#las villa
lyricsgoal · 1 year
Hello Hello Hola Lyrics - Garry Sandhu | MC Davo
#HelloHelloHola #GarrySandhu #MCDavo #LasVilla #Ikky
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sammy9links · 2 years
MP3: Paula Cendejas & Las Villa - Dolía
MP3: Paula Cendejas & Las Villa – Dolía
Paula Cendejas & Las Villa Dolía Mp3 Download Paula Cendejas & Las Villa has released a new music titled “Dolía” and it’s available here on mp3 iTunes FLAC rar zippyshare + 320kbps for your free download. Stream and Download Paula Cendejas & Las Villa – Dolía lyrics tracklist, music album downloader,mp3 album, Download Mp3,hipHop, Album download DOWNLOAD…
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larrytheflute9 · 5 months
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Tea at Richard’s Villa
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mote-historie · 3 months
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George Barbier, La Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Italy, Falbalas et Fanfreluches, 1922.
The Villa d'Este is a 16th-century villa in Tivoli, near Rome, famous for its terraced hillside Italian Renaissance garden and especially for its profusion of fountains. It is now an Italian state museum, and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. (x)
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semioticapocalypse · 4 months
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David Douglas Duncan. Pablo Picasso. Villa La Californie. Cannes. 1957
Follow my new AI-related project «Collective memories»
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p-redux · 3 months
I'm back from the dentist (won't be my last visit, I'm having a lot of work done) so, without further delay, I present you the Sam Heughan, Sarah Holden, SH and SH, #samarah PROOF they stayed together in the same villa in the Canary Islands a few days ago.
First, here's a refresher on my previous post where I showed a fan shared he saw Sam on the same flight with him headed to Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. 👇
And a refresher on my other previous post showing Sarah Holden was also in Gran Canaria.
Soooo, onto the PROOF that #samarah stayed at the SAME villa. A few days ago, I was DMed the info on WHERE EXACTLY they stayed. But I didn't want to post pics while they were still there since the location could be easily found via a quick Google search. Now that Sarah has posted she's back in Scotland and Sam has posted he's in Austria, I can post info about where they stayed. Here is the listing for the villa. Just copy and paste it into browser and you can read the location, all the info, and look at over 40 pictures of it. 👇
Here's the main pic on the listing and some info 👇
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And here's Sarah's IG post where you can see the villa's pool in the background. It's the same shape and you can see the same wall and fencing detail in both pics. You can also see the black chairs and table. 👇
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Here's proof Sam was in the same villa 👇 The flooring in the bedroom in the villa is the same as in the room where Sam is in. The painting to the right of him is the same, but it's reversed because of the video.
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Here's both of them from the same villa. Notice the matching ceiling vents throughout the villa. The same ones are in the kitchen where Sarah is, as in the bedroom where Sam is. Also, the same exact doors in all the rooms in the villa. And the same kitchen microwave and oven in the kitchen in the villa as in the pic with Sarah. The door is on the other side because, again, the pic is reversed due to the video. 👇
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You can also see the reflection from the room on Sam's watch. 👇
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In addition, someone pointed out in DM that Sarah had already been to the Canary Islands with her son last March. 👇
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So, she probably told Sam how great it is, and she an Sam planned a few days' vacation there, just the two of them.
I rest my case, your honor.
FACTS: Sam was in the Canary Islands. Sarah was in the Canary Islands at the same time. Both stayed at the Tauro Villas Deluxe 1. Sam did not post where he was, which is usually the case when he's on a non work, non charity trip. BTW, Anyone who leaves comments that "they could have been there as friends or workout partners," will have their life experience card revoked, and be sent to a remedial course on THE FACTS OF LIFE. JS 🤗
Sarah is around age 32, is a single mom to a young son, lives in Scotland, is fit AF, I don't think I've ever seen such a flat stomach on a woman, AND this is AFTER having a kid, and she battled a pretty serious health scare. She seems very cool. So, let's see if she and Sam are dating casually or more will develop. Stay tuned...
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wgm-beautiful-world · 8 months
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Villino delle Fate, ROMA
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chic-a-gigot · 9 months
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La Mode illustrée, no. 29, 21 juillet 1912, Paris. Les nouvelles fleurs en tissu. Louise Villas. No. 1. — Rose en ruban. (Contour de la fleur: 40 centimètres.) No. 2. — Rose en taffetas. (Contour: 13 centimètres.) No. 3. — Rose pompon. (Contour: 6 centimètres.) No. 4. — Pavot. (Contour: 27 centimètres.) Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
No. 1. — Rose en ruban.
