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Loki Family Tree
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lokahjarta · 2 years
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Loki by Lightonlight via Tumblr, 2014 [[deactivated]]
Original Artist Commentary:
"I always loved the myth portrayal of lightning(Fárbauti) hitting a tree (Laufey) and thus creating Loki.Like…
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wolffoxnation2 · 24 days
The fact that Magnus only caught Jormungandr without dying because he's a grandson of Njord interests the fuck out of me
Because does that imply the demigods can get attributes/powers from their godly grandparents as well as godly parents?
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woodelf68 · 11 months
Don't get me started on the part of fanon sayie laufey was laying near baby loki injured xD lol
I've never seen that, because we saw Laufey in the battle taking Odin's eye out. But I have read fics where Farbauti (as Loki's birth mother) was the one who had sought sanctuary in the temple, either because she had gone into labour (while fighting? which seems a really dumb thing to do while pregnant, and it can't have been too premature, since Loki was fully formed, just small -- not to mention the fact that he didn't look like a just newly born baby) or she had fled from some Jotnar sent by Laufey to take her baby away from her? And maybe she was already wounded from fighting them off, and she died nearby? I actually wouldn't mind that version of things, because it would mean that Loki was wanted and cared for by at least his birth mother for however long she had him before she died. Like obviously her body wouldn't have been right there, or Odin would probably have noticed her, but a Farbauti who had fled from the palace because her son wasn't safe there is a plausible suggestion. (Maybe she'd heard her pursuers outside, and had gone back out in the hopes that they'd follow her and not realise she'd left Loki behind? And then she was either caught and killed or she managed to evade capture and crept back to the temple later wanting to reclaim Loki but he was gone, and she assumed he'd been found and killed. Both work for me as possibilities more believable than Laufey leaving Loki in the temple to let him bond with the Casket and absorb its strength or some shit like that.)
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@haeva I'm afraid nothing good happens to Farbauti in my headcanon... Laufey is not happy about his tiny tiny child
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sigyn-foxyposts · 10 months
"Myth!Loki family tree"
『My AU』 ꈍᴗꈍ
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Farbauti X Laufey =
Helblindi, Byleistr and Loki.
Loki X svadilfari = Sleipnir.
Loki X Angrboda X Sigyn = Fenrir, Jormungandr, Hel, Narfi and Vali, Moder.
@heldril-blog-and-posts @the-nordic-world-blog 💚✨
Hou Yi X Chang e = Chang Yi.
Ao Kuang = Ao Bing.
Fenrir X Hyrrokkin = Skoll and Hati.
Jormungandr X Ao Bing = Jinhai and Xiao Yu.
Hel X The morrigan = Morriel and Lorielle.
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myth-o-loki · 10 months
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Loki’s birth
Loki is the son of Laufey (the leafy one) and Farbauti (dangerous, sudden striker). This is my view on how it could have happened.
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lokijiro · 9 months
Frigga named Loki.
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July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 5 • Members of the family – genealogical connections
Loki Laufeyjarson, Loki Son of Laufey. Laufey is Loki's mother: Laufey the leafy Ásynja (female Æsir), Laufey the Birch set on fire by the mighty Jötunn Fárbauti, the Lightning that strikes and brings the flames to the ground. According to this myth, Loki is of Jötunn and Æsir blood, belonging to both worlds and none at the same time, making him a liminal being from the very beginning. I personally feel Laufey is originally a Jötunn, later included among the Ásynja, but it's an UPG (unverified personal gnosis). Laufey gave birth to two other children, Helblindi and Býleistr, Loki's brothers. Sigyn is Loki's wife, and little is known about her. According to my own feeling, she belongs to the Jötnar too, but it's another UPG. Together they have two sons, Narfi and Váli. The Lady of Járnvid (Ironwood), Angrboða, conceived three powerful children with Loki: Hela, Queen of the Dead; Fenrisúlfr, the Wolf Fenrir; Jörmungandr, Miðgarðsormr, the Sea Serpent that hugs Miðgarð. To all of these children, Loki is father. And yet there is another children, too often forgotten, to which Loki is mother: Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse he conceived in the form of a mare with the stallion Svaðilfari. You may be familiar with Sleipnir being Óðinn's mount. Óðinn is also Loki's blood brother by oath, another detail some prefer to forget. Their relationship may be complex, but if we wanna talk about Loki's connections it seems only fair to me to include his good old friend Grímnir (Hooded, Masked One), too.
