#korrasami ftw
perrywhyte · 3 months
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Hand In Hand
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a--p--i · 1 month
I'm really fucking mad about how they did Amon as a villain bc he literally was uplifting the oppressed class of the lok verse. It sucks that they made him so evil and unrelatable just so they could say harharhar communism sucks capitalism ftw. In fact all the villains were a bit like that. At least in atla it was just anti war and anti jmperialism which is great. Like that's what we *should be teaching kids. Lok dropped the ball. Like seriously bryke don't try to go making nuanced discussions of political movements in kids cartoons if ur just gonna turn it into propaganda. Bc while socialism had led to dictatorships, it has also been instrumental in helping common people fight imperial rule to get back their national resources. And they were demonized for it just the same. (Ie all yhe fucked up coups the us did in Latin America and Middle East in the 70-80-90s) (and now too, tbh)
And I also hate how 1d Asami was. Realistically she would've way more empathy for nonbenders bc she was one. Otherwise, it would just read as total self hatred. And I hate how the krew love her more for the fact that she is 100p against a movement that (realistically) was very empowering for her own demographic
Don't get me wrong i love korra bc she is an empowering female character, but sometimes it feels like lok took the same toxic problematic tropes associated with white male protagonists and slapped it on korra. It didn't work well bc she is the privileged white male of her society. So while she might have looked like us or had any of the same labels, it was really hard for her to truly be relatable. And I loved korrasami w all my heart, but im really disappointed we didn't get to see the *yearning and *bi panic and that made it so unsatisfying. Even in the comics. Bc they made shit seem so easy while irl life its really fucking hard if ur a marginalized group.
Anyways in the essay I will
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crestofshame · 1 year
November fic updates
Hello everyone! Time for some general updates to keep you all posted:
I know I said that there’d be another update before the end of October, but life has gotten a little hectic lately. I don’t like to get too personal online, but I got some pretty unfortunate news toward the end of October that kind of sucked a lot of inspiration out of me. A lot of my afternoons have been spent prioritizing responsibilities followed by some chill alone time.
That aside, there should still be at least 2 updates in November. I shouldn’t have a problem sticking to my schedule range, but it will probably be on the smaller side through the holiday season, closer to the bi-weekly mark than once a week.
You can expect at least the chapter 7 update to Than Your Fragile Heart, and whether or not I release a oneshot or chapter 8 depends on where the inspiration hits and what I have the energy for. I know I said that would update last week, but I have rewritten the chapter a couple times since then. I’ve been going back and forth on the order of events and what would make the most sense, so I started to do some rearranging of my plot map, which explains the holdup.
Chapter 7 might be shorter as sort of an “interlude” chapter to bridge the journey to Enbarr together with the new politics introduced post-war; we’re in Byleth’s POV right now, and I think it’s important to introduce some of the narrative political issues through Edelgard’s domain-specific lens instead.
I’ve also started to consider branching out some of the content that I produce to other fandoms. Not sure how I’ll approach it yet, but if you really prefer one of these fandoms over the other then let me know in an ask, reply, or an RB:
• Avatar: TLA would be Gen for obvious reasons if I even got to writing any of it. For TLOK and the Kyoshi novels: It should come to no one’s surprise that I ship Korrasami and Rangshi. Maybe even Rangshi a bit more. I want to read the Yangchen Novel, too, so I might explore that if I get the chance! • Arcane: Caitvi is awesome but there’s so many people that do it justice, so I’d probably focus more on character studies. • Assassin’s Creed: This one is a little more niche; not because it’s unpopular but because the main demographic tend not to be the type to consume fics and art. My favorite games are Odyssey and Black Flag. I’d love to do a Gen fic between Alkibiates and Kassandra being fwbs, or a Mary Read character study. • Legend of Zelda: I consume so much Legend of Zelda media but I have no clue how to produce it. Whether or not I ship Zelink depends solely on the game. BOTW and Skyward Sword are my only definite ones. Twilight princess Midzel ftw though. My friend talked me into it. • Pokémon: I like Pokémon but the only time I’d do anything with it is as a crossover unless someone else has any other ideas. • Mike Flannaverse: I have not watched the newest one but I loved Hill House, Bly, and Midnight Mass. HH and MM don’t really have anything other than art that I could work with, and MM feels too masterful to even touch. Bly though… I love Damie but I’d have to be hella sad to write them. We’ll see
Let me know if you prefer one of these over another! I’d also love to make some mutuals with other interests; but just know I’ll still be fire emblem focused.
