nemfrog · 7 months
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Large milk bottle. Our health habits. 1926.
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okeutocalma · 11 months
Ômega Taiju Shiba[Male Alpha Reader].
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Taiju soltou um xingamento ao sentir os mamilos doloridos, xingando internamente a idéia de engravidar.
O grande peitoral dele estava cheio de leite novamente, e fazia pouco tempo que o marido dele tinha o ajudado a esvaziar.
Ele se mexeu de maneira desconfortável no ninho,soltando resmungos inaudíveis, infelizmente [Nome] tinha saído para buscar o açaí com molho de pimenta que tinha pedido.
A gravidez o dava desejos estranhos e ele sabia disso, dias atrás ele quis beber vitamina de miojo de carne com banana.
Taiju caminhou lentamente até a banheira cheia de água morna. Seu corpo estava dolorido por causa da gravidez, e ele sentia que precisava relaxar,pelo menos até [Nome] voltar.
Ele testou a temperatura da água com os dedos dos pés e suspirou de alívio quando sentiu o calor reconfortante.
Com cuidado, ele colocou um pé na água morna e, em seguida, o outro. Ele se sentou lentamente na banheira, sentindo a água quente envolver seu corpo. O ômega estendeu as pernas e fechou os olhos por um momento.
A água estava tão calmante que ele quase esqueceu suas dores. A dor nas costas que o havia incomodado junto das dores no peitoral agora estava diminuindo pouco a pouco.
Taiju sentiu-se consideravelmente melhor, e a água encostando em seu corpo dolorido fez com que seus músculos relaxassem.
Enquanto o ômega ainda estava um pouco tenso, seus músculos foram se afrouxando aos poucos enquanto ele se deitava na banheira.
Ele sentiu uma sensação quente se espalhar pelo seu corpo, e ele se deu conta de como precisava desse momento de relaxamento.
Taiju sorriu para si mesmo, sentindo-se grato por ter dado a si mesmo esse tempo de cuidado. Ele sabia que, em breve, teria um bebê para cuidar, e momentos como esses seriam raros. O mesmo fechou os olhos novamente e simplesmente aproveitou o conforto que a água morna proporciona.
[Nome] chegou em casa com a sacolinha na mão, contendo o pote de açaí e o molho de pimenta que Taiju tinha pedido.
Ele se dirigiu à cozinha para guardar as compras e, em seguida, começou a procurar por seu marido que estava grávido.
— Ômega?
— Amor?
— Taiju?
O Alpha chamou por ele algumas vezes, mas não obteve resposta. Ele foi até a sala de estar, mas ele não estava lá. Depois, [Nome] decidiu ir até o banheiro, onde encontrou Taiju deitado na banheira.
— Ah, você está aqui meu amor. — Disse ele enquanto abria a porta do banheiro. — Olha o que eu comprei para você, lembra do açaí e do molho de pimenta que você pediu?
Taiju sorriu e acenou com a cabeça, pequenos grunidos escapando dos lábios dele.
— Ah, que bom que você trouxe. Obrigado, Alpha. — Disse ele enquanto se preparava para levantar da banheira, a barriga já até grandinha chamava atenção.
[Nome] sorriu e pegou a toalha, o ajudando a secar,Taiju envolveu os braços ao redor de seu Alpha e ronronou ao ser beijado.
— Meu leite está vazando novamente. — Ele murmurou suavemente e soltou um baixo gemido ao sentir a mão do Alpha em seu mamilo direito apertando levemente.
A mão que antes segurava o quadril do ômega serpenteia ao redor, acariciando os mamilos dele enquanto os aperta sensualmente.
Quando sua mão se move para o outro, querendo dar a mesma atenção, [Nome] belisca o mamilo de Taiju, amando como eles estão sensíveis devido ao estado de gravidez, provocando um gemido profundo no fundo da garganta dele.
O de fios[claros/escuros] sorriu e guiou o parceiro ao quarto, fazendo ele deitar suavemente sobre a cama.
O alpha ficou por cima do ômega traçado, preguiçosamente a aréola com a ponta do dedo. Um filete de leite ralo e aguado caiu da protuberância e desceu por sua mão grossa.
[Nome] suavemente tirou a mão e levou o mamilo esquerdo entre os lábios. Com uma sucção longa e pesada, ele tirou um gole de leite dele - um gemido alto deixou os lábios de Taiju ao sentir ser esvaziado, a pressão cada vez menor sob sua pele começando a diminuir quando você o sugava.
O de olhos [claros/escuros] já podia ver e sentir a ereção do marido pressionando contra a sua perna.
Taiju estava se sentindo melhor enquanto o alpha sugava e a dor no peitoral parava, um suspiro saiu dos lábios dele ao sentir o marido trocando e começando sugar o outro mamilo.
— Eu estou melhor, acho que já pode- ah- — Ele inclinou a cabeça para trás quando os dentes de [Nome] arranharam seu pico sensível.
Você cantarolou através de outra sucção longa e grossa, e as palavras de Taiju saíram de um suspiro. Suas pálpebras tremeram enquanto mais tensão deixava seu peito, enquanto mais leite escorria pela garganta de [Nome].
Instintivamente, ele se moveu para colocar a mão na cabeça do marido, para persuadi-lo mais contra seu peito.
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b-b3cky · 11 months
Oie, Se você tá vendo isso antes de ler os imagines postados:
Leia! É importante!
Escrevo no wattpad a um tempinho já é decidi me instalar aqui tmb! Então estou acostumada com o estilo de lá, não sei muito bem se as pessoas realmente postam seus capítulos aqui ou apenas uma “prévia” ou só alguns pq na vdd nunca vejo ninguém realmente ativo aqui, pelo menos não como no wattpad.
