shipcestuous · 5 months
Found these. 
F*cked by Natalie Knight (twin brothers x sister)
Warren and Ryker. My delinquent twin brothers from hell.
Our father caught them setting the high school athletic center ablaze and sent them away to rot in jail for six years.
But being locked away did nothing to curb their appetite for sin and debauchery.
Now they’re back with a new agenda—fuck, torment, teach—with one thing on their minds: making up for lost time with their spoiled little sister.
Obsessions: Part 1 by Lily Black (father x daughter)
I wasn’t supposed to crave him, but I do.The more I try to resist, the more my desire grows.One night changes everything because now he wants me too.What we’re doing is sick, twisted, and wrong,but like addicts, we chase the high,but how long until we fall?
Obsessions: Part 2 by Lily Black (father x daughter)
I swore to protect her from the day she was born,and I intend to keep that promise.What we have is wrong in the eyes of many,but I haven’t felt anything this right in my life.But secrets have a way of getting out.Ours could destroy us both.But if the choice is her or walking away,I’ll choose her every fucking time.And God help anyone who stands in my way.
Crooked Cove by Rory Ireland (brother x sister)
Our parents sent me away because they’re terrified that I’ll corrupt their only daughter.They should be.I’ve returned for summertime on the cove.My restraint is hanging by a thread.All it takes is one taste and I’m hooked.I’m the monster under her bed and her saving grace all rolled into one.And I’ll stop at nothing to claim what’s mine.
And Hell Followed by Beckett Riley (brother x sister)
My parents thought emigrating from Germany to the American frontier was going to be a good thing. But it seems that a darkness is doomed to follow us wherever we go and life can be so harsh and unforgiving in this world, especially for a woman.
Luckily, I have my brother, Thomas, to watch out for me. He can only do so much, though, and after that vile attack, I find myself shrouded in darkness more than ever. It was then I realized that festering gloom came from within.
Although society won’t take kindly to it, we have forsaken God to live an unholy life, and just as things finally began to calm down, the past reared its ugly head and came back to destroy everything we’ve built.
But as Thomas once told me, I would ride my steed through the fires of hell to salvage the only thing worth living for, and if the devil himself gets in my way, he will beg God for mercy.
Stolen Kisses and Secret Promises by Rue Seven (brother x sister)
My sweet Kielyr, we were far too young to understand why our parents decided to go separate ways and keep us apart for so many years. Luckily, we found our way back to each other. Never in a million years would I have ever imagined to hold and kiss you like this, to feel this ever-growing love for you. I’m lucky that I get to call you my love, my girl, my everything, my forever.
From the day we finally met, I promised to protect you. To never let anything happen to you, and to be there for you every second of every day, no matter the circumstances. I also promised to love you no matter what. No matter who’d find out about us, and I like to think that I’ve been able to keep our love protected for longer than we had ever expected. I’ve kept all those promises—and will continue to—but there was one day in our lives I hope to never relive ever again.
That day shattered me. It broke my heart to see you in so much pain, and even when you say to leave it all in the past, I still think back and wonder what I could’ve done to avoid it all. To save you from that cruelty. Sweet girl, you are so incredibly strong, and even after everything you’ve been through, your light still shines bright.
I spend every day admiring your kindness, gentleness, and selflessness.You’re truly one of a kind, and I’m forever thankful for your love. I will love you until infinity runs out. Yours always, Rellian.
Love Unexpected by Q.B. Tyler (stepfather x step daughter)
I’d only wanted one kiss.
One kiss, under the dark of night, in a city where no one knew us.
One kiss fueled by my hormones and alcohol and the blinding grief over losing my mother.
One kiss from the man I told myself was untouchable.
But, it didn’t stop at one kiss.
And now we are running full speed down a road with no intention of stopping.
His touch disarms me.His kiss revives me.But, our love, could destroy me.
Love’s Forbidden Flower by Diane Rinella (brother x sister)
The heart cares not what society forbids.
Lily nurtures a secret love for a flawless man—the one who is her soul mate. Donovan is gorgeous, charismatic, and delights in all of Lily’s talents and quirks. Their innate knowledge of each other is almost telepathic. Together they interlock like fine threads creating luxurious silk.
