#korra space au
roguegona · 1 year
Excerpt - SW/LOK crossover
“I’m pretty sure you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met.”
Asami blushed—again (how many more times is that going to happen this morning?)—and looked away. “I’m sure that’s not the case, but I appreciate the compliment.” 
Korra grinned. “It’s absolutely true, but I’ll also confess to ulterior motives: I’m starving, and since you’re the only one who can cook us breakfast at the moment…”
She trailed off, still grinning, and Asami laughed. “Oh, so the compliment was just to soften me up so I’ll cook you food.”
Korra gave her a lopsided grin and nodded. Asami laughed again and shook her head in amusement before getting to her feet. She offered Korra her hand. “Come on then, Master Jedi…it’s high time you learned how to cook.”
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enilehtnorevol · 7 months
I saw you mentioning Korra AU, and I don't want to bother you right now, because if it comes, it will do so far away in the future, but allow me for a small contribution for Fontaine characters:
Neuvillette as Tenzin, where Focalors gets to be Meelo.
This doesn't make much sense but it's indulgent in a way I think it's excusable lol
Arlecchino as Kuvira and I refuse to elaborate
I also thought of Lyney and Lynette (btw I adore the way you draw the Fontaine siblings), which would be like,, Eska and Desna?? But that doesn't leave the space for Freminet, also Mako and Bolin would be like,, eh with their personalities? But at least Freminet could be included as Pabu and they would kinda fit in in terms of the plot with introductions and all?? Then I think Varrick and Zhu Li would be a perfect portrayal of their personalities, but they are romantically involved, so it's icky, and leaves no room for Freminet, again.
Sorry for the long ask, but I really like the way you talk about your AU and explain what lead you to which decision, please make more of posts like those, if you had time in the future 🤍 I hope you're fine and doing great, I love your art and I wish I could learn more about your process of making it! Sorry again for the long ask, I hope it's not too overwhelming or unpleasant to you.
gonna be honest i have watched only the first season when it still was ongoing and just know some things that happened later so i should watch it properly first before making decisions
what i can tell you for sure is that korra is focalor (im not sure how to make it work) and fontaine twins as eska and desna is what i too have been thinking but maybe i'll come up with something better later
(it's okay good to know someone enjoys reading my nonsense)
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thatonebirdwrites · 2 months
I still plan to finish my TLOK: Shared Moments series -- especially Book 3.5 and 4 at least, but I simply cannot do the pace I did last year. I can't. My health is too poor and my heart too broken. So let's talk about it.
For this post in particular, I want to discuss how parts of the Korrasami fandom broke my heart.
I also will talk about how Supercorp fandom is helping me heal. I want to be clear here. This post is not about pitting these fandoms against each other. Both have their flaws, their beauty, their awesome people, and their mean people. I love them both. This is simply my tale of how one broke my heart and how the other helps me heal that.
I also preface that there are wonderfully beautiful people I've met in the Korrasami fandom, some who have become friends over the span of the last year and a half. The kindness and care from @snazzy-korra and the Korrasami friend I talk to on Discord has been life-saving in different ways. I'm forever grateful and highly appreciative of these people's kindness and support and for the kind readers who left kind comments.
I also wish to be clear that I have always been honest in my end-notes about the fact that I have a disability, that my health might slow me down, or I may share an anecdote about my life (my disability impacts my life heavily, but it also is not all I am) to explain why I wrote a scene the way I did. Folks seemed to appreciate learning about the inner workings of the writer's mind and the research I've done. So it's why I tend to have detailed end-notes.
So when readers, who acknowledged these end-notes and commented about my bravery at being a disabled writer, turn around and viciously attack me and pull out every single ableist argument about how the character, who became disabled in my story, is now less than?
That is fucking personal.
That is them directly telling me that they don't see disabled people like myself as their equal in dignity or respect. They don't even respect me as a person worthy of being treated with kindness. Instead, they remind me yet again of how they view disabled people as less than.
Where they wanted the disability written out of the story. They wanted erasure, and thus it felt like a stab in my heart.
Because in the end, such arguments are rooted in a fear of this simple truth:
Anyone can become disabled at any time.
Some people fear that truth. Likely because they would have to face the fact that the horrid ways they treat us disabled people could be how they end up treated if they become disabled.
So instead of fixing society and the systems harming us disabled folks, and creating instead accessible and equitable and kinder systems that help all people thrive -- they instead demand erasure. Demand that people like me cease to exist in their space. That our stories not be visible.
It went beyond a fight in comments to direct messages/asks and at least one tumblr blog directly harassing me (referencing my writing as the reason). It felt like my few places where I felt somewhat safe to share my writing had been broken into and trashed.
It's sad and heartbreaking in so many ways, because these people are refusing to see the absolutely beauty and wonder that is disabled people and our creativity.
[Yes, I know the tools that can help protect me like comment moderation, but again, the point of this post isn't about fixing my behaviors.
Because my behaviors weren't the problem. It's about a very real problem in fandoms, where AUs that involve a beloved character becoming disabled turn into an avenue to cause harm to that author. (Instead, of just not commenting and not reading it.)
If this isn't pointed out or ever talked about, then how do we learn and grow and find ways to repair the fandom to be kinder? To call out hurtful behaviors and support those harmed by it? Why should we let folks suffer in silence, when we can talk about it and better support one another? To build better habits and encourage others to build those kinder habits with us?]
Becoming disabled is not a bad thing. It doesn't have to be. We are still beautiful, wonderfully creative, and awesome people who deserve the same love, respect, care, and dignity as any non-disabled person.
Ignoring or running from the pain doesn't make it go away, as I did that and instead it ended up tainting what had been a deep love.
Acknowledging the pain and/or grief and choosing to heal is what alleviates it. The Korrasami fandom introduced me to fanfiction. I'd never written fanfiction in my life before I decided to write How Was Those Three Years to dig into how those years were like for Asami.
I'd never read so much fanfiction before either. I didn't realize the wealth of creativity and wonder that is hidden in the corridors of AO3. It was a beautiful sight to behold. I discovered this truth through Korrasami.
