multipleoccupancy · 2 days
@hvbris Killian for Samantha
[Miss Sunshine 🌞] Been assigned a new agent to bring in. [Miss Sunshine 🌞] Is it wrong to tell them not to think of me as their boss but just someone that can fire them??
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oautincorrectquotes · 3 months
Rumple, getting his hopes up:
Hook, looks both ways and safety crosses the street:
Rumple, disappointed: Well theres always tomorrow
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Perfectly safe
Title: Perfectly safe
Pairing: Killian Jones x reader
Word count: 863
Warnings: alcohol
Tags: Fluff, a loooot of flirting
Synopsis: Reader get's really drunk, and needs Hook to take care of her.
A/N: I am quite braindead so forgive me if I make some mistakes or anything in that direction.... Once again, enjoy reading :) btw, figured out the "keep reading" thing, so now it's not that long hihi
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In the end, you are grateful in a way. If you wouldn't have gotten that shitfaced, you would never have met him
You are sitting in a tavern. It's late. You felt lonely, and since you didn't have a person to solve this problem with, you decided to use your only friend available. Alcohol.
He's sitting in a corner of a bar, with his crew. He's had a few ales, but is acceptably sober. He notices a person with y/h/c hair sitting at the bar, all by themself. He walks over to you, and from this angle, he can tell you've had one too many.
"Hello darling." He says, in a flirtatious way, trying to asses your state.
"Hello sir." your words are slurred. You look to the man who appeared next to you, not having a clue who he is.
"Are you alright, my lady?" He asks, his brow slightly raised, his voice deep and gentle. he can tell by the way you're staring at him, and your speech, that you've had too much to drink, but he's a gentleman, and you've drawn his attention with your beauty. He takes the opportunity to lean in closer to see the color of your eyes.
"I'm fiiiine"
"You are anything but, darling, let me escort you home"
"I do not," you hiccup, "need escorting home." you switch up the way you sit, showing him that you are fine, but the act does not last long.
"My, my, you're a feisty one, aren't you?" he says, letting out a chuckle. He takes a moment to observe you, a curious look on his face. You are quite the sight, that's for sure. He leans in a bit close to you, looking deep into your eyes. "The only thing you need to do, is trust me." he has a devilish smile on his face, and then he tries to take your hand.
You pull your hand back. "I do not need anything from you."
"Are you quite sure, my fair lady?" He says, his voice sweet, yet with a small edge of authority. "My offer is still open, if it is of your desire", He says in a seductive tone - one that would have a lesser person weak in the knees, so to speak, but you are much braver than the usual ladies he pursues.
"Leaaaveee" You push your hand out, in an attempt to push him away. You miss completely causing you to fall.
"Hm," He grunts as he catches you before you hit the ground. "That was most unladylike", He says teasingly, but with an air of seriousness. He lifts you up and holds you steady under the arms, letting you rest against his chest and begins moving towards the exit, assuming that his gentlemanly gesture had changed your mind. "We would not want to make a scene in this fine establishment, would we, my lady?"
You mumble something, but he can't make much out of it.
He notice how your breath is heavy, and the blush on your cheeks is rather intense. He gets curious. With a swift move, he puts you back on the stool you were sitting on. "May I ask what a beautiful lady like yourself is doing in a place like this, and all alone, at that?" He asks in a gentle voice, but his gaze is intense, and the slight edge in it makes it seem like he wants to know the genuine truth. It is almost as if he's a detective who has to figure someone out.
"That is-" Suddenly, you become aware of your surroundings. you notice people glancing at you and smile or snicker once they notice your current state. "I need to get out of here."
"As you wish, my lady", His voice is deep and smooth. "I'll take you away from this place. But, please, tell me, what's your name, lovely one?" he asks, taking an opportunity to move closer to you, as he wants to get his hands on your waist. You can feel the heat of his body as he stands this close, and it would be very hard for a woman not to be intrigued by such proximity.
"Y/N." you say shortly, trying to put an end to the conversation.
"y/n. A pretty name for a pretty damsel. Killian. Killian Jones." He says, as he lays his hand on his chest. "Is there somewhere you'd like to go that is more quiet?"
"I want to go home. Ssso tired."