Cheguei a achar que as pessoas apenas usam aqui pra divulgar suas histórias postadas em outros apps (até vi uma autora falando sobre um App que ela gostava mt de escrever, não entendi mt bem) mas de qualquer forma, estou iniciando postagem de histórias aqui tmb! Espero que gostem, me sigam lá no Wattpad tmb! É @/B-B3cky (exatamente como aqui porém com “b” maiúsculo.) meu livro de imagines chama “Imagines Kaulitz” (posto imagines de qualquer universo, qualquer personagem ou famoso) e se você é meu seguidor de lá: Oii Bby! É bom te ver aqui! <3
Avisos Importantes!:
⚠️Vou escrever imagines sobre lactofilia, é um tema meio polêmico mas aqui no tumblr todos nós somos meio estranhos (no bom sentido kkkkk) ent ninguém vai julgar ngm, blz?!!! Vou dar uma breve explicação aqui do que é:
basicamente é amamentação adulta, amamentar o parceiro. É um tipo de fetiche mas q na maioria das vezes não tem cunho sexual, essa amamentação acontece na maior parte das vezes de relacionamento com uma pessoa lactante, seja por estar grávida ou por desequilíbrio hormonal que acarreta a produção de leite materno. Então caso não goste, ache nojento ou coisa do tipo, pule o capítulo e não vá destilar ódio nos comentários, por favor!!! Avisarei no início dos capítulos os gatilhos e se tem lac, assim vc vai saber se deve seguir ou pular.⚠️
Outro Aviso Importante!: A “S/N”!
A famosa “S/N” das fanfics/ personagem principal que serve pra que vc se imagine nela, terá nome aqui! E será “Arabella Spencer”!!! (Talvez o sobrenome mude as vezes mas qualquer alteração ou coisa diferente será dotada e explicada no início do capítulo!)
Esse nome foi o escolhido pq eu sou mt indecisa com nome, aparência e essas coisas (tanto q nn terá uma aparência fixa para a Arabella) pq eu nunca fico satisfeita, e eu queria um nome forte e marcante q tivesse uma vibe "Rockstar Girlfriend" por causa dos meninos né? E não achei nenhum q fosse tão bom quanto o nome da PRÓPRIA rockstar gf (quem curti Artic Monkeys sabe doq eu tô falando 😉) ! E pq sou obsecada no AM.
Bom, acho q é só isso! Beijos! Curtam as histórias!<3
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statusexile · 5 months
Got Milk?
Summary: You have some of the wildest sexual fantasies all your life, but only Ghost and Konig could make it all come true.
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader x Konig
Warnings: afab reader, sub!Ghost and Konig, polyamorous relationship, age play, age gap (reader in their 20s, Ghost and Konig in their early 40s), lactophilia, mutual masturbation, fingering, squirting, exhibitionist, golden shower, reader is highkey a nymphomaniac lmao, overall nasty nasty stuffs.
Word count: 2,010 words
a/n: Please don’t take any medication without consulting a doctor first! Also this is my first ever fanfic so any suggestion and feedback is welcome 😊
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You are a depraved person. Or at least, that’s who you think you are.
You are, however, not always like this. Not in the beginning, anyway. When you hit the ripe age of puberty, you started to feel something changes from the inside of your body. You start bleeding every month, there’s hair starting to grow in some parts of your body, the shape of your breasts start changing. It’s fine, you knew all about it, it’s all written in the science book from your school.
There’s something inside you that’s brewing. Something that you couldn’t explain and it’s not on the science book that you’ve been reading. So, you look for answers on the internet. Your parents have been so busy all your life so you basically have access to the internet, unsupervised, during your entire teenage hood. Until one day you accidentally saw someone on social media sharing a picture of their cock. It awakens something in you. That day, you finally find the answer that you’ve been looking for.
You finally find out that there such things as porn site, the place where people took off their clothes and have sex with each other. You also know what sex is, that’s what people do when they want to have children. But you don’t know it was going to be this hot. You could feel something between your legs, some kind of thing that wants to be released. So, you started touching that damp part between your legs, flicking this bud inside them, rubbing them continuously with your own fingers. God, it feels so good, so you keep rubbing them over and over again until something inside you started building and it exploded as you keep going.
You reached your first orgasm, and it was probably one of the best feelings that you ever felt. And now, you want more.
As you grew older, there’s not a single day where you didn’t spend at least half an hour watching porn every day. You need your daily dose of dopamine hit every day. It made you feel good, you loved the feeling every time you reach your climax, it does something to your body that you could never get enough. But as time passed, the type of porn that you usually watch couldn’t please you as much as they used when you first started watching them. It becomes monotone, just another people thrusting each other, making each other moans and grunts, yada-yada-yada, they hit their climax and done. You want more. God, you always want more, nothing is ever enough for you, you’re thinking that you’re practically insatiable at this point.
Until you find that there’s types of porn videos that… intrigues you. At first, you find it by coincidence, after clicking so many next pages when you tried to find something that could make you come like it used to. It was in a very low quality and have very few viewers, the title is also in some foreign language you couldn’t understand, and the actors are also speaking in foreign language, too. But goodness gracious, it was so fucking hot. Something that so sick to you at the time, where you see the girl is being peed on by so many men, basically showering in them. Made you feel so sick, it was so fucking disgusting, but at the same time it turns you on so fucking much. You want to be that girl so fucking much it hurts. After that you find so many videos of sexual fetishes and kinks you didn’t know about. Many people find it as sexual deviant, but not to you. It was practically the most perfect thing that any human being could do.
You came so much your body started trembling after watching that video, it was so good, just like the first time you have an orgasm. But now, you want more. And you want a real thing this time.
You have boyfriends in the past, you never been a hypersexual girl to other people because you always keep your image like a normal girl, you have sex with your boyfriends but none of them seems to please you like you want to. You can’t even come properly because they finished too soon, let alone fulfilling all your crazy sexual dreams. They only prioritize their own pleasure on top of yours. Reminds you of that one song where the singer sings about boys their own age doesn’t know how to treat and touch them right.
It all changes in one single night. That night, you struck an absolute gold.
You went clubbing with your friends. Club has never been your scene, you prefer to stay at home if you could but you don’t want to disappoint them, so you tag along. You could see your friends absolutely having a blast on the dance floor, moving their body to the beat, while you sat at the bar, drinking your cola instead of alcohol since you always find the taste of them disgusting and wondering why people like them so much. But soon you feel two pairs of eyes piercing into you, the gaze of two tall men, standing before you with hulking forms that strained their clothing. Both of them wearing mask, only leaving their eyes exposed. You could feel their stare boring into you. It was the hottest feeling in the entire world.