When Loki chooses to "work" with you, he'll introduce you to his family, sooner or later, in no particular order. He's a family person, and just loves his dear ones, especially his children, with all his burning heart.
Art by @muirin007 , love this depiction of Loke with his kids!
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
In the Party Thor universe can we have Loki introducing Sigyn to Laufey and the rest of the fam 🤩
Oh, this can only go well.
Actually, it probably goes better than expected.
Thank you for the ask!
“Now, Father,” Loki said. “While Sigyn is a lady of Asgard, her step-mother is a minor noble at best, and she’s not used to the full royal fanfare and all of that.”
Laufey crossed his arms as he watched his son fix his hair in the mirror.
“Remind me who this girl is?” Laufey said.
“Lady Sigyn Heimdallsdóttir,” Loki said.
“Heimdall…” Laufey nodded. “I know him. Is she anything like her father?”
“Do you mean ‘staunchly loyal to the throne of Asgard’, or ‘can see and hear everything the Bifrost can reach’?” Loki asked.
A guard stepped in.
“The Lady Sigyn and her escort have arrived, your majesty.”
Laufey nodded and the guard left.
“Her father offered to chaperone for her tonight,” Loki said.
“Why would she require a chaperone if you have already taken her to your bed?” Laufey asked.
“Father!” Loki said.
“Heimdall is not the only one that can hear rumors and secrets,” Laufey said. “They just take a little longer to get to me.”
Loki sighed.
“Just, please don’t speak like that to Heimdall,” Loki said.
“He can’t be under the impression that his daughter is a virgin,” Laufey said.
“He’s not, but I would like him to understand that I do treat his daughter with respect,” Loki said.
Laufey shook his head. “She’s barely more than a servant.”
Loki looked to Laufey. “So was Mother.”
Laufey paused before smiling.
In the entrance hall of Laufey’s palace, Sigyn and Heimdall waited to be received by the royal family.
“Father, if I could ask you to…” Sigyn grimaced. “You know…”
“What?” Heimdall asked.
“The All Sight,” she said. “You don’t have to know everything; you don’t have to make it a point that you do.”
“I see,” Heimdall said, smiling to himself. “Are you saying you’re embarrassed of your father?”
Sigyn sighed. “Just don’t force me to be.”
“Of course, little one,” he said.
A guard entered the hall and the two stood up straight.
“His Majesty, King Laufey of Jotunheim.”
They bowed at the entrance of the King and Loki. Sigyn gave a small wave to Loki, who grinned back.
“Your majesty,” Heimdall said.
“Lord Heimdall,” Laufey said. “This is a rare occasion indeed.”
“I am not the only one who can stand watch over the Bifrost,” Heimdall said. “But I am uniquely suited to it, so, yes, it is a rare occasion that I am away from Asgard.”
Heimdall looked to Sigyn.
“But for my daughter, I find the time,” he said.
Sigyn smiled.
“I understand,” Laufey said. “Come, the rest are waiting.”
They were led to the palace banquet hall, where Queen Farbauti and her two younger sons were waiting. The Jotuns lounged on cushions and furs behind a long, low table. Sigyn gasped at the imposing figure that the Queen Jotun made, as she looked down on the young Asgardian. Loki offered his hand, and Sigyn wrapped as much of hers as she could around Loki’s index finger.
“Mother,” Loki said. “This is Sigyn.”
Sigyn gave a deep curtsey.
“I am honored to be in the presence of the great Queen of the Jotuns,” she said.
She slowly looked Sigyn over. Then she smiled.
“So you’re the one we’ve heard so much about,” Farbauti said.
“Oh,” Sigyn said. “I hadn’t realized.”
“He hasn’t shut up about you, really,” Byleist, one of Loki’s brothers, said.
“You’ve turned him a bit stupid,” the other brother Helblindi said.
“Oh, like he wasn’t stupid before,” Byleist said.
“Boys, be nice to your brother,” Farbauti said.
Sigyn felt her face burn and Loki pulled her close to his leg, directing her to where they’d be sitting.
The food was brought out and the meal continued, mostly filled with Heimdall and Laufey discussing basic news of the Nine Realms. Farbauti watched Sigyn with focused intent. Sigyn felt like an ant under a glass.
“So,” Farbauti finally said. “Loki tells us that you are a healer.”
“Yes, I am,” Sigyn said.
“Are you a specialist or just general practice?” she asked.
“My internship was for internal medicine, but I’m currently finishing a trauma surgery residency,” she said.
“A surgeon?” Farbauti said, glancing at Loki.
