crazyfox-archives · 8 months
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A painted image of a bodhisattva dating to the Kamakura period (1185-1333) at Kōzanji Temple (高山寺) up in northwest Kyoto
Image from the temple's official website
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chitaka45 · 1 year
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京都 高山寺 
kyoto kozanji temple
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holespoles · 2 years
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Peter Rabbit meets Cyojyu-Giga
It is also called "Japan's oldest manga," partly because some of the scenes show techniques similar to those used in current manga, and partly because it is said to be the oldest manga in Japan.
Cyojyu-Giga is an ink on paper picture scroll from Kozanji Temple in Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. It is a national treasure. It is also called Choju-giga (caricatures of birds, animals, and humans). The current composition consists of four scrolls called A, B, C, and D. The contents are caricatured depictions of animals and people, reflecting the state of the world at the time, and can be said to be a compilation of caricatures that began as oko-e. The A, in which rabbits, frogs, monkeys, and other animals are depicted in anthropomorphic form, is particularly famous.
Since there is no clear connection between the various scrolls and the brush strokes and styles of the paintings differ, it is said that they were created by several artists in different backgrounds as separate works between the 12th and 13th centuries (late Heian to early Kamakura periods), but as a result of their arrival at Kozan-ji Temple, they were collected together as caricatures of birds, animals, and people. The caricatures were introduced to Kozan-ji Temple.
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royumijapon · 11 months
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“Choju-Giga” — First manga in the history of Japan
The tradition of telling stories with a series of images in sequence has been a part of Japanese culture for a long time. This is the case of the “ Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga (鳥獣人物戯画)” which translates as “cartoons of anthropomorphic animals”, a series of very famous and somewhat mysterious scrolls of images since there are various assumptions about who and where made these. drawings and for what purpose these patterned scrolls were created. Given its structure and the way it is “read”, it has been named “ the first manga in the history of Japan” on many occasions.
It is a picture scroll consisting of 4 volumes in total, and its total length is about 44m, but it is not clear what the various caricatures drawn on it are intended to represent. It is a treasure of the Kozanji Temple in Kyoto and was designated as a National Treasure in 1952 .
The author is said to have been a high priest of the late Heian period (794 to 1185) named Toba Sōjō , who specialized in caricatures aimed at humor and satire, but there is no confirmation of this. Due to the difference in the brush strokes of each volume or scroll, it is believed that several painters were involved in creating the drawings on these image scrolls.
In these scrolls all kinds of animals appear, from monkeys that are playing in the water, jumping and swimming in the mountain stream (first scroll), horses, cows, dogs and chickens, there are drawn many fantasy animals such as kirin , dragons and baku (second scroll) to monks and lay people playing with each other by pulling their necks and playing sugoroku (third and fourth scrolls).
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wildbeautifuldamned · 9 months
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Shipping Included Lovely That Person Appendix Sou Kozanji Cloud And Choju Carica ebay k-tradings-jp
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myjapan-me · 1 year
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jayyoungman · 6 years
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欄干好き。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shot by #olympus #omd #em1markii #mzuiko #25mmf12pro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #欄干 #寺 #功山寺 #高杉晋助 #長府 #下関 #オリンパス #オリンパス倶楽部 #temple #kozanji #chofu #shimonoseki #mzuiko25mm #whim_life (Kōzan-ji (Shimonoseki))
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ojo-sappiness · 7 years
blooming snow flowers by Yoshi Shimamura Via Flickr: Before sunlight comes, snow flowers turned blue in a while. It's just so beautiful... Taken at Kozanji temple(高山寺), part of the World Heritage Site "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto".
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shoindo-blog · 4 years
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珍しい赤い高山寺。沢山の絵柄があり、好みの動物を組み合わせて下さい。 A rare red Kozanji temple. There are many patterns, please combine your favorite animals. #産寧坂#三年坂#清水寺#京都 #京焼 #清水焼 #茶道具 #うつわ #陶器 #抹茶茶碗 #陶磁器 #天目#Kyotoceramic #Kiyomizuceramic #Kyotoware #Kiyomizuware #Kyoto #pottery #ceramics #shoindo#松韻堂 (京都清水寺二三年阪) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEv3Cy-Aobg/?igshid=11t4omfd0cuxw
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crazyfox-archives · 9 months
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A pamphlet from Kōzanji Temple (高山寺) up in northwest Kyoto, founded in 1206 by the monk Myōe (明恵)
Acquired at the temple March 30, 1997
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art-kyoto-jp · 7 years
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No.695 at Kozanji Temple, Kyoto, Japan
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The Evolution of Sun Wukong's Title
1. Great Sage Steel Muscles and Iron Bones (Gangjin tiegu dasheng, 鋼筋鐵骨大聖) - 13th-century "Kozanji version" "Emperor T'ai Tsung later enfeoffed Monkey Pilgrim as 'Great Sage Steel Muscles and Iron Bones'" (Wivell, 1994, p. 1207). [1] 2. Great Sage Reaching Heaven (Tongtian dasheng, 通天大聖) - 15th-century Xiyouji zaju play
"We are five brothers and sisters: my elder sister is Lishan Laomu [離山老母, Venerable Mother of Mount Li], my second sister Wuzhiqi Shengmu [巫支祇聖母, Holy Mother Wuzhiqi]; my older brother is Qitian Dasheng [齊天大聖, Great Sage Equaling Heaven], I myself am Tongtian Dasheng [通天大聖, Great Sage Reaching Heaven], and my younger brother Shuashua Sanlang [耍耍三郎, Shuashua the Third Son]" (Dudbridge, 1970, p. 110). 3. Great Sage Equaling Heaven (Qitian dasheng, 齊天大聖) - 1592 edition of the novel
"…What is there to stop you from assuming the rank of the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven?" When the Monkey King heard these words, he could not conceal his delight, shouting repeatedly, "Bravo! Bravo!" "Make me a banner immediately." he ordered the four mighty commanders, "and inscribe on it in large letters, 'The Great Sage, Equal to Heaven.' Erect a pole to hang it on. From now on, address me only as the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, and the title Great King will no longer be permitted. The Monster Kings of the various caves will also be informed so that it will be known to all" (Wu & Yu, 2012, p. 151).  