Soon, the two men approached you, asking to buy you a drink. You said no, but ask them to stick around. After some times talking, you found out that both men are in the military and they’re currently on a break from touring. You could feel the sexual tension in the air when you’re speaking with them, but one thing led another, and the next thing you know you’re sandwiched between them in the back of the club, both of them absolutely ravaging you like starving animals. They asked you to come home with them, and you said yes. The next thing you know you woke up in Ghost’s house, feeling absolutely worn because both men absolutely drained your energy from hours of sex and you came five times last night you seriously think that you’re gonna pass out from dehydration from non-stop squirting they made you do.
You can’t get enough of them, so you asked them to be with you, to make it an exclusive relationship between three of you. They said yes, but you didn’t know that your life will change forever.
At first the three of you are just having regular sex, it was always hot, they got stamina as fucking beast and you’re trying not to pass out every time you had sex with them. It lasted for hours most of the time, and it was everything you could ever dream off in your entire life. After few months, you decide to tell them that you have some ‘ideas’ to spice your relationship. It all started with having sex in a mall parking lot, fitting rooms now you’re fucking them out in the beach on the weekend where it was absolutely crowded with people, and they might catch three of you fucking in public place soon. But fuck it, right? The thrill of getting caught made three of you getting even more turned on.
One fucked up thing led to another, now you’re basically the girl from the porn video that you watched, the one that absolutely get golden showered by a lot of men. One time, you let Ghost and Konig showering you with their urine. You could feel the warm liquid drenching you from your head to toe, as you sit on the floor, feeling like you’re in heaven. Fuck, maybe you’re already dead and this is heaven. At first, you thought that they will be disgusted by you at this point, but you surprised that they actually into them as well. They also told that girls your age made them excited about life again, and they down to do anything that you want.
At this point, there’s nothing you haven’t had with them and nothing they haven’t done to you. Everyday is an adventure with them, it’s exciting, and three of you are like animals when it come to sex. So, you’re always trying to find something new to bring to the table. The sky is the limit at this point. Soon you find out that there’s such thing as induced lactation as this usually done by adoptive parents who want to breastfeed their children. But of course, considering how insatiable you are, you also want this too. The thought of breastfeeding your men turns you on so much, so you look on the internet how can you induce lactation on yourself. Soon you find out that there’s medication for that and there are techniques that you can do such as massaging and pumping your own breasts. You do what the internet told you to do, and of course you do every single things that you read. Now you only need to find the right timing to do the act itself.
It was a quiet Sunday morning, as the three of you just wake up from your slumber. Sitting in dining room with the men, drinking their coffee, until Konig suddenly asked what should they have for breakfast, and you suddenly blurted out, “How about me for breakfast?”
The men, of course, pick up the cue right after you told them, both of them dragging you back to bedroom, stripping you naked then pushed you to the bed. You told them to strip their clothes as well and lay next to you.
You could feel Ghost fingers starting to caress your already damp cunt, as Konig fondling your breast and peppering your neck with kisses and nibbling them. You moan from the intense pleasure they’re giving you, but then you want them to start sucking your tits. “Your wish is our command, princess”, they said as the latch their mouth on your tits, sucking them like a starving baby. Ghost still pumping his fingers inside of your cunt as you stroke both of their strobing cocks at the same time.
In no time you started lactating your milk, thanks to your effort prepping them beforehand. The men are surprised in the beginning but tasting your breastmilk in their mouth and it made them so fucking hard. “Suck my tits, let me breastfeed you like a baby”, you said as you still pumping your hands on their cocks. The men sucked on your tits like their lives depend on it. Lapping all your milk that feels like coming out nonstop.
“I love it when you treat us like babies, mommy”, Konig said while he’s flicking your nipples and sucking on them, make sure he doesn’t let out a single drop from his mouth. On the other hand, you could hear Ghost muttering “You’re a fucking disgusting little cunt” under his breath as he keeps doing the same thing as Konig while pumping his fingers inside you mercilessly.
It doesn’t take a very long before you could feel your orgasm approaching, the overstimulation from the men milking your tits dry and Ghost’s thick fingers inside you make it unbearable. You could feel the men’s cocks started twitching in your hands as well.
Three of you came at the same time, you jerk your head back as you could feel the intense feeling of orgasm they gave you, Ghost keeps pumping his fingers inside of you, make sure to let it all out as you squirted so hard, drenching the bedsheet. The men shoot out their thick white liquid in your hands as you keep pumping them, hitting their orgasm as well as they still latching to your tits.
You finally came down from the high, as you kiss both men on the lips, telling how good they are for you today, whispering sweet nothings in their ears, as they cuddle to you, holding you tight.
This is perfect, and it doesn’t get any better than this, you muttered to yourself.
Reblog and likes is always appreciated. Thank you for reading!
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ja3hwa · 11 months
Omg all I could think about while reading Red, Hot, And Wet. Was San having a lactophilia kink.
Oh my god, yes! The thought of him, literally begging for your milk ever since you started lactating. And his gropping kink would be worse, too, since your tits have gotten bigger.
He would be wild 24/7. Walking up next to you, snaking his hands from behind, he would grab a full handful of your breasts. He can see some milk leaking through your shirt, and it would turn him on so much.
His favourite thing would be to pinch your nipples in oder to see the milk spurt out slightly, dripping down between his fingertips and when his mouth is wrapped around your buds, argh he would be done for.
The sweetness, the smooth texture, he would be going crazy. Like before, he probably would hump the bed the whole time he is suckling on your tits while he gets his fill of milk. His grunts and high pitch whines would go straight to your core. The way his worships you, you would boost your ego so much you would feel like a goddess among men.
But what would send you over the edge is when he finally sits up and his milky lips that drip your juices are inches from yours. His eye glazed over and head filled with fuzziness. He is so hooked on you. You are his addiction he never wants to give up.
