#knights of reylo
afterblossom · 11 months
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Reylo Tarot Series: Knight of Wands
Previous tarot cards:
Major Arcana:
VI-The Lovers
Minor Arcana:
Suit of Wands:
Ace of Wands | Two of Wands | Three of Wands | Four of Wands | Five of Wands | Six of Wands | Seven of Wands | Eight of Wands | Nine of Wands | Ten of Wands | Page of Wands
I feel like I have to mention this every time lol. Yes, I will plan to make an actual tarot deck when this is complete. But it's a long way to go so please bear with me. 🥰
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rm-dedeca · 3 months
Ben Solo & Rey vs. Knights of Ren & Praetorian Guards
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vamprisms · 3 months
i think it's time we invented heteroerotic subtext we've oppressed them long enough
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zlatokryletz · 8 months
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The Queen's Knight~ Where fairytale motifs unite space opera and historical fantasy within one illustration⚜️
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trapezequeen · 1 year
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Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley
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balancingtheforce · 7 months
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“𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑𝒔, 𝑹𝒆𝒚. 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎.”
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reyfindercat · 3 months
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DYAD - A Star Wars Fan Story - Chapter 1 Part 4
Just had a bit of creative block but still steaming ahead with the comic!
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reyturnofbensolo · 1 year
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YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!💙💛
twtr: @ troydavidmill
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srorgana1 · 9 months
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Paring: Vampire Kylo/Hunter Rey
Warnings: Dark Themes (apporaching Dead Dove, you have been warned), Supernatural/Paranormal, Blood, Violence, Gore, Death, NSFW 18+, Sexual Content, Psychological and Physical Torture, Kidnapping, Hatred towards organized religion, Pain, Major/Minor character death/injury, Demonic Possession
Chapter One
“Another” he says as he stares out the frosted window. The goblet is quickly refilled by deft hands. He doesn’t need to look at them to know they have bowed in his direction and scampered away. He sighs as he lifts his glass, allowing the warm liquid to run down his dry throat.
He can feel it working already. The life force rejuvenating his own. He can taste their joys and fears within as he savors it like notes of a fine wine. This man got too close. Wrong place at the wrong time. He had to be taken out not to raise suspicion among the working class. It couldn’t be known he was one of the monsters they feared above all.
He sighed again, placing the empty goblet down and began to pace. He was bored. He undid his tie and placed it on the side of his desk, his phone and tablet alight with notifications and emails. He shook his head, already annoyed at himself for letting his head of household be off for a week.
He paces to the large marble fireplace, the flames warming his cold dead bones. Staring into the fire, he takes off his ring playing with it idly as he tries to think. What has he done wrong to feel this way?
The emptiness is gnawing at him like a disease. He has everything he could ever want. He has enough land and wealth that he doesn't have to lift a finger for at least another 400 years or at least until the current banking system changes again.
But therein lies the problem. If he were any other man he would be content, but his warrior blood calls for action. He can sate it with a hunt or two but it comes back even faster still. He has been stagnant for too long.
He pulls at his long raven locks in frustration. He will not let himself rot in luxury like others he knows. They sit on their various thrones of power, getting fat and lax, wholly consumed by vapid worldly pleasures. He has seen it over and over. They ascent, they indulge, they wallow, they die. Over and over again.
Lucky for those unfortunate souls, they get to move on. He is not so lucky. He was cursed to walk this plane for eternity, never able to move on - forced to watch this miserable world shift and change. He curses himself once again for being so naïve in his youth.
He hears the sound of wood cracking which pulls him from his spiraling thoughts. He looks to see his hand gripping the decorative arm of a Rococo style armchair as it splinters in his grasp.
He lets go and unclenches his other fist. The symbol of his choice and curse glints up at him, unblemished even after being assaulted by his supernatural strength. Placing the ring back on his finger, he sulks to his desk relegating himself to his fate for the evening.
He quickly sends emails and finalizes payroll as the snow falls harder. Even though his castle has all the modern luxuries, he prefers to work like in the old times. The amber light from the candles and fireplace flicker in the darkness as he ignores emails from The Council, delating them instantly. He moves onto his physical mail, surprised to see a letter from a long time associate. His eyes alight as he reads the words.
…There have been rumors within the community of a rise of another Hunter organization. AXS has claimed they have heard of similar disappearances in some of the other affiliated groups but The Council has not confirmed this, but you know how secretive they are. I fear this could be related to recent political changes and the acknowledgement of the existence of our kind…
Interesting. There hasn’t been a legit Hunter organization since the Catholic Church’s last attempt in what was it…16th or 17th century? He smiles at the memory of him and the others infiltrating and taking them down from the inside. He can hear the echoes of the screams and useless prayers as the Devil’s Elite took them out one by one.
