#kingdomtale chara
yura2kingdomtale1ts · 2 years
Kingdomtale(от английского Kingdom - королевская сказка, сказка о королевстве) — AU, сюжет которой происходит после войны против людей. Chara воевал ЗА монстров и из-за этого получил звание: "Королевское дитя стражи". Но после падения Frisk, всё изменяется.
AU была взломана из-за того, что Тэм, который встречает Фриск в начале, получает полную власть над вселенной. И из-за сбоя в коде вселенная начинает самоуничтожаться, на поверхности воздух становится ядовит, а Тэм подговаривает стражу убить всех монстров в подземелье, не давая пройти в Замок Азгора никому.
Выживают в этом хаосе только двоя:Frisk и King!sans. В первой версии, их находит Cor!Frisk и уводит их в омега-таймлайн.
Во второй версии, они встречают создателя(перламутровую душу) и он отводит их в свой «дом» где-то в пустоте. В этом «доме» Фриск и Санс встречают других персонажей этого же создателя.
Статус вселенной:самоуничтожена.
Создатель:Перламутровая душа
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motherofpearlshower · 2 years
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Kingdomtale — AU, The plot of which takes place after the war against humans. Chara fought FOR monsters and because of this he received the title: "The Royal child of the Guard." But after the fall of Frisk, everything changed.
It was hacked due to the fact that Tam, who meets us at the beginning of the "game", gets full power over the universe and decides to destroy it in order to get out of there and take over other universes. But due to a malfunction (hacking), the universe decides to self-destruct. Only two survive:King!sans and Frisk. In the first version, they meet Cor!Frisk and he/she/it takes them to the omega timeline. And in the second version, the Creator meets them and takes them to his "house", and there they get acquainted with other characters of the same creator.
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kingdomtale · 3 years
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KingdomTale: Changez Vostre Destin
La humanidad siempre gobernó en la tierra desde el inicio de su existencia, pero sus pecados los condenaron a ser castigados por su creador a padecer y compartir el mundo con otros seres conscientes, similares y diferentes a ellos. El descontento era obvio, a través de los siglos los humanos detestaron a los seres mágicos, causando que las guerras sin sentido fueran el pan de cada día por culpa de la envidia a sus capacidades mágicas y el temor al poder que algunos de ellos podrían obtener con simplemente tomar sus almas. Fue por ese miedo que su mayor objetivo se convirtió en exterminarlos con la meta de por fin, nuevamente, ser los únicos soberanos de la tierra.
Pero...entre tanta muerte y destrucción, muchos huyeron y se escondieron dejando sus tierras de lado o viajando a los rincones más lejanos donde su existencia no corriera algún peligro. Muy pocos fueron los temerarios que siguieron reinando y protegiendo sus reinos. El reino de Ebott era uno de ellos, el único reino visible y existente de categoría monstruo. Más hubo un horrible día en el que fue emboscado por el gran reino de Francia, reconocido por su poderosa y misteriosa dinastía Determ. Muchos pobres monstruos murieron en lo que se convirtió en una guerra. Ambos reyes al tenerse de frente tuvieron una larga y exhaustiva batalla que...sorpresivamente terminó en un acuerdo de "paz" que consistía en no pasar las limitaciones establecidas sino las guerras contra ellos volverían y no tendrían compasión ni aún si suplicaran piedad.
Y así fue por unos cuantos años hasta que la curiosidad y el deseo fueron más poderosos y la ironía de la vida le dio alas al príncipe para que rompiera las palabras y que los destinos de las personas que lo rodeaban fueran "diferentes"
Humanity always ruled the earth since the beginning of its existence, but their sins condemned them to be punished by their creator to suffer and share the world with other conscious beings, similar and different from them. The discontent was obvious, through the centuries humans detested magical beings, causing senseless wars to be the daily bread because of the envy of their magical abilities and the fear of the power that some of them could obtain by simply taking their souls. It was because of that fear that their main objective became to exterminate them with the goal of finally, once again, being the sole rulers of the land.