Exécution. — Tailler une rondelle de mousseline à patron de 6 centimètres de diamètre. Se procurer du ruban de faille très souple de deux jolis tons de rose. Le plus foncé réservé pour le cœur de la fleur. Il faut 1 mètre 30 de chaque teinte sur une largeur de 6 centimètres. Froncer ensuite le bas du ruban en réduisant la longueur à 40 centimètres au plus.
Pour simuler les pétaies il suffit de "pincer" le ruban de distance en distance en fixant les plis par un point. Les premiers pétales sont formés à 10 centimètres de distance (prise à la lisière du ruban), puis on augmente progressivement jusqu'à 18 centimètres pour les plus grands pétales.
Ceci fait, on commence par coudre au centre de la rondelle l'extrémité froncée du ruban foncé, puis l'on tourne en colimaçon en cousant le ruban. La jonction des deux teintes est invisible, puisqu'elle s'opère sous un pétale. Une fois la fleur terminée on repousse intérieurement la rondelle de mousseline, afin de produire une cavité qui donne du relief à la fleur. Ajouter une tige avec feuillage artificiel.
Cut a round of patterned muslin 6 centimeters in diameter. Get some very flexible faille ribbon in two pretty shades of pink. The darkest reserved for the heart of the flower. It takes 1.3 meters of each shade over a width of 6 centimeters. Then gather the bottom of the ribbon, reducing the length to 40 centimeters at most.
To simulate the petals it is enough to "pinch" the ribbon from distance to distance by fixing the folds with a point. The first petals are formed 10 centimeters apart (taken from the edge of the ribbon), then gradually increase to 18 centimeters for the largest petals.
This done, we start by sewing the gathered end of the dark ribbon in the center of the washer, then we turn in a spiral by sewing the ribbon. The junction of the two shades is invisible, since it takes place under a petal. Once the flower is finished, the muslin disc is pushed back inside, in order to produce a cavity which gives relief to the flower. Add a stem with artificial foliage.
No. 2. — Rose en taffetas.
Ce genre de fleur est destiné aux garnitures de robes, employées en bouquets pour retenir les plis d'une draperie, ou rangées sur le devant des corsages en guise de boucle de ceinture.
Chaque rose se compose d'un cœur et de cinq pétales. Le cœur se fait avec un biais de tissu replié. Il a une longueur de 12 centimètres sur une largeur de 5, centimètres, ce qui donne 2 centimètres 1/2 une fois replié.
Commencer à fixer le fil à l'extrémité d'un des bords supérieurs mis en double, descendre en biais en comptant les points jusqu'au bord inférieur, remonter en formant le même nombre de points et continuer ces zigzags sur toute la longueur du biais. Tirer fortement le fil. Rouler cette petite ruche qui formera des pointes chiffonnées, la lier par le pied, et couper le surplus du tissu. Ses pétales sont des carrés de toile de soie ayant 10 centimètres de largeur pour les deux premiers, 12 centimètres pour les trois autres, cinq pétales étant nécessaires pour faire ces roses. Après les avoir taillés, on les ploie en "mouchoir" et l'on passe un fil allant d'un angle à un autre, en prononçant plus ou moins la courbe du côté de la pointe du milieu suivant le relief que l'on désire obtenir. La pointe qui reste au milieu doit être ensuite supprimée.
Tirer sur le fil sans trop serrer et arrêter solidement. Procéder de cette façon pour chaque pétale. Les monter ensuite autour du cœur en commençant par les plus petits.
Les feuilles s'obtiennent aussi avec avec un carré de tissu. On les reploie également en mouchoir. Mais ici on coupe l'étoffe de façon à former deux triangles, ce qui fait deux feuilles par carré.
Reployer ensuite le triangle. Faire une couture partant du sommet jusqu'au bas. Retourner ce cornet. Le côté pointu simule le haut de la feuille. Le bas froncé très serré forme des plis imitant les nervures. Chaque feuille se fixe ensuite sous la rose qui doit rester assez plate.
Each rose consists of a heart and five petals. The heart is made with a folded fabric bias. It is 12 centimeters long by 5 centimeters wide, which gives 2.5 centimeters when folded.
