#lack of control
askdetermination · 4 months
Stay determined, Frisk. You can stop the Merciless askers.
Frisk:I will… after resetting at least
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chara:*hugs frisk tightly* goodbye my love.
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Before you let your emotions lead you to act or argue, remember that weak people live for strong reaction. It is your attention that gives them power and you lack of control that will pull you down. Not everyone and everything stand worthy of entertaining. Your words, energy, and time are valuable. Don't waste them.
Morgan Richard Olivier - the tears that taught me
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ask-icancraft-it · 1 year
(( Another Little Moment! Human AU. Inspired by a recent flight I took with my husband who graciously lets me latch onto his arm while also gently ribbing me for doing it )) ---
“So…when’s the last time you’ve flown?” asked Tamora. Looking on with pity to the nervous wreck in the seat beside her.
Felix turned, visibly sweating. His hands gripping the armrests peeled off like velcro as he tried assuming a more casual position.
“It’s been a while…” he swallowed. “My folks were roadtrippers. Four wheels on the ground and all that.”
The handyman tensed as a bout of turbulence shook the plane, and Tamora gave him a sympathetic smile as she pulled out her phone.
“Let’s see if we can find a distraction,” the sergeant lightheartedly flicked through the on-flight movie options. “Okay, they’ve got ‘Alive,’ ‘Flight of the Phoenix,’ ‘Sully’…Ooh, ‘Castaway’—”
“Tammy.” She looked up impishly at Felix’s stern face.
Leaning in, Tamora wrapped her arms around him as he continued to be unamused.
“You know a plane’s never gone down because of turbulence before?” she kissed his jaw softly.
“I’ve heard,” the handyman replied crossly. “I’ve heard the ‘Jello Theory,’ I’ve heard it all a thousand times.”
“Hey bud, you doing—” Ralph turned around in his seat, immediately shying away at his friend's icy stare. “...Ok.” the large man cleared his throat, taking his queue to leave the couple behind him alone.
“This is the kid’s first time flying; seems she’s having a blast,” Tamora nodded to the seat in front of Felix.
“Good for her,” he huffed, causing the sergeant to laugh.
“Sorry,” she said. “I’ve just…never seen you like this before.”
The handyman sighed, leaning his head against the inner shell of the cabin.
“Sorry,” he spoke with remorse, smoothing his hands over his thighs. “I’m just…on edge. It’s going to be like this the whole flight.”
“I think I can handle it,” Tamora smiled, weaving her fingers with his as they fidgeted about. “How does ordering a couple screwdrivers and watching a sappy romance sound? And you can hold my hand like you’re giving birth all you want.”
Felix chuckled, placing a light kiss on her knuckles as he considered her offer.
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carehouse18 · 1 year
twinkle around my wrists
i want to eat the stars
consume their cores and melt their fires into beads.
i want to gather the beads and weave them together with cord
and carry them around my wrists.
i want to fidget with the stars, feel them warm
my cold heart as i stumble
and feel the weight of them to ground me
to a planet they outshone.
i want to be burned so kindly by
something i choose, instead of being scarred
by blindsides and fists on counters
because i am so over it.
i want to be selfish just this once
and feel them twinkle around my wrists,
so that one day, before a slice becomes a scar,
i’ll be able to unleash the stars.
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howifeltabouthim · 7 months
Shame is what you feel after letting someone take you someplace past control . . .
Chris Kraus, from I Love Dick
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bhavcore · 1 year
You know when everything is so still and chaotic at the same time, you feel the pressure and the calm at the same time, the only difference is the weaker portions are inhibited by such an extent that all you feel is like is being lost in a huge fete crowd among chaos and the pressure to stand out, not lose yourself.
I hear the airplane's engines are turning over thus comes the incredulous amount of white noise, it sometimes feels good to have something a bit louder than your thoughts, no wonder people like metal songs lol..
I mean It's genuinely absolutely scary when one of your life's huge decisions is not in your own hands, the lack of control can be controlled by putting trust in the authority but doesn't mean the fear vanishes. It stays, it lingers, it bothers you whenever your faith flickers, when your esteem fails to support you, when the assurance lacks all conviction, the Andrew Dufresne in you becomes Red ( Shawshank redemption ref.), the fear turns you mirthless.
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ahb-writes · 2 years
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"I did indeed go bananas."
