#learning swedish
moonshadow-study · 20 days
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🪻 Today the weather is nice, so I'm studying outside. 🪻
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I got a Sweden Travel Guide for Christmas. They had a language section and there they wrote:
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Pronunciation We want to assure you from the beginning that you will never speak like a native Swede, as pronunciation can be quite difficult and mastering the sing-song intonation is beyond the capabilities of most foreigners.
That's... not really motivating, is it?
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sillylittleflower · 9 months
thought i'd make this post to gather some helpful resources for young royals fans who are also trying to teach themselves Swedish.
here are some that i've found helpful:
Morgon Stund- easy swedish by svenska med joakim
Simple Swedish podcast by Swedish linguist
Accounts on YouTube and Instagram
Swedish linguist
On Instagram
And YouTube https://youtube.com/@swedishlinguist3083?si=LbrmyH7aYJteTTS2
Slow Swedish by katrin berndt
On Instagram https://instagram.com/slowswedish_?igshid=NjIwNzIyMDk2Mg==
And YouTube
Martin arvebro
theswedishlanguage on Instagram
the Swedish lad on youtube
Fun swedish
On Instagram https://instagram.com/fun_swedish?igshid=NjIwNzIyMDk2Mg==
And youtube
Learn Swedish comprendox on instagram https://instagram.com/learn.swedish.comprendox?igshid=NjIwNzIyMDk2Mg==
Swedish made easy on Instagram
Swedish with cova on instagram
Some Swedish artists
Molly sandén
Linnea henriksson
Victor leksell
And of course Omar Rudberg (although i understand that he wants to focus more on English songs right now i am kind of sad that there probably won't be more Swedish songs to practise Swedish)
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1-c-4-rus · 1 year
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what is it with everyone eating everyone elses food.
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Langblr recommendations
A list of all blogs I follow for learning Swedish :)
@underligbesynnerlig | Native Swede mostly posting about Swedish culture
@mediocrelanguagelearner | Very nice mutual, always happy to practice Swedish
@talvatis | Posts about Sami-culture
@salvadorbonaparte | Mutual for any language resources you may need
@tealingual | Langblr veteran
@solkatts-svenska | Posts about vocab and Swedish culture
@swedishwayoflife | Swedish langblr
@lillahimmel | Posts mainly about recommendations for books/music/authors, but also other helpful things for learning Swedish
@prepolyglot | Swedish langblr
@eraandlanguages | Swedish langblr
@doitinanotherlanguage | Swedish langblr
If you wanted to be added, or removed from this list, please just let me know!
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pollizu · 6 months
i picked out some random words in swedish. swedes, d🤢nes, and norwegians don't get to vote
apparently it wasn't obvious, but im swedish and i know what these words mean
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solkatts-svenska · 8 months
Skillnaden mellan måsta, skola och böra
Corrections/additions welcome!
Man måste — one must/has to:
Vi måste försvara forskningens frihet!
Man ska(ll) — one should/ought to:
Barn ska ses men inte höras.
Man bör — one should:
Jag bör kanske skaffa en advokat.
Man måste inte — one doesn’t have to:
Du måste inte om du inte vill.
Man skall inte — one mustn’t:
Vi skall inte göra honom besviken.
Man bör inte — one shouldn’t:
Vi bör inte vilseledas av den till synes stora tillgången i vissa gynnade delar av världen.
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My dream job is writing the phrases for DuoLingo. I bet they took a long lunch after they came up with this pure gold
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er-cryptid · 5 months
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doitinanotherlanguage · 6 months
Non-Anglo Movies You Should Watch 38/∞: UFO Sweden (2022), dir. Victor Danell
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Genre: Sci-Fi Adventure
Summary: In 1996, a rebellious teen suspects her father - who disappeared eight years earlier - is not dead but has been abducted. She is determined to find out the truth with help from a UFO association.
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Idag försökte jag baka lussekatter igen, för att det är Luciadag snart. Men finns ingen saffran i degen eftersom den är för dyr här. Eller… jag ville inte kosta på den när jag inte ens vet om bullarna blir goda eller inte. Men jag tror att de smakar bra som de är. Kanske ska jag lägga till saffran en dag.
Jag är glad att vi fortfarande har snö. Temperaturen har varit farligt nära 0 grader och jag fruktar att snön kommer att smälta snart. Men det snöade idag och det känns som en riktig vinter.
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Daily Swedish Lesson #92
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Subject: Herbs & spices
Socker = sugar
Salt = salt
Ingefära = ginger
Kanel = cinnamon
Oregano = oregano
Kardemumma = cardamom
Svartpeppar = black pepper
Peppar = pepper
Spiskummin = cumin
Persilja = parsley
Koriander = coriander
Basilika = basil
Rosmarin = rosemary
Dill = dill (weed)
Paprikapulver = paprika powder
Vanilj = vanilla
Gurkmeja = turmeric
Pepparmynta = peppermint
Vitlök = garlic
Timjan = thyme
Senap = mustard
Salvia = sage
Kryddnejlika = cloves
Saffran = saffron
Gräslök = chives
Swedish fact of the day:
Most traditional Swedish meals don't contain a lot of spices. The most famous traditional meal consists of meatballs with mashed potatoes, cream sauce, broccoli and lingonberry jam. These meals are usually also served in the cafetarias of the IKEA.
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sagapinehill · 1 year
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I've been thinking of learning Swedish as the new Soul Riders trilogy doesn't seem to get released in English any time soon, but I would like to read them so much! My question is, is there anyone who has been learning the language and could give some advices which books are good to start with? Or maybe is there any native speaker who'd be willing to help me? ☺️
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sillylittleflower · 7 months
so i was just watching peppa pig in swedish to try to improve my swedish and was currently seeing an episode called "den förste höstdagen" when all of a sudden daddy pig aka pappa gris falls into a pond and peppa pig aka greta gris asks him "pappa tycker du vattnet är kallt?" and i'm like damn i really can't escape this show
Reminds me of another time where i saw an "edmar" truck
or that time a friend of mine at uni and i were greeting eachother and said "how are you?" at the same time.
i guess i'm just glad i'm not at school anymore because i would have suffered with my history intensive course and all the wilhelms and friedrich wilhelms.
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solkatts-svenska · 2 years
Swedish-English false friends
Corrections/additions appreciated!
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Aktuell — actual relevant/current
Egentlig, faktisk — actual, real
Annonsera — announce advertise
Att tillkännage — to announce
En blankett — blanket form (a blanc document to be filled in)
En filt — blanket
Eventuellt — eventually possibly
Äntligen — eventually, finally
Hugga — hug chop, stab
att krama — to hug
Högtid — high time celebration, fest
Dags — high time, the due time for something to happen
Kinkig — kinky tricky/petulant
Krullig — kinky (of hair), kinky, pervers — kinky (of people
Kraft (en) — craft force, power
Hantverk (en) — craft
Mondän — mundane sophisticated, chic
Trivial, vardaglig — mundane
En paragraf — paragraph section, chapter
Ett stycke — paragraph, portion of text
En pensel — pencil paintbrush
En blyertspenna — pencil
En semester — semester holiday
En termin — semester
Spirituell — spiritual witty
Andlig, religiös — spiritual
En vrist — wrist ankle
En handled — wrist
Vinka — wink wave (one’s hand)
Att blinka — to wink
En vikarie — vicar substitute (tex: lärarvikarie — substitute teacher)
En kyrkoherde — vicar
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