and Chinese Rainbird.
Hawkins VersusBU1
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btskismet · 5 years
Kismet (Chapter 16): A BTS Jin imagines fanfic
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First ever fanfic. Contains fluff and smut. Please read sequentially as it is a long story arc. Please provide feedback! My IG is btskismet.
November 4, 1944
He arrived at Ichihara with nothing but a duffel bag filled with a few clothes and some food. He was not expecting to be on the road for so long after the ship ride from Gyeongseong* to Tokyo. He knew that volunteering to be part of the Army was stupid but if it would help earn money for his family, he would do it. He also knew that he had the know-how to go up the ranks. His father, being a local official in Gyeongseong in the past, knew that if his youngest son learned Japanese, he would go far. Being in a country that has been under Japanese rule since 1910, his father had good foresight to get his son to learn Nihonggo well.
His mother tried to stop him from leaving and she cried so much when he boarded the ship. “Omma, I’m doing this to make you proud of me. Where else can I earn good money?”, he thought to himself silently as he watched his mother and brother from the ship deck. His father passed the year before and he was hoping he was watching his son from the heavens and pleased with his decisions to take care of their family. He knew that his older brother Jun-ha would’ve done what he could but after the incident, his leg would not last if he went with him.
Kim Jun-seok hoped that he wouldn’t be drafted to work in the Army hospitals or worse, to be sent for active duty somewhere else. He was hoping that with his act of volunteering, he would be able to handle technical work the camps or hangars. After all, volunteers can be part of the extensive apprenticeship for technical work, if they are lucky. He was crossing his fingers and praying that luck would shine on him.
“Sakurai Touma!”, a man called his name as he was waiting in line. In 1939, his family had to change their last name to Sakurai and they had to adopt Japanese first names too. Though he and his family still called each other by their Korean names, it would be deemed atrocious, if not illegal, for them to use it outside. To prevent from being ostracized in their town by the Japanese officers and the community, they had to get used to responding to their Japanese names.
He approached the table where the “Gocho” (Corporal in Japanese) was. His heart was beating fast as he was concerned about what assignment he was going to give him.
The stern-looking man scrutinized him and asked for his documents and identification. He looked at his ID, then his face and then back again to his ID and documents. He was afraid that this man might just decide to send him to active duty, especially since the war efforts were more rampant now that Japan has taken a desperate push to continue its hold on several Southeast Asian countries after attacking Pearl Harbor in 1941.
He hoped though that his Japanese language level and family history may keep him in Ichihara, Chiba to work in the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service hangar as an air technician. He was fascinated with the fighter planes made by the Japanese for the war, despite his biases towards the Japanese people in general. 
However, he always remembers what his father said to him before he died: “If you follow their footsteps but know in the deepest of your heart that you are Korean, you are not being a traitor to your country. You are merely protecting yourself and your family to live long to fight for Korea in time.”
“Sakurai-san, are you a hardworking man?”, the Corporal asked him in Nihonggo. 
“Hai!”, he shouted as a response. He excitedly shared to the Corporal in Nihonggo his desire to work in the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service and what he studied in school that will help him become a good air technician.
“Have you ever seen a fighter plane up close before?”, the Corporal asked pointedly. Jun-seok opened his mouth to speak but didn’t say anything. He realized with that question that he has not seen one in real life. What he saw were drawings and photos of them in school and in newspapers.
“You disappoint me, Sakurai-san. How can you work on combat aircraft if you haven’t seen one at all?”, the Corporal said, swaying his head.  
“I have worked on cars and other machines, Gocho! I can be of use to the Imperial Army Air Service! I know what is needed to repair planes to make them work better and stronger to fight our enemies!”, he confidently said.
The Corporal was quiet for some time and was checking his logbook. He then encircled a portion of the page he was looking at. He looked again at the documents and ID Jun-seok gave him.
“You are Kim Jun-seok, yes?”, the Corporal asked him, looking at him intently.
He was taken aback by his question. He stammered and didn’t know what to say. Finally he replied: “My name is Sakurai Touma.”
The Corporal smiled and read a piece of paper that was tucked inside his logbook. “Kim Jun-seok, youngest son of Kim Man-seok and Kim Mi-sun. Younger brother to Kim Jun-ha. Studied in Keio University. Your father worked in the Chosun Hotel and eventually became a banker for the Bank of Korea. He then got elected as Shicho (Mayor) of Seongbuk-gu and was respected by the community and was considered as a kokumin (Japanese national).”
