#knocking on heaven's door ( v ; hazbin hotel )
raichoose-gone · 2 years
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Random Quotes Generator! - Accepting 
@hellishlyclean​ asked:  ✏️ for Alastor
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Alastor: I love murder mysteries! Niffty, trying to impress them: I've been a suspect in four murder cases.
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verona2314 · 4 hours
Judgment of the Damned (translation) PART XI
Link part X
In the realm of Limbo, where souls deemed too good for Hell but not virtuous enough for Heaven reside, Victoria finds herself thrust into an unprecedented mission. When a notorious sinner, Sir Pentious, achieves redemption and ascends to Heaven, it sends shockwaves through all realms. Tasked with unraveling this mystery, Victoria, a minor judge of souls, is sent to the infamous Hazbin Hotel in Hell. For the first time, an emissary from Limbo steps foot into the fiery depths, tasked with observing and judging the denizens of Hell for their potential for redemption. As Victoria navigates this unfamiliar territory, she captures the unrequired attention of the enigmatic Radio Demon, Alastor. Amidst the chaos of demonic antics and the pursuit of understanding redemption, Victoria must confront her own beliefs and judgments. As she delves deeper into the secrets of the Hazbin Hotel, Victoria uncovers hidden truths about sinners, redemption, and the ultimate fate of souls caught between damnation and salvation. With each soul she encounters, Victoria's journey becomes not only a quest for answers but a personal voyage of self-discovery in the heart of darkness.
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Chapter 11: Defying the Limits
Hello everyone! I apologize for the delay with this chapter. Once again, it was a bit challenging to translate due to Zestial's archaic dialect. I hope you enjoy it!
To say he was furious would be an understatement. The Overlord was indignant as if he had been directly attacked. It couldn't be a coincidence that the radio demon had asked about the Limbo just before the appearance of a judge. Alastor had blatantly lied to his face, and that wouldn't be overlooked. However, Zestial was not someone who let himself be carried away by strong emotions, as it denoted a lack of character and control. No. He preferred to act with intelligence and take advantage of the situation. Therefore, without announcing himself, he showed up at the Hazbin Hotel with the intention of unsettling Alastor and, hopefully, locating the minor judge. Zestial sensed that the radio demon had managed to keep her close.
Once in front of the door, he knocked gently on the stained glass, admiring the building. Clearly, the reconstruction had greatly benefited the hotel. The details in the architecture seemed curious to him, but tasteful. After a few minutes, the door was opened by a timid, frail sinner, whose eyes looked at him in astonishment. Zestial knew it wouldn't be difficult to scare him and thus enjoy a delightful scream of terror, but his priorities at that moment were different.
“Good day, young sir," he greeted courteously. "Pray, what be thy name?" "Adrian," the boy replied timidly. Zestial couldn't help but smile. This boy was intimidated by his mere presence. He seemed like a fairly new soul and doubted he was very cautious. He decided to seize this opportunity. "Very well, Adrian. Permit me to present myself, I am Zestial. I have ventured hither in pursuit of my esteemed comrade Alastor. I surmise he is presently engaged. As an Overlord myself, I can empathize."
"Also an Overlord?" the boy replied, widening his eyes. "Unfortunately, the radio demon is not available at the moment. I believe he is hosting his radio show at the station."
"In sooth, might I speaketh with thy grace, the judge who resideth in this inn?" he inquired nonchalantly, trusting the sinner wouldst be ensnared in the stratagem
“Do you know the judge?" Adrian asked, surprised.
"Verily!" he replied, barely containing his laughter. The young man had unwittingly validated his conjectures. The judge did lodge at the inn. "I have e'en kept vigil over her from afar since her advent into these realms.
"Really? But she has never mentioned you," the young man inquired, with a hint of skepticism. Perhaps he wasn't as naive as Zestial had thought.
"Of course she hasn't mentioned me," Zestial expounded. "Thy lady had to keep her connections hidden. Now that her presence in the infernal realm is no longer shrouded in secrecy, there is no utility in maintaining discretion. Thus, I would be beholden to thee if thou wouldst lead me unto her.
"You speak a bit strange," the young man observed, then sighed. "She's still a bit weakened. She woke up just yesterday. It's okay. Just because you're a friend of hers and Alastor's. But don't tell Vaggie or she'll probably kick me out of the hotel."
The Overlord contained a smile. He couldn't believe how easy it had been to convince this young man. Luck had played in his favor, as if someone else had opened the door, this scenario would never have unfolded.
As Adrian led him through the hotel corridors, Zestial took the opportunity to memorize every detail: every nook, every corner, every elevator. He decided not to let his guard down in case he encountered anyone else. However, his concentration was interrupted by the sound of tiny footsteps behind him. Turning around, he found a small lady with a single large eye watching him with a disturbing smile. Zestial merely looked at her with curiosity.
"Uh, you seem like a very bad boy... very bad and scary," said the red-haired woman followed by a chilling laugh.
"She's Niffty," Adrian explained nervously. "She's a bit odd, but she's not bad. Anyway, I recommend you don't be alone with her."
Zestial remained silent, feeling unsettled by the way the little woman was looking at him. He simply nodded. The lady started walking towards him, which put him on alert.
"Niffty! I forgot to tell you that someone dirtied the windows in the lobby," Adrian urged. At this, the tiny sinner made a sound of annoyance and proceeded to leave. Zestial found himself surprised, sighing with relief. "We'd better continue before she finds out I lied to her."
Zestial trailed behind the youth, casting occasional glances rearward. Though loath to concede, he hadn't experienced such discomfort in centuries. The prospect of encountering that dame anew held no allure. Finally, the young man stopped in front of a door, indicating that it was the judge's room. Adrian knocked softly on the wood with his knuckles.
"Yes?" came a pleasant voice from within.
"Judge Victoria, you have a visitor," Adrian continued. Now Zestial knew her Honor's name.
"Let them in," the woman's voice came after a few long seconds.
Zestial entered the room without Adrian. Lying on the bed was a woman with chestnut hair and amber eyes, looking at him defiantly yet with a hint of intrigue. The judge's presence was striking, her upright posture adding to her aura of dignity. Zestial held his breath for a moment. He was facing a strong woman not easily intimidated. She reminded him of Carmilla, whom he deeply respected. However, he didn't know if this judge felt any compassion or had someone to protect, unlike Carmilla, who was willing to do anything for her daughters. The woman didn't avert her gaze from him for a single moment and slowly began to arch an eyebrow.
