#l size eru
wonderouslilith · 7 years
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Since it became a rule to L be in ALL my social accounts icons, i decided to make this chibi baby to be my instagram account.
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Rokuya Nagi: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 2
Tsumugi: Everyone, thank you for gathering when you’re busy. I thought I would ask for requests for Nagi-san’s “RADIO STATION ‘Twelve Hits!’”!
T: To manage the chat and check the contents, us managers will also participate this time. Please take care of us.
6: I was looking forward to everyone’s requests so I couldn’t sleep last night.
3: Didn’t you fall asleep while watching the news yesterday? Lol
6: :-))))
5: But, Nagi-kun looking forward to it was true.
4: He talked a lot about the requests.
7: Really? He didn’t talk that much with me tho…
1: That’s not true. It’s just that Nanase-san didn’t notice.
3: He emphasized it a lot tho!
7: Eeeeeh?!
2: Maybe he ignored it cuz he couldn’t notice. Not like asking us straightforwardly, it was more like including the word “request” when he spoke.
7: Ah! That reminds me, I thought it was kind of weird when he repeatedly asked me the coffee sizes at the shop...
7: “Riku, there are three sizes, S, M, and L,” he said. [T/N: What Nagi said: “Riku, esu to emu to eru, mitsu saizu ga arimasu yo.”]
8: What’s that?
9: “Request~” isn’t it? [T/N: In Japanese, “request” is “rikuesuto” so Nagi had said, “Riku, esu to” hence, the secret “Request” in there.]
10: It’s true! It said “request” huh! Amazing!
Okazaki: Is that a pun?
Anesagi: No way… He said a pun…?
100: Nagi is playful~( *´艸`)
1000: That’s a cute gag that Momo would say.
6: It’s not a gag but I’m relieved that Riku understood it.
6: I appealed as much as I could think of but he didn’t notice at all... Defeating Riku was like playing in critical mode.
4: Rikkun is the last boss huh. 
100: No matter how strong the magic, it won’t work if the enemy’s attribute doesn’t match huh~.
7: Sorry, Nagi! I’ll be ready so you can say puns anytime…!
6: Let’s play fair. I’ll develop my skill too. :-)
T: I’m also happy that Nagi was looking forward to it that much. To hype up more, I want to collect requests from everyone!
T: So then, this time I will ask from the youngest. Tamaki-san please!
4: Oooh.
4: Do a radio without using “OH!”
100: Eh! Is that okay? Isn’t going“OH!” like breathing for Nagi?!
10: Speaking without using dialect is hard to get used to huh...
1: “OH!” is a dialect…?
6: There’s no problem. Speaking in any way is my speciality.
1000: That reminds me, you were speaking Japanese at the press conference before huh.
9: He’s speaking Japanese now too. 
4: Nagicchi was suuuuuuuper cool that time right!
4: I like the energetic radios with Rikkun too but I want to see that one more tiiime.
5: It’s the radio so you would hear him, not see him, but we will be happy to know various Nagi-kuns huh.
4: So-chan you’re so nit-picky!
6: Tamaki, thank you for the wonderful request.
6: I also wanted to introduce my many charms to everyone. I’ll show you that I will catch the listener’s hearts with a different me.
T: Seems like it would be a special episode with a different Nagi-san!
T: Next is Iori-san please. 
1: From me it’s “Please let us hear stories about Northmeir.”
1: It’s a country with not many Japanese tourists, so there are probably a lot of people who want to know about it.
1: More than that, I’m really interested in what culture and nature built Rokuya Nagi as a person.
6: A wonderful request. If it’s about my beloved home country, I could talk forever.
6: Even when the moon and stars fall asleep, I won’t have run out of talking points.
1: Rokuya-san’s expression is sometimes romantic; it makes me realize you grew up overseas.
2: Certainly. It’s too embarrassing for Japanese people to say.
8: Is that so?
2: Yaotome could say any embarrassing words (lol)
8: Why is that? Nikaido too, wouldn’t it be better so say what you’re thinking without embarrassment?
6: It’s exactly as Yaotome-shi said. Even though there are a lot of shy people in Japan, Yamato should become honest too.
6: I’ll give you lessons so you can express yourself straight without embarrassment!
2: Nononono. Enough talking about me. 
2: How about we talk about Nagi-kun. 
1: Isn’t it fine? How about taking his lesson, Nikaido-san?
2: Ichi, you don’t have to say that.
6: With Iori too right?