Woops, I went overboard... hehe
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faeirtopia · 3 months
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ʚɞ ; shohei’s kinks & sexual interests!
this post consists of no pairing!
warnings! this post is quite sexual.
bondage; not listing this as a kink but more so a interest! I believe shohei would find you to be very pretty while having your hands tied back and he’ll like the fact that you can’t touch him or yourself. he won’t won’t you ankles tied because he wants to be able to move and open your legs the way he wants.
breeding; this will be a kink for him. he’ll really like knowing that he’s releasing inside of you and the part he likes the most? watching his cum drip out of you after he’s finished. it wasn’t a thing before with him though until one night he wanted to try it out and you of course said yes, wanting to also try it out and afterwards it became a huge obsession.
cnc; which is consensual non consent. this one he asked you about and since the both of you were a bit comfortable with trying it, he became a big fan of it. this then allows him to turn towards you in the middle of the night if he randomly wakes up or can’t go back to sleep and touches or kisses you in the ways he may want too. you’ve already given him the permission beforehand so he uses that.
edging; this one is most definitely a kink for shohei. he’ll become obsessed with watching you just about to orgasm and quickly will pull out so that you’re not able too and he will smirk or even laugh about it, wanting to see you whine and cry that you were almost there and he ended it just like that. it’ll annoy you in so many ways I promise.
humiliation; I think shohei would like to see you in an embarrassed state maybe a few times but this? applies to him. it’s not a huge kink but definitely a interest and he’ll enjoy when you purposely say or do something in front of a few others or a close friend that embarrasses him. especially if it involves your sex life with him. his cheeks will become red and he’ll secretly like that for a reason.
food play; his favorite will be strawberries, creams, melted chocolate, or candies! sweet candies that you can suck on and taste off of each others tongue. he’ll enjoy rubbing your chest or stomach down with strawberries so he can lick off the access juice and strawberry pieces. it’ll definitely be a kink for him, he’ll ask for this quite often.
gagging; agree with me or not but I believe shohei will enjoy seeing you gag on his cock or fingers. maybe even purposely push his fingers down your throat just to see your eyes water and the way you gag around them. he loves that look and feeling.
Impact play; shohei will enjoy spanking you so much. small or big, he loves you thighs and butt and will enjoy hearing the sound of his large hand smacking your skin. if you whine, gasp, or moan from the smacks that makes him enjoy it even more because he loves the sounds that you make.. but with this he gets to learn more about your body and how it reacts to each slap. he’ll enjoy that a lot.
lactophilia; I wasn’t going to add this but I will and it will maybe not be a kink but a interest. he’ll get aroused by thinking about drinking milk from your breasts. after hearing about how it’s supposed to taste, he definitely wants to try it and he loves your breasts anyway so this will be a plus for him.
lingerie; shohei will purposely buy you set after set just for you to try on and feel sexy. that’s the entire point is for you to feel good about yourself and he gets to see that which is a turn on for him. he’ll love receiving pictures while at work and it’ll make him work harder in a way which means he can quickly get home to you and see the set in person before ripping it off of your body and making love to you.
pet play; to me this one is kind of obvious. shohei will buy you kitty ears and want you to put them on for him during certain times.. not all the time but at times and it’ll just make him swoon over how cute you look with the ears and maybe a tail. you’ll get a tail if he really wants to adventure deeper into it.
praise; shohei will get off to you praising him. so with that being said please praise him especially while he’s fucking you, he’ll stare at you and nod his head. it’ll get him closer and closer to his orgasm if you continue the praising. even if you two aren’t in bed and you start praising him he’ll fall into that little trap you made for him and he’ll lay his head against your chest while asking for more.
blindfold; shohei will want to be blindfolded. yes.. you seen correctly. he’ll want to lay on the bed and blindfold himself while allowing you to do things to him. this isn’t ’submissive’ but more so.. wanting to see how it is if that makes sense. not being able to see you and only feel you would be quite intriguing and that’s why he wanted to do it. even make a little game out of it and try to guess what your next move is. it’ll be interesting for the both of you.
gokkun; this is a japanese kink or fetish and it’s cum guzzling. shohei would definitely want to do this quite often. purposely cumming in a small cup or a few small cups to watch you drink it as fast as you can is something he didn’t think he’d like but loved after trying it for the first time. so then, when you asked if he’d do the same.. he thought about it.
burusera; which is worn panties. shohei will keep a pair of your worn panties in his bag at all times. it’s why he’s a bit weird with that certain bag that he carries. he’s able to pull them out at any time he wants and sniff them. loving your scent too much.
skirts or dresses; shohei will love this a bit too much in my opinion. he’ll be able to see up your skirt or dress if the wind blows the right way and he can see your pretty panties you decided to wear that day. his hand will immediately find your thigh and pull you towards him to tell you what he just saw and that he liked it so much. I’ll say.. it’s time to get home if you both are somewhere in public.
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brunchable · 2 years
The Taking (Halloween Oneshot) || Sinister Strange x F!Reader
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Word Count: 4.5K Warnings: NSFW (18+), NON-CON, NON-CON, Corruption, Forced Breeding, Lactophilia, unprotected p + v sex, magical restraints. DO NOT READ IF THESE MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.
It was not much of a siege, not in the way your father had described them. From humans you might have expected trebuchets and catapults, a sustained assault upon the great doors and a bridging of the moat. They'd have camped at the edge of the forest, troops of foot soldiers sitting about fires and sharpening weapons as their leaders spoke in the cover of tents, plotting the assault of that keep that had not fallen to invasion in six centuries. Yes, that was how men waged war, but these were not men, and they came in instead by means of magic—or rather revenge to the crown for the loss of the great sorcerer's sister.
You were in the kitchens when it began, overseeing the preparation of the feast for the equinox. Betrothed and soon to be wed, it was your duty now to learn the management of a large household such as your own. You were in your oldest gown of faded homespun, long hair bundled into a scarf as you toiled with the keep servants, your skin growing flushed with the heat of the great kitchen.
You listened closely as Kenna, the cook, explained her reasons for ordering certain ingredients from the market. Your parents were visiting family in the north, and for once the servants were deferring to you as lady of the house. The two women had their heads bent over the piece of parchment, Kenna fanning herself as she pointed to the items and the numbers that accompanied them.
“It's always seven bushels of the kalawort, even when the keep has no guests,” she explained. “We use what's left for the easing of difficult births, and to bring in the milk, though you'll see it often enough as an ingredient in bitter bean soup, too.”
You blushed at this. Your mother had been forcing you to drink a tea of kalawort for months now, believing that it would aid fertility. Your wedding was still three weeks away, but your mother was taking every precaution; your parents had struggled to conceive for many years before the goddess had finally granted them, you.
You had little doubt in the plants' supposed abilities; already your breasts were swollen and tender with milk, ready for the child that you and The Prince would conceive, perhaps as early as your wedding night.