"Well?" Victoria asked in a calm yet firm voice. "How may I assist you, Mr. Zestial?"
“I should not marvel that thou knowest who I am. I suppose thou camest prepared to these domains. I am sorry for troubling thee even in thy weakness, but thy appearance in the news deeply caught my attention. It was imperative for me to finally meet thee,” he responded with a slight bow. He chose to show himself respectful and courteous.
"I sense you wish to know what brings me here," the judge concluded, remaining calm, with a slight smile on her lips.
"Verily. Furthermore, I shan't deny that having thy friendship is advantageous. Besides, I wish to inquire further about the Limbo. I have always been fascinated by the legends surrounding that domain," responded the Overlord, taking a few steps forward. The woman was intriguing. Zestial could wager that Alastor was already doing his utmost to gain the lady's trust. A challenging endeavor, undoubtedly.
"I must inform you that I cannot divulge much information. Nor do I intend to favor anyone. What I can say is that I have come here to report on the situation of Hell to the Supreme Judges. It has been a long time, and it is necessary to update the information we possess. To do so, I intend to remain as neutral as possible," said Victoria, with a cunning gleam in her eyes. "That being said, I am very glad to have your presence here... what better than an Overlord to speak to me about this circle of hell?"
Zestial could not refrain from a light laughter. The judge was playing her cards to gather information. "I understand. Yet it seemeth more suspicious to me that the supreme judges wish to update their knowledge about hell at this moment. As thou thyself didst point out, it hath been a long time. Surely there is some event that motivated such interest. Regarding the other matter... Dost thou not already have another Overlord by thy side?"
"Perhaps you are giving too much credit to the supremes and they simply needed something to entertain themselves with. And about Alastor, he hasn't been in hell as long as you have. When exactly did you arrive in hell? Was it difficult for you to be an Overlord? Do you think you are different from the Zestial who arrived in these domains?" said Victoria with genuine interest.
"Why dost thou inquire so deeply into me?" he asked, somewhat surprised. He could perceive that the judge was being genuine. However, that did not imply that she had no hidden motives behind that curiosity.
"I already told you. You managed to catch my attention. After all, you managed to make your way to my room by tricking Adrian, I assume... Is your curiosity about a minor judge that strong? What motivates that curiosity? What sparked that aspect of your personality? What are your motivations and what are the sources of those motivations? I believe it is convenient for me to fully understand such an ancient Overlord as yourself to infer the impacts that your presence has had on hell and how it influenced the current state of this circle," Victoria pointed out with great eloquence
Zestial began to laugh. This girl knew how to get someone talking, and he wasn't going to deny her that. He decided to sit in the chair beside the bed, conjuring a cup of tea. The girl was charming. He thought she could be a good ally of Carmilla's, or at the very least, a friend. "Very well, Your Honor," he said, getting comfortable. "Thou hast convinced me with thy eloquence. I shall answer thy questions, but I want something in return. Nothing complicated. Allow me one of these days to introduce thee to a friend of mine." The Overlord saw the judge nod. The girl inspired confidence. Her elegant presence and charisma made her a being with great potential. Zestial dared to think that this girl might even get the nobility on her good side and influence them. Perhaps she was the pawn they were looking for to unify the masses and have the princess under their influence. "So, Your Honor. Where do we begin?"
After finishing his broadcast, he decided to linger at the station for a while. He tried to stop thinking about yesterday's events, but he found himself making excuses to visit Victoria. The judge had openly recognized his ability as a radio host and had also sincerely thanked him for his small rescue. Every time he thought about it, he felt a certain pride, but then the whirlwind of thoughts would come crashing back. He still had many questions to ask her, but he needed to find a way to confront her without his mind descending into chaos. On the other hand, he couldn't waste too much time, as she was now in the spotlight of prominent figures.
The judge was the key to his freedom. He needed to get her to nullify the contract that bound him, even if there was no real legal basis for it. She must have sufficient authority or at least the necessary knowledge. However, he found it difficult to believe that she would act corruptly. He would have to convince her somehow that it was for the greater good, or simply deceive her. But that would have to wait. For now, he needed to learn more about the Limbo and the Supreme Judges, because why limit his ambition only to Hell when he could aspire to also pull the strings of Limbo? Everyone had a weakness. Lucifer's was Charlie, for example. Surely the Supreme Judges were no different. Moreover, Alastor had no doubt that those beings could also die. Patience was needed.
"Alastor!" he heard Vaggie shout from outside his studio. "You better come out of there. Niffty is being more weird than her usual self, and I can't find Adrian anywhere. Take care of it."
Alastor frowned in irritation. Weren't they capable of dealing with anything on their own? Interrupted in his moment of peace, he had no choice but to investigate what was going on. He transported himself out of his studio with Vaggie, concealing his annoyance. "There's no need to shout. It's quite annoying," he informed the former exterminator.
"Ugh, don't you hear the commotion?"
"Mmmm no," the radio host responded mockingly. "We all have the right to rest from others, and I've learned to ignore them, like white noise. Well, let's not waste any time. I'll go see what's going on with our little companion." Once again, Alastor transported himself, arriving in the lobby, where Niffty was running frantically around everywhere, beside herself. Then, the small woman headed to different areas of the hotel, non-stop. Eventually, Alastor stood in front of her, causing Niffty to bump into his legs. "What's going on, Niffty? Some particularly elusive insect?"
"Something like that, Alastor," she replied with that disturbing laughter. "A very bad boy slipped away from me. Adrian tricked me with the windows."
"I beg you pardon?" he inquired, confused. Had Niffty's instability reached the point of delirium?
"Adrian brought us a very, very bad man, Alastor. With four eyes and a spider leg bow tie. Taller than you. I'm looking for him to take something from him and add it to my collection," Niffty continued, even more unrestrained
Alastor felt a chill run down his spine. That description matched Zestial. How could he have underestimated the Overlord so much? It was only a matter of time before he connected the dots and appeared at the hotel, but he never thought it would be so soon or in such an inconspicuous manner. How had no one noticed his presence? Without wasting a second, he appeared in Victoria's room, finding an unexpected scene.
Sitting upright on the bed, with a cup of tea, was the judge, engaged in a friendly and lively conversation with Zestial, who was casually seated in the chair next to the bed. Both fell silent and looked at him when they realized his abrupt arrival in the room. Zestial smiled at him, squinting his eyes.