But society dictates this picture-perfect adoration is the ghastliest of all possibilities.
As Lily embarks on a quest for the romance the heavens intended, her suitor turns reluctant. Desperate to uncover why Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hiding decayed from a tender-hearted gentleman into a ferociously self-serving, cocky bastard, Lily is prepared for battle when it comes to the salvation of her soul mate. However, Donovan traps Lily in a mental game of chess, leaving her to question his sanity. When Lily’s revelations about Donovan’s destructive alter ego lead to an inconceivable truth, can she help Donovan survive fate’s cruel joke?
Time’s Forbidden Flower by Diane Rinella part 2 (brother x sister)
An eternity of passion cannot be quelled by society.
Once upon a time Donovan assured Lily all of her dreams would come true. But how could he keep the promise of a fairy tale when her truest goals could not involve him, though her deepest desires did? Now, Lily has it all—love, passion, a family, and the career of her dreams—with Christopher. But something is lacking. She and Donovan have spent the last ten years living apart, and the soul mates are eager to reunite. Can Donovan keep his promise to give Lily all she desires, even with Christopher in the way?
For Lily and Donovan, the past is a mirror to the future that cannot be shattered.
Donovan is convinced Lily has been his love for all eternity. Determined to unravel the past, they embark on a journey to discover where it all began. For centuries Donovan has stolen Lily’s heart while forced to suffer for his love. How much can a soul endure before the breaking point is reached and a monster emerges? Can the demons of the past be combated to pave the way for happiness in the next life? Or has the abuse suffered in this life already turned Donovan hell bound? Time and again, one woman has destroyed their happiness. It’s time to silence her once and for all.
Off Limits by Astra Rose (step father x step daughter)
Have you ever wanted something you just couldn’t have?
When her mother abandons her, Danica Holland doesn’t want to reach out to her ex-stepfather for help–even though he’s always been the one and only parent she could rely on. But when Social Services intervenes on her behalf, he rushes in with open arms…and broad shoulders, strong hands, and that cleft in his chin that drives women wild.
For Danica, life with Jean-Luc Rochat was always safe and secure. But after a year apart and a lot of growing up, things don’t feel so straightforward anymore. For example: Jean-Luc was always loving and protective, but was he also always…this hot?
While Jean-Luc struggles to resist his inappropriate fixation on his stepdaughter and be the parent she needs, Danica realizes that she can’t settle for anything less than the one man she truly loves–even if he is the one man she can never have.
PIKE: St. Charles Hockey Volume 1 by A. Briar (twincest)
PIKEDevil Incarnate. My fraternal twin brother is back in town and he is hellbent on making my life literal hell.
RHYSDaddy’s Princess. My fraternal twin sister. She’s never lived a day in hell, but I’m here to change that and I’ll be holding her hand as we walk through the fiery gates.
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Bodevan from Captain Fantastic is autistic and bisexual and uses he/him pronouns! He supports his siblings Vespyr, an autistic femme genderforestis luxaer saltusifo lesbian who uses she/her, they/them, and 🌲/🌲s pronouns; Kielyr, an aroace nightgender person who uses she/her, 🌳/🌳s, and it/its pronouns; Rellian, a gay nonbinary boy with ADHD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns; Zaja, an autistic forestinfernal ferveogender genderfox huntigender trans girl who uses any pronouns aside from he/him; and Nai, an autistic intersex agender person who uses any pronouns!
dni transcript under the cut:
dni: racist, sexist, ableist, islamophobe, antisemite, anti-mogai, truscum/transmed, t(w)erf/swerf, aspec exclus, anti-pan/ply/omni, anti-mspec lesbian/gay, against men/nonbs using femme/butch, pronoun policer, map or supporter, pro-ship/anti-anti, gendercrit, nonbinary skeptic, anti-queer, anti-endogenic, anti-self dx, autism speaks supporter, anti-blm/acab, cringe/flop blog, or nsfw blog. thank you!
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cinemuki · 6 years
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Captain Fantastic (2016) - dir. Matt Ross
They killed each other for Nike? The Greek winged-goddess of victory?