You were about to ask about another herb on the list when the sound of men's voices came from outside. There was a strange thrum in the air, and the hairs at your nape stood on end. Through the back entrance you saw a flash of purple light and someone screamed, and in an instant mayhem ensued in the kitchen as all recognized the sudden stark reality of a siege. For the first time in centuries, the walls had been breached.
“Quickly, Lady!” Kenna cried, her hands digging into the skin of your wrist. “Go to your room,” she said, but then thought better of it. “No! Go to the chapel, you'll be safer there. They will hide you! Go! Go!”
And you fled from the kitchens and the terrified faces of their servants, bumping into footmen and maids as you hurried along the passage, hearing screams now behind you. Someone shouted the word 'magic!', and a shiver travelled down your spine, for no humans possessed such forbidden powers.
At the very end of the western passage, the carved doors to the chapel stood open, and you rushed into the welcoming glow of the candle-lit chamber. For a moment a pair of frightened eyes regarded you from behind the stone altar atop the dais, but then the small acolyte fled through a low door in the corner, and you heard the unmistakable sound of that passage being locked and barred from the other side. You ran to it and hammered on the door, desperate for admittance.
“Priests!” you called. “Help me! We are under attack!” Only silence greeted your words, and the door did not open. No one would come to your aid. Feeling like prey chased into a trap, you turned back to the entrance through which you'd arrived, then drew in a hissing breath of horror.
In the passage, slowly making his way towards you, walked a thing of nightmares. You knew it instantly for who he was; the long arms hung low, the back straight with confidence, pale skin almost silvery due to lack of sunlight. His black hair, streaked with whites on both sides, styled neatly in contrast to his beard. Here walked the Evil Sorcerer Supreme, a being of fireside tales and darkest dreams. His eyes were blue, two glowing orbs regarded you from the hallway, utterly inhuman.
You had seen sketches once, in the library, of his image. He had always carried a long staff and worn dark ragged robes, but his black tainted hands were empty, his form was covered in a robe of silver, his tunic black. The stories had made them out to be creatures of the basest kind, their intellect no greater than that of potion brewers and spell casters, and yet you saw a keen intelligence in the gaze it fixed on you.
He stepped into the chapel with languid movements, and though your body screamed for you to flee, you remained before the barred door, your back pressing into the hard wood as your limbs froze in fear. The Sorcerer closed the doors at the entrance with a sweep of his hand, never taking his eyes off you. When that clawed hand lifted again, he drew a symbol in the air before him, and purple light dazzled your eyes. Darkness swept you into its embrace.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You knew, even before you looked at the low-burned candles, that you had lost time. In the recesses of your mind, the part that had not succumbed to the spell, you had noted the passage of hours, the steady silencing of the keep as more and more of its people were subdued. How many of their bodies littered the passages of this once-great manor?
You tried to sit up, your mind fogged with magic. With a curious sense of detachment you noted the magical chains that bound you to the altar, chains of purple light that fixed your ankles and wrists to the far corners of the stone slab. You could lift your head only a little, and when you did, it was to find the sorcerer standing at the foot of the altar, watching you with a look that you had seen sometimes in the eyes of men, a look of hunger. He grinned when he noticed your attention, revealing two rows of terrible razor-sharp canines.
“What is your name, daughter of the house?” he asked you, and it was not the guttural speech that the stories told of, but a lilting, strangely accented speech.
Your heart sped up as you met his gaze, then wished desperately that you had remained unconscious a while longer. But, you suspected, your waking had likely been at his command, just as your slumber had been.
“Your obstinacy will not serve you. I can make you speak, you know.” He stepped closer, laying one of his rough fingers on the flesh of your calf.
“(Y/N),” you said immediately, desperate to do or say whatever would keep those hands away from your body. But his fingers still curled around your leg, and his grin broadened, and he said your name quietly as his hand trailed higher, disappearing under the hem of your dress. You struggled against his attention, but the chains held you in place, and you could do nothing to stop the tainted hands that came to rest at the apex of your thighs.
But then the hand withdrew, and you let out a shuddering breath of relief. The flickering light of the candles threw curious shadows along the walls, strange monstrous shapes, but none as terrifying as the being before you. He reached into the belt of his robe and produced a small dagger, and for a moment you did not know whether to weep for fear of your imminent death, or to rejoice that your end would come before he could do other, unspeakable things to you.
He stepped close and brought the blade to your neck, and tears sprang to your eyes, for you were afraid after all. But the blade did not bite into your flesh, but into the front of your dress and the shift that lay beneath it, and he slit your garments from nape to calf, so that the fabric parted and fell away from your heaving breasts. The Sorcere’s cold eyes trailed from your bosom, down to your sex that you tried to cover. At the front of his robes, something stirred, and a blush travelled down the length of your form at the realisation of his arousal.
“Do you know who I am, (Y/N)?” he asked you, the dagger dropping to the floor.
“S-Sorcerer Supreme,” you whispered, so softly you could barely hear your own words.
“Yes. That I am. But am I the creature you've read about, a simpleton monster no better than an old warlock that lurks in your woods? Am I that?” He was so close now, standing near your head. His hand came down to caress the curve of your trembling lips.
“Am I that?” he asked again, holding your gaze with the strange blue brilliance of his own.
“No,” you whispered finally.
“No, I am not,” he agreed. “For I am of the Dark Khaos, blessed by the god Chthon who first made us lay with the women of human-kind. The blood of man runs in my veins, as in yours. And the blood of human and Dark Khaos will flow in the veins of our child. Do you understand, (Y/N)?” He trailed a short, sharp nail from your lips, to your collarbone, to your breast. When he brushed your nipple and you shuddered, he said, ever so softly, “Yes... I think you understand.”
He bent his mouth to your breast, his black hair curtaining his features. You did not see that terrible mouth seize your peak, but felt it keenly as he first licked, then began to suckle. After a moment he drew back to look at you in bemusement, his wide lips flecked with droplets of milk, but his lust grew and he bent again to your breast, drinking deeply of the milk that only that morning you had thought would feed your human child.
A strange shiver passed through your body as he drank at your breast, and soon his hand closed around your other breast, kneading and squeezing as he drank his fill. In the pit of your belly a feeling began to grow, a foreign sensation that was almost a need, though for what, you could not say.