Yes, this may be what he was searching for. One last adventure before he relegates himself to the life before him. He rings for his butler for a carafe of his finest Bordeaux as he dips his pen into the inkwell.
This sounds intriguing. I will prepare to travel to assist in your investigation.
Kylo Ren
He smiles as he focuses, the paper disappearing from his hands as the butler arrives. “Call Huxley to return” he says “I have received a notice that needs attending to.” The man nods as he finishes pouring the wine. “Will do sir”. He can feel something stirring within as he takes a sip. Oh yes, this will be a grand adventure indeed.
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buffshipper8490 · 4 months
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Rating Mature
Chapter Summary
The Resistance is fractured as Rey, Poe, Chewie, and BB-8 travel to Bonadan to find a Force Sensitive navigator to locate Exegol while Finn, Rose, C-3PO, and R2-D2 travel to Coruscant to activate the Jedi Beacon...
The circular room was large and dimly lit by colorful hanging lanterns not unlike that of the ones lighting the night market. A sweet-smelling haze rose as various aliens—devoted followers— dragged on vaporizers, pipes, and other strange smoking devices, their eyes heavy and faces blank. Scarves and silks draped overhead, giving Rey the impression that the ceiling was a lot closer than it was. Beneath their bare feet, the floor was made of small glass marbles set into duracrete niches. With every step, they rolled underfoot, leaving visitors slightly off balance.
And there, in the center, sat an Aki-Aki child, no older than five years. But even from this distance Rey could feel her presence in the Force, an age and wisdom many times that of Rey’s. 
Upon their entrance, the girl looked up from the crying couple on the brink of divorce who were touching foreheads in front of her, an eerie smile on her face.
“A Jedi,” she said in crystal-clear Basic, her voice soft and girlish. The hair on Rey’s arms raised. “The last.”
Every face in the room turned to them.
Poe sighed. “Or this. We can do it this way.”
The girl nodded at the couple before her, closing her eyes and touching their chests in some kind of blessing. “Go.”
The couple did as told, leaving two empty pillows in front of the navigator. 
She looked at Rey, her eyes a blue so bright Rey blinked in shock. “Come. Sit. The Jedi and the man.”
Rey and Poe exchanged a look. Poe gave her a slight nod, encouraging her to go forward.
She carefully picked her way across the strange marble floor, sitting on one of the pillows. Poe sat next to her a second later.
“I am Nomi,” said the navigator, not waiting or needing for them to introduce themselves, “and you seek a place.”
"A planet," confirmed Rey with an eager nod.
"Kef Bir is the place," deduced Nomi.
Rey nodded again and then shook her head. "Yes. Wait, no. I'm looking for Exe—"
Nomi cut her off abruptly with a tiny raised hand. "The Dark Side clouds the way to the Hidden Planet of the Sith."
"Then what're—" Poe began.
"The man will not speak," interrupted Nomi without taking her large eyes off Rey.
"That destination can only be found by arriving to another," advised Nomi. "There, you will find your way... or be led astray."
"Okay, then where—" Rey asked.
"The mouth on the Jedi stops and the mind makes the picture. The Force fills the Jedi and reveals the destination."
Rey stared at the diminutive alien. Nomi nodded encouragingly. Rey closed her eyes and breathed.
A soft gasp from Poe made Rey open her eyes.
She gazed in wonder at the scene around them, the marbles from the floor hovering mid-air, taking the three-dimensional shape of the galaxy all around them.
"Which one?" she breathed.
"The destination lies within," said Nomi.
"Look, we’re in a hurry—" Poe cut in impatiently.
"The man will not speak!" hissed Nomi.
The marbles swirled above Rey, a galaxy around her.
"The eyes close," guided Nomi. "Only the Jedi knows the path..."
Nomi’s voice grew distant as Rey fell deep into meditation.
Seething, frothing, churning oceans. A vast, mangled wreck.
"On the Ocean Moon of Endor lies the Wayfinder of the Emperor..." The voice was both Nomi’s and not, in her head and out loud, real and imagined.
The Wayfinder hovered between black fittings, its pyramidal shape glowing soft red from within.
She reached for it and took it.
"There the two will meet, the Dark side and the Light..."
Kylo Ren loomed, his shoulders dimpled with drops of ocean.
"There she will make a choice that will determine the very balance of the Force..."
A flash of lightning, a rumble of thunder. A great stone structure, shaped like a giant claw, its bent fingers reaching ever upward, the throne of the Sith. A figure appeared, sitting on the throne. A woman. It was her...
