antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, vol. 11, Mammals II. 1972. Illustrated by Peter Barrett.
1.) Brazilian guinea pig (Cavia aperea)
2.) Domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)
3.) Southern mountain cavy (Microcavia australis)
4.) Rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris)
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batstonight · 7 months
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[First image description: Cartoon full-body digital drawing of an anthropomorphic Acrobatic Cavy with vampire fangs, brown fur, wavy black hair, red eyes, slender body. He wears a white loose shirt, black pants, brown boots, and a golden ring on his left finger. He's smiling with a calm expression. The text next to him says: "Joaquim Cardoso Maciel Species: Kerodon Acrobata and vampire Age: Stopped aging at 35 (+100) Pronouns: He/him". End Description]
[Second image description: Cartoon full-body digital drawing of an anthropomorphic Crab-eating fox with dark and light brown fur, brown eyes, slight muscular body. He wears a red shirt, incomplete chest and arms silver armour, dark grey pants and light grey boots. He's with a serious expression. The text next to him says: "Vicente Lemos Silva Species: Cerdocyon thous Age:38 Pronouns: He/him." End Description]
Vampire and Vampire hunter. Still not loving their clothes so much, but here they are! I think about them. A lot
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hellomyk · 8 months
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"O Kerodon rupestris, popularmente conhecido como mocó, é um mamífero roedor pertencente à família Caviidae, e é uma espécie endêmica da caatinga brasileira, adaptada então a condições de calor intenso e escassez de água e alimento." Wiki
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muratayui · 9 months
2023/08/05(Sat)CINEOLA at 大宮ヒソミネ
CINEOLAで出演致します。 08/05 (Sat)大宮ヒソミネ kerodon 18:30 / 19:00 Ticket ¥2,200 http://hisomine.com/schedules/view/4199
【出演】 Sleepy Afternoon/CINEOLA/伝説日記/11:07pm
19:00 ~ 19:30 11:07pm 19:40 ~ 20:10 伝説日記 20:25 ~ 20:55 CINEOLA 21:05 ~ 21:35 Sleepy Afternoon
※お車でご来場の方々は近隣の有料パーキングをご利用ください。 当店の駐車場は搬入出時の一時停車のみ可能とさせていただきます。 すぐそばにドラッグストアがありますがそちらには絶対に停めないでください。 場合によってはイベント中止もあり得ます、ご協力ください。
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0 リアクション
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animalids · 3 years
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Mocó (Kerodon rupestris)
Photo by Cláudio Dias Timm
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edrosunit · 3 years
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Assim como as plantas, os animais sofreram adaptações para superar a estiagem. Adaptaram-se para consumir alimentos disponíveis na estação, realizam migrações sazonais para locais mais úmidos como as serras, aceleram o ciclo reprodutivo durante as chuvas ou entram em estado de dormência durante a seca.
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Um dos mais surpreendentes grupos de animais da Caatinga são os peixes, com 240 espécies, das quais a estimativa é que 136 sejam endêmicas. Das espécies identificadas, 25 conseguem adiar a postura dos ovos para o período chuvoso. Os ovos são resistentes e o desenvolvimento do embrião é lento, podendo durar quase um ano. Ao eclodirem, os peixes – que atingem cerca de 5 a 15 cm de comprimento – vivem em lagoas e poças de águas temporárias.
Ao todo são 49 espécies conhecidas, dessas, cerca de 15% são endêmicas. Parece surpreendente que os anfíbios existam na Caatinga, já que necessitam manter a pele sempre úmida e dependem da água para reprodução e desenvolvimento. Eles desenvolveram uma estratégia como longos períodos de estivação (um tipo de “dormência”) no período seco, reprodução apenas no período chuvoso, proteção dos ovos e girinos em ninhos de espuma para não dessecarem e acelerada metamorfose dos girinos para vencer a evaporação da água.