Finally he stood back, his breathing uneven, much like your own, “I can wait no longer,” he said, reaching between the folds of his robe to touch himself. You refused to look, but from the corner of your eye you saw him step away, and hope flared within you that he might abandon this terrible onslaught.
But it was not to be. When you finally turned your head, it was to find him watching you as he untied the belt at his waist, then let his robes fall to the floor. You did not wish to look, but could not immediately pull your attention away, for the Sorcerer was strangely handsome indeed. His chest was muscular, his torso lean, each of his ribs visible beneath the taut pale skin. The curves of his arms represented his strength, and the legs were long and muscular. Between them hung his manhood, if such it could be called. 
You had seen glimpses of male genitalia, had even blushing listened as your maid tried to prepare you for what to expect on your wedding night. His cock seemed to grow as you watched, rising to jut proudly forward, and despite your fear and disgust, you felt a strange slipperiness between your thighs as your nipples hardened to taut peaks. 
Stephen smiled as though he knew what you were feeling, and came to stand at the foot of the altar. Slowly he stroked himself, his gaze travelling the length of you. He climbed onto the altar, and you began to struggle in earnest, your heart hammering with terror in your breast. But the chains held you in place, and at a snap of his fingers they tightened even more, so that your legs were spread wider.
Desperately you lifted your head, watching the length between his thighs, knowing that it would soon be within you, if it could fit. So focused were you on that glistened tip of his cock, that you did not see him reach for your cunt with his hand. A finger, cold and calloused, slipped between the folds of that sacred opening, and you drew in a sharp gasp at the foreign sensation. Not even your own finger had ever entered there, and yet the sorcerer pushed his long digit deeper into the space while you bucked and cried to dislodge him.
“(Y/N),”he murmured your name with a caress on his lips. “What is this?”
You did not understand what he was asking, and thrashed all the more as though to dislodge both his finger and his words from your being. But it made no difference; the finger stirred again in your depths, painfully, and he watched your face, waiting for an answer you would not give.
“I shall tell you. This,” and you felt again that deep pressure, “this is your maidenhead. I had not thought to find a virgin here. But you will be a virgin no longer.” He withdrew his finger, holding it up to the light as he rubbed it with his thumb. Your wetness glistened on his flesh, and you trembled at the shame of your body's betrayal.
He straddled you, one long muscular leg kneeling on either side of your splayed hips. You screamed as his cock dragged along your thigh. He silenced your screams with a kiss, his tongue plunging deeply into your mouth while one hand pinched your breast. Then his teeth grazed your lips and led a prickling trail down your throat to your other breast, where he latched onto your nipple once more, suckling desperately. Pleasure coursed through you again at the workings of his mouth, and for a moment you were only focused on that, that new, strange feeling, when suddenly you felt a prodding at your core.
Your nether-lips, slick with the fluid of your arousal, parted gently at the insistent prodding, and suddenly the head of his cock was pushing into your entrance, pushing hard and quickly against that barrier that had once been meant as a gift to your future husband. With a stab of sharp pain that barrier gave way, his cock pushing into you, slipping in as far as it could go, Stephen burying himself in your body up to the hilt of his cock.
You screamed, and this time he did not silence you, but remained perfectly still, basking in the pleasure of impaling you so deeply. You felt every vein and strange ridge of that organ pressing into you, it filled you as you had never thought a man might fill a woman. 
In a mix of pain in amazement, you looked down to where their bodies met, you saw only the last few millimetres of his thick base that he had not managed to press into you.
His breathing at your breast was ragged. He, too, looked to where their bodies joined, and you felt him twitch within you. He lifted his gaze to your pretty, terrified face, drinking in your every expression as he slowly withdrew, inch by inch.
You watched his cock retreat from your depths, your heart turning over at the evidence of your lost innocence, the faint smear of red along that thick shaft. But your mind was innocent still, and you did not understand the way of mating, and you thought that it was over, that he was withdrawing and spent. And he saw every thought as it passed through your mind, so that he knew already that you would scream when he slammed into you again, suddenly, brutally, and he seized your mouth with his own and swallowed you screams as he began to fuck you.
In and out and in and out he went, and but for your whimpers, there was only the sound of his cock squelching in and out of your body. It was a wet, lewd, primal sound, and for a while Stephen closed his eyes as he plunged into you, a look of utter bliss on his handsome face as he listened to your bodies meeting and parting. Though his withdrawal and renewed onslaught came again and again, your body could not grow accustomed to it, and you still felt a deep ache every time he penetrated your deepest part. But beneath that ache, there was something else... something that shamed you too much to admit it.
He rode you hard, making small animalistic noises as you massaged the length of him with every plunging motion. He suckled and bit at youryour nipples in a frenzy, one hand teasing the other breast with his sharp nails. And you, ashamed, felt your pleasure growing.
Now, faced with the reality, you whimpered a denial over and over, “No... Please, no. Don't! Please don't!”
Such a thing was never meant to fit inside a human woman, you were certain. And likely he knew that, too, for it was only then that your captor turned his attention to your pleasure. He pummelling at your entrance with that thick knot of muscle, and sucked at your breast with renewed force, but now his free hand moved to where their bodies joined, and you felt his finger seeking the sensitive red nub above your opening.
You gasped at the contact, which sent a sudden current of energy through your limbs. He rubbed at that small protrusion with his rough finger, all the while fucking you with long, determined strokes. He listened to your breathing as it grew shallower, and you began to make small sounds of pleasure that you could not suppress, and when he judged the moment right he bit down on one nipple and twisted the other, while his finger at your womanhood pressed hard into the nub of your pleasure.
A wave of feeling such as you had never known coursed through you, a sense of euphoria that seemed to sweep from the crown of your head to the tip of your toes, tensing the muscles of your arms and legs, your cunt constricting desperately around the meaty organ buried within you. You cried out your pleasure, words that had no meaning as your body convulsed with the rush of pure bliss.
Your body held his member firmly for a heartbeat, then another, and another, until the last wave of pleasure had abated and that vice grip relaxed completely, as he had known it would. That was the moment he had been waiting for; as your opening slackened again, he withdrew quickly, relaxing the spell that held your legs splayed. 
With the bit of freedom this granted your limbs, he pushed your leg to fold at the knee, your heel flush against your buttock, and as he held that leg at an angle he inserted himself into you again and pressed hard against your opening, watching with breathless excitement as his cock squeezed painfully against your spread lips, to suddenly be swallowed completely as he sank once more into your depths.