"Then we shall", He says in a gentle voice, with a small smile. "I'll escort you home, my dear." He starts taking you to the door, and then, with some effort, he hails a carriage. He opens the door for you so that you can get in first.
"Please don't do anything bad to me. I am in no state to defend myself" you say, as you hiccup for the 1000th time.
"You will be perfectly safe", he says, a genuine, reassuring smile coming on his face as he enters the carriage with you. "I will be your escort and your protector through the night, and the nights to come…"
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saptaincwan · 9 months
cs is incredible because killian is absolutely devoted to emma and that is exactly what she needed in a partner
killian is someone who's emotions fluctuate in extremes and is inclined to channel that to love and devotion.
i think that is a perfect match to emma who's abandonment issues are a core personality trait. on top of that, killian understands abandonment in itself as someone who's suffered it too.
they match each other and click so well with that sort of understanding like. they're sooo made for each other
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A How-To Guide to Ask Your Girlfriend to Marry You: Advice from Carey Fangbattle
The first step to this is to get a girlfriend. This may sound daunting, but it is doable! You might look back on your past attempts in this arena and cringe; it’s easy enough to say do not cringe, kill the thing that cringes. It’s another story when confronting yourself with the veritable trauma-trove of stinkers you shackled yourself with in the past. Breathe. Ask the cool girl at work to come spar with you. At best, it’s the perfect kindling for some nice sexual tension. At worst, you’re still sparring (and when you’re good at being hard to hit, it’s nice to have a challenge). 
Taking it slow is cool! You can keep sparring and hitting the gym and become increasingly obvious that you want to maybe go for coffee sometime. And then, while out for coffee, if you suddenly remember you don't drink coffee, DO NOT PANIC. Tea is cool. You ever tried a Faerun Fog? It's like a latte but with tea. It's fine.
You can also try inviting her back to your place to watch a movie. Be sure to place the bowl of popcorn in such a way that would make accidental hand brushes inevitable. 
Keep dropping hints that you're gay. Maybe she didn't notice. 
Repeat substeps 1-3.
Get assigned to go on a work trip with her now that the flirtation has really ensued. Find the shittiest, draftiest tavern you can (there's not a lot of money in the job). Now, you might be asking: how many beds were there? And the answer is two, but don't despair! Because if you're cold-blooded, eventually she's going to get tired of your teeth chattering and will invite you to share her bed anyway! 
Wake up in her arms. Super platonic like. 
Oh, that actually worked? You now have a girlfriend? Great job! Never doubted you for a moment! 
Now, you can go on some more dates! Have you tried the new wine and pottery place? It seems pretty cool.
Avoid your coworker at said wine and pottery place
Let her know that the whole being a reptile thing does make certain things different but! it's cool and fine and doesn’t take very much getting used to.
She's very enthusiastic and a quick learner. Lucky you.
This next step is also vital, sorry. You have to befriend this absolute himbo of a man. Neither of you consciously make an effort, you're just drawn together.
Hmm, politely turn him down after he hits on you.
Shit, that's not at all what was happening, cool cool cool. 
He's cool about it though. And he has skills! And he wants to learn your skills!!
Have a heart to heart conversation with your girlfriend. This will happen organically after a long day at work. You're both going to be exhausted in every sense of the word. After all, you just had to attend the funeral of a friend. 
She'll tell you she had wanted to use a powerful magic item while on a mission a while back.
Recall that the terms of your employment require that you apprehend or kill members of your organization tempted to do just that. 
Be so brave and not cry about what this could mean for you both one day.
…cry a little
Decide you want to marry this woman.
Drop the hint to your best friend that you want to marry this woman.
Your best friend will carve a beautiful ring for your (hopefully) future fiancé.
Keep the ring in your pocket. 
Try to figure out when to pop the question.
Watch the color fade from the world.
Lose your best friend.
Mourn him.
Discover your best friend was an alien from another plane of existence.
Discover that he didn't actually die.
Asshole, who keeps that kind of thing from a best friend!
Nearly lose the love of your life in the fray of battle.
Lose your shit.
Survive the apocalypse.
Mourn your friends.
And finally, when the dust has settled and you're finally back together in your bed, wince when you realize the ring box is digging into your hip. 