He stared at the Corporal, aware that his mouth was wide open with surprise. He closed it and was stunned to hear the Corporal tell him his family’s background.
“Your father was a great citizen of our nation... but we both know he shouldn’t have allowed those men treat him the way they did.”
He bowed his head. He was trying his best to fight back the tears as he remembered his father.
Kim Man-seok (called Sakurai Makoto in Japanese), didn’t allow three men, who beat him up profusely, to be prosecuted by the Japanese courts. His brother, Kim Jun-ha, was with their father when they attacked and his left leg was fractured when one of the men hit it with a lead pipe.
These men, who were part of the Korean rebel factions, almost killed him when they branded him as a “Chinilpa” or “pro-Japanese”. The Japanese military intervened anyway and had the men executed.
Despite his protests, Kim Man-seok was not able to prevent their deaths. He knew that his father was heartbroken when they died and he couldn’t understand why, even after they beat him and his brother up badly.
“They were misguided, son.”, he remembered his father saying to him. “They thought we support the Japanese but all I wanted us to protect our family. If we didn’t follow them, we would starve and die. They were fighting a war with the Japanese that would be done eventually. They just had to strive and survive because it would be over soon. If we live, we get to fight another day.” 
He felt then his father was a coward for acting the way he did - both to the men who hurt him and to the Japanese. It made him feel conflicted for weeks.
The Japanese officials lost faith in Kim Man-seok afterwards. They thought he was defecting by showing compassion towards his attackers. Because of this, they stripped him of his role as Shicho of Seongbuk-gu. He died months later from his injuries.
“Ahem...”, the Corporal cleared his throat and this brought Jun-seok back to reality and he looked up. “Sakurai-san, I know you are not like your father. You are a great citizen to our nation and you will serve us well if I send you to the hangars of the Imperial Air Service. But...we need you somewhere else.”
He started signing a piece a paper in front of Jun-seok. “We have a troublesome town to deal with and we need their land to build tarmacs for our fighter planes. It is a prosperous town and Shosa (Major) Kimori is good friends with their mayor. But our Korean forces there are giving the locals a hard time and Shosa Kimori is having difficulty intervening. He doesn’t want to execute the minimal troops we have there for their insolence and we need to secure that town for resources.”
“We haven’t found anyone who has a high level of language skill in Nihonggo and is also Korean to be sent to intervene and deal with these soldiers. You are perfect and I have been waiting for you to arrive so you can be sent there to help our Shosa and our country for our greater glory.”
The Corporal gave him a big sneer as he shoved the paper in Jun-seok’s hands. Jun-seok blinked twice and looked at what was written.
He was definitely not going to stay in Ichihara and he wasn’t going back home. It would be another two days before he would see land again.
--- to be continued ---
*former name of Seoul
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sadisweetomi · 2 years
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Executive ImpactFull STEAM ahead: Emi Takemura takes on gender bias in education
“When I started work, I had a great respect for women in traditional companies in Japan. If you look at the conversion rates—for women who managed to get full-time positions in the workplace—they have been pretty low,” serial entrepreneur Emi Takemura told The Journal.
This is the reality in Japan despite the nation’s 1985 Equal Employment Opportunity Law (EEO), which was intended to level the playing field between genders in employment, recruitment, job assignment, and promotion.
Despite the EEO, “a lot of companies didn’t know how to utilize women, so many of them left the workplace. Of the people I know who worked for Japanese commercial banks after graduation, for example, none are still working in the industry, despite graduating from top universities.”
Takemura is a graduate of Keio University and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and is co-founder of Peatix Inc., a global event registration, management, and ticketing platform. She is a much-sought-after consultant and mentor who works with government, business, and the start-up ecosystem in the Asia–Pacific region.
In her myriad roles, she advocates for the advancement of women in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics—more commonly known as STEAM fields—and promotes new methods for preparing children for 21st-century careers.
Originally from Osaka, but with experience building businesses in the United States, Japan, and Southeast Asia, Takemura speaks candidly to The Journal about her career and desire to pass the lessons she has learned as a global executive to the next generation.
Recalling her early forays into the Japanese workforce in the late 1990s, Takemura says Japan’s corporate culture was simply not conducive for most ambitious, internationally minded women.
“If a company asks a woman to move to a branch in Kansai from the one in Tokyo, the expectation is that she will not leave her family; it is the man that is expected to relocate, not the woman,” she remembers from personal experience.