Thanks for your patience everyone :) I’m very grateful for all the support so far, and I think things will start to pick up soon.
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yuri-n-love · 3 years
Well I love the series and Korrasami so I wanted to fuel it 👉👈 A worthy approximate $70 to spend. Aaahhhhh
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late to the party as always, but I'm finally watching legend of korra. I'm currently on s2e11 and I'm finally understanding why y'all dislike mako
someone please tell me asami will kick his ass bc if not I will
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sheriffgaymelia · 4 years
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June P4TR3ON set available ✨
🌊Korra by @enzaeru
🔧Asami by me
📸 Ewenae
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autisticyue · 3 years
These two walked
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So that these two could run
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pretty-sweet-plums · 6 years
my ex-girlfriends just started dating each other and i’m still in love with both of them (don’t even ask it’s complicated enough) omfg I’ve become Mako helllp me
i am not prepared for these emotions
how did he deal with this???
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kofukechi · 7 years
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a redraw of an oldie >:3 ever since the korra comic “Turf Wars” came out i really wanted to draw these two ;o; <3
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perrywhyte · 18 days
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guileheroine · 7 years
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some modern korrasami about town (more The Everthere paratext) 🖤🍂🗽
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jellisdraws · 7 years
Sooooo I've had this AU in my head for a while
So if any of you have been following me for a significant portion of time you know I'm an absolute sucker for Korrasami. But honestly my preferred korra ship is with someone most people wouldn't ever imagine, Ciri, from the Witcher series. Because it's beautiful, their beautiful and I flipping love the idea of them together facing benders and the wild hunt together. (Minor spoilers ahead) We know from Witcher 3 that Ciri spent an indeterminate amount of time traveling worlds, it's even hinted she visited this world so it's honestly not a stretch to believe t some point she could've landed in the world of Avatar the last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, while being pursued by the wild hunt. And think about this! Ciri is inherently magical and can basically manipulate pure energy, much like Korra learns to at the end of the LoK. Also witchers can already control fire with the igni sign So it's then also possible that with training Ciri could learn to manipulate the elements like a bender does, and beyond that bend all four like the avatar! Plus the wild hunt would be a bunch of ice focused water benders!!!! But imagine korra would sense when Ciri shows up on her Earth considering how attuned she is to spirit portals and such and goes to check out this crazy burst of power and finds Ciri! At first things wouldn't go well, their both such hot heads they'd probably end up fighting for sure. Their duel would be a draw and they'd end up going separate ways, but soon the wild hunt would show up in a different part of the world looking for Ciri, only the magic they use to track her leads them to Korra instead, whom they attempt to capture in order to keep her from interfering with their search, but korra and the mere fights them off but Tenzin is wounded or captured, and meanwhile during the course of this the wild hunt is freezing over a lot of the earth and there's not much korra can do so she tracks down down Ciri to help them stop the wild hunt and save Tenzin, and over the course of this Ciri and Korra become really close, they both have to hold the fate of entire worlds on their shoulders, they've been trained all their young lives and never got a chance to experience a truly normal childhood or young adult hood, since they've been fighting one disaster or the next since they were teenagers. And Korra finds Ciri absolutely beautiful, ethereal, and wonderful but despairs as to her lack of qualms with killing, and Ciri is absolutely fascinated by Korra, by her strength and courage and passion, and her beauty of course but believes her to be naive and too soft. But their friendship blossoms and Korra teaches Ciri bending, and