Writing Korrasami helped me rekindle my writing again. Even with my poor health, even when I struggle to get out of bed, even as I lost my ability to do things I used to love to do, fandom helped me re-establish my writing habits. I was writing again. The one thing I love to do the most.
At least my health hadn't taken away my writing and art. Isn't that a beautiful thing to discover? I found a way to grieve what I lost but still rejoice in what I can still do. But at the same time, I've never been more hurt and shattered by a fandom than I have daring to write an alternate universe story, where I learned that the limit of people's care ends at the moment they perceive your disability.
Where you cease to be a person in their eyes.
Where you become less than.
Thus, I truly struggled on how to move forward for months, where writing became harder and harder to do.
I didn't want to lose the joy I had found, but I didn't know how to safely heal either. And I like sharing my stories. The act of sharing them was part of how I redicovered my joy of writing again.
It was here on tumblr, where I found a niche that helped me heal.
It all started with a continuation to one of @fazedlight's ficlets, which randomly appeared on my 'for you' page.
I hadn't even finished Supergirl yet at that point, but the AU in that ficlet, where Kara decides to trust Lena and reveals she's an alien due to the alien detector? How utterly fascinating way to rewrite that scene.
I'm not even sure why I felt the need to write that continuation, but it's like my fingers had a mind of their own. I felt so inspired, and after a few months of being trapped in that well of feeling utterly broken, it was like glimpsing sunlight for the first time in months.
And I found I couldn't stop. I started to write other little ficlets based on GIFs about Supercorp. I started reading fanfiction about Supercorp. I realized Lena Luthor is really just a morally grey Asami Sato, and Kara Zor-El Danvers is basically Avatar Korra. So of course it was easy to write them. I already had practice with Korrasami.
I then went and watched the last three seasons to finally finish Supergirl, and was horrified by just how bad the writing was in 5 and 6, that now I wanted to write my own fix-it fic.
But I was scared to do it. I'd already had my heart broken by Korrasami. I already had a big project there I need to finish for my own sake, because it's so, so important to my own heart.
But at the same time, should I dare to share my stories again? Put myself out there in a different fandom?
Because I can't stress enough how I had seriously considered deleting my AO3 account due to how hurt I was over Korrasami (my two Korrasami buddies kept me from doing that, and they might not ever realize their influence there. I'd downloaded all the fics I'd written and gave myself a due date to decide.)
I was scared to share my stories, and I needed support to decide if I could do it again. If I dared to do it.
Then I discovered thanks to @luthordamnvers and @snowydragonscave a server for Supercorp shippers, and Holy shit.
It was okay to be disabled there.
People from all sorts of walks of life were there. They were supportive (and such enablers, my heavens).
I wasn't seen as less than.
People treated me like a human being.
It gave me courage to start posting the stories I'd written about Supercorp to AO3, and then holy crap.
The comments from Supercorp readers welcomed me as a new writer. They were encouraging. (Sure, there was mean comments here and there, but they weren't so horrifically personal in their attacks like the few hurtful Korrasami readers.)
I wept over those comments. Those people may never know how healing it was to read kind and encouraging comments. These people welcomed me, a stray writer into their shelter, and gently and tenderly offered support, advice, and constructive criticism in ways that uplifted the author.
Sure, it's possible I'll get viciously attacked for who I am again in the Supercorp fandom, but right now, most folks I talk with in the Supercorp fandom have been kind. Mean comments haven't been so acutely personal in their attacks, and it's a reprieve that allows space to heal.
My first love - Korrasami - will always be my first love in terms of ships. This is a truth. Supercorp is second in line, but I feel, right now, it's a little safer for my heart to write Supercorp.
I do promise to finish Shared Moments, but it will take longer simply because I'm still healing.
Parts of the Korrasami fandom broke my heart, but a good portion of the Supercorp fandom is mending it back together.
That's a beautiful thing too.
The stories I write are imperfect. I know I mess up a lot. But I do hope that people walk away from my stories having learned something. Or at the very least walk away with some semblance of hope.
Because in the end, in a world that seems hellbent on reminding marginalized people of how our lives are disposable, choosing hope becomes a radical act in liberation.
Our stories deserve to be told. Deserve to be cherished.
So in conclusion, never underestimate your kindness toward others. You may touch them in ways you may never fully know.
Thank you for all my readers, who have been supportive and kind. You're helping a broken writer heal. I will forever appreciate and treasure all of you.
Thanks for reading.
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comradekatara · 14 days
What do you think of an avatar Asami au? How would her character evolve/function being the Avatar (pretending that maybe the cycle began to reverse or some other magic way to explain her being the avatar.)
lol im pretty sure there’s like a fairly popular korrasami roleswap AU out there but i’ve never bothered reading it bc the premise of asami as the avatar simply does not excite me at all. like her arc would be roughly the same (albeit more focalized) because she and korra both struggle with similar demands wrt agency, legacy, patriarchy, and being in control of their own narratives. so asami’s character is simply way more interesting as a foil to korra — assuming that she was afforded the necessary narrative space to explore all of the implications established with her. but an AU where she’s the avatar wouldn’t be compelling in the same way as an avatar mako AU could be just by virtue of his status implicating the systems that allowed their godboy to slip through the cracks (and that said, his upbringing is pretty similar to kyoshi’s so it’s not like him being the avatar would be in any way revolutionary either). like aang before her, korra being the avatar is necessary to the narrative being told. if any other character besides korra was the avatar, the story wouldn’t be as good (and it’s already not very good…). also i hate imagining asami as the avatar because then where does that leave korra. just growing up in a loving bourgeois home doing absolutely fuckall with her life?? that’s so boring..
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moodywyrm · 1 year
about me + master list
Tumblr media
hi, I'm moony! I use she/they pronouns and I'm a 21 yr old college student who loves writing <3 
my blog is pretty much all tlou2 writing rn, but I also love Stranger Things, Arcane, Overwatch, and The Legend of Korra <3 
Proud co-mom (with @pinknightsinmymind) of the Farmhand to Farmer Abby and Sevika aus, as well as Rockstar Sevika
DISCLAIMER: any and all college! basketball! abby fics I do are credited to @elsweetheart who basically kicked off the basketball! abby and (in my opinion) writes the best basketball abby!! all of mine are specific to a chubby reader n au that I’m slowly building up (with y’all’s help <3), but if u want the OG, go to kittie <3 in general go to kittie she’s wonderful!! a delight!!