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juliascheller · 7 years
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Captain Fantastic (2016) dir. Matt Ross
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nekoestagordo · 7 years
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theladyof-lorien · 6 years
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He does make mistakes—he’s rigid sometimes. I like those contradictions, that he preaches one thing but at the end, he’s kind of like a benevolent dictator. What’s beautiful in the story is that he does eventually realize it, and he does try in his way to do something about it, which is commendable. -Viggo Mortensen
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gaiakara · 5 years
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La giovanissima Kielyr fornisce, su invito del padre, una propria e personale interpretazione del libro che sta leggendo “Lolita”. La ragazza ammette come, essendo la vicenda narrata dal punto di vista del protagonista, sia impossibile non empatizzarvi. Afferma di provare per lui disgusto, odio, in quanto pedofilo, ma allo stesso tempo un’enorme pena e sofferenza per via dell’entità e della bellezza dell’amore che egli nutre verso una quindicenne. 
Allo stesso modo, la storia di Ben e della propria stravagante famiglia è una vicenda per la quale non è possibile non provare simpatia o solamente un remoto sentore di indentificazione. La ricerca di un vero contatto con la natura, quella cruda e matrigna della foresta nella quale scelgono di vivere, ma anche quella interiore, verso la quale si cerca di promuovere una faticosa accettazione al di là di ogni bellicoso proposito di autodistruzione; Il fatto che venga espressamente demonizzato il sistema scolastico che offre un apprendimento fine a sé stesso in cui qualsiasi forma di interpretazione o rielaborazione personale viene azzerata; la vera valenza di insegnamenti che mirano a fortificare il corpo e lo spirito preparandoli a qualsiasi sfida o evenienza catastrofica; la critica al capitalismo e al consumismo “unica forma di interazione fra le persone”; la demonizzazione di qualsiasi movimento religioso organizzato e della sua stringata ritualità.
Tuttavia ben presto la perfetta repubblica di Platone tanto e ferreamente decantata dal Capitano Ben, inizia ad incontrare l’indole e le aspirazioni personali dei figli. Il sistema improvvisamente diventa fallace ed è qui che inizia ad insinuarsi una sensazione sgradevole nello spettatore. è qui che la candela inizia a bruciare da entrambi i lati.
Cresce la disapprovazione verso un padre ciecamente ostinato, che ingabbia i figli in una bolla di libri pretenziosi, precoce maturazione ed inspiegabile disapprovazione verso le più innocue delle convenzioni sociali. 
Non esiste un sistema più giusto di altri per crescere un figlio, in quanto la sincerità e la schiettezza di un precetto non sempre sono appaganti e non è possibile creare un essere umano perfetto al punto di essere in grado di cacciare un alce, maneggiare un coltello, scalare una parete rocciosa, ma tristemente soccombente dinnanzi ad un saluto, una parola pronunciata per attaccare bottone, una conversazione occasionale. 
Dove non arriva la presunta adeguatezza di un’educazione ferrea e spregiudicata, arriva la realtà relazionale a rimescolare le carte. 
Questo film dimostra come la posizione più eticamente confortante, persino quella in cui un’ampia maggioranza da millenni si riconosce familiarmente, a volte necessiti di qualche smussamento. 
Noi tutti, in quanto figli e figlie di qualcuno, siamo il prodotto di una formazione. Ma essa o la sua totale assenza non sono il punto di arrivo, bensì quello di partenza.