“She is very good at what she does,” Loki said, smiling.
Sigyn’s hair fell in front of her face as she looked away, and she brushed it back.
“It took a lot of work,” she said.
“I can imagine,” Farbauti said.
“I understand the two of you were introduced by Prince Thor,” Laufey said.
“In a manner of speaking,” Sigyn said. “His highness is a friend.”
“I’m constantly surprised at how many ‘friends’ the crown prince has,” Laufey said.
Sigyn paused. “He’s very insistent. When he decides that you are his friend, it’s hard to argue. That being said, I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences I’ve had since he made that decision. I couldn’t have imagined what I would have come to do, when I first met him.”
Loki smiled.
“I see,” Laufey said. “And this was the manner in which you began courting my son?”
“Darling, really,” Farbauti said.
“I would suggest that Sigyn did not start seeing your son on a whim,” Heimdall said. “She does not make such decisions lightly.”
“And in any case, I was the one who approached her,” Loki said. “Who pursued her.”
“If I may,” Sigyn said. “I can speak for myself.”
Laufey nodded. “So, speak.”
“I honestly don’t know what this will become,” she said. “I understand that I am not of a status that most would expect to be courted by the Crown Prince of Jotunheim. But I care very deeply about Loki, I know that already. And politically, it may be to a certain advantage to make more concrete ties to the other realms.”
Loki raised an eyebrow and Laufey smirked.
“You speak with the All-Father’s tongue,” Laufey said. “And you seem to bring a certain contentment within Loki.”
Laufey stood and gestured for Farbauti to join him. Farbauti smiled at Sigyn, and the two left.
“That was… abrupt,” Heimdall said.
“Father tends to leave before he says more than he wants to,” Byleist said.
“Looks like the Asgardian girlfriend gets the okay,” Helblindi said. “How boring.”
“Sorry?” Sigyn asked. “Were you looking for drama?”
“Well, sure,” Helblindi said.
“Oh, just wait until Loki decides he wants to marry her,” Byleist said.
“You say that like he hasn’t already,” Helblindi said.
Loki covered his face with his hand.
“You two are dismissed,” he said.
The younger brothers shrugged and left. Loki looked to Sigyn and Heimdall.
“I do apologize,” Loki said.
“No need,” Sigyn said. “I’ve attended banquets in honor of Princess Gulveigg. Odin does not get along with his sister.”
Loki grinned.
“Sigyn, will you be staying the night?” Heimdall asked.
“Father!” Sigyn said.
“I am merely asking,” Heimdall said. “If this… event is over, I should return to my duties. I have no illusions of the relationship you both are currently pursuing.”
“Father,” Sigyn said. “This is what I was saying about having to know everything.”
Heimdall nodded.
“Of course,” he said.
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
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hel as a child being repeatedly warned off annoying her grandfather. please leave farbauti alone, he's old and he's mean and he's a broken shell of a man since the death of his wife centuries before. hel, being a creacher before all else, would refuse, take up residence in the old giant's lap, and be content just to sit with him and babble on and on and on, without any indication the old man was even paying attention to her.
then she moves to asgard with her father and writes her grandfather a little letter blotted with tears saying how much she misses him, why won't he come see her? it's sent off with the understanding she's not getting a reply.
farbauti is beating down the gates of the keep by the next morning, and no one-eyed pissant, his grass-green sons, or any authority at all will prevent this man from seeing his only granddaughter.
her father can only watch in awe as the man is led around by a little child wondering who this man is and where he was for his own children's lives--
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louthegothartist · 2 years
So this is my take on Jotun anatomy about Male carryers (Bearers if you will). Not all male Jotuns can carry, only some. Yes, there are female Jotuns. Laufey is carrying Helblindi in the photo of him wearing the cloak and in the last one he is carrying Bylester. Laufey covers up more while carrying.
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jeffreystewart · 1 year
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Norsery Rhymes from A to Z Farbauti, The Wildfire Striker - V3 Well here we are on another ThorsDay with another 20 min sketch of a Norse (and Germanic, sometimes Celtic) mythological characters.  This week it’s a thrid and final version of Farbauti / Fárbauti / Farbaut of the Jotnar (Jötunn / Jotun / Jotunn / Jetten / Eoten / Giant / Risi) mentioned in the the Gylfaginning, and Skáldskaparmál of the Prose Edda and skaldic Kennings
Farbauti, from Old Norse “fár” meaning ‘dangerous’, ‘harmful’, ‘hostile’, ‘unfortunate’, ‘false’, or ‘angry’. And “bauti / bauta” meaning ‘to strike’. Translated as meaning ‘Angry Striker’ or ‘Dangerous Striker” all together. Meant to indicate a lightning strike that triggers a wildfire.