Shift your weight and be weird for a minute 
She's going to laugh a little. This is good. She loves you, after all. 
Forget every single romantic notion you've ever come up with and tell her instead that you'd like to spend every near-apocalypse with her for as long as you both shall live.
She'll say yes, yes, ten thousand times yes.
She'll cry. 
You'll cry. 
And now you're engaged!
Start planning the wedding. 
…Good luck
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mooselybased · 1 year
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I wanted to compile all the characters I've done for my hypothetical Adventure Zone platform fighter, so here's a sort of mock character select screen with the sixteen fighters I've done so far!
So far we've got eight Balance reps, four Amnesty reps, and one each from Graduation, Ethersea, Dust, and Commitment. But I've got a bunch of half-finished moveset concepts for characters from various seasons, so there's more to come!
Links to individual movesets under the cut
Magnus Burnsides | Taako | Merle Highchurch | Killian & Carey
Kravitz | Lup | Lucas Miller | Barry Bluejeans
Duck Newton | Aubrey Little | Ned Chicane | Minerva
Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt | Amber Gris | Augustus Parsons | Kardala
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doubleyourtreasure · 3 months
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gilwing · 1 year
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crazy that TAZ animated is finally out! I guess I never actually submitted my credits image oops, here’s a Killian I drew 5 years ago :)
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enchantedferretry · 3 months
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thirdchildart · 11 months
Killian Adventurezone!
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Queen of "enchant killer grinder first, answer questions never"
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oautincorrectquotes · 7 months
Rumple to hook: Somewhere out there, there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breathe
Rumple: I think you owe it an apology.
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multipleoccupancy · 17 days
@hvbris for Samantha
The invitation to a mission had felt like a long time coming. As if he had never and would never escape after what he had seen just two years ago. As the invitation instructed though, Theo or as he had been instructed to call himself, 'Killian' waited in the suggested lounge area at the air port having arrived just a little before the designated time.
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He was nervous, his leg bounced absently and arms folded across his chest as he tried his best to not look around too desperately for whoever it was he was supposed to meet there. The place was near deserted anyway no one would really have any excuse to come and sit with him unless they were there for the mission. Right? Right? Just what was he being lead into with it all?
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sims4littlebird · 20 days
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Во избежание вопросов о будущих детях Этана и Мэг с их-то активностью рассказываю, что Мэг прошла через женскую процедуру, и ребята никого больше не планируют. Они полностью сосредоточены на сыне, на достижении своих целей и свершении пока еще нереализованных мечт. Тем более у них деньги заканчиваются.
Этан - карьерист и он очень горит своей идеей покорения внеземных пространств. А у Мэг наступил период поиска себя в новом увлечении, скорее всего не связанного со спортом.
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Я давно подозревала, что с его псом Баззом что-то не так.
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Этан как чувствовал и с любовью попрощался...
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Базз правда прожил очень долгую и счастливую жизнь. В прошлом с ним жестоко обращались первые хозяева, потом приют, а потом уж�� взрослого его забрал Шеннон специально для сына. Самый верный добряк. Уже скучаю...
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У Этана после первой клинической смерти в армии до сих пор имеется сильная боязнь смерти. Он сильно стрессует от любых упоминаний об этом явлении.
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А это я хочу показать как мы с малышом гуляем во дворике. У меня установлен мод, чтобы мой участок посещали всякие прохожие и взаимодействовали с вещами во дворе. Часто детишки приходят играть к нам в песочницу и прыгать в классики.
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Килли хотел полепетать с дочкой рыжего Коди о собачках, но девчулька почему-то резко отвергла общение и убежала. И мелкий сильно расстроился, что с ним не хотят дружить. Ну как так! Ты же наша дальняя родственница! Что не так?!
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Конечно, сынка побежал папе жаловаться, папа всегда пожалеет и в обиду не даст. Сказал малому, что ситуация нормальная. Скоро его отведут в детский садик и он постепенно привыкнет к общению со сверстниками. Маленький Киллиан получил спокойный послушный характер Этана. Чуточку скромный, но очень общительный. По внешности он ��ольше в маму (губы точно ее, а форма глаз отцовская, типичная Гриновская для ветки Шеннона). Его витилиго - генетический фактор, и "вылезает" у Гринов очень редко. Такой особенностью обладали последние дети аж второго поколения.