On another occasion, she recalls a male interviewer asking her questions in a manner that simply left her feeling undervalued, if not positively unwelcome.
Such subtle, structural biases mean women have been more likely than men to remain on the lower rungs of the career ladder, assuming they are allowed on at all. Some drop out of the workplace entirely.
“I hope this is changing but, traditionally, there were a lot of structural problems—be it working hours or issues concerning relocations or job roles, where managers didn’t know how to utilize women.”
The lack of a clear path for career advancement was a factor in her decision to invest in skills—such as business administration within a global company—that allowed her to tailor her career to her goals: working in an international environment and following her passion for building businesses.
From a young age, Takemura wanted to experience life outside Japan, far away from a sheltered upbringing in Osaka. This ambition, in part, owes to the tales of adventure and the presents her father brought back from business trips abroad.
“My dad was a gateway for me. As a doctor attending international conferences, he always brought back memorabilia from Italy, Egypt, or wherever, and talked about them so excitedly.”
That said, it came as a surprise to her family when, as a junior at Keio University, Takemura took a year off to study in the United States. That decision had profound impact on her future career choices. While living in Seattle, Takemura landed an internship with a construction company.
“That was a game-changer for me. While I didn’t speak a word of English initially, after about nine months, I could speak enough to get an internship as a research analyst.”
Importantly, her boss was a woman “fresh out of an MBA who became my role model.” Seeing how well her young boss was doing encouraged Takemura to pursue graduate studies herself.
“I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my career, but my time in Seattle made it clear to me that I had to get my graduate degree in the United States.”
However, no sooner had she returned to Japan and graduated college than frustration set in. Takemura encountered a rigid graduate entry interview processes, that, despite leading to job offers, often left her feeling undervalued or pigeon-holed.
Despite the challenges, she landed her first job in an international organization—a two-year stint as an equity sales trader at investment bank Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) in Japan.
Although naturally adventurous, Takemura found her interest in the outside world furthered by CSFB’s international portfolios. “I wanted to see [the world] with my own eyes.”
After completing the MBA program at the Wharton School, Takemura took a position in consulting with McKinsey & Company in New Jersey. Looking back, she is grateful for her time there, as it allowed her a chance to identify her real passion.
“I was torn between marketing, which was my major at Wharton, and consulting. And as I felt that going into corporate [work] straight after college would be limiting on my career, doing a wide range of consulting at McKinsey seemed to be the best option.”
As the public use of the Internet took shape in the mid-1990s, Takemura was in the right place at the right time to dip her feet into a technology that would change the world—and her fortunes.
Many of her clients at McKinsey & Company were in the IT and telecom industries, so she found herself ahead of the curve when the Internet expanded.
Executive positions in leading US and Japanese companies followed: Excite Japan Co. Ltd., Amazon Japan G.K., and The Walt Disney Company (Japan) Ltd. Indeed, after McKinsey, Takemura not only entered a senior management role at Excite, where she drove their product development strategy. At age 30, she was also on the company’s board of directors, making her one of only a handful of women of any age in Japan to hold such a position.
“It was a crazy and exciting time,” she recalls with a laugh. “I was working a lot, but it was a great gateway into the Internet space and, essentially, I was able to rise to the occasion.”
Takemura and her co-founders launched Orinoco KK (then Orinoco Peatix KK as part of Peatix Inc.) in 2008 while they held regular jobs in other companies—in her case, while she was on maternity leave from Disney.
At first, she was an investor in—and board member of—the fledgling company. In those early days, the co-founders didn’t have any day-to-day duties at the start-up. But, due to poor results early on, that soon changed.
“Initially, we let others run the company while we maintained our regular jobs and worked on the platform on the weekends. We quickly found out that, without a ‘soul’—that is, the founders at the heart of its daily operation—it is very difficult to run a company.”
The first product was managed by a team of developers tasked with implementing and managing the vision of its hands-off investors and founders. Originally, the platform allowed creators, such as musicians, to sell their products and creations directly to consumers.
Unfortunately for Takemura and her co-founders, the idea never really took off—in part due to its missing “soul” and because the platform had a less-than-optimal design, so few people found it beneficial. The result? Sluggish growth.
Between late 2010 and early 2011, Takemura and her co-founders abandoned the original product and pivoted to launch Peatix, an event planning and marketing platform. As a result, they have gained a number of venture capital backers.