Be warned, my blog is NSFW, so Minors Do Not Interact. If I get the feeling you are a minor, and you don’t indicate otherwise in your bio, you will be blocked. Once again: MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS GET BLOCKED.
And since y’all can’t think critically. ED BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT. fuck off. my blog is heavily aimed at being a safe and loving space for fat girls. literally choke on my metaphysical dick if you think you can bring that shit onto my page.
if u wanna support my writing, I love getting asks n replies n reblogs!! u could also buy me a coffee <3 And I have a wishlist, on throne 💕
not all of my work is on here! my long poly! steddie fic, as well as my old AOT work, are only on AO3  
mdni banners by @cafekitsune !! this will stay here for as long as i use them, so if I forget to put a disclaimer on any nsfw content from here on, this is here!
Random Stuff
Sapphic Book Recs 
Hozier Song Recs
General Book Recs
reading update - august 4th 2023
Stranger Things
thoughts on nancy and robin’s friendship (and maybe more)
thoughts on the first time nancy came home from college
thoughts on being eddie’s chubby lil partner - suggestive
little reassurances - eddie munson x lexi (commissioned)
soft breath, beating heart - eddie munson x chubby! reader - suggestive
excerpt from “why can’t this be love” - poly! eddie munson x chubby! reader x steve harrington (the magnum opus)
fresh hot buns - eddie munson x reader - suggestive
you know it’s not the same as it was - eddie munson x reader
The Last of Us Part Two
book patrol - ellie williams x chubby! fem! reader
TLOU2 drabbles masterlist (in universe and various au’s)
college! basketball! abby masterlist (with chubby reader and bookworm reader and chubby bookworm reader :) ) 
farm au Abby Anderson masterlist
Bonus for TLOU and Arcane: the cutest exchange I’ve ever had about Farmer Abby and Farmer Sevika
no breakdowns here - college! vi x reader
abby and vi tapping your pussy after making you squirt - nsfw
college! vi kissing her gf’s back
vi taking care of you when you’re on your period - suggestive (like one comment)
vi taking care of you when you have chronic pain - leg cramps
cuddling with a needy + clingy vi
taking care of vi on her period - suggestive (one comment)
giving vi a back massage - suggestive
vi being touchy with a chubby girl - suggestive
vi when her gf sleeps naked - suggestive bordering into smut at the end
cuddling naked with vi - suggestive
vi loves fat pussy! - nsfw
vi with nipple piercings - nsfw
sucking on vi’s nipples - nsfw
vi's endless stamina - nsfw
vi + ankle kisses - nsfw
sub! vi getting strapped - nsfw
vi + bear hugs
taking a bath with vi - nsfw/suggestive
heavy petting with vi - nsfw/suggestive
vi laying between her chubby gf’s thighs
farm au! sevika masterlist
rockstar sevika masterlist
sevika bouncing a big girl on her strap - nsfw
sevika being needy and eating you out - nsfw
sevika with a chubby! short! gf sitting on her lap
face-sitting with sevika  as a big girl - nsfw
sevika and chubby! gf at the beach - suggestive, like one comment
cuddling with sevika after work
ikea with sevika
cuddling with Sevika when your tummy hurts
short tiny sevika angst w/ hozier’s “unknown/nth”
sevika and using a smaller strap than you asked for as a joke - nsfw
sevika with pierced nips <3 - nsfw
sevika holding your pussy and cunt when she sleeps - suggestive
Ambessa Medarda
some thoughts about ambessa medarda - short nsfw
missed you - Brigitte Lindholm x reader - nsfw
The Legend Of Korra
lin beifong getting her frustrations out with her wife -nsfw
lin beifong in a suit  - nsfw
Resident Evil
carlos oliveira’s shaggy hair - nsfw
college! jill valentine x bookworm reader 
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thevioletcobra · 6 months
Attention, up-and-coming fanfic writers
Hey! Want to write a fanfiction about your favorite characters but have no idea where to start? Look no further! Tell me what fandom/characters/crossovers you want to write about, and I'll come up with as many prompts as you need to help you get started! Of course, I won't write the entire thing for you, as most of the fun of writing comes from the creative process, but I'll toss up any starters I can think of to kickstart your ideal story!
Fandoms I can easily make prompts for: Sanders Sides, Roleslaying with Roman, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, The Amazing Digital Circus, Undertale, Undertale AU's, Minecraft, Markiplier Egos, Jacksepticeye Egos, Gravity Falls, Avatar the Last Airbender, A Heist With Markiplier, Lackadaisy, Fairy tail, Assassination Classroom, Unus Annus, The Legend of Korra, Harry Potter, The Marauders
Fandoms I know vaguely and am willing to do research for: The Owl House, MHA, Demon Slayer, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Creepypasta, Deltarune, In Space With Markiplier, Murder Drones, Fionna and Cake
I will write ship prompts if asked for, BUT
I will not write prompts for: Uncomfortable age gaps, bestiality, incest, usually not smut in general (though I have a few exceptions for that last one)
Happy writing!
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mysteriawrites · 11 months
Rules and Regulations:
DNI if you are one or more of the following:
In summary if you’re gonna be a jerk kindly move along please
Please do not:
Send hate to me or others
Harass me or others
Give unsolicited criticism (some polite constructive criticism is fine tho)
Doxx me or anyone else
Share any personal identifying information (name face address etc): this is just a personal thing i grew up with strict internet safety rules and ik some people are more comfortable sharing things like their name or their face but im not and i think it’s better in practice not to so id prefer if you didn’t share that kinda thing appearance description is fine but like your name or anything like that especially cause i most likely wont use your name unless asked personally in which case that’ll be a private post (however pet picks are v much welcome plz send them).