Captain Fantastic by Matt Ross (2016)
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moviemurmur · 7 years
Captain Fantastic, 2017
「『有趣』沒有意義,你應當避免使用這個詞,要明確表達出你的想法。(Interesting is a non-word. You’re supposed to avoid this word. Be specific)」 大概是在這段對話出現的時候,我確定這部電影真的打中了我。 這是男主角Ben和青春期女兒Kielyr的對話。Ben要求Kielyr敘述她看《羅莉塔》的感想,因為這本書的複雜和禁忌性使Kielry一開始以「很有趣」來籠統帶過她的想法,Ben卻沒輕易放過次女,要求她具體明確地進行表述。在Ben的引導下,Kielyr終於成功用表達了自己的看法。在駕駛座的Ben驕傲地看著坐在後座的女兒,微微揚起了嘴角。
我覺得受教育 (不論到哪個程度),目的其實就是讓人有自己的想法──並擁有自我表述的能力。而擁有後者才是一切的關鍵。
我沒事寫這些有的沒的心得感想其實是為了自己,希望自己不要忘記這項能力,最後大概有1%左右的動機才是想聊我看過的東西。我寫過一本亂七八糟的論文,啃完了大部頭的世界名著、當然還參雜著更多有的沒有的漫畫小說、電影和影集。我沒法說自己到底懂了多少,或是比別人更懂什麼──人貴自知,就連蘇格拉底都說I know nothing了。但我知道我自己對事情的好惡,我讀過看過的東西,我會用自己的話來表達我的想法。與其說大學教育培養人獨立思考的能力,不如說教育的重點就在賦予人這項能力,隨著受教的過程人也逐漸打磨出自己的意見與喜好。 Captain Fantastic中Ben和妻子Leslie就是本著這樣的方式在教育他們的孩子。他們希望培養出孩子獨立思考的能力,而不是只會死讀書的書呆子。他們訓練孩子的體魄,讓他們在山林中奔馳鍛鍊,讓孩子在最險惡環境下也能獨立生存。和電影中另外兩對父母 (Leslie的爸媽與Ben的妹妹Harper夫妻)一樣,Ben& Leslie都用各自的方式給孩子自己能想到最好的東西──不論優劣。可是就算是Ben,他也忘了在他引導、培養孩子獨立思考能力時,孩子的想法與目標就不再與父親一致。 在成長過程中孩子追逐著父母的背影;當他們開始表達意見、有個人喜好的那一刻起,他們便逐漸偏移雙親的腳步,摸索著自己的方向,最終成為另一個在荒山蔓草中自行開拓出路徑的遊俠。 電影中Ben開著名為Steve的小巴,載著孩子去替妻子奔喪。在這趟公路旅程中,觀眾也逐漸看到了這些孩子與父親想法的衝突。當老大Bo終於向Ben坦承自己想讀大學,甚至已經取得數間常春藤名校錄取資格時,他那番對父親撕心裂肺的告白。Ben鄙視大學教育,他已經給孩子的遠勝過任何名校的紮實教育與理論基礎,他也對長子有自信,相信Bo不需要那些文憑來證明他的能力。但Bo向Ben道出了自己最深的恐懼──離開了書本他什麼也不是、「你把我養成了一個怪物!」。這是對Ben的迎頭痛擊,大概也是天下父母最害怕的一件事。如果已經把最好的都給了孩子,卻仍然做得不對、不夠好。片尾曲You can’t always get what you want,或許說明了教育的難題與真相。這部電影的目的不在批判教育方式對錯與否,它謳歌的是家庭成員間的愛與關懷,以及對彼此的尊重。 最後Ben放棄成為那個帶著孩子前行的Captain,而孩子們也做出了自己的決定。從結尾來看,孩子的決定是被這些大人所尊重、接受的。我很喜歡的一個細節是,在整段公路旅行中,在駕駛座的Ben不斷透過後照鏡看著後座:看著他和Leslie用愛栽培出來的孩子出落得如此令人驕傲,又在為了孩子的未來著想主動離開後看著空蕩的座位感到無比失落。但到最後,孩子們也沒辜負父母的教育,主動選擇了自己想要的生活。 紀伯倫的長詩《先知》中有一段關於〈論孩子〉我非常喜歡。在看這部電影的時候,這些句子也不斷浮現在我的腦海。最後就讓我掉書袋地節錄他的詩作結 (中譯者找不到 :( )
你的孩子並不是你的。 他們是「生命」對他自身的渴慕所生的子女。 他們經你而生,卻不是你所造生。 他們與你相伴,但是並不屬於你。 你可以給他們你的愛,卻非你的思想。 因為他們擁有自己的思想。 你只能圈囿他們的身體而非靈魂, 因為他們的靈魂寓居在明日的住所中,而那是非你所能觀覽的地方,甚至不在你的夢中。 你可以盡力去模仿他們,但是不要指望他們會和你相像。 因為生命是不倒行的,也不會在昨日停留。 你是弓,而你的孩子是從弦上射發的生命的箭矢。 那射手看到了無盡路上的標靶,於是他用神力將你扯滿,讓他的箭急馳遠射。 你應在射手的掌中感到歡欣; 因為他愛飛去的箭矢,也愛靜存於掌中的彎弓。
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isabelrangelb · 5 years
Isabel Rangel Barón recomienda: Cine y Pediatría (483). “Captain Fantastic” y los hijos de Noam Chomsky
¿Quién es Noam Chomsky? En su biografía se indica que es un lingüista, filósofo, politólogo y activista estadounidense, actualmente un nonagenario profesor emérito del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts. Aunque es uno de los grandes lingüistas del siglo XX, su figura destaca principalmente por ser el teórico de la izquierda más importante de Estados Unidos, uno de sus más importantes pensadores, quien destaca por su fuerte crítica al capitalismo contemporáneo. Y hacemos esta reseña, pues una frase de Noam Chomsky (“Si asumes que no hay esperanza, entonces garantizas que no habrá esperanza. Si asumes que hay un instinto hacia la libertad, entonces aún hay posibilidades de cambiar las cosas”) domina una reciente película comercial. Pero no solo ese pensamiento, sino también su figura se convierte en el epicentro de un relato cinematográfico en el que incluso se celebra el día Noam Chomsky antes que la Navidad. Nos referimos a la película Captain Fantastic (Matt Ross, 2016), un film extraño y extraordinario, distópico y utópico, que aborda problemáticas contemporáneas y afilados discursos teóricos a través de un relato familiar con esencia de fábula moral. 
