yuliia-ozen · 5 months
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Holodomor Museum keeps the memory of innocent Ukrainians killed with the man-made famine (known as Holodomor, the Great Famine of 1932-1933) organized by the soviet government. The number of the dead in the genocide varies from 4,5 to 10 million people, according to different researchers.
My late grandma remembered this horror for all her life. She was 8 that time. Her smaller sisters and brothers, 4 kids in our family, died from hunger in Holodomor. I remember that my grandma kept the packages full of dry bread in the nightstand till her last day.
90 years passed. The terrorist state of russia continues to commit its awful crimes, blackmailing the whole world with famine. Slogans like "Never again" are not working. They never did.
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anoonimthepoorchad · 3 months
I went for a long walk today! Turns out Kyiv didn't magically become less filled with hills and all roads didn't thaw overnight in freezing temperatures, but I didn't even fall once. And I had a chance to take photos of pretty places I visited along my way.
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jeffurlan · 1 month
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📍Kyiv, Ukraine 💙💛🇺🇦
📷 @vitwai
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theophan-o · 6 months
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St Sophia (Divine Wisdom) Cathedral in Kyiv (Софійський собор, Софія Київська, Софіївський собор), built in the early 11th century, restored in the 17th century.
Bohun (together with B. Chmielnicki) could admire the cathedral right after its first great restoration, ordered by the Metropolitan of Kyiv, Petro Mohyla after 1633. Unfortunately, he could not see the huge baroque bell tower, because it was built after his death, during Hetman Ivan Mazepa rule (1687-1709).
Here some old postcard, I have bought during my first stay in Kyiv.
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ozenuk · 7 months
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lloreleya · 7 months
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С того момента, как мне стала доступна первая цифровая камера, я была фотографом на всех семейных и дружеских мероприятиях, я любила фотографировать и бережно сохраняла всё, что могла заснять. Не так давно мне попались на глаза фотки из старых папок, и я с раздражением подумала: это старьё мне надоело, надо удалить всё, оставить по паре каких-то кадров - зачем мне остальное... А сегодня, вот, листала эти старые фотографии, и вдруг поняла странную вещь: удалить мне хочется не все старые фото. Какие-то вещи, вроде бы даже важные, семейные, торжественные - хочется стереть. А какие-то оставили светлый след в душе и пусть будут дальше...
Я знаю, чем кончится дело: я ничего не удалю. Скорее всего. Или нет. Я не знаю смысла этих архивов. Мало людей знает, кто на этих снимках, и чем дальше - тем меньше их будет. Какие-то гипотетические "следующие поколения" не будут это смотреть, зачем бы им, да и для них большинство там - странные, чужие люди, пойманные в какой-то момент давно забытого фрагмента жизни. А если уж оставлять "для себя" - так действительно имеет смысл только то, что греет душу. Наверное, так.
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На фото - вечерний Киев 2007 года. Не помню, откуда снято. С башни Минтранса что ли...
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ratanarchyexp · 14 days
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mon-verona · 1 month
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everyday1photo · 24 days
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yuliia-ozen · 5 months
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Blackout times in Kyiv a year ago.
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thalia-pages · 7 months
Київ говорить
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Вересень 2023
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jeffurlan · 9 days
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🫶 This is Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦🌷💛
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theophan-o · 8 months
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The Dormition Cathedral of the Cave Monastery in Kyiv [Собор Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці Києво-Печерської лаври]. My own photograph taken in September 2013.
@3cy-uaf-81, something specially for you!
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ozenuk · 7 months
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Михайлівський золотоверхий монасти - St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery Kyiv, Ukraine.
The sky-blue St. Michael's Cathedral, with its fabulously shining domes, is one of the most beautiful and important Orthodox temples in Ukraine. Built in the 90s, it is a remake of the destroyed St. Michael's Cathedral, which stood on the territory of the oldest monastery of Kyivan Rus for over eight centuries.
The grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, Prince Sviatopolk, founded the cathedral in the early 12th century. It is named in honor of St. Michael - the protector of Kyiv. Its nickname, the Golden-Domed Cathedral, comes from the fact that was is the first and only church with such extravagant domes in ancient Rus. Byzantine master architects participated in the Cathedral’s construction. Yet elements of Ukrainian architectural style also come through clearly. At the same time the cathedral was built, smaller buildings also sprung up around it.
The church became the most honored religious monument among the residents of Kyiv. Its importance grew in 1108, after it got its main shrine - the relics of the St. Barbara, brought to Kyiv from Constantinople. Since the original cathedral was destroyed, these relics have been kept in St. Volodymyr's Cathedral in Kyiv.
Although the monastery was severely damaged during the Mongolian Tatar invasion, it continued to prosper and grow, mostly due to the efforts of Polish kings and (later) Ukrainian Hetmans. In the 16th century, St. Michael's Monastery was one of the richest cloisters in Kyiv. One century later, it was almost completely rebuilt, adding Ukrainian baroque details.
St. Michael's Cathedral is famous for its unique mosaics and frescos, which are rightfully considered to be the greatest creations of the Old Russian monumental painting. Its mosaics are nicknamed ‘glimmering,’ because of their exquisiteness and shine. When the temple was completely demolished by the Soviets in 1937, the valuable mosaics were rescued. Some of them were kept in the St. Sophia Cathedral, others were taken to the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg and the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. After the cathedral’s reconstruction, all of them were returned.
Today, the St. Michael's monastic complex includes, along with the rebuilt cathedral, a refectory with the Church of St. John the Divine and a bell tower, created in the 18th century. A museum dedicated to the history of the St. Michael's complex operates inside the bell tower. Its unique exhibition tells in detail about the significance and the tragic history of the cloister, along with other religious buildings in Kyiv demolished by the Bolsheviks. Fantastic views on the Ukrainian capital open up from the bell tower of the monastery.
information from; https://discover-ukraine.info/places/kyiv/kyiv/166
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lloreleya · 5 months
Сегодня у меня немого Киева и солнечного, но холодного дня. Хотя на фото кажется, что уже вечер, просто солнце уже в половине третьего начинает прятаться в дымку и валиться к горизонту...
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ratanarchyexp · 14 days
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On the roof
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