What I will not write for:
Smut: I don’t know a thing about sex other then the biological understanding so I don’t think I could write it very well nor do I feel comfortable with writing it so sorry im fine with insinuating it tho 😉😏
Anything hateful towards irl people
Anything political
Romance with children
Anything that makes me uncomfortable: if you request something that makes me uncomfortable that is not this list i will explain why im not writing it
What I will Write for:
Note: if you want to request more than one fandom you can, but it has to be separate asks for each one because my headcanons are kind of long.
One shots
Original stuff I come up with out of boredom
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Pretty much anything that wasn’t on the will not write for list unless or until i say otherwise
List of Fandoms:
Note: I’m in a lot of fandoms and always joining new ones so if there is a fandom not on the list that you want feel free to ask me I might know about it and forgot to add it or you’ll be introducing me to something new :) I’ll also try and keep the list updated
Note #2: I’m ok with writing for celebrities or vtubers as long as we’re respectful about it ok that means you understand that everything here is complete fiction and you understand their boundaries and if they dont feel comfortable with works about them those posts will be taken down
Marvel (Movies)
Harry potter (Movies)
The Maze Runner (Movies)
Motherland Fort Salem (Series)
Siren (Series)
The Owl House (Series)
Arcane (series)
The dragon Prince (series)
Avatar the last air bender (series)
Legends of korra (series)
The magicians (series)
My Hero Academia (Anime)
Sword Art Online (Anime)
Oshi No Ko (Anime)
Takt Op Destiny (Anime)
The Disastrous Life of Saki K (Anime)
Revue Starlight (Anime)
Blue Reflection (anime)
RWBY (anime)
Classroom of the Elite (anime)
The Apothecary Diaries (anime)
Revue Starlight: ReLIVE (game)
Bang Dream (game)
D4DJ (game)
Fire Emblem: Awakening-Engage (Game)
Persona 5 (Game)
Tales of Arise (game)
Our Life forever and always (game)
Mystic Messenger (game)
Obey Me (game)
Twisted Wonderland (game)
Honkai Impact (game)
Honkai Star Rail (game)
Genshin Impact (game)
Tears of Themis (game)
Zenless Zone Zero (game)
Punishing Gray Raven (game)
Aether Gazer (game)
Project Sekai (game)
Takt Op Symphony (game)
Blue Reflection series (game)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (game)
Danganronpa TTH-2GD (game)
Master Detective Archives: Raincode (game)
Rune Factory 5 (game)
Hyperdimension Neptunia (game)
Atelier Sophie (game)
Baldur’s Gate 3 (game)
Love and Deep Space (game)
Nijisanji EN (vtubers) (Hiatus)
Hololive EN (vtubers)
Holostars EN (vtubers)
Avallum EN (vtubers)
(More to be added later)
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paramouradrift · 3 months
#Avatar BioShock Crossover AU" 2023 please!!!
This one's a doozy.
I don't remember precisely what triggered this one, but there was a period of a couple weeks last year where I got really into the idea of an Avatar/BioShock crossover AU. This spawned several AUs, only one of which made it into my WIP folder, apparently, so the rest must be lurking on discord with my beta reader. This particular AU has a few scant character notes, some timelines, and a discussion of themes that paint what I would consider a compelling but overly-ambitious picture.
The themes in play: destiny, causality, consciousness, free will, and moral choice. We are pulling material from BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock 2: Minerva's Den, BioShock Infinite, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and Legend of Korra. Rapture exists in its own right, whereas Columbia is replaced with Republic City. Tears, Spirit Portals, and Spirit Wilds are all the same thing, linking Rapture and Republic City across time and space. Bending and Splicing are the same, as well, with the "Avatar" being someone who has spliced up to an incredible degree and not died of every kind of cancer. The Avatar State is thus a kind of berserk mode that uses up all the EVE in the Avatar's body, leaving them powerless and vulnerable at the end. Past Avatars exist as coherent ADAM ghosts.
Aang, in this story, is a Jack/Eleanor Lamb character originally from Rapture who escaped into Republic City through a tear, and set about trying to find a way back to Rapture's past to undo all of the damage he ended up causing. He's a man haunted by guilt whose efforts are ultimately futile, because that's not how causality works.
Korra is our Elizabeth, whose ability to open and close tears makes her valuable to Aang in his quest for redemption, but also makes her a target for everyone on both sides of the veil who wants a slice of the Rapture/Republic City pie. But opening and closing tears destroys entire sections of probability space, creating fixed points in spacetime and releasing a ton of spiritual energy that gets eaten by the bioluminescent mass that sits beneath Rapture, spitting ADAM slugs back out into the world, accelerating the chaos and decline of both cities.
I have here that Aang somehow travels back to the past and becomes the founder of Rapture, which means he later creates and then kills himself while trying to do everything he can to avoid that outcome. It probably made more sense in my head the time. The other members of the Gaang are listed as Rapture's Best & Brightest: Zuko and Sokka are divorced and miserable, with Zuko trying to be a single dad and Sokka inventing the Thinker; Katara is the city's foremost doctor and philanthropist; Suki is a detective/private security chief; and Toph runs the banks because nobody else is capable. She also laid a lot of the city's foundation.
The Mechanist is here inventing things. Wu is a popular singer with his own radio program. Suyin is a prima donna ballerina. Asami is...presumably doing something amazing, but I didn't write that bit down.
The villain rogue's gallery is all here as well, moving back and forth across the tears and causing mischief and mayhem. Zaheer's radical spirituality causes Aang (Rapture Founder) to ban religion, and Unalaq tries to get control of the Avatar Program so that he can become an Avatar himself. Ozai and Zhao extend their feelers throughout both cities, seizing power and resources for themselves. Amon slots himself nicely into the Atlas role (plot twist and all), so nothing really more to say there. Kuvira is apparently a former police officer turned mob boss capitalizing on the chaos for her own gain. Long Feng is a cold technocrat who runs a private security firm and manages assets for city big wigs. My note on him is "a less affable Sinclair."