1: I’m fine. 
1: Because my selling point as an idol is being cool.
10000: I think it’s good tho. Don’t the fans want to see Iori-kun saying romantic lines?
7: A romantic Iori! I wanna see that!
2: Me too. (lol)
3: Me too!!!
1: Manager, please move on to the next request.
T: Y-Yes! Then, Riku-san please!
7: But we weren’t done talking… We’ll talk about the lessons more later okay!
7: My request to Nagi is “An i7 drawing song”!
7: I’ll make a drawing song about the members so I want Nagi to draw while singing it.
6: Riku will compose a song? A wonderful challenge!
7: It’s not like composing! I was thinking that I’ll just come up with the lyrics, so you can make an impromptu melody…!
6: I see, an impromptu melody. That’s a bit hard huh. 
6: But I could probably draw well while singing something that goes with the melody to Kokona’s opening song…?
6:|ω・`) peek
T: I’ll check if we can get permission!
6: I’m happy to have a wonderful manager :-)))))))
7: Manager, thanks!
1000: If you’re going to draw, it would probably be nice to be able to see it somewhere.
100: There’s no images cuz it’s the radio huuuh.
5: How about uploading it to the show’s homepage?
6: NICE IDEA. If people are going to see it, it motivates me.
6: My drawing skills will burst.
Okazaki: “See more on our website” huh!
Anesagi: Young people won’t understand that reference right...
T: Riku-san, thank you for the fun request!  Next, how about asking Kujou-san?
9: From me it’s “I want to hear what you wish would be better about living in Japan.”
9: When we were on a shoot before, I asked “Teach me the places you like in Japan” right? So I wanted to try hearing the opposite. 
6: The time we went overseas for a magazine interview project huh. How nostalgic.
6: But, that’s a difficult question huh… I want summer heat to be better but that’s on a universe scale.
9: You’ve lived in another country so I think you can notice something.
10: Nagi-kun, if there’s something, please say so without holding back! I could change it a little bit.
8: You can change Japan? (lol)
10: I’ll work hard to be the first step!
6: I feel Japan is a wonderful country with beautiful culture and history, and all the women are lovely.
6: Also, both Japan and Northmeir are my country. I have nothing but happiness for the country I love and admire, where I can be with my treasured friends.
3: We also have nothing but happiness that Nagi came to Japan..!
7: That’s right, Nagi!!
6: To be able to meet everyone, Japan is the country I love more and more.
4: Nagicchiiiiiiiiiiii
5: Nagi-kun..!
1: Rokuya-san is necessary to us too.
2: Even though we don’t even need to say that (lol)
Anesagi: IDOLiSH7 is a nice group huh...
T: Yes! I can’t see my screen through my tears...
9: Um, excuse me.
9: Should I change my question?
6: That’s not necessary. Thanks to Kujou-shi’s question, I was able to verify everyone’s love. Definitely, please let me accept this request.
9: Huh...
T: S-Sorry! I’ll get back to collecting requests…!
T: Next is Nagi-san’s request for himself please.
6: My turn huh! I decided on the request when the radio project started. 
6: It’s “Challenge with Rakugo”! [T/N: Rakugo = Japanese classical storytelling]
4: Rakugo is that scary steam bun one? [T/N: He’s referring to one of the stories.]
6: “Manjyuu Kowai” is a Rakugo, but it’s not the only Rakugo. [T/N: “Manjyuu Kowai” literally translates to “scary steam bun.” It’s one of the stories.]
5: That reminds me, you were watching a TV show about Rakugo at night before this huh.
1: The time when he didn’t pass us the remote for a while huh...
6: Like anime and Rakugo, Japanese culture is full of wonderful Japanese charm!
6: I also wanted to wear a kimono and say “Teyandei”! [T/N: The old Japanese word for “damn it”]
6: I wanna pile cushions up high!
6: HEY, MITSUKI! Please bring the cushions! 
3: You’re mixing things up, Nagi! lol
2: Even though it’s close.
6: There’s just one problem. 
6: Making the soba slurping sound is a very difficult thing. 
10000: It’s characteristic for Rakugo to make sounds of eating or drinking something huh.
8: If you don’t understand how to slurp shall I teach you?
8: Definitely should eat soba while slurping. I want you to eat in the best way.
7: Yaotome-san, you like soba huh!
8: Well yeah.
8: Normally
8: I mean, I like it normally. 
10: Every Japanese person likes it huh!