is ecstatic/confused to know someone who can bend all the elements too but isn't the avatar, and tells her about her journeys and Ciri tells Korra all about her travels across the worlds and teaches her sword play and tracking and basic either skills. And eventually they decide to lure the wild hunt into the spirit world and try to trap their leader in the fog of lost souls if only so Ciri can travel to the next world with a head start. Things go pretty well but Ciri and Korra end up dueling the leader of the hunting party ( not eredin, but a lieutenant) and Korra ends up having to make the difficult decision to save a life by taking one and Ciri travels on alone leaving Korra behind until after the events of Witcher 3, when she comes into her own as a witcher. Ciri travels back to Korra ( it having only been a few months) and brings Geralt and Yennifer this time. Neither one of them can get the hang of bending though. Korra and Ciri go adventuring together, and Korra shows Ciri her world and the two become close and talk about their traumas and how they overcame them and they finally finally kiss, and Korra is awkward and fumbling some but Ciri is more confident and wanting and kiss becomes making out becomes \( >/////<)/ ahhhh and they fall in love and are super adorable and cute. I just think it's an Au with a lot of potential. I'll probably write chapters if people are interested. Tl; dr: I want Ciri from the Witcher and Korra from Lok to be a power couple be use that'd be incredible and the fix potential is insane
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Fandom Thing
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Three Fandoms:
1. Throne of Glass
2. Inheritance Cycle (Eragon Books)
3. Avatar and Legend of Korra (putting these Two together, deal With it)
The First Character You Loved:
1. Aelin
2. Arya
3. Toph
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
1. Asterin
2. Islanzadi
3. Ty Lee
The Character You Relate To The Most:
1. Manon
2. Elva
3. Korra (esp. Season one and Two Korra)
The Character You’d Slap:
1. Maeve
2. Galbatorix
3. Ozai
Three Favorite Characters:
1. Aelin, Rowan, Lysandra
2. Arya, Angela, Saphira
3. Uncle Iroh, Toph, Korra
A Character You Liked At First But Don’t Anymore:
1. Chaol
2. Gleadr
3. Kuvira
A Charcter You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
2. Murtagh
3. Zuko
Three OTPs:
1. Rowaelin, Manorian, Lysaedion
2. Färya, Saphira x Firnen (only have These Two sorry but i also ship Arya With someone from a different fandom if that counts?)
3. KORRASAMI (FTW ALL THE TIME OMG THEY ARE SO PRECIOUS), Kataang, sorry i'm out of OTPs here too but did i mention Korrasami?
Tagged: (Lol i dont have many People i can tag. Sooo lets just do the Two People i also know in Person 😜)
@aiko-yuki @aria-chan01
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gumbat-art · 7 years
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I don’t know why most of Prison School fans failed to see the relationship between Mari and Meiko. Yes, my NOTP is Marixkate. It’s obvious that Mari hates kate... they’re enemy to begin with. Mari always care about Meiko since they were kids until present time. And why do people can't understand that!? I’ve won the shipping wars between Korrasami and Makorra before. I’m confident this time I can win the shipping wars again. Marimei FTW! 
First image meme link : http://loveofthestars.tumblr.com/post/161348007079/idk-if-this-has-been-done-yet-but-i-made-this
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askauradonprep · 7 years
Again? Another ship war? first it was Kataraang vs Zutara, next was Taiora vs Sorato, next was Takari vs Daikari, then Makorra vs Masami vs Korrasami, then there's the BlackSun vs Bumblebee and now Marry vs Huma? Why can't I escape these shipwars. Fine I'll just ship Carvie :p eff Huma, eff Marry Carvie and Janelos FTW! maybe even BenLos
Multi shipping is the way of the future.
And I’ve been in fandom for 17 years. They’ve been a constant. 
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My favorite ATLA character would have to be Toph or maybe Azula.. (SO HARD TO CHOOSE BETWEEEN THEm) And for LoK there's a tie between Asami, and Lin. Then my OTP for ATLA probably is Sukka prob. ( I have a lot too lol) Otp for LoK, Korrasami of course :) Then my favorite animal companion for ATLA is Appa. LoK would be Naga. 😊😊
Great choices!  There are just so many great characters in ATLA and LOK, it’s hard to choose favorites.  Korrasami FTW!
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