"Alastor," Victoria called out. "It's rude to appear like this in someone's room," she scolded, tilting her head.
""I would venture to say the offense is greater considering that this is a lady's chamber," the old Overlord added indifferently, but Alastor knew that Zestial was enjoying his humiliation.
"My apologies, dear judge, but I thought your integrity might be threatened upon learning of Zestial's presence in the hotel," he reluctantly replied. Of course Zestial would play the role of the gentleman!
"My integrity threatened by Zestial? Oh, don't be absurd," Victoria chuckled lightly. "This gentleman is very kind, with impeccable manners and a fascinating story. We're simply learning from each other."
"Verily, thy grace hath a silver tongue," Zestial continued, his gaze fixed upon Alastor. "Yea, she is a charming damsel. I comprehend why thou didst keep her hidden, Alastor. But thou needst not bear the task of her welfare alone any longer, for we are now comrades," the archaic Overlord said, placing his hand on the judge's shoulder.
"Splendid!" replied the broadcaster, masking his irritation. Zestial had barely interacted with Victoria and already he called her his friend! Not only did he have the audacity to touch her shoulder, but also to proclaim himself her protector when only he had that right. "But Zestial, believe me, it wasn't merely out of preference that I hid the judge's presence. Her grace insisted on keeping her visit confidential," he continued, feigning indifference. "I hope there are no hard feelings between us." Alastor felt his ego being attacked by the Overlord and was unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing him irritated. He wanted to deny it, but he was deeply frustrated that Zestial thought it was so easy to gain the judge's trust, as if all the efforts he, Alastor, had made so far were worth nothing. It was like being a spectator in his own play. No, Alastor had already decided that Victoria was his source of entertainment, and he wasn't willing to let anyone else monopolize that fun. After all, she was his challenge.
It's reassuring to know that I have the support of two Overlords," said Victoria amiably, taking a sip of tea. Her carefree attitude infuriated Alastor even more.
"Well, dear judge, I fail to see why bother Zestial when I am more than enough," replied the radio demon, not holding back his words but maintaining a cheerful tone. "After all, he's already somewhat Carmilla's protector. Besides, you seem to have a knack for causing trouble, don't you?"
"Really? Well, Zestial, you do seem to enjoy looking after people, don't you?" Victoria remarked, looking at the archaic being, ignoring Alastor's sarcastic comment.
"Verily, I cannot gainsay it. 'Tis but individuals of worth. Both possess determination and strength of character. 'Twould be naive not to wager on thee," replied Zestial with pride
"In that case, Alastor is right. I truly don't want to inconvenience you. And from our conversation, I can tell that you are a busy individual," remarked the judge, setting a certain boundary with Zestial. "But don't doubt that I will come to you if I need help."
"Fear not, Judge Victoria. I expect no more. And Alastor," continued the ancient Overlord, transporting himself before him, "There is no ill will. Your grace has vouched for thee already."
Alastor glanced at Zestial. Clearly, those words weren't entirely honest. The archaic being was going to seize any opportunity to level the playing field. He didn't blame him. Certainly, the situation could have been worse. "How delightful to hear that, dear friend."
"I bid thee farewell for the moment. We shall meet again, Judge," concluded Zestial as he departed the room.
Alastor remained silent, gazing at the chair where Zestial had been sitting just minutes ago, trying to contain his annoyance. How could the Overlord claim friendship with Victoria as if it were so easy? He hadn't even interacted with her enough to arrogate that title. How could he be losing ground so easily? And why on earth wasn't Victoria seeing through Zestial's machinations? Didn't she see that he, too, was an opportunist looking out for his own agenda? Why did it bother him so much that she was giving in so easily? Why did he hate that someone else was trying to enter the game between them? It churned his stomach with irritation that Zestial would seek to win the favor of the judge in the same way he did.
"He's a pleasant fellow. Don't you think?" Victoria remarked with a smile. That was the last straw.
"Are you out of your mind? Do you really think Zestial is a good fellow? Don't be naive! You're cautious with me, but with him, you let yourself be fooled by pretty words and manners? He's another opportunist seeking his own benefit. Like everyone else here!" he reproached, barely containing his frustration.
"Oh, come on," she replied with a small laugh. "He was quite pleasant and helpful. And he didn't even make much effort to hide his true nature."
"Does your arrogance cloud your judgment? Getting involved with him will only bring trouble. Don't trust him," he continued, growing more frustrated at Victoria's lack of seriousness. "Zestial is an ancient being who knows perfectly well how to play his cards. After all, I couldn't get rid of him back then. And here you are, playing tea party as if he were a harmless rabbit."
"You're exaggerating. I assure you this won't affect your own interests," the judge replied, shrugging.
Alastor bit his lower lip, feeling frustration and confusion creeping over him. He didn't know how to explain to Victoria what he was really feeling because he couldn't even understand it himself. Why did he always end up questioning his relationship with her? Why did her opinion of him matter so much? He couldn't help but feel a certain... emotional connection, despite his efforts to deny it. But no, it couldn't be. This is just a game, a pastime. Or is it? A means to an end. Alastor decided to try another angle and be honest. "Victoria, I didn't lie yesterday when I told you that you've earned my respect. I hope to be able to have a camaraderie with you," he finished, thinking of Rossi. Curiously, it didn't leave him satisfied, but for now, it was enough to calm his mind.
"Alastor, didn't I tell you not to underestimate me? I thought you had already learned that," Victoria said with a soft, kind and playful voice. "I understand Zestial's intentions perfectly well, and I don't take his words seriously. I simply played along. I know he's cunning, but it was necessary to enter his courtesy board to get what I wanted."
"What do you mean?" he asked, feeling curiosity slowly replacing his irritation.
"My job, Alastor. Remember that I'm here to determine if there are redeemable souls here. I hope that this investigation ends with a staggering number of salvageable souls and thus achieves a change in the system, an improvement. For that, I need to have information on as many souls as possible. And I don't just mean the story of their lives. For that, I could simply lock myself in the Limbo archive. I need to know their motivations, the source of their decisions, every introspection they've made since their arrival in hell, their reflections, hopes, and shattered dreams. I need to know the depth of their hearts." Alastor absorbed Victoria's words, surprised by the depth of her mission in hell. For a moment, his mind shifted away from frustration and immersed itself in the seriousness of the task she had undertaken. "So, is Zestial just a pawn in your larger game?" he asked, seeking to fully understand Victoria's strategy.