Pro-bending/ADAM boxing is a thing, so Mako and Bolin are here trying to make it big in the big bad city/ies, which probably means I planned some background Wuko.
I have no idea what my endgame was. I don't know what the actual plot was going to be. This project wasn't one I seriously considered planning out in detail because I was in the middle of H&V/J&R work, and that takes priority over anything else with this level of ambition. Having said that, it might be interesting to take another pass at the concept and see if I can turn all of that up there into something workable.
WIP Game master post.
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jasminedragonart · 2 months
I adore you atla art sm!
But that korra au? 🫥
Please don't take this as hate or anything, I'd just like to know your thought process behind that AU if possible! ❤️
Why is zuko not dead? Katara would've ended him. Why the hell is sokka even talking too zuko?
My gosh the way this fandom cuddles zuko is so fucking annoying, I enjoy zuko, but fandom zuko isn't zuko at all. 🧍🏽‍♀️
Idk I've read AU's in which aang is killed off early on (and there's so many of these au's, literally for what?), and imo are terrible!
None of these characters would be the same without aang. Why does part of the fandom seem to dismiss aangs part of the story?
I'm not coddling him at all. Season 1 Zuko is a villain for sure. But in the au, Katara would have definitely tried to end him except her bending would be gone by that time probably mid fight since Zuko isn't stupid enough to not defend himself.
I also recognise that Sokka would have been murderous as well, but Sokka would probably be by Aangs side as Katara fought Zuko. He would see that the face being gone and no burn scars couldn't be Zuko's fault and they knew Aang was venturing into the spirit world. While Sokka is quite passionate hes also a strategist. He would have recognised the position they were in with the Avatar literally dead and want answers for that as well as safety for him and Katara. Once she loses her bending it's definitely negotiation mode with Zuko. Especially because Zuko is a powerhouse in season 1, he fought Zhao and won, he has dual blades and is shown to frequently defy the laws of physics in his escapes. Sokka would probably try and use Zuko for free passage back to the south pole, except then Zuko would drop the bomb hes worthless to the fire nation without the avatar.
What I don't include in this au in the pieces I've drawn is that their next best idea is to pretend the avatar is still alive but gone into hiding. Sokka takes Zuko prisoner to stop him from grabbing, Zuko goes along with it because he's literally dead either way and hes not sure what happened to his uncle. They escape on a boat since Appa and Aang are tied together meaning Appa is gone. With no waterbending and now no moon the balance is upset, spirits are out etc...
Zuko is handy basically. Sokka recognises this and I believe he would put survival over vengeance until they got home.
By then? Bonding maybe? I mean, Zuko is pretty harmless without the Avatar to chase. Especially with all the fire nation politics that would erupt from Zhao conquering the north pole.
I hope this answers some of your questions. I, for one, also hate when Zuko is made nicer in some fandom spaces. He's only nuanced because we see his growth as a character and he only becomes who he is in season 3 because he has to hit rock bottom. He is literally living put a tragedy in the first 2 seasons. Thematically anyway.
I like season 1 Zuko because of the potential he has to become the character he is in season 3 not because he's season 3 Zuko wrapped up in a tragic story.
If you guys want more of that au I suppose I could draw more... 👀
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rapid-artwork · 3 months
Are you planning to continue your ‘red lotus korra’ au?
Actually yes! I had to step away from my online art projects for a while due to my job obligations, but I've switched to a new job and have way more free to finish all the stuff I've been putting off.
My current schedule for finishing projects looks like this:
Mother's Favorite: I've written most of the script for the full game and I'm working on the assets and sprites
The Homunculus: I've actually been writing a full length fantasy novel that I'm in the process of publishing! Since it was started as writing practice, it's still very rough and I am polishing it up.
Red Lotus AU: Obviously I'm on a writing kick and I literally just re-read my fic and I'm already working on new ideas for the plot.
More Paper craft robots: I literally cannot stop making these little guys. They are actually for a homebrew table top I've been working on based on Armored Core 6 and after some play-testing I was thinking about publishing a PDF of the rules for free. Plus once I've edited the paper craft files enough I was planning on selling those online for like, a dollar or two for people who want to try making their own at home, and even opening commissions to build custom robots for people and shipping them through the mail.
Patreon Card game: I'm in the process of shutting down my old Patreon since I no longer feel comfortable asking for money since art is not my full time job. But I want to deliver on the card game I promised. I recently got into the Pokemon TCG and Magic the gather again, and I have a whole slew of ideas on how to fix the game and streamline it.
Rapid Pixel Art and Tara and Kevin: My children... I have abandoned my children... I intend to bring these guys back and actually tell their story. I have both of their plots fully written I just actually gotta... Do it ya know?
Mother's Favorite Sequel: Yeah the sequel is already in the works since I am insane. It's a murder mystery aboard a space ship where you have to interview the crew and figure out what happened. It follows a new protagonist but it slowly reveals how the two games intersect in horrifying ways. Imagine that episode of Firefly where they find the ship attacked by Reavers crossed with John Carpenter's The Thing and you've got a good idea of what I'm going for.
Various other WIPs that have been rattling around in my brain.
I've been dealing with ADHD my whole life but finally got an official diagnosis and new medication. It literally feels like an anime where I take of my limiters and I can suddenly use my full power.
I have all the same manic energy but finally enough focus to actually follow through on projects I started. I used to just start stuff cuz it interested me until I got bored and moved on.
No longer says I! I am gonna out in the work and finish what I started. I am going for the platinum medal and 100% completion this time.
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thatonebirdwrites · 7 months
Thoughts about fandoms and Writing
I suppose this will be a ramble of sorts. I wanted to talk about a sad thing I noticed but also a good thing I noticed about fandoms. This is a ramble, and I hope it all connects into a coherent whole by the end.
I'll start with the question I leave at the end. The question that my writing silently asks all readers:
"Here is a story of a human being that may be different from you, so will you join me at this campfire and hear their tale? To join them on this great journey of wonder, pain, joy, sorrow, and hope?"
One of the things that drew me to various fandoms, and my current one was a sense of connection. A sense of community, but I've also learned that despite this strength, there is an underlying undercurrent of who is allowed to exist in that community.