But... among so much death and destruction, many fled and hid, leaving their lands aside or traveling to the farthest corners where their existence would not be in danger. Very few were the reckless ones who continued to reign and protect their kingdoms. The kingdom of Ebott was one of them, the only visible and existing kingdom of monster category. But there was a horrible day when it was ambushed by the great kingdom of France, renowned for its powerful and mysterious Determ dynasty. Many poor monsters died in what became a war. Both kings faced each other and had a long and exhaustive battle that...surprisingly ended in a "peace" agreement that consisted in not passing the established limitations or else the wars against them would return and they would have no mercy even if they begged for mercy.
And so it was for a few years until curiosity and desire were more powerful and the irony of life gave wings to the prince to break the words and that the destinies of the people around him were "different".
Where to read the book?
It's only in Spanish since it's my native language and my English is kind of bad haha, but through Chrome it can be automatically translated to another language ^^
Thank you for reading <3
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marihem · 3 years
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Kingdomtale AU Frisk and Chara commission by @xidonotknowwhoiamx. Thank you so much for your donation! Hope you enjoy this piece for you!<3
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xidonotknowwhoiamx · 3 years
KingdomTale Characters part 1
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Crown Princess of France and part of the dynasty of House Determ.
Gender: Female.
Age: 17 years old.
Height: 1.60 m.
Birthday: September 17.
Frisk is a smiling and supportive girl, humble despite her social position, she transmits a great tranquility to those who are close to her because of "the light" she emits from herself according to the many comments of the villagers. She can be very stubborn when it comes to following her mother's rules, so she always insists on doing the opposite, consciously or unconsciously. She detests too much the social inequality and the labels to which she is imposed. Many times she keeps her annoyance about various things to herself even when it becomes something that insults her because she doesn't want to hurt anyone with her words. She wants to be independent, she really is, but because she is a princess she is not seen as such, but as a delicate flower to be taken care of, she hates that. She is very determined when it comes to helping others so she would do anything to achieve it, she thinks that everyone deserves a second chance and can change, too naive in the words of those closest to her. She is somewhat curious and ever since she read a hidden book about monsters she has been curious to know more about them because she finds them interesting.
Princesa heredera de Francia y parte de la dinastía de la casa Determ.
Género: Femenino.
Edad: 17 años.
Altura: 1.60 m.
Cumpleaños: 17 de septiembre.
Frisk es una chica risueña y solidaria, humilde pese a su posición social, transmite una gran tranquilidad a quienes están cerca de ella por "la luz" que emite de sí misma según los muchos comentarios de los pueblerinos. Puede ser muy terca en lo que respecta seguir las reglas de su madre por lo que siempre se empeña en hacer todo lo contrario consciente o inconscientemente. Detesta demasiado la desigualdad social y las etiquetas a las que está impuesta. Muchas veces se guarda su molestia sobre varias cosas aún cuando llega a ser algo que la insulta porque no quiere lastimar a nadie con sus palabras. Quiere ser independiente, lo es en realidad, pero por ser una princesa no la ven como tal, sino como una delicada flor que deben cuidar, detesta eso. Es muy determinada cuando se trata de ayudar a los demás por lo que haría cualquier cosa para lograrlo, piensa que todos merecen una segunda oportunidad y pueden cambiar, demasiado ingenua según palabras de sus seres más cercanos. Es algo curiosa y desde que leyó un libro escondido sobre los monstruos ha tenido curiosidad de saber más sobre ellos porque le parecen interesante.
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Second crown princess of France and part of the Determ house dynasty.
Gender: Female.
Age: 16 years old.
Height: 1.59 m.
Birthday: June 6th.
Chara always maintains a serious and dominant appearance, she only smiles when she is alone with her sister since she is too strict with herself for the simple fact of wanting to give a good impression to her parents since they educated her to be like that. Her gaze, having that strange eye color makes it more penetrating than it already is, causing fear to the servants of the castle and the people of the kingdom that behind her back speak very badly about her and create endless rumors that Chara is already used to hear on thousands of occasions so she simply ignores them completely. The king has had a favoritism for her since she was born, giving her the opportunity to have whatever she wanted if she wanted, so one of those things is fencing which is taught to her by her distant cousin Kris Heronaor, Duke of Orleans. She has always been determined when it comes to fighting and thanks to constant training since she was a child she has become very good with the sword and does not give up easily at all. She is not someone who likes to give or receive affection, but sometimes makes exceptions with Frisk.