1. The translation actually says "Bronze"; however, the original Chinese says "Steel" (see here).
Dudbridge, G. (1970). The Hsi-yu Chi: A Study of Antecedents to the Sixteenth-Century Chinese Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Wivell, C.S. (1994). The Story of How the Monk Tripitaka of the Great Country of T’ang Brought Back the Sūtras. In V. Mair (Ed.), The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature (pp. 1181-1207). New York: Columbia University Press.
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vol. 1). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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oniwastagram · 4 years
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\おにわさん更新情報📸/ ‪[ 山口県下関市 ] 功山寺庭園 Kozan-ji Temple Garden, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi の写真・記事を更新。 ーー #三条実美 らが #高杉晋作 と会談した“七卿潜居の間”から眺める心字池庭園。鎌倉時代の仏殿建築は国宝に指定。 ・・・・・・・・ 功山寺は鎌倉時代に創建された寺院で、創建とほぼ同時期の1320年に建立された仏殿が #国宝 に指定されています🕌 #国内最古 の唐様建築の仏殿で、鎌倉の『円覚寺』の舎利殿と並び仏殿建築の代表と言われるそう。山号の“金山”の扁額は後醍醐天皇により書かれたとも。 歴史的には、京都を追われ西国に逃れた #足利尊氏 が功山寺前身の『長福寺』に立ち寄ったり、周防・長門を治めた大内家が #毛利元就 との戦場⚔️となったり、長府毛利家の菩提寺になったり、そして幕末には高杉晋作率いる #奇兵隊 がこの功山寺から出兵したり…と歴史的人物も多く関わりを持ちました。 現在では #山陽花の寺 二十四か寺第9番として城下町長府の代表的観光スポットの一つ。 国宝の仏殿は境内開門時には自由に建物を鑑賞することができますが、庫裡で受付をすると法堂の内部・書院・庭園を拝観することができます。 ちなみに…庭園は撮影不可をなにかで見ていたのだけれど、「商用利用しなければ撮っていい」と許可をいただいたので、こちらで紹介します。 1835年に11代長府藩主 #毛利元義 が経蔵・庫裡・書院を建立寄進。その後の幕末、京都を追われた三条実美をはじめとする尊攘派の公家7名中5名がこの書院に潜居。この五卿潜居の舞台を“七卿潜居の間”と呼ぶそうです。ちょっと盛ってる。 高杉晋作が挙兵を決断、その意思を伝えたのもこの書院。 この書院から眺める形で心字池を中心とした池泉鑑賞式庭園があります。庭園の詳細はサイトにもリーフレットにも書かれていなかったけれど、書院や庫裡と同じ江戸時代末期に作庭されたと考えるのが自然かな…。 長府随一の苔庭🌿として知られるそうで、庫裡から書院への渡り廊下付近が一番苔に覆われた姿を観ることができます。斜面はツツジ・サツキが多いので晩春にはより美しい姿が見られそう! 国指定の文化財は仏殿だけですが、総門は #国登録有形文化財 、江戸時代に建てられた山門や経蔵、書院などが下関市指定文化財となっています。 なお参道が長府の紅葉の名所🍁の一つらしいのですが今回訪れた時にはまだグラデーションかかりはじめだった。ここに限らず長府の町はとにかくモミジが多くてきれいな場所だった。また新緑の季節や紅葉のピークに訪れたい街! 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ‪🔗おにわさん記事URL:‬ https://oniwa.garden/kozanji-shimonoseki-%e5%8a%9f%e5%b1%b1%e5%af%ba%e5%ba%ad%e5%9c%92/ ーーーーーーーー ‪#庭園 #日本庭園 ‪#garden #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #下関 #下関市 #shimonoseki #山口 #山口市 #yamaguchi #長州 #長府 #chofu #寺院 #寺社仏閣 #temple #苔庭 #mossgarden #おにわさん (功山寺) https://www.instagram.com/p/B91KGeWpTbz/?igshid=1ufvetwcrfci0
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ourbedtimedreams · 7 years
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winter morning kyoto by Yoshi Shimamura Via Flickr: After the sun came out, snow flowers started melt rapidly and gone... Taken at same as here, Kozanji temple(高山寺), part of the World Heritage Site "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto".
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pekopeko5400 · 4 years
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kozanji-temple kyoto
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myjapan-me · 1 year
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