Part of writing fanfiction is because we want to see more of our beloved characters. To dig deeper into them, to fulfill this need for connection.
Because that's the crux of most things about us human beings, right? We are social beings that live best when we have connections with other human beings. None of us can live in a perfect isolation with no contact with anyone else ever (in fact studies show this is very, very, very bad for our health and can slowly kill us).
Yet, as a disabled person, I find myself stuck in this weird liminal space of seeking connection but sometimes finding instead reminders of how conditional my existence in the space truly is.
I notice that the stories willing to push the envelope a little, to explore what it'd be like if one of our beloved characters was disabled, often get far more harsh comments and far less support.
I've sat back and observed, and the more I interact with fandoms, the more I wonder if there is room for people like me.
I've seen some pushback in various fandoms -- even TLOK -- against people who want to explore our beloved characters in settings that allow for a more diverse intersection of identities. That tackle themes related to disability, gender identity, race, and so forth. To tackle more nuanced Leftist thought (that isn't displayed like a bad thing which TLOK sadly does at times).
This saddens me because that sort of pushback breaks the connection and community of fandoms in a way.
The whole reason I'm writing fanfiction is because I couldn't quite find the story I wanted to read. There's a lot of flaws in Legend of Korra, and I wanted to tackle the stories inherent in it from a different angle. To explore themes left unexplored. But also to show the shared moments Korra and Asami have. (They are legit my favorite couple of all time).
But I just don't feel very comfortable writing smut. I never have, so I'm already an outlier in the fanfiction writer community.
But I've realized of late that I also because an outlier with how I explore disability in my fanfiction.
Honestly Book 3 of TLOK sets the disability theme up, and although it does an excellent job with the PTSD arc, the way the temporary physical disability was handled during Korra's long healing left me quite frustrated because it utilized verbiage that's often used to demonize or deny disabled people support. No, it's not all in Korra's head (we find out later, that she really did still have poison in her, so Korra was right THE WHOLE TIME). No, it's not a mind over matter (this is the most unhelpful thing to say to a disabled person, seriously). No physical therapy can't cure all things. *sighs* I wanted more nuance there, and since it failed to deliver, I decided to write my own.
I also wanted to dig deep into Asami's story too because sadly enough TLOK doesn't give her the attention her and her trauma deserves.
So I have two separate series. One canon-compliant to explore the ramifications of that.
One an AU where Korra and Asami are romantically together by middle of Book 2, where they must navigate Book 3 and the trauma of that together. How do they do it? Can they do it? What sort of disability will they face and how will they deal with that?
I recognize what I write is not what most folks want from the fandom, and I feel like sometimes there is this unspoken undercurrent in the fandom to not really dig into the disability themes inherent in TLOK.
I think this is why commenters literally had a fight in the comments of my Shared Moments: Book 3. I had taken the disability theme in Book 3 (and 4) and made it highly visible. I had foreshadowed this quite thoroughly in all honesty.
I had made it clear from the start of the series that I promised to be realistic about trauma, about physical injuries, and about healing. Sure, I took some liberties in fight scenes to play up some interesting martial art moves that actually exist, but there's always ramifications and consequences.
I think in a way the fight that happened in my Book 3 (at the final confrontation with Zaheer's group) exemplifies the hidden current of ableism within the fandom.
Asami had barely escaped the lavabender and had a fourth-degree burn on the sole of her right foot. Those are when the burn destroys the nerves and can go as deep as the bone. They are quick to become infected if not treated right away, and in Asami's case, there was no way for it to be treated until after the airbenders are rescued. TLOK is set in a technological and medical period similar to 1940s, so the typical solution in that time period is amputation.
I'd carefully laid out details like crumbs for readers to find that heavily hints that this could be one of the possible outcomes.
Nothing about it was surprising.
And yet, two commenters were angry that one of the characters would end up permanently disabled. They utilized a harmful ableist trope, ignored the story up to that point, and demanded I alter the story because they deemed Asami's injury "unnecessary for the narration" and "too much."
Truth is, as much as I tried not to let it hurt me, it did.
Why? Because I'm disabled. I've had injuries due to circumstances where I didn't receive the healthcare I needed in time to prevent the injury and illness from worsening. I've been in Asami and Korra's shoes in a way.
Being told that a story that mirrored my own, that mirrored the lives of so many disabled people is "too much" and "unnecessary for narration" is a vivid reminder of how deep ableism has fallen into the psyche of our society.
Most folks wouldn't consider that ableist, and yet, if the same words were said about queer identities? If someone said that Korra and Asami being bisexual is "unnecessary for the narration" or "too much" there would be riots in the TLOK fandom. (In fact, I sometimes still witness some between Makorra shippers versus Korrasami shippers, where it doesn't seem to matter that Korrasami is canon to the Makorra folks, they get incensed and fall back on biphobic language. Only to be rightly called out for the harm of it.)
So why aren't we standing up for disabled people?
The Legend of Korra is a survivor story. It's a disability story. Complex-PTSD that Korra has is a disability. Acute-PTSD, which is likely what Asami has, is also a disability.
Disability is not bad. It is not evil. It's not too much.
Disability is beautiful. It should be normalized as just part of who a person is. We, disabled people, can do great things despite our disability.
And yet, those commenters couldn't see that.
All they could see was their beloved character would be permanently disabled. Their unconscious bias reared its head, and they lashed out in a way that hurt. (And also angered several other commenters who kindly called them out).
They were angry at being forced to confront the fact that their beloved character was now in the category of "disabled." It required them to relate -- to connect -- to a disabled person as a human being.
That's the moment of truth isn't it?
When someone is forced to relate to another person as a human being worthy of respect and dignity, that is when we discover the true character of a person I think.
Disabled people like myself are often treated like we are sub-human. Like we don't matter, like it'd be better if we ceased to exist. (I can give dozens of examples, but I think how the pandemic is currently being handled is a blatant look at how ableism is structured in our society and how much it harms all of us.)