Segunda princesa heredera de Francia y parte de la dinastía de la casa Determ.
Género: Femenino.
Edad: 16 años.
Altura: 1.59 m.
Cumpleaños: 6 de junio.
Chara siempre mantiene una apariencia seria y dominante, sólo sonríe cuando está a solas con su hermana ya que es demasiado estricta consigo misma por el simple hecho de querer darle una buena impresión a sus padres ya que la educaron para que fuera así. Su mirada al tener aquel extraño color de ojos la hace más penetrante de lo que de por sí ya es, causando temor a los sirvientes del castillo y a las personas del reino que a espaldas suyas hablan muy mal sobre ella y crean un sinfín de rumores que Chara ya está acostumbrada a oír en miles de ocasiones por lo que simplemente los ignora por completo. El rey tiene un favoritismo por ella desde que nació, dándole la oportunidad de tener lo que quiera si así quisiera, por lo que una de esas cosas es la esgrima que le es enseñada por su primo lejano Kris Heronaor, duque de Orleans. Siempre se ha mantenido determinada a la hora de pelear y gracias al constante entrenamiento desde niña se ha vuelto demasiado buena con la espada y para nada se rinde fácilmente. No es alguien que le guste dar ni recibir afecto, pero a veces hace excepciones con Frisk.
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wingdingsareathing · 5 years
Kingdomtale: Characters
Premise: The war is still going on so all our favorite characters contribute to the war effort. Because of the war characters can appear more cynical (Sans) and/or pessimistic (Sans). Everyone is more frightened of humans and because there are more soldiers/Royal Guardsmen they are more likely to capture/kill a human then respond to Act/Spare/Mercy.
The world is still in a medieval type setting so modern conveniences are non-existent.
Asriel/Flowey: He was once the heir to the Monster Kingdom who made friends with a human child. They grew up together and became siblings. When the human died, Asriel decided to take the child to their village so they could be with the golden flowers one last time. He absorbed the human soul, thinking it would give him the strength to go through the human lands. When the humans attacked him, thinking he had killed the child, Asriel did not retaliate. Though he took extensive amount of damage his soul was determined to persist until he made it back home to his mother and father. He turned to dust soon after arriving home. The negative emotions he harbored towards his loss and the humans manifested itself in the form of Flowey, a malevolent spirit hell bent on making humans suffer. Flowey has a far-reaching network of roots so he can watch the whole of the monster territory. He whispers things to the King in case Asgore starts losing his resolve. He convinces him that using the souls of the Heirs will give him enough power to destroy the humans and fully control the lands.
Chara/First Child: They were a peasant child that was cast out of their village. Made to be a sacrifice to the Monsters, they are left in their territory. Chara was, of course, terrified and while they were running, tripped over a cliff. They were found by Prince Asriel who was not a vile scary thing but was very sweet. They are taken in by the King and Queen who are appalled by the stories Humans have said about them. Though some Monsters have similar stories.
After years of living with them, Chara begins to have hate towards Humans and upon their death becomes a corrupt vengeful spirit.
Asgore: As the King of the Monsters, Asgore is responsible for all his subjects and is the high commander of the Royal Guard/Soldiers. He was ready to make peace until his son, Asriel, was killed by humans. He found it ironic as the first heirs from the human kingdoms came to garner peace. He found it befitting to kill said heir, just as his was killed. He felt no better for it...until a little flower assured him that the humans deserved it and that with the heirs’ souls he can put an end to the human scourge.
Toriel/River person: The benevolent Queen of the Monsters, Toriel was against the war in the beginning. Her motherly instinct/nature wanted to nurture all those around her. She was more likely to speak at a peace rally than a war rally, though she was seen by the King’s side at these. She could not take the killing of the heir children. So she cursed the King and fled to the ruins of their settlements that were destroyed in the war. She still wanted to help her people but knew they would see her as a traitor to their people. So, she cloaks herself and masquerades as a forest/river guide often speaking in riddles so no one may discern who she is or call her new facade a traitor as well.