(from A.P. Bio S4E3: "An Oath to Rusty")
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I feel sad today
And it’s all because I saw that me and the guy I wasn’t supposed to fuck weren’t BF:s on snap anymore. I don’t dare to look at his snap score because first off, I’m better than that and second of all, I’m 99% sure it’s still going up without him messaging me and knowing that would make me feel even worse. I feel used, even though I was the one supposed to be using him. How is it that even without doing anything, I feel like he has the control again? 
Looking for relationships that I’m not supposed to be having, and failing at those too makes me feel like I’m not even worth anything sexually. The one thing that’s so natural for people, as animals, and I’m failing at it. I wish I had some other goals right now, but at the moment my mental health feels inflamed in a way and as if I can’t handle anything more than having a relationship where someone comforts me. I need people. I need a community where I feel like I belong in, and I need to feel that feeling more frequently than how I currently feel it.
I know that a part of this all is just being too much by myself, and thinking too much. I know I got to get a hobby, but I’m still searching for the right one. Something to get my mind occupied.
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chemicalspy · 5 months
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“Oh I just watch. There is nothing else which I can do. I just watch.”
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askdetermination · 4 months
you can do anything you want now or at least make frisk do anything that’s possible at least. Fight, spare, act, it’s all up to you what you do.
Some of your actions may have consequences, some may drive frisk insane some may help others.
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cemeterything · 25 days
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gabaviggiano · 11 months
Time management is not a job skill, is a life capability. You are the manager of your life, how efficient are you as time coordinator of it? Do you want to grow or improve that ability in you? 'The pilot of your life' is all about tips.
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glassedice · 1 year
>randomly watches a film
>begins another one
>begins another one
>before even thinking of another one, checks the hour
>have an appointment at 10am, already up at 7:30am
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That's what I get for having a shit self-awareness of time and control.
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pinkpunkdynamite · 1 year
I'm lacking off a thing I'm supposed to do to gain some experience. I lied my way out of it. I know, I know, I shouldn't have done that, but I just don't feel ready. It's not about being lazy or an asshole, but I really am just not ready and not in the mood and I don't want to ruin kids and their parents at this "festive" with my sour ass. Maybe one day someone will understand this. Or maybe I will sit here forever not ready doing life related things, idk. And I really don't care.
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pandoramusicbox · 1 year
these bois.  I best describe them. these bois are trouble.  so werewolfism is a condition that exist in music box, not only dose it exist but it is relatively common, also incurable. once a person becomes a werewolf there is no going back.  now they way a person goes about becoming a werewolf is quite typical. A person has to be bitten. not bitten by a werewolf though as most werewolf bites will not cause a person to become a werewolf. It is the bite of a creature called a Tailed, that will turn a person into a werewolf. as soon as the bloodstream is reached the werewolf transformation will begin.  now there are a lot of kinds of werewolves.  generally divided into three large categories. - in Control: consciously in control of body and mind - Catalyst: requires a catalyst of sorts to trigger transformation  - Controlled: generally stuck in werewolf form, can be mentally puppeted by tailed.  there is also what is called full-form, and half-form. which is the most wide spread form of categorizing  and refers to how much or how dramatic the transformation of the body is.  another way of identifying and categorizing werewolves is by alphabetic system, developed used by werewolf studies in Lenora.  it is much more in depth about specific forms of werewolfism. (I know but anyways)
-Alpha: the carriers: one of the most common kinds of werewolf. these werewolf will have no physical or mental change. for all intents and porpoises their lives will continue as normal before they got bitten by the tailed. the only thing that changes is involving reproduction. tailed don't have functioning reproductive systems of their own, so the species hijacks that of other species. cucu-nesting the body. any children that these werewolves sire will be born as tailed. other kinds of werewolves tend to not want to attack theses werewolves. often becoming protective of them. 
-Beta: trinket bearers: when bitten theses werewolves have part of themselves split away from themselves. this split off portion will seal itself off in some kind of item that the person is carrying on them at that time.they will know that their other portion is in this item. wearing this item will allow the werewolf to freely transform between an animalistic form, a monstrous hybrid form and simply gaining certain animalistic features. while their item is nearby their body will  heal from wounds and sense the magic in their surroundings. destroying this item will destroy their powers and soon after kill them. if a non werewolf wears the werewolve’s trinket it will transform them into an animal and can not be transformed back outside of magical means. (The trinket will likely be one of emotional significance to the bearer. The item may also slows down in aging to match the werecreature rate of aging but all other normal means of destroying the item work)
-Gama: lupine eyed: after being bitten these werewolves will have only a minimal change to their physical appearance. their eyes will become animalistic. this change will sharpen their senses and increase there strength. many lupine eye will find themselves able sense the presence of others werewolves and communicate with them mentally and in thier dreams. some of the most dangerous ones are able control the actions of other werewolves ( in the controlled type.)