9: Soba aside, it seems like radio and Rakugo would go together well, so I think it’s a good request. 
Anesagi: The conversation has piled up huh! Takanashi-san, how about going to the next one?
T: Right! Then, can we go from Sougo-san next?
5: Yes. My request is “I want Nagi-kun to talk about the things he likes as much as he wants.” 
5: I like the Nagi-kun when he’s talking about what he likes in a lively manner.
5: Maybe because I'm the same as Nagi-kun, I could be absorbed in what I like. I can feel Nagi-kun’s feelings of love so it makes me feel like I’m having fun too.
6: It’s a nice Sougo-ish request!
T: Nagi-san’s talks are always filled with love huh!
T: If Nagi-san would talk, what kind of subject would it be?
*T: Really, probably your talks about Kokona-chan!
6: I can’t talk enough in just the request corner. Not without the entire radio show being a Kokona corner.
6: It’s really hard to decide but I'll think of something.
5: Thanks, Nagi-kun. I hope my request will be chosen.
2: Ahh, sorry. Stop for a bit.
2: Tama flipped instant soba into kitchen sink.
T: Did he get burnt?!
5: He’s not hurt. Just, Tamaki-kun is really depressed...
3: Because Nagi was saying he wants to practice slurping soba, so Tamaki was making it for Nagi while also making his own.
4: Nagicchi, I’m really sorry...
4: [Turned-Away Kinako Stamp]
4: [Turned-Away Kinako Stamp]
4: [Turned-Away Kinako Stamp]
6: Tamaki...
6: You don’t have to apologize. I was touched by Tamaki’s kindness. Tamaki’s mistake is my mistake.
6: Let’s clean the sink soba together.
6: And, let’s pour hot water into new soba together.
4: [Crying Kinako Stamp]
100: You’re going to pour together? Into one instant soba? Won’t you flip it again?!
1000: Teaming up huh. Shall we do it too, Momo?
100: I see…?! If it that then we won’t lose. (っ`・ω・´)っ)))
T: So then, how about we have a lunch break? T: After time has passed, I’ll talk to you again.
T: If Nagi-san would talk, what kind of subject would it be?
T: I want you to talk about IDOLiSH7!
6: That IDOLiSH7 is the best idol group, I’ll spread it all over the world.
6: It’s really hard to decide but I'll think of something.
T: If Nagi-san would talk, what kind of subject would it be?
T: Like, what are you into it lately…?
6: I’m always into Tsumugi ;-)
6: It’s really hard to decide but I'll think of something.
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eyeofhorus237 · 6 years
Lost lands can be continents, islands or other regions existing during prehistory, having since disappeared as a result of catastrophic geological phenomena or slowly rising sea levels since the end of the last Ice Age.[citation needed] Lost lands, where they existed, are supposed to have subsided into the sea, leaving behind only a few traces or legends.[citation needed] The term can also be extended to mythological lands generally, to underground civilizations, or even to whole planets.[citation needed]
The classification of lost lands as continents, islands, or other regions is in some cases subjective; for example, Atlantis is variously described as either a "lost island" or a "lost continent". Lost land theories may originate in mythology or philosophy, or in scholarly or scientific theories, such as catastrophic theories of geology.[citation needed]
Lost continents
As the study "Lost Continents" by L. Sprague de Camp seeks to show, many modern writers speculate about ancient civilizations that dwelled on continents now deluged under sea level.[citation needed] According to de Camp, there is no real scientific evidence for any lost continents whatsoever.
The most famous lost continent is Atlantis. Atlantis, like Hyperborea and Thule, is ultimately derived from ancient Greek geographic speculation and memories of the Minoan eruption of the Thera volcano.
The name of hypothetical vanished continent Mu originated from the first attempted translation of the Madrid Codex, one of only four remaining Maya codices.
Something similar seems to have happened upon the discovery of the Sanskrit literature by Europeans.[citation needed]Louis Jacolliot claimed to have learned from this literature about a sunken continent called Rutas.[citation needed] This in turn seems to have influenced Madame Blavatsky and her speculations about Lemuria. Speculations about Kumari Kandam by Tamil scholars also seem to be linked to this field. The name Lemuria originated from the hypothesis about a land bridge between India and South Africa.[citation needed]
Zealandia, a scientifically accepted continent that is now 94% submerged under the Pacific Ocean, surrounding the areas of New Zealand and New Caledonia.