Society saturates our media with messages of how disabled people are less than, sub-human, unworthy of life, unworthy of being allowd to even participate in society. Often the only way we are allowed to exist at all is if we are displayed as an "inspiration," something for which abled-bodied people to oogle and feel good about themselves for "helping" us "get over" or "cure" our disability, as if our disability is a problem to be solved rather than something that can be both painful but also beautiful. (I often try to see the beauty in my ADHD, my APD, my autoimmune illness. And yes, for LongCovid in particular, I may wish for a cure for my LongCovid, but I can also recognize the beauty within my illness - I see the world differently and that lens allows me to connect in new ways and to show more kindness and love in different ways. That too is beauty).
The harmful messages about disabled people are everywhere, and we often unconsciously absorb them.
I try to do my best to respond with kindness. To even try to educate when I can, but I also have to have a firm boundary because I'm a human being.
I don't have enough energy to tackle educating people about this AND doing what I need to survive.
And for me, writing is survival.
I think the reason it hurt to see ableism at play in the fandom was because I had been thinking maybe I might actually belong to a group for once. That maybe I would be treated as a human being, who has a talent for something.
But seeing the words "too much" and "unnecessary for narration" in the comments, brought out not only my insecurities, but a reminder of just how fucking hard it is to write diverse characters.
I've never written fanfiction before 2021.
I'm a science fiction (and sometimes fantasy) author, though at the moment it's only short stories that have been published.
Do you know how many times I've heard those harmful phrases said while I trying to get my original stories published?
Editors would tell me:
"Your character being nonbinary is unnecessary for the narration." Or "It's too much to have a nonbinary character. You should just choose a gender and we'll consider it."
"Why is this character disabled? It seems unnecessary for the narration. Just eliminate them and rewrite it."
It didn't matter that the disability was crucial to the character and her understanding of the world and how she navigated it. (Or that she was literally the protagonist.)
It didn't matter that the nonbinary person's identity was crucial to their character, their understanding of the world, and how others related to them.
It didn't matter even if it was crucial to the plot.
All that mattered was that the editors were uncomfortable with characters that didn't match the ideal human they decided was the only allowed protagonist.
In a way, they were saying that people like me didn't deserve to have our stories told. To be recognized and seen as protagonists, as human beings to which readers could connect.
Is fandom any different?
Maybe there are readers who enjoy what I write, but sometimes I see so much of the content of fandom, and this intense demand for an ideal form of human, and I don't see myself.
I don't see myself and those like me being accepted as we are. Where we are worthy of connection too.
So I create that representation; I carefully weave a story so everything is set up, foreshadowed, makes sense in the characterization and narration, and I come face to face with the blatant ableism, blatant transphobia, and sometimes even blatant biphobia.
And it's a reminder that even while I try to find comfort and solace and a safe place to recover from my own illness and from the world at large...
... in the end, it's hard to feel like there will ever be acceptance. It's hard to feel like the fandom is willing to treat people like me as a human worthy of respect and dignity.
Because that's the thing, isn't it?
When people see me in my wheelchair, they don't see a person. They see a thing. A sub-human to be pitied. I get touched in ways that would never happen if I was abled-bodied. My wheelchair gets moved in ways that would never happen if I was abled-bodied (that wheelchair is an extension of my body and touching it without my consent is touching me without consent). I get sneers sometimes. I get people staring at me like I'm some carnival show.
It's tiresome. It's hurtful. It isolates.
To have a beloved character end up in a wheelchair, or end up with a prosthetic?
People are forced to face their own ableism. They are forced to see the ugliness they display toward me and those like me. Because now their beloved character is one of my people.
And the anger that is hurled at me for doing this is honestly ridiculous. Exhausting too.
People don't like being uncomfortable, but we cannot grow if we're not uncomfortable. We cannot become better than we were unless we confront the things that break our ability to connect.
i write because I want people to connect. I want people to understand ways of being that is unlike their own, and to come to understand that we are all human beings. We all are worthy and deserving of respect and dignity. We all deserve to be seen and accepted where we are.
Those are the stories I love the most. The ones that build up and not tear down.
And perhaps that is why I will never truly fit in. Because I refuse to sit down and make myself small enough to fit in. Because I prefer to dig into the reality of our differences and how those differences are actually our similarities and our biggest strengths.
It is our diversity that is our strength. It's also how we connect, how we find our similarities, because even in our beautiful galaxy of identities, we all have similar human needs and qualities that shine through.
We are all made of stardust. We are all social beings. We all strive for some level of connection, and although the layers of that may differ for each of us, that human need to connect cannot be truly erased or ignored.
I'll end where I began, with the great question my writings always silently ask readers:
"Here is a story of a human being that may be different from you, so will you join me at this campfire and hear their tale? To join them on this great journey of wonder, pain, joy, sorrow, and hope?"
And honestly, that's why I write.
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ig-korrasamishipper · 6 months
Rating: Mature
Tags: Space AU, Omegaverse, some fucking and mission mumbo jumbo
Summary: Landing on a somewhat unknown terrestrial plant, Korra's team sets out to collect a sample from Site 62-K. Communications had been cut off upon arrival, leaving them with questions to find answers to. They must now explore the site to find out what had happened and secure samples.
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shiroikabocha · 7 months
I’ll never actually write it, but: Legend of Korra Deep Space Nine AU.
Korra Raava is a joined Trill, inheritor of the oldest living symbiont still being passed from host to host. It is simultaneously a huge honor and a huge burden! Korra had been a close colleague of Katara on the Trill homeworld, but after being joined with Aang’s symbiont, Korra felt pretty weird being around a person to whom she had suddenly been wedded for decades. So Korra left for a post on DS9.
Sato Asami is a Bajoran pilot, daughter of a well-known industrialist and collaborator who was imprisoned when the occupation fell. Her relationship with her father and her heritage is troubled to say the least. Asami is skeptical of Federation intervention in Bajoran affairs—but no Bajoran wants to hire a Sato, not after what her father did, so her only option if she wants to fly is to pilot shuttles for Starfleet. On bad days she wonders if she’s going down the same path her father did, collaborating with the friendly new occupying force that promises they’re only here to help (the Cardassians said the same), and on good days she gets to hang out with a cute Trill cadet who’s got these adorable spots…
Then they kiss a lot and make out idk
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mantizimus · 1 year
Rules for requests
Good day, everyone! My name is Mantizimus, but you can call me Mantiz. I am 20 years old. Inspired by various blogs, such as @randoimago @tokuteasings and @fandom-go-round I decided to create my own requests blog.