You screamed at the new intrusion, your freedom leg kicking desperately to dislodge the Sorcerer, but he held you down and looked deeply into your eyes, letting out a low groan as his cock trembled within you, and now locked safely in your depths, began to spew its seed.
Closing his eyes, the Sorcerer gripped your hips tightly to him, and you felt the gushing of his cum into your body. Deep within you, in that place where your pleasure had formed, you felt a part of your body seize the intruding organ and his vile seed and eagerly draw it deeper into yourself, into that sacred core where a seed might be nurtured.
He did not move, his nails pressing painfully into your buttocks as he felt himself twitch within your warm depths, waves of pleasure coursing through him as his seed spewed from his phallus in powerful, ecstatic bursts. He groaned softly with every wave of pleasure, and when you moved beneath him he pressed you down into the stone to keep you still, to keep his cock within you.
He might have released your bonds then, and you would not have been able to escape, for the length filled you as no man ever would, and when you tried to pull away it brought a painful ache to your depths, and an almost animalistic response from the Sorcerer, who held you firmly in place while he bred you.
A minute passed, and another, and still they did not move. Finally, feeling the last of his release flowing into your passage, the Sorcerer released your hips from his painful grip. Limbs tired from the exertion, he felt then a need to rest awhile, but you were still tied together, the knowledge clear in your eyes as tears of horror and pain coursed down your cheek. 
Sighing, he released the shackle of your right arm and leg, carefully moving your leg over his own and lowering his body, so that he was no longer straddling you, but resting at an angle behind you. Despite knowing the futility of it, you lunged forward to move away from his body, and he snarled at you even as you whimpered at the pain of his cock pulling at your entrance.
Curling an arm around you to play with your nipple. Milk leaked onto his fingertip, and he grinned to himself, thinking of the child who would grow strong from that milk. And there would be a child. He had recognized the presence of kalawort in your system, often given to women to aid in fertility and bringing in their milk early. Whoever had been feeding you the brew had unwittingly aided him in ensuring the conceiving of a child. His child.
You lay on your side, crying softly as the Sorcerer fondled your breast, his cock still buried deep within you. Every now and then his cock would twitch, or a little shiver would cause the knot of muscle to flex, and small waves of pleasure would ride through your body again. Long, slow minutes passed, the silence only broken by your soft sobbing.
For a few moments, he watched the root of his cock where it disappeared into the tautly pulled lips of your body. At the sight he felt himself grow hard once more, and you whimpered as his hard length grew again inside you. 
He found himself growing aroused again as he watched you taking in the result of your copulation. As his cock released, surplus seed spilled from your depths, you watched with horror as it leaked from your body. But your interest flamed his desire, and he tightened the chains once more to have your spread on the stone slab, a small puddle of his seeds between your legs where he now hovered, briefly, preparing to enter you. He waited until he had your full attention, waited until your eyes were on his length, still glistening with his seed and the faintest hint of red, and then he sank deeply into you with a grunt, and you grunted too, as he had wanted you to.
And then, despite yourself, your body rose to meet his, desperate now for that wave of pleasure it had briefly known. He latched onto your nipple and small pleasing shocks went through you at his lusty suckling, and between your legs, your body gripped his cock with a desperate hunger, clamping around him and drawing him ever deeper.
He could not capitalise on the surprise of your own pleasure, and instead he pressed into you again and again, whispering entreaties over your gasps of pain until his cock was swallowed once more by your bruised womanhood. This time he did not close his eyes, but held himself completely still as his cock pulsed and spurted within you, and he saw the moment that your disgust gave way to something more. The heated gushing within you, you reached your own peak and wonder filled your eyes, and you spasmed around him, desperately seizing the entirety of his length as your body tightened around him and drew his seed deeper.
Finally, when the last of his seed was spent inside you, he rolled you onto your sides, still facing one another and locked together, and set his mouth at your breast, drinking languidly as he caressed your breasts, your back, your buttocks, and you fell into a deep, exhausted slumber. Eventually, when his cock had shrunk again, he pulled free of you, eliciting a sleepy moan from your parted, swollen lips.
Standing over you, he cast a spell of protection on you and the child that would grow inside you, his child. But he was sorcerer of no mean magic, and in the space of the next hour, he had stolen memories from the minds of each of the keep's sleeping inhabitants. For none had been slayed. 
He who had bred the lady of the house had known the moment he looked into your terrified face, that he wanted to see your every expression as he took you. The memory would stay with him, ever after stirring his loins when he thought of you.
You would not remember, not fully. None of the keep's denizens would. And in three weeks' time you would wed to The Prince, and he would bed you, and you would be with child. And if that child should be born a few weeks early, well, none would comment on it. With his father's magic and illusion coursing through him, the child would to all appearances be human. Only in the magical mishaps that sometimes occurred around him would there ever be any hint of his heritage, but by the time it had fully manifested, the Sorcerer Supreme would be back to claim his heir.
But the boy would not be alone in his experience. In a year's time, the keep of Blackburn would be filled with the sound of several squalling infants, all of them born to mothers who could not name nor recall their babe's fathers. Only in the embrace of your husband would you sometimes wonder why your body seemed to yearn for something more than the human member buried in your depths. Only sometimes, as your husband rode between your thighs, your mind would conjure an image of a blue-eyed Sorcerer, and your pleasure would rise to glorious peaks.
Some things can never fully be forgotten.
TAGS: @gracecaldwellx @goldencherriess @gaitwae @classicrebound @gwephen @thealleydog @lucimorningst4r @allie131313 @dragonqueen89 @xunquish-blog @d0ct0rstrangewife @pinkplayer14 @ironstrange1991 @mirikusashes @strangeobsessed @jyessaminereads @boop-le-snoot @pinkthick
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quinloki · 11 months
Asking for a second round for the kinks
What about Lactophilia, Negotation and Pegging with croco, doffy and corazon
That list Is so usefull >3
I almost answered this as soon as I saw it and I was like - no, no Quin you gotta do some writing ( and I did! and today has been a pita, so I'm going to answer this and unwind).