-Delta: mist monsters: their bodies remain the same as they where prior to being bitten. what they can do is summon phantasmal mist like forms that surrounds their body, forming things like ears to hear better. teeth to bite, and claws to slash. the most powerful ones can turn their entire bodies to mist and move around in such a form. they are generally fast in their movements. 
-Epsilon: Beast walker: what would typically be thought of as a werewolf. they are able to transform into a giant version of a kind of animal. they have a low form of empathic telepathy that they us to communicate with other beast walkers. Thier children seem to inherit their abilities as well. Many think that the beast walkers are how animal demons came to be. Though there is not much evidence of that. they are often very violent and dangerous right after their transformation.
-Zeta: the beast: when transformed they take on a bipedal monstrous form (notedly only bipedal if their base creature is bipedal, a centaur will still walk on all fours but the upper half of the body will transform) they have mixed control of this. Rarely having control when they begin but as they learn to control their emotions and themselves they gain more practice.
-Eta: Feral folk: do not have much of a transformation. their fingernails or claws elongate and become coated in iron. their teeth elongate and senses sharpen but otherwise remain as they where when not a werewolf. 
-Theta: Wolf Man: they are similar to the feral folk. But their transformation is more extreme. They are not always in full control of the transformation but outside of the presence of their full moon or forced transform by the presence of a tailed (especially their own), a lupine eye who can control them, or their own pack members forcing a transformation. The wolf man as they are nicknamed can bite and infect others to become wolf men as well. They have their own hierarchy and subtypes. Their children are often also werewolves.
-Iota: the cynocephaly, or lichen, with an animalistic face, but a body that remains mostly the same prior to being bitten. their transformation is tied to the moon(s) that was closest to full when bitten. once transformed they will remain transformed for several days (3-7) before returning to their original form.
-Kappa: Pelt walkers: rather heinous werewolves. they use the pelts and skins of slain foes to transform into those creatures and people. They are excellent at mimicking voices and sounds. when not wearing a pelt they can still access a transformation similar to that of feral folk.
-Lambda: WIP will be edited
-Mu: Dream walkers: the trigger for the transformation is the werewolf falling asleep. when they fall into dreams they project a magic from of an animal that they can roam around as. 
-Nu: WIP will be edited
-Xi: WIP will be edited
-Omicrom: WIP will be edited
-Pi: Twin wolves: with the ability to turn into a regular werewolf form, but also poses the ability to mimic and replace other people, taking on their identity. Doppelgängers of sorts. Though mirrors tend to reveal their deceptions.
-Po: WIP will be edited
-Sigma: lunar wolf, a variant that's like the ghost wolf but when they shift, because they lose most of their physical form, they also lose most of their mind. They wander, aimlessly, confused, until they eventually shift back. They are lost souls and often stay in this void state for seven years.
-Tau: Zemzina: mindless and willless. they rarely form naturally and are gently a deliberate choice of the tailed to create. they are under the full command of thier tailed or if the tailed is not around certain kinds of werewolves like luped eye and wolf men.
-Upsilon: ghost wolf: similar to the dream walkers but are not in control of thier night time escapades. Ghost wolfs communes with spirits in some ways. Making magical contracts and with concentration able to send a phantom wolf form out from themselves. If they are not able to do this they have shape nails and teeth to defend themselves.
-Phi: they seasonal: once they transform they will stay transformed for long periods of time. From as short to a few weeks to as long as seven years.
-Chi: the frenrir: huge in size, they take on features found in hellhounds, though some part of thier body can not transform as it should. they often do not have tails, their face may remain unchanged, or thier hands if they have them. they can usually transform by choice, though the presence : able to take on monster forms. They can understand the forest, but they tend to have hands and feet still reminiscent of thier other form separating them from actual hellhounds. Frenrir werewolves tend to “unlock” inate magic normal to them in thier original form
-Psi: weather wolves, WIP will be edited 
-Omega: WIP will be edited
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