An established businesswoman, Takemura has evolved into the role of mentor for women and emerging start-ups—especially in the education sector—where she is helping establish many incubators and community-based organizations.
In 2015, Takemura co-founded Unreasonable Labs Japan, an affiliate of US-based Unreasonable Institute, a global network of social entrepreneurship accelerators. Focused on providing entrepreneurship education, Unreasonable Labs Japan works with early-stage start-ups to help develop sustainable business models that have social impact in their five-day boot camps.
In 2016, she established FutureEdu Tokyo, a loose-knit network of volunteers that inspires parents via media—especially at the elementary level.
Where does Takemura see herself in five years?
“I would like to stay in education for a while, especially working with girls in STEAM in Japan. Here, there is a horrible streamlining into two categories—sciences and humanities—when kids are thinking of applying to college.”
One result of such filtering for women is that there is a dearth of female technical founders of companies, a problem she faced herself.
“I was a founder, but not a technical one. Had I been a technical founder, I feel that I would have been able to do a lot more, because whenever I wanted something technical done, I had to ask or hire someone else to do it—and that was a limiting factor.”
While she admits that it will take some time to improve the situation, Takemura adds: “Technology can be really empowering and, especially for women, it can raise their status in the workplace and society in general.”
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momentskrp-archive · 6 years
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li zuoren, the love motel attendant who moved into the sweetheart sharehouse one year ago. we hear he’s staying in 1L, and that he is an aspiring photographer. good luck with that.
topic: i’ve decided to stop doing the one thing i do almost everyday
67 posts in this topic posted 20 march 2017
top contributor offthewall
my life isn’t incredibly eventful, but also at the same time i would rather be bored than have something devastating happen. monday through thursday is essentially the same schedule. i wake up at 9am, and it takes me about 45 minutes to get ready for the sake of not being a morning person. i get dressed, eat, shower, do my hair, and if i’m lucky enough i’ll visit the lawson downstairs from my apartment to grab melon bread for breakfast
then, i’d either take the train or drive, depends on the circumstances if my car is in the repair shop or not. but usually, that’s how most mornings are for me as a student
then i’d spend on average ten hours a day at school going to class, being out of class, catching up with homework, attending various clubs all the while seeing my friends
i was studying business administration. it’s a popular major that sometimes i’d (lmao) feel ashamed to tell others what was i studying because it’s so common
but that was how i was living like for almost two years and i hated it
i filled out withdrawal forms in my school’s registrar office not too long ago and walked out with a tremendous weight being lifted off my shoulders it was almost like i was 10kg lighter and at that point to me it felt like nothing really mattered. it was the most strangest feeling, that i’ve never felt before and to be quite frank it was scary but so wonderful in the sense that i was able to reach that amount of freedom but on the drive back home i began to wonder to myself
so what now? what will i do? what’s the game plan
top contributor offthewall
edit: kinda was typing really fast and everything was pourin out my head i forgot to mention that i’m no longer in japan either i’ve been in korea for the past couple months. i mainly flew out cause of school but also cause i had to see my cousins get married and that really put me in a slump
not so much about love i mean my bank account but now i’m stuck
administrator _yomiuri02
there’s bravery in not following traditional or conventional ways of getting an education, so i applaud you. i get the feeling that you were never into business, and perhaps you have another interest? have you thought about changing your major before dropping out? or was university not your primary interest?
newbie misosoupsan
my question is how did your folks take it
contributor risaa.aa285
that’s crazy brave.. i don’t think i could’ve done that. lol and coming from me myself, i didn’t hate nor love the time of being a university student. your japanese is very unspecific at times, are you from tokyo (kanto region)? what school did you attend?