I almost wanted to lump "Negotiation" and say "all OP characters negotiate properly because it's a foundational rule of BDSM and kinks" - but! I realized two things: 1 - not all OP characters are non-toxic, and 2 - there's a lot of variance in how negotiations can be handled, so we can do that \o/
I'd do this by Character, but I kind of want to do it by Kink - I think it'll be better for the subtle differences between Sir Crocodile and Doflamingo (who are very similar), and also help highlight the dichotomy between Doflamingo and Rosinante.
*puts on glasses* Lacto-philia - well, I don't need to look this one up (go-go root word language course from college) - this is the enjoyment of breast milk. Kin-kay <3
Lactophilia -
Sir Crocodile: I dunno - Croco just doesn't strike as a "drink from the source" kind of guy, and while I could see him utilizing any lactation on his partner's part in some kind of kink session I feel like it would be tied to humiliation more than lactation. But it would also depends on his partners reaction to their own lactation.
If any part of it makes them uncomfortable in that "we're not talking about neutral or sexy embarrassment kind of way" then he's not going to force things.
Doflamingo: Sure - A "try something one, more and more if he likes it" kind of guy, I think Doffy would be open to experimenting when the opportunity arose. He would, at the bare minimum, enjoy groping and teasing your breasts until he figured out how everything worked. Whether it was caused by birth control or pregnancy he would have a justification for it - something to either quiet your false protests, or something to quiet your legitimate ones.
Doffy wants to see you squirm - canon universe or not, it's not like you can run from him if he makes you uncomfortable. (Doflamingo is such a yandere, and I think he'd openly admit to it too.)
Rosinante: Yes to FUCK Yes - Corazon certainly wants a family, whether he thinks he deserves on or not, or whether he could ever have one, is a completely different discussion, but things surrounding the building of a family certain get his motor running. There's reasons more than just pregnancy that can cause lactation, but whatever the cause it'll be the connection the younger Donquixote can't help but make.
He may sate his kink privately if you're not comfortable with it, but it's more likely that he'll be showering you with praise and assurances and compliments, trying his best to validate your feelings toward it while trying to help you become more comfortable with it. He is a drink from the source kind of guy if you'll let him, and honestly he just wants to lavish you with pleasure. (Rosi is 100% here for the whole Worship your body vibe).
Negotiation -
Sir Crocodile: This is hard to assign a rank to, but we'll go with a Yes for Crocodile. He's here for communication, and he'll respect your boundaries (much as he can), and he's certainly not against writing up a contract. There's no need to be so formal between lovers, but he also understands the comfort that can come from such a document. Mind yourself if you agree to one, this is a business man, you're only a tick or two away from making a deal with the devil if you put things into writing. Verbal arrangements are far more flexible, and Crocodile takes contracts seriously.
The are amendable, though, you're not etching things into stone. People and circumstances change, after all.
Doflamingo: Oh god you don't even know - you want to make a contract with Donquixote Doflamingo? I think I'd rather bury an offering at the crossroads and deal with an actual devil. Every word of the contract will be abided by, you can be assured. That means you better know every word in that contract too, and not just definition 1 of those words, but definition 2 and the biblical interpretations while you're at it.
Doffy's hot button is manipulation, and if you're going to sign your life away to his whims he won't pass it up. But, he's not entirely unreasonable - he won't force you to sign a contract. He's fine with verbal agreements, and he's even likely to abide your cute little safe words too, so long as you don't displease him. You're his favorite little distraction (or his sweet true love), he wants you to be happy.
Rosinante: Sure? - Rosi will sit down and work out all the kinky details of your relationship on paper if you want. He'll also be amenable to having conversation before and after each session, putting safe words into play, and even some back up safe-sounds/actions in case words are failing you.
Pegging -
Sir Crocodile: No - Absolutely not. Exit only. Not his thing. Not even willing to try. You may, might, possibly be able to beg him to try it once, if it's something you're absolutely dying to try at least once. He *may* like it, his opinion may change, but he may also avoid you for a couple days while he tries to shake it off and reclaim his dignity.
Control is a big thing for him, and it's hard to be in control in that situation.
(I need to admit I am a big, horrible fan of Croco x Doffy, I love them, and I generally prefer Croc as the bottom, but! (heh, butt) in an x reader context my head canon is what it is XD ).
Doflamingo: Sure - You give what you get, or get what you give in this case. It better be something you're comfortable with cause he's not going to be the only one receiving. And it may only be once or twice. Doffy likes his control, and more than that he likes manipulating people. The likelihood that he's manipulated you into pegging him is low, but he's a kinky bastard, so he's certainly not averse to the idea.
Gods help you if you can't please him while doing it though.
Rosinante: Yes - I'm undecided if Rosi is switchy when it comes to dom/sub dynamics, but I do think he is very much a switch for top/bottom dynamics. He'll give and receive for just about any situation and kink, with very few exceptions. For him the point is pleasure, his and yours, maybe more yours than his, but not so much that you catch onto him pampering you. If you want to peg him, he's just going to make sure it's good for both of you, whatever accessories end up being needed.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Falling Stardust Masterlist
Falling Stardust: You, an innocent and naive fallen star, tumble out of Morpheus’s cloak and get wrapped up in his possessive and dark love.
Overall Warnings: Dark!Morpheus Obsessed With Astra and Selfish with his Wants & Needs, Naive Reader, Manipulation, Dub-Con Explicit Material (Reader Doesn’t Know Any Better), Explicit Language, Pregnancy Themes, Lactophilia.
To Note: Dark!Morpheus x FemStar!Reader (Reader is Named Astra).
(Current) Total Word Count: ~32.7k
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🖤 = Dark Material
❗ = Explicit Sexual Material
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𓅨 Chapter One
𓅨 Chapter Two
𓅨 Chapter Three
𓅨 Chapter Four
𓅨 Chapter Five
𓅨 Chapter Six
𓅨 Chapter Seven
𓅨 Chapter Eight
𓅨 Chapter Nine ❗🖤
𓅨 Chapter Ten ❗🖤
𓅨 Chapter Eleven
𓅨 Chapter Twelve
𓅨 Chapter Thirteen ❗🖤
𓅨 Chapter Fourteen ❗🖤
𓅨 Chapter Fifteen
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Date Published: 1/18/23
Date Completed: Completed
Last Edit: 4/26/23
Dream/Morpheus Masterlist
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