Frisk: The heir to the Seventh Human Kingdom. Their Kingdom’s people have arguably the strongest souls that are willed by Determination. They decided on their own to go seek an audience with the Monster King, their family didn’t want them to fall to the same fate as the other heirs. They do not speak much, often believing actions speak louder than words.
Alphys/Royal Mage: She is charged with finding new magical innovations to forward the war effort. She got the position when her predecessor disappeared. Because tensions are high around the Kingdom, she has resorted to less than morally sound judgment in her experiments.
Undyne: The ever enthusiastic Captain of the Royal Guards in Waterfall. She wants to follow in the footsteps of her father and grandfather. She trained with her father and the General of Waterfall. She has a playful rivalry with Papyrus, there definitely wasn't a contest on who would get to Captain first.
Papyrus: Possibly even more enthusiastic than Undyne. He is the Captain of the Royal Guards in Snowdin. He has worked hard since he became of age to get to his position now, guidance from his brother, the General of Snowdin, and...someone else… He finds it hard however to control his subordinates when they're trying to get his bones.
Sans: A skeleton of many jobs. On the surface Sans seems to just be an apathetic lazy bones soldier. On the battlefield he is a good fighter but doesn't show his whole hand. To the Generals he is a scout that keeps them updated on enemy movements, though he does report to the Snowdin General first. The King knows Sans as the Keeper of the Judgement Hall, the last line of defense if anyone tries to enter the castle. He was promoted to the position because Asgore said he reminded him of his predecessor...
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just-here-for-humor · 7 years
Undertale AU Masterlist in alphabetical order
If you would like your AU added or removed from the list just message me to let me know!
Abysstale Acidtale (Acis!Sans) Admintale Adven!Tale Aftertale (Geno!Sans) Afterdeath Age-swap Akintale Akumatale Aladdin au/crossover Alone Together Altered Destiny Alterfell Altertale Alterswap Amalgamate!Asriel Amalgatale Amalgemate Amnesiatale Angeltale Angryfell Ania(skeleton) by @ania-da-peasant Animetale Animutale Anti-Physicstale Antitale Arcadetale Applefell Arrowtale ArtTale Ashtale Asriel Universe ASSETS Sans Astraytale Asylumtale ATale Atramentoustale Attorneytale Auratale Avalontale Aviantale Awakeningtale
Babybones Babytale (Baby!Sans) Badtimetale Bakutale Balancetale Beatlestale Begintale Bendytale Between Two Voids Bill!Sans Binatytale Birdtale Blanktale (Blank!Frisk?) Blighttale Blind!Frisk Blue Star Tale Bluetale Buttontale Bone Bunny (Talli, Swappi, Felli, Swalli, Fellippi, Aphrodii, Cellibbii, Taffetti) BonePunk Bossmonsterbani Brassberry Bromalgamate Burstale
Calcium Man Candytale Cantale Canvastale Captivetale Cattale Cardtale The Caretaker of the Ruins Cavetale CCtale Celestialtale Chronictale Cloudtale ClusterGem!Sans Chain!tale Charatale Changetale Chaostale Chesstale ChileTale C-ma!Sans Codetale Coldtale Collegetale Colortale Comic Papyrus Constellationtale CONTAMINATIONtale CoalesceTale Cool!Papyrus Core!Frisk Core!Gaster (Out of Control) +CG!Sans Core!Sans Core!tale Corrupt Beast Sans Cowboytale CPUtale CreamySweetale Creative!tale Creepvine Creepytale Crossovertale Crystal Cove CrystalSoul!Tale CRYtale Cutietale Cybertale (Cyborg!Sans?) Cryptotale