La escena inicial nos pone sobre la pista. Un joven caza un antílope en lo que es su bautizo de niño a hombre. Allí intuimos a un padre y sus seis hijos e hijas que viven en un bosque y sobreviven en la naturaleza mediante el autoaprendizaje. Un padre que les educa en todas las materias, también en la cultura, donde les manda leer e interpretar libros esenciales para su vida, desde “Lolita” a “Los hermanos Karamazov”, desde la Constitución de Estados Unidos al Manifiesto comunista de Marx y Engels. Una madre ausente – pero presente – que pronto descubrimos, tras una llamada de teléfono, que estaba enferma – descubriremos luego que sufría un trastorno bipolar – y se ha suicidado mientras estaba hospitalizada junto a su familia. Y el padre dice a su fratria: “Seguiremos viviendo de la misma forma. Somos una familia”. Porque estos padres hace muchos años que decidieron vivir dentro de la naturaleza y educar a su descendencia fuera de esa civilización corrupta por un sistema capitalista. Es decir, criar a los hijos al margen de la ciudadanía, del capitalismo y de los poderes fácticos, una crianza sin relación alguna con tus congéneres, enseñándoles ellos mismos cultura e historia, matemática y filosofía, idiomas y política, supervivencia física e intelectual. 
Y es así como este padre, Ben Cash (un Viggo Mortensen totalmente diferente en su papel y en su físico al que nos ha regalado en la oscarizada Green Book – Peter Farrelly, 2018 – ), se constituye en una mezcla conceptual de dos libros míticos: “La desobediencia civil” (1848) de Henry David Thoreau y la “La llamada de la naturaleza” (1903) de Jack London. Y la película en una mezcla Captain Fantastic una mezcla de dos películas con sabor independiente: Hacia rutas salvajes (Sean Penn, 2007) y Pequeña Miss Sunshine (Valerie Faris y Jonathan Dayton, 2006),  donde se atisba en la mitad del metraje una especie de “road movie”, pero no en coche o en furgoneta, sino en un enorme autobús descatalogado, lo que la hace más bizarra. Porque este padre y sus seis hijos de nombres únicos en el mundo e imposibles (Bodevan, Kielyr, Vespyr, Rellian, Zaja, Nai) viven una utopía de vida demasiado idílica para ser realidad, con un día a día dividido entre entrenar su físico (corren por el bosque, escalan en las montañas, cazan y pescan,…), entrenar su supervivencia (visten con pieles de animales y se orientan por las estrellas) y entrenar su intelecto (en política, ciencias y artes, también en idiomas, principalmente el esperanto). Por ello cuándo uno de los pequeños le pregunta, “Qué es cole?”, el padre le responde: “Agua envenenada”. Y también viven esa utopía de amor montados en ese autobús con un solo objetivo: salvar a la madre de ser enterrada en un funeral de una religión en la que no cree. 