She nodded with a smile, her eyes shining with determination. "I hate to call it a game, but yes. Zestial is just one of the many players on this board. My goal is to gather as much information as possible to make informed decisions about the fate of these souls. To truly make a change. There are many things I don't agree with in this system," she explained. "I can't afford to overlook any opportunity to obtain valuable information, even if it means playing the role Zestial has for me. You must understand that to achieve this, I must be open with the souls of this place and show a genuine interest in them, something I truly have. I'm not here just for the Supreme Judges; I'm here for myself and for my ideals."
Alastor couldn't help but let out a small laugh. The Radio Host couldn't help but see himself reflected in the judge's ambition. She looked at him confused for his reaction. "Don't misunderstand me, my dear judge. I'm not mocking you. I just find it incredible how, despite being so different, having such divergent goals, we both long for something greater. The pursuit of power and knowledge, the need to challenge the limits imposed on us. Darling, you want to challenge the status quo, playing this game to achieve your goals. Your methods may not resemble mine, but whether you like it or not, you and I are not so different," he concluded, leaning on his cane with a wide smile. Realizing that her presence went beyond blind obedience confirmed his suspicions. This woman was much more than she let on. She was a force that not only had to be reckoned with but also mastered.
The judge looked at him perplexed. Her mouth moved as if she wanted to deny his words, but she couldn't find a way to argue against them. Her amber-colored eyes looked at him completely open. Alastor couldn't help but smile conspiratorially at Victoria's confused expression. He had never seen her put on such a different expression from her elegant and dignified aura, from her usual calm demeanor. It was a sight he was deeply enjoying. "Perhaps you're right," Victoria replied, looking away.
"Don't be so surprised, my dear judge. After all, we are two forces sharing a determination that defies established norms. Beings like us always strive for something, be it power, knowledge, justice, or simply freedom." Alastor fell silent after his exchange with Victoria, letting his own words resonate in his mind. The feeling of discomfort was making its presence felt again, but this time he wasn't going to let it dominate him. He had to face it. He couldn't deny it anymore; it was impossible to continue rejecting any hint of an emotional connection with the judge. He had convinced himself that these interactions were just a game, a strategy meant to satisfy his own desires and ambitions, to find an endless source of entertainment. He scolded himself. He should have listened to his instinct when it screamed at him to stay away. The situation was completely bewildering and inexplicable, but a fact nonetheless. How could he have allowed this to happen? To have an emotional attachment? It was ridiculous, and it infuriated him. He felt as if he had betrayed his own nature and identity. He still had time to distance himself, but a part of him refused to do so because he still had goals to achieve in which she was an important card. Once again, she was his challenge, and now he had even less reason to allow anyone to claim her attention, time, or interest.
"I find it hard to admit that you understand me more than I thought. I thought there would be mockery or disdain from your part. You're more insightful than I had anticipated," Victoria admitted with a small smile curving her lips. "Perhaps this camaraderie you seek is a good idea."
Those words were enough for Alastor to feel that warm sensation in his stomach again. However, that feeling was quickly replaced by the frustration that all of this caused him, by the betrayal he felt toward himself. Without thinking, he approached Victoria and leaned towards her. The judge looked absolutely surprised.
"My dear judge, I'm glad you understand," Alastor said in a cold voice, "but for that, it's crucial that there are no secrets between us," he continued, taking her chin so she wouldn't look away. "Tell me, my dear Victoria. Why do you bleed red?"
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🎵 Wake up
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(Wake up)
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Grab a brush and put on a little make-up Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up
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(Hide the scars to fade away the -)
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Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? Here you go create another fable
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You wanted to
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Grab a brush and put on a little makeup
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You wanted to
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Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up
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You wanted to
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Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
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You wanted to
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I don't think you trust In... My... Self-righteous suicide I... Cry... When angels deserve to 
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raichoose-moved · 2 years
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Send me ‘glass spirit’ and my muse will tell you about one thing ( loss / event / etc. ) that would absolutely break them… - Accepting
@spindlehorse​ asked: glass spirit + stella
Thank you! Please ask before continuing.
A pause, as Stella glances at Blitzo. It’s not often she opens up, but he’s her friend, now, and it’s not often she ... really gets to talk openly with others, she who so often has to entertain royalty and play the ever-ready diplomat. And he has, of course, asked a question that is simultaneously so easy, and so difficult, to answer. 
“ ... Losing her.”
Two simple words, but she doesn’t need to elaborate - for even at Stella’s personal worst, even when she was lost in the murky and unforgiving depths of rage, she would always love Octavia more than anything in any world or realm.
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She reaches up to her neck, then, pulling a locket from where it was hidden beneath the collar of her gown. Inside, there’s an old, old picture, taken centuries ago, from when a certain owlet was taking her very first portrait. 
“I always carry this on me. Octavia wouldn’t sit still, that day - she was such an energetic child - and I recall how fussy she was about everything. Complaining about the dress, that she was tired, that she wanted to go play in the garden. In the end, I went up and held her in my arms so she would stop moving. Stolas had said we should just reschedule, that we should let Octavia try again when she was ready, but I was ... You know, sometimes, I’m not sure how much she really appreciated that I was the disciplinarian most of the time. But, all the same ... Even if she isn’t smiling in this picture, per se ... She didn’t want me to put her down, after. I remember exactly what she said, too. ‘Mama, will you carry me more?’ And that’s exactly what I did.” 
Stella returns the locket to its hiding place near her heart. 
“I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to her. I’d certainly go on the warpath - whoever took her away from me would die a gruesome death. But after? When she’s been avenged, and her room sits empty, and all I have left are memories and old photos? I wouldn’t cope.” 
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Wanna make a Deal?
Inspired by MrMautz’s “Wanna make a deal” animation and “Alastor’s Game” by the Living Tombstone.
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A silhouette of a tall man with furry deer ears and antlers hummed happily as he walked down the cobblestone path to the Hazbin Hotel. There was a sway in his steps, like he was walking and dancing at the same time. The entrance awning was covered with a tattered pink circus tent, decorated with yellow eyes along the border. The ground was solid dark gray asphalt and dead gnarled trees stretched up toward the crimson sky. The building was pink, gold and reddish in color. A Titanic looking ship and a carousel were attached to the structure. The sign on the roof changed from Happy Hotel to Hazbin Hotel.
 The stained glass windows in the double doors and off to the sides consisted of apples and circus tent designs. The doors burst open and the silhouette walked in from the burst of light. Large red eyes and a big yellow smile appeared on his face.