Dadster Daemontale Dancelust Dancetale Darktale Datatale Deitytale Deja Vu Tale Demitale Demontale Depressiontale Depresstale Despondenttale Destiny!Sans Deteriortale Devianttale DevilTale Devoidtale Digitale Differentopic Dissoctale Distale Distempertale Dividetale Domestictale Don't Hug Me I'm Determined Dragontale Draky!Sans Dreadtale DreamLifeTale  Dreamswap Dreamtale (Dream and Nightmare) Dreemur Reborn Driftingtale Drugtale Drunk!Sans Dustmetal Dustswap Dusttale (Murder!Sans & Phantom!Papyrus)
EchoedDreams Echofell Echotale Eclipsetale Ecto!Sans Electrictale Elementtale Emoswap Emotale Emotiontale Emptytale Endertale Endtale Engietale Epictale (Epic!Sans) Errortale (Error!Sans) Ex Sans
Fabletilt (Discontinued?) Fae U Fairytale Faithtale Fallen Children Fallentale Fallunder Familiar!Sans Familytale Fantasytale Fatal Error Fatetale Feartale Fellwolves Feraltale @feral-tale-au Flaretale Flipflopped Flowerfell Flowey is Not a Good Life Coach Flowey Possession Floweytale Flufffell Flufftale Fluffy Fire (FiFi!Sans) Five Nights At San's Freshswap Freshtale (Fresh!Sans) Foodtale Formtale FoundAbove ? Foundlingtale (hybrid!Frisk) (Droptale) Foxpy and BB (Bunny blue?) Fruittale Fullmetal Undertale Fushiontale Futuretale
Gallerytale Gamertale (Gamer!Sans?) Gangtale GasterBlaster!Sans Gaster!Sans (Rockabilly) (Echotale?) Gemtale Gendertale Genocide!Grillby / NoMercy!Grillby Genocide!Swap Glasstale Glitchtale Gloomtale Gloomytale Glowingtale Goffictale Gooptale Goopysoul Goth!Sans Gravitytale Grouptale GZ!hospital GZtale
Hacker!Frisk Handplates​ Hardtale Haremtale Harsh Realities Harvesttale Heartfell Heartswap Hearts of Horses Hearttale Heavenlytale Heaventale Haventale Hellsiblings Help_tale Hikaritale History Recast Hiyatale Holotale Homeland (Fableworld?) Hometale Hopelesstale HorizonTale Horrortale Humanitytale Human!Underfell Human!Undertale Hungertale Huntertale Hypertale
Icecreamtale Icetale Immortaltale Inferno!Sans Infinitytale Injectiontale InkSwap!Papyrus Inktale (Ink!Sans) Inspiretale Integritale (the story of the integrity soul) Inversetale Inverted Fate Ipseitytale It’s a snow poff - fluffy characters made even fluffier, literally
Jaegertale Jazztale Joseontale Judgement Hall > Face every Sans Judgement Hall > Face Every Character
Kaijutale Katanatale Killer!Sans Kingdomtale Kirbytale Kittentale Kitty!Sans and Pupyrus Kyuubi!Sans
Lantern AU (lantern day?) Legendtale Letter!Sans LightningTale Lil' skelebros Limbotale Linetale Littletale Lolitale Lollipoptale LOVEtale Lucktale
Maddtale Mad-hattertale Mafiatale Magictale Magmatale Mahoutale Majesticfell Majestictale Maniatale Mapletale Marketale Martialtale Masktale Matryoshkatale McGeetale Mechatale Memotale Memoryfell Mercyplates (Handplates sub-AU) Mercytale Meta - rambling about game mechanics, mostly - zarla-s.tumblr Mettatale Mineraltale Minortale Mirrortale Misery - zarla-s.tumblr Mixedtale MixedTale(fell,swap,corrupted), Mixmatch Mlp_egTale Mobtale / UT Mob Momma CQ, Kid!Fresh, Kid!Geno and Kid!Error Momplates (Handplates sub-AU) Monofell Monsieur!Sans Monster!Frisk Morbidtale Murdertale Mutanttale Mystictale Mythtale
Nativetale Naturefell Natureswap Naturetale Needlessly Complicated Sans Nether!Sans Negatale Neon!Sans Nevermore Newtale Nextale Nightingtale Nobodytale
Oceantale Occulttale OCtale Omotale Oppositetale Ore!Tale Othertale (Color!Sans) Outertale Overtale
Paperjam Papertale Papya!Sans Pallette!Sans ParaverseTale (Asterisk/ Gaster) Partytale Pastrytale PatronTale Pitchtale PJ's Daycare Plaguetale Plundertale Plushtale Pockettale Poketale Ponytale Portale Portutale Positale Possibilitytale Possessedtale Power of Eight Powertale Predatortale Pretertale Prismtale Pro!Sans ProtectTale Psychotale PTA Pumpkintale Puppettale