top contributor offthewall
@_yomiuri02: yeah no i actually really wasn’t into going back to school but i’m not gonna lie it did sound exciting especially since i was going to be surrounded by my friends. i simply went with business because i figured it’s the easiest way with getting a job, even though i was setting myself up for salaryman hell lmao. university was definitely not in my greatest interests either so i really kind of took it upon myself
@misosoupsan: my parents aren’t too crazy about school since neither of them are college graduates. they work in real estate, the two of them, so just like as mentioned above to yomiuri i basically took it upon myself to study. i don’t know i thought it’d be good and beneficial for me but it’s probably been a waste of time. no wonder japan’s education percentages are so high, everybody’s told to go to school and (while it’s not a bad idea) for some of us that method to adulthood has failed us. got me thinking if it’s a societal obsession kinda thing but i could be talkin my head off. for the most part though, they took it pretty well. like yeah they seemed a bit confused and maybe if i wasn’t mistaken even disappointed but the phone call didn’t trouble me all that much
@risaa.aa285: i’m from yokohama. my family included. i’m zainichi, and yokohama has a largely populated chinese community. japanese is my first language but even then kanto dialect isn’t as distinguished as kansai dialect for example. i used to go to keio university
top contributor ripslyme_fan2
you got accepted into keio and decided to back down?? dropout?? what kind of grades, recommendation letters and test scores did you have in order to get in? i can’t tell if i’m mad at you for being smart enough to get accepted or if i’m just as happy that you decided to not be another corporate droid… LOL
topic: college dropouts! how have you all been doing? 52 posts in this topic posted 1 august 2018
top contributor offthewall
when you’re filling out those withdraw papers, be prepared to understand that this is pretty much an end to your solution. by that i mean once its been signed, there’s really no going back. sit down and think about it, especially if you don’t have a backup plan. i was in your position over a year ago, and it’s the best thing i’ve done in all my life so far. it’s rewarding, especially if you’ve had episodes of sitting in lectures, or registering for classes and having to fight for the government for money to pay for your courses especially if your heart isn’t in it. college ain’t cheap, far from it, so if you feel like you’re wasting your time, energy and money while you could be working on another craft of yours, then i say do it
i’ve been out of school for about a year and several months like i said a bit earlier. i’m still in debt, but obviously not as much as someone who graduated with a bachelor’s. i had a plan, and i stuck with it. i have a full-time job but i’m also working on something of my own in the making, and i live in a pretty comfortable sharehouse. it’s the only thing that i can afford at the moment, but i’m not complaining. crowded, but comfortable. all of this while being in a foreign country
and yeah, sometimes shit gets tough but you gotta buckle down, right?
your future is how you make it to be you are the architect of your destiny
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Kanou Washio
Tenpo 10 (1839) Nov 9 – Meiji 35 (1902) Oct 27
Birthplace: Izu Kunigami Shigeru district, Kanou village
Ooshima ryu Spearmanship
While residing in Edo, he was intermingling with Itou Kashitarou and Shinohara
Worked as a guard of a foreign settlement in Yokohama with Shinohara
First year of Genji in October, enlisted in Edo during Taishi recruitment and proceeded to the capital
In March of Keio 3, he went with Itou’s splinter group
After escaping the Aburanokouji massacre he flees to the Satsuma han mansion
The following December, he shot Kondou and comrades in the Fushimi highway and inflicted serious injury
The following January after the Battle of Toba-Fushimi he joined the Sekihoutai and the Satsuma army
In Keiou 4, April, when a person calling himself as Okubo Yamato surrenders in Itabashi, he reveals the true identity of Okubo Yamato as Kondou Isami
After sealing Kondou’s fate, he is employed through the Bureau of Development
Dies in Meiji 35
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konradnews · 2 years
Keio Electric Railway introduces mobile battery rental "ChargeSPOT" in available space at ticket vending machines.
Keio Electric Railway introduces mobile battery rental “ChargeSPOT” in available space at ticket vending machines.
Keio Corporation will sequentially install 34 units of ChargeSPOT, the first mobile battery sharing service introduced by a railroad company, at 32 stations on the Keio and Keio Inokashira lines. ChargeSPOT” is a service that allows users to find a nearby stand and borrow a mobile battery via a dedicated app. Returns can also be made at another stand. The stands to be installed at Keio Railway…
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Kengo kuma was born in yokohama, Japan in 1954. After graduating in architecture from the university of Tokyo in 1979, he worked for a time at nihon sekkei and TODA corporation. He then moved to New York for further studies at Columbia university as a visiting researcher from 1985 to 1986, he founded the “spatial design studio” and in 1990, he established his own office “kengo kuma and associates” he has taught at Columbia university, university of illinois at Urbana champagne and Keio university, where in 2008, kuma was awarded his PHD in architecture. Kuma is currently professor at the graduate school of of architecture at the university of Tokyo, running diverse research projects concerning architecture, urbanity and design within his own laboratory, kuma lab.
Kumas stated goal is to recover the tradition of Japanese buildings and to reinterpret these traditions for the 21st century. In 1997, he won the architectural institute of japan award and in 2009 was made an officer l’orde des arts et des letters in France. His seminal text anti object: the dissolution and disintegration of architecture from 2008, calls for an architecture of relations, respecting its surroundings instead of dominating them. Kumas projects maintain a keen interest in the manipulation of light with nature through materiality.
