#klays hargreeves
celerysimpnartz · 2 years
After doing..... "the naughty"...... *devil emoji*
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fromcainwithlove · 1 year
ten fandoms and ten favorite characters, tagged by my fave @hungerpunch​ 😘 i have devised no rules because i don’t want to
in absolutely no order except how they pop into my head:
sense8 - wolfgang bogdanow
the locked tomb - gideon nav
the raven cycle - ronan lynch
the 3% - rafael moreira
seventeen - s.coups/choi seungcheol
basketball - klay thompson (i’m sorry it’s wife over son i know this was hard)
umbrella academy - klaus hargreeves
f1 - charles leclerc (but he needs to watch his back bc yuki’s coming for his spot)
hockey - jason spezza
signal - cha soohyun
tagging @seulgoodtome @idealisk @envygreenpencilred @hereholdthishandbasket @sgtjamesrogers @veryspecificfantasies and anyone else who hasn’t done it, with apologies to anyone i tagged who has
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I honestly fucking hate Klaus at this point (or more specifically the writers). His treatment of Ben is played for laughs but it's not funny. He is repeatedly keeping him away from his siblings, mocking him, isolating him and holding his (most likely traumatic death) over his head.
It's not funny
I repeat, it's not funny. I'm not laughing. It's a disgusting behaviour and the only reason Ben is putting up with it is because he has no other choice. He can't leave, can't do anything to seperate himself from the toxic relationship he's in. I hate this and it's probably the one dark spot in the whole show for me.
Klaus behaviour towards Ben is gross and unless he apologizes he will definatily fall to the bottom of the list of my favorite hargreeves. Behind even Luthor.
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turnipoddity · 5 years
Can u draw Ben and Klaus from umbrella academy
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Life might be shit but at least the umbrella academy soundtrack slaps
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andermuunoz · 5 years
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Klais Hargreeves muscle appreciation post 💪
requested by @mmpmaple
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justatiredghost · 4 years
Everything I ever wanted Ch1 AO3
The Commission has the technology to offer Five a new body, but since the Hargreeves siblings went on the run after failing to stop the apocalypse, they’ve managed to advance that technology even further. When Klaus suddenly loses contact with Ben, he discovers they have figured out a way to restore the dead and they’re more than willing to use it to manipulate the siblings. Will they give in and let the apocalypse happen for their newly living brother? What about an old lover who died in the 60’s? What else might they regain only to lose for a second time before all of this is over?
“No one told me that being on the run from a time traveling agency would be so boring,” Klaus complained, leaning back in the old wooden chair precariously far. 
“Five said he’d be back soon,” Luther said, obviously equally restless but trying his best not to show it. “He just needed to check around for any signs of the Commission, then we can jump again.”
“Where to next?” Klaus asked. “The 90’s were fun. Great fashion. We should go there next.”
“It’s not like you’d actually be able to go out,” Ben replied. He was sitting up in the rafters of the old abandoned building they were camped out in just because he could and Klaus wondered if even he was getting bored too.
“This isn’t a joke,” Luther said. “We’ve been jumping around 2017 and 2018 to try and stay ahead of the Commission. If they catch up with us, even Five doesn’t think we’d stand much chance.”
“Can’t wait until they try,” Diego muttered, sharpening one of his knives.
“‘Cause that’ll go great,” Allison said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She ignored his attempt to start a fight with her, though, by turning to Vanya before anyone could say anything more. “How are you doing?” 
Klaus felt a pang of guilt at that. He really shouldn’t be riling up Luther right now. Vanya had more than enough to deal with and she was already a bit skittish around Luther after everything. At least everyone else was likely thinking along the same lines because they all stopped bickering. 
“I’m--I’m okay,” Vanya said quickly, but she didn’t look it.
They’d managed to steal some of her medication from an earlier time period, but it was only a matter of time until she ran out and she was terrified of what might happen then. She, of course, had plenty of justifiable anger, but she hadn’t meant to try to kill them all or destroy the planet. She’d even been the one to suggest going back on her meds until they could find a better solution or wean her off slowly. Understandable, Klaus knew how miserable it could be to go cold turkey. 