Begin to fasten the thread at the end of one of the upper edges doubled, go down on the bias by counting the stitches to the lower edge, go up by forming the same number of stitches and continue these zigzags over the entire length of the bias. Pull the thread strongly. Roll up this little ruffle which will form crumpled points, tie it by the foot, and cut off the excess fabric. Its petals are squares of silk canvas, 10 centimeters wide for the first two, 12 centimeters for the other three, five petals being necessary to make these roses. After having cut them, we fold them in a "handkerchief" and we pass a wire going from one angle to another, by pronouncing more or less the curve on the side of the point of the medium according to the relief which we desire. The tip that remains in the middle must then be removed.
Pull the thread without tightening too much and stop firmly. Proceed in this way for each petal. Then mount them around the heart, starting with the smallest ones.
The leaves are also obtained with a square of fabric. They are also folded into a handkerchief. But here we cut the fabric so as to form two triangles, which makes two sheets per square.
Then fold the triangle back. Sew a seam from top to bottom. Return this cone. The pointed side simulates the top of the leaf. The very tight gathered bottom forms pleats imitating the ribs. Each leaf then attaches under the rose which must remain fairly flat.
No. 3. — Roses pompon.
Destinées soit à un chapeau, soit comme bouquet de corsage.
Ces roses se font en toile de soie de deux tons avec feuillage artificiel. On procède pour les faire comme pour les précédentes, avec cette différence que les dimensions en sont très réduites. Le cœur est taillé sur une longueur de 12 centimètres sur 3 centimètres de largeur. Les zigzags sont beaucoup plus petits et on adapte ce cœur à une tige de laiton qui sert de monture à la fleur. Les pétales, au nombre de six, se cousent un à un. Les premiers carrés ont 4 centimètres 1/2 de largeur, les autres 5 centimètres 1/2. Procéder comme pour le précédent modèle, en enveloppant bien le cœur de façon à ce que la fleur ne soit pas trop épanouie. Enfiler les fils de laiton dans des tubes de caoutchouc et terminer par quelques feuillages.
Intended either for a hat or as a corsage.
These roses are made of two-tone silk canvas with artificial foliage. We proceed to make them as for the previous ones, with this difference that the dimensions are very small. The heart is cut over a length of 12 centimeters by 3 centimeters wide. The zigzags are much smaller and this heart is adapted to a brass rod which serves as a mount for the flower. The petals, six in number, are sewn together one by one. The first squares are 4.5 centimeters wide, the others 5.5 centimeters. Proceed as for the previous model, wrapping the heart well so that the flower does not bloom too much. Thread the brass wires into rubber tubes and finish with some foliage.
No. 4. — Pavot.
Pour faire cette jolie fleur on emploie du ruban à picots qui existe en de charmants coloris souvent ombrés, ce qui permet dans la largeur de trouver deux fleurs d'un ton différent. Il faut environ 75 centimètres de ruban sur une largeur de 12 centimètres pour faire deux fleurs, soit 6 centimètres de largeur pour chaque fleur.
Diviser en cinq parties ces 75 centimètres. Les séparer. Froncer le bas de chaque bande en partant du picot et en décrivant une courbe comme pour les roses. Abattre ensuite les pointes qui restent de chaque côté. Serrer fortement le fil et arrèter.
L'armature du cœur consiste en un bouton quelconque de 1 centimètre de diamètre ou d'une simple rondelle de carton rembourrée d'ouate, que l'on adapte à un fil de laiton. Recouvrir ensuite cette armature avec une sphère de toile de soie vert pâle en la fronçant autour de la tige.
Passer des fils noirs en les entrecroisant sur toute la surface du cœur. Adapter autour une petite ruchette ayant 1/2 centimètre de hauteur et faite comme il à été dit pour les cœurs des roses. Presser fortement les plis afin d'imiter les pistils et coudre autour du cœur. Employer du taffetas ou de la toile de soie noire, gros bleu, violet ou un ton changeant très foncé. Une fois le coin terminé, placer les pétales autour en les chevauchant l'un sur l'autre. Terminer par une branche de feuillage.
On peut tout aussi bien employer du ruban sans picots; et ces fluers, exécutées en rouge, imitent à s'y méprendre les coquelicots des champs.
To make this pretty flower we use spiked ribbon which exists in charming colors often shaded, which allows in the width to find two flowers of a different tone. It takes about 75 centimeters of ribbon over a width of 12 centimeters to make two flowers, or 6 centimeters in width for each flower.