Submerged lands
Main articles: Submerged continent and Continental fragment
Although the existence of lost continents in the above sense is mythical (aside from Zealandia), there were many places on earth that were once dry land but submerged after the ice age around 10,000 BCE due to rising sea levels, and possibly were the basis for neolithic and bronze age flood myths. Some others were lost due to coastal erosion or volcanic eruptions. Approximately listed by size, these are:
Dvārakā, mythical city of Krishna, claimed by some to be found in marine archeology in the Gulf of Khambhat
Sundaland, the now submerged Sunda Shelf.
Kerguelen Plateau, a submerged micro-continent which is now 1–2 km below sea level.
Beringia, connecting Asia and North America.
Doggerland, the bed of the North Sea, inundated by rising sea level during the Holocene.
A large island in the Mediterranean Sea, of which Malta is the only part not now submerged.
Maui Nui, once a large island of the Hawaii archipelago; several major islands represent residual high ground of Maui Nui.
New Moore Island, an island in the Bay of Bengal submerged in 2010 by rising sea levels.
Verdronken Land van Reimerswaal, most of this region in The Netherlands vanished in a storm in 1532; the town of Reimerswaal survived as an island into the 17th century; the last bits of land vanished in the early 19th century.
Strand, an island off the German coast with the town Rungholt, eroded away by storm surges before being washed away by a final flood in 1634.
Jomsborg and Vineta, legendary cities on the south coast of the Baltic Sea supposed to have been submerged in the Middle Ages.
Jordsand, once an island off the Danish coast, eroded away by storm surges before being washed away by a final flood between 1998 and 1999.
Ferdinandea, submerged volcanic island which has appeared at least four times in the past.
Sarah Ann Island, now submerged guano island, located just north of the equator. Vanished between 1917 and 1932.
Ravenser Odd, a large 13th-century town on an old sandbank promontory in East Yorkshire, which became an island and then vanished in January 1392.
Dunwich, the traditional capital of the Kingdom of the East Angles that was lost to the sea by gradual coast erosion and partly by a storm surge in 1286.
Mythological lands
Main articles: List of mythological places and Mythical continents
Atlantis, Plato's utopian paradise
Lemuria, a mythical lost continent with an ancient Tamil civilization in the Indian or the Pacific Ocean
Avalon, the mythical lost land or island in Arthurian, Cornish and Welsh legend.
Buyan, an island with the ability to appear and disappear in Slavic mythology.
Cantre'r Gwaelod, in Welsh legend, the ancient sunken realm said to have occupied a tract of fertile land lying between Ramsey Island and Bardsey Island in what is now Cardigan Bay to the west of Wales.
Iram of the Pillars, A reference to a lost city, country or area mentioned in the Qur'an.
Kitezh, A legendary underwater city located in Russia, populated by spiritual people.
Llys Helig Welsh legends regarding the local rock formations conceal the palace of Prince Helig ap Glanawg, said to be part of a larger drowned kingdom near Penmaenmawr, Wales.
Lyonesse in Arthurian literature, it was the home of Tristan and is associated with the Isles of Scilly, Cornwall (an area inundated by the sea c.2500BC), the tale parallels the Welsh and particularly Breton legendary lost lands.
Númenor an island west of Middle-Earth, east of Valinor in the sea of Belegaer. Was sunken in a great wave sent from Eru Ilúvatar after the men of Númenor sent a great fleet to invade Valinor.[1]
Shambhala, in the Hollow Earth
Shangri-La, a fictitious valley in Tibet the idea of which may have been inspired by the myth of Shambhala
Quivira and Cibola, also known as the Seven Cities of Gold. These were suspected somewhere in America by the Conquistadors.
El Dorado, mythic city of gold.
Ys; a mythical drowned city in Brittany, similar to other Celtic lost lands in Welsh and Cornish tradition. Most versions of the legend place the city in the Baie de Douarnenez,
Phantom islands
Main article: Phantom island
Phantom islands, as opposed to lost lands, are land masses formerly believed by cartographers to exist in the historical age, but to have been discredited as a result of expanding geographic knowledge. Terra Australis is a phantom continent. While a few phantom islands originated from literary works (an example is Ogygia from Homer's Odyssey), most phantom islands are the result of navigational errors.