There was another flash of lightning and Rey instantly snapped out of the vision...
New fanfic link! Likes ❤️ and Reblogs 🔁 are much appreciated!
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alexversenaberrie · 10 months
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Visions of future...
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anopendoor · 1 year
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✨ Reylo forbidden love queen + knight/servant/duke/lord/etc... au ✨
He pauses at the sound of a child fussing.
He knows he shouldn't. It would only hurt more to see...
But he can't help himself.
Kylo turns to the door and there she is - his light - soothing the babe in her arms.
Their babe.
He can't be convinced otherwise.
She looks at him and time stops.
If only he could go to her. Step past this threshold and envelop her in his arms. Both of them.
But his duty is to serve, and he's done quite enough already.
And yet, not nearly enough. Not at all.
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makeshiftdraco · 1 month
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“Respect equals power, Rey, and power is everything . Love is a refuge for the foolish.” Coffee replenished, he drew the cup back toward his mouth, pausing to blow on the hot liquid. “Many men have lost power in this business because of love,” Sheev told her. “And I have been all too happy to exploit their weakness when it suits me.” He glanced at her husband then back to Rey. “And that particular weakness has put you at a disadvantage, my child… I must admit you played the game better than I anticipated, but your feelings for Ben Solo have made you vulnerable.” “That’s where you’re wrong,” she countered. “My love for Ben is a strength, not a weakness.” Sheev sipped his drink tentatively, the corner of his mouth quirking in amusement. “I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.” “You think giving up love has made you invincible,” Rey told him. “But your hubris has made you blind to your own weaknesses, grandfather.” “Is that so?” he asked, taking a long dram of coffee. “By all means, enlighten me.”
The Thunderbolt
Reylo Mafia AU by makeshiftdraco
Chapter 57 has been posted!
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Rey/Ben Solo|Kylo Ren
Status: In Progress
The thunderbolt strikes two lonely souls on one fateful night, and their destinies are forever changed. Rey is the granddaughter of the Palpatine family patriarch, a trapped young woman forced to be a pawn in a never ending game. Ben Solo is a man with a dark past, recently named heir to the Skywalker family legacy and desperate to prove himself. Will the fragile truce between their rival families succeed or will the bloodshed continue?
Rey and Ben navigate the perilous politics of the criminal underworld as well as their dangerous attraction to each other. Their loyalty to each other will be tested as they struggle with their desires for love and power. Darkness rises, but no one can hide from the thunderbolt.
(Check tags on AO3 for trigger warnings)
This three year labor of love is almost coming to end...
Keep an eye out for the epilogue and a smutty one shot spin off very soon.
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jedikaylin · 1 year
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Concept art by Seth Engstrom. Shirt design by me.
I drew this shirt design a while ago for a series of Favorite Ship Tees. This one was my favorite ❤️
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gospelofme · 2 years
Another missed Star Wars opportunity.
After the events of The Rise of Skywalker, we could’ve had a spin off series or a book series or whatever of Ben Skywalker trying to ward off attempts by the Dark Side to lure him back.
We could’ve had that struggle of him trying to do things the Jedi way and not the Sith way.
We could’ve had moments where he’s deep in a nightmare and Rey is trying to wake him up. She would be there to help him.
We could’ve had moments where Ben washes his face and looks up and his mirror reflection is Kylo Ren and it startles him backwards.
We could’ve had moments of self doubt. Where Luke comes to him on the regular and they get to have a do-over.
We could’ve had a whole series built on a former Sith trying so hard to become a Jedi again. A thing that the Council may have deemed impossible.
But no. They killed him off.
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reylogirlie · 8 months
do you heard duel of the fates by Colin Trevorrow
Yes I did! For those who don’t know, Duel Of Fates was a very early draft of TROS which was rejected. Here’s my thoughts:
This is coming from a girl who HATES TROS. Like not even “I like all SW movies just some more than others” like it’s actually one of my least favorite movies ever.
I don’t think Duel Of Fates would’ve been any better. I like that they kept Rey as a nobody and didn’t do that forced Skywalker bullshit (I love Rey but even I don’t like the Skywalker thing) but that’s about it.
Frankly, the Knights of Ren killing Rey’s parents for a mission would’ve been a lame twist, Rose and Finn having force sensitive children would’ve been weird, (I’m not against FinnxRose, I just don’t think it would’ve been a great route) and just. Ughhhh I feel like this final movie was doomed no matter what.
They should’ve let Rian come back and fire Kathleen, then it would’ve been fine. And no, I’m not saying this just bc I’m a bitter Reylo, I genuinely think Rian does good work and I don’t get TLJ hate. (I’m legit watching it as I type this.)
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