#killing eve 1x3
chainofclovers · 6 years
Killing Eve episode 3 thoughts and spoilers behind the cut:
So, I cannot believe, considering the show has Eve & Villanelle & Carolyn in it, that my thoughts are centered around Bill right now, but that’s where I am. We’ll return to our regularly-scheduled 20GayTeen programming asap.
I’m...so?!? upset?!? by the end of episode 3?!?
We know Bill’s a bit reckless with language. We know he’s out of practice at being in the field. We know his loyalty to and affection for Eve cause him to make exceptions. But I’m not sure if all that adds up to create a believable scenario in which he’d follow Villanelle in such an utterly unsubtle way. 
I do buy that he’d perhaps behave this way in Berlin but nowhere else. Berlin is the site of all the memories of a more adventurous, sexual, and free Bill. I could see a person reconnecting with that side of themselves and behaving as if they were invincible. 
But I’m still not happy with the way the story was told, and I actually wish he’d been badly injured without being killed. Why?
Because the foreshadowing of Bill holding his baby and joking “Daddy’s going to die” is TOO MUCH and it would be more interesting for him to be gravely injured and have to make some serious decisions about whether to continue in his career.
Because Eve might be weirdly grateful that Villanelle didn’t kill Bill. Eve’s obsession with her is the most interesting thing about the show, IMO, and I’d be very curious to see how truly inappropriate and unearned gratitude would manifest.
Because Villanelle is a nearly-flawless killer, and utterly detatched from empathy, and I think it’d be obvious to everyone (but Eve?) that not killing Bill was nothing more than a frustrating accident. Certainly not an gesture of mercy. (I’ll admit that it would be easy to strike the wrong note here. What would it mean for Villanelle to fuck up a killing in the most basic way--the person fails to die--this early in the show?)
P.S. One thing I do appreciate, when I peer past all the horrifically bad decisions Bill (a presumably competent agent) makes in this episode, is that we get a glimpse of a story line in which an older man badly wants a kid and starts an unconventional family so he can have one. Women get that kind of story quite a bit, in a way that’s sometimes done well but is often both stigmatized and told with that “well, everybody wants to be a mom” kind of perspective that isn’t quite right. It was cool to see a man express those same desires, and to have taken action on them...if a little curious that he’d never spoken to Eve about them during the time when his wife was expecting.
Anyway, R.I.P. Bill, and goodbye forever to my ability to think about anything but Killing Eve! It’ll be gayer next time, promise.
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itsgivingsadd · 4 years
Hmm I d k I feel like I shouldn’t trust Niko... there’s like this weird tension going on I think??!
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twilightszoness · 4 years
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killing eve 1x1 // gotham 1x16 // sharp objects novel // sharp objects 1x8 // hannibal 1x3
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chainofclovers · 6 years
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ratherembarrassing replied to your post: Killing Eve episode 3 thoughts and spoilers behind...
i actually liked the really ham-fisted foreshadowing because when we set off after that i figured there was no WAY a tv show would be that blatant, and so i was completely shocked when they did it! and in hindsight it was blatantly obvious that bill had been baited into noticing and following villanelle from the second she bumped into him, but they’d completely thrown me off the scent.
OK, that’s a great point, that the foreshadowing was intentionally over-the-top...
When I watched that scene with Bill and his baby, though, I immediately thought “OH NO ARE THEY GOING TO DO THIS?!?” and had this horrible feeling that they were, though that says less about the show choices and more about my paranoia re: Bill’s safety. (I’m also very worried about Elena’s safety, though maybe she’s good for another ep or two--or more--now that Bill isn’t?) 
I do really like that moment relatively early in the ep when Villanelle bumps into Bill. What do you think was his motivation for not saying anything to Eve? Was he worried Eve would get distracted from her more immediate task? Did he fear Eve would put herself in danger? Did a misguided desire to protect her make him fail to protect himself?
(Not rhetorical questions! Actual questions for @ratherembarrassing or literally anyone reading this!)
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