In literature and philosophy
Main article: Lost World (genre)
The following individuals are known for having written on the subject of lost lands (either as fiction, hypothesis, or supposed fact):
H.P. Blavatsky
Edgar Rice Burroughs (The Land That Time Forgot, Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar, At the Earth's Core)
William L. Chester (Nato'wa, Kioga book series)
James Churchward
Ignatius L. Donnelly
Arthur Conan Doyle (The Lost World)
Burak Eldem
Warren Ellis
Philip José Farmer
Geoffrey of Monmouth first mention of Avalon in his Historia Regum Britanniae
James Gurney (Dinotopia)
H Rider Haggard
Robert A. Heinlein (Lost Legacy)
James Hilton (Lost Horizon)
Robert E. Howard (Conan the Barbarian)
Édouard Lalo (Le roi d'Ys)
H. P. Lovecraft often invoked the names of lost lands of his own invention, a practice that subsequently gave birth to the Cthulhu mythos.
Augustus Le Plongeon
Zecharia Sitchin
J. R. R. Tolkien partially based the story of Númenor, referenced in The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, on Atlantis.
Samael Aun Weor
Jack Vance (Lyonesse Trilogy)
Jules Verne used the idea of a partially hollow Earth in his novel A Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864).
Lost lands figured prominently in the philosophy of the Nazi Thule Society in regards to researchers of the occult and Nazi mysticism such as Karl Maria Wiligut, Heinrich Himmler and Otto Rahn.
See also
Flood myths
Lost city
Lost World
Vanishing island
Tidal island
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akhlanbetabisnis · 3 years
SOP Subarashi untuk Paru paru, WA 0878 9381 1922
sop subarashi untuk diabetes | 0878 9381 1922, testimoni tentang bagaimana orang ini mengalami sering sesak nafas dan hasil diagnosa dokter menyatakan bahwa beliau mengalami gangguan atau penyakit pada paru parunya yang mengharuskan dirinya dirawat di rumah sakit paru
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ketika beliau memutuskan untuk mencoba terapi dengan mengkonsumsi sop 100+ / SOP SUABARASHI dari afc life science beliay mengalami perubahan dan kesembuhan dengan cepat dari ganguan paru paru
Testimoni SOP Subarashi untuk paru-paru Anak
Seorang anak di diagnosa dokter menderita penyakit tifus karena panas tinggi dan mengalami kejang kejang atau epilepsi saat di rumah sakit dan hasilnya dokter juga mendiagnosa anak ini mengidap penyakit TB Paru.
Karena panas tinggi yg di alaminya menyebabkan anak ini tidak dapat berjalan dan bicara lagi dengan normal
setelah mengkonsumsi sop 100+ / SOP SUBARASHI dari afc life science sebanyak 9 saset terjadi perubahan yang sangat baik yang membuat anak ini dapat bicara dan berjalan lagi secara normal seperti sediakala dan kondisinyat erus membaik setiap hari berkat bantuan sop 100+ / SOP SUABARSHI
Apa itu SOP Subarashi
SOP100+ / SOP SUBARASHI adalah suplemen oligopeptida salmon pertama di dunia yang diproduksi dengan menggunakan teknologi terkini dari Jepang, teknologi Degradasi Biologis Enzim, yang mana teknologi hidrolisis unik tersebut dipatenkan (Japanese Patent No. 3691497).
Menghasilkan konsentrat peptida nano size 600 dalton, sehingga mudah untuk diserap dan berfungsi maksimal dalam tubuh manusia
Manfaat SOP Subarashi
Manfaat Utama:
Jantung (Mencegah penyakit jantung, memperlancar sirkulasi darah dan oksigen, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi.)
Pembuluh Darah (Anti hipertensi, mencegah kolestrol, mencegah pengendapan lemak.)
Rahim (Mencegah kanker serviks, memperlambat menopause, mencegah keputihan, balance hormon.)
Memperkuat Tulang.
Anti Aging Kulit, Mempercepat Proses Penyembuhan Luka.
Pelumas Sendi.
Otak, Dipatenkan untuk anti pikun melawan Alzheimer.
Imun Sistem, Melawan Sel Kanker dengan Meregenerasi Sel baru.
Membuang racun dalam Hati.
Mencegah Kanker Usus.
Memperkuat Akar Rambut.
Komposisi: Telur salmon, Barley, pemanis alami-Maltitol, Ertritol, Glikosida steviol, L-Glutation, Yoghurt bubuk, Vit.C, Penstabil Trikalsium Fosfat.
Cara Pemakaian:
Taruh serbuk di bawah lidah paling bagus dikonsumsi pagi hari antara jam 5 sd jam 9 pagi setelah bangun tidur sebelum makan apapun.