Now, for rules:
Fandoms I'm writing (I'll add more later, feel free to suggest new ones):
Space Pirate Sara
My Hero Academia
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Kamen Rider Ryuki
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
Mega Man (Classic and X)
Twisted Wonderland
Doki Doki Literature Club!
Akame Ga Kill!
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun
Yandere Simulator
Juken Sentai Gekiranger
Five Nights at Freddy's
League of Legends
Transformers (Prime, Robots in Disguise 2015)
What I'll write:
Male/Female/Gender Neutral Reader
Light angst (like, defending Reader from abusive ex or finding out that Reader lost memories about their love)
Various AUs (modern, soulmate, ect.)
Crossover (like, Izuku with Natsuki!Reader)
Multifandom requests
What I won't write:
Heavy angst
Cheating (will write misunderstandings, though)
Break Up
Anything I find too uncomfortable
Requests are open.
7 character limit
Smokescreen with cheerful and energetic but sweet bot!fem!S/O
First Grades with Asakura!S/O
Vice Housewards + Floyd with Shinji Kido!S/O
X, Zero, Alia, Axl, Vile, Sigma and Storm Eagle meeting human!Maverick Hunter!Reader
Zuko x fem!S/O oneshot
Space Pirate Sara
My Hero Academia
Kamen Rider Ryuki
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Twisted Wonderland
The Legend of Korra
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Mega Man
Doki Doki Literature Club
Akame Ga Kill!
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun
Yandere Simulator
Juken Sentai Gekiranger
Five Nights at Freddy's
League of Legends
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ahhhsami · 29 days
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings 🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it (as many or as few as you'd like to answer)
🌵 ⇢ This is one of my go-to playlists and the title is useless haha. I could endlessly listen to Harbour and Flipturn.
🍄 ⇢ Hmmm.... I'll stick with Korrasami for this headcanon. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think Korra will pass at an earlier age due to all of the physical and mental strain she went through in TLOK. I headcanon that Asami would go on the turtleduck boats once a year on the day they had originally had that date.
🎨 ⇢ This is so hard. But I adore the Space AU comic @ansdrela did. I'm also obsessed with multiple artists who create for Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. They're all so talented!!
Join in the fun and send an ask from this list: Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game.
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jade-of-mourning · 8 days
hiiii lychee :))
as you can see I have too much free time on my hands. but I have a decent amount to say today, so prepare yourself
I’m gonna try and keep this organized and maybe short so 1: do you have any more thoughts on the avatar mako au to share because it’s been rolling around in my brain a lot and I want to know what you have to say about it bcs the way your brain works is so. hajdhskapxn/pos
2: mako learning to draw by engraving his parents’ faces in the dirt of an alleyway over and over and over for years even as he starts to forget their faces. mako who wishes he could’ve afforded paper and charcoal at eight to put down something permanent, something accurate. mako getting their family photo from yin and giving her the scarf, redrawing the picture on the nicest paper he can find to give to her as well. artist mako,, save me artist mako,,,
3: more fem mako thoughts but makorrasami love triangle/eventual polycule(?) except they’re all girls. I just feel like the pining after your team captain who you now do know is gay except it’s because she’s dating a rich girl who’s also very hot is just a whole lot more fun than what they had going on in canon because. girls but sports au. sooo in love w that. also I don’t think makorra would get together in b1 like canon did for a couple reasons. for one, the girl trauma in addition to general trauma of being a homeless orphan. touch and gestures of affection from a person she doesn’t know well yet would probably be a no-no, and korra seems like a very touchy person, just in the natural way that her space is yours and your space is hers. also her energy? like obviously mako would come around but korra in b1 is so much more excited about the world than mako and I think that would kind of, like, intimidate her. (<-also reasons makorra could’ve worked later on but not when they happened) but as the series progresses, korra mellows and mako gets used to her. it works.
but then how does masami happen so early? because asami is the moon to korra’s sun. she’s calm and a careful thinker and after korra’s exuberance breaks down mako’s walls a little bit, asami would be able to slip in being everything mako imagines herself wanting. also more than financially stable. so masami becomes a thing, and korra is jealous, but she’s not sure of who which I personally think is so funny
but yeah that’s basically it. I always love how you take my silly little commentary and give actual thoughtful replies, it makes my day 😭
with love
snailon! good to see you here haha i totally didn't die for like two weeks what fjsgjhjkgfhs (i'm so sorry i took so long that you thought you imagined this ask hhh)
okay i actually have not thought about it for a hot minute but get this… i get like 40 hours a week back because no more percussion! so i have so much time!!! dude i'm going to rewatch lok AGAIN and then brainrot some more. avatar mako's love hate relationship with the entire fucking world is the only thing about it in my head. i'm sorry i don't have a lot to say about this au right now :(( it'll happen,,, one day,,,,
oh! (sobbing!) personally i am a fan of aspiring writer mako but also artist mako is extremely valid and i love the hc's you've built around it :)
girl for girl for girl makorrasami is really the best version of it tbh! love all your thoughts and actually that's a hilarious angle of korra getting the Sapphic Confirmation but it's not a good thing bc the love interest is actually dating a girl who is NOT korra except oh shit this girl is also super hot and attractive. what the fuck is this. korra my favorite girl in the world ever you're allowed to like all the girls in the world if you want and no one has the right to fault you for it.
anyway thank YOU for always sharing your thoughts with me!! i love to hear it and i'm sorry there was such a delay bhjfjgfh i'll get to your other ask soon promise. my commentary is a little bit dead today but i wanted to get this out instead of leaving it rotting in my inbox forever because i promise i have been turning it over in my head for a minute now :P have a good day snailon!
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