Quantumtale (TK!Sans?) Quintilliontale
Rainbowtale Reapertale (Reaper!Sans) Reborntale Refusetale Reptale Restorefell Reversaltale Revoltale Rewindtale Rivertale Rhythmtale RoamFell RoamSwap RoamTale Roleshift
Sailor!Sans SanFrisTale Sanrisk Sans Hazard (Hazard!Gaster) Santa!Asgore Savefell Savetale Save!Sans Scartale Scientist!Sans ScorchTale Scrambletale Searchtale Seektale SempiternityTale Seperatedtale Seraphim!Sans Sexy!Sans Shadowtale Shapetale Shatteredtale Sheltertale Shiftswap Shiningtale Shredtale Shytale Siblingtale Simstale Singtale Sintale Sistertale Sixbones Sketchtale Sleeplessfell Sleepy!Sans Slendertale Solacetale Soltale Sondertale Sonic Adventure: Grounded Sonictale Sorcerytale Soulfell Soulswaptale Soultale Sorrowtale (Sorrow!Sans) Spacegem!tale (is this a diff one from just below?) Spacegemtale Spanishtale Spelltale Spidertale Spiriatale Splintertale Spongetale Starfall Starstale Star Swapped StarTale Steamtale Storyshift Storyspin The Story of Erratum Stratostale Striketale Sugartale SunshineTale SuperheroTale Surfacefell Surfacetale Surftale Survivealtale Swapfell Swap!starfall Swaptale SwordTale
Talemix Taletwist Tantamount Temtale Terrortale Thrifttale Thundertale Tidetale Timelinetale Time!Sans Toddlerfell ToxicTale Trainertale Treetale Tribaltale Trickstertale Triotale TRYPOtale Toucan!Sans Touhoutale Tubetale Tundletar TwinTale Twistedtale TwixtTale (Calibri and Verdana) Two Fallen Siblings
Ultraswap Ultratale Underarctic Underbed Underbend Underblood Underbound Undercafe Undercamp Underchaser Underchange Undercharged Underchild Underchild (Chimetale) Undercolor Undercorpse Undercove Undercross Undercurrent Undercurse Underdecay Underdeepsea Underdream Underdust UnderEldritch Unexpecterchanged Underfaerie Underfairy Underfallen Underfalls Underfamily Underfates Underfeels Underfell Underferal Underflesh Underflip Underflood Underfloop Underflurry Underfresh Underfilm Undergallery Underghost Undergraffiti Underhades Underhaze (everybody's on drugs) Underheight Underhell Underhollow Underhope Underhybrid Underill UnderiNSaNiTY Underisle Underkeep Underkin Underkineses Underlaberinth Underlan (Nanalan) Underland Underline (Goatline) Underlink Underlock Underloss Underlovania Underlust Undermachine Undermafia Undermelt Undermemory Undermixture Undermoon UnderMountain UnderNC Undernight Undernovela Underpatch Underpray Underpire Underportal Underpuff Underpunk! Underrealms Underrose Undersail Undersanity Underscar Underscramble Underseasons Undersiren Undersly Underspiral Understeam Understream Understrum Understuck Underswap Undersweets Underswitched Undertail (Sexual version) Undertail (Tail version) Undertaint Und_rt_le Undertalia Underterror Under(the)Throne Undertide Undertoad Undertomb Undertop Undertournament Undertronic Undertum Undervain Underveil Underverse Undervirus Underwake Underwatch UnderWater Underwar Underwest Underwing Underwings Underwish Underwolves Underworld Undyingtale Undynetale Unifytale Uniontale Unknowntale Uppertale
Venom!Sans Versetale Villagertale Villaintale Virustale Vocaloid!Sans Vocatale V!Sans
Wartale Wartime!Grillby Weabootale Wildtale Wishes!Sans Witchtale Wondertale
Xanotale Xerotale X-Out Tale X-tale (Cross!Sans & Cross!Chara)
Zephyrtale Zombietale
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overmirror-au · 7 years
New Character: Toriel
Name: Toriel Dreemurr
Race: Goat monster / Boss monster
Gender: Female
Before the royal children’s death: Toriel was the same old Toriel we all know, happily married to Asgore and mother of two children.