Na Caatinga são cerca de 116 espécies, sendo 10 de anfisbenídeos (lagarto sem pata) e 47 lagartos, 52 serpentes, 4 quelônios e 3 crocodilianos. Como exemplo temos o Jacaré-coroa (Paleoschus palpebrosus), Iguana (Iguana iguana) e a Caninana (Spilotes pullatus).
São 510 espécies de aves registradas na Caatinga, sendo cerca de 1/3 dessas endêmicas. Como por exemplo, o Corrupião (Icterus jamaraii), Galo-de-campina (Paroaria dominicana), Asa-branca (Columba picazuro), Periquito-do-sertão (Eupsittula cactorum), Canário-da-terra (Sicalis flaveola) e o Cancão (Cyanocorax cyanopogon)
A fauna de mamíferos do bioma Caatinga possui 148 espécies registradas, sendo 10 endêmicas. A perda de habitat e a caça são os principais fatores de perigo para essas espécies e dez delas estão incluídas da lista oficial de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Como exemplo temos a Onça-parda (Puma concolor), Jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis), Gato-mourisco (Puma yagouaroundi), Tamanduá-mirim (Tamandua tetradactyla), Soim (Callithrix jacchus), Raposa (Cerdocyon thous), Mocó (Kerodon rupestris), Tatu-bola (Tolypeutes tricinctus), Catitu (Pecari tajacu) e Veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira).
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eduardobom-blog · 6 years
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mocó (Kerodon rupestris)  #rat #praiadosancho #animal #wild #wildlife #fernandodenoronha #brasil #brazil (em Baía Do Sancho - Fernando De Noronha)
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mechagalaxy · 3 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1422
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1422 Brought to you by ANN Highlighting the August 3367 Wargs This time the Gaming Authorities decided the 55 ton Wargs were to be the main Stars. But on the eight highest tops we were allowed to bring one sub-60 tonner along as well. On K9 they got a 55 ton max event instead. The Warg is not a bad Mech, and fully developed it will have room for trios of Chassis, Engines and Shields, in addition to a quartet of Cockpits. It is also a hair faster than combat regular, have some intrinsic shielding, decent boost to Ice weapons and a better than 1-in-3 chance of freezing opponents. On the other hand, its weapon aquisition rate is on pair with the Tick, so it struggles against a fully developed Daemon for instance. The hangar not only held four dozens of them, they were already assembled into a formation. The last time that formation had seen action was in February `66 however, so some updating of the armament took place before they were led to the mountains. When we arrived on K3 as the second lowest ranked formation, -at least license vise, few of the opponents seemed to have brought Wargs in numbers along. Excepting Roman Himmelhan of Death`s Collectors and two Northwind Dragons Commanders; Darryl Proctor and David Sifford, it looked like the opposition was mostly main formations. Not that there couldn’t be some lone wolves mixed in, but few wolfpacks could be spotted. A few strikes saw us ascend to the slopes, but as the scramble still was hours away, we made camp there and waited to see if more opponents would get into formation. As the scramble began an intra-Drgon duel started. I did not wish to be caught between Proctor and Sifford, so we bided our time while they hopefully exhausted each other. But just like in the previous event, we got an early end. So we had to watch the Gold end around Sifford`s neck. The full list of winners were: Div 1 410+ (25 Commanders): Claude Poirier, Winters Coming (8m,41s) 2: Bernard Johnson 3: Fabio Favaro 4: Shawn Wretham 5: Were Wolf 6: Sal Vezzosi Jr 7: Yusuke Paul Okabayashi 8: Gary Muenzel 9: Christine Mainer 10: Sherriff Leary Wretham Div 2 -409 (9 Commanders): Don Lindley, Spirit of Bunny (14h,52m) Div 3 -317 (17 Commanders): David Sifford, Northwind Dragons (3m,38s) Div 4 -204 (18 Commanders): Carlos Chin, Heroes (7h,22m) Div 5 -148 (13 Commanders): retiredarmyman, Death`s Revenge (9h,25m) Div 6 -120 (13 Commanders): Eman Eliforp, T&T (9h,56m) Div 7 -93 (19 Commanders): John D, T.I.o.M.T. (9h,23m) Div 8 -65 (19 Commanders): Lemartes, Deaths Hecklers (8h,19m) Div 9 -38 (25 Commanders): RobertGoetz, Ronins 2 (6h,18m) While it is almost impossible to find out how many Wargs fought 9(1S)+6(3S)+7+7(1S)+7(1S)+7+7+6+4(2S)= Eight Silvers and fifty-two Bronzes were awarded to Commanders who clearly had overweight Mechs in their formations. Total Contestants: 158 Total medals claimed: 125 (of 135 possible) Compared to the Kerodon event we just had, the number of contestants rose by two dozens. But there were still imbalances between the tops, so ten Bronzes from a trio of them ended unclaimed and had to be returned for resmelting. The last half-hour saw just two Golds changing hands, while all the remaining seven Golds were held for at least two hours. So there were mostly solid winners this time. But perhaps the fighting for the rest of the prizes were closer? To find out we just need to count the number of medals held for more than 30 minutes in this event: .............Silvers......Bronzes Div 1 ....2 of 4.........4 of 10 Div 2 ....3 of 4.........5 of 6 Div 3 ....3 of 4.........7 of 10 Div 4 ....4 of 4.........8 of 10 Div 5 ....4 of 4.........8 of 8 Div 6 ....4 of 4.........4 of 8 Div 7 ....4 of 4.......10 of 10 Div 8 ....3 of 4.........8 of 10 Div 9 ....3 of 4.........6 of 10 We had two tops (K5 and K7) without even a single successfull medal attack. Only on Mount Olympus was the action fierce enough to redistribute the majority of the medals. A total of six Silvers(17%) and twenty-two Bronzes(28%) changed hands. So there was a higher turnover for the Bronzes than the Golds(22%) This ended as another "none" event. None of the clans won more than one Gold, none of the unaligned Commanders won a Gold, and none of the previous events winners grabbed a follow-up Gold. Upcoming event: Nifty Here we are back to a single model without sidekicks event. The model promoted this time is the 40 ton Niftel, and on the eight highest tops it will be the only model allowed to fight. On K9 they will have an unlimited event. Event ends January 25 between 0000 and 0030 New York Time
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sonderoan · 6 years
Rock Cavy, Kerodon rupestris.
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mahometgrosporc · 4 years
Kerodon : un site sur la théorie catégorique de l’homotopie maintenu par Jacob Lurie
Kerodon : un site sur la théorie catégorique de l’homotopie maintenu par Jacob Lurie
Chapitre 1:
Categories}+{Homotopy Theory}={∞-Categories},
Un bon résumé de ce que c’est que la théorie des ∞-catégories:
∞CT = CT + HoTT
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graal813 · 4 years
Kerodon : un site sur la théorie catégorique de l’homotopie maintenu par Jacob Lurie
Kerodon : un site sur la théorie catégorique de l’homotopie maintenu par Jacob Lurie
Chapitre 1:
Categories}+{Homotopy Theory}={∞-Categories},
Un bon résumé de ce que c’est que la théorie des ∞-catégories:
∞CT = CT + HoTT
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topos318 · 4 years
Kerodon : un site sur la théorie catégorique de l’homotopie maintenu par Jacob Lurie
Kerodon : un site sur la théorie catégorique de l’homotopie maintenu par Jacob Lurie
Chapitre 1:
Categories}+{Homotopy Theory}={∞-Categories},
Un bon résumé de ce que c’est que la théorie des ∞-catégories:
∞CT = CT + HoTT
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animalids · 3 years
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Mocó (Kerodon rupestris)
Photo by Allan Hopkins
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eduardobom-blog · 6 years
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🇧🇷 mocó 🇧🇷 🇺🇸 rock cavy 🇺🇸 🔬Kerodon rupestris🔬 #wildlife #wildnatureshots #animals #nature #nature_wizards #naturephotography #naturezaperfeita #nature_lovers #wildlifeplanet #wild_nature #wildphotography #brasil #brazil #fernandodenoronha #island (em Ilha de Fernando de Noronha)
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