He is Loki’s father, who had him with his mother Laufey. Father also to Loki’s brothers Byleist / Byleiptr ‘Who Makes Lightning in the Storm’, and Helblindi the ‘Hel Blinder’ or ‘All Blind’, or ‘Lightning Blinder’.
Given the links to lightning and fire, it’s assumed that he, like many of the Jotun are heavily linked to natural phenomenon.
Not much else is known about him.
Next week it’s new one. 
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faewitchsdeities · 1 year
(𝙻𝚘𝚔𝚒) ʷʰʸ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵏ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ↑ ₒ ₋ ₒ
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𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊(𝖘): Lokee, Luki, Logi, Lukkanet, Locke sprindlar
𝕲𝖔𝖉 𝖔𝖋: Trickery, Mischief, Cunning, and Seduction
𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝖉𝖆𝖞(𝖘): April fools, July 23rd, Autumn equinox, Loki's Blot, Samhain, Yule, Thursday
𝕽𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘: Son of Farbauti and Laufey, mother of Sleipnir, father of Hel, Jormungandr, and Fenrir, as well as Narfi. PACT BROTHER WITH ODIN. (Not Thor -.-) , Husband to Sigyn and lover to Angrboda
𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖊𝖘: Heimdall, (arguably the other Aesir)
𝕬𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖑(𝖘): snakes, foxes, wolves, coyote, ravens/crows, horses, goats, flies, spider, ant, seal, salmon
𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗: Double snake symbol (Urnes), knots, chaos star, hearts, figure 8s, Naglfar, Loki's mask, fishing nets, lightning, earthquakes, the numbers 0, 1, 3, &8, shackles
𝕮𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖗(𝖘): red, orange, purple, violet, indigo, black, green, gold
𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙: Fire and Air
𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖙: Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Dark moon/waning moon
𝖅𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖆𝖈𝖘: Aries
𝕾𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖗 𝕲𝖔𝖉𝖘: Hermes, Lugh
𝕺𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘- Singing, dancing, helping minorities and children
𝕳𝖊𝖗𝖇𝖘/𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖘: aconite amber resin bentgrass birch burdock root cedar cinnamon clove clover dandelion dragon's blood ebony elder hemlock hemp/weed holly ivy juniper lavender mandrake root mistletoe moss myrrh patchouli rue tobacco
𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖘: Anything sweet- candies chocolates coffee fruits pastries soda/juice drinks sugar etc.. - as well as red foods- cherries cranberries peppers pomegranate strawberries tomatoes etc..
𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘/𝖈𝖗𝖞𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖘/𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖘: acrylic amber bronze clear quartz coins and other cheap random metals diamond fire opal fools gold galena garnet glass gold gold stones grenade lead magnesium obsidian onyx plastic red jasper rutilated quartz silver
𝕺𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗: Incense, shiny things, plastic and stuffed toys, found/cheap things preferred, bunny, snake, fox, and raven imagery, art and poetry, knots, hearts, fishnets, lightning imagery,
𝕴𝖓𝖛𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐: Aids in spells with getting through tough, tight, and narrow situations, owning up to your shit, mischief, cunning plans, change, cleverness, creativity, youthfulness and beauty, seduction, androgyny, blessing and sharpening a blade or knife.
𝕬𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊: Tall with a slim/cut muscular body type. Long pretty red hair, green/violet/gold eyes, a masculine yet feminine face and a sharp jaw, said to be one of the most beautiful Jotunn.
𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖊/𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘: ~A cunning trickster who had the ability to change his shape and sex, the creator of lightning, hearth fire, the spirit of life. In the beginning he was a beloved friend and honorary member of the Aesir, but toward the end he became an enemy.. Was/is a companion of Odin and Thor, helping them with his clever plans but sometimes causing them embarrassment and difficulties, though also being any enemy of sorts. Though his father was a Jotunn (a giant), his mother was considered a goddess, thus Loki is included among the Aesir.
-Once cut off Thor's wife's hair and was forced to replace it. He tricked dwarves into a wager for his head if they could deliver wonderful gifts the the gods (including the hair). They made a hammer for Thor, A great spear and a drop-near gold bracelet for Odin, A boat and a huge golden boar for Freyr, and of course new hair made of gold for Sif -Thor's wife. Loki then told the dwarves that the wager said that they could only take his head and that they could not damage his neck. They were enraged but Odin told them that they should have paid more attention when making a wager with the god of trickery. Though Loki was still punished by having his mouth sowed shut so he couldn't deceive for a long time.