Some of his key projects include the suntory museum of art in Tokyo, bamboo wall house in China, LVMH (Louise Vuitton Moët Hennessy) groups japan headquarters, besançon art Center in France, and one of the largest spas in the Caribbean for mandarin orientalists Dellis cay.
Early life: kuma was born in kanagawa, and attended Eiko gakuen junior and senior high schools. After graduating in architecture from the university of Tokyo in 1979, he worked for a time, he then moved to New York City for further studios at Columbia university as a visiting researcher from 1985 to 1986. In 1987, kuma founded the spatial design studio, and in 1990, he established his own firm, kengo kuma and associates. He has taught at Columbia university, the university of illnois and keio university. Kumas stated goal is to recover the tradition of Japanese buildings and to reinterpret these traditions for the 21st century. In 1997, he won the architectural institute of japan award and in 2009 was made an officer de l’orde des in France. Kuma lectures extensively and is the author of numerous books and articles discussing and criticising approaches in contemporary architecture. Although remaining in continuity with Japanese traditions with the clarity of structural solutions, implied tectonics, and importance of light and transparency kuma does not restrain himself to the banal and superficial use of light materials. Instead, instead, he goes much deeper extending to the mechanisms of composition to expand the possibilities of materially. He utilises technological advancements which can challenge unexpected materials, such as stone, into providing the same sense of lightness and softness as glass or wood. Kuma attempts to attain a sense of spatial immateriality as a consequence of the particulate nature of the light and establishing a relationship between a space and the natural round around it. In many of kumas projects attention is focused on the connection spaces; on the segments between inside and outside, and one room to the next. The choice of materials stems not so much from an intention to guide the designs of the forms, but to conform to the existing surroundings from a desire to compare similar materials, yet show the technical advances that have made possible new uses.
I like this artist as his art work looks very natural (in the first picture) it looks like wood or bamboo so it would be natural to the environment
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Bio-implants Market - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2020- 2027
An implant is a medical device, which replaces, supports, and improves damaged or existing biological structure. An implant is a man-made device, which is inserted into the human body cavity. Bio-implants are medical devices that are made from biological cells compatible with human body cells. Eye bio-implants are used in the treatment of cornea sores or chemical damages in the eye. Bio-implants help in management of disease condition and specific drug delivery in conditions such as obesity, infections, and musculoskeletal disorders. It provides a specific and unique drug delivery for skeletal muscle. Various bio-implants are developed by key market players operating in the marketwhich include cardiovascular implants, dental, spinal, and orthopedic implants. Cardiac implants are used in cardiac related surgeries.
Request a sample copy of this report:- https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/insight/request-sample/3050
The global bio-implants market was valued at US$ 73,947.4 million in 2019 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.7% over the forecast period (2019-2027).
Increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and arthritis is expected to increase the demand for bio-implants, which in turn is expected to fuel the bio-implants market growth over the forecast period. For instance, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2017 statistics, cardiovascular diseases accounted for around 17.9 million deaths in 2016. Moreover, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in May 2019, around 54.4 million of U.S. adults were diagnosed with arthritis.
Manufacturers and researchers are focused on developing the advanced systems for treating medication resistant epilepsy patients using a deep brain stimulation implant similar to a cardiac pacemaker. For instance, in February 2019, Medtronic launched Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) implant for reducing epileptic seizures.  DBS provides an important surgical treatment option for patients, who suffer from epilepsy and do not respond to medication.
Moreover, key players operating in the market are focusing on strategic investment in order to develop and commercialize new products and expand its market presence. For instance, in February 2019, GT Medical Technologies raised US$ 10 million funding to help support commercialization of its GammaTile Therapy, a bioresorbable implant designed to deliver local doses of radiation to patients with brain tumors.
North America is expected to hold the dominant position in the global bio-implant market. The major factors driving growth of the market include increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and presence of better healthcare infrastructure in the region. For instance, according to the American Chiropractic Association, 2017, about 65 million U.S. population suffer from lower back problems every year, and around 8 out of every 10 Americans are expected to suffer from the back pain at some point in their life. Additionally, there is increase in number of ophthalmic diseases in the U.S. Rising incidence of chronic diseases is expected to increase demand for the bio-implants. Thus, owing to these factors the North America market is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period.