But the fear on everyone’s mind was what would happen if she lost control again. Allison, thankfully, had regained her voice over the past few months they’d been on the run since they escaped the end of the world, but she still had the scar and Vanya looked sick every time she caught sight of it. 
There was a flash of light and suddenly Five was there, startling Klaus into losing his balance. He clattered to the floor with a surprised yell, Ben suddenly standing next to him trying not to laugh. 
“Get up, we’ve got a lead,” Five announced, hurrying around and gathering their meager things.
“Finally,” Diego sighed, sheathing his dagger with more force than necessary. 
“What is it?” Luther asked.
“The Commission had some local hires set up in a safehouse nearby. They just got sent out, so if we go now, we can get in, search the place for anything useful, and get out before they realize.”
“Sounds good,” Diego said.
“Sorry, Diego, but you need to stay behind,” Five said.
“Excuse me?” he snapped. 
Tension had been running high lately. Klaus supposed that’s what happens when a bunch of siblings who barely got along in the first place were forced together. He wasn’t sure if he should enjoy the show or try to divert their attention before it came to blows. Either way, he carefully moved back just in case. 
“We need this to be a small operation. I can get us in, Klaus can back me up, and we’ll meet at the rendezvous.”
“Excuse me?” Klaus said, startled to suddenly be dragged into this. “Are you sure that’s the best idea?”
“Yeah, I should be the one going,” Luther said, standing up to his full height. Not that it was necessary, he towered over Five even when sitting.
“Can you walk through walls?” Five asked. “I didn’t think so.”
“Not to nitpick, but I can’t either,” Klaus pointed out.
“No, but Ben can. He can scout ahead.”
“That’s you,” Klaus said to him.
“That’s me,” Ben echoed, looking as uncertain as Klaus felt.
“Don’t fuck it up,” Klaus said.
“You don’t fuck it up,” Ben said back, and Klaus was pleased to see he him smiling again. 
“There isn’t time to argue, here,” Five continued, ignoring their exchange. “Especially when we’re not all at full power. Are we agreed?”
“Yes,” Allison chimed in. “We are. We agreed to share the responsibility of leadership, remember? So we’re doing it Five’s way this time.” 
It looked like it took a considerable amount of effort, but after a moment of consideration, both Diego and Luther nodded. Maybe Diego was okay with it just because Luther was grounded as well. Either way, at least they weren’t still fighting.
Klaus opened his mouth to object, he was definitely the last person who should be going on a high stakes mission, especially since he’d only been sober for a couple months, but before he could say anything, and before Diego or Luther could change their minds, Five grabbed Klaus and they teleported away.
“I’m still not so sure this is a good idea,” Klaus whispered to Five as they crept though the darkened hallway. “What happens if we get caught?”
“I imagine we’ll probably get shot,” Five said absently, all his attention focused on the lock he was picking.
“Hey, why don’t you just teleport us in?” Klaus asked.
“Because I’m saving that for if we need to make a quick getaway.”
“All clear,” Ben said, popping his head through the door and coming to stand beside Klaus. “Did you tell him this is a bad idea?”
“Yes, I know, Ben,” Klaus groaned. 
“What did he say?” Five asked as the lock finally clicked open.
“He says there’s no one in there.”
They crept forward slowly, carefully, aware that there could be all sorts of traps waiting for them. Klaus hovered nervously behind Five, Ben doing the same to him. Klaus turned to say something, to make some joke and generally just try to lighten the mood, when suddenly there was a loud crack and a flash of blue that blinded him. When his vision finally cleared, Ben was gone. 
“The hell was that?” Five demanded, searching for the source.
“Good question,” Klaus said, rubbing at his eyes. 
“I don’t seem to be hurt though. What about you?”
“Fine, but I don’t see Ben,” Klaus said before calling out, “Ben? Where’d you get to?”
No response.
“Ben?” he spun around, trying to spot him. “Come on, man, this isn’t the time to mess around.”
“Is he gone?” Five asked, kneeling next to a fried bit of technology he’d dragged out of a cupboard, but  Klaus wasn’t really paying attention.