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Untuk menjaga kesehatan bisa konsumsi 1x1 per hari. Untuk penyembuhan sakit bisa di tambahkan dosis sampai 4x1 per hari, tergantung kondisi penyakit. Baca Lebih....!!!
Cara Kerja SOP Subarashi untuk Paru-Paru
SOP Subarashi mampu merangsang pelepasan jutaan stem cell dewasa dari sumsum tulang ke aliran darah.
juga membantu steam cell kembali aktif , sehingga dapat membantu meregenerasi sel sel yang rusak.
sel paru-paru akan kembali berfungsi dengan baik jika konsumsi sop subarashi secara teratur.
Harga SOP Subarashi untuk Paru-paru
Ada 3 Paket Pilihan yang sangat Kami Anjurkan dalam Terapi Paru-paru menggunakan SOP Subarashi ini :
1. SOP 100+ 1box isi 28saset Rp. 1.750.000,- Bisa untuk 14hari
2. SOP 100+ 2box isi 56saset Rp. 3.600.000,- Bisa untuk 28hari
3. SOP 100+ 6box isi 168saset Rp. 10.500.000,- Bisa untuk 84hari
4. SOP 100+ 12box isi 336saset Rp. 21.000.000,- Bisa untuk 168hari
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Banyak yang memilih Paket 84 hari dan 168hari agar tidak putus-putus. Setiap Orang memiliki pengalaman yang berbeda dan reaksi pada setiap orang juga berbeda jangka waktunya.
0 notes
legolasgoldy · 7 years
( gonna do both muses but do Finrod first since thats who the person who tagged me interacts with ;3  Main Verse will be in regular text, and Modern/Marvel In italics.)
FULL NAME: Main: Findarato/Artafinde (Artafinde is the less used of his father-names),  Ingoldo ( his mother-name). Modern/Marvel: Finrod Ingoldo Felagund OTHER NAMES: Findo ( used by family/cousins/lover( Makalaure, but still a cousin so..)), Finda ( used by parents), Felagund, Nóm, Nómin TITLE: King of Nargothrond, Prince of the Noldor, Hewer of Caves AGE: Main: Can be anywhere up to roughly 2300 the age around when we died, unless through au in which he would be reborn.  Modern/Marvel: Can be anywhere from 7-30s depending on type of thread. GENDER:  Male SEXUALITY: Bisexual/Demisexual ORIGIN: Main: Tirion, Valinor Modern/Marvel: Maine, US CURRENT LOCATION:  Main: Depends on thread but I’ll say Nargothrond. Modern/Marvel: Depends on thread, could be southern US ( havent decided which state yet) or New York. NATIONALITY: Main: Noldorin, Half Teleri? Hopefully that answers the question, Modern/Marvel: American but his parents are english so he sort of talks English anyway. ETHNICITY:  Caucasian SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Main: Quenya, Telerin, Sindarin, Taliska(What the race of Man spoke), Dwarvish, etc. He literally just learns everything. Modern/Marvel: English and as many languages as he can get reading materials to learn. RELIGION: Main: I dont know what to say for middle earth? They have Eru and the Valar and those are their “Gods”, Modern/Marvel: Christian? HEIGHT:  Main: 6′1″, Modern/Marvel: Depends on age but still ends up 6′1″. BODY TYPE: Same for all verses/aus. Well toned, Muscular but not overly so. Very pretty round butt lol XD, Body claim pictured here be warned its a lil nsfw but nothing shows. EYES:  Light-ish Emerald Green TATTOOS: None PIERCINGS:  His ears in all aus/verses. In Main verse he wears dangly earrings, In Modern/Marvel he wears studs of all sizes but usually bigger ones. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: tbh im not sure in main verse, he was just taught the general things and then later he pursued music. Modern/Marvel: grade school, highschool, Xavier Institute, and in regular modern he goes to a lot of music oriented colleges. SOCIAL MEDIA: N/A SMOKING: Never DRINKING: Main: He likes drinking wine with dinner and at formal events. Modern/Marvel: As an adult he likes drinking wine with dinner here as well. DRUGS: Never ATHLETICS: Hes open to trying anything at least once HOBBIES: Writing music, singing, playing music, Learning, Exploring, Journaling, drawing/painting plants and animals for his journals. VIRGIN: No. In Main he lost his with his beloved Makalaure around...his 200s i think the age was. Modern/Marvel: Lost it at 16 with Makalaure In Marvel bc of reasons, and in regular Modern he loses it around 19-20s with Makalaure. FAVORITE DRINK: Tea, particularly English Breakfast FAVORITE FOOD: Link Sausage ( the only meat he eats aside from the occasional seafood), Deviled Eggs. FAVORITE MUSIC: Main: Anything Makalaure sings XD, Modern/Marvel: Yet again, anything Makalaure sings and classical, but he loves any music