-One day someone stole Thor's hammer and left a ransom note, later demanding Freya's hand in return for the hammer that protected both Asgard and Midgard. Loki had an idea though, -much to Thor's dismay- he dressed the thunder god as a bride and took advantage of the giant thief's poor sight. (Also disguising himself as a woman) He tricked the giant, successfully making him think that Thor was Freya. As they ate Thor let out his apatite and the giant said something about his bride having a big stomach. To avoid being caught Loki said that the "goddess" was just eager to consummate their marriage. Thor was furious and embarrassed. The giant got excited and foolishly set the hammer on the table next to Thor. The thunder god took his hammer back and smashed the giant's head, all while still wearing his pretty dress. The gods always had fun talking about the time when Thor dressed up in drag.
-One day a builder came to Asgard offering to make them a wall that they needed. He said he could do it in record time, but that he wanted Freya's hand in return. The gods were enraged by his audacity and said no but Loki convinced them to set a wager- he could have the goddess as his wife if he was able to do the impossible task in an impossible amount of time. The idea was that he would try his hardest but not be able to finish in time, therefore giving the gods a free wall that they could just finish the end of. But the builder had a strong and mystical horse that could lift and carry all the large pieces for him. As the builder got closer and closer to finishing with time still left, the other gods we nervous and angry with Loki- who told them he had a plan. He turned himself into a beautiful mare and seduced the builder's horse, running off to the woods with him, and rendering the builder unable to finish the wall. Enraged, the builder revealed himself as a Giant and was killed, his head smashed in by Thor's hammer. Loki returned much later with an eight legged colt; his son Sleipnir which he gifted to Odin when he got older and stronger- in exchange for the horse's origin to be kept secret.
-It's said that he gave humans lightning to warn them of Thor's loud thunder before it happens, because he knew it was frightening. The swift walker of the skies is the lightning running ahead of Thor's great thundering cart.
-Tricked Baldr's blind brother Hodr into throwing the one thing that would kill the god; mistletoe- right at his chest. He indirectly killed Frigg's son; one of the most beloved god's in all the Aesir. As his punishment his one of his sons turned and killed the other and he was tied to a stone in a cave, by his dead son's entrails- a snake coiled on a stalactite above his face, dripping venom down onto him. Though Loki's wife Sigyn sat by his side and held a bowl over his face to protect him, she had to move every once in a while to empty the bowl, allowing the poison to drip onto his face as he convulsed, causing the first earthquakes in Midgard. It is said that he was to break from his chains and aid in Ragnarock. Baldr's story goes on to describe the burning of his body in a funeral pyre on his ship, Nanna accompanying him. BUT in another version, the goddess Frigg persuaded the other gods to restore Balder to life. She repaid their obliging wizardry with kisses. (THIS IS WHERE THIS IS MY THEORY) if the second ending is true and Baldr is alive, I think that Odin would eventually release Loki under the guise that he either not cause Ragnarok or aid the Aesir instead of what was prophesized. [I haven't really thought that a deity was speaking directly to me until I read this story, it's like I saw it and it came at me all at once like a vision. Just thought I'd include it.])
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wolffoxnation2 · 2 months
So fun little info I learned today.
Loki's parents are Farbauti (father) and Laufey (Mother)
We all know this part. Its even said in Ship of the Dead*
[*Loki gazed at the heavens. "Father Farbauti, Mother Laufey, why me? My talents are wasted on this audience!"—Page 361]
And we all know usually Viking children take their fathers names +son/dottir (i think its dottir if its a girl?)
But for some reason that is not the case with Loki (in myth atleast, not sure if its stated if he has a last name in Mcga) its either Laufeyjarson or Laufeyson 
So in conclusion Loki is a mama's boy and this is a hill I will die on.
[Just let me have this. I want to believe he loves atleast one person with no bad intentions]
[Also fun fact the name Laufey is assumed to mean leaves or foilage while her husband's name, Fárbauti is assumed to mean dangerous striker, anger striker or sudden-striker.]
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sigyn-foxyposts · 1 year
So this is how I imagned Loki's family before his wife and kids.. Yeah they're not the happiest. I don't know how I would describe the way I imagine it but,
Farbauti is named dangerous striker for a reason
Loki doesn't feel like he fits in anywhere because he's mixed 😔
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