Y en ese viaje se sorprenden de la obesidad de las personas que viven en la ciudad (a las que ven como enfermas), de la falta de cultura de los jóvenes, ahogados entre videojuegos y nuevas tecnologías. Y nosotros nos sorprendemos de cómo Ben explica a sus hijos temas como las relaciones sexuales o la muerte de su madre. O también de cuando nos lee los últimos deseos de su esposa, en el momento del funeral: “En caso de que muera, yo, Leslie Abigail Cash, como budista, deseo ser incinerada. Mi funeral, si tiene lugar, deberá ser una celebración del ciclo de la vida con música y baile. Después, es mi deseo expreso que mis cenizas sean trasladadas en un lugar cualquiera, preferentemente público, donde mis cenizas, de forma rápida y sin rituales, sean tiradas al váter más cercano”. 
No es de extrañar que, en algún momento, hasta sus hijos empiecen a dudar del padre y de la vida que han elegido para ellos. Bodevan, el mayor, que ha sido admitido en diversas universidades del país y ha renunciado a ellas le dice: “¡Soy un bicho raro por tu culpa! No sé nada sobre nada…”. Rellian quiere abandonar la vida de su padre e irse a vivir con los abuelos maternos. Vespyr sufre una accidente al caer del tejado en lo que bien pudiera considerarse un torpe requerimiento del padre. Y aunque en una carta su esposa le escribe “Que mis hijos lleguen a ser reyes filósofos me hace indescriptiblemente feliz”, Ben finalmente no quiere seguir arruinando la vida de sus hijos y les dice: “Ha sido un error. Precioso, pero un error”. 
Y por ello el padre se afeita y sus hijos le siguen de vuelta en el autobús, ya con el cadáver de la madre a la que incineran frente al mar con un rito de música y canciones, cumpliendo así su último deseo. Y ese final alrededor de un desayuno en la nueva granja familiar, ya cercanos a la civilización, y esperando que llegue el autobús escolar. Y los consejos del padre a Bodevan, que toma el camino de su vida: “Cuando te acuestes con una mujer, sé amable y escúchala, aunque no la quieras. Di siempre la verdad. Toma el camino honrado. Vive cada día como si fuera el último. Sé aventurero, sé osado, pero saboréalo, pasa rápido. No te mueras”. 
Captain Fantastic ofrece una crítica a la sociedad estadounidense en busca de construir un hipotético mundo mejor que aquél en el que vivimos. Pero quizás la vida tiene un propósito muy claro: la supervivencia, pero nunca solos, siempre juntos, donde el extremismo y la intolerancia no son buenos compañeros de viaje. Pero quizás la película acompaña al espectador al quid de la cuestión: desprenderse de lo innecesario y lo superfluo para poder encontrar lo esencial, y así trabajar por la vida que queremos. No en vano viene la cita de Noam Chomsky, una suerte de Papá Noel para los Cash: “Si asumimos que hay un instinto por la libertad, entonces habrá una oportunidad para cambiar las cosas”. 
Es Captain Fantastic una odisea particular para reflexionar. Y, de paso, conocer a Noam Chomsky. Y pone sobre la mesa una necesaria reflexión sobre el sistema educativo más adecuado para que los jóvenes salgan adelante, así como los límites del maltrato infantil (aún con la mejor de las intenciones). A partir de ahí nos queda decidir si seguimos celebrando la Navidad o el “Noam Chomsky Day”.