that speaks to him no matter what Genre. CLOTHING STYLE: Main: Very fancy. He wears a lot of greens in any shade/tint. He wears, golds, whites, yellows, and blues sometimes too. His tunics have intricate embroidery of various things, can be random swirls, vines, flowers, etc. Tunics can be shorter horse riding attire or longer. He doesnt particularly like super long robes though, he prefers shorter tunics ( like knee length and higher) with formal cloaks type covers that drag behind him. Usually wears pretty embroidered boots that match his outfit. Findo’s closet is hugee. He always wears jewelry, earrings, necklaces, rings, headdresses, the works! He tries to be casual sometimes but thats basically just a necklace, rings, and earrings. Modern Marvel: He will nottt wear blue jeans. Its just not his cup of tea, he doesnt like having to match his shirts with blue pants plus he doesnt like the thickness of some kinds of jeans.  He’ll wear different color jeans, just not thick, coarse, blue jean material. He prefers that sort of fabric that resembles jeans but is lighter/thinner different fabric, and a bit more flexible/ semi-stretch.  Findo will wear any color pants that suit his fancy, particularly greens, light greys, whites, beiges, etc.  He doesnt like pants that are too loose or too tight, so they are an in between, straight legged pants. Button up shirts are his favorite, in any color that he likes ( never black). Sometimes if he cant find any shirts with embroidery on it he’ll embroider some things on the cuffs and collar. But he did find a white button up shirt with green leaves embroidered onto the collar and cuffs once at the store and thats where he got the idea, and that shirt has forever been his favorite. Always wears his stud earrings.  His shoes are typically a type of dress shoe in various colors, black, brown, green suede, blue suede, etc.  ( all of this excludes when he is a child in the 1970s * cough cough* green corduroy bell bottoms,  and  teenager in the 1980s lol lord help his sense of fashion then, bright colors everywhere X’D) UNDERWEAR TYPE: Main: Doesnt wear any, Modern/Marvel: He’ll wear briefs, and short boxer briefs in rich blues and greens. He would not be caught dead in actual boxers. TAGGED BY: @blind-mutant TAGGING: @mikhailvalhidris, @minstrelmaglor, @truesanguinesoul, @i-dream-of-oceans, @driftinglightofthewoods, @castoutbymyown, @atorturedsoul, @youcancallmepietro, @first-son-of-finwe, @eclairegrey, @artaresto  ( Tagged a few new followers so you feel included! ;D Feel free not to, i know thats a ton to fill out XD).
Phillip’s form is filled out under the cut  to save space ;D
FULL NAME: Phillip Chevalier OTHER NAMES: Phil TITLE: N/A AGE: 28 GENDER:  Male SEXUALITY: Homosexual ORIGIN: France CURRENT LOCATION: America, US ( not sure which state, it really just changes to fit threads) NATIONALITY: French ETHNICITY:  Caucasian SPOKEN LANGUAGES: French, English, Can speak a little Spanish hes just not the best at it he only knows small things he learned in school the rest he forgot. RELIGION: Catholic/ Christian altho not strictly catholic or anything, he just went to catholic churches as a child occasionally when his Mama and Papa wanted to pray so those kind of churches are what hes most comfortable in as far as churches go. It would be weird for him to go into a church and there not be a candle to light. HEIGHT:  5′8″ BODY TYPE:  Its so difficult to explain XD Pictured Here EYES:  Blue-Green. Bright green towards the pupil and blue-green towards the outside of the iris. TATTOOS: None (but he does get a tiny little Pooh Bear on his hip in some aus.) PIERCINGS:  None EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: L' Ecole Primaire (Elementary/Primary school), Le Collège (Junior High), Le Lycée ( Highschool), And YEARS of medical school. SOCIAL MEDIA: Probably facebook and maybe twitter SMOKING: Never DRINKING: OOOO never to excess unless hes gonna be off for a few days but even then he doesnt get drunk often bc he doesnt like the feeling. But he LOVES mixing drinks and having nice fruity drinks in moderation. DRUGS: Never ATHLETICS: He hikes, goes to the gym, and yoga HOBBIES: Reading, Spending time with friends, collecting bears.. etc.. VIRGIN: Nope, lost it around 19 with his first boyfriend Axel. FAVORITE DRINK: Hot chocolate. FAVORITE FOOD: Caramel Corn, lobster, crab, really likes creme brulee