Moreover, in September 2017, DePuy Synthes launched TRUMATCH Titanium 3D-Printed Implants in the U.S. This is used in facial reconstruction. The new products were distributed through an exclusive agreement with Materialise, a leader in software solutions and 3D-printing services in the medical and industrial markets.
Asia Pacific market is expected to be the fastest-growing market over the forecast period, owing to high incidence of spinal cord injuries in the region. This can be attributed to increasing incidence of road accidents. For instance, according to the Tokyo’s Keio University’s February 2019 publication, over 100,000 patients in Japan were paralyzed due to spinal cord injuries.
Major players operating in the global bio-implants market include Abbott, Dentsply Sirona Plc, Medtronic, Stryker Corporation, Zimmer Biomet, B.Braun, Cook Medical, C.R. Bard, Edwards Lifesciences, Wright Medical technology, and Boston Scientific Corporation.
Get the main link:-  https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/market-insight/bioimplants-market-3050
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medicaldevicetech · 4 years
Bioimplants Market Scope 2020- Demand, Analysis, Global Industry Forecast to 2023
Bioimplants or bio-implants are devices which are easily compatible with living tissues or organs within the body. The aging population and pressure to develop biocompatible implants with a long shelflife has brought evaluation of efficient and performance under question. The global bioimplants market report by Market Research Future (MRFR) covers developments of biomaterials, progress in manufacturing processes, and its scope for the period of 2018 to 2023 (forecast period).
Latest Free Sample Copy Available @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/6896
Bioimplants Market Scope
The global bioimplants market can register 8.6% CAGR during the forecast period. It was valued at USD 98,350 million in 2017. Primary factors fueling market growth are bone degeneration cases among the elderly, prevalence of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, infections, and others, and minimally invasive surgeries. Rise in research and development activities and developments such as 3D printing, laser technology, and nanotechnology can support market growth. Complex geometrical shapes of bones and tailored requirements by patients designed for rehabilitation and plastic surgeries can bode well for the market.
But unfavorable reimbursement policies, high prices of implants, and lack of skilled personnel in handling surgeries can hamper the growth of the global bioimplants market.
The global bioimplants market is segmented by type, material, origin and end-user.
By type, the market is segmented into ophthalmic implants, cardiovascular implant, orthopedic implants, dental implants, spinal bio-implants, and others. The cardiovascular implant segment comprises pacing devices, stents, and others. Dental implants are classified into plate form dental implants and root form dental implants. While, the spinal bioimplants segment is further segmented into motion preservation implants, form dental implant, intervertebral spacers, and cervical implants. Orthopedic Implants are divided into trauma implants, joint replacement implants, orthobiologics, and knee replacement implants. Lastly, ophthalmic implants are segmented into glaucoma implants and intraocular implants.
Materials within the market encompass alloys, biomaterial metals, ceramics, and others. The biomaterial metals segment comprises silver, titanium, gold, and platinum.
By origin, the market is segmented into xenograft, autograft, allograft, and synthetic.
By end-user, the market is segmented into specialty centers, hospitals, clinics, and others.
Regional Analysis
Geographically, the global bioimplants market is segmented into the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), and the Middle East & Africa (MEA).
The Americas are deemed to dominate the global market owing to prevalence of chronic disorders such as diabetes and obesity, incidence of chronic diseases, a large geriatric pool, and increasing number of surgeries. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), nearly 93 million Americans suffered from obesity. Large number of hip and knee replacement surgeries is evidence of the large potential of the market.
Europe is the second-largest region of the market due to rise in research and development activities, occurrence of orthopedic disorders, and ample funding for the healthcare sector. The large number of cardiovascular disorder cases is giving prime impetus to the regional bioimplants market growth. According to the European Heart Network, more than 85 million patients were diagnosed with some form of cardiovascular disease in Europe in 2015.
APAC can display an exemplary growth rate during the forecast period owing to rising investments in healthcare, rise of disposable income levels, and a large geriatric population. According to the United Nations ESCAP, the population of patients aged 60 and above can reach 1.3 billion by 2050. Alarming number of road accidents are likely to spur the demand for bioimplants. This is supported by a report by Tokyo’s Keio University stating the number of patients with spinal cord injuries to reach 100,000 in 2019.
The MEA can register the lowest growth of the global bioimplants market due to lack of proper healthcare infrastructure, paucity of technical knowledge, and an underdeveloped healthcare sector.