 It was Alastor, the Radio Demon.
 “I’ve got a game I want to show you.”
 He spoke the words in a radio sing song voice, wearing his tattered red dress coat with a big black bow tie, his hair red and black. His under shirt was light red with a black upside down cross on it. He wore wine colored pants and black tap dancing shoes with red deer tracks on the soles. A monocle was under his right eye. He walked over toward Charlie and Vaggie in the lobby. Gray-skinned Vaggie wore her usual gray tank top and stripped leggings, plus her pink bow tie in her hair white. Charlie had her fluffy blonde hair and a pale face with blushes on her cheeks. She had her salmon pink suit on with a bow tie, a white undershirt, dark pants and shoes. Angel Dust, the white spider, was sitting on the couch in his pink and white striped suit and high heeled pink boots.
 Charlie was disheartened. After having several new clients at the hotel including Angel Dust, Mimzy, Crymini, Baxter, Cherri Bomb, Arackniss, and Molly…Angel Dust was the first one to break his bad habits and almost achieve redemption. But the elite angels in Heaven weren’t accepting of sinners without them going through harsh punishment to prove themselves. Indeed, going to Heaven was near impossible.
 And with Vox, Valentino, Velvet and the other Overlords up to no good, things weren’t looking very bright.
 “If I give you advice, you’ll have to play, too.”
 Charlie nodded, eager for advice on how to continue with her project. Vaggie held her wrist and shook her head, warning her not to accept anything from the Overlord. But the desperate princess looked at Alastor, wanting answers.
 “I’ve been here for years bidding my time, waiting and primed, until I could find you.”
 His partially shadowed face briefly moved closer to theirs, causing the young women to flinch. He smiled and held up a scroll of paper that read “contact,” on it. A small red and black feather pen appeared next to it. With magic, the paper was pushed toward Charlie. At the bottom of the page were several lines for other people to sign.
 “Just sign on the line and we can be friends. I’ll be here for you until your world ends.”
 Suspicious as Charlie was, his words also tugged at her heartstrings. Alastor had done a lot to help promote the hotel in the past several weeks on his radio show. Plus he was quick to defend Charlie, her friends and the hotel, against outsider intruders like Sir Pentious, Seviathan, and the snobby Helsa.  
 Charlie saw a vision in front of her from Alastor’s hand, showing her and Alastor dancing while demons lined up to the hotel, each one developing better habits. Vaggie was staring at Charlie with pride in her eyes. Both her parents hugged her and apologized for not believing in her idea to redeem sinners. The vision faded away, Charlie wondering why it had gone. Taking a deep breath Charlie took the pen and signed the contract, Vaggie staring in disbelief. Charlie looked slightly downcast, believing it was the only other option.
 Alastor walked over to Angel Dust, the spider demon happy to see the attractive deer demon near him. From Alastor’s hand, light shone from it, creating another vision for Angel. In this one, Alastor was hugging Angel after the spider demon had been freed from Valentino’s clutches. Angel was now free to do what he wanted with Cherri Bomb and his friends. Angel even saw himself reuniting with his brother Arackniss, his sister Molly, his father Henroin and his mother Aranea. Alastor handed him a bag of money and wished him luck before blowing a kiss and giving him his number.
 Angel’s eyes dilated as he, too, scribbled his name on the contact. With a smug look on his face, Alastor walked over to Vaggie, holding the paper in front of her. Vaggie growled and shook her head. Alastor shrugged, almost looking like he was about to walk away. But then he presented a vision to her before she could close her visible eye: Vaggie and Charlie sitting together on the roof of the hotel, smiling under a starry sky. Alastor and Angel were nowhere to be seen. Best of all, her father Valentino was in prison where he belonged. No more catering to men and being a prostitute like she did in her human life. The message in Alastor’s eyes was clear: sign this and I’ll leave you be.
 With a reluctant sigh of defeat, Vaggie pressed the pen down and wrote her name. The contract vanished and Alastor stood in front of the girls with a look of triumph, the microphone staff in his right hand. He twirled it.
 “Enjoy all your toys I will supply. You only live once…or twice.”
 He then spoke in a low voice that no one else could hear: “And you’ll be mine.”
  Alastor grinned and clenched his fist, as astrological symbols appeared in the swirling fiery light.
 “The day you die, I’ll have my payment. Your eternal soul’s enslavement. Did you divine our dark arrangement?”
 The light vanished and he turned back to his friends. “You were lovely entertainment.”
  He pulled Charlie and Vaggie close to him, both of them with stunned looks on their faces.
 “The dark desires you’ve been serving.”
 He briefly hung upside down, pointing at them…
 “You can bet that you’re deserving.”
 He stood back up in front of them.
 “No regret for who you’re hurting. Why it’s almost like you’re flirting.”
 Alastor stood straight with a smirk on his face as he looked down at them. He was now wearing a matching red top hat. Everyone stared at him with suspicion and concern in their looks.
 “Sorry, I don’t mean to alarm you,” he said. “If you ask me to stay, I would be charmed to.”
 Charlie and Angel nodded their heads, while Vaggie crossed her arms. Charlie wanted him to stay at the hotel longer. She needed all the help she could get. She needed to convince her stern but protective father that her plan could still work. Lucifer had refused Charlie and her friends from going up to Heaven for good reason.
 Alastor picked up a picture and looked at it. It was an old one of Charlie and Vaggie in the 666 News Room studio. It was back when Charlie was about to make her speech about the Happy Hotel. Vaggie had told her not to sing, but she did anyway. Charlie playfully poked Vaggie’s nose in the picture, while an On Air sign was in the background.
 “You all have such cozy little lives. How do you survive like that?”
 Alastor, being a being of chaos and having experienced past trauma, was not one to know what a normal life was…especially in Hell.
 “I wish I knew,” Alastor said sarcastically as he tossed the picture behind him, hitting the moth demon in the head. Vaggie rubbed her head in frustration and pain. Charlie stared down at the lopsided picture, the cracked frame and the broken glass.
 Angel came over and stared down at the mess as well. Alastor turned around to the three of them. “But you got a lovely little secret. You’re tired of feeling awful small. So you…”
 Alastor roared, sending a scrambling Angel toward the couch. Angel sat on the couch where an old black rotary phone sat on a nearby table.
 “…gave Mister Alastor a call, to make a deal. Because you’re hungry, for all the sights. You want to see them.”