too. FAVORITE MUSIC: Alot of french music, just various genres. Same for American music, it just depends on what sounds best to him. He doesnt like American rap that much because its too fast to understand. CLOTHING STYLE: A lot of soft fabrics. Phil will try to always wear v-neck shirts to keep the fabric from touching his neck much, it makes him itch and get all splotchy. Jeans and other types of pants, he really doesnt mind as long as they are comfortable and look nice on him. He usually dresses casual in jeans and v-neck t-shirts with a stylish but comfy coat. Especially really soft pea coats he loves those, or any double buttoned coat really. Phil has a weakness for soft ugg moccasins, or short regular uggs, He loves wearing them but he does wear dress shoes when he needs to dress up for date night or something. In the winter he loves wearings soft scarves, hats and gloves. UNDERWEAR TYPE: Seamless, stretchy, black, shorts. They are super short though, kinda like booty shorts XD
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porkmenudo · 7 years
I just realized today that the way Japanese say sizes ‘esu’ for small, ‘emu’ for medium and 'eru’ for large WAS basically just the abbreviation of small, medium, and large lol esu as in S, emu as is M, and eru as in L (wala kasi silang L sa alphabet nila, so ang closest is yung R). Pucha ang tanga hahahaha ok bye. Yun lang, na realized ko lang today. Kala ko Japanese word talaga sila e. Huehue
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offtobuy · 4 years
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rudyroth79 · 4 years
Când magia poveştilor îşi deschide porţile, copiii se avântă în aventura jocului de a cunoaşte mai mult şi de a simţi bucuria trăilor fantastice.
Cum altfel, chiar şi grupului artistic ”Nino Nino” nu îi scapă ocazia de a participa cu mic şi mare, adică cu toţi copiii din grup şi cu cel mare, Lică Barbu, la o întâlnire cu un îndrăgit personaj, Erus, băiatul cu părul albastru, ce pare mereu nedumerit şi pierdut, dar care reuşeşte să-şi găsească drumul călătorind prin Valea Răbdării, Valea Iubirii, Valea Generozităţii sau prin Valea Recunoştinţei, de fapt, titlurile a câtorva cărţi ale scriitorului constănţean de literatură pentru copii, Alec Blenche, cunoscut publicului şi ca un renumit consilier în nutriţie, fondator al site-ului Viaţa în verde viu.
Împreună cu Alec Blenche, cel care a colorat copilăria multor micuți așternând pe hârtie aventurile lui Erus, grupul artistic ”Nino Nino” va participa sâmbătă, 9 noiembrie 2019, ora 11.00, la Palatul Lyra din Brăila, pentru a-l însoţi pe scriitor la lansarea recentei cărţi, Erus şi Valea Recunoştinţei.
Atmosfera de poveste va fi colorată cu multe surprize, dar şi cu multă muzică, dat fiind că Alec Blenche este şi un excelent interpret şi compozitor de muzică pentru copii.
Evenimentul este organizat de Biblioteca Județeană ”Panait Istrati “, Școala Gimnazială ”Fănuș Neagu“, Liceul Pedagogic ”D. P. Perpessicius” din Brăila și găzduit, cu mare generozitate, de Filarmonica ”Lyra – George Cavadia”.
Vă mulțumim și vă așteptăm să cântăm, să ne distrăm și să primiți un autograf de la Alec, dragi copii. Erus ştie de ce.
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Știri: ”Nino Nino” pe valul poveştilor (9 noiembrie 2019, Brăila) Când magia poveştilor îşi deschide porţile, copiii se avântă în aventura jocului de a cunoaşte mai mult şi de a simţi bucuria trăilor fantastice.
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wonderouslilith · 7 years
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Bothering you guys one last time with the part of the comics lol i totally forgot how to draw L’s fluffy and puffy hair. (Now featuring @kaos-m)
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wonderouslilith · 7 years
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The best episode so far.
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wonderouslilith · 7 years
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wonderouslilith · 7 years
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@kaos-m asked for the screenshot of L in apron so why not do this one?
I just can’t wait for the creditless version of this
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wonderouslilith · 7 years
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Sorry not sorry
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