  Pediatría Basada en Pruebas
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biltepot · 7 years
Biltepot’tan herkese merhaba! Bu hafta: “Evimde ne izlesem acaba?” diyen herkese, değişik bir film önerimiz var: “Captain Fantastic(Kaptan Fantastik)”. 2016 yılı yapımı filmde, Yüzüklerin Efendisi’ndeki Aragorn rolü ile, eşsiz bir oyunculuk sergilemiş olan Viggo Mortensen(Ben) ve ona eşlik eden genç oyuncular, George MacKay(Bodevan), Samantha Isler(Kielyr), Annalise Basso(Vespyr), Nicholas…
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
Thank you for letting me resend it!!! Also I almost lost it smh, stupid brain lol.
Bodevan from Captain Fantastic is Autistic, bisexual, and uses he/him pronouns, and he supports his siblings Vespyr, an Autistic genderforestis luxaer saltusifo femme lesbian (she/they/🌲), Kielyr, a nightgender aroace person (she/🌳/it), Rellian, a gay nonbinary boy with ADHD (he/they), Zaja, an Autistic forestinfernal ferveogender genderfox huntigender trans girl (any besides he/him), and Nai, an Autistic intersex agender person (any)
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cinemuki · 6 years
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Captain Fantastic (2016) - dir. Matt Ross
Let’s dig. Otherwise she has to lie under that bullshit forever.
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One Mann's Movies DVD Review: Captain Fantastic
One Mann’s Movies DVD Review: Captain Fantastic
Dysfunctionally functional.
The second of my catch-up films for next Sunday’s Oscars, this time featuring Viggo Mortensen who is up for a Best Actor Oscar.
“Captain Fantastic” starts with a dramatic hunting expedition introducing us to the unusual Cash family. Dad Ben (Viggo Mortensen) is bringing up his six kids – Bodevan, Kielyr, Vespyr, Rellian, Zaja and Nai – in the wilds of Washington…
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2kelime12harf-blog · 7 years
Captain Fantastic (2016) Director & Writer: Matt Ross Stars: Viggo Mortensen / Ben George Mackay / Bo Samantha Isler / Kielyr Annalise Basso / Vespyr Nicholas Hamilton / Rellian Shree Crooks / Zaja Charlie Shotwell / Nai #film #drama #cinema #movie #captainfantasticmovie #captainfantastic #instacinema #instacinemascope #instacinematography #instamovie
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sukanyindircom · 7 years
Menjadi Pencerita Film yang Diputar di Warung Kopi Beserta Keresahan-Keresahannya
karena sepi di musim hujan//dalam lena air berjatuhan//ada puncak resah kita putuskan//hidup tak pasti terencana//
Sayup-Sayup saya putar lagu Hujan dan Kota dari Band indie asal kota Malang “Hankestra”. Lagu yang menimbulkan korelasi atas segala peristiwa yang saya rasakan.
Memilih deretan bangku pojok depan sebelah kiri menghadap jalan. Di sebuah kedai kopi kesukaan, seperti biasa saya mulai…
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3s-movie-trailer · 7 years
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119/ CAPTAIN FANTASTIC   (2016) 
Ben and Leslie Cash have long lived largely off the grid with their offspring - Bodevan, Kielyr, Vespyr, Rellian, Zaja and Nai - in a cabin in the mountains of Washington state. The parents have passed their ideals to their children, namely socialism (in its various forms) and survivalism. With the former, Ben considers most of western society as being fascist, especially corporate America. With the latter, he figures that no one will or should be there for you, so you better learn how to take care of yourself in all its aspects. As such, the children have been subject to vigorous physical training, know how to deal with minor bumps, bruises, cuts, sprains and even fractures, and know how to hunt, forage and grow their own food. The children are also non-registered home schooled, meaning that they have no official academic records. Ben and Leslie have tried to make the children critical thinkers, however within the context of their ideals. Beyond these issues, Ben and Leslie made the ...
The film had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 23, 2016. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. It was theatrically released on July 8, 2016 by Bleecker Street. It was chosen by the National Board of Review as one of the top ten independent films of 2016 and Mortesen was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Actor and at the 70th British Academy Film Awards for Best Actor in a Leading Role.
IMDb * 7,9
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