 The contract floated in front of Angel as a reminder. Alastor’s microphone staff glowed and an angry red eye appeared.
 Appearing from Alastor’s hat was a floating dollar sign and a heart. Angel stood up from the couch and stared at both.
 “Earthly delights, you feel you need them.”
 Alastor appeared in front of Charlie and Vaggie.
 “Your appetites, I’ll help you feed them.”
 A large bag of money appeared, Alastor laying down on a couch in front of it, cupping his face.
 “I’ll be your sweet Radio Demon.”
  For a brief second, Alastor’s eyes turned into red radio dials, the surrounding areas black. Sitting on top of the couch was a little Alastor plush doll, the eyes black with red circles, wearing the same outfit. Angel gleefully picked up a pile of dollar bills from the bag and stuffed it in his shirt. Vaggie narrowed her eyes. Hell used souls, not dollars.
 Charlie’s cheeks blushed at the sight of Alastor and the plushie. How cute would it be to have little Alastor in her arms. Charlie reached out for the figure, but Vaggie held her arm down with a glare.
 “And once your hunger has abated, don’t forget your friend who waited. Watched as you indulged your thirst and…”
 Alastor walked over in front of the trio. He then spoke in a bone-chilling whisper holding up a long finger, “Did I mention that you’re cursed?”
 Realization hit Charlie like a ton of bricks, just as a horde of shadow demons and tentacles burst into the room. The floorboards broke and collapsed as a hole formed in the middle of the lobby, tentacles bursting forth like upright serpents. Angel Dust took out his guns and fired several rounds, but they were immediately knocked away by the shrieking spirits. The money in Angel’s shirt and the bag disappeared, replaced by a large dark portal with long tendrils emerging from it.
 Charlie remembered how she had ordered Alastor to help her out with the hotel for as long as he desired. Alastor’s look told her he had done just that like he promised.
 But now, he didn’t have that desire anymore.
 Tears welled up in Charlie’s eyes at how foolish she had been. Fire raged in her eyes at his betrayal. A thick tentacle wrapped around her waist and started to pull her toward the portal. Charlie yelled out, her horns sprouting from the skin of her head. Angel latched onto the floorboards with all six arms, more tentacles gripping onto his many wrists and limbs. Angel strained as he tried to hold himself against the forceful tentacles. His mouth was full of sharp teeth, his arms trying to snatch at Alastor’s legs. The smiling Radio Demon merely shook his head and stepped out of his reach. Angel’s pink webs from his fingers flew against the wall as Alastor avoided them.
 Vaggie grew moth wings with many eyes and sprouted out several more limbs that held weapons. With a roaring screech and a flap of her wings, Vaggie threw a horde of daggers and spears at him. Alastor’s shadow quickly flew in front of Alastor, taking the blows and protecting his master. Alastor snapped his fingers and more shadow monsters came to his aid. Alastor grew in size, dark antlers branching out from his head, his eyes becoming red radio dials. A prominent red x was on his forehead. All the demons were now in their full forms. Charlie blasted away several shadows with her flames, but more kept coming.
 In one last effort, Vaggie aimed her spear at Alastor’s forehead, her wings briefly pushing back the shadow spirits. She used all her strength to move her arm among the tendrils, desperate to hit that mark. Angel also helped briefly held them back with more gunshots from summoned weapons. Alastor moved his microphone off to the side, but he wasn’t pointing it at Vaggie or Angel.
 Vaggie, spear in hand, glanced out of the corner of her eye…and saw an unnerving sight. Charlie’s eyes were red radio dials, her smile unnaturally wide. She had been staring right at the microphone and listening to the soft jazz music that played from the speaker. She stared up at Alastor with utmost adoration. Vaggie felt sick to her stomach, her heart and gut crushed with anger and hopelessness. Alastor winked at Charlie and kissed her on top of her head. Charlie let go of the floor, letting herself be dragged backwards. Her eyes and form soon returned to normal, however. Realizing what she had done, she screamed in fear as the tentacles carried the princess into the gaping hole.
 Vaggie screamed her girlfriend’s name as her spear was promptly knocked out of her hands by Alastor’s shadow. The microphone was then positioned in front of Vaggie and Angel. An ear-piercing shriek came from the staff, causing screams and convulsions from Vaggie and Angel. Vaggie squeezed her eyes shut and frantically covered her ears in desperation. Both Vaggie and Angel returned to their normal forms. The spirits and tentacles grabbed hold of Vaggie and Angel, pulling them helplessly toward the portal. The radio waves from the staff helped push them further back. Vaggie and Angel held hands for comfort and yelled out as they both fell through the dark hole, which soon closed.
 The three fell separately through the darkness. The world soon filled with fire, symbols and static. Hell was already burning and swarming with Alastor’s minions who looted stores and feasted on the carcasses of demons and deer. The world spun around before two swirling portals appeared, one red, one dark pink. Alastor towered over the trio in his demon form, his antlers almost touching their faces. More astrological and voodoo symbols floated and moved around Alastor. His eyes were pure black with small red irises, the monocle by his right eye. His microphone staff was in his left hand, the staff appearing taller and more dimensional.
 The world spun again. Charlie and Vaggie found themselves standing on the balcony of the hotel. Both of them trembled in fear. They glanced at the city below, getting a clear view of the cloudless blood red sky. Hovering in the sky was Hell’s moon, a dark sphere with a glowing red pentagram engraved on it.
 Just then, the pentagram on the moon’s surface moved away, and was replaced with Alastor’s eyes and wide yellow smile. His monocle was red. The moon appeared to be inching closer towards them.
 Charlie closed her eyes, calling upon four ancient beings to come forth. She opened her eyes, which briefly glowed in flames before returning to their normal yellow. The ground shook as footsteps approached. The stomping giant figures arrived from different directions, raising their claws in the air.
 They were the four demonic Horsemen, each of them having the heads of horses with fangs and tall humanoid bodies. War had a red coat and flaming hair. Conquest was strong and had white fur and hair. Famine had a black horse head and a mane of wild black hair. The final Horseman, Plague was skeletal in appearance. All four giant Horsemen wore leather jackets and ripped jeans, their eyes glowing red. All four of them held the moon in place with their claws, but it wasn’t going to last long.
 Charlie shot Vaggie a look, telling her to go and find a safe spot. But Vaggie stayed with her, refusing to leave her side. What Alastor said next after a few minutes paralyzed Charlie and Vaggie in fear.