Bioimplants Market Competitive Outlook
Integra LifeSciences, Stryker, C.R.Bard, Inc., Wright Medical Group N.V., Invibio Ltd., Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Abbott, Boston Scientific Corporation, Smith & Nephew plc, Medtronic, Dentsply Sirona, Zimmer Biomet, and Cook Group are major players of the global bioimplants market.
Read More About Bioimplants Market @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/bioimplants-market-6896
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At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.
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sriramnanda-blog · 4 years
An implant is a medical device, which replaces, supports, and improves damaged or existing biological structure. An implant is a man-made device, which is inserted into the human body cavity. Bio-implants are medical devices that are made from biological cells compatible with human body cells. Eye bio-implants are used in the treatment of cornea sores or chemical damages in the eye. Bio-implants help in management of disease condition and specific drug delivery in conditions such as obesity, infections, and musculoskeletal disorders. It provides a specific and unique drug delivery for skeletal muscle. Various bio-implants are developed by key market players operating in the marketwhich include cardiovascular implants, dental, spinal, and orthopedic implants. Cardiac implants are used in cardiac related surgeries.
The global bio-implants market was valued at US$ 73,947.4 million in 2019 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.7% over the forecast period (2019-2027).
Figure 1. Global Bio-implants   Market Value (US$ Mn), by Region, 2019
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Source: Coherent Market Insights Analysis (2019)
Increasing prevalence of chronic conditions is expected to propel the bio-implants market growth
Increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and arthritis is expected to increase the demand for bio-implants, which in turn is expected to fuel the bio-implants market growth over the forecast period. For instance, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2017 statistics, cardiovascular diseases accounted for around 17.9 million deaths in 2016. Moreover, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in May 2019, around 54.4 million of U.S. adults were diagnosed with arthritis.
Manufacturers and researchers are focused on developing the advanced systems for treating medication resistant epilepsy patients using a deep brain stimulation implant similar to a cardiac pacemaker. For instance, in February 2019, Medtronic launched Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) implant for reducing epileptic seizures.  DBS provides an important surgical treatment option for patients, who suffer from epilepsy and do not respond to medication.
Moreover, key players operating in the market are focusing on strategic investment in order to develop and commercialize new products and expand its market presence. For instance, in February 2019, GT Medical Technologies raised US$ 10 million funding to help support commercialization of its GammaTile Therapy, a bioresorbable implant designed to deliver local doses of radiation to patients with brain tumors.
Figure 2. Global Bio-implants Market Share (%), by Product Type,
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Geographical expansion of bio-implants manufacturers towards North America is expected to boost the market growth
North America is expected to hold the dominant position in the global bio-implant market. The major factors driving growth of the market include increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and presence of better healthcare infrastructure in the region. For instance, according to the American Chiropractic Association, 2017, about 65 million U.S. population suffer from lower back problems every year, and around 8 out of every 10 Americans are expected to suffer from the back pain at some point in their life. Additionally, there is increase in number of ophthalmic diseases in the U.S. Rising incidence of chronic diseases is expected to increase demand for the bio-implants. Thus, owing to these factors the North America market is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period.
Moreover, in September 2017, DePuy Synthes launched TRUMATCH Titanium 3D-Printed Implants in the U.S. This is used in facial reconstruction. The new products were distributed through an exclusive agreement with Materialise, a leader in software solutions and 3D-printing services in the medical and industrial markets.
Asia Pacific market is expected to be the fastest-growing market over the forecast period, owing to high incidence of spinal cord injuries in the region. This can be attributed to increasing incidence of road accidents. For instance, according to the Tokyo’s Keio University’s February 2019 publication, over 100,000 patients in Japan were paralyzed due to spinal cord injuries.
Key Players
Major players operating in the global bio-implants market include Abbott, Dentsply Sirona Plc, Medtronic, Stryker Corporation, Zimmer Biomet, B.Braun, Cook Medical, C.R. Bard, Edwards Lifesciences, Wright Medical technology, and Boston Scientific Corporation.
About Us- Coherent Market Insights is a global market intelligence and consulting organization focused on assisting our plethora of clients achieve transformational growth by helping them make critical business decisions. What we provide: Customized Market Research Services Industry Analysis Services Business Consulting Services Market Intelligence Services Long term Engagement Model Country Specific Analysis Mr. Shah
Coherent Market Insights Pvt.Ltd. Address: 1001 4th Ave, #3200 Seattle, WA 98154, U.S. Phone: +1–206–701–6702 Email: [email protected]
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