After the royal children’s death: Toriel fled in the Ruins, away from her husband, mourning alone. The new imbalance of the Underground hit her hard and she suffers from depression. She copes by welcoming the fallen children and trying by all means to keep them safe with her in the Ruins. The children often leave because they’re afraid of her uncomfortable insistent protection.
Relation with their reflection: Before Toriel fled to the Ruins, she was very close to her reflection; they were confidants and best friends. They stopped talking to each other when Toriel disappeared from New Home. She felt guilty for not having understood the plans of Asriel and Chara, and therefore for not preventing their death. Mirror Toriel lost her son out of the blue without being able to do anything about it.
Yet the reflection tried and support the old Queen. She didn’t held Toriel for responsible, and she wasn’t forgetting that her original self had lost two children instead of one. Even when Toriel covered the mirrors to no longer see her, Mirror Toriel continued to talk through every magical window, wanting to help her, without success.
Most of the time, Toriel walks out silently and Mirror Toriel talks to no avail. But sometimes, she stays and listens, tears on her cheeks.
Objective: Protect children
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Toriel is pretty much the same.
Mirror Toriel is still the Queen and is dressed as such.
She wears a tiara displaying the symbol of the kingdom on her forehead, a violet cape and a mauve and pink dress with the symbol of the kingdom on the chest.
Shout out to @iason29-kingdomtale who did an amazing work designing our Mirror Toriel! Thank you so so much Iason!
Masterpost - Next info - Next character
@maxladcomics‘s fanart
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cynosurecosplay · 7 years
It's been a while. But, I want to finish this story! I don't know how much longer it will be exactly, but hopefully it won't be too much. There is a lot I have to leave out because there is just too much in Undertale. But, there'll be enough to make the story perfect in the end!
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motherofpearlshower · 2 years
Name:King!sans;Kingdomtale sans
Age:11-15 Years
Magical abilities: gaster blasters black and white; bones white and red color; teleportation
Family:Younger brother - Papairus, Father - dead
King sans lived with his 9-year-old brother, before the player came, they were like best friends. But when Frisk came with Chara and Azriel, calling them to the castle of Azgor, they agreed. After seeing what was happening in the Waterfall and in the Zharkozemye, they were afraid. In general, the universe was hacked and deleted, only the Player (Frisk) and King remained alive.
Character: was lazy before coming man;kind;caring;joking(jokes sometimes jokes);sympathetic
Loves:Ice Cream and Brothers , and Frisk
Dislikes:Tem and Flower
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kingdomtale · 3 years
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xidonotknowwhoiamx · 3 years
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I was walking around Pinterest looking at pictures and some of them made me interesting to draw, so, taking advantage that canonically tomorrow is Chara's birthday from Kingdomtale, I did some quick drawings for her 💕✨.
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xidonotknowwhoiamx · 3 years
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I had this drawing pending for two months but I didn't give myself the opportunity to finish it and I finally did it! I changed a lot of things from the old one and AAAAAH I LOVE HOW MY BEAUTIFUL GIRL LOOKS 😩🛐💕✨💕✨💕✨💕✨💕✨
I look at her and I fall in love <3
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xidonotknowwhoiamx · 3 years
I love my little girl so much <333
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I didn't have enough time to paint it and upload it completely today, but I didn't want to leave her without a drawing for her birthday :(((((
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