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Вот такой малыш! Его кудряшки-завитки покорили мое сердце) Никогда не использовала эту еа причу, но тыкнула и мне так понравилось, такой прикольный) В дальнейшем родители его, конечно, подстригут, сделают модные дреды/косы, но пока пусть побудет немножко лохматиком :3
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
"Dude, your top surgery is choice," Carey says the moment Magnus's shirt is over his head and off. He preens a little because he deserved to. And because it was choice. He's very happy with the results. But then Carey adds, "Who'd you get it done by?"
"Oh! Uh," and here's where the problem lies. "I... don't remember."
"You don't remember," Carey repeats, sounding a little disbelieving. Killian looks over to them now and squints at Magnus's chest.
"Uhhh," Magnus says. "Nope."
"Did you get like, black market top surgery, or?"
"I... don't think so," Magnus says.
"Magnus," Killian says, "if you hadn't left your packer in the middle of our goddamn bathroom-" Magnus grins a little sheepishly and Carey laughs. "-I would literally not know you were trans. I don't even see any scars."
"It's been a while since I got it done," Magnus says.
"Which was when?" Carey prompts. At Magnus's face, she throws her hands up. "You don't remember!"
"It was a while ago!" Magnus says. "I was like- I don't know, twenty-one? Ish? Twenty-two?"
"Magnus," Carey says. She puts her foam sparring halberd down and comes over to him. "Magnus, did you just wake up one morning with them gone? This-" she looks on the verge of laughter. "This is serious."
"If I tell you the truth, you're gonna laugh," Magnus says.
"Magnus," Carey says, laughing anyway. "How do you forget a whole fucking surgery?"
"It wasn't a surgery, it was a spell," Magnus says, because he knows that much.
"Pretty sure that's not a thing," Killian says.
"Why else do they call it transmutation, then, huh?" Carey buries her head into Magnus's side, snorting with laughter. "Look, I know it was a spell. I know it. Do I know who did it? N-"
"Was it Taako?" Carey interrupts, full of giggles. Magnus pauses.
...Was it Taako?
"No," he said, shaking his head. "I met Taako like, last year. I'm pretty sure I would remember if he did my top surgery. Top spellery? Is that anything?"
"It's nothing," Carey says. "I'm-" she wipes her eye, clearing her throat. "Maybe it's like, a voidfish thing. Like, maybe the Director fucked up-"
"And specifically erased Magnus's top surgery?" Killian asks doubtfully.
"It's a big fish," Carey says, which just seems to make Killian more confused, but Magnus nods in understanding.
"It's a big fish, Killian," he says.
"Are we gonna fucking spar or not?" Killian asks. "I came here to beat ass not uncover Magnus's whole backstory."
"My backstory is actually pretty simple," Magnus says and Carey groans, retracting herself from him. "I was born in Raven's Roost on a swelteringly hot day-"
Killian hits him over the head with her foam halberd.
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gilly-moon · 9 months
So uh I rewatched that one animated pigeon movie and it put….many thoughts into my brain
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0ffurself · 7 months
can i please request a killian jones x fem!reader??
one-shot, drabble, or headcannons, which ever is easiest for you <33
Dating Killian Jones Head canons
He would call you many different terms of endearment
Dear, doll, sweet, love, darling, or things that have to do with who you were in the Enchanted Forest, or just personal interests
He wouldn't be super handsy in public
He would definitely hold your hand sometimes
He gets very jealous easily
He is always scared he is gonna lose you
Constantly trying to prove himself
Very in love
Willing to try new things or do new things with you, all because you asked
Hella princess treatment
Loves to compliment you
Will take you on dates sometimes
When he gets busy with stuff it means he doesn't always have time for you
When he is super busy and can't find time to see you he will definitely apologize
He is big spoon
Aftercare is key with him, he is very gentle during after care
Sorry if it's short and late and kinda bad. I have been taking some time to focus on making myself better, mentally. I will be trying to get back into the swing of writing and I will write more Killian Jones fics bc this one is really lazy. And I will try to get more character fics out that aren't Killian Jones too, again I apologize pookies.
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