Divide these 75 centimeters into five parts. Separate them. Gather the bottom of each strip starting from the picot and describing a curve as for the roses. Then cut down the remaining tips on each side. Tighten the thread strongly and stop.
The frame of the heart consists of any button 1 centimeter in diameter or a simple round piece of cardboard stuffed with wadding, which is fitted to a brass wire. Then cover this frame with a sphere of pale green silk fabric by gathering it around the stem.
Pass black threads criss-crossing them over the entire surface of the heart. Adapt around a small hive 1/2 centimeter high and made as it was said for the hearts of the roses. Firmly press the folds to imitate the pistils and sew around the heart. Use taffeta or silk black, deep blue, purple or a very dark changing tone. Once the corner is finished, place the petals around it, overlapping them one on top of the other. Finish with a branch of foliage.
You can just as well use ribbon without pins; and these flowers, executed in red, imitate field poppies unmistakably.
Louise Villas
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filmap · 3 days
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È stata la mano di Dio / The Hand of God Paolo Sorrentino. 2021
Villa Villa Giusso Astapiana, Via Camaldoli, 51, 80069 Vico Equense NA, Italy See in map
See in imdb
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dixt · 8 months
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la foleia in veruno, italy ⋅ ph. magnolya
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thenoblehome · 1 year
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(via Flower Mag)
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conformi · 2 years
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Luigi Moretti, Villa La Saracena, Santa Marinella, Italy, 1957 ph. Emiliano and Lorenzo Zandri | ZA² VS Henri Labrouste, The Pantheon, Rome | Capital and base of a column of the portico, 1825-1830
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hermywolf · 10 months
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mypepemateosus · 10 months
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La Casa Delle Streghe. Villa Fernanda, Italy
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ultimateblogfootball · 3 months
Women's Transfer window
The women's transfer window in January is very busy at the time so Here we go
West ham are busy during the window they signed the Australian and Matildas Midfielder Katrina Gorry from the Swedish side Vittsjö meanwhile Canadian international Shelina Zadorsky on Loan from Spurs until the rest of the season the both of them will join Kristen Mewis who is recently join the Hammers in December from Gotham.
Also, Spurs are in a double swoop on this window where two former Vittsjö players the Matildas Star Charlie Grant and Swedish International Matilda Vinberg from Hammby.
Aston Villa had signed the Swiss international right back Noelle Maritz from Arsenal for a two and half deal.
Bristol City has signed a goalkeeper Shae Yañez from NWSL side San Diego Waves on a disclosure deal.
Chelsea are closing a deal on the Everton centre back Nathaile Bjorn will she be going to Merseyside to West London and now deal is done and now she is now a Chelsea player for a two year contract.
Entracht Frankfurt had announced the signing of the Japanese forward Remina Chiba.
Arsenal had signed U.S international player Emily Fox from the NWSL side North Carolina Courage
Transfer Rumor 😯
Lia Wälit to Real Madrid?- ATA football said that they had entered regarding talks on Arsenal midfielder Lia Wälit maybe and this transfer window or is possible maybe in the summer seems that might be exploring more interesting into a new adventure after her contract deal expires in the summer.
Real Madrid and PSG are really interest on Man United and England's number 1 Mary Earps but Arsenal are interested in the goalkeeper.
The source had said that the PSG left back Sakina Karchaoui but she is available for the summer but Barcelona are interested in her but PSG wants to extend her contract but it is up to her to decide.
Inter Milan are close to sign Bayern Munich Midfielder Lina Magull
Sorry guys I was busy with blogs about the men's transfer window so I will do every two weeks so I will do the following week I will do more women transfer window round up so deadline day for women transfer window is 31st of January so I will keep writing on it so I could get stuck on it.
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@pernillecfcw, @wosovandedonk, @arsenalwfcwoso, @chelseafcwmemes, @pernillemagda, @hardersson4life, @sk-20, @wosoimagines @woso-dreamzzz, @wosobutfootball, @kastentatia, @kt-mccabe15, @alexbkrieger13, @samkerrworshipper, @wosoworldsthings , @wildbayou, @wileys-russo, @wosobanterzone @gurxreiten, @arsenalwoso11, @arsenalwfcaddicted @russos-one, @ilikecrowns,@kristies-mewis,
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