“Yeah, what the hell, Ben? Whatever’s wrong, you can be mad at me later, this is kinda life or death, ya know? Not a great time to go off to sulk.”
“We need to go,” Five said, voice serious. “This was a setup.”
“You think?” Klaus snapped, but still kept looking around for Ben. He hadn’t done much with his powers since he managed to manifest Ben in the theater, but he tried to use them now, tried to reach out and feel for him, even though he wasn’t even sure his abilities worked like that. “Ben, where are you!”
“I think they’ve done something to him,” Five said.
“What? That’s crazy. He’s a ghost, what are they gonna do? Go all Ghostbusters on him?”
“Maybe,” Five said.
That got Klaus to stop. He turned to stare at him because he sounded way too serious for it to be a joke, but it had to be, right? Because how could that possibly be true?
“No. No, this is stupid, it’s not possible,” Klais said, throwing his hands up. “He’s probably just sulking somewhere. He’ll be back, he always comes back.”
He could feel the panic rising in him because Ben was always there. He was the only one who’d stuck around through everything, it didn’t make sense for him to just leave now. What if the Commission really had done something, then? What if he never saw Ben again? What if his brother was really gone this time? 
“Ben?” he shouted as he spun around again, frantically searching for something, anything, ignoring Five’s attempt to shush him. He had the sudden impulse to tear the place apart looking for him even though he knew Ben wouldn’t be hiding under the bed or in the closet. He just needed to find him. “Come on, get out here!” 
Five grabbed his arm and he tried to wrench himself free but the next thing he knew, he was being teleported away, feeling more alone than he ever had.
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milkacchan · 5 years
could you do 4 where the reader is klaus’ friend and she comes over sometimes
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Y/N has known the Hargreeves since they were kids. At one point, she was staying with them. She loved all of them, including Luther who could piss her off with his questionable morals, but she was closest to Klaus.
The two were practically inseperable; that much was obvious in the drop of his mood when she suddenly left. It was when they were about 16 that she stopped coming over altogether.
She lost touch with everyone except Klaus, who still found ways to see her. Whether it was sneaking out at 2 I'm the morning or using his few free days to spend time with her
So it's only natural she show up for Reginalds funeral. She wasn't there for him, she hated the man, but Klaus asked and she knew he needed her. So she got on a plane and arrived, 2 days after the funeral but she was there none the less.
So there she stood, staring at the front door. She didnt know if she wanted to go in, though it's not like she had a choice. She remembered what Klaus told her, 'just walk in, don't knock or daddy might not let you in', so that's what she did. She just walked in. Klaus looked up and smiled.
"Oh Darling! You made it!" He stood up dramatically, using a stupid fake accent.
"Yes honey, I've arrived." She responded, using the same horrid accent.
He engulfed her in a hug.
"You doing okay?" You ask seriously.
"Yeah, doing just fine without fear old daddy" he pulled away and smiled. "Thank you for coming though."
"Anything for my best boy." She smiled, pinching his cheek.
"I really missed you grandma." She snorted. "Now do you want anything to eat? I'm sure theres something to eat in the kitchen."
"Food would be great, I didnt eat before boarding the plane just in case I threw up.." She rubbed the back off her neck. "Oops."
He shook his head and clicked his tongue, taking her hand.
"Damn when did Y/N get hot?" Diego questioned as he walked by, more to himself than anyone, but everyone heard.
"I heard that!" Y/N called.
"So when did you?"
"Puberty and makeup." She grinned at him.
"You dare try to steal my friend, brother?" Klais feigned hurt.
"Klaus shut up." Diego rolled his eyes.
Klaus pulled her into the kitchen. She smiled and kissed his cheek before sitting on the counter.
"I really did miss you." She said softly. "It's been too long."
"I missed you too." He took her hand again and rested his head on her shoulder. "Are you going to leave again? After all this?"
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to get a place, we share rent and groceries- I've been planning to move up here again- I just don't have the money to it alone."
"If I say yes will you leave again."
"No, not for awhile anyway, just to move my stuff." She smiled.
"Then yes. I will." He grinned. "It'll be loads of fun."
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