 “I shall consume…consume everything…”
 More powerful radio waves spread through the air. They were so powerful that they knocked all four Horsemen backwards to the ground with violent crashes. The men vanished back to the ether before the shadows could finish them off.
 A long black limb extended from the Alastor moon, picking up Charlie and Vaggie. The two females were lifted from the balcony in his palm. The two of them were soon moved right in front of his mouth. Given his cannibalistic nature, he knew they were going to taste delicious.
 Alastor’s teeth chomped down hard into both of their heads and necks. All Charlie and Vaggie could feel was searing pain and an unpleasant crushing sensation. They let out sounds between screams and gags, the coughed up blood adding to the gushing red life force flowing from their craniums. Vaggie had gotten the brunt of the damage, her skin already pale and cold. More yellow teeth impaled her in the stomach, chest and upper thighs, whimpers and strained gasps of breath coming from her mouth. Her gray head severed from her neck and fell into the mouth opening, her body soon following. Charlie weakly tried to hold onto her friend’s hand, before she, too fell limp. Charlie weakly croaked out for her parents, her brain and thoughts going fuzzy. The last thing she saw before she was pushed in was Alastor’s dark maw and the outline of a long lavender tongue.
 Charlie woke a few hours later on the ground, her body intact the way it was before. Vaggie and Angel helped her up, both of them unscathed. The three of them watched as Alastor danced by a telephone booth, the background flames illuminating the outlines of dead trees. He held a telephone in one hand then reappeared higher in the sky. In his left hand was his microphone staff, a light shining from the single eye. From his right hand, green fire sparked to life along with a green pentagram. He threw cards into the air as outlined eyes and grins of Exterminators leered in every direction. No doubt he was broadcasting his carnage and showing off.
 Charlie almost wished that the Exterminators had invaded instead.
 Alastor effortlessly slid down a randomly appearing flight of stairs in the sky. After going down some more, Alastor jumped from the stairs and onto the pentagram moon. His body lowered and morphed into a black spring as he shoved the moon toward the ground…
 …Right where the trio were standing. In a panic, Vaggie pulled Charlie out of the way just as the moon crashed into the ground next to them.
 The Radio Demon was going to destroy all of Hell!
 Alastor’s body returned to normal and he glanced delightfully at the trio’s stunned frightened faces. Alastor laughed and held out one of his bloodstained business cards. It showed his smiling face in the lower right hand corner.
      It read:
 “Alastor, a.k.a. your sweet radio demon. :3
Wanna make a deal? Call me: 069 666 42.
After all the world is a stage and the stage is a world of entertainment. So just sell your soul to me and I provide all you need to fulfill your desires. You wonder why I make you this special offer?
Why does anyone do anything?
Sheer absolute boredom!
(Eternal suffering and punishment in hell guaranteed!)”
  Alastor danced as giant cards appeared in the background, the flames adding to the chaotic dystopian Inferno. He snapped his fingers and the trio were transported into a neon colored bar.  “Alastor’s Game” was displayed in purple and light blue neon letters attached to a brick wall. Angel Dust, Vaggie, and Charlie sat at a wooden table, Alastor arriving at the head of the table to throw chips on the table to start. A gamble of life and death.
  After half an hour, the table was filled with piles of playing cards, chips with bold numbers on them and a stack of dollar bills toward the left. A few of the chips had the character’s icons on it. Off to the right were beer bottles.
 As they gambled, two other figures walked into the room. One of them was the gambling cat Husk and the other was a small cleaning cyclops demon named Niffty. Husk crossed his arms with a scowl, already mad that he wasn’t included in the game. Alastor suddenly grinned and held up four aces in his hand, no doubt he had cheated. Husk was furious but found himself unable to move and pounce at the man. Niffty just stood and watched eagerly on a step stool. Husk was able to grab a nearby bottle of booze and drink several gulps before putting it down. Husk and Niffty’s eyes turned into red radio dials, rooting them in place. They had already given their souls to Alastor.
 Husk stared at the winning deck in Alastor’s hand and suddenly shook with fear. He remembered Alastor saying to oblivious souls in the past, “You laid your chips on the table now. When you gamble souls, the house will always win. I’m double dealing in betrayal and I’m here to cash my payout.”
 Indeed, Alastor was saying the same thing now, lounging in a tall spinning chair shaped like a throne.
 Husk tried to yell in warning, but no sound came out. Images of the contracts that the trio had signed appeared in front of them. Charlie, Angel and Vaggie found themselves unable to move. Neon Exterminator grins hovered in the background. Charlie and Vaggie stood by the table on Alastor’s right side, Angel on the left side.
 Alastor raised his hands and two glowing pentagrams rotated behind him. He appeared to be chanting some ancient spell. Husk’s eyes grew wide as an instant feeling of dread shook him to his core. The cat demon saw flashes of metal flying from all directions in the dark. Alastor lowered his arms, his hands crossed over each other, his fingers pointing downwards. Husk was able to move and cry out just as he heard a series of sickening squelching thuds. More unsettling was the girlish giggles from Niffty beside him as the two of them witnessed the horrific result.
 Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust were slumped motionless onto the table, knives embedded in their backs and heads. Angel’s white furry head had been chopped clean off, the blank faced head now on the floor surrounded by blood. Several knives were lodged into Vaggie’s back, staining her clothes deep red. One knife had gotten Charlie in a fatal part of her head. Their glazed eyes and expressions were frozen in terror.
 “I hope it was worth the life of sin,” Alastor finished with a dark chuckle.
 Husk swore several times with audible gasps, holding in a gag reflex. Alastor moved his hands behind him and strolled along toward the exit, mentioning for Niffty and Husk to follow, no doubt going back in later to feast. Niffty eagerly scurried after him in love struck admiration for everything he did. As Husk passed by and examined the bloodstained knives, his heart stopped for a second time since he died as a human decades ago.
 The knives were fatal angelic blades.
  Alastor later posed and danced in front of a large wrought iron gate made of bones by the Goon Salon. He turned his head all the way around as he turned to face a crowd of terrified demons.
 “You’re in my world now. Take a look around. Inside your nightmare beyond the mortal veil.”
 Several horned shadow spirits with different colored triangular eyes peered at the demons before mercilessly attacking them. Alastor snapped his fingers and the “Welcome to Pentagram City” sign changed into one that read “Welcome to New Horror-leans!” Vox, Lucifer, Lilith and several Overlords were dragged into separate portals to be consumed by powerful spirits. Alastor made sure to smash and burn Vox’s TV head before sending him away. The Magne apple themed mansion quickly became a deer-themed headquarters for Alastor and those under his control.
 Alastor stood by a brick wall, flames harmlessly surrounding him. His shadow turned into its beast-like wendigo form, a monstrous skeletal deer of shadow. The shadow had gigantic antlers on its head and fiery colored eyes that matched Alastor’s. The wendigo shadow raced and rampaged through town after town. Shadows stalked and spied on hiding demons, crawling through small spaces to hunt them down. The choice was simple: surrender or die. It was easy for Alastor to play music from his microphone, possessing any denizen who stared and listened too intently. The ones who were killed and tortured immediately where the primarily powerful snotty males.
 No one was spared from the radio waves. Not even the imps and hellhounds could escape the Al-pocalypse.
 Alastor posed back and forth at a sign that read Heaven on one side and Hell on the other. Papa Legba’s veves were drawn nearby. “You made a wrong turn at the crossroads.”
 An old fashioned boxy TV showed Alastor’s neon face in orange, teal, white and black.
 “Now you’re at the final episode. Eternity with me in Hell!”
 Through a pentagram portal, humans from a city on Earth watched as a towering figure stomped through, carrying fire, demons and chaos with him. Alastor was in full demon form, with sharp teeth, claws, and a full head of branching antlers. He held his staff in his right hand. Voodoo imps and shadows rode on bony horses and creatures, one creature being a dragon. They carried skulls and heads on pikes. The red eyed denizen demons carried red and black banners with Alastor’s symbol: a microphone with a dialed eye in between clawed hands. Deer antlers branched out toward the bottom in an upward curve. Kalfu’s diamond-like symbols were in the design as well. The humans ran and screamed for their lives as the glowing white eyed demon roared, showing a mouth of sharp teeth. Buildings caught on fire and chaos spread everywhere.
 With enough human and demon souls on his side, Alastor could go for Heaven next.
  Later on, Alastor sat comfortably in a red velvet chair in a room of the Hazbin Hotel. The wallpaper was red and had the apple family crests on it. Alastor’s eyes were red radio dials. Alastor sipped coffee from an orange plaid tea cup and set it down on the table in front of him. Off to the side was a bookshelf lined with old leather bound books, vases, a white plate and a globe. On the small round table was a brown old fashioned radio, a white jug, a few white candles and a skull. A deer skull hung from the wall nearby. A picture on the wall showed a figure of Angel Dust in indigo, with the words “Addict VIP” on it. Another picture showed a furry female from Valentino’s group of clients. There was also a grandfather clock against the wall. To the right of the clock was a black grand piano.
 “Pleasure to play, how I enjoyed you. Suffice to say when I play I don’t lose.”
 Alastor appeared to be talking to someone nearby.
 “Collecting on the debts that you accrued. It was such a gas. I really am amused.”
 Just then, a black cat with large orange eyes jumped up on the table beside Alastor. Alastor leaned his face close to the feline familiar.
 “Have a dark thought, I’m right beside you. A casual whisper just to guide you.”
 The cat revealed a strange toothy grin. Alastor moved away. “Look over your shoulder and I gone.” The cat looked around then played with the empty tea cup, looking inside. Indeed, the animals in Hell had been spared, save for Fat Nuggets whom Alastor had for breakfast many days before.
 “Remember this song…”
 Alastor then stood up and waved goodbye to his audience he was talking to: floating heads in separate jars suspended in liquid on a large shelf.
 They were the heads of Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Katie Killjoy, Sir Pentious, Baxter and countless others.
 “And I bid you adieu!”
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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“I am dialing in to inform you that I am very bored!
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“Which is most unfortunate for the rest of Hell.”
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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Incorrect Quotes Generator - Accepting
@xdeerxhealerx​ asked: ✏ {{ Alastor }}
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Danessa: When do you usually go to sleep? Alastor: Whenever I collapse is entirely up to the gods.  
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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Unprompted - Always Accepting
A Shy Heart asked: alasor there's a deer in hell who' a doctor you can eat that one if you're ever hungry
“Now, why would I waste my time and worsen my hunger by pursuing a rumor ...
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“ ... when you’re right here?” 
feat. @xdeerxhealerx​
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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“You heard it here first, folks - it’s okay for us to kill people, and to indulge in hedonism and every single vice we have, but when one kid bullies another kid, whoooa nelly, that’s true evil. Take it from people condemned to Hell. Ahahahaha! ... The sheer hypocrisy of this place never ceases to amuse me.” 
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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“Oh? Are we going to eat that delectable little mutton chop now?”
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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“Now, now! I thought I made it very clear to Charlie that I’m only in it for the entertainment factor.”
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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@deathbedmoth​ asked: ❝  okay if you smile at me like that one more time i’m going home you smug little shit.  ❞ for alastor lmao
Naturally, his smile doesn’t even begin to fade.
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“So go home, then. I’ll be sure to make a good excuse for you when Charlie asks why her girlfriend has ... left the festivities early.” 
// Thank you! Please ask before continuing. 
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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Unprompted - Always Accepting
A Shy Heart asked: wouldn't be hell without a bit of hypocrisy would it
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“I suppose it does come with the territory, but the utter lack of self-awareness is hilarious, is it not? You won’t believe the amount of sinners down here who think they’ll ever have the moral high ground when they damned themselves straight to Hell.”
0 notes
raichoose-gone · 2 years
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Unprompted - Always Accepting
A Shy Heart asked: UR MEAN AL
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“ ... Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? You do realize that genuinely good people don’t end up down here, yes?” 
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“Am - Am I adorable? It’s a very important question, so please be honest.”
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Starter for @infernal-feminae
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Octavia swings her legs nervously as she sits on the hotel's couch. For once, it's a day off - her mother has a series of political meetings that she's decided not to make Octavia attend, and Stolas is racing to get all of his work done now that he finally has the Grimoire in his possession, so the Goetia heiress isn't needed at the Manor.
She's maybe not needed here, either, but it's a risk she's willing to take.
"Charlie! Hey!" As soon as Charlie enters the lobby, Octavia hops up from her seat (almost taking a flowerpot with her). "Um, so, I know this is unexpected, but I ... kinda-sorta was wondering if you need help with the hotel? Or if you want to hang out? Like, if you need a break, or something? Haven't ... really seen you much since high school, so I just